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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 16, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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despite this, they get on their tractors and drive, blocking the highways, because if they don’t do this, next year will be their last, farm work is very hard work, in the end, at the end of the year they succeed if they won’t recalculate hours and profits, well, about 5 euros per hour, that’s less than, uh, half the minimum wage, if you were unemployed, you’d get 12.5, that is, if you were an unemployed ukrainian, you’d get 12.5 even. you are a person who grew up on this land and did a lot for it, built this country, now you just get five, and now these five are taken away from them, in theory they will not make ends meet, i have a farm nearby that is 600 years old, they survived the plague, that’s all, he says, here we can’t survive this plague, it’s the government, 1500 enterprises are now ready to close, if the government doesn’t react, but it doesn’t react , the rest will close, the question is that what
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is really the production that is now in germany, well, it doesn’t think among the german people, no, of course it is it’s clear that, and even more so now, when biden said that we won’t supply you with any more gas, mercedes has closed all its showrooms, the chinese are rubbing their hands and jumping up and down with happiness, that’s all, deindustrialization has crossed the red line, even if we agree on delivered, let's say, at a good price. gas, we will try to equalize the situation with energy resources, it will be almost impossible to go back, where the main enterprises have now moved to the german ones, 11-12% have moved to the united states, well, this is basically the same as it was after the war, while the debriefing was going on here, the americans took out all the german potential of all engineers and they did the same, now what is one page, if you have difficulties and you are worried about the future of your... business, look towards
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a country with unlimited opportunities, we give you energy four times cheaper than yours, we give you tax breaks, we reimburse moving costs, it’s clear that a person sits and thinks, either i ’m going to lose everything now, or i need to move somewhere, i need to be saved enterprises, today we have opened access to the russian labor market and the russian economy through an electronic card. we are ready today without this bureaucratic red tape that held western enterprises from moving here, we have almost now removed it, we are ready to begin cooperation with russia precisely in terms of building production, of course, of course, 35-37% of german small medium-sized business is now on the verge of bankruptcy, yeah, and energy resources in russia are four times cheaper. than in america, huge potential
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enterprises, small medium-sized businesses, ready to move here and work, the world is moving, and one day it will come to a phase of unification and growth, and i see this here in the eurasian space, by the way, what is the attitude towards scholz in general, does he have one now maybe some , well, slogans, programs, he somehow responds in general to those actions of the people, according to the rating, this is the worst rating in the post-war period in germany. and it feels like he cares very, not very much, he doesn’t care, yes, he doesn’t care, he has some kind of personal program, personal curator, personal plans that are probably not connected with this country, this is my assumption, because well, well, there are not even attempts to level out the situation, well, i understand that his corridor for making sovereign decisions is very narrow, but we can just see, how germans try to guess politicians from photographs. “i don’t know this man
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, i don’t know him, he looks like an arab or has arab roots, he’s from belarus, no, i haven’t seen him, i don’t know him, i don’t know him either, i can’t say who he is, perhaps he is an ambassador from argentina, i've never seen him, turkey , let's say france, he's from germany, i don't know him either, maybe he's from bavaria, they all seem to be the same,
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putin russland putin von russland ist der präsident von russland heißt er putin, everyone it turns out they know this serious politician. and if our chancellor stands up and says: don’t think that it’s because of us that prices are so high, it’s putin who closed the gas for us, that’s it, well, that’s all , people look at each other for fools, he thinks or or what, but he really thinks that, that he will be recognized is not fake, everyone recognizes him, it’s very nice that they know vladimir vladimirovich from germany, thank you very much for coming to us today, let me remind our viewers that if you have any news that sparks your opinion, send it to our editorial office, and most importantly , don’t forget about... the years for pride, it’s always very pleasant to talk about them, all the best to you, channel one presents
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miracles, but only five miracles of the heart. pineapple for women's breasts, listen, is mycoplasma pneumonia a threat, about this and much more in the live program great, five wonders of the heart, dear friends, that’s the name of our first topic, and the heart is truly an absolutely amazing organ. the first miracle is that it beats throughout life and even after. death may be beating, germanshevich, why? yes, because her heart has muscles and an independent electrical or conductive system. the sinus node gives an impulse, it spreads along the wires and the heart contracts, we can influence
