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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 16, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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even the pagans had valuable knowledge; they were waiting for the coming, but maybe they didn’t call it the messiah, but the onset of some golden age, the coming of some person, yes, or some event, yes, that would change the world, and so it happened , yes, this happened in august, so in this sense, simeon , of course, by inspiration, he was not by the holy spirit, he could not do otherwise, somehow from himself from some of his own. his arrival, his identification of this baby, yes, whom others saw, but somehow did not pay much attention to, it was he and anna the prophetess, so they saw him precisely as the messiah, that’s why he was inspired, but even more so, he already had a busy day, probably he really already wanted, so to speak, to move to another world, so he was waiting.
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churches and on the fortieth day they bring children and boys to the altar and they generally read it there , but we have preserved in the orthodox a special prayer just where elder simeon is mentioned, the troparion of the presentation, the priest makes a cross. such a very very touching event when yes, so really the memory of the middle of the elder simeon, it is somehow inscribed in baptism, and in the sacrament of baptism, this is true, yes absolutely, i also want to note from a boring cultural point of view that not only we have the sretinsky monastery there, but well monasteries in honor of sretinsk, we even have cities in the chetinsk region, there is the city of sretinsk, this is in honor.
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sretinya on, taking into account the wonderful guests present, in the usa sretinya is on february 2, it’s also groundhog day for them, and groundhog day is, firstly, a movie, hello, yes, and secondly, it’s a movie, which i know you show to seminary students, yes, i love it very much, we always watch it on this day and not only on this day, well, because it’s really about getting used to eternity in reality, it’s about something frozen, as it were. moment. which we must live, it seems that it is such a bad thing indefinitely , in fact, no, it is precisely this attempt to see the eternal in the temporal, and to see the heavenly in the earthly, but to be able to seem to have a better version of oneself and correct it a little - a little bit like me i agree, yes, when they even say there , well, while you’re alive there you can still change everything, when i would have done something a little differently, i wouldn’t have passed by, i wouldn’t have offended, i would have done something.. ... this is what i am - i always remember
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that the lord never directly associates himself with anyone in the gospel, but there is one place where he says: yes, if you did it to one of these little ones, then you did it to me, yes, on the other hand , there are discussions going on, but what to give or not to give, but how to resolve this dilemma, yes, that it is always christ - with one on the other hand, if i may say so, on the other hand, there are whole gangs that we understand, or he will go and get drunk. so many provide all kinds of charitable assistance to the sick and the poor and the disabled and the poor, i’m just a little immersed now, i’m simply shocked, in particular, one brother is simply entrusted, he is given a decent amount a month, all the brothers send to him.
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roughly a person, well, he’s a smart person, he understands, just now they were visiting me, they understand that, well, in general, it’s clear what’s going on there many people probably deceive, but still somehow, well, that’s his business, that’s it. suddenly the lord awakened the conscience of a fierce robber, but this happens, so it seems to me that this is not always our rationale, it behaves correctly, sometimes it’s really correct to say a meeting, especially since it really is such
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a red line in patorik, they say: you saw your brother, you saw the lord your god, if you like to collect your thoughts with us, all episodes: you can find our podcast on the website of the first channel, be sure to look, in general for christianity the most, well, fundamental thing, but metropolitan anthony of suresh kept talking about the meeting, yes, that is, by and large, this is the content, not the content, maybe the beginning of faith, yes, that’s what it begins with , so to speak, homeland, yes, where the christian faith begins from the moment of meeting, not from when you physically crossed the threshold of the temple. crossed himself there, yes, since when you met god, i would like to talk about this topic, here even i would generalize, not only a meeting with god, even a meeting with oneself, is very important, this is also like the beginning and there is a path to god, but sometimes we generally
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don’t want to know ourselves, we are afraid of ourselves, because we have all sorts of abysses there, including infernal ones, yes, but this meeting. yourself, there is even such advice, to set aside a certain day there, or a few hours there a month, yes, to meet with yourself, to analyze what you live for, where you strive, this is even for a person who seems far from the church is very important, yes, in this in your depths, yes, you can just meet god, because in fact christ constantly talks about this, the kingdom of god is within you, but you don’t have to look for it somewhere on some planet there on... mars or somewhere... then in distant countries there in the holy land , it is inside you, but you have to find it there, and like this seed, yes, so that it grows there, yes, in fact, the very meeting with god, it can, of course, be completely different in different ways, it could just be a meeting with a person who reveals god to you,
