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tv   Pro Uyut  1TV  February 17, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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good, what kind of environmental protection programs does your plant have to reduce emissions that can harm health? we have a multi-level waste gas purification system, 99% of exhaust gases are purified. 7.00 bag filters have been installed that allow such deep cleaning. there is such a concept, the magic of fiery metal, when the magic of this fiery metal fascinates you from childhood, you can no longer get rid of it, so we have been at this plant for three generations, and my grandfather came from lytva and there our metalgists worked, six or seven generations of metallgists worked in the metallaria, your children are already showing some interest in what you do, my son has not only been here more than once, he has already... we also brought his
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friends, he showed. what personnel do you especially need? first of all , metallurgical personnel are required. there are no specialized educational institutions in the city that would train these personnel. previously there was a school, a technical school, an institute. now we are just reviving. we licensed a personnel training and development center at the enterprise. we give a profession for those who wish to obtain it or for those who want to change their profession. to be a metalhead be proud of your work, well, you and i valera have a hard job, we are going for new stories, we will see you in exactly a week, at the same time, don’t miss how it was a song with your loved ones, don’t part.
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don’t break up, well, i ’ll probably just say, valer, be healthy, my little bunny, by the way, i made a wish for what i want, where did you fly off to, flew off somewhere , come on, come on, come on, come on! helmet, valera, bring it, valera, let's move, and we can go a little faster, but there is a risk of losing the operator, just like that, and you also have to hold on to that, but you can, now, wait, don’t press anything, and you are insuring, now scary things can happen. i can’t, god, what
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am i, what have i been doing all your 24 years, bye-bye. reciprocity is probably the best thing that can happen to a person, ah anton pavlovich, chekhov, how i agree with you, because when you love, you discover such wealth inside yourself, so much tenderness, warmth, love, and in general everything amazing, that even sometimes i can’t believe that all this is inside you, he just grabbed me like that, he said, i won’t let go anywhere else, well , that was probably some kind of recognition and proposal.
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it’s cozy and there are no other halves, there are periods of time, and during which we feel good with a person, it can be a minute. maybe
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2 days, maybe 5 years, or maybe a lifetime, and today’s is our story about lydia and sergei, who have been together for 40 years, and you won’t believe it, or maybe you will believe it, but just see for yourself when you see them, they are everything time... holding hands, and it’s so good , let’s meet, let’s, let’s, hello , i’m lydia, i’m sergey, my dream was to have such a quiet corner, a country house, but our dream also came true, so we rebuilt it, and well it so happened that our house burned down, everything that we had acquired there, everything that we built, everything that was all there. burned down to the foundation, yes, it was very difficult for us, especially when i saw how my husband assembled the hall with his hands, put it in a cart and took it out of the yard,
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but 2 years passed, and we rebuilt our house, we ourselves were architects, we ourselves were performers, we want to... turn to you so that you can suggest what, where, how to put it, or what, where, well, to do, redo, well, in general, a little - just a little bit for you to help us. hello, how sweet you are there, oh, how beautiful and touching everything is,
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hello, hello, sergey, we are waiting for guests, we are getting ready, we are in a hurry. yeah, because our children are coming, granddaughters, granddaughters are waiting for this moment when that’s all, and it’s like croutons, croutons, like grandma’s in an egg, yes with milk and sugar, wow, the eldest granddaughter is 9 years old, the youngest is already four years old, she learned to run and walk here , everything was here, this one was taken away from her, that’s why. here they made a big kitchen so that everyone could gather, we have a lot of friends, we have very wonderful evenings, here is seryozha playing the button accordion, the kids like it, they start something there and show us dances and try to sing, here is the veranda, seryozha did everything
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together, together, there was such a big leaf, so it had to be lifted, seryozha climbed on the table, no on the chair, that's it. i walked up the stairs , put it on my head and quietly climbed up , wow, seryozha did it all himself, they found it from one table, an old one, this is from another table, they put it all together, painted it, this is what a bench is, and in general it’s also durable, and also a bed , wow, yes, here we are, but we didn’t have time to paint the back, please, desperately, wax and sugar, here... yes, we are from the village, seryozha is from the village, only he is from the voronezh region, and i am from the orenburg region, also from villages, 5-6 hours and still can’t sleep, let’s go to the dacha, pick grass, try to fake something else here,
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that’s why it’s all so close and dear to us, i’m the eighth-eighth child in the family and... when was the last time you went on a trip together? no time, uh-huh, well , the moment has come, work, no, no, here we are, and now you two will go on your little trip, how great,
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bye, god! was i, i wasn't looking, but all i found in
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the clouds, the sun comes out was there for night, we can feel all right, all right, whoa, my dear, don't be afraid, oh my heart, speak go, but it can go back to life someday, really know the truth, that's what you make. making, i want to make you with you, oh you,
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oh, you, oh, this time i was just running around, the beautiful mind between those eyes. when we love, we stop asking pragmatic questions, is this right, wrong, should we not do this, we just join hands and walk together, maybe sometimes it doesn’t even matter where, the main thing is together, look, we are in the very heart of kolomna now, on the left is the moscow river, on the right is the kolach.
