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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 18, 2024 3:30am-4:16am MSK

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sealed or sealed angel, i don’t know what i think, sealed, that’s when he wrote it, they bought it from him for 500 rubles. sounds like a lot of money, but he writes: i grinded this out for six months, and 500 rubles. in six months - this is not very much, you get tired of grinding, this word grinding also tells us how long, attention, he bothered with all these waterproof cables, and yes, expectations, that is, every time he had to sit down and grind out this text instead in order to tell a story. so that's the point, that dostoevsky, he earned his bread from this literature, and maybe that’s why he actually has such voluminous texts, yes, that they paid for the number of words, and liskov has another source of income, he is an official, and accordingly, he treats literature as he sits down to art, grinds out words, yes, this is just another life situation, well, there was little money when he - in my opinion, at the end of his life, got a job in the ministry of education, and he determined there how...
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you know as far as i remember, for example when lady mcbatten of the tsensky district this point was published, it did not attract the attention of the public at all, it was simply not noticed, i think here liskov’s posthumous fate smiled on him exactly according to what we were talking about , the state system has changed, the civilizational model has changed, the people have become nominally ruler of the state, bitter, as the main proletarian writer, he needed to find some kind of tradition in the 19th century.
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helped, but note, andrei, that gorky himself is not as popular as liskov, that is, probably, if you compare now, to what extent gorky’s legacy has fallen somewhere into oblivion, although it would seem that in soviet times he was, well, he had the greatest power there, in the cultural layer, yes, but for some reason liskov remained and is still relevant, that’s the question ties to modernity, bitter, all his capital, all his...
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mortal success, he simply described these people, well, you see, it turns out that at the moment, well, when he lived and worked, it turns out that this was his minus, he was not recognized anywhere, because he did not belong to any political camp, it is impossible for him it was possible to format it, yes, in the end , a century later it turned out that this was precisely its advantage, i’ll explain now, it was impossible not only not only not even to format it, but, in fact, it was impossible to use it for specific political purposes. well, yes, and this often
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raises writers to the top, then it raised it now, it was like that with gorky, with other writers and so on, and so he was in no way suitable for any political party to raise him to the shield to say, lenin said, literature should be party, or party or none, that is, it must express the interests of some political group, but liskov doesn’t succeed, but if we are talking about the long game, then he won, because no one remembers anymore... what the political battles were like at the end of the 19th century, no one even remembers the beginning xx century, and soon everyone will forget the battles of the beginning of the twenty-first, leskov will remain, he won for a long time, he tried to make political statements, apparently realizing that he could not keep up with the flow of modernity, yes, the ship is sailing somewhere, which means, and i’m here, and he sometimes spoke out before his death there. he is literally already releasing a collection of very
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critical texts in relation to russian reality, that is, he has a story there, a pen, where he laughs at those people who propose to isolate russia. and he brought them british plows, what happened next? schcott went to count perovsky, he was such a lev pirovsky, he was the minister of appanages, as far as i remember, and the minister of internal affairs, he knew him, came to him, said: here is mr. count, we came up with such a thing there, he went
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to look and said, great, indeed, everything, i forbid sakha, and he, how to say, did not own, but administered all the appanage peasants of russia, the ministry of appanages is the ministry that dealt with the affairs of the family. no, he says, well, whatever you say, say, like it, will like it, he says: no, no, tell me your opinion, the count tells him, so, and he says, and my opinion is, where did they come from, here says, well, from england, he says, from the germans, therefore, i ’m quoting verbatim, from the germans, therefore, he says, well, that means, from the germans, then this