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yes, this is exactly what happens most often, yes, as it seems to me, or this is how metropolitan anthony, of course, had a unique experience when he read the gospel, yes. where he decided to deal, yes, with christianity forever , opened the gospel, suddenly began to read , felt that christ was present here, christ, yes, yes, that is, this is an amazing experience, but probably not everyone has this, although it is wonderful , a wonderful way to gain faith, to understand the world, this is really open the gospel, just read it, if you don’t believe in anything, it doesn’t matter, read the gospel calmly, this is a meeting with , one might say, yes, with some, one might say, deep tradition of ours. yes, dear , at the same time, a meeting with your true self , and a meeting with god, in the end, in the end , i agree, no, i just know that it seems to me that the heart, well, the lord will really find your heart, and i think that all the same, every person, well, actually, i’m happy
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i tell my children like i do, you know, when i say something to someone, i always think, well, this is how i would tell my children that this is what i think for myself my greatest purpose is this in this life. well, this is what i can give you, well, just some kind of faith for you, well , open it up or bring you to church, and i will be happy if with my departure, and my children, who are now sometimes teenagers there, who are already they say, well, maybe we won’t go there today, well, how understandable, so today we think to ourselves, okay, sometimes i force it, sometimes i think, okay, i’ll go myself, if i go, then it will be beneficial for our family, something like this, so i think: well, the most there will be such joy if, of course, they come to the temple and understand that in general there is really only one path for a person, this is in this meeting, by and large, because there is nothing else, well , really, our life is of course, it’s here as you want die, you don’t want to, you’re afraid, you’re not afraid, well
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, you’ll have to, as they say, actually this meeting will happen, so how can i say, well, you probably live so that it’s great if this meeting happens, well, here you meet, and there it will be well, happy, right? so that you are not afraid, because in essence, if we believe, if we are orthodox, if we are christians, then we must essentially wait for this meeting all our lives and go towards it, that’s how i feel. well, this is a meeting with god, like one armenian poet , and he, in my opinion, is glorified in the armenian apostolic church as a saint. there are poems , but no, but in my opinion, the last judgment, isn’t there a meeting with god, where is this judgment, i’ll rush there , by the way, i remembered my loved one then the italian he already knew was a convict all his life , at the end of his life he came to orthodoxy and now he over 80 years old and he stands, he doesn’t know russian, he is worth serving there in italy, our russian. in an orthodox church, where there is a slavic service , he doesn’t understand a word, but he stands, even during lent, when there are many hours of service,
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there is reading, he stands like this with his hands raised, and i ask him, i say, how are you ital his name? at baptism - but how - you don’t understand anything at all, how do you even perceive it all? he says: well, i’m going to die soon, i’ll have a meeting with god, so i’m turning to him, you know, this... in general, this is a person who loves life, there are songs, so cheerful, who is there, italian, italian faith, here he is, you know, this is how i stand in the service of everyone, i remembered that we are all at school taught, read nikolai ostrovsky, who remember, remember, taught this, that life is given to a person once, and one must live it in such a way that in the end there is no painful shame. apparently,
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because ostrovsky sat deeply, i got the feeling that a person is given life once and needs to live it in such a way that still have time to meet god here on earth, even if you feel painfully ashamed for the years you wasted aimlessly, this is usually what happens, of course, and forgive me for... self-quoting, i don’t want to part with you, but probably other meetings await us today, i you know what i want to ask you in conclusion, but i don’t know how interesting this question will seem to you, but since we talked so much today about the meeting, and this main meeting of our lives, there is such an elusive creature, modern man, yes, here what is modern what hinders man most today is meeting god, making this main meeting. mom, the answer is obvious, a smartphone , they just sent me this wonderful
