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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 18, 2024 5:00am-6:01am MSK

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and i’m playing with them like this, i’m already playing somehow, they believed it a little bit, i’m doing something, suddenly she opens the door, it’s the manager and mikhail says to me, can you, that is, the children completely broke everything, i say you’re a fool, you ’re a fool i'm doing santa claus, what kind of michael, yes, i went out, she gave me the same sets, so they prepared the elements for everyone, i then sat, which means everything was already falling off for me, i already had my boots on, i took off my boots, i listened, she stood up on a stool, this the girl read it - that means it’s all poetry did, and after that she said: give me the money, she gave it anyway, she said: “well, of course, we expected a more eventful program,” mikhail, i left, said, no more, never, never, i understand about this my.
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close friend, actor pasha sborshchikov, he lives opposite me, and he is an elite santa claus, not like me, he is an elite tall, boots to size, beard, height, height, he has everything, and we always celebrate the new year at the dacha , together, that means we have fireworks at night, and in the morning pasha walks with the children through the forest to look for gifts from grandfather frost, they have such a fetish. children, since they don’t drink, you know, they can get up in the morning, but pasha hasn’t gone to bed yet, but the gifts will come later, which means some year, we arrived, that means we arrived late, masha is still very little, uh, that means , and - i have a wife, so she says, we need to give pasha gifts for tomorrow, on january 1 at 10 am, yes, we went to bed at 6:00, you understand, we went to bed at 6:00, at 8:00 in the morning it opened the door, then, is not a fresh face,
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not the fresh face of pasha, who says: give me gifts, he whines, hides them, you know, children, children then look for it, my wife opened her bag and gave a gift to mila and sonya, he gave it, went to dive, then they come, which means they tell a story, which means each child finds it and it says from his grandfather to egor.
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santa claus got it mixed up, maybe he wanted you to give this gift to your beloved grandmother, and there really is some kind of cosmetics for grandma, who doesn’t have any of this, well, it’s still cute, and we tried to tell sonya this story , she was about 10 years old, which santa claus specially gave you a gift for grandma, so that you give grandma a gift, and santa claus gives a gift to grandma. for you, that is, it was such a complex concept, yes, but of course, when you know, these are teenagers, my love, i’m like a grandmother, that’s it, i’m like a grandmother, this is for you, this is for you for later, this is for you for later, keep it, put it away in the cell , and just wait, we continue, this is a podcast of jokes, my guest is mikhail politseymaka, he is humorous, honestly... when a person jokes to himself,
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he immediately evokes great respect in me personally, well, because without it can go crazy, of course, when you, when you not only don’t even joke about yourself, but firstly, well, people who can’t sort of digest their address into some kind of jokes and gags, start right away well , at least for me they are socially dangerous there, because this person can sometimes grab something that is lying nearby, i don’t know, a screwdriver, a rake. filming, i’m saying some text, for example, and some kind of eyeliner was babbling, i’ve been oppressing myself for half an hour, i ’m a clumsy freak, you can’t pronounce it, that’s all in general, it’s funny for the audience there when he’s sitting there waiting, he’s waiting, he’s a spectator, and here i ’m spending so much time on something that didn’t work out for me, ugh, such a beat, i’m collecting these stories. when some incidents