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the old man says, he’s a christian, that means from where they buy bread from us, that is, they can’t make so much bread on their plows, but they buy from us, and we make it on plows, so that’s interesting, what do you think of the logic? so if he says, we’ll change to them, this old man says, where will we buy bread then? attention, letskov further writes in his story as a corral, perovsky did not find a witty answer, because well, it was brilliant that he was driven into a corner, he was driven into a corner by the peasant and perovsky when he arrived, and his officials of his administration are standing next to him, yes they listen, they look, they listen to it, they look, they brought this joke to st. petersburg and it went viral, everyone started laughing. shkot built stone houses for these peasants, they lived in huts where there was no chimney, they walked and walked,
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they say, our grandfathers didn’t live in stone, and we won’t, stone doesn’t breathe, yeah, wood breathes, i see, yes , stayed in their tree, and as liskov writes, he writes very, rather rudely... that they used stone houses to go there before the wind as outhouses, he says: the village stank scary, he is always looking for an item for a critical attack in all camps, he says: this is what you have, yes, this is wrong with you, this is wrong with you, here they are, the main thing for him is that there is an angle of attack, that’s what lisk needs that you don’t need to clean your gun with a brick, find some kind of yes, he ’s left-handed and at the end he inserts yes, that the left-hander says, the british don’t clean their guns with bricks, he’s like that. accuses the russian ministry, it was called the war ministry, the ministry of defense, of being unprepared for the crimean war company, yes in 1854, that everything happened like this because of you, and there count chernyshov, the minister of war, is portrayed as a very negative character in this sense, who says,
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keep quiet about it, don’t tell anyone, but i don’t know, by the way , how technically savvy he was in engineering or in military affairs and knew why we really had a problem with guns, but i... since i was also involved in films, i myself wrote something about the sevastopol defense, i know for sure that he either guessed right, or i don't know, someone told him he said, it’s not a matter of not cleaning with bricks, the point is that the british came to the crimean peninsula, literally everyone with rifled weapons, they had fittings in which there were rifled weapons, which made it possible to shoot three to four times further, than we shot from an unrifled gun, we had a smoothbore gun, the bullet flew much closer and... because of this, the rifle teams were selected at a distance that the russian guns could not reach, they fired from this distance and killed the servants of our artillery batteries, that is, the artillery couldn't even respond with shell fire, because they were shooting much further, in the memoirs
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of, say, one participant in the sevastopol defense, i read that once some midshipman , crying from powerlessness that they were being shot, said in a stone, guys, they grabbed the cobblestones and they ran towards shtutsernikov. the problem with shtutsernikov was that it was necessary to reload it from the barrel. the weapon was passed back, they loaded it from behind, the loaded one was passed from there, and that means they are here for now. this was transmitted, the russian sailors managed to run with stones, with with cobblestones to the fittings, they killed them with these stones, i read this in the memoirs of a veteran, so he took it into the mythological and plane, saying that the weapon does not clean with a brick, but in fact the problem was technical, engineering, we did not have rifled weapons, and after the defeat in the sevastopol company , reform in the army really began and quite quickly we had modern rifles, but liskov turns out to be strong in legends from ... well, yes, you can call it that way, he at least always strives for a myth, for some kind of parable, he
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of course, he always enters the parable space, here and there he is the king, absolute, that is, if among our viewers there are people who like unrealistic space, symbolic, full of parable punishments, then liskov, of course, is their writer, especially if they like funny game with words, cool, thank you very much for the conversation, andrey, by the way, this is a psychics podcast, where i, journalist natalya loseva and clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, mikhail khors,
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try to solve the most difficult solitaires life situations. our current situation is unusual in that the request came from a spouse. alexander, hello, hello, you came to us with your family problem. your wife anna is afraid of all types of transport , afraid of speed, as i understand it, an, this has already begun to cause great discomfort, a great inconvenience for your life, for your life there, travel, entertainment, please tell us, natalya mikhailova, help, please, in fact she is afraid of speed, she gets hysterical, she gets tears, what speed, 120 km/h, 150, no, she is sometimes afraid even of the sound of the engine, the car has not yet started moving, the sound is just starting to increase there, she is already starting to get hysterical, fortunately the steering wheel is missing. but sometimes it gets completed there, but what does it look like? everything, fear, rapid heartbeat, tears, panic,
