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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  February 16, 2024 4:05pm-4:58pm MSK

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yes, it suited both of us, because she couldn’t find a job in moscow, she lived with me for a year in moscow, she didn’t like it, like a bone marriage, what is it anyway, a guest marriage is when you don’t live in the same apartment, that is, he lives in her apartment , she in hers, they are there, we don’t even have that , tell me, but the risk is high, that’s your profession, a bodyguard, it’s exposing your body to protect it, at the moment it’s prohibitive, it separated you. not that yes, such a dangerous profession, but that it suddenly became work, earn more than you, yes , yes, yes, of course, i have a wonderful child, a wonderful job, i love her very much as a mother, i appreciate her, for the rest, well, when she left me, when i was directly injured in the profession, she went on vacation, although she could have stayed, she went on vacation every year, i did not have such an opportunity. because i
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work and carried everything myself, i understand correctly that you were in bed, i was in a military hospital, and she was resting at that time, she said, i’m on another holiday, i probably i’m going to go on vacation, it turns out, i left behind bread and two packs of sour cream, there were only two close friends with me, how is this, well, it’s absolutely terrible, terrible, well, i don’t give names, i’m a man of skin, you know, i don’t respect him, i despise him. with all my soul, what can you think about, if your wife, even a guest marriage, okay , there is one, to rest, this is not a relationship with them, which means i don’t know what you will demonstrate, i know you have a living black belt , please demonstrate yours, of course, we’ll see, come on, sasha, i wonder how cool it is,
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and if he were in a kimano it would be cool, it would be unusual, in a kimono it would be banal, of course i can do some of this, i was involved in martial arts, well, how would he be here... and now i’m about again the housing issue, which means, well, here we respected you, moscow apartment, how many rooms do you have, two, two, you see, at least she won’t have to wander around somewhere in other cities, she doesn’t need to move anywhere, she said that i’m nowhere from moscow, he’s a muscovite, he has a place to live, i think they’ll find each other, will you show a surprise or was this juuji a surprise, no, of course, i knew antonina that you love folk... songs,
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so my competitors and i would like to invite the competitors to the stage so that they can sing with me the song that you i like it, it’s great , it’s possible, you can let them in, i’m needed , and the grooms will go on stage, but so will you, i ’ll sing too, after all, the music director, antonina, that’s it, come on, what... the boys are ready, rose, yeah, ready , ready, ready, ah, performance, here it is love, hell.
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san, come on, but boys, men, the river is wide , the river is deep, you can’t swim from that bank, the clouds are hiding, but there are no wings, no matter how day or night, the length of our banks has trampled. there was a house, the pain was unbearable, here it is love, constant, we are short, very long, unloved, unloved,
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that we stand, let the bride choose, we are all ready, well, except me. of course, i , of course, this, let’s already go, here, as they say, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, wow, you’re good, well, we’ll advise you, let her choose, come on, with whom sing, come on, whoever you stay with, the rest will go, the rest, well, when the guests arrive, the greasy ones faster, because i saw these grooms in everyone.
