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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 16, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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there's a big game on the air, now we'll talk to christian whiten, at one time, an employee of the state department, a senior adviser, appointed first by president bush, jr., then appointed by trump, now christian is involved in business, works in a prominent...
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he's like- then joined in, jake salevan, this should be taken as a serious manifestation of concern about some major military programs of russia, or is it more within the framework of a political struggle, an attempt to block the efforts of the republicans, stop aid to ukraine. very, very strange, i don’t understand it myself. what it is? reports appear, for example, the new york times writes that russia has some new capabilities, some nuclear weapons in outer space, some tests are being carried out, and something else. and that of course, the use of weapons in outer space is not something new. before the treaty signed by president kennedy came into force, which prohibited this kind of testing. were actively working in this
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direction, naturally, now, if nuclear weapons were actually used in space, this would lead to much more serious consequences, since there are many more satellites in orbit today, more and more satellites are constantly appearing. it seems to me that this is a fairly typical situation when they start talking about a russian threat, some kind of super-weapon. remember, a few years ago there was something similar, when they said that it was possible to place some kind of nuclear charge near new york, and this would lead to some terrible consequences, some kind of thing is constantly going on noise from congress about russia, what is happening with the aid package to ukraine now, as i understand it.
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more members of the house of representatives are expressing dissatisfaction with the fact that too much aid is being allocated to ukraine, despite the fact that the united states has a huge budget deficit, well , in fact, ukraine cannot do anything with this help, they say that the situation at the front is not changing , there is already talk about whether there will be some kind of next offensive in the spring or not, everyone is somehow tired of ukraine. in other words, this bill that was approved by the senate, which includes $60 billion in military aid to ukraine, you don't think it will pass the house, right? well, never say
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never, of course, but i would say that this is extremely unlikely, especially if the speaker is against it. most republicans are against it. johnson can make some maneuvers and pass with a 2/3 vote in the house of representatives, all democrats will vote in favor, and a small part of republicans will vote, but this is unlikely to happen, because the white house will not there are no concessions yet, it is very interesting to understand what is happening in the presidential race, especially what...
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it can’t gain momentum in any way to gain the support of the republicans, here is trump, he comes up with proposals to introduce new tariffs, impose tariffs on chinese supplies, and this is supported . trump spoke
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on the topic of nato, criticizes nato because other countries refuse to spend their funds on defense, of course, the situation has been over the last couple of years. things have changed a little, they started spending more, but still, so after all, the republicans see their candidate primarily in trump, everything else , i don’t know, i don’t understand at all why nicky haley is still participating in the race, why she didn’t withdraw, maybe she ’s counting on something, that maybe something will happen to trump, he will go somewhere, then she will remain the only candidate, but i personally don’t think that will happen, i think that trump will be fine.
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and i may not win the election only if i am caught, caught with a dead girl or with a living boy, so donald trump is in much the same situation now, i don't know what would have to happen to trump for the republicans to stop supporting him, he is an extremely popular politician, and no matter what happens, i don't think people will change their minds regarding the presidential election itself . do you think biden will be the democratic nominee, and if he were the democratic nominee, what chance does he have against trump? well, biden looks worse and worse every day. you
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know, recently there was an investigation into secret documents that biden stole from work and scattered there in his garage and elsewhere. so, there was an investigation, and the main investigator. recently wrote a conclusion where he essentially says: well , leave grandpa alone, because grandpa is old, he no longer understands anything, doesn’t remember anything, forgets everything and... this, of course, was very bad for biden, because this is an official statement , based on the results of the investigation, well, now it’s too late, too late to look for someone else instead of biden, because the deadline has already passed, already passed, the democrats have one mechanism, they can replace biden during the national convention.
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historical facts, so there was nothing so crazy about it that
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would attract american television viewers, it’s hard, difficult to perceive, so i wouldn’t say that it made a very strong impression on many in the usa. hacker carlson, he has such a reputation as an iconoclast, a person who goes against the grain, a journalist, you appear regularly on television. no, i think carlson did an excellent job because some
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journalists, they push themselves too much, and people in america have already forgotten, at least journalists have forgotten, what real journalism is, your job is to ask questions and give the politician the opportunity to answer, then let the listeners watch and decide.