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i really like this old part city, this kremlin wall, and i just really felt drawn to it, here it is for you, all this is coming true, here in front of this such beauty, we will live here for 10 days, welcome home, well, brownie, hello, peace to all at home, look at these rolls we have them hanging here, and do you even know how to eat
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kolaches, no, i don’t know, that means the belly of the kolache is eaten, uh-huh, he gives this pen to the poor, there is an expression, to reach the pen, it is, in fact, from here, its home, i want to fill both myself and my guests with various pleasant beautiful objects, for example, i placed... just recently here is such a teapot, it is from my personal collection, now it will live in this apartment and in yours here, this is such a story for the soul, that is, i receive guests in this apartment , in which i, in principle , would live myself, so please come in, this is your bedroom, god, what a beauty,
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that’s it, no need, no need to water, no need to collect water, mow the grass and so on, that’s it. ufa wait for us, bashkirs, traditionally, these are wars, these are the ural cossacks, the boy was turning 3 year, he was given a horse, and the boy began to master the art of war, this song means that guests have come to us, we need
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to quickly slaughter a lamb to treat our guests, what a aroma. here is another dish of bashir cuisine, this is elezh, it was always prepared in the villages, in the villages, you came up with what you will cook, i’ll cook some big goose or turkey, i want to make a variation on the theme of kostyba with potatoes and stewed lamb, let’s start, premiere , cooks on wheels, first thing tomorrow. what happened is not my fault, it is, and it is my fault, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams in some sensitive natures,
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but for the fact that we served the truth not to people. you are my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, but i believed you, i want to take you by the throat. deceitful, emaciated, stupid, arrogant empire, shake it so that to the outskirts, so that to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made, just
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hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? do you think there may be disturbances, i would start, gentlemen, back off, it’s a big premiere. union of salvation, why are you whispering? are we preparing a coup? take me. coming soon, on the first one. and such brave fellows volunteered to furnish
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the viranda with wood for our beautiful couple technodrev. thank you so much, you are wonderful, thank you. if you think the house is made of bricks or made of timber, then you are deeply mistaken, because the house consists of hopes, of desires, of dreams, of a samovar. with the mint that grew in your flowerbed, from gatherings on your native veranda and admiring the sunset , this is all home, this is all of us cats, of course, if there are dogs, and well... of course, also a tree, well where without wood, we love wood, so now about wood, imagine, winter, a house with panoramic windows,
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the house is so cozy, cozy, you know, decorated with wood, like an alpine chalet, like that in the mountains, and you are sitting in front of the fireplace, no i know, with a glass of wine or a cup of aromatic tea, with this, with such a beautiful picture , my love for wood probably began, something that you can touch with your hands, you can see the result of labor and bring not only yourself, but also other people some kind of... then beauty , to bring warmth into the house, a piece of nature, this is really an old tree, that is , this is a special team of manufacturers who travel all over russia, the urals, siberia, irkutsk, baikal and dismantle old buildings, then here is the board in this form, it goes to our production, here through brushing, then some are cleaned with special nonlon brushes, from under such a black, scary picture appears. this is such an amazing texture beauty, that is, how many years is this at least twenty years old, in less than 20 years you won’t get such a tan, tan, tan, yes, tan, the board is tanned in
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the sun, when dismantling these buildings, during manufacturing this board did not harm a single tree, that is, we do not cut down the forest, this is the reuse of the board, lean conscious production, and we also say, that this is a new life for an old board, absolutely. you will see, when we make a veranda, when there will be volumes on the walls and the ceiling, and it will be, you know, the quintessence of comfort, we will take something in between, like this,
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like this in shades, yes, yes, warm, i really like this combination i like it, yulia, thank you, thank you very much. oh, this story is about wood, so of course, we wanted to lay engineered boards, natural wood, oak on
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the floor, frame the walls like this beautifully with a clapboard, and barn boards on the ceiling, and now we let's paint the car the color of the wallpaper, everything will stick, let's go.
