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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  February 18, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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you have a set, i agree with you, not by position, but you, you know, as i will say , if you look at yourself in career reflections as a product, you yourself are the product, then you, as a product, you include product thinking and you say, yeah, i want to earn money, for example, i want not to be in the office, i need flexibility, or, for example, i want to work from another region, now, by the way, there is an interesting trend, before everyone wanted to moscow to work, now as a hybrid format.
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with an expiration date that should not to end up with a certain packaging, but to a lesser extent, to a greater extent of content, you see how this metaphor went, i call it being treated by the market, very much treated by the market, great, yes, when a person thinks that he can do anything and is worth crazy money , and i always say: go to the market, go, please, please, go ahead, get offers, go, come back, and of course, this is a very interesting story, because people expect to be appreciated, people expect good work. directly related
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to their promotion, which is not always the case, people many people still think that i will work with high quality and will be noticed very often, but they don’t notice me, that is, here it is very important to get lost in expectations, in your desires, in your product view, and once again i bring you back to the understanding that your career is your project, if you don’t lead it, no one is obliged to lead it for you, that is, it turns out that you are like in any business, when you care about having more and...
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really being open to projects inside, keep your ears to the ground, don’t to quarrel with neighboring units , to be honest, that our people really like, yes, because they don’t think what is more important for them, more important than the super, your own or more important further, yes, thank you for saying the word ego to you, because this is always a question , what i want, what i’m willing to sacrifice, yes, that’s absolutely true, it’s always an exchange, i always say that before declaring that you deserve more, you should at least get the return, yes. okay, the question is this: what
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should young people do who are just they’re starting, yes, they haven’t approached it yet , let’s say they’ve chosen the right education, they haven’t approached their first job, they choose a job, all they have so far is, what’s called, uh, an eye for startups, successful people there some media personalities, something else, the fact that everyone has a clue, or they have an example of dad and mom. or adult closest relatives who actually walked along this career ladder, here’s how to start, how to approach young people, those who are just starting their path, how to immediately become, how to immediately become an expert in building your own career or careers, building that same portfolio employment, first, our youth should not be underestimated, they are smart, daring, lively, very very broad-minded, we agreed. the second point is, why do they
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come to your company, why will they come to you? they will come to you based on a person, a leader, a team, you must be seen as a leader in order for them to come to you, well, we won’t mention your last name, but we have them. there are a number of organizations in which they go to the first person, but it’s like the first person, although they will never communicate with him, but they don’t know that the ideology is in the first person, so the first person should be clearly visible, the brand, well, how the employer’s brand should work, that is, they will come to your team, by the way, there is an interesting study, that young people don’t leave because of money and don’t come for money, for some time, yes, they leave because of bad relationships in the team, recently there was a very cool study in which they found out that people in... basically give up their applications on the table for the following reasons: the company doesn’t care about me, i don’t feel important, valuable, and my boss doesn’t care about me, nothing in this world has changed, people come to the brand and leave their immediate managers, they’ll come to interesting projects, they’ll come to gain experience,
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they’ll come into a normal team, they are very cynical, they look very soberly and sensibly , there is something to take from you, there is something to learn from you, i am with you, this topic is over, excuse me, please, well, in the broad sense of the word, workers, otherwise what you said before, i have just direct feedback from my eldest three daughters, who work and are first-time dads, what should i do, that’s how it is, i hear it word for word, yes, i don’t like these people, they don’t develop me, i
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don’t like it the leader, he is, and i say, well, what to do, you get the following education, a piece of education, even to the point that my youngest daughter has now gone to a very famous one.