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thank you for your time, we hope to see you again soon on our air, thank you, goodbye, we're off to commercials, we'll be back in just a few minutes. the palm is open, under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist; the only place where there can be a pistol in the left hand is under the napkin. we can to avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that
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the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. all six umbrellas that you ordered for... your father's pastry shop are ready, six umbrellas meant six paratroopers, whether they were germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don't wear those in iran, i've been working for four years now, during this time i've never seen you. i didn’t ask for anything, but we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned and six germans were brought into the hall, whom we found, hurray, for the centenary. gevork vartanyan on saturday on the first. and 64 years after the tehran events, selya sandes, cherchel’s granddaughter, came to moscow. she thanked me for saving her grandfather's life. there's a big game on the air. during
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his interview with tucker carlson, president putin said that at one time he raised the issue with president clinton about the possibility of russia joining nato, some kind of gradual negotiations that would bring russia and nato closer together. it was rejected by president clinton, although i have to tell you, it was.
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a form of work that would demonstrate to russia that nato is not a threat would create the foundation for russia's further joining nato, and if this turned out to be impossible, for the liquidation of nato, because schlesinger said that the constant expansion of nato without russia means that this expansion
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will take place against russia, and this would, of course, be
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nato, if there had not been an endless march of nato to the borders of russia, then today there would not be this terrible clash between nato and russia. if this clash had not happened, the united states would not have to think seriously about its security in the transatlantic theater, there would be no
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real threats, there would be no need to think about how to protect nato allies from russia, because there would be no conflict, so i’m trying to understand, together with president donald trump, what nato did, what nato did for the american one. security, she organized a coalition against russia, as a result, making an enemy out of russia, creating a very unstable, very serious situation, when president biden has to regularly give assurances that he does not want a world war, if there was no nato, then there would be no need to talk about this at all, it would not have occurred to anyone, and this is a tragedy.
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to find a role for nato, a new role , an expanded role, well, what can i say about this, the role was given a large, expanded, serious one, only such a role was put in the background for the sake of my point of view, to no one, at least , if we talk about american interests, really not needed, at best we... say what we were fighting for, we ran into it, it was a big game, we’ll meet on the air next week, so what happened,
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it’s my fault, no? “yes, and my fault is there, only we are guilty not because we aroused dreams, some have sensitive natures, but because we served the truth, not to people, you are my friend, peter, maybe the last one”? “i wouldn’t like to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal,
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what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you they said that you love me, and you believed me, i want to take this disgusting , manly, emaciated, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it so that to the outskirts, so that..." from the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise , for sure you will lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up , do the gentlemen the conspirators want to wait, do you think they can start an indignation, i would like it for the night. gentlemen, back off!
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big premiere, time for anger, and what are you whispering about? we are preparing a coup ? take me, soon at the first , it was told to this old man that he would see the darkness of death not before he saw his son of the lord, it happened, and the old man... got engaged today, as joseph brodsky wrote, about the feast of the meeting, on the occasion of which we have gathered today with thoughts. hello,
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olesya zheleznyak, hello! in short, what does this holiday mean to you? well, this is my grandfather, the holy righteous semeon, in the sense that he is the patron saint of the venerable semeon of bsk-pechersk, in whose honor i am named, so my patron is the venerable semyon, and his patronage of semyon, so for me it is even more so that i took monastic vows in the sredinsky monastery, sretensky, sretensky, yes, now the washing patrons of the monk semyon of
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pskov-pechersk are in the sredinsky church. well, they have always been there, now there is renovation, and this is the pskov -pechersk monastery, they have always been in the sretinsky temple, that is, for me sretin is such a temple of the pskov-pechersk monastery, yes, absolutely true, that is, for me it is such a coincidence of everything, one might say, dear, of course holiday, not to mention the meanings associated with the word a meeting, but such coincidences in life are very important, very close, you said a meeting, in fact, when i was coming here, i thought about me... or what i would say, but somehow i was worried, and then suddenly here i also came up with this word meeting, that meeting is essentially a meeting, and i thought that this is meeting, but it turns out that each of our meetings is for us for something, that is, i understand that this is what yes, that is, the lord is always with us, and it is no coincidence that this is said in loss, the holy fathers and ascetics often repeat that what is your main meeting, the one that is
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now here, in this studio. as they say in one of our regions, well, let’s talk about the main meeting, about which we gathered our thoughts today, well, we have already said yes, that the word meeting, actually it means a meeting, and to meet to meet this, and we are, of course, talking about episode that we know from the gospel, yes we rely mainly... on the gospel of luke, yes, this is the fortieth day after the birth of the baby, yes, the baby must be transferred to the temple, we’ll actually turn to the icon, yes , which depicts this, and the mother of god joseph the betrothed, they meet by bringing the child there, but they had to, and this was not even a tradition, but a requirement of the law, yes, that they had to offer a sacrifice, a kid of a goat, meaning a burnt offering or a lamb of a burnt offering, ae. in fact
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, this is the fortieth day - this is the completion of this christmas cycle, it’s all interconnected, the birth of christ then the meeting, yes, that is such a long cycle , and it’s interesting that this seems to be a common situation, because everyone brings everything... from their baby, uh, so they were probably not alone in the temple, the priest lifts it up, dedicating it to god with certain prayers, suddenly this unexpectedly mysterious elder simeon appears, who is generally unclear where he came from, some believe that he was a high priest, but there is no confirmation of this, and the evangelist luke does not say anything about this, so this is a big question, he is like that melchizedek,
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this is so ancient. also a well-known righteous man who appeared from nowhere, who he was, the king of salem, where, the priest , he came from, left, no one knows where he came from, where he went, yes, he is also compared to him and semeon is compared to michisadek, because he too here is such a very unusual figure, yes , who was waiting for this moment, somehow understood that this was the savior of the world, the messiah, others did not understand, others were there, plus anna’s prophecy, and also joined him.