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happen to me, i collect them, i get such pleasure from them, uh, i never, you know, i also flew from bratsk to yekaterinburg. and also, you know , it was recently, no, a long time ago, well, about 5-6 years ago, and he was flying tired from one enterprise to another enterprise, a good plane, it kept flying , so he sat down, and there was a guy sitting next to him, it’s you, no, looks at me, well, i’m starting to spin, yes, he probably saw me somewhere, he doesn’t remember where, what, how, he’ll ask now, i’ll tell him that i’m an artist, and he ’ll leave me alone, fly 3 hour, then the following dialogue begins: why don’t you say hello? right away , vasya, kolya, he says that you, are you arrogant? i say, excuse me, he says, i,
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vitka kolesov, have you forgotten, lenin street, building 52, i say, what, you and i grew up on the same street? what, i say, yes, yes, but you still remembered the street, and he from yekaterinburg, he associated me with a person from yekaterinburg and talks to me as if i were from yekaterinburg, i say, yes, he says, you know that marya petrovna, i say that she died, i say, oh well, what are you, when , real drama begins here. at some point i understand that now is the point of no return, everything has been passed , yes, now, now everything must somehow, because at first he thought that i really was blindsided, that i was this vitka kolesov from yekaterinburg, then he will understand that i am above him i’m kidding, why did you support me then
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, i tell him, so calmly, i started, when it dawned on him, he was in shock, you understand, he says, as if i were you there, yeah, yeah, oh, that’s i have such an association , in general, i just imagine how it could be such a shock, yes, and of course, jokes, thank you very much, i say, please, for what kvn, i envy myself, please, guys, here’s a joke i remembered in short, this cat, i don’t know, messed up everything in the apartment. ruined the guy, that's it, i'm sick of it, that's it, i took him by the shkkerki in the car, drove off, took me 10 km from the city, well, i was still driving home in traffic jams, the cat arrives at home and eating sour cream, he
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says, how is it, damn it, well, traffic jams, yeah, that means he managed to do this , okay, i drove the car 40 km in the other direction. took that road, then the phone died once and he returned home and realized that he did n’t understand, damn it, he didn’t understand, the navigation wasn’t through villages, through some forests, through fields , it worked there, nothing, he didn’t take the map, so... he’s calling to his wife: vaska, at home, he says, i ’ll look now, yes, at home, give him the phone, i got lost, it’s like the magical power of all fairy tales, including jokes, when everyone is talking, anyone can ask anyone anything, anyone who remembers, a man comes to the doctor
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and says, doctor, my wife is deaf, prescribe some pills , he says, well, hello, why didn’t she write, he says, she’s always busy at home, doing housework there, that is, she can’t just eat some pills for deafness? he says: well, without seeing your wife, how can i determine what pills are needed, he says: so what? it's possible? he says, let’s do this , she can’t hear from what distance, he says: what do i know, he says, let’s do this, when you come home and from 10 steps away you’ll be asking some phrase, and you’ll mark it, that the wife heard there from six steps there before her, he says, then show me the result and i, well, how about this...
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make a holiday for yourself, because you have to be lazy, dear friends, the chinese new year is coming, i really want to be lazy, so that the whole atmosphere, right up to some of our secret snows in march, until march 8, the time when the christmas trees will be thrown away, and how my dad saw such a slogan in kemerovo, this is a real story in soviet times, it was written on the fence, long live the first and 2nd of may, well, look, there are may days. good mood to everyone , it was me, vadim golygin, our
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joke podcast, my guest was a wonderful, magnificent actor and just a cheerful, good, kind person, mikhail politsimaka, all the best, see you again. hello, friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov. and my guest is vladimir romanovich ligoida, whom i’m even afraid to introduce, he has so many positions and responsibilities, and the journalist, professor mgemo, editor-in-chief of the magazine thomas, chairman of the synodal department for interaction between the church and society, head of the press service of the holy patriarch, public figure, religious.