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he is absolutely nothing, as the chief physician of the clinic, as the commercial director of the clinic, yes, that is, he grows according to to his hards to a certain highest level, he is an ideal surgeon, these are hards, and then suddenly he is made the boss, and then suddenly he becomes the chief doctor of the clinic and that’s it, clinics are crowns, if
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he doesn’t have software, what are soft skills, work for me in a team, when suddenly other people appear around you, and you are responsible for them, and you must achieve results in their hands. yes, we were taught somewhere to manage other adults? no, if we go through our education, we were taught somewhere to talk normally with others people? no, communication skills become just a blackbox, and as a rule, a blackbox, well, a closed black box, that is , it seems to you that you are talking perfectly well with other people, but people don’t want to communicate with you, to you, but this is the same feedback, which you need to constantly take into account, including, first of all, the most important thing in communications, yes, when you communicate with people, in fact. well , it’s desirable if you develop this skill, but this is like one of the life hacks that we constantly give in our podcast, it makes sense
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ask every time, please tell me why i am inadequate from your point of view, that is, it makes sense to take feedback almost every day, and with everyone, with your wife and children, with the owners of the company, and with your employees, with subordinates, and i assure you, but you probably know how much new we learn for ourselves in receiving feedback like this, the most popular educational ones now... the program is to delegate to another person, it’s up to the managers, where everything will be allowed , of course, by leadership training qualities but that fear, fear, fear is in your head in your head, allow yourself to say no there, accept in yourself that people are different, that what is important to you does not matter to another person, what seems important to you, the other doesn’t care, it doesn’t mean that he is worse or better, he is just different, why are they equal, are they different, that they are lower or higher, he is just different. you know, there is an amazing concept, if i still have time, very short, called leaders of the tribe, and there for such professionals, oh
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whom we are talking about, the best surgeons , the best technologists, the best engineers, the best doctors and so on, they belong to a level called the loneliness of a warrior, they are professional, they are beautiful, they don’t need anyone, because they are professional, they look at everyone else, who are you, who are you in general, you generally correspond to my level of competence, but when you put them to work in teams with other people, this... everything requires training, teaching, a lot of work on yourself, that same ego that you said , here, well, here is this task, in fact, a manager, choose such a scope of work and choose that niche where this person will be self-sufficient alone, that is, if it is extra class, now it doesn’t work out like that, now it doesn’t work out like that, no, because everything is so, firstly, the expenses are so , you can’t afford to build these echelon tunnel units where people are independent.
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i came across a couple of years ago, after the end of covid, that up to 70% of people working in russia, russians, are, in fact, passive job seekers, that is, they they work, but they still look at the market with one eye, and this is how people work , it’s just like life, people are like that, listen, people have rethought many things, that is, 70% of the working population are passive candidates, this means that if you are not needed, we take from different sides, you are an employer, you need people, you must be visible.
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well, they’re not extinct on earth, heroes , russians, and i haven’t lay on the stove yet, it ’s warm there, it’s warm there, that’s my cat, that ’s the cat who taught you everything, no, that boy, he saw me right, right ran, take me, take me, take me , a dog is a creature that appeared on earth so that a person understands that you can just love him like that, mothers of the whole world have been waiting for this life hack for thousands of years, in general, the intrigue of the century will... be revealed in a few seconds, saw the video, watch with us
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, premiere, today on the first one, you are so sad, you will kiss me, for the first time in history, a new competition format, born in russia with the support of the highest level, a combination of classical sports, e-sports high technologies, for the first time since sports and virtual disciplines are combined into a single space, thousands of the best athletes from more than 100 countries are united. sports and technology, we unite the world. games of the future, opening ceremony. live broadcast from kazan. february 21, on the first. this is the easy money podcast. and today we are discussing with you the most important topic for financial well-being.