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the contraction of the heart, but in principle the heart can work completely in isolation, but we by the way, we cannot influence. if we run, the heart rate quickens, we don’t say heart, let’s beat faster, no, we can say run faster to ourselves, but the heart will adapt to us, this is the most amazing thing, let’s look again at the conduction system of the heart, herman shavich, here it is, here it beats independently of us, here is the sinus node at the very top, the main one. supplies electricity to the muscle cells and the muscle contracts, and it contracts simultaneously, without any disturbances,
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absolutely synchronously, both ventricles once they threw away the blood, i can only say one thing, the deeper you know the structure of the human body, the higher the faith in god. some higher powers, nothing more can be said. so, the first miracle is that the heart contracts independently of us, it has its own separate electrical system that issues impulses without asking our permission. the second miracle of the heart: the heart of a man and a woman are different. first, a man's heart is approximately 25% larger than a woman's heart. and, accordingly , the cardiac output of a man’s heart is much higher, respectively a man can perform much more serious physical activity, now pay attention, this has a direct connection with heart disease, which vessels are affected in men in
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the heart, first, first, that is, men more often have hypertension, all vessels are affected more often in men, second, when occurs... a huge anterior infarction, look, this is a vessel that the man had until he started smoking and did not treat his blood pressure, this is the result of all the risk factors that lead to atherosclerosis, that is, in
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a man we see , here is a huge vessel of the heart, now it has narrowed, everything is clear to us, now we’ll set up a stand, cure it, the woman has a heart attack, there is pain, but we don’t see anything in the big ones. vessels, the so-called myocardial infarction, without narrowing in the vessels, with normal coronary vessels, which will be much more common in women, because small vessels are affected. in this regard, there is no need for a completely different examination, what kind of examination is this, show me the result? look, this test is called graphography or isotope study of the heart, how is it done? injected into a vein a substance, the so-called isotope, shows how the blood spreads through the heart, in this case we see the norm, which is absolute. all areas of the heart are colored the same, the entire muscle is colored, that is, we are not
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looking at large vessels, but how the blood flow in the muscle is colored, this is a check with problems, you see that there are dark areas, in these areas, in this case the woman is impaired blood, and there’s generally a black hole there, which means the blood didn’t come to this part of the muscle at all, that is, for women a completely different examination of the heart is needed if not... they find nothing in large vessels , which is called scintigraphy and an isotope is injected, which glows into the vein and looks like it is distributed throughout the muscle, not in large vessels, like contrast, but in muscle cells, to see where the cells are not receiving enough blood flow, a woman's heart is not at all the same as a man's, the third miracle is the heart, the third miracle is the heart, it turned out that the drugs we give to dilate blood vessels are for
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treating the heart, including the same viagra, which reduces pressure in the pulmonary artery , improves potency, which means the third miracle, all drugs for the heart improve potency in men, this must be understood, so if you have a problem with potency, men go to a cardiologist and treat the heart, then... only the upper part of the heart, the whole heart does not contract, this is the so-called
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syndrome takotsuba or octopus traps. let's show why they called it that, because on an x-ray with contrast we see a heart filled with contrast, which you see, this is a trap for octopuses, and now let's move on to the picture of the heart, and the heart will be absolutely shaped like this trap, this one. the non-contractile part of the heart, that is, the blood does not flow anywhere, look , this is the so-called base of the heart, here the heart actively contracts, all other areas include the apex, does not contract, blood is retained in the heart, usually this is associated with stress, and such patients are admitted to the emergency room with a large myocardial infarction, there is nothing in the vessels,
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that is, a woman can experience such a thing that you can imagine, a woman’s heart can be broken, the heart stops contracting when completely healthy vessels, and another miracle, the heart can die without pain in the heart, and where can there be pain, germanch, we can feel pain in the jaw, and this turns out to be heart pain or a heart attack. in the back in the spine, it could also be a heart attack, it could be pain in the so-called epigastric region or upper abdomen, it could also be a myocardial infarction, the pain could be in the arms, it could also be a heart attack, that is, not necessarily the heart shouts that he feels bad when you have pain right here, of course, this also needs to be understood as... at least a hint to understand that it is still the heart, usually this pain occurs at the height
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of physical activity, the jaw is in the hand, bulging, you were doing something, you were doing something, suddenly it grabbed, grabbed, stopped, 5 minutes passed, everything passed, well, or at least it has improved, but in all cases you need to think about the heart, this is such a completely extraordinary organ, different for women and men.