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sometimes such stories happen to us, in fact, i lived at the institute and continue to live there, and then when the patriarch turned this movement of life around so abruptly professional, he gave me such an honor by inviting me to create a department that was new at that time, information, well, with the magazine it also happened somehow very naturally, back in our senior years we came up with a form, and at first volodya gurbolikov and i, as you well know, we were the editor first. then i immediately became the editor-in-chief, so when i work at the journalism department, i always say that it’s difficult for me
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to talk about some journalistic things, actually, because i immediately became the chief the first position was editor-in-chief right away , so something like that, but you know what else is interesting, because, as far as i understand, you were not born in moscow, far from moscow, in the north of kazakhstan in kustan and you studied there, then graduated from school you entered mgimo, the second time, i would still like to dwell on this point, but for me... how did you even get the idea that you are magimon? mom, mom, that is, mom wanted it, mom wanted it, as they say, i once joked that out of obedience, i wanted to faculty of philosophy, moscow state university, but first urgu, first serdlovsk to yekaterinburg, i even went there as a schoolboy, well, i had some... conversations, but everyone said that it was impossible, that’s exactly what you’re talking about now they said it was there, but the first time
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i couldn’t speak, the first time it didn’t work out, i had a medal, medalists then mgemo had to confirm the medal with two exams, and i wrote an essay for five, which doesn’t happen, so to speak, but i passed four in english, in general, i mean you they stabbed me to death in english, well , they didn’t kill me, i didn’t know objectively, of course, and i had to take it further, then there were five exams, and i ended up scoring 22 points, i needed 23, that is, about... it turned out to be 23, and that’s all - they finally took the risk of going there again a year later, yes , i somehow already had it, i prepared, prepared, worked in parallel for several months, though in an ambulance as an orderly, well, in general, i looked at life, so to speak, under different angles in different optics, so they entered, yes they entered, since the medal is still acted, i got two a's, i entered , yes, but i'm still very interested, because as far as i understand, it was a terribly interesting time, it was the end of the eighties, the beginning of the nineties , an extremely interesting time, because i entered as a citizen of the ussr, by the end of the first
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semester i became a foreigner and in general everything was incomprehensible, although you know, i was thinking about this recently, when we were talking with students, i talked about their time, this is what they are going through now, and i understand that all this drama , which we are talking about now, the collapse of the soviet union, we didn’t feel then, but what did you feel, this is really very interesting to me, this feeling that we are living in an era of change, yes, everything is changing before our eyes, what will happen further, no one knows, this is parting with the past, these are some kind of rallies, the august riot of 1991 there. or, on the contrary, october of ninety-three, that’s how you perceived it all then? this will sound strange, i was never interested in politics, having graduated from a political university having defended myself in political science, somehow, well, it was always less interesting to me, and the august pike, i remember that i had just returned to kustanai, my dad had and still has an apiary, here we are going, we are just i remember
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a difficult evening we they pumped out the honey, i’m still hurting and these bees mean you there. they pressed everything very painfully, and we turn on the radio, and i say to dad, dad, don’t turn it on, i’m already talking, he says, what if we miss something important, i say, well, what could be important, that’s what there it is now august 18th and august 19th, yes, yes, and he turns it on, that means, and we hear , he says, you see, son, and you said, that means it’s no one’s, so, and in the ninety-third year i was studying in the states as an exchange student, i remember that i succeeded on completely legal grounds for some reason. avoid, because i approached the professor, in northern california it was at the university, i say, you heard that we have a sale there in the country, i say, you know how to let go, please, i have to see what is happening, yes , yes, of course, go, here we are then, but it was completely curious, because i left, it turns out, from one side, i returned to the other in every sense,
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now, as you perceive all this, now you know, i perceive it through the prism. we understand, firstly, without knowing the consequences, yes , being in the process, we still cannot evaluate it, and it seems to me that this is both not given and impossible for a person, i think a lot, i can’t say, i think deeply, but still , from time to time i ask myself this question about the importance of historical distance and what else is needed to evaluate the event, but i just
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it seems that almost no one assumed that the soviet union would collapse, when now people say, yes, we all... knew, always knew, there were different ones, i understand, there were forecasts, there were some of these, but then in the moment , so i recently listened to lectures there by our outstanding historians, who, frankly, well, no one expected this, returning to your question, it seems to me that somehow i, like many, probably my classmates, friends, we still partly existed in some kind of, well, i can’t say such an academic there is still some kind of reality, but still, that’s where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is, that’s how i started to take an interest in literature and philosophy there, and i continued. in this space, somehow it was more interesting for me there , then we opened a church for ourselves at this time, and i, for example, if i remember what happened in the first year, then i, despite all the drama and scale of the events, about which we are talking about, i remember much more sharply and clearly, for example, remember, this store is orthodox shoes, as it was called, because that there was the only store where religious literature was sold, it was a department