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ancient of days, creator of the world, ancient of days, the one who is sovereign, here he appears here in the form of a baby, and simeon’s hands, like the throne of god on which he sits, are there too... other tributes say, it is not you who hold me, it is not i who hold you, but you who hold me, almighty , yes, because we are all in your hands, but this is a paradoxical thing, he blessed god and said such a wonderful prayer that we always say during vespers, now i let go of sharab, yes, that its meaning is that today you are finally letting me go, sir, because i saw with your own eyes, the salvation that you have prepared for all people, both for the pagans and for god’s chosen people. yes, the light of revelation , you let go, because he, he was told that he would not die until he saw, yes, and tradition even says that he was a three-hundred-year old man there, yes, that he lived for a long time, yes, well, no i know, this
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figure can be interpreted in different ways, but the point is that he really waited for this for a long, long time, yes, yes, the gospel says that he was promised, but there are no details, but traditions, legends, some have researched, believe and... certain traditions link it with that scribe who, back in ancient times , copied - translated, translated and translated from greek, and just the words of the holy scriptures, i came across this word parthenus, and a maiden, a maiden who is about to give birth to a baby , this is the prophet isaiah and he is like that, so something is wrong, it means it needs to be replaced. begins with an episode of how these robbers in the form of such rabbis go
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and discuss, which means that there is a wrong translation, there is actually a young woman, this is not a virgin, those greeks got something mixed up there, but then they are based on real events, that is, he doubted it, and he changed the word, right? in my opinion, yes, he changed it, and somehow he had a revelation that no, you are doing the wrong thing, and you will see for yourself that this is really a virgin who will give birth, in fact, this is where the figure of 300 years came from, because this is the period that passed from the moment when the translation was carried out, and here actually in pandan we only have virgil in the ancient world, yes, who already in the first century bc of the nativity of christ, too, in his fourth chapter, he predicted, he writes that a virgin is coming, from whom a child will be born, a virgin child, yes, you see, the golden age will come, yes, it was not for nothing that he was considered such a pagan prophet, and blessed augustine and many others, holy fathers, that he also opened up for the pagan world like this, along with the prophet, the prophet wrote isaiah and virgili, i would like to return later
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to this prayer, yes, because the most important things are heard there, but i would like here's ales, here's what to ask, addressing him there, there are words addressed to the mother of god, so that the weapon itself will pierce your soul. yes , this phrase always bothers me, it, well, i just can’t read it calmly, uh, because it seems to me, well, like everything in the gospel, this is a concrete historical event and we understand, that is, on the one hand, this is a meeting , the greatest meeting for humanity, yes, i don’t know, the meeting of the old and new testaments, yes, as they write in the smart books of the ancient world and christianity, well, the meeting is as you said, yes semeon with god or humanity in the person i can do it for an old man.