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, wonderful video in french, where a husband tells his wife that he says: you know, today there is one boy - at school they talked to children there, one boy said who he wants be, he said: i want to be a smartphone, because when parents come, even if they are very tired, they are always on the phone, they are always, it doesn’t matter. so what do you think, well, a smartphone, maybe yes? yes, you know, i think that a modern person, i think that in general a person seems to me, is hindered by - some kind
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of self-awareness, it seems to me , you know, that you can do a lot of things, you have a lot, how to say, you yourself on my own, it somehow seems that everything is in your hands, this is actually the image for me, i’m afraid to fly on an airplane, although i seem to be a believer and how can i say, i think to myself that i believe in god, but i really don’t like myself when i’m afraid, because i understand how much i i have little faith, i’m so ashamed, i can’t help myself, i’m just afraid. it’s just that my palms are sweating on the plane , that’s all, but in fact, on the plane, what i do, i pray all the time on the plane, and i understand that except god, no one will help me, not the pilot, no matter who he is beautiful, no one, no one, no one, i don’t understand how it takes off, how it flies, how i’m in the air, such a distance, i can’t seem to be able to do this physics wasn’t your favorite subject, i’m afraid all the time all time i think, well, i can only really. funny incident, i was flying
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to sochi, it always shakes in sochi, i was flying to filming, and there are mountains, the sea, that’s all, and i ’m flying, i feel terrible, that’s when there’s a slight roll, i understand that i’m clinging to the skin there , that’s it, and i see that i’m behaving a little inadequately, but i can’t help it, but i’m holding back, as if, then i grab it again, then i’m sitting on something, people around me think that you’re coming in in his image, yes, yes, then i begin to pray and see that some are even looking at me with hatred. as it were, that is, i’m like this , projecting some kind of misfortune or something else, something bad, i see a man sitting opposite me, he looks very good, handsome and even handsome, and in general it’s like... that is i was completely fooling around there for 4 hours and he doesn’t react at all, that is, he looks out the window, looks in front of him, well, somehow in such a completely stoic way, he’s just such a wonderful person, and i think, god, what am i like? , well, i can’t do anything, that’s how periodically out of the corner of my eye, in general, we land, thank god, we landed, suddenly a sturdesa runs and says: we urgently need a doctor, we need a doctor, we need a
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pressure machine, in general we need some kind of medications, something else and... i think it’s interesting to whom , well, i think, not for me, is it really how they guessed, really , i think to me, i understand that it was the man who was called, an ambulance, that is, he, he was not calm, he felt bad, no, he just you know , he could not show in any way, that is , how much he was, that is, he was also scared, he was also scared, he was inside worried, but he couldn’t show it, because he was so well dressed, he was so handsome, he couldn’t show that he was a weak person, and he was scared too, a good image, right? well, yes, well, imagine me like this, this is not groundhog day for you, and i thought, that’s how interesting, i think, how simply he doesn’t show his appearance, but he’s also afraid, well, that’s it, that’s what’s missing for a modern person, it seems to me, to be simply defenseless, even to be weak in some way, to say that everything is in your hands, lord, but it seems to me that then it would generally be it’s easy to live in general, if everyone said
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that we have one heavenly father, and we are all brothers and sisters, it seems to me that it wouldn’t exist at all. well, nothing would be bad, well, if it were so, thank you very much, olesya zheleznyak, honored artist of the russian federation, archimandrite himself, he is tamachinsky, not honored, that is, honored, but in a different, but in a different field, i am vladimir legoina, we we gathered our thoughts about the holiday of the meeting of everything that is connected with the main meeting of our life, the meeting with god. hello, i'm dmitry bak, we have another release of a literary podcast , let them not talk, let them read, we are talking about what needs to be read, but there are texts that you cannot read, you can only hear them, these are folklore legends, these are fairy tales and so on,
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in russian literature there is a person, there is a writer who specifically addressed the topic of folklore. on the topic of folk legends - this is pavel petrovich pozhov, who was born exactly 145 years ago in the working village of sissert in the current sverdlovsk region, near yekaterinburg, here’s about this wonderful author, today we will talk with my interlocutors, with our guests, this is darya mikhailovna beglova, the head of the house of creativity in the village of writers peredelkino near moscow. hello, dasha, let’s go by names, as in life, and this is nikita petrov, head of the laboratory of folklore in ronkhix, at the russian academy of national economy and public administration, as well as an employee of the russian state humanitarian university. good afternoon, nikita. i am glad to see you, i am sure
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that our conversation will be interesting and meaningful. all of a sudden it’s all around us.
