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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 17, 2024 1:10am-1:46am MSK

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ordered to be shot and twice miraculously escaped execution, nevertheless, working in this very famous sharashka, was appointed head or chief designer of this very niya, where chkalov was then transferred with an amazingly perfect formulation, it was written there to fight the tupolev and petlyakovschina, well, that was the time, nevertheless... for testing a new fighter, and on may 5, 1935, polikarpov and chikalov were awarded the order of lenin, the highest award that ever was, that is, both of them with polikarpov became quite significant in all respects parameters by people. so, valery pavlovich appeals. with a request to allow him to fly
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from moscow to america on an ant-25 plane, this was not his idea, by the way, it was livanevsky’s idea, who some time before this letter tried to make such a flight, but they didn’t succeed, there was something wrong with the engines , it was in thirty-five, early thirty- six. but you need to know chkalov’s character, when he found out about this, of course, he, of course, he was fired up by this idea, stalin did not allow this flight, really understanding that if if something serious happens, it will affect the general attitude of the soviets towards the country, so it was allowed to fly to the far east. so, the ant plane took off on july 25, 20, 1936, and after 50.6
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hours, no, it was a little earlier, on the eighteenth, they took off and after 56 hours , having flown 9,374 km, they did not reach petropavlovsk, they were running out of fuel, the engine stopped working, they began to land, the decision was made to land on ude island, according to the recollections of those who were in the cockpit, what chkalov did was no... impossible to say that it was something heroic, but the fact that it was absolutely amazing, even from the words of the pilots who were flying next to him, the boyduks, the whites, how he landed the plane on the ouds, which is completely impossible, was not there, that is, that is, there was absolutely not a single, well, even meter to sit down, almost just before the boyduks touched, i managed to shout to him that the enemy, they rose slightly into the air, jumped over... the fence of the chkalov
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shouted, guys, everyone is in the tail , he was very afraid that the plane would crash, that is touching the ground it can turn over, so everything is in the tail, in order to at least hold the tail , even if something happens to make the tail heavier, they ran, well, crawled into the tail and it sat down, broke the landing gear, it doesn’t matter, but it was something fantastic , the world stood up and applauded, because at that time a flight of 9,374 km, well, this, this is not only a world record, it is something unimaginable. for many years before take-off, chkalov said the same phrase that gagarin then repeated after a huge period of time. chkalov said, let's go, many said, but then yuri arievich said a lot.
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they took off on june 18, 1937, in my hands i must pay tribute to the workers of the central house of aviation and cosmonautics, they brought us today a phenomenal thing: i am holding in my hands the navigator’s logbook of that very legendary flight on the ant-25 aircraft. which began right then,
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1937, this very logbook, you don’t have to say anything at all, i could tell you that... that flying and sitting on this plane practically, well, how i can say, maybe 15 minutes, but no more, i can’t even imagine, 63 hours 25 minutes to be in this space, well , probably only the great courage, the great skill of these three people made it possible not to crash at all, not to die, just to survive these 63 hours yes... if you read this logbook, then any person, even not very initiated into aviation, into astronautics, into flights in general, understands that this is something unusual, every other time there is icing, every other time you can read, oxygen is running out , stopped
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operate the water supply valve to cool the engine and so on, and this is one hour at the helm, then they change, and in order to change. in some places in this small plane, that is, the plane is huge, but in this cramped cockpit, well, this is an acrobatic sketch. 63 hours, i repeat, 25 minutes , through icing, through absolute impenetrable fog, oxygen starvation - this is such a thing that comes instantly, it’s not that something bad, bad, bad happens to you, but it can be all at once, and a person lost consciousness, blood, wear and tear. this happens over the course of three days, 63 hours 25 minutes , almost three days, they are flying, there is sub-zero temperature on board, i want to show you what it was, these are these leggings, high boots, well
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, of course, overalls, high boots, that’s me now i’m sitting widely, well, i must say that this is approximately this position, this is the helm, he’s in this... in this seat i still felt more or less comfortable, but you try to just sit in the chair 63 hours 25 minutes, try it, but this is flying at altitude, by the way, you need i should say, here’s another thing that the lovely girls brought me from this home of our aviation and astronautics, please note that although there are clip-on ears, these are only for glasses. at that time there was no radio communication yet, and those that were flying, they worked only through this, through this device, that is, through a walkie-talkie, they had no connection, so, after 63 hours 25 minutes, they had to arrive, so everything