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on the frunzinskoye metro station; in a shoe store there were several tables, and there, in my opinion, this was the publishing department of the then moscow patriarchate, yes. they sold the first reprinted literature, i remember this very well, well, from what you tell, it looks more like the youth of a future academic professor who really lives in history, in philosophy, and it turns out that you are now exactly at the cutting edge you are engaged in political life in that it seems to exclude the possibility of distance, yes, if you are forced to comment on certain events, the relationship between the church and society, you cannot say, let a year or so pass, and i will tell you what to think about this or that , what to do with... trinity or with some other things, that’s how it gets along in you, well, you know, it seems to me that i realized in time, like i realized during my time at school, that i’m not a poet, at some point at the institute i realized that i was not a scientist, well , simply because, despite all my interest in academic life, there is respect for philosophy there, during my postgraduate years i generally disappeared into the department of philosophy in whatever
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department or whatever i studied, then it was called the faculty of international information in the department of public relations... culture, but i defended myself in political sciences, but i realized that, after all , i don’t have this dominant - an academic, a scientist, i’m not ready to give up everything, it ’s to leave, i’m still a teacher, that is, a popularizer, you know, when i’m in school , i remember we arrived in yekaterinburg and we went to the faculty of philosophy and we got to a lecture about engels, and i remember this is what the teacher said that... marx was really a thinker, and engels, he was such a popularizer, somehow this idea stuck in my head and i not in the sense that i compare myself with engels, but i understand that i am a popularizer, i can find. in contact with the audience, while i have this, i understand that it may go away tomorrow, because as you know very well, every time you enter the audience it’s the same again, and you don’t understand whether this
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lecture will work or not, in fact , i got this turn, and as for my current main obedience, forgive me, i ’m using this word, well, in a sense it is, then i approach it in such a way that - i was probably needed, i was given such an honor, i was called, i came, you are not me, not because this is something special, it asked for itself, i didn’t ask for it, i didn’t go, well, i just didn’t have such plans, i wasn’t going to change anything, i was the head of the department journalism, we were going to write some kind of textbook, i planned to somehow build this uh academic career of some kind, academic and teaching, academic, this turn is unexpected, but i understand that in 15 years these i lived there for several lives and what dimension is there? i was on bering island, accompanying the holy patriarch, but whenever i ended up on bering island, but never, i was surprised to discover that the metro in russia is supposedly only for the elite, the passenger flow of the moscow metro is
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about 9 million people per day, it’s good that we have so many elites here, it’s many times cheaper than even in eastern europe, plus it’s very accessible, clean, as american journalists expose this unexpected lie, there’s a metro station where normal people can get there going to work and home every day is better than everyone else. where from the propeller, the train is leaving, the third call, bam-bam-bam, the germans are on alert along the entire coast, the second is ours, commander,
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the torpedo splashed down, the torpedo went, and what is their car, how do i know nastya, a woman you can’t believe it, but now you see how it turned out , the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to intelligence information , an enemy submarine... was discovered in the fifth square, belobrov’s unit will go first, commander, the left tank is broken , a little more , another check, sorry, what actually happened, sura, everyone to the bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, february 23, on the first. we continue, this is the life of the wonderful podcast, i’m with you, its leading writer alexey varlamov, my guest is vladimir romanovich ligoyda, professor mgimo,
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editor-in-chief of the foma magazine, chairman of the synadal department for interaction between church and society. but in general, this world of the church, yes enough for most people, is closed, not very understandable, well, you can remember the wonderful book of archimandrite tikhon, yes. i encountered very little with the church bureaucracy until the moment when i started working in the church, and i would say that rather the word bureaucrat, which for me in 2009
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was on the verge of such a pejorative dismissive, i, for example, clearly i am completely aware now that a healthy, high-quality bureaucracy is very important in the state, in the church, anywhere, it seems to me that i understand its limits, i understand, so to speak, what is possible through bureaucratic means. well, i don’t understand everything, but somewhere yes , what can be achieved, what cannot be achieved, and at the same time i can’t share the opinion of people who know these same bureaucrats from the outside, that these church bureaucrats, they almost don’t read prayers at all and they don’t pray and so on, i’m not talking about the holy patriarch there, because once is enough to be at the altar, when the patriarch prays, so that all the questions you have, even if they were, they will immediately disappear, but it’s just that many of the people with whom i have been working for these years... i see them in a completely different way, of course , i feel, and even publicly famous people, individuals whose behavior caused, i would say, justified questions from society and... i