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these are words, actions, images that influence the emotional behavior of people, and with the help of modern words, i would say that they spread in a very similar way to how oral folklore spread, well, this is such a dangerous definition, because obscene language also, for example, does not by nightfall it should be mentioned how it has an emotional influence, is included in some behavioral rules, and even this can, for example, be modern prohibitions, remember, don’t go swimming before, the merman drags you away. and then the belichka is told, or, for example, prohibitions of modern soviet children, don’t go out on the street, the gypsies will be taken there, or take bread for dinner in moderation, don’t bring precious bread. absolutely true, but now we are in an era when this is authorless, it gets onto the internet and is distributed and replicated in absolutely
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similar ways, gaining and losing contexts and acquiring some new meanings, as for example, memes work much faster, yes , probably the life cycle of such texts is faster, well, sometimes we call them, for example, urban legends, and internet memes too can unfold into entire narratives, like the recent covid one... of course, we wrote several articles about this, they live according to the principles of real folklore, but they live a little less, yes, that is, at some point they flare up on a wave of moral panic , there is a certain time afterwards goes into some oblivion, it is clear that this information, in general, in theory, seems unreliable, yes, but at the same time a person disseminates it, he creates in himself some symbolic authority.
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what two three, it's all a joke, station peredelkina, peredelkina station, yes, every year in the winter, we just turn to this from a professional point of view and do - at
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the same time, an event for children, that is, we also share such a children's side within the event - a little bit of adventure, other people do this for children somehow we are creating such a fabulous space based on a certain theme, just 4 years ago nikita petrov spoke with us. at the first conference of storytellers, and we dedicated it to the hero’s path, and it’s just for children there was such an opportunity to write fairy tales, adults and serious storytellers really understood what this hero’s path is, what laws are used to build a fairy tale, yes, a children’s fairy tale, an adult fairy tale, how urban myths are born, how they come to some kind of fairy tale narrative, and so on further, and 2 years ago, for example, we turned to...
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we started talking, then of course, we must remember that this is generally a traditional story, because back in the 19th century all this began, or maybe earlier, to record folklore, in general, uh ...
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different people stood up after they realized that someone else’s exotic is not just in the americas, where the indians are, but here nearby, and this is someone else’s, it was constantly appropriated, and in the form of collecting fairy tales, songs, publishing texts, the brothers make-up , yes, they used very similar things, yes, collecting some individual texts from all over germany, which later became a national fund, and literature, folk literature, first of all, this is what i realized. what is not foreign there, but here is its own original and allowed the formation of a huge number of collections and texts. i think that now maybe we should look at the illustration, this is the first illustration for some famous tales, well, in general, bozhov is the mistress of the copper mountain, this is a malachite box, well , these phrases are well-known, here it is a low-hit box, these phrases are known even to those , who may not remember that this is bazhov,
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danilo the master? danilo the master, of course, yes, a stone flower and so on, yes, a stone flower, that’s right, yes, post-folklore, this post-folklore, yes, we may not remember, by the way, which is correct, folklore or folklore, folklore, folklore, but i’ll try to remember, i say every other time, well, i remind you that dmitry bak and the literary podcast are here, don’t let them talk, let them read, we continue our conversation about pavel bozhov and not only about him. so, we were talking about collections, well, indeed, this is a very powerful tradition in russia, this is pyotr vasilyevich kireevsky, for example, yes, a collection of songs, a red one in four volumes, i keep telling our interlocutors on the other side of the screen or headphones, i remind you that we are talking primarily about the time when there were no electronic media yet, and you could always remember what color the book was and what thickness, the student cannot always answer, but
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i don’t know whether it was an article or a monograph , he... of course, they collected from correspondents, yes, who sent these texts, yes, and only then , yes, it turned out that you could just come and write them down, then it turned out that there was a living tradition, the same fairy tales, yes, it not entirely consistent with those principles, yes, with whom, for example, afanasyev operated , it is a little different, if afanasyev, the grim brothers, and such high literary people who moved in good, high circles,
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this is a good quote, i... to be honest, i think it’s the same folklore, yes, when the make-up brothers took a village fairy tale, like a village girl, and combed her hair in order to show it to high society, removing designs that somehow did not correspond to these tastes, and then she pestered her in a different form, but in in reality, on the contrary, not authentic, but so almost authentic, but smoothed out, and you’re on expeditions, i also kind of observed this, i’ve never been on expeditions, but i’m still collecting things today.