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is written right here, they were supposed to fly to portland, but they didn’t have enough fuel before portland, they sit in the van. they had 18 liters of gasoline left out of the 6 tons that were on board, i think that america, like moscow later, probably never knew anything like the jubilation of astonished people in its history, it was something fantastic, but the governor simply, just in amazement. then he wrote that he, he decided that a revolution had begun, people were absolutely, how to say, from another planet, because america really was and still is another planet for us, they, they rejoiced as if it were their people , but indeed, it cannot be said that
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the russians arrived, yes, but this is the same as gagarin’s flight, this is a victory for humanity, we, contemporaries of the red era. suddenly we felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history hidden outside our cities. i collected the huge multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes, which reirich loved to paint so much. i brought them to a single place on the pechersk road , made a mountain out of them, used hot self-lights, and cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch. i remember how this crucifixion mounted on an armored personnel carrier, moved through the whole of pskov, aest, a prophetic bird, descended from the sky onto the crucifix. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession on monday first. kostya,
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dear, hello. brother, did you really think that i changed my shoes, how did this happen, why did you end up there? brother, i can’t, this is not mine. i'm very afraid to stay. in short, i'll see you soon, i'm coming to see you. the warrior had already bought the clothes, which left the mind right on his face. hollow, come on faster, what do you mean? why did you lower your eyes, assault is not for you, understand? why not, i i had a fight with my boyfriend and he left to fight, i really want to see him, my father is like that, he doesn’t care about anything except greatness, you didn’t grow up like that man, 14 years old, bro, choose only crosses, i’ll stay with you, i don’t want to be a piece of shit five hundred, 20:22, premiere on the first,
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fight by yourself, on the first channel of the podcast everyone wants to fly, and i, its host, leonid yakubovich, we are talking today about the legendary pilot valery pavlovich chikalov. the meeting in moscow was absolutely grandiose. and he becomes literally a national hero, naturally, absolutely, of the union of soviet socialist republics. on december 12, 1937, boriy palovich was elected to the council of nationalities of the supreme soviet of the ussr, that is, he became a member of the government, everything was wonderful. i suppose, at least in a conversation with my daughters, with valeria valerievna, with olga valerievna. i felt that something was still stirring in his soul, he understood what was happening, despite, i
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repeat, that he allowed himself, of course, something unimaginable, if you go back a little, at one of the receptions in the kremlin the impossible happened, that is, impossible, not practically, theoretically impossible at that time, joseph vyaserenovich raised a toast to valery pavlovich chkalov, he said: “i want to drink to the legendary pilot who are glorifying our country, suddenly valery pavlovich stands up and says: just a minute, iosifarenovich, i don’t want you to drink to me. i think that today all of us comrades should drink to comrade stalin. he approaches stalin and takes it from he pours a glass full and a full one for himself and says: “joseph, let’s drink to the brudershaft.” the kremlin froze, they drank, hugged and kissed. i don’t know, but i think this is the only time... when someone allowed himself to kiss stalin like that,
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i think, that is, i’m sure stalin understood who he was dealing with, and not only that, of course, he liked chkalov, this russian man who did the unimaginable, this absolute freedom, multiplied by the opportunity to fly over the whole world, he understood who he was dealing with. besides everything else, chkalov, of course, was a calling card for stalin, he represented the country, he represented stalin himself, too, because it was stalin who gave shkalov the opportunity to become what he was, well, time passed, everything was fine, they, by the way, my wife and i already lived in a very nice apartment, on chkalov street, and exactly opposite the chkalovs’ house, on chkalov street, there was... an apartment where we lived in a communal apartment with my dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, my aunt, uncle ,