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had these questions, and we had complex internal discussions, i probably have the feeling that people too, you know how there is one story of one entrepreneur very similar, well, from the forbes list, in short, they brought him to the deveyevsky monastery, so he walks for the first time , so he walks, walks and is silent, they show him there a groove there is something else, and he is silent the whole time, several hours have passed, he says, well, as he... people also say, but you have the feeling that the church still has its own and slightly different history than the state, and if we remember, as if in chronology, then the relations were very different on how many millennia there have been and the baptism of russia, if it happens, well, a conflict is not a conflict, but if we say that the church has its own interests, its own goals, objectives, and the state has its own, then what choice will you make,
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because as i understand it... a statist at the same time is like how you do for yourself, yes, how do you decide this topic for yourself, well, you know, i can have a few of these here before answering the question, not to gain time, but just a few important points: the church and the state really have different histories, including in the history of our country, but they never existed without the other, yes, and i think that they cannot and will not be able to exist one without the other, and the second important point, if we take the thousand-year history of the russian church. it really has never been as free from the state as it is today, this does not mean that there are not some kind of mutual relations, very difficult, sometimes, something is based there on personal contacts, some systemic decisions, but simply which period will you take, to be honest, this is how it seems to me, look at the history of russian church in relations with the russian state, then the church has never had such an opportunity to independently make decisions on its internal life,
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now to your question, here... i ’ll simply refer to it, now i already have a person in the position, there is a basis for the social concept russian orthodox church, but where it is clearly stated that if the state forces a believer to do something that contradicts his faith and what is said in the gospel, then he can or should, now i don’t remember the exact wording, express disagreement with this, yes, so i hope, firstly, i hope that this will not happen, but if there is something that will put me in a situation, you... in this sense, i really like my good a friend, probably a friend, the word is too binding from the polish director krzysztowusi, in one of the books, he says that i am grateful to god for never putting me in a situation of choice between my faith and my family, you know, such an honest confession a thinking person who lives a difficult life, and here i am very i often return to this thought, because
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it’s easy to say, but i’m not there... when well, then, from what you said, we can conclude that such a serious problem as the relationship between church and state used to be, it is so acutely , at least not now, as it was in previous times, and maybe it has been removed altogether to one degree or another, and what serious problems or challenges do the russian orthodox church face today from your point of view? here are some pain points, you know, it certainly depends on that's the level we're trying at. answer this question, because if it’s somehow like this according to the hamburg account, then there are the wonderful gospel words of christ, who in a sense, well, is the verdict of the church at any time, so everyone will know that you are my disciples, that you will to have love for each other, this phrase, it seems to me, is the most important attempt to live according to the gospel tuning fork and the impossibility of this, we are in some sense doomed to the impossibility of this, but this gap between the gospel
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ideal... it’s just these peculiarities of time, i think that in trying to solve this global problem, it is very important today to find some kind of balance between this pace of time, from which you cannot completely fall out, and i don’t like this word, but it is truly apparently unprecedented for civilization, that is, the way people live today has never lived before from the point of view , i think no, but from the point of view of the flow
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of information. technology, yes, on the other hand, i once came up with, sorry for this involuntary narcissism, i really like it , i once said that if the church does not keep up with the times, so much the worse for the times. to find some kind of balance between not running with your pants up, not running after this komsomol, so to speak, technological and so on, on the other hand, not looking like, well, a savage from the bumba yumba tribe, but in a situation where we need to react, and this is probably difficult, let’s talk a little about missionary activity now, look, maybe i’m wrong, but probably the history of the russian church is now such a unique moment, because well, when was the period before the revolution.
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that’s how interested the church is in having as many people as possible come to it, believe, or whoever walks and walks, so they will be saved or not saved, in any case , here we are, we are responsible for these, yes, and let them live as ...or my soul also hurts for those, in fact, let’s move on to the foma magazine, which, it seems to me, in many ways serves as such an instrument, an attempt to have a conversation not only with people already here, churchgoers, but with those who are interested, to whom it is important, what do you think about it? here are the words of the apostle paul, that for everyone i became everything in order to gain at least a few, they are such a missionary imperative, but the position of a christian missionary, it has not changed, but it can change historically...