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hands are shaking, it’s impossible to cope with it, you can’t even be distracted by something. and as i understand it, from what alexander told us when he asked for help, by the way, this is a great guy, a husband who did this like this is looking responsibly in this situation, it’s very cool that it all didn’t start out of the blue, but tell me that there was a situation with accidents, yes, i had situations. when driving in the fall, it was a slippery road, a slippery country road, we were driving with friends and it so happened that they were making fun of the girls, trying to scare them, in the end we crashed into a fence, you weren’t driving, you weren’t driving i, i was sitting in the middle back, uh-huh, and just at that moment i only managed to put my hands forward, because i wasn’t wearing a seat belt, yeah. i had one, my hands hurt, they took me out of
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the car, i look, but everyone remained alive, yes , everyone remained, they were just very scared, and well, i slightly injured my finger because i was leaning against the front seat and they took me out of the car, and i just look at the lantern and it floats, that is, i had such a sudden fear, i either began to lose consciousness, well, well, in general, i was stressed. how old were you, 18, 17 years old, maybe then something else happened right away, yes, then in this, in the same month i was going to a shopping center by bus, i had already started to get off, that is, i stood up to the handrail, and in front of me was a picture, a windshield, the fact that a car sharply turns in front of the bus, and the bus urgently brakes into the side, how to say, stops, uh-huh, and i... also already left on shaky legs, called my friends who were waiting for me, said: meet me, help, i can’t walk, i’m
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scared, well, that is, there were also no casualties, it wasn’t a very terrible accident , but she impressed you, and then what happened to the plane you also, my mother used to tell me all the time when i was a child, anya, airplanes are scary, scary to fly, well, my mother had aerophobia, yes, but at the same time she had never flown, well, that is , she had it, then she got a job. .. airplanes, i’ve seen enough videos that help - with aerophobia, in principle , everything went fine for two or three trips, until one case when the plane, we went to the runway, began to pick up speed, already at high speed the plane began to slow down, for me already then hysterical, panic,
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hands shaking, uh-huh, we arrived at the parking lot and that he sat down? the plane in the end, or it didn’t even emergency brake, didn’t take off, it didn’t even, it just slowed down on the front runway, we see obstacles or something, you were the only one who had a hysterical panic, for the first time i think yes, i looked at everyone, everyone was sitting there as if, yes, everything is fine, we arrived at the parking lot, waited for about an hour, they said that the plane had been repaired, we could fly in, i was already scared, because what happened there that we were so urgent... we slowed down, now we're taking off again, we're going into acceleration again runway, we begin to accelerate, it’s time to take off, the speed is even higher, braking again, this time such braking that everyone starts chatting, screaming, hysterics , like in a horror movie, in a disaster movie, we were sent to the airport to wait, and
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then i called my husband, i said, i won’t fly, i ’ll die. because they will put us on the same plane, it will somehow be repaired again and that’s it, and you’re not yet, i called directly, said goodbye to him, to my mother, my mother also reassured me, my husband reassured me, i still couldn’t, they didn’t fly later , flight, how am i also, that is, it was you who were not at home , it was you who had to return, but i was returning from turkey, in the end everything ended well, but in the end everything was fine, the third episode is completely clear, i think that i.. .. that’s what i like to fly, i ’m not an aerophobe at all, absolutely, but i’m in this situation, i would behave exactly the same as you, of course, i would worry about what it’s like twice and what else is being repaired there , that is, well , the situation is normal, and now it means that you and your husband cannot even go by car, yes, because she can go with me by car, this is very important, yes, say it out loud again, anna can go by
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car, yes, by car, but this is every spill. that’s why anna distracts you from driving and the finale is somehow quick, well, why did i say this is important, yes, because anna has some kind of disorder.
