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tv   Zdorove  1TV  February 18, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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first combat mission to the northern military district zone. he wanted to become a pilot since childhood, although there were no pilots or military personnel in his family. for a long time, the parents could not believe that their son , without telling anyone, immediately after the emergency , entered the krasnodar flight school. after all , he had never even flown as a passenger on civilian aircraft. after admission, only when i was given my first leave, i only flew on a civilian plane for my first leave. i still have a craving for the sky.
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to such a formidable machine, it’s something more, which she gets shot down, and she flies on , saves lives, it’s kind of like a guardian angel, just in flight, it gives so many emotions just crazy, and they once told me, flight romance, it can end somehow, but god forbid it will never end with this machine, i’m sure of it, we’ve already escorted couples on combat missions and met couples with the u-25. one after another they leave
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the parking lot, technicians see the cars off, carefully stroke them and pat their wings, as if they were living beings. control check of 625 taxiing to the runway for takeoff. a minute of waiting, afterburner and ... the planes begin a rapid takeoff, take off in pairs, the leading wingman, six rooks go into the sky, i'm terribly worried about the guys , i hope everything will be fine for them, we keep our fingers crossed for you guys, good luck to you on that one side. a sentry video camera is installed in the cockpit of one of the planes, only this is not a training flight, but a combat mission; you can see how low the rooks are flying, staying slightly behind on the left. wingman, passing over our
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positions, su-25s flap their wings, hello to those below, here are the planes going into combat course, a few more moments, missile launch , combat turn again, hugging the ground , almost touching the treetops of the su-25, rushing home, and look with what jewelery softness the pilot lands the plane, the camera in the cockpit didn’t even move, in fact, we are very much here we were very worried, very worried about the guys, because after all, this was real combat work, they were not flying out on some kind of training flight, but they flew there behind the front line, helped our ground troops , worked on targets, now all six the players have landed. at the airfield, and we
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are very glad that everything ended well, we also had to see the combat work of rooks when we were filming on the front line under flint, in the location of the paratroopers. oh look, wash away, wash away, just now. we saw how our rooks and attack aircraft worked , they shot off heat traps before our eyes , made a maneuver, went to the base, yes, here at the front line this is exactly what is happening, but there is still a lull at our airfield, nevertheless, all the planes would ready to take off, aircraft technicians are checking the engines' weapons mechanisms, we go in to warm up, we are greeted by heroes who have been iconic for many generations of pilots.
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the weather outside is really very difficult, windy, cold, so the aviation engineers invited us to warm up and at least have a glass of wine, you have a very nice atmosphere here. that this is your dining room and this is a field one, so to speak, a winter version of our dining room there . there is a veranda there, too, a table, this is a summer version, here we have a very thematic drawing from that movie, which we have already mentioned several times today, they go into battle alone old people, this is where the main characters of this film are presented, in your work, what is the most difficult, great, burden of responsibility, when you release - a plane, and it flies in, and you are waiting, as if for it to return, is everything okay there, there here are the meager reports on the radio, then you don’t know the picture, but you hope, you expect that he will return there, everything is fine with him, the next flight will take place,
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these are these models, i wanted to draw your attention, here too are these airplanes, corn makers, the same ones with... the famous ones, who do this, you guys too the kids send something, our colleagues send something, so to speak, when they have a free minute, a hobby. mikhail, an aircraft engine repairman, is a young guy, but he already knows a lot, because it’s simply impossible to let the flight crew down. it happens that you have to work at night when something has failed in the evening after your last flight. we need to work hard before the morning for the plane to get into service and carry out a combat mission, the next one, well, in how many hours, well, 12 hours, but it’s faster than prescribed, it’s of course, of course, faster, there in the documentation we have 36 hours for
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dismantling and installation work, junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich. who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see him like that again, you won’t be here. doomer, the premiere of a multi-part film, watch the time after the program, i want
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you to take doomer to battle. on the day of defender of the fatherland, on the first. you have no idea how hard it is to wait. wait when i don’t know where you are, what’s wrong with you, promise me that you will return, give me your word, here they are, i see column, messer on the tail, we are looking... he is somewhere in this area, this life has a price, a second chance, a second life, my goal was to live to fight, my husband is a pilot,
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and a pilot must fly. the pilot was on his first flight on february 23, and although combat training at the airfield did not stop for a minute, the bad weather turned out to be to the advantage of many, because it so happened that we arrived at the airfield on one of the main christian holidays. the epiphany of the lord is a holy holiday. and today not only civilians come here, but also military personnel, pilots from the nearest airfield, to also join the orthodox traditions, and we will also talk with them a little. in small groups , finding half an hour of free time
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, pilots and aircraft engineers and fighters plunge into the font during the day. how does it feel? the first time, not the first, not the first, every year , that is, everyone here is already seasoned, yes, why is this also important, it is necessary, because the family is of orthodox traditions, without faith in god, there is no victory in the war, you can’t say it better, near there are a lot of people in the font, the rector of the local temple greets them, tells him it’s especially nice to see our defenders among parishioners and military personnel. i am glad that they are coming forward with this initiative,
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this is not just some kind of directive or this is their desire, they are brought here by hope, hope, faith in god, and the lord does not shame those who trust in him, and we are very happy such a step of theirs, we bless them in this, may the lord strengthen them in good things.