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“everything changed at one moment, when the ex -husband kidnapped our common son leo, he said no, you won’t see him even on a video call, you pose a psychological danger, now he left work, sits at home, takes full care of the child, because that you had a man, well, they got together somewhere at the beginning of summer, the child lived in unsanitary conditions, there were bottles of vodka standing around, carrying bottles vodka, what are you talking about, but the bottles of vodka near the refrigerator are not a mess, well, by the way , they are neat"? and the child took his first steps before my eyes, but how were you convinced that this was your child, there is no doubt, look, so he he looks like ivan or something, but not allowing a mother to see her child is a crime, glory, you are a very slippery guy, i’m interested in how vyacheslav’s lawyer sees the prospects for this
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case in court, natalya, come to us. good afternoon! for the sake of your son , a young father left work on maternity leave, takes him to the doctor, takes care of the child, the guardianship authorities have no claims against him, but why does the baby’s mother watch them at the door and cry all the time? interestingly, today in our studio is the mother of one and a half year old leva, natalia sedorenko. hello, natalia. hello. what happened to you? on september 15 last year, my ex-husband, vyacheslav, kidnapped our common
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son, a lion. that is, you were married, but got divorced. yes, we divorced during pregnancy, before the birth of the child, that is, at the very beginning of pregnancy. yes. but the child is registered with him. the child is registered on it then that 300 days had not passed since the divorce , so it was recorded, and how it happened, under what circumstances, how many children there were, he was very small, if we are now one and a half, but it turned out that on that day i was leaving for a part-time job to the city of chelyabinsk, my son was with my mother , and how old was my son ? that in addition to spending on a child, there are also loans, together taken during marriage, and this is simply unrealistic, at most it was 2 days when i was away, and then during bad weather, that is , i could not return, and during this time your mother was naturally with him all the time, yes,
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of course, mother mine helped me with the child in general from the very pregnancy and from birth, my leva was born prematurely, we were born in the thirty- fourth week, so when you worked in chelyabinsk, where did you live? i have a young man, he found a job there before i would have been able to move here, he i rented a room in a dorm with my aunt, but there were no conditions there for the child, so we didn’t all move at once, so your mother is at home with your child, he was a year and a month old at the time, and how did he come and pick him up, how did it happen , but it turned out that in general, with vyacheslav, as if after spending money, i tried to maintain a neutral relationship, that is, not to swear, but as if at... a distance at a distance, that is, i told him everything about the child, allowed him to come, on the contrary, i even asked him, that come more often, because the child is small, their memory is so arranged that it is better more often, but not for long, uh-huh, he said, i can’t, i can’t, well, it doesn’t work out there, he paid for the child, yes yes, he paid according to
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a joint agreement of 10,000 a month, what was the reason for the separation from yours, these were quarrels, constant scandals, there was constant jealousy on his part, and what’s more. groundless, in the new year i found out that i was pregnant, but he wasn’t particularly happy that day when i told him, but i wrote it off the fact that he’s just not not emotional , maybe, it was difficult, he didn’t really help me in any way, that is, i was in conservancy twice, at least at the beginning, i was prescribed hormonal pills, my mother bought them for me, and where- then let’s say i asked him , well, it’s elementary not to smoke in front of me, because it was bad, he couldn’t do it either, and he also didn’t help prepare for the birth of a child at all, so there were constant scandals about the fact that lately there i just lay there and i couldn’t get up, what i... what i don’t cook, then, that i got myself drunk there,
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it turned out that before that i couldn’t leave, because every time i was about to leave, he started crying, first because i love you, but i can’t, i love you so much , i cry, i cry, but eat, cook, get up and cook, but i didn’t, but i couldn’t, how can i say, treat a person cruelly, out of pity, i only then began to stay, then at one moment it’s great... “when i separated from my husband, i had nowhere else to go, i decided to return
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home here, everything was fine with us, everything was fine with the child they were studying, playing, everything changed at one moment, when the ex-husband took our son. " "that day, the ex-in-law arrived during lunch, sat here on the sofa, lyova stood next to him, he talked to him a little and got ready to leave , my son-in-law was standing near the door, and at that moment he asked me, aunt ina, he said, i left my cap on the sofa, please give me, i just stepped here at that moment, i heard the doors rattle, i turned around and there was no one , i... i ran out there and there was no one behind the fence, i was there in the distance i saw a large foreign car driving
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away, i didn’t just feel like i was in pain, i felt guilty, i let him in, i think he was preparing for this, he may not just want to pay child support or maybe he has financial issues there there are some problems, he won’t be able to raise his son with dignity, he won’t be able to give him that knowledge. the conditions were suitable not only for us, but also for the child. i really hope that