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such a situation about the five miracles of the heart, i think it’s amazing, let’s take a break for a while and then continue, round grass, pineapple, sophia loren, she’s somehow live told me that she eats pineapple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which is why she has such good shape. what is the benefit of it for the female breast, we will tell you what has been proven by science. we blow on the water, the temperature is high, we have a cough, then we end up straight in the hospital? all over the world they write about outbreaks of mycoplasma, is this a new epidemic or just a hoax, beyond the bounds, the parents saved the child from suicide, but the school psychologist does not see
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any deviations, and after all the numerous tests they said that there is a risk of suicide. equal to zero, how to save a teenager? see what i'm like happy because i finally have time for myself. a super pro-equal idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer. i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth. most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product. in 2013. we released a snowmobile of our production, after that we began to expand our model range, starting from small cubic 100 cc ones to 800 cc ones, in the production of our snowmobiles we we try to localize russian production as much as possible, you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything is the premiere, tomorrow on the first day,
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junior lieutenant and...
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fresh pineapple, so everyone who comes to our studio will have the privilege of eating fresh pineapple , we brought countless pineapples , mikhail yegorovich is cutting one of them now, and various varieties of pineapples are being brought to our studio right now, please. so, pineapple and mikhail egorovich, a couple of kind words about pineapple. well the thing is that a pineapple is a grass, we will now show how grass really grows, that is , these are in the grass, this is not a tree, this is not a berry, but i was sure that it grows in the center of a palm tree, i think you will climb the palm tree and there these branches, in the center, are really
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grass, this is grass, but first it blooms, then it blooms. for about 10 days, then the fruit ripens for a long, long time, in general, this whole growth cycle is about 390 days before the pineapple ripens, so the day of fresh pineapple happens once a year, so michal yegorts, the fact is that there is quite a lot in pineapple vitamin c, then pineapple has a lot of magnesium, magnesium too. what do you want to say about the potassium of the heart, tell us the functioning of electrical systems, especially the cardiovascular muscular system. impossible without electrolytes, including magnesium and potassium. there is another very interesting substance, bromelain. this was the story about
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sophia loren, she once said live that she eats pineapple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which is why she has such good shape. and pineapple sales increased many times, she was even accused of collusion. but the fact is that this pineapple contains this enzyme and it breaks down proteins, and it not only breaks down proteins, but is also an immunostimulant, no, look, these are female breasts, why is it very important for female breasts, and this a tumor that may arise, so... this substance does not allow a tumor to develop , thus rat does not develop, but not only, yes, if we are talking about manganese, then, so to speak,
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manganese in combination with vitamin c, manganese reduces the amount blood sugar and vitamin c improves the elasticity of our blood vessels and, accordingly, prevent diabetic angiuratinopathy, because... sugar destroys the vessels of our retina, accordingly leading to irreversible changes in it, that is, in fact, to blindness, sugar is the main cause of blindness throughout the world, number one: pineapple contains substances that prevent the development of this drama, although it is a sweet, wonderful product, right? we have three products: watermelon, pineapple and melon. let’s compare them by what component, mikhail egorovich? let's start with vitamin c, for vitamin c. first place, first place, pineapple, pineapple,
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here i put it, one and a half daily norms, melon - half daily norms, watermelon, there is very little, somewhere around 10% of the daily norm, in in general, in terms of vitamin c, it ranks first. manganese, in terms of manganese, pineapple is in the lead, in the same way, it remains, remains, melon and watermelon have a minimum amount of manganese, 2%, we can assume that they do not have, this is nothing, and the glycemic index, that is, the ability to increase appetite and cause obesity, glycemic index, it is our lowest, in second place is melon, in third place is watermelon, that is, everything is the same. yes , in all respects, the same thing, low glycemic index, which means there is no big increase in sugar, no peak in insulin, everything is more or less
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normal, of course, this is the best, here there will be a frantic surge in blood sugar when you you eat watermelon, crazy insulin, in pineapple this is less pronounced, that’s the plus, how to choose, how to store, how to eat fresh pineapple on international day, how to choose the right pineapple? there are different ones, you are such a little baby, yes there are such big ones don’t grow in sochi , by the way, i must say that in russia before the revolution they grew pineapples in special galleries, and a large greenhouse where the temperature was constantly maintained, that’s how to choose by appearance, you always need to touch and smell, for sure. wait, i know how i saw how they eat pineapple, that they need to be sliced ​​like this on social networks, they show it like that too, yes, because
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you see, we can already see by its appearance it is so yellowish, it should be soft, but enough elastic and smelly too, because we must smell this smell from a distance, which means, in short, by smell by color, this is the first thing, how... how to store pineapple correctly? most of all, of course, it is stored in the refrigerator, if we need to store it for a long time, the refrigerator is usually, so to speak, in the compartment for vegetables and fruits. is it possible to freeze it, you can freeze it, but you just need to clean it first, these slices can be frozen and stored for as long as you like, well, a year for sure. just for filling, how can she eat us correctly, well, of course it’s better to eat it raw fresh form, because all these.