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why do we love the dacha for the opportunity to wake up and run quickly , find ourselves in the garden and hear the silence like kuchekha, remember? if there is something good, even wonderful, in this province, then this is our cherry orchard, now we will find ourselves in such an orchard, but not in the cherry orchard, in the apple orchard and we will make postila, i tried it for the first time, i haven’t tried it, wow, wow. come in, come in, dear guests,
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hello! it’s okay, the young man will still learn, let’s go while we're at the factory, let's be curious about me , come in respectfully, the first preparatory department of the factory, apples are washed here, if you please, be curious, a washing machine of the johann reis system, and he's on the ent side, apples. here they are, beauties
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, here is the rubbing section, here the apples are ground into puree, now we will grind them in a simple way, the skin remains on top, the puree comes out at the bottom, well , this is how the puree turns out, after that you need to beat the puree using devices
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like dough whipped, because of this very special whipped, loose and plump, our postila is like this, here it is, what it looks like for us, like the shoulder of a merchant’s daughter, vanya, what can you try, it’s sweet, put the pastille in the oven, you go in and remember your village where you were born, just like that carbon deposits, it’s all really cool, you run around on the street, then he says, you climb up, i also had such a case , my mother shook it out on the stove like that, there was such a case when in the first grade they bought me such a coat, well, the first slides still remained on my new coat back, i ran home, i climbed between the stove bed, the stove is whitewashed, i
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’m looking for this... this whole shell is icy, i also collected a star, well, in general, my coat was crying, well, dear, here’s the bedding , please, try this, this is honey postila, this is the oldest recipe, when there was no sugar yet, they made it with honey, by the way, women respect this postila very much, honey is not sugar, figurato is not lush, i will have a small one for you, but... at 42 years old, vladimir etosh played the role of a comical middle-aged man, who decided to marry a komsomol member, an athlete much younger than himself, and received a rebuff. at 80, he proposed to a young, fragile woman, a fan who had looked at him from the audience with loving eyes for many years. i went to his performance, his partners already recognized him there, they knew me at the theater, from here i could see everything clearly, and, accordingly
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, i could be clearly seen. they hid their affair for a long time, but then he took her to the tax office. i got married not secretly, but openly. and there was a wedding. few people were aware that during the great domestic he was seriously wounded by an explosive bullet, and for some time after the wound he limped. when lena appeared in the life of vladimir abramovich, vladimir abramovich immediately became younger, probably 20 years. he was both my husband and my child, to the whole world. our exclusive, vladimir etosh’s last love. instead of a memorial plaque, as it were. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today on the first. attention, the train will not go any further, please vacate the carriages. help me, to be honest, i'm dying. save me. this is serious? give me a ruble. listen, young one, is wise and educated. if you decide to become interested in me, first of all. you should
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find something good in me, appreciate it , start admiring it, i felt there would be one , they said, i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to get in shape, what kind of hike, where is talya , thank you. well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear, but first you still have to cling to something, primitive, cuttlefish, loser, it’s the crazy library that is leading you astray, you fell in love there, and on oleg yankovsky’s eightieth birthday, in love with of your own free will, tomorrow first, look. why did you do that? it’s just a magical paint that is very
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similar to dough in texture, i had already painted it because i wanted to decide what we would paint these slabs with, because it turns out that it looks very beautiful in the interior, that it is such a rough one. going so that this texture can be traced, visible, and this immediately gives volume,
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what? it’s not too late to start living in a new way, moving from the heart, even if it seems that the moment is inappropriate or a bunch of fears arise, you can take an example from amazing trees, when the others are still standing in the snow, the willow buds
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are already swelling, and maybe it is for this courage that our russian craftsmen love this tree so much and respect them and weave amazing things from its vine, so let's talk now. about willow, how did it happen that there is such a huge amount of wicker furniture in your apartment? oh, yes, i love everything, it’s all my family, so the more, it seems to me, the better, it started, in fact, everything is banal , simple, my mother has been like me since childhood he said, oh, that’s where we had something back then... i lived, we had a rocking chair there, that’s how i’d like it, that’s how i’d like it, i remember that, and i think they’ve finished building the house, now we will give them a rocking chair , so we ordered it, so you have a rocking chair, but from the craftsmen, we didn’t stop, we ordered a barrel like this for storing things, and