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in physiology and see what temperature is, why such a reaction of the body occurs with the flu, you can also talk about different things , it means an hour to give a lecture, it means what strains of the flu to say, now get up, i explained everything to you, get up , let's go, come on, come on, come on, let's ski, the skis are waiting, good, one of the options that i
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tried, i just gave you, well, again , the first step is to treat a relative, yes, admit it , what is. okay, let’s call it a disease, a disease, it’s just not a problem, you can get sick with something, but if a person has fallen ill as a result of several traumatic events in his life, then it is also important for him to be given time to recover or recover, which is more precise, because that some diseases, they are like, like are corrected, and then there is a rollback, then a rollback again, and therefore the first time again. it’s important to accept that it exists , and i have a feeling that you both know this, just like i don’t know, well, some person, yes, well, they cut off half of his legs, and he’s like this, and i
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have to run cross-country as if if everything was fine with me, no, a person with a disability, with a physical peculiarity , can run cross-country, however, something needs to be adapted somehow, this and that, he can, but he definitely won’t run the same way as i would run if my leg was healthy, but...
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no, that’s not bad, but why then did you talk about it now, what is there that you would like? no, i just said at the beginning that it makes, well, like a variable dangerous situation, about a variable dangerous situation, that it i get distracted there when i let a lane change happen, uh-huh, you need to speed up, i need to speed up, that is, i understand there i fixed for myself what distance there is to the car ahead of me, i start to look as it wedges into the stream that is coming, i start overtake. controls the distance there approaching, when you approach, she sees that the car in front is approaching, sash, like , we’re going to crash, i ’m getting distracted here, and i don’t control this one
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later, but they clearly described it as a driver , i understand what they’re talking about, yes, guys , please tell me that this is happening to anna, yes, these panicky outbursts, this is bad, this interferes, this interferes, but why, yes, why is this unambiguous, because?
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tell us about the metro, after all, there are sections, metro, or is it just a long- distance train, when the train accelerates strongly, and any, i don’t know, bump, turn signal, it seems to be already very big, it starts to sway , and i feel the speed right here, and i get scared, suddenly it will go out of reality, something else, there is even a section of the metro on the red line below, when the train is accelerating...
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that i’m somehow wrong there , maybe this worries me, but once again, the feeling of guilt is the top floor, there is a problem itself, we’re working with it separately, yes, but with this lower one floor of pressure on us, yes, we can only work if we remove the top brick, but it seems to me that i only have a feeling of guilt in front of sasha, precisely because i sit down and think about how i can hide my problem a little, get there with...
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when we just started going there, roughly speaking, together - i her there, these outbursts there , seemed to not notice them, well, i reacted normally, well, okay, be quieter, that means i’ll drive there, i adjusted, then when i realized that from her these moments of requests, so to speak, i would create even more there are some emergency situations there, if i act there at her requests there will not be horses there so don’t start there quickly, so i won’t be able to keep up there. traffic situation , i started with a slightly firmer voice , telling her with reasoning what was happening, why i was doing this, then i removed these, so to speak, preludes and just shouted, uh-huh, well , you shouted because you had some kind of emotion, it kind of spurred you on, made you scream, no, well, i just remember my previous experience there - such situations, the fact that these explanations, explanations there are long,
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leading nowhere. i kind of shouted here how - not if it works, didn’t work, doesn’t solve problems, works, but doesn’t solve problems, works in the moment, okay, well, it’s like they strangled the second one with one fire, it’s important to sum up a certain conclusion at the end of each psychological consultation, so let’s start with anna, please tell me what was valuable, interesting, important for you, if it was said, maybe you will say, i already knew all this and it’s nonsense? in fact, the most important thing that i have noted for myself now is to try and maybe even pronounce out loud before each trip , that excuse me, i’m now going to scream, get nervous, yes, cry, great, yes, that is, it’s like trying this option, this is an admission of what to say, it’s not in yourself to keep what so now, perhaps there will be some situations, i will be nervous , we will try not to do this, but somehow you say it as a joke, this is at the beginning of the trip, it can be a joke, or it can be not a joke, yes, it is important to remember, that what is happening to you
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is not bad.