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these are questions about your career, your personal development, the development of your career ladder. a positive story without a clinic that they say, there are a lot of people like this now, once again they look at what kind of person is in
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the first place, yes, how proactive he is, how proactive he is, sometimes they look at how controllable he is, by the way, yes, psychological stability is absolutely important, thank you for this term, i love it very much, but psychological stability, and for us what is this, for me psychological stability, you know, the famous boxer mike tyson, he said, we all had some kind of plan until the moment we received a blow to the gut , and then the only question is about how many seconds do you rise in the ring, yes, this is psychological stability for me, if there are people who, like vanka, stand up in 5 seconds, and you give him a blow, and after 5 seconds he is already in working condition, yes, and there are people, whom you killed, and he... then for a month he cannot recover, as they say in our market, we all know how to fix profits very well and efficiently, but the most difficult thing for a person who works with stock markets, with finance, is the ability to cut and fix the cost , that is, cut losses and record them, and not go further into losses, why do they ask stressful questions, to understand how you cope, how you react to
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stressful questions, and not so that you unload to the employer, what kind of god are you, there are not good people all around? psychological stability, for which issues of communication, interaction , stress can be of value for his future, well, if we have time to open the last slide, and we are designed that way, look, at some point you will be given an organizational verdict, and here very important all the words, first, you need to understand very clearly about yourself, who are you in general, what are you talking about and
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what are you all about as a person, but do n’t break yourself, don’t force yourself, the world is multifaceted, there’s enough work for everyone, for those closest to you. .. what university did you graduate from, what can you do, what courses did you take? you know, after an interview , hiring managers very often ask me, they say: len, what kind of person is he? the worst thing is if they say nothing about you, so be bright, don’t be afraid to show your achievements, be adequate and have, in general, be in demand, i would say this, but summing up your phrase, with some kind of conclusion or
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quintessence about the fact that after thirty no longer looks at education projects? i don’t remember how this phrase sounds in latin, but in russian it sounds here rosa, here jump, when some jumper came and said that i showed such achievements at the olympics, the people tell him, here is rhodes, here now, here jump here now, i think we will end the conversation on this positive note, thank you very much, elena, it was very interesting, i hope that those who, even for the first time, are building their portfolio career, portfolio employment, will learn a lot from our conversation, thank you, do not forget to rest, thank you. thank you for calling, let's get started, oh, i can't! game garmon, arrived, hello, hello, welcome, wait, eh,
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eh, tramytarara.
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it’s just that sound can be alive and dead, and for it to be alive, for this it must connect with the soul, well done! they gave this, but there is a soul, there is a soul, there is, there is, there is, there is, it is, it is after all, it remains with a person, remains forever and
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endlessly, yes, again, the accordion was created by a person under the influence of the creator himself, our creator, because if the lord had not given inspiration. how the men picked it up, because a soul came to them in the village. dear friends, the series of programs dedicated
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to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of gennady zavolokin continues. we remember, we communicate, we meet, we sing, in a word we remember, we remember zavolokin. people's artist of russia, founder of the national movement and the television program game and harmon. public favorite composer, accordionist, you look at archival footage of those years with gennady dmitrievich and think how different he was, cheerful, lyrical, and a little desperate, brave, caring about the cause in such a way that to many it seemed at least strange, yes, indeed, why, for whom was he so worried, worried, about the accordion , or something, already forgotten by everyone, about ordinary villagers,
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in the tall birches, and somehow it turned out naturally that all this, without causing harm, was beautiful words, real happiness, vital necessary for everyone, and today we already acutely feel it, we just need to remember zavolokin, this program is, first of all, a dedication to him. well, sergei vladimirovich? we remember zavolokin, how it was, in ninety, i know, the eighth year of the last century, exactly how it was, how you met at the port somehow, and
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i then. uh , he directed the amateur performances at the port and invited the filming site to be held right in the fishing port and you worked there as a docker a real docker is a port loader wow, no joke and you were wearing a helmet, they were just filming with a broken leg, it wasn’t visible, it didn’t matter , the main thing is that even the music was right in your meeting and what they performed, oh, that’s something a lot.
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primorye residents remember volokin, oh the accordion player and the circle gathered us all, everyone remembered their native pier, you don’t stop talking.