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whose anniversary is 145 years since his birth, and how he worked, there is a different context, because well, the literary fairy tale is also a fairly common phenomenon, and the tale of the tula slanting left-hander and liskov’s steel blade, there is the word skaz, although probably in in another sense, how did bazhov work? bazhov was one of those people who combine like a snake, three chapters are collected. researcher and writer, dangerous judgments , and even a storyteller, yes it’s called, but this is another story, well, three chapters, it’s clear, that is, he really knew first-hand the life and individual stories that circulated among the mining workers, as it’s called, of course , that this is mythology on the one hand, when dangerous work is difficult, yes, it gives rise to some kind of defenders
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of cartridges, well, either on... yes, no one says, they say the word extreme, yes, a trip to the mine in including, here on based on these stories, you get a set of characters, a set of details, like a test , yes, a set of functions, that bozhov
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concentrated on collecting, and then he puts them together, not according to a fairy-tale model, not according to the model of vladimir propp, but puts them together in a unique way so that there really is a struggle between good and evil. but at the same time, for some time he refused authorship and hid behind the figure of the narrator, and well, in general, it’s curious here . it seems to me that such a curious question for me personally is what is the incredible popularity of these fairy tales began after the year 36 when they
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appeared and in general they were written in the year thirty-six in a very difficult time and for bazhov, who was expelled from the party at that time, he was generally in a precarious position and, in general, a very difficult time for the country. indeed some forces more powerful than some modern figures and those present in life in the difficult life of people.
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not only did he talk a lot about this, local history was considered so harmful because it works for mysticism, firstly, secondly, for the regionalization of the country and so on further and so on, so it was a problem
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, is it possible to do this, these are all bourgeois things, and the grimney brothers were accidentally mentioned, we understand that in general interest in folklore in the 19th century arose at the beginning of the 19th century in the era of romanticism, as a movement... the roots, to the foundations of the nation, the word to igor’s campaign on the one hand, as our national apos, on the other hand, the song of kireyevsky. i'm dmitry bak, we are now having another episode of the podcast, let them not talk, let them read, and we are talking with nikita petrov and daria peglova about pavel petrovich bazhov. well, i think it’s time to move on to the author’s section, our regular interlocutors. and somehow i analyze it, either i read some quote from the classics, or i just show an old book from my, sometimes peredelkino
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, library, but today the book in my hands is not old, it’s one of the modern editions of bozhov, and that’s of course not lyrics, this is sata from the classics, i’ll try a very risky... thing now, in this shortened version, a draft version, read the tale, one of the tales, it’s called the mountain master, katya danilova is a bride, not a married woman, but... two or three years have passed since danilo got lost, she has completely left the bride’s time, over 20 years old, in our factory way , it is considered overage, guys rarely marry such people, widowers more , some kind of massacre of people happened here, katya’s old people both died, she has a large family, three married brothers and married sisters, there was some kind of quarrel between them, i’ll go to danil.