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sister, on the contrary, was chkalovo’s house, they lived in apartment 102, now i don’t remember, on the fourth or fifth floor, i was visiting them, at that time, probably a large, but not very large apartment, nevertheless, the chkalovo house, everyone knows, in in moscow, at least everyone knows this, on december 1 , 1938, chkalov was urgently called back from vacation. to test a new fighter and 180. several reservations should be made here: the fact is that spain was already there, the fact is that there were already messerchmites 109 in the sky, and this is a speed of 500, 550, well under 500 km/h, and we are still sixteenths, by the way, we called ours and them these sixteenths and shakas, and for some reason the germans called them rats. it is unknown why, but nevertheless, we, of course, were losing,
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losing in speed, in maneuverability, and we urgently needed a fighter that could compete with the mesors, i think, if they didn’t understand, then they guessed that difficult times were coming and it was necessary something needs to be done urgently, this same i180 with the new m-88 engine is said to have achieved a speed of 570 km/h during testing. it really wasn't this modification, it was there was a third modification of the i-180s or i-183. but nonetheless. after the death of chkalov, this fighter flew 570 km, among other things, there was one more reason, the fact is that joseph veserenovich’s birthday was approaching, and of course, everyone really wanted to give the father of the people a gift, the plane was damp,
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there were quite a lot of deficiencies, nevertheless, well, i needed to know more. chkalov's character on december 15, 1938, he boards the i-180 airplane, starts the engine, receives permission to take off, the air rises, and, according to instructions, perform square, well, as we say , conveyor work means takeoff, first turn, second turn, another turn for landing. everything, without retracting the landing gear, at an altitude of 600 m, fly around the airfield. the first lap was made exactly according to the instructions of 600 m. the weather was clear, but frosty, -29°, he rises, the first lap is 600 and instead of landing,
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he suddenly gains 2,000 goes to the second lap, that is, goes to the second lap, gains 2.0. there is no explanation for this, but maybe, maybe, this is his desire, well to accomplish, he understood that the car was good , that the car was promising, well, show, prove, now it’s difficult to say, in short, from an altitude of 2000 he is landing, the engine stalls, he tries to land, the engine does not work, then... there are several there are discrepancies, some say that he saw the boy in the place where he was touching, went to the side, crashed into a barn, he was thrown out of the cabin, he lived for another 2 hours, having managed to say, i only have myself to blame, and we lost him , here again there is a layering of all sorts
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of conspiracy stories, on the one hand, the commission established. that the engine on the i -180 could have stalled for two reasons: first, the radiator curtains did not work, and the engine stalled due to hypothermia, this was one of the possible reasons, the second reason was that it seems that when switching from low gas to high gas, to full throttle , the engine sucked, when he tried to move to the side, pushing the handles forward so that
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he did not react, no reaction to the letter, whether it was a letter or not is also unknown, but nevertheless stalin did not seem to react, i don’t remember now, either olga valerievna, or valeria valerievna, told me that my mother, that is, chkalov’s wife, chkalov’s widow, olga irazumovna, told them
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that before his death, chikalov went to bed for quite a long time. holding a loaded revolver under his pillow, i don’t know what he felt, what he suspected, what he feared, nevertheless, all these rumors, the commission did not establish anything, quite a lot of people were arrested, surprisingly polikarpov was not arrested, although for some time he sat at home and waited for arrest, naturally, and if we add to this those last two sentences of those executed by... he understood what could happen, nevertheless, they did not touch him, several people were imprisoned, after a while they were rehabilitated, the commission did not establish any special reasons, except... those that i mean i’m talking about the fact that the plane was not ready for takeoff, there were a lot of shortcomings, and this led to the tragedy that occurred, i repeat,
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on december 15, 1938, there was a legend, and one can say that this would have been the reason why she fought in 1938 but the legend tends to live on its own, the legend of humanity, valery pavlovichkalov, leonid yagubovich was with you in the podcast of everyone from... fly away, watch us always on the first channel, we will be glad to see you, and we will continue the conversation about legendary personalities in our podcast, come, watch, listen, we you are welcome, all the best!
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m, so, so, so, so, so, saturn and mars. nuclear mixture, something will happen today, you
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are already here, well, let's start, perhaps today i will tell you a completely extraordinary story, there lived a girl named... named alena, from childhood most of all alena loved to read, only a young white goose, with his head up , quickly ran through the puddles, wait for me, wait for me, - he shouted to the wild geese, i'm flying with you, but it's martin, better than mother's goose, nils thought, what good the girl said, oh, how good, it’s a pity that i...