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sings with russia, let it sing, with russia, let it sing with russia, well, this place is associated with a great sorrow in our zakhar’s life, and as it turned out, it was sad not only
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for... we don’t even know what else to add, our sadness light, the earth will turn from light into darkness, and the north wind will change to south. i
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won’t take anything with me, because i don’t need anything, i won’t take anything with me, because i do n’t need anything. the sun rises and sets again to shine anew on the darkness, i am not afraid of losing anything, if only you, king, kings are with me. i'm not afraid
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of losing anything, if only you. human memory, spring vada. she will die like a city under siege, blessed is he who did not condemn anyone, but blessed is he who was condemned for the truth,
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blessed is he who did not condemn anyone. but blessed for condemned by the truth, but i believe that the truth itself will forever reign over the earth, and there will be light and shame. everyone who does evil will be crushed and there will be light and darkness will be put to
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shame, everyone who reproaches evil will be crushed. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions go off scale, atmosphere. knees to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice,
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spartakiad of the strongest. broadcast from magnitogorsk, today on the first. my advice. rom kastro product of stellar group, vodka veda, product of stellor group, old barrel cognac, product of steller group, we, contemporaries of the red era. felt like russians , the heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history lurking outside our cities, i collected huge multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes
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, which the reirakh loved to draw so much, i brought them to a single place on the pechora road, made a mountain out of them, hot gems, cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch, remembers... how this crucifix, erected on an armored personnel carrier, moved across the whole of pskov, aest, a prophetic bird, descended from the sky onto the crucifix. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession, tomorrow first. your dad recently left, our dad left with his father quite a long time ago, but the song is somehow about his father or not really, it’s not really about his father, it was after the departure of his father that
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yuri alexandrovich was born, yuri alexandrovich, and the kingdom of heaven , well, well , we were always with him, after all, we were everywhere on the set, here and there, and here i seem to be one stayed and... i felt such a tezhbina song in it, not sadness in it, confidently, on the contrary , but such a feeling that when you talk about tezhbina, zakhar and i also lost our father, i think we’re not the only ones. to say, there is nothing
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to look for, there is no time to dream, there is no difference, either forward or upward , to conquer mountains, rivers, drain, to be a man, the past, to forget, to improve, to create success, i will gather all of myself into a fist, i am sure that i can handle it, yes it happened later, after the storm i will recover. i'll sort out my things, i'm sure i can handle it, i'm washed by the rains, i'm my destiny i like you, i’m already famous, whoever spoke, knew and didn’t ask, i fell in love with the truth, i believe that i love you, i hope that there will be a smooth turn. only god knows who helped whom, the main thing
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is that the world can hear him, repent, don’t slow down the hunt, feel all of yourself in your heart, i ’m sure i can handle it, it could have been worse, i’ll recover from the storm, i’ll sort out my things, i ’m sure i can handle it, i washed by the rains, she likes me in fate, i’m already famous, hey, i ’ve already lost sight of my things, i’m sure i can handle it, i’m washed by the rains, i’m mine fate likes me, i’m already famous , looking through archival materials, gennady zavolukin and i never ceased to be amazed
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at how, with what difficulties, with what incredible difficulty our program was filmed, how much effort, nerves, emotions, and after all, everything was for the dear viewer, to please people , to console, to respect, these are just some moments of the difficult filming process, come on, bright days, two, three, four.
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soldered pratsy, bakuta, the song touches the soul, so that tomorrow both my son and daughter raised, lord, forgive my sin, so that tomorrow.
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which of you knows how to be mischievous, here you don’t just have to run in a bunch, we’ve already filmed this bunch, we have this option, so we need one couple first...
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now you and i are still the sun, let’s film this wonderful ensemble shuya harmonicas , where my friends play, and for this , the operator of the honored active excursion of russia, anatoly gershov, and i need your little support. i ask you to come here to the stage, whoever wants to stand at the back to cover the humility that is there. i ask you, friends, be bold, be brave, be brave, don’t fight, it’s okay, just stand there. this means that the father has little harmony.
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let me announce how normal i look? no, i look, now a second, differences. now there is a short applause and i will announce now. so one more time, a second time, attention, the roofing felt is ready, according to it, according to it we will begin, wait , i’ll take a little communion, they won’t forgive me, now, applause, hurray, second... from the russian ivanovo children’s festival, the shuya harmonica ensemble, director vladimir morozov, hurray, all the tunes, revox tunes, so
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let's double, people applaud. and far away, we have to get through everything, now it will be cool, now, guys, let's go, short applause, died down, yes, come on, our old friends, the shuya harmonica ensemble, the city of shuya, leader vladimir morozov, the prevsky margrys.
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he was able to get this thing off the ground; this man, of course, had great energy, and many are sitting at this table today. and those who are not here at this table today, but we know that they exist, they are grateful to him for what he took, shouldered yourself, took these reins, pulled this mighty cart, moved it from a dead point, and today it is rolling along at a good pace and continues to please many, many, you and you understand that you have a great responsibility , a task for all of us, for your descendants, well yes.


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