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lyovushka will return to me and that we will live as one whole family. what made you now cry during the story? i just remembered that day, that day when he took the child? yes, tell me, your mother probably called you and said yes. child, what did you do next , contacted him, i tried, i called him, he was unavailable, then i went, vanya and i got into my car, went to the police, they told me that i was a bad mother, that i abandoned child, at that moment i managed to get through to vyacheslav, he says, tomorrow you will see him, in the next week, probably, he told me, you will see tomorrow, i was waiting, then he told me, no, you... you won’t see even via video link, you pose a psychological danger to the child, and i already agreed to
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everything, i say: okay, let me don’t know about you yet before the trial, it won’t be here, that i will be careful, just at least see him, that i will take the child only legally, he said, no, uh, that is, you already understood at that moment that you need to go to court, or have already applied, no, i applied a little later, just - when we file an application with the court, you need to write the address there, i decided to immediately find the address where we will live with the child , for this we needed to find an apartment, so in a hurry we just grabbed onto the option that suits us, no matter how much it costs, the most important thing is, so that it was, and i immediately submitted a statement on the same day. to the court, but a statement about what, about the child’s place of residence, determining the child’s place of residence is understandable, but you are working now, i am temporarily not working, what do you live on, the young man pays for everything, supports completely young man ivan, let 's talk to you, how old are you, ivan, yes, hello, 19, 19, yes, when you met, we met in
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the nineteenth year, it turns out it was in the summer in the village, you were 15 years old, yes , to you? 17 we are 2 years apart, we met before marriage , that is, we were friends, we just talked, and you were friends, that is, you did not have a romantic relationship then, we were also just friends, so when we got together, well, we got together somewhere in the beginning summer, and you are ready to take your child, yes i i’m ready to take responsibility for natasha, for her child, and where do you work? i work on shifts, as a loader, as a picker, so that will be enough, but how much do you earn, 1.70, wow, and you yourself? do you know vladislav or not? yes, one day last year last summer he asked me to take me to the village to see his child, his car broke down on the road, well, i took him, but at first, oh, at first impression he seemed kind to me, so i didn’t know what they were talking about with him, but then it turned out that way, and you got married you will, yes, well, well, after all these conflicts,
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most likely yes, and as soon as this whole judicial story is over, you will be like a child back there, well, you know, you would be strong. they would help the situation and their beloved if they now took her to the zakhs, because for the court it is very important to understand that the child is returning to a complete family, and there is a person there who will not only feed in words, but in reality, well, that means let’s go to the zakhs, that’s all , got married, hurray, this is your first appearance on television.
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"when you get married, it's as if he's not they fed him, or they fed him something tasteless , he was already over a year old, it turns out, and he couldn’t even walk, i developed his muscles, so we wake up in the morning, i warm them up a little , then we massage the muscles, i got him on his feet in about a month, if they were doing it, the child would already be running at the age of one year, everyone knew that we live here? i didn’t hide, the first time natalya came after 3 months, she says: i want to go see the child every day, i say , everything is fine, no problems, and she comes every other day, i know that i can provide it to everyone necessary, if the child stays with his mother, he will not have any regime, he will be hungry all the time, dirty, and she will have a bad childhood, i think, but she doesn’t need a child, she is small, she herself is still
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a child, listen, well everything looks decent, the house is clean, he feeds him... yes, but he can’t take maternity leave, he has an individual entrepreneur. why can't he, can he? it is absolutely obvious that before he stole the child, there were much fewer problems in his life. you communicated well, as you yourself said, you tried to maintain the relationship, he could see, and he gave 10,000 money, now he left work, sits at home, takes full care of the child, definitely spends more than 10,000,
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this is all for the sake of it, to spite you because you also have a man. maybe, because let’s ask vyacheslav what to guess from the coffee grounds, he came to us, let him answer, natalya, well, you’re lying about everything, that’s what i’m lying about, you don’t say a lot, for example, you say what i’m so bad, and the child lived in unsanitary conditions, bottles of vodka stood nearby, so what - wait, well, the bottles of vodka near the refrigerator are not a mess, well, by the way, they stood neatly, well, that’s what i’m telling you about. let's be serious, that's why they took their son? walked into a mess everywhere, they had, you know, some kind of pantry, bags were all scattered everywhere, things were scattered, well... now they have order there, who was at home, but it turns out, her younger brother, twelve years old , and mom and she weren’t there natalya, that’s right, so mom