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look, when we cook something in the kitchen, we often use pineapple as a marinade, because pineapple juice, one might say in quotes, breaks down the protein of the meat itself, that is, it makes it very, very soft, this is because this bromelain, this is a protease, this is an enzyme, and we, you
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and i, are residents. it wouldn’t even occur to us to use pineapple for sauce, only fresh, a piece of pineapple, for the whole family, yes, something tingled with it, it’s bramyline, it’s bromelain, that’s if you go pineapple, you know that it stings the lips , it directly breaks down the protein of our skin, this is in some sense a plus, in some sense a minus of pineapple, well, that’s all, of course, with cheese it’s very noble. very elegant, very french , yes, and it’s garganzola, and racfort will be even better, because racfort is a soft cheese, it will be even better, in short, eat fresh pineapple on the day, the pineapple itself, now it’s really arrived the moment when the pineapples are fresh, thank god, that's all about i'm coming, it's time for us to talk about medicine, fire and
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ice, two poems, at the junction of which real, great art is born. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is knee-deep. but to win it is important to remain icy calm. the splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice. spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcast from magnitogorsk, tomorrow on the first. this city is a real record holder. here is the smartest street, the longest metro bridge in the world, the largest theater in russia. we are in novosibirsk, friends! why do you need to build such a huge, huge device. imagine that two people are standing at a distance of 100 m and
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shooting with sewing needles. we need a very high-precision installation so that they collide with the point we set, try to write on the surface of the grain, at least something , it’s good the first time, you’re not cooking skillfully, ready, always ready, flew, life of your own, premiere, on sunday on the first one, here... this is mycoplasma, dear friends, just recently an outbreak of mycoplasma pneumonia scared the media, everyone wrote about it, everyone shouted about it, but we treat everything with composure, because we are doctors, right now andrei petrovich, prodeus is examining a wonderful girl, what’s your name, what have you, my dear evgenia, suffered or something? mycoplasma pneumonia, free your child from your medical bonds, come here, when with
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you? it was in november, in november there was an outbreak, remember, remember, well, let’s go with you to the model of the lungs, you’re already an adult, how old are you, 10, 10, already a serious person, come here, you’re studying at school, and at 4.5, at 4.5, you know what kind of organ it is, what kind of organ it is, light, light, you’re my smart girl, so, mycoplasma pneumonia, tell me what happened to you, i had a high temperature, cough, my voice disappeared, i didn’t go to school, but i didn’t want to, i was glad, yes, of course, i studied with only an a, i was also happy when i didn’t have to go to school, because i ended up straight in the hospital, but i was lying alone or with mom, with mom, with mommy, so everything was more painful, yes, yes, well, thank god, in general it was so, so good, in
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some hospital? morozovskaya, oh, thank you, morozovskaya hospital, we all love you, this is a kind attitude towards children. so, mycoplasma is a microbe. we have increased it, probably a million times, hold it, look what it does, andrei petrovich, tell me, mycoplasma is an interesting microbe, it destroys the lungs, it loves, this particular mycoplasma pneumonia, which causes pneumonia, pneumonia in humans, in general mycoplasmas occupy such an intermediate link between viruses and bacteria, it is similar to a bacterium, but not has its own wall, so it likes to live in cells inside, that is, by...
