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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 17, 2024 4:35am-5:00am MSK

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the aggressor in this war, ukraine has the right to kill civilians, ukraine has the right to attack russian military facilities, a shopping center, every day russia shows aggression, kills civilians, impenetrable, once again ukraine struck a blow against civilian targets, killing civilians. perhaps this is collateral damage, but ukraine did not do this on purpose, this is all everyday russian aggression. such mantras about aggression, even in the west, no longer have the same meaning as before. effect residents of the so -called big seven countries, except the japanese the british resolutely refuse to consider russia the main threat to their security, so in germany, in the list of threats, russia is already in seventh place, last year it was in first, american political scientist ian bremer explains this tectonic shift as follows. there is real concern in germany regarding migrants, a similar situation in the united states, internal problems play a big role. the fact that they will try to reverse this trend in the west using a message.
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navalny's death was obvious before the opening at the munich conference , scholz, blinken, and stoltenberg managed to speak out and talked about russia’s responsibility, even before the investigation began. the nato secretary general, however, at least suggested waiting for the facts to be established. but what about ukraine? negotiations, are they possible? i don’t see a realistic peaceful solution at all at the moment before the us presidential elections. washington is still trying to put out the fuse on the bomb that donald trump lit by declaring that america is not going to protect allies. you have made it clear that europe will continue to support ukraine, and i will make it clear that president joe biden and i support ukraine, but trump, whose name harris did not mention in his speech, will also support, because this worries european leaders, and harris herself is at home they are now openly responding.
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komala, by god, we said that smart people are more susceptible to dementia, let's not talk about it. upon arrival in munich, kamala smiled broadly, seemingly sincerely enjoying the bavarian gingerbread given to her. she will reassure her allies away from cameras together with secretary of state blinken. the growing distrust of the united states in europe is evidenced by a wave of alarmist comments in the media. the french, germans and poles are being offered to contact biden and, before the likely change of power in washington, buy one from the united states.
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not only unacceptable, but also generally impossible, and not only because with individual leadership in the modern, precisely in the modern world, there will not be enough military-political or economic resources, but more importantly, the model itself is unworkable, since in its basis there is not and cannot be a moral basis for modern civilization.
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their political solution becomes impossible, and this was also said in 2007, even before the bloody coup in kiev, the burning of people in odessa, the use of the army by the ukrainian regime against civilians in donetsk and lugansk, and before everything that ultimately led to the beginning of the northern military district , the opening of the munich security conference is traditionally timed to coincide with the publication of the report; its title reflects existing trends in the world. this year it's luz luz, a situation in which everyone loses, taking into account.
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the board of directors of the bank of russia, at its first meeting this year on the key rate, decided to keep it at 16%. according to the head of the regulator, a reduction is possible in the second half of the year. let me remind you that the key rate affects the interest on loans; the higher it is, the higher the interest, but at the same time, the more profitable the deposits. election chronicle: the central election commission approved a schedule for the distribution of free airtime between presidential candidates and a calendar for publishing their campaign materials. and tomorrow it starts. representatives of the commission will specifically tell voters about their rights and answer questions, while the work of candidates for presidential positions and their proxies continues in the regions. report by anna kurbatova. unified call center of vladimir putin's election headquarters. calls
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are accepted here, as they say, 24x7, and as it was calculated today, during the center’s operation, this is just over a month, more than 3,000 calls were received from all over the country. questions, wishes, suggestions, everything. i was in the moscow region, specifically in litkarino, there he laid flowers at the great patriotic war memorial, and then met with the workers of the local meat processing plant, who makes, we make ready-made dishes, this is all a ready-made dish, and cutlets, dumplings,
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good and sernichki, you don’t send them to a special military operation, you constantly send out a rich assortment, the most important thing is that there is quality, quality. we talked to the central electoral population, today we told the commission in great detail how the work of precinct election commissions will proceed, tomorrow they will begin to inform citizens, this is how it will be: each member of the commission who goes to our dear voters
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will have a special form by which they can be identified, and they will definitely have identification cards of members of election commissions and bergs with their last name, name. russia has returned the right to supply bananas to five ecuadorian companies. let me remind you that the temporary ban applied to those enterprises whose products did not meet our quality and
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safety standards. imports will now resume, according to results of laboratory examinations and under the guarantee of suppliers. technical details are being sorted out, so there will not be fewer bananas on russian shelves. several supply issues will not be reduced, because we have a total of 90 suppliers certified by the ecuadorian side, we took measures only on five, and they were taken due to the fact that there was insufficient communication, we are already saying today that we give the right to these to supply five ecuadorian companies with ecuadorian service guarantees, we will discuss the entire technical part further, and this is an obligation on... we will develop interaction between sanitary services, and we will smooth out the rough edges that inevitably arise in such matters thanks to our direct and friendly dialogue. and that 's all, thank you for being with us.