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lived in the city at first, i didn’t live in the city, she’s now saying what she left my child like this sometimes , i went to the city for a part-time job, she lived in the city, did you plan to pick him up that day or did it happen spontaneously, no, i arrived spontaneously, that is, what she told us was that the maximum time she was away was 2 days, that's a lie, yes, that's complete. she moved and lived in chelyabinsk, and at least she visited her son , well, she came to see him once a week, i said, well, how can you leave him on mothers like this, aren’t you afraid in a village 200 km from the child, no, he says, that’s it okay, i trust my mom, well you can trust your mother if your mother is in herself , her mother is good, she doesn’t drink, she watches , sometimes there are bottles, vodka and beer, i say, my mother is allergic to alcohol, something like that, and this is a country house, yes, yes, by the way, in this house there is no bathroom, no water, nothing. where they wash in a bathhouse, which was heated once a month, probably , i don’t know, that is, the bathhouses on the street were heated once a month, the child was washed once a month, and then
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he was very dirty, he had such a coating, as if i haven’t washed for a week, his whole back was dirty when i picked him up things are all dirty, straight, listen, we heard a version here - that natalya wanted to break up with you for a long time and pregnancy only partially prevented this, that’s actually why from your point of view. we separated, we separated , because i could no longer tolerate the fact that i constantly came home, i worked for days, came home, there was always a mess, dirt, uh, i had to clean constantly, we didn’t quarrel about this, i tried with her talk because i wanted to save the family, and she says that she felt bad, she the pregnancy was difficult, you told her, get up, get out and eat, cook, no, no, that didn’t happen, i constantly helped her with everything, i say, i came home from work. home, it turns out that everything was on me , i always cooked, and you wanted a child, yes , of course, it turns out that we got married, we were already planning a child, she said that she accidentally found out that she was pregnant, it was
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an accident , no, well, she found out, maybe by accident, no, well, the fact that it actually became a revelation for her, because at that time she was already she was looking for a job, an apartment and wanted to leave, they were planning a child, this is it, when she wanted to go for an abortion, he constantly drank, that is, if he was at work for two days, at home for two days, and if he was at home for two days, he drank, these were constant bottles, these snack boxes, and what did you drink? he drank beer, but he just drank, he bought 8-12 liters like that, 12 liters of beer, and he crushed the bottles, threw them around the house, scattered them, then i had to collect it, it’s still the same it stinks, that is, it lies on she drinks beer on the couch, crushes bottles, throws them, yes, and you are pregnant, which means you have toxicosis, go around collecting everything.
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some official man there, and therefore, therefore, it’s not mine, i say, well, if you refuse, don’t do it later, but well, you can’t refuse the child now, then say it’s mine,
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i just can’t understand why you ’re telling him , what we see is that this is not your child, yes, because at that moment he had already abandoned him, he wrote a receipt where he refuses him, you understand that this receipt is a playful filkina, vyacheslav, please tell me, how were you convinced that this was your child, or do you still have doubts, no, no doubts, how he was born? so i immediately understood, look, he began to recognize the child, it’s like, he began to recognize the child only when they arrived at the maternity hospital for discharge, they saw, i understood correctly, vyacheslav, that you consider your ex -mother-in-law an abusive woman, well, yes, this it was always, okay, let’s call inna petrovna and ask why you tell everyone that i drink, child, i drove for a day. clinic, if i brought a dirty child there, they would write everything there, they would write on the cards in what condition the child lived, secondly, the child... walked near
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the support, and the child took his first steps before my eyes, before my eyes, you can please sit down, calm down, say, you are an alcoholic , you drink, i drink water from the tap, i can drink a bottle of champagne, your daughter said that you are allergic to alcohol, all i have to do is drink it, i turn all red, that is, you drink champagne in order to blush, well into a new one year anyway. why do you have bottles of vodka at home? i have a husband who sometimes comes to me on holidays, secondly, he drinks, drinks, his palm is open, under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, the only place where there can be a gun is in
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his left hand under a napkin. "we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. all six umbrellas that you ordered for the confectionery father are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. are they germans or not? and then i saw an army boot. they don't wear these in iran. fourth year, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned, they brought the six germans we found into the hall, hurray, to centenary of georg vartanyan, tomorrow at the first, and 64 years after the tehran events, she came to moscow.