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and then what else, so to speak, is ours the task is only to testify to this? watch all episodes of the podcast lab project on the website of the first channel we continue, this is
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a podcast about the life of the wonderful. i'm with you, him leading writer alexey varlamov, my guest is vladimir romanovich ligoida, professor mgemo, editor-in-chief of the foma magazine, chairman of the department for... i try to convey that this is a part, it works with part of society, and the church is for everyone, therefore,
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i understand that this is not the answer of a political scientist , someone will say that this does not interfere, there may still be some kind of christian democratic party, but it’s just that at the philistine level a difficulty will arise that they will say, but if there is a christian party, then all are christians . gospel time, it will not serve any benefit, but will create additional points of tension in social life. and then the next question follows from this: when are church ministers, or even priests, can they go into politics from your point of view, i don’t know, there was a time when they were people’s deputies, then, in my opinion, somehow we exist now. this somehow receives an assessment from the church leadership,
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somehow it is regulated, they call someone there and say, well, father, you don’t need to get involved in this matter, or vice versa, someone is called and they say, we need to speak out, support there when there are local elections, something else, no, this is more likely our interaction with the priest. more than 4,000 clergy, in this sense , of course, we have a rather free
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situation, because i remember, many years ago, we once had a representative, some pr man in charge of one social network , conduct a closed seminar with us, he said: well, where quality, quality public relations begins is that a person stands out who can speak on behalf of the organization to everyone else a ban is imposed, and although we explain there that this is the position of the church, who can express it in what cases, we do not have a ban. but this is unimaginable, in any state or business structure, yes, where only specially designated people can speak, a priest, he just can’t deprive him of this pastoral component of his, which presupposes his entry into this space in one way or another, each of these 40,000, well not everyone, many can understand this in their own way, and well, all sorts of things it happens and you have to give some explanations, i used
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to talk a lot about... people can have different attitudes to this, there is no dogmatic meaning in these relations, well, i mentioned the trinity, but there you go i’m really interested, because it was so informative, there was a lot of noise around this event, that’s what you think about this story, here you are personally, i had an interview on one respected radio, a wonderful colleague, he started with the fact that society was split regarding the transfer trinity church, this is what you think about this, and with your permission i will simply repeat it, because it seems to me. it is very important, firstly, society has split only in the media, there is no split in society
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on this matter, to say that our society has split into two groups, one for, the other against, and secondly, in my opinion added that the fact that this is a cultural catastrophe or a problem, well, something like that, well , at least these assessments sounded, not from him or from others, but i just talked to him the day before one young man of student age, and we accidentally came up with this topic, and not only did he not know that the trinity had been transferred to the church, he did not know that... well, on the one hand this is understandable, on the other hand, why is that this
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happened right now, not 5 years ago and yet , well, if there are no strict cause-and-effect relationships, then i really don’t want to put on the costume of my colleagues, political scientists, whose task, i am of course ironic, is to explain something, or predict there, then when it doesn’t come true, explain why it didn’t come true, but i don’t i’m working, here, well, this happened now, but by the way, to say, this is a process.
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it’s clear, so you started talking about this young man , well then he can do without me, of course, a person for whom andrei rublev is a tannesist, well, look, i’m even interested in returning to your teaching.
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the separation of school from church, and at one time, this did not in any way follow even from the separation of church from state, maybe directly, but i still have topics related to religion within the courses that i teach, but not with orthodoxy and not with orthodox theology, just culturally, i , as a culturologist, as a teacher of philosophical disciplines, proceed from this, i never hide my views and in general i think that it is impossible, but why don’t i... it’s very worries, i’m especially not worried about student atheism, because it is almost never hard-won, but when we touch on atheism, especially if the guys ask, i always say that this is how we often know from history there is philosophy, and in general human thought,
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that very often atheism is so deeply thought out, it is a tragic worldview, and it seems to me that it cannot be any other way, because in fact this is the same decision. the main question of death, finitude, there being, non-existence, yes, that’s why i understand that the student’s worldview is not complete, so, by the way, to say, you know all these sociological surveys, young people have become smaller, there, i don’t see it at all this is a problem because i know, i have seen how students change from first year to on the fourth, they began to experience what at first seemed completely unworthy to them , experiences, although interest in religious issues, religious and philosophical, is consistently high, and i am ninety-fifth.