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look what the weather is like, well, go for a walk, go to the cinema, yes, yes, of course, i’m here now , the rose smells like a rose, call it a rose, or not, romeo under any name would be the height of perfection that it is, alena, depend otherwise, somehow, romeo, take all of me then in return, alena, alena, what, is it you, marya petrovna, did something happen? you've already read romeo juliet to the gills, well, stop hanging around in the clouds, go and smash the books. yes, marya
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petrovna, i’ll do everything now. alena, you called me, bari petrovna, i laid out the books. i heard. i, i just, i get it. yes. marya petrovna, i wanted to. ask for time off, i need to go to rehearsal, alena, i’ve been wanting to talk to you seriously for a long time, alena, you’re a girl and it’s time for you to get married, and you spend all day reading books, tell me, please, do you have someone, why, and before, here... in general, well, my soul, well, in our time it’s simply indecent, well, of course, alena, your problem needs to be solved, go get acquainted. i’ve been walking around for a month,
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looking at you, at me, well, not at me, maya petrovna, but maybe tomorrow, i need to go to rehearsal, thank you, at least you’re playing someone with your samodi. and there was also a girl named lisa; from childhood, lisa loved herself most of all. lisa, don’t you think we have problems? no, i think everything is fine with us. yeah, but it seems to me that i don’t like you i love you, and you don’t love me, and you never
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loved me. you just need a person like me to be written about in the newspapers and so on, so what’s wrong? a young architect, builds the best houses in russia , earns a lot of money, of course, to come out with such a shameless light, everyone there has oligarchs, billionaires, stars, only you have someone like me, and i don’t understand what doesn’t suit you, stop car please. i ask you, can you stop the car? what's wrong? will you stop? listen, you and i are absolutely different, we have completely different interests, this whole rich life of yours, it’s not about me at all, but what interests me, what i live with, you don’t care at all, well, good, why are you telling me all this -what, why, what difference does it make, who has what interests, well , people live, or what, or that you want to get a divorce? yes, i want to get a divorce, great,
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god, great, you want to leave me, i understand correctly, great, come on, come on, come on, quickly! and listen here, it’s not you leaving me, it’s me leaving you, you okay, he's an asshole, to hell with him.
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no, you have to pay for a smaller size. uh, anyone? yes, i'm listening. it’s bad, listen, i need this dress in a smaller size. yes. with you? yes. unfortunately we had one ex and he was just taken away. who took it? girl, there. hmm. and girl, kuku , girl, it’s you for me, yes, yes, for you, yes, let ’s exchange dresses, why, well, just mine is a size larger, it will be just right for you , well, you’re plumper than me, i’m plumper than you , yes, yes, let's change, girl, let's change, give it to me, no, it's mine, give it to me, give it to me, my dress, my dress
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, this is my dress, this is my dress, mine, this is my dress, this is mine, fat, my dress,
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i am the embodiment of a hated force, by the way, out of ignorance i fell in love with what the times can promise me, when i'm so carried away by the enemy, stop, stop! juliet, what's wrong with your face? what's wrong with my face? come on, come closer, closer, closer, come on, are all the cubes pumped up? me, he, he said if i don't do this, he'll leave me. who will quit? romeo? yes, that is, no, that is, mine, roma, you know, what are you talking about? you know, i saw
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i won’t tolerate hamlet on one leg, nina zarechnaya before retirement, but i won’t tolerate juliet with dumplings instead of lips, get out of here, i ’m removing you from this role, as you can, i , i. rehearsed, you have no one to replace me, but anyone can replace you, anyone, you know, well, i don’t know, well, here you are, a girl with a goat, you, you, you, you know the text, read something, something- somehow, i have no control over what i own, my love has no bottom, and kindness is like the expanse of the sea, the more i spend, the more boundless and richer i become. here, here, and you get out of here, since you decided to exchange the innovative production of a great play for this dull family life of yours, everyone go, please, imagine, i
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found it in my pay, well, it’s just class, so some kind of office intercepted it from me , at what time should we send without calling, children? nine , but this has already been 20 whole years, i can’t wait for much longer, no , i asked me in a good way to give in, she ’s like my hair, i gave it to her too, answer me yes or no, don’t waste words to make me happy or prove, yes, guess what, i forgot to tell you, i’m divorcing my husband, okay, listen, you idiot, put on your glasses so you can’t see where you’re going, and mom,
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do you see how happy i am? because i finally had time for myself, a super breakthrough idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our unique product, in 2013 we released the first blue hover of our production, after which we began to expand our model range, starting from small 100 cc ones to 800 cc ones. in the production of our snowmobiles we are trying to localize russian production as much as possible, you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything is premiering, tomorrow on the first,
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for the first time in history, a new competition format, born in russia with support at the highest level. february 21st on the first, where am i, and what am i doing here, how...


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