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sandis, cherchel's granddaughter. she thanked me for saving her grandfather's life. in our studio stars and their brothers and sisters. i've always been a little jealous of my younger brother. we are dealing with a very interesting personality. dad is an actor, mom is an actress. i tried to avoid this misery as much as possible, but it didn’t work out. opposed to the retreating enemy. but now i don’t envy makar, i’m just glad.
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this is him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that. if i see this again, you won't be here. doomed, premiere. serial film, on sunday on the first, i want you to take the doomed to battle, imagine that you fly calmly on the plane, the woman sitting next to you goes into labor, what to do, about this and much more in the program to live well, on monday, on the first. we have a video that vyacheslav gave us, this is a video of the child right after you brought him home, apparently, yes, yes, let's see how he ate, apparently he was taken from his grandmother, i don’t know, these are
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considered clean clothes or not, i’m like a father myself, for me it’s kind of dreamy, cool, so happy. "tomorrow you will eat at home by yourself, oh, tomorrow, then you will be at home by yourself eat, come on, well, what are you talking about, you wanted to bathe your hands or you’re going to eat, but you’re so hungry that you’re hungry, it looks like a child, uh, uh, well, that’s enough, that’s enough, he was eating a napkin, it was clearly shown there, well, that’s not it means that he was hungry, that they didn’t feed him, it’s not true, your daughter worked in chelyabinsk,
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because i would never in my life believe that a person is capable of 400 km, still working a shift, well, just 24 hours, i wouldn’t have had a choice , i needed something for the child, you know, let’s do this, now you have a choice, stop lying, i’m not lying, but how much you earned 1.35 with all the part-time jobs, because i used to work there as a substitute for a girl in a kindergarten, since i had an education, the teachers counted it as an internship, i worked part-time in a taxi for the rest of the day, and then back behind the wheel. i was driving back, yes, well, how can we believe it, but i simply had no other choice, i could no longer find work in the village, well, how could you earn 35,000 a month a couple of times a month, well, why not? , taxi pays well, how much does taxi pay, now all taxi drivers are on the same side of the screen they thought, what kind of taxi is this
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, 17,000 thousand for 2 days, 8 thousand per shift, but what doesn’t stop you from working now, if you are so successful, now, because every other day i go to see my son and every other day i go to see a lawyer, let’s do it, tatyana. you, as i understand it, are the godmother of the lion, yes, yes, hello, and this so-called kidnapping happened in front of you, although you can’t call it kidnapping, he’s the father, no, you understand, no, this can be called kidnapping, no, you can’t why, as they say, this father i didn’t come, say, with a district police officer, since he wasn’t happy with it, because he’s a father, and he shouldn’t carry a district police officer with him to pick up his child, it was all before my eyes, i was standing on the shore of the lake, i knew that day , what... you understand, he got into the car,
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the doors didn’t even have time to close, it was already moving, he took advantage of the moment, he came to the village then to see the child, when the mother was not there, and he knew it, so she was not there , that's not true, you're very slippery. it won’t work, i’ll tell you when and where tomorrow, the little girl is already sleeping, tomorrow morning i’ll call you via video link, you tell me the address , i’ll tell you tomorrow or not, i don’t know, i mean i don’t know, write it down, uzbekistan, the city of tashkent, how is lyova feeling there, he
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’s feeling great, tomorrow i’ll see him in person, no problem, let’s go you and your lawyer will go to court, we’ll sign papers on the pre-trial decision, and even though you’ll see your son tomorrow, what will be in the papers, that it’s a child? will live with me, everything else is fine, you just don’t understand what will happen in the event of a trial, when there is a trial, i will raise everything for alimony, file and cancel the maternity capital i do everything. i have the right not only to see on the phone, but to have live contact with my son , you are a danger to the child’s psychological state, go to court, open it, come on, natasha, well, i definitely don’t want to, she wants to see her son, open the door, i’ll come in first, hello, what are you doing, come with us, where she will talk in front of the witness, let’s not be here, she wants to see her son. she wants to see her son, no, she wants it now, she
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hasn’t seen it for 3 months, why are you motivating the refusal, she’s grassy, ​​let’s go in and it’s in front of you, they see her son well , she will have to agree to the conditions, she will have to, you are not ashamed, no, she saw the child then, no, you are not ashamed, i can explain this, she told me, because you think that the mother is causing psychological trauma, and a bunch of people in uniform don’t do anything wrong with this, she arranged everything. who causes great psychological trauma to the child is, first of all , you, with your disgusting actions, you made the decision that the child should live with you for some reason, they probably have you were okay, but not allowing a mother to see her child is a crime against your child, are you discussing?