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there is no need to change anything, no, the education system, of course, needs to be changed, and i also try to think a lot about it and even say something, but this education in general seems to me, in the world everything is in crisis, it has reached such dead ends, from which can’t go out, but the guys are on their own - even from the point of view of perception they have become religious topics, it seems to me that they are much more open today, they still know very little and sometimes demonstrate some kind of monstrous general cultural ignorance. but this is a characteristic of how they were prepared, how they were taught, what they did for the last 2 years at school, and we know that they were preparing to take three disciplines of the unified state exam , they did nothing else, the vast majority, with the exception of the olympiad participants who did not do this, but they were just trying to win the olympics, that’s the kind of openness
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it is, well, i just have a simple example, this, of course, may not be very high-quality sociology, but i’ve been teaching a political course as a master’s student for five years now. the modern church, and even though this is a course about the modern church, you still have to start from the stove, because there is no knowledge, there were no courses in the history of religion, although they come to us from different universities for master’s degrees, like everywhere else, like any other, but from year to year, while each new set shows me more and more, maybe i’m so lucky, interest in the topic, you said in education it’s necessary change education in a crisis, but what would you still change in education? in the current russian, it just seems to me that aleksandrovich fodeev’s very correct idea, and which he is now also saying, is that we must, if we are at a turning point, especially, yes, we must set... a large-scale task, this is the approach training a person there with competencies, he is so shallow, he
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is so out of step with either the time or the problems that exist, we have so forgotten that a person is a seeker of truth, goodness, beauty and goodness, and this should be manifested in education, it seems to me that this is a return to the imagination of the understanding of the scale, the goal that a person, a person... when we talked, he said a very correct thing, that after all, this is not a task bureaucratic structures, that society should
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discuss this and set some, articulate some ideals, which then yes, some goals, which then the bureaucratic structures will ensure movement in this direction, not in the sense of excluding them from the process , but still it’s impossible demand from the ministry that they now take it for us and - these concepts have been laid out, so it seems to me that we don’t talk about it very much. well, we talked about this today, which is very cool, thank you very much for this conversation, i know that this year you turned 50 years old, and you celebrated your anniversary, god grant you all the best, in a magazine that i really like to read, i wish you all the best in your work, in all its manifestations, thank you very much, it was a podcast about the lives of wonderful people, it was hosted by the writer alexey varlamov
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, melody of childhood was our guest, but since you each spent your childhood apart from each other, we will only talk about the two of you, as
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a family, it’s very nice to see people who look in the same direction in life, that’s it , of course, they look at each other all the time, but what is the melody that united you , what sounded when you first met, tell me, when we first met, nothing, i’m the first to say, maybe you like to talk, i love to talk.