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like in general such, you know, like some kind of peak, which, well, everyone in general, it seems to me, well, a mother, a woman who should go to this, when i think, like this, because here you are talking about how to give away your son , to give, to give up her child
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, humbly, in general, i don’t know how she endured all this, how she endured it, what kind of height of soul one must have in general and what kind of soul one must have, when you know, well, we have such a time now, and i don’t know, well, i say: we probably had this and that back then, it’s probably when you live in this time, everyone says, then it was, now it will be, and then it will be, but, but it takes away a little bit for you, and as if a little bit like this, everything becomes words, some words. or gorich or whatever they tell you:
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you’ll have a child, but he will, but you won’t have a husband, you’ll just have one, and you’ll really, and you ’ll tell him that, no, wait a minute , i ’m like, well, maybe not now or not me, let her let it be like that’s how you start like this, when you understand that a person accepts everything, accepts everything, yes, but excuse me for a second, yes literally, because what do you have to do with... well, he is preparing for an operation and i think, in my
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first days i had this here, this is the first first, then now i think , there someone there will tell someone that he says oh, you know, you do this there, well , like something and i understand that all of my these are my jerking or something - then, well, of course, you just need to reconcile yourself, you need to understand that everything is in the hands of the lord and just accept, wait, do what you want you can, but without this you know when there are five options. a, b, c, that is, that i must , somewhere, in some direction, go in some direction, for me this is such a moment, of course, of absolute acceptance, absolute trust, and of course, our children are in us do not belong, in fact, this is very important to understand, it is difficult for me, of course, well, there is something to say here, miracles indeed.
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peace and clear skies above your head, the most important thing is health, of course, love, mutual understanding, joy, a lot of happiness, everyone had close friends and people with where they could just talk and have a good time. the feast of the presentation of the lord is the topic on which we have gathered today with thoughts olesya zheleznyak, archimandrite semeon tomachinsky, i am vladimir legoeda, we continue. here's a wonderful illustration. this is michelangelo in his piata,
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where the mother of god is very young, and she is holding in her arms her son who has already been taken down from the cross, yes, that is, this is exactly the weapon that will pass, yes, that is, she is still like this like this she was there when he was holding the baby, and she already sees what will happen next, then there is this specifically about this episode, when the moment when, let’s say, yes, he’s on the cross, she, she saw all this, and i just wanted to say about this, that with us we are... how much we understand that besides the apostle john, there was no one on calvary except john and the women, well, first of all , the mother of god, and that is, and i, too, when i think about this moment, well, that’s how i think, here you are standing, you are looking on my son, i don’t know how, i think, well, in my logic, yes, i think why he didn’t give up, well, how would be there according to its everyday logic. that is, in this too, in this too
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there is such a huge heart, i can’t imagine how her heart is, how wounded it is, but it seems to me that she has a heart, it all consists of some kind of, well, wounds, it everything seems to me to be bleeding, but outwardly and what kind of mother of god we see, how she is depicted, that is, she is absolutely such a calm face and , by the way, this is the most powerful plot in general in the fine arts, we have me on purpose. i read this to him, but this is it, well, that’s what alesya he said, there is the lament of the mother of god, it is read on good friday, that is, even in general, she couldn’t maintain such external calm, of course, it was still such a shock for her, well, of course, i ’m saying that it’s impossible , it’s not that she walked there with a distant face, yes
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, yes, i just imagine how it all was, how it’s like a soul, it’s your soul that’s actually tearing itself apart, because it’s impossible to accept, how can i say it? well, in the western tradition , this holiday was generally called presentation representation, yes, because this is, as it were, the appearance of the god of the world, because he was born in bethlem in kholiva, unnoticed, yes, but here , as it were, his presentation to god is a presentation, so there have been several such titles by wonderful illustrators throughout , i don’t know if now froangelique will be for me i really like jota, of course, everyone has such a different composition, but as a rule , of course, a baby. always, yes, this is very important, yes, he is the key here, and it is also interesting what exactly, the mother of god hands over the baby, yes, in theory, after all, in any in this case, the man was in charge, yes, but here , i don’t know how much this corresponded to the old testament tradition, but there was some kind of violation here, not exactly, but
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it was definitely prophesied, she was a prophecy, it was also, in general, such a very old girl, when as they say, there is a desire to bring all this closer to the modern man at that time, and when, as
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is commonly believed, if some of remontov’s paintings are not signed, then it is not even very clear, well, the plot is clear here. is there plot and you don’t understand whether it’s the apostle sitting, or it’s some neighbor of his, returning to the hymn of the righteous simeon, when he says that this is a light for the pagans, yes, this is absolutely a revolution for the jewish consciousness , yes, that is, we understand that we are the chosen people, god, which means we have knowledge about god, we know, we communicate with god, suddenly simeon, looking at the messiah, says that this...
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but here everything is as if miraculous, his arrival, his recognition of this baby, yes, whom others saw, but somehow nothing they didn’t pay much attention, it was he and anna the prophetess, so they saw him precisely as the messiah, that’s why he was inspired, but
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even more so because he had a busy day, probably...


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