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hello, my name is natalya loseva and this is a psychic podcast in which we continue to calculate the formula. happiness, or at least everyday joy. our today's heroine anastasia came with the following question: her today's lover, her today's man, does not accept her son from the previous one marriage, and the expert in today's episode is the famous psychologist, family psychologist, ekaterina sivanova, who knows this situation, both as a specialist and as a woman. hello, hello, well anastasia, tell us your story. the story is, yes, that i had a previous marriage behind me, in this marriage i had a son, yes, but
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it turned out that we divorced my husband, and accordingly, but anyway, we are all women, we want relationship, yes, i started a relationship with a man, we met as if on, well, honestly speaking, in the light of acquaintance, yes, everything was basically good, beautiful, romantic, but... at some stage problems began in the relationship, they began due to the fact that i have a child from a previous marriage, he immediately knew , that you exist, yes , yes, yes, that is, i even wrote this in the profile on the site, because i believe that you shouldn’t start a relationship with some kind of silence, this is exactly what it’s worth to be shy, conflicts began, well, yes, misunderstandings began, and it also turned out that we have, he also has an ex wife, there is a child from a previous marriage, but only a girl. well, the girl lives with his ex-wife, so yes, and you
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said that the conflicts started somehow in connection with the child with yours, but can you tell me, if we take the very beginning of the relationship, we went to the pharmacist garden, listened to a wonderful music concert, went, then went to a restaurant and ate, we came home, put the child to bed, of course it was already late in the evening, and we went there to talk further. together, in some way moment the child runs into our room , yes, he ran, in fact, his temperature rose, he came running to complain that he felt bad, god, at that moment, instead of there being support, he fell into some second little child , who takes his mother away from him, why, why did he run into us, so unceremoniously, the child realized how old the child was then, the child was 7 years old then. oh, he’s very small, he was still small, yes, that is, he really, probably, i don’t
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think, it didn’t even occur to him that there must be a knock or something, why did he run in, and that was when, how many years have passed since that episode, 4 years have already passed, 4 years, this story has not resolved, well, that is, oh well, it happens, well, maybe there must be something there, something masculine flared up in him, but it didn’t dissipate, and he didn’t, he also took it and left altogether, that is, he took the car and drove home and... that is, it remained nothing -an episode, some kind of excess, and you see that it has become a system, well, yes, that’s what a child, he’s like here is my perception that he is like a second child who is taking away his mother, not a woman, here is your child, yours and he even the man himself tells me, your priority is the child, so we went to the cinema, you ran to this i bought food for my child there and so on instead of watching there. i say, at that moment i was really trying to ensure your comfort, so that the child would be busy, yes, and not run
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around the cinema hall and not make noise, in principle, so he says, no, you just had to tell him this sternly, that now we are there at the cinema and you won’t run anywhere , you had to put him in his place, you don’t put him in his place , i don’t know, there are some people here and you live together, no, we don’t live together, we have a so-called, as it’s fashionable to say now, guest house marriage, and are you talking about children together? it turned out that we have a child together, that is, i am a mother of two children, my first child is from a previous marriage, and we also have a common child, who is now 3 years old, and he lives with you, he lives with me , yes, and dad comes, dad comes, this child the youngest, he has the same feelings, no, no, he loves his own, if his child burst into her somewhere at the right moment, then here they are, yes, your guys, my mothers. cool guys, and that is, if the youngest does something like this, then no, it
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’s a little son, a basket, the youngest, he even has it on his phone as a screensaver, that is, not even a daughter from a previous marriage, yes, usually men say that they get more attached to girls, he and his son stand together, that is, here he is for his little son, he says this, well, ekaterina, get a copy, what would i like to clarify first, but what? that, that we want something, that we want something, yes, what is harmony with this, harmony with whom, in this entire ecosystem, me, my children, and accordingly, well, a man. that is, you are now talking about the fact that there is a family, me and my two sons, yeah, and there is a man, but of course, you saw the picture, yes, it’s not her who says that, it’s her husband, no, i understand, this is her husband, this is not her husband, this is her man, the father of her child, yours, no, no, no, no, no,
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anastasia says that i want harmony in this ecosystem. and i’m translating from russian into russian, that is, now you have you and two sons and a man, because uh, judging by what anastasia says, the man, he seems to be standing from the side, if we draw with you, well, here i am i’m sitting here drawing all sorts of pictures, yes, that is, here you need to see that the family is really a family, a nuclear family - this is anastasia and two boys. well , that is, you want this man to fit harmoniously into your family, you and your sons, i understand that this is a complex equation you are provoked, well, it is complex, provocative, but yes, of course, you understand
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what the whole point is, my friends, in order to generally restore order in any, as you said, family ecosystem, right? we need to put everyone in their place and call everyone by their proper names, who relates to whom, how they relate to whom, not in the sense of the quality of relationships, in the sense of the order of connections, as i see this story, i can tell you, of course, it means that we have a completely charming a woman who got married and gave birth to a son, certainly gave birth to a son in love, but something then everything went wrong, the marriage broke up and...