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that's how it was actually, that's how it was under this melody, yes, he was still wearing glasses back then, so handsome, he was all sitting there, i sat down like that, side by side
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, i thought, lord, where did they put me, who is this and tim, where did you put me, he says: sit, and no, no, she says, sit, he will get to know you, in fact, this is how it all started, well, now the male version, yes, it’s very funny that it was, in fact, a meeting in a georgian family at a georgian table, the song was remembered by us, well, it sounded, what to do with it , we even danced several times to this song, he me all the time invited me to dance, i also said, yes , no, no, well, no, no, in fact, i agreed right away, oh well, everything was, well , it was planned, in fact, it’s all not great, but why not, how how much is it better known than any site , naturally, planned, you know, tina planned everything, she came up with the idea that she would invite me to her birthday, that she would invite eduard, that she would unite us at the table, she once told me about eduard before, well i’m like, lord, how is this , what is it, you’re always the one saying it, it doesn’t matter to me
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interested, well, like a matchmaker, well , what is this, but it turned out that... there is something in this, there is something in this, yes, we call our life together a project, yes, when we meet, we always talk : tima, everything is ok, everything is fine with us, the project will survive, fortunately, we have been together for 22 years, well, in any case, this meeting took place and you were never separated after that , in fact, in your life, or for some period, you know, i then worked in krasnoyarsk and flew away all the time, i didn’t have a job in moscow, i flew to krasnoyarst, i had work and edward was waiting for me all the time. and he called me and said: “when will you arrive?” and he was just so touching, he was waiting for me, meeting me, and i thought, my god, here he is again, then i think there’s something in it, how convenient, you arrive, get off the plane, and they’re already waiting for you, like well, when they wait - this is the most important thing, so i definitely take this opportunity on the day of family, love and fidelity, i want to admit, well, first of all,
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to record fidelity and admit that this is the most important thing. having someone waiting for you is very important, it all gives strength everyone, if i were to characterize eduard , through the melody, that’s how, what kind of melody is eduard, here is eduard, since he is a former submariner, i always associate him with the sea, well, before, now not anymore, now with family, everything’s fine, it seems to me that this should be some kind of song associated with... with a ship, the sea, although of course, you have a submarine, sails, that’s later, vorak, at the same time, you know, we had several situations when i told him, well, how do you do that, you’re an officer, because for me an officer is this you know, this is wonderful, it must be something very, very strong and sustained, you’re an officer, and i fell in love with you, remember that time when i
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dropped this flower almost on your head , in short, our formidable option does not surrender to the enemy. up, comrades, everyone is in place, the last parade is coming. our proud sailor does not surrender to the enemy; no one wanted mercy. there is a wonderful children's joke, a grandmother is talking with her granddaughter, the granddaughter says: granny, please tell me what is important to know
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in the life of a girl, a woman, he says, it is important in life to have one big, real, strong love, yes, yes, and you had a granny like that in your life, of course she was, well, who is this, like who are the sailors, yes, this is mine love, already 22 years old, eduard, what a melody, this characterizes our beauty, the decoration of our broadcast, thank you.
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is a room for me and you, and i think in myself, in myself, i wonder. the melody continues to sound, quietly, and i ask, iduard, well, returning from that moment, how can this be, this is a real miracle in life, chemistry, because here
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family, a real family is always formed , it would seem, well, what connects these people, well , it’s clear, you had a lot of work done there, friend arina, but then it’s all on your own, that’s why... it arose at first sight directly or, well, charm sing, you see, i ’m breaking my fast again, the queen of abaya when a horseman talks, a woman should be silent, by the way, of course, arina didn’t like it for a long time and it was actually such a story in ninety -one ninety-two, when arina worked in the information space and i came from the sea, turned on the tv and i saw a new face of a tv presenter, a new smiling one... a girl who presented the program, information in a very different way, i thought, i would like to meet her someday, and yes, after 7 years or 8
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years, yes, years, yes , yes, yes, i retired from the navy, came back to moscow, i am a muscovite, began to work, study, at one party i met arina, but we were not introduced to her, but i basically told my friend, listen to how ... a beautiful woman, here’s how to get to know her, otherwise you had some kind of fleeting meeting before this, but she didn’t see me, now we finally, dear tv viewers, will get to the bottom of it, but there was another company there, so, well, i was somehow embarrassed to come up and invite you to dance, in general, the man was modest, well, he sent a draft of intentions with his eyes, yes, and vadim, my friend knew kina, so they did it accordingly. a joint project, they prepared us for the duck’s birthdays, that is, like this, it’s a long story , it’s been building up, now she’s going to step, yes , she’s going to step, you come from this side, and she ’s about to move away, you come from this side,
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oh, in fact, this kind of additional instruction, in my opinion, makes it much more difficult, these guys, apparently, this is the feeling that arose in edward’s heart when he first saw you arinochka, and it... this feeling was stronger than these are all the instructions, that ’s for sure, it’s clear, hello, the news is on air in the studio, the most important victory is a huge success for our army in the holding area.


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