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hello, hello, hello, what are your ward's plans? firstly, vyacheslav approached me already when the child lived with him, the question was about determining some kind of order of communication between mother and child. i drew up a statement of claim, and vyacheslav went accordingly. after some time, the court received
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a counterclaim from natalya to determine the child’s place of residence directly from her, but the statement of claim did not indicate the full address where natalya lives, vyacheslav accordingly had a misunderstanding, the street is indicated, the house is indicated, there is no apartment, the very content of the statement of claim reflects natalie’s work schedule, that is, vyacheslav allegedly does not take this schedule into account work, rights and responsibilities of a parent... are the same, and parents are responsible for the life, upbringing, maintenance of children, and therefore in this case we wanted to somehow resolve this situation, it’s not true, well, the procedure judicial, it’s not quick, the court hearing that you wanted to resolve all this before the trial is absolutely correct, they offered me as i say, i want to see the child every day, they say: okay, 15 minutes each, but my journey is at least an hour one and a half because i live on the other side of the city, i say, well, 15
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minutes is very little, then we met in another court, but after this court, luckily i was allowed to see the child, in turn , my lawyer and i suggested that before the ruling either order of meetings with the child or determining the place of residence so that we can at least allow the child for 2-3 days, i can take the child with me overnight, since i only meet the child at vyacheslav’s house, he locks me up, the key is in his pocket and... there he sits, let’s say just like the supervisor, right next to me, with the child, is trying to somehow distract him, to which the lawyer said no, in court, when we talked with the judge, the judge also said that their settlement agreement is also not a settlement, because and the opinion of the other party is not taken into account, that is me, i don’t really understand what the lawyer is basing this on in a situation where the child is one and a half years old, but that is, what are you betting on in this case, even from the facts that we saw here i...
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already based on the fact that what people say are vyacheslav’s neighbors, we can conclude that he prevented and repeatedly prevented the meeting of mother and child. i saw three times that he didn’t let her in, probably for 30-40 minutes, i nagged her, calmly let her in, didn’t scream, because well, don’t scare a child, he said no, you won’t come, today you you won’t see the child, after the court’s decision, he simply mocked her, before the mother came, then the whole fuss was raised, the child cried, then he cried often, and then after
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this incident, when the mother visited there, that’s all, and you in general they saw that dad was walking there with a fish, so they put the stroller there, and so did this. that moment when we were all there , we stood on the stairs for 3 hours, he only let her in with a policeman, well, there were threats from him, if you want trouble for the child, i ’ll give him to you, but i’ll let you down the stairs myself i personally heard with my own ears that the child often stayed with his mother, well, how often, maybe a day. and maybe she was absent , the family is prosperous, yana, well, what can i say about her, if a person drank in the face, it would be immediately obvious that the child was well-groomed, always clean, he did the wrong thing, firstly, he caused injury to the child, clean, always fed, but she is positive , i can’t say anything about her at all, but she ran everywhere with him, she had joy here,
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she pushed him in a stroller, she spent time with him and often came to me with him, mom just helped her, we went somewhere, but i saw her all the time. and for a long time she did not leave the child, she loves her son, all the neighbors, vyacheslav - for his mother, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real great art is born, emotions go off scale, the atmosphere. on your knees to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad
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of the strongest, live broadcast from magnitogorsk, tomorrow on the first. my advice. don't sit close to the screen, it might be too hot, meet me in the steel capital of russia. premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on the first. junior lieutenant, ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a course, but it is weak. who did you cross? i stood up for the girl. now they will look for me, what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary, don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, that’s him,