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one day we went to the store, bought a small lamp for the children, and uh, my daughter i was put in a barrel by this lamp, i go into the room, there is no light, here from the barrel through this i was looking at the light from the lamp on the ceiling... i called my husband, i said: misha, look how beautiful it is, and we are like, you know, you know, like in the movies with him, we look, yes, there should be a floor lamp like this, then we started looking masters , it was important for us that a person would be imbued with this idea, be inspired, and put a piece of his soul into our product, i can make some kind of sketch in a week, and, for example, draw some kind of vases, or inspiration will come to me , for example, draw some kind of floor lamp, yeah, a chair, yes, that’s where you’re sitting, now it is woven for 3-4 days, this is with an established production of craftsmen, one prepares the wicker, another makes the blanks for the melbi, another fastens them, the other ties them with ribbon, laces them, that is, it turns out that you and your husband unite the masters of
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wicker weaving, and are you promoting this folk art further, the masses, yes, yes, yes, i ’m right here with the masters, after everything i’ve seen, yes, i just idolize, i think, god, how good it is that at least someone remains from this ancient one? thank you, ver, yes, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, well, let's do it let's see, let's get acquainted with what is being born here so quickly, when i met this beautiful mature married couple, chekhov's dacha immediately appeared in my head, and what is there
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? well, now there will be a meeting, come in, come in, come in, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, amazing story, it turned out that ira, who is our guest lydia and sergey, she is also engaged in transforming the historical center of kolomny into a beautiful one, she is also engaged in restoring. antiques, these chairs were born at the beginning of the 19th century, you understand how much they have seen, oh, hello, i didn’t expect to meet you here now, how beautiful you are. i know a place where you will feel very good, so let’s invite
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someone else here, come on, meet me, wow, what a surprise, i think you’re just white. the plambirchik is creamy and that’s also wonderful, but you have this little blue barrel, and how beautifully it echoes your home, wow, wow, oh, i feel like someone really wants to break into this space, someone unstoppable, mr. salmon, mr. salmon, i welcome you to your new home and we are honored. well, look, get acquainted, settle in, may you feel good here.
11:45 am, thank you very much for such a magical mr. salmon. mr. lasos, there are a lot, a very large collection of dvds, we need to put them somewhere. what if you have some familiar fish who will happily live here. eat? let's watch. oh, there is. sebastian, dear, thank you for coming, please come in, brilliant, russia begins here, the city of voin, the city of international trade, culture and history, we are in pskov, friends. what helped to withstand these incredible 123 wars, first of all
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, these are people, you are a sagittarius, i am a sagittarius, i am also a sagittarius, oops, the enemy has fallen, we cook the duck very delicately at low temperature, 6 hours 120°, but i don’t have that much time, and no one canceled the night, to the start, attention, march, come on, drive, drive, drive the blue one! let's get there calmly and you can drop me off, yes, yes, yes, please, let's go, the premiere, today is on the first day, we haven't transferred to earth. russian heroes, and i haven’t been lying on the stove yet, it’s warm there, it’s warm there, this is my cat, this is the code that taught you what, no, this guy, he just saw me , he ran straight away, he stood up with his paw, take it, take me , take me, a dog is a creature that appeared on earth so that a person understands that you can just love him like that, mothers all over
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the world have been waiting for this life hack for thousands of years, in general, the intrigue of the century will be revealed in a few seconds, have you seen the video? watch with us, premiere, tomorrow on the first that you so sad, will you kiss me, time weaves all things and events into a single fabric, just like that you sit down at the table and you can hear the stories of the table, how your grandmother told some secrets to your grandfather, or how this knife spread butter on bread? during some cozy family breakfast , all things can talk, it’s just that the main thing for us is to learn to hear them, and these are very interesting stories, you hear, i’m terribly
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trembling, because everything that we see here will become part of this house. it's so great to be involved in such a story, wow, i started to get interested in dishes for myself at first, that is, it was such a hobby, i probably went to blash markets, looked for these treasures, so i bought them for myself at first, acquired them, then when i realized that there was already a lot of this, that i didn’t need so much anymore , that there was nowhere to put it all, but i didn’t want to stop, no, i thought that maybe it would be for someone. may be useful, and my findings may be needed by someone, to make someone happy, yeah, that’s how this story began, at first it was just an online store, then a studio appeared, now we already have a store, yeah, our own, it took how long, a little over a year,