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at first it rolled smoothly, please pay attention to the tongue, yes, that’s it a very important story, is it stylization , or is it authentic, we will ask nikita, and what kind of language is it, could it be heard in the time of bazhov, or not, separate fragments, yes, that is, a phrase that builds bazhov, it is built like elements of a colloquial speech, on the one hand, interspersed with dialect words, well, we heard too much, yes... for example, bondage, and so on, but all this is interspersed with
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the help of inversions into a very good literary text, which creates the feeling of a stylized folk speeches, then this is important, this is a competent inclusion of some , well, inclusion of such ancient archetypes, and an outside world, which the return is called from the hands of a completely different creature and returned back to the world of living people, this is also in general too.
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blood of the earth, ore, yes, behind this, of course , there are some kind of guardians, yes, it could be overthrowers or gnomes, but in the german traditional picture of the world, the mistress of the copper mountain, of course, for example, there for the money in traditional russian mythological characters like leshev or those the same robbers, and also quite historical people, far from us, these once secret forces laid down that very treasure, and we need to get it, get it with the help of labor. and here bozhov also introduces such an element, i would say, competition,
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socialist competition, that only a person can do this for real, so he chooses the human world, socialist competition is an excellent story, because of course, this has the context of such industrialization, the working class , there is nothing opportunistic here, but it coincided with such global trends, it is very important to say that here, after all, there is not ore, but pebbles, stones and... it is the urals , this region, even for those who have never been there, is connected with such a combination of very different things, on the one hand practical business, yes, that is, the demidov plant, metal mining, and this is still felt in yekaterinburg and chelyabinsk, these are industrial centers, on the one hand this is such industrialization, on the other hand there is a special... industrialization, not like in kuznetsk , for example, what mayakovsky wrote about,
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there is a city there, in 4 years there will be a city here garden, lips turn black from the cold, but lips whisper in harmony, in 4 years, there will be a city garden here, this is also a spoil from nature, here are some things, but here are stones, this is an important point, semi-precious, as they are called officially, yes , there are quite a lot of them, they are only here, it turns out that way. well, the scattering of these stones , indeed, this is the wealth of the urals, as well as, by the way, some apt words, yes, that bozhov includes there, which he frames like these very stones and with his tales, but you know what to me? it occurred to me, sorry, i a little ago, it is not surprising that exactly what was found at the demidov factory was a collection, a manuscript by kirsh danilov, ancient russian poems, it turns out that this is creativity, on the one hand, yes, what we now call folklore, here there is always some kind of work, yes, quite difficult, to tear out something semi-precious
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, precious from the depths in order to bring it to people, they seem to walk side by side, that is , it is curious, very important, well, kirsha danilov, that’s it . some, that's one thing, but semi-precious stones, even in the official name there is some kind of metaphor, you love the mayakovsky metro station, wonderful, i adore it, because it’s radonite, yeah, it’s a beautiful pink stone, which, in combination with these metal arcs, was invented by alexey dushkin,
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the great, a wonderful architect, including the underground kropotkinskaya, novoslobodskaya, was also his handicraft. but mayakovskaya, the mayakovskaya metro station is simply the personification of bozhov, semi-precious, semi-precious, and these rhodonite beautiful things, but there are no stories according to fairy tales bozhov in the metro, although it’s really surprising how many stones were brought from the urals, i’m suggesting a topic, yes to new stations, well, the metro has its own mythology, metro 2, metro 3 and so on, there are even novels on this topic, that is everything connected with the underworld is mysterious. everything connected with a mysterious jewel, if this jewel still needs to be cut, how katya sat down at the machine, not knowing how to do anything, remember the scene of boriska in the film andrei rublev by andrei torkovsky, where young nikolai burlyaev says that his friend, father did not pass on the secret of how to cast
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a bell, how to find clay, this is an amazing story, nebazhov builds a lot on this, good.
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to speak greek mutos is also literally said, yes literally this is exactly what i know from somewhere, i studied ancient greek for a year and a half, so i know this root, that’s what tail and tell and say, say are the same root words, this is important, but true do the researchers say?


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