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it is necessary, of course, antibiotics, but special antibiotics, only macrolides, secondary quinolones and tetrocyclines are unlikely, why? because this antibiotic must penetrate our cell, only then will it reach
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this microbe, because those antibiotics that cannot penetrate into cells do not reach this microbe, then the treatment is ineffective, did you come to us alone, where is mom- then i'm dumb? our mother, hello, what a nice, grown-up girl, just lovely, well, we’ll tell you whether pediatricians are afraid of mecoplasma pneumonia, andrei petrovich, we , frankly speaking, don’t like it, because it often goes away, and it’s often confused simply with some kind of acute respiratory infection, bronchitis, then it goes on for a long time, so in this case, but still we do not love, but we are not afraid, because it is constant. no, because this is not a problem
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, we even thought about talking about this or modern medicine at all, and nevertheless we will show who mycoplasma pneumonia can threaten, mycoplasma pneumonia will definitely be threaten. elderly people with already weak immunity, of course it will threaten people with cancer and immunosuppressive therapy, that is, these are patients with autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies, that is, these are patients for whom mycoplasma is dangerous, of course, but people like you got sick , they underwent it, acquired immunity and live on, i realized that there is no vaccination against it, because in general.
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heirs to the vast, mysterious russian history hidden outside our cities. i collected those lying along the banks pskov lakes, huge, multi-colored. of the moon , who so loved to draw the reirs, i took them to one place to the pechersk road, made a mountain out of them, hot with gems, cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch, i remember how this crucifix, erected on an armored personnel carrier, moved through the whole of pskov, to the crucifixion aest, the thing bird, descended from the sky. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession on monday on
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the first, this is a program to live healthy, friends, we have a trumpet in the studio, it’s true, this means a person came to us with some kind of story, in in two sentences, the story is this: the mother actually took the child out of the noose with her own hands, tell us in detail in detail. a great tragedy occurred in our family. we literally pulled our daughter out of the loop, that is , the tragedy was practically avoided, she tried to commit suicide, we accidentally entered the room, thank god that i entered the room at that very moment, now she is in a psychiatric clinic, i saw for a long time that something was wrong with her, we went to the school psychologist, and they even tested her there, and after of all the numerous... tests they said that there was no risk to life and health, and they even
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said the following phrase that the risk of suicide is zero, such a tragedy happened, i understand her condition, now i went to school, she is in the eleventh grade, with with a request to exempt her from exams, an extended special council was convened at the school, as a result of which they decided that there was no need for exemption, that she needed to take the exams. and the school psychologist also said that you can pass the exams, i’m in this situation myself now state that i simply understand that i, as a mother , must protect the child from everything, i know that there is such a practice that you can count a student’s results without exams based on current academic performance, but i’m afraid now that if i tell her to take exams, then suddenly a new crisis will begin or there will be a trauma that will remain for life, and now i absolutely don’t understand what to do next. you know, the story is so shocking that i
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want to start with one simple question, here we are all doctors, you are a pediatrician, we are all adults doctors, if someone asked us whether such a child should be exempted from exams or not, what would we answer, it’s worth it, it’s worth it, without thinking, definitely, we have no, no questions, right, german shai, the person is in the hospital, the person is in hospital. why are these such incompatible things, school exams and a child’s suicide, that there is nothing to discuss. i want to say that there was such a story in my life, when i helped one very famous family free a child, there was a boy whom his mother took out of a noose, and i said, you can't even imagine.
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some exams, well, the school says how would he get out of the hospital, then let them give it, but for us the question is not worth it, right, it’s not worth it, definitely release him, we are doctors, now we are doctors, we thought, who are we? school psychologists have now advertised them, all the parents are going there in herds, where are they going, who are they going to, what kind of education do these people have, we are thinking about this question, we will now have excerpts right on the screen, which of the doctors
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will tell andrei petrovich , who can apply for the position of school psychologist specifically as a school psychologist. tive base , which describes the requirements for a school psychologist, that a specialist with higher or secondary vocational education in the field of pedagogy or psychology can apply for this position, as an option for a person with higher secondary education who has undergone retraining, can i just emphasize that the first it is not necessary to have a higher education, you need to undergo the main retraining courses, let's now show what what is the duration of these courses... preparation website of the national research institute of further education and vocational training, well, that is , a serious organization, what do you need to do to become a psychologist? you graduated from a vocational school , and you went to courses, and one, two, three, you studied from three to 11 months online, and you are a school
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psychologist, teacher, psychologist, you are a teacher, psychologist, we can imagine the situation of treating children. we will allow a person who graduated from college, completed a 3-dash eleven-month course and came and said: hello, i am your doctor, now i will treat you, for example, an ophthalmologist, for example , a psychiatrist, for example, someone, this is acceptable in hospitals, or in our country even this is impossible in principle, starting from the training period itself, which lasts longer, than in any university 6 years ending with then a period of postgraduate education.