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such a rapid journey in a year, wow, i have my dream job now. and what a dish, this is tenderness, it’s simple, it’s simple in general, and a very good choice, you made, thank you, but this is really a talent for seeing beauty, yes, yes, that’s for sure, we have just the finest treasures, i call them, treasure, this is a treasure, and which one is your favorite here, and i love razental very much, this is - that is, this is well exactly what you produce. i really like their creamy color, thin porcelain , they have very delicate and uncluttered designs , these floral patterns are all written by hand, yes, this is hand-painted, you can use it for serving and for decorations, for example, yes there are most likely about 80 years,
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well, that is, a lot of years, there are so many stories in it, it’s just that it might be anti-smoking, that is, it’s not even vintage, these napkins. they make non-vintage ones called nastenka nastenka and they sew textiles in yekaterinburg, here we are it is presented in the store just so cool , that is, you have an association, yes, we have friendly brands, we complement each other in just this way with textiles, and it looks very beautiful together, let’s say with a plate or a cup, you understand that everything is not in vain, that you well... you'll do some good, great, thank you, thank you, thank you,
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yes. chica la piapuras, volaremos por las calles, trae calsal verdete el dolor, no te preocupes de detail, un día pasaremos. por caminos ilucero, pero hoy solo disfruta.
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dans l'endroit dans la dèche, où l'on partage tout, non tras et nos sentimes, on était bien, malgré tout, quelqu'un très jeune et beau. envie sans regretter, vivant ce bref
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amour qui sera vite oublié, je ne sombrerai pas comme toi, je m'envolerai, cette ville simone, je la quitterai, je ne sens. but it’s not scary, because there are people with each other, here they will sit and watch their beautiful brilliant collection of dvds, david gilmer, for example, a concert, on
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this tv, which their daughter won 20 years ago, listening to vinyl, there’s such an evening, evening atmosphere, and here it’s morning, well, with lunches and dinners too, why not, well, in general , it’s amazing, and... to watch from the outside how space takes over, based on the energy of the people who are in their house, the beret is transformed, we are just guides, but this is absolutely, i really want, in short, already, so that as soon as possible , sergei, my most precious people come and live happily, so let me go match them , i've been loving you too long
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to stop now, you're t and you want to be free. my love is going stronger as you become a habit to me and loving you tolong. i can’t even imagine that it was possible to do something like this, here’s a sofa for you, look,
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we had a chair like that, but it’s old, and now there’s a sofa, oh, yes, color, peace, oh, and what kind of curtains we have, i have there are no words, look, what a cupboard, look, a cupboard, there are dishes there, it all opens, it smells like old times. smell it, smell it, here we will have breakfast, lunch with you, look. look
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how old it is, too, everything fits old man, what pretty hands, there are just no words, great, great, i won’t sleep today, i’ll keep walking , feeling everything, touching everything, i just can’t wrap my head around it. and if you sit down like this, please give me some tea, tea, yes, just a second, we always dreamed of a round table, yes, remember, yes, well, the happy time has come, yes, it has come, yes, we, when we arrived, yes, in the spring, there was no house, it was already old, yes, and the only bush that survived in the flowerbed bloomed with huge white buds, and
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you say, and the starlings have already arrived... in general, i couldn’t even imagine how it could all be turned into such beauty, yours, because it’s you who are so beautiful,
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it’s you, thank you. thank you for loving each other so much, for supporting each other so much, for the way you walk beautifully, for the way you are surprised, discover new things, this is all this, this is all you , spinning, spinning, spinning, oh, great, well, the prank was a success, life is incredible, unpredictable, amazing, at any moment it can turn somewhere. whatever you want, it is very important to have your own person nearby, whom you can take by the hand, boldly walk along this path of life and whisper to him: next to you i am at home, and if you lack comfort, then fill out the form on the vera website about comfort, and we will definitely we will come to you and share our comfort with you.
12:00 pm
hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. intelligence elite in the donetsk direction. combat work of one of the most secret and effective units, when the enemy is just a stone's throw away. scouts
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we found out the route along which the enemy rotates his personnel.


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