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who is he, volodya , the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, that’s how it is here i can't, i'll see this again, you... won't exist. doomed. premiere of a serial film. on sunday on the first. i want you to bring doom to battle. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history hidden outside our cities. i collected those lying along the shores of the pskov lakes. huge multi-colored boulders that reirich loved to draw so much, i took them to one place on the pechersk road, made a mountain out of them, hot with gems, cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch, i remember, as this crucifix, erected on an armored personnel carrier,
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moved across the whole of pskov, aestes, a prophetic bird, descended from the sky onto the crucifix. premiere. alexander prokhanov. confession. on monday, on the first. what happened is not my fault. eat. and it is my fault. only you and i are to blame, not because we aroused dreams. you are my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow,
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no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will be fulfilled, you said that you love me, but you i believed, i want to take this disgusting man by the throat, licked from... stupid, swaggering empire and shake it so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the farthest corners. can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? do you think they might start an indignation? yamkonat!
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spada, back off! big premiere, time of anger. what are you whispering about? are we preparing a coup? take me, soon on the first! i want to ask the lawyer about vyacheslav’s actions, when he was driving his son, did they find any violations? absolutely no violations were established, vyacheslav was not brought to administrative or criminal liability, accordingly, we all understand perfectly well that vyacheslav has exactly the same duties and rights as natalia, at that time natalya was absent,
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respectively, and please tell me, after vyacheslav took the child, he went to the doctors, as i understand it, because he insists here in this studio that the child was neglected, that’s what the doctors they said about this, in this case we had a direct extract from the outpatient card that... the child, in principle, everything is fine, everything is within the normal range, but in words they explained to vyacheslav that there is a certain, yes, well, i won’t say deficiency, what is physically necessary is that he should have been able to walk; his muscles are no longer stronger, young man, i don’t know how old you are, your child was born premature, do you understand this or not, i understand this, but no one is taking care of him. i mean, i didn’t do it, if no one did it, you wouldn’t take the child could you, what was the baby’s weight?
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11 and a half, it seems like now , now, well, the last time we weighed ourselves, well , that was then, now, well, i think 12 kilograms is already exactly, when was the last time i was sick, almost before, now i’m sick all the time, let’s do it, we just don’t understand the opinion of the guardianship, we naturally went there, let's take a look. we learned about this problem on december 7 last year, the mother contacted us in writing to help her, how to return her young son, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities responded and found out the address father’s residence, we went out together with the doctors to do an examination, the house was in order, there was food and clothing for the season, so we immediately contacted the health service, did he and the child register? do they visit a doctor, they answered in the same positive way, that the child is registered , receives vaccinations on time, the father is in contact,
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naturally, a representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority had a conversation that both parents have the right to raise the child, to which the father brought his own arguments, his own arguments, that he is against it, as it were meetings between the mother and the child , explanations were given that if ... the parents arise , this dispute arises and is resolved by the court, as we already had a dispute about the child’s place of residence, then it became known from the mother’s very statement that the mother left the child with the grandmother without a legal representative. the mother explained that she moved to the city of chelyabinsk to work, to earn money, these actions, of course, they are illegal. the whole country plays the role of...
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the mother, the child, or rather, there is nothing better than being with the mother, and this is objective. tomorrow, of course, you may also have a different mother there, and it’s not like you won’t let natalia sit there for half an hour for 20 minutes, then you will say that i’m sorry, my child has a different mother altogether. natalya, i really wish you to get stronger, because believe me, there will be more than one meeting, there will be a lot of meetings, there will also be a lot of appeals, on...


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