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specifically diseases, why? from the point of view of psychiatry, it is adolescence that serves as the period when the manifestation of many severe mental disorders occurs, and the very disorders that psychologists do not notice, but simply assessing whether there is a suicidal risk or not , there may be signs of a severe mental disorder, but which everyone knows by ear, but no one knows how to set the criterion for his schizophrenia. accordingly, if this diagnosis is missed in time, it then leads to very sad consequences. schizophrenia, which begins in childhood, progresses more intensively. the later schizophrenia manifested itself, that is, it began, the more it progresses and is considered more favorable, that is less malignant. i just want to say one thing: all child psychiatric diagnoses
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are complex, we treat child psychiatrists with special respect, nothing is required here, as they say, three classes. parochial school, three-month courses and i am a ready-made psychologist. of course, we as doctors are shocked, simply shocked. now our mother is tossing around and doesn’t know what to do. she says: the girl was tested and they said there was no suicide. we looked at what tests psychologists use. it turned out that they there are no regulated tests. at his own discretion, the psychologist can take any test. and now we will pass one of these tests before your eyes. test. for suicide attempts, whether or not the child has a risk of suicide, i just have a computer, the test is online, today everything is online, you often have a feeling of boredom and fatigue, i write often, do you have the feeling that you are experiencing mental pain , there are, there are hopeless situations or not, no, they don’t happen, tomorrow i want to kill myself,
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a way out, i know you love yourself, probably i love you because i don’t want to torture anyone anymore, you feel lonely, right? test, i’m a psychologist, but what, i’m not a doctor, i tell the girl, mom, everything is fine, your girl is a little anxious, but the risks are low, that’s all, i want. ask the psychiatrist who sits here with us, please tell me, anton valerievich , do we have documents for doctors that strictly
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regulate our lives and determine how to treat, how to diagnose, how to behave with children in difficult situations, here it is doctors who have documents that are official documents, they are called clinical recommendations, which are clearly stated, including in... and the methods we can use to diagnose the disease, the levels of evidence are stated everywhere, here we now have our main page, in this case we discovered schizophrenia, this you will find everything on the website of the russian ministry of health, and we are doctors - this is our document on how to properly treat people, children with a variety of diseases,
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and if a psychologist missed this, everyone wrote: the girl was tested by a school psychologist, who is this, where is this? why didn't he
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answer anything? any advice for mom? make a diagnosis, decide on treatment, take this child out of this school at a medical commission, already in this medical institution determine her educational trajectory, the girl has an attending psychiatrist, we listened to the side. mother, the attending psychiatrist will decide what the girl should do, that’s all, i think that there is no need to give an exam, but the attending physician decides what you say, the main problem needs to be solved, you need to select, make a diagnosis, select therapy, and let school rolls, this is an absolutely secondary matter, because there are more significant problems in this case, absolutely, and i would give advice, here’s the mother... she started with what she had noticed for a long time, there was such a phrase, it was said that what’s wrong with the child -that’s not so, she turned to a psychologist: i give advice, don’t be afraid of doctors,
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psychiatrists in this case, you need to turn to professionals who specialize in the treatment and diagnosis of these disorders, then there wouldn’t be such consequences, and the situation could develop a little different, me too i want to say, you finally got to see a psychiatrist. already in a mental hospital, if you want my opinion, i have it very categorically , now it makes absolutely no difference what the school says, the question is direct about saving the life of a child, thank you for your support, i understand everything, we will work on saving her with a psychiatrist, if the school it’s beyond your sanity to forget that she even exists in your life. this topic, i want to raise questions, we all, as doctors, we want to raise the question of school psychologists.


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