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he was 3 years old, so what? well, somehow it wasn’t like that, i can’t say that there was some kind of conversation, that is, he saw that my dad and i had conflicts, and in these conflicts he always seemed to protect me, my mother, yeah, and accordingly, such a conversation, that is , the conversation took place later, when he began to ask some questions there, why did you and your dad get divorced and so on, yes, that
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it happens that people are together, yes, and then they get divorced, then misunderstandings arise. my key slogan, yeah, in life, is that in the moment we do the only thing we are capable of here now, but since we want our audience to receive new knowledge, i will say that at 3 years old with a child we need to talk about divorce , yes, because you, look at how you report that i had conflicts with my husband and my son is behind me...
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this is a traumatic situation, in front of you sits a psychologist whose parents divorced, they are no longer alive , and i still hope that they will make peace, i will finally have a mother with dad together at the table. listen. we are all living people, this is always a very big trauma, why am i asking a question about divorce now? because in our description of the story
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there is a theme: a man does not accept his son from his first marriage, but the son, as i understand it, is not delighted, but why should he be delighted? they brought him, he took away his mother, he also killed his brother, who also took away his mother. this is a psychic podcast and we continue to analyze the story of our heroine anastasia, a man who does not accept her child from a previous marriage, but you need to talk to the child when in such a situation, that this man, this uncle came to the family, so that for you, not in the sense of being a dad, but besides the dad there are others, probably roles and functions and some values, yes ? but i can’t tell him that maxim should be your dad, yes, for example, i can’t tell him that, he won’t have a dad, because the child has a dad, he ’s alive, he’s healthy, he works great as a surgeon,
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he saves lives people, that is , i can’t say anything bad about dad, that is here i don’t understand how this is correct either, a child, a child, any child, he deserves to know the truth, you understand, because at... the level of empathy, feelings, whatever you want to call it, they know the truth and expect words from adults through the mouth, so that this truth is told to him, they can get sick, rebel, and do whatever they want for this, but just tell me the truth, tell me that i am a person who is so valuable to you that you trust me to know the truth, so i ’m going to struggle here to formulate... these are the things, but here you and me, because the problem has an asterisk, you and i have a man who, firstly, did not come to the family, a guest marriage is not
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a family, let us not be disingenuous with you, yes, and secondly, he broadcasts in every possible way to the boy, ours, to whom no one tells the truth, along the way, and he broadcasts rejection to him, if - from dad, we assume, yes, we can’t dive so deeply now, if dad is his own, accepting father, in contact with emotional, accepting mother, who loves this all, then when he encounters rejection from an adult, he doesn’t understand what’s going on at all, he doesn’t have that kind of experience, yeah, and he’ll naturally look at his mother, the mother is trying both here and there - to play two roles at the same time, both the mistress, excuse me, and the mother, and there’s also the youngest son on the dancer, yes, yes, then, what
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does this child begin to do, when he does not have an adult who begins to protect him, he should start attacking him, in theory, he should do something to , kick him out, well, because his life is in emotional insecurity. and about a man about whom we are talking today , it is very important to understand this, i don’t know what life experience he has, we are actually only talking about you here, yes, but his attitude towards his child from a previous marriage, his beloved, we want to believe in it , women, but says that, well, firstly, he apparently has something in his history, why he has such a reaction to a child, this is... just his projection, it has nothing to do with it at all nothing to do with your son, but there is, my friends, such a thing in family systems as family hierarchy, and the whole point is that
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first your son appeared in your life, only then this wonderful man appeared, and until this man recognizes this fact that this little beautiful boy, he is higher than him in the hierarchy. this hierarchy is not about what i said, you went, but this is about recognition, about recognition, about respect for the fact that you had a life before him, there was love, and this child was born in love, oh, he doesn’t really want this admit, by the way, that this is a place for conflict, that he says that you are dragging, you are dragging along with you our past, so we sometimes talk to him too, we are not silent, we swear, we are adults, how civilized.


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