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thank you, thank you, dear friends, for come, once again, those who want to become stronger are asking for help, well done, friends, this was a psychic podcast in which we traditionally looked for these very keys to cabinets, drawers and chests of drawers, in which lie our souls, our problems, sometimes you just need to really move the furniture a little bit to see the secret exit doors, you will definitely find one, in any case,
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clinical... psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, mikhail khors, believes in this and suggests the right direction, what to move and what to look for . friends, all episodes you can watch the podcast lab project on the website of the first channel hello, the vremya program is on air. in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. under fire pantseleimonovka in the donetsk people's republic. ukrainian armed forces strike on civilians. latest data on dead victims. always one step ahead,
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professionals in their field and... in nato, why don’t the bloc members trust zelensky, demands even more weapons and discord with each other? election officials will tell you everything you need to know about the presidential election. commissions: a large information campaign that will reach every home. life under the vulture is secret. 100 years since the birth of the legendary intelligence officer illegal gebork vartanyan, one of those who prevented the assassination attempt on stalin, roosevelt and cherchi. in tehran. a marathon of concerts and performances, a winter international arts festival in sochi, what world-famous stars have prepared for the audience. first, about another
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crime of the kiev regime against civilians of the dpr. ukrainian formations fired at the village of panteleimonovka. he located between yasenovataya and gorlovka. the impact of older housing developments. one of the houses collapsed. four were killed, including a teenage girl, and six more people were injured. the style is characteristic of ukrainian terrorists: to take revenge on civilians for their failures on the front line. the topic will be continued by dmitry tolmachev. lord, my god, they have to listen to someone like that. lerochka, my dear, you are little. the granddaughter of this woman, a girl who was not yet 15 years old, was found among the dead, her father was seriously wounded. i was at home, it fell apart, it just fell into the bedroom. gorlovka for a long time is being shot at from ukrainian positions; people have been trying not to travel through it lately, but this is the first time that ukrainian armed forces artillery has dealt such a brutal blow directly to the houses where people live. first there was a flash, then
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it arrived once, then it arrived again, i think there were three arrivals. the shells literally destroyed an apartment building on the spot, killing relatives of the victims. this is my children’s apartment, the bride was wounded and taken to the second one. rescuers cleared the rubble all day. according to the investigative committee, the enemy hit civilians with long-range rockets. american- made salvo fire systems. currently , three people are known to have died, including girls born in 2009, and four people were injured, including girls born in 2013. debris clearance is currently ongoing, and information about the victims is being clarified. presumably the shelling was carried out using hymers' krasosol. the shelling was absolutely useless from a military point of view, as if out of powerlessness and inability to respond. defeat of recent months, russian fighters only strike apu facilities. our artillery positions are far from residential buildings and the coordinates of new targets are sent to them several times a day. the howitzer crew of the 238th brigade of the southern military district is starting to work. now
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we have received coordinates from reconnaissance, the guys are unmasking, aiming and starting fire in order to turn around. they only have a few minutes. it is quickly aimed, acting as a single well-coordinated mechanism. they've been working together for over a year now. let's check it out. ready, gun, shot! several shells hit the target, the crew again camouflages the gun and takes cover in the dugout, for them this is far from the first sector of the front. are there any natural phenomena that can interfere? well, they can’t do it at all, the guns work in any weather, day and night, cold, rain, slush, fog, it doesn’t matter. and this is already south of donetsk, the saokatsiya volunteer unit bars goes hunting.
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and as it became known, during the shelling of panteleimonovka by ukrainian militants , our colleague from the zvezda tv channel, military correspondent daniil piantkovsky, was wounded. in donetsk a secret reconnaissance group of the southern military district is beating the enemy on the front, their names, surnames and service records are secret: each of them is a priority target for ukrainian militants, but ours are one step ahead. oleg shishkin went with the scouts on a military raid. the scouts leave the tiger armored car at the appointed place. as a rule, 3-4 km from the front line.
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it’s dangerous if it’s closer; the car could be spotted from the air. this is the so-called evacuation point. here the group will be waited for after completing the task; if necessary, ammunition will be delivered here products so that the guys could continue their combat work. no one knows exactly how long the next raid will take. the task takes 4-5 days, but, as practice shows, it drags on for 10 days, 12 days. names, surnames and even service records are a closely guarded secret. this is one of the most secret and effective. units, each has been awarded high state awards, each of them is being hunted by ukrainian militants, we are moving forward in column order, the first is the head of the small one, the direction is northwest, the daring one, the second, i am the third, the tanker is the fourth. before going out into combat, the group carefully studies the map of its minefields, but often we have to work in the so-called gray zone, separating our positions and the enemy’s fortifications, and there are mines literally at every turn. guys. be sure to look carefully at your step, look at the sky, we
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know the mine situation, but anyone can get under your feet. the razred group of the southern group of troops is moving towards the line of combat contact. the day before, the scouts found out the route along which the enemy was rotating personnel. now the scouts are faced with a combat mission: to organize an ambush on this route. the group includes a crew of an automatic tank grenade launcher. in this video, the fighter fires in a controlled manner, but the enemy is just a stone's throw away. and this is footage of the combat work of the crew of the anti-tank complex, the scouts were in ambush for several days, and then covered the dry land with one shot. shot! after the shot, before the projectile reaches the target, we have a minute of time, leave the position and hide the second one. that is hide from the enemy so as not to be destroyed. scouts reveal
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the location of enemy fortifications and direct artillery and aircraft. here is the result of just one such raid. we found buildings with enemies and fpv drones were working, and the mortar crew was working well ; they dismantled the buildings well and burned several pickup trucks. i hold it and roll it away. the task of machine gunners in battle. cover the group's retreat, each fighter is a specialist with a wide military profile. we change periodically so that a person can work in the head patrol, in the rear, because that when a group accepts a battle, it deploys into a battle formation, the one that was the head can become the rear and vice versa, when you have to lie side by side in ambush for days, and then all walk together through the forest for tens of kilometers, and a real military brotherhood is born . everyone must know the fighter in front, the fighter behind, not just his call sign, he must know his character. he should know what to expect from him, whether
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this little brother who is walking in front or walking behind can pull him out of a difficult situation, i like the commander is confident in each guy, ideally the guys say, work 4-4 hours, as much time spent in the forest as you need to rest, but this doesn’t always work out, especially now, when the entire front line has become active in the donetsk direction. oleg shishkin, vladimirevich, andrey stoyko and the first channel of the donetsk people's republic. and new names of our brave defenders. senior.
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let me remind you that on thursday, kiev militants used rocket artillery against civilians, targeting a shopping center and a school stadium, among whom were seven killed, one year old girl. china, usa, germany, france, austria, serbia, iran. the second day of the security conference is in munich. everything follows the usual
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pattern. zelensky begs, shultz promises, everyone unanimously scolds russia. meanwhile, within nato itself there is neither agreement nor mutual trust. and all this against the backdrop of... mass protests in the capital of bavaria, report by ivan blagov. zelensky got the audience going, showing when to applaud especially loudly. he looked overexcited and sniffed again. this is not the first time something like this has happened to him. characteristic the movements that were recorded by television cameras during official events at one time became the cause of heated discussions about zelensky’s possible drug addiction, a heap of evil memes on social networks on the topic of zelensky and cocaine. a guest from kiev in munich became brave.
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how such a conversation can take place was shown by the scene with the ukrainian deputy goncharenko. in russia, he is included in the list of terrorists and extremists, trying to shame the senator and republican goncharenko, in fact, began to trade the lives of ukrainian soldiers, hinting to send them to iran in exchange for american aid. do you really want another afghanistan to happen? and if so, who will be with the americans in the trenches near tehran? ukrainians are ready, but please support us now. aren't there rules here about how we respond to...
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first of all, i want to correct one mistake that i hear everywhere: poland and the baltic countries are mentioned separately, as if we are second-class nato members. how serious are nato’s guarantees and the bloc’s ability to repel russia has been discussed in europe for the last few days? the possibility of creating its own nuclear security shield independent of the united states. the nato secretary general went on the defensive after being asked about this. we have command and control capabilities. we are conducting exercises. we have all the necessary doctrines.
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