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incredible, they are really real there , i understand that something is going on at the front - heroes, our soldiers, our loved ones, i sincerely thank you, thank you for what you are saving your homeland, thank you for not being an enemy, the enemy will not be able to break into our country, thank you for. that you stand with dignity and defend mother russia, be protected by god, dear ones, return home as soon as possible. vitya says that if it weren’t for his illness, he would have become a military man, but since this is impossible, he and his relatives help our soldiers at the front in any way they can. together with the military personnel we return to the airfield. right now they are having a teaching. we
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still conduct training to bring our actions to automaticity, accordingly, now we will act out situation that the pilot ejected, we searched for him, so we found him, now we will evacuate him by helicopter, after which we will evacuate him to a military medical facility, guardian angels, symbolically, but this is what the rescue pilots call him. who cover their backs, they are obliged to save the air aces if something goes wrong. the sentry saw how these guys worked, together with them we flew on a combat mission as part of a group of army aviation helicopters. here is the ni-35 rushing forward, over the broken enemy shells in a donbass village, turns up its nose, fires unguided missiles from a pitching position from the french cabret, which means rearing up... now we
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have fired a combat salb, ​​maneuver, go to the left, you see, what the hell, now the main thing is to get out of the expected air defense zone enemy, it’s quite exciting and dangerous to be there now, fortunately everything worked out then, but it happens when rescuers have to use all their skills. now everything is happening, as it would happen in a combat situation, if had to, the guys take up firing positions , scatter, rescuers run to the discovered pilot, immediately cover him , fire contact is carried out, the doctor directly, conducts a dialogue immediately: with the pilot, because it is quite possible that the pilot may get injured during ejection during landing,
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a fracture open leg, the bleeding is open, we stop it immediately, instead of a stretcher there is this net into which you can transfer the wounded, the doctor has now applied a tourniquet, provides first aid, if there is severe bleeding, all the rest is help directly in flight, when they fly to the base, she must pull them out. it takes a couple of minutes to tell everything, the rescuers are covered by a fire group, their task is to protect people and the vehicle, all fighters. experienced front-line soldiers, veterans. from the first days of the special military operation, i took part, took an active part in the suppression of the neo-fascist invaders, so to speak , i was wounded twice, recovered safely, as you can see, gained strength, determination, perseverance and continued my decisive task.
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for his exploits, rapier was awarded combat medals. i have a family of born hereditary military men. grandfather is a military man, his father is the same military man, he is now in the zone of a special task, my father also serves here, well, he is in the front line there, and he is in the assault units, and anti-tank units, but i really don’t know if he can - my father is there in the near future to watch our program, to see you, but there is still an opportunity to say hello to him from here in combat, as if he were there on the front line, i’m in front of... i say hello to you, i’m waiting for us to return home as soon as possible having just won, you watched the sentinel program, see you next sunday.
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this morning, dear friends, i start in the center of the brain of the federal medical-biological agency, this is an operating unit, but the operating unit is completely unusual, because there are extraordinary operating rooms here, for example, at the entrance to this operating room there is such an inscription mri, magnetic resonance imaging, but it is here that the area of ​​the brain responsible for tremor will be removed; tremer is trembling. which occurs in parkinson's disease or essential tremor, without opening the skull, without a scalpel, without incisions, a beam of ultrasonic rays focused in one place will work here. this is a completely unique technology that looks like
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a real miracle here. the main device in this operating room is a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, with a very strong magnet; it is prohibited to enter here with metal objects. i specifically remove the magnets from this badge, it is attached to a magnet, because they will simply fly into the device with me. let's go in and look at the tremors. can we ask the patient to show us? you wouldn't could you raise your hands?
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trembling occurs, this focus must be destroyed by temperature and thus the tremor can be cured. the patient is fixed in a tomograph; instead of surgical instruments, the neurosurgeon holds a computer mouse in his hands. on the computer monitor, the doctor finds the area of ​​the brain responsible for the triad, without a scalpel, without incisions, the doctor will destroy it using focused ultrasound. there are about a thousand in the device. a thousand sensors, from where a thousand waves come to one point, when they intersect at a point, a thermal effect occurs, due to this we get result, yeah, let's see, let's go, in order to accurately hit the target, first they aim, then evaluate the result, if the tremor has become
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even a little less, then the target has been determined correctly, in general, friends, neurosurgeons are building sights trying to take them away from neurologists bread, because the academician convinces us that this is functional neurosurgery , functional neurosurgery, but it’s true, today surgery is really becoming different, today removal does not mean a scalpel in many cases, like this the procedure will be completed, what will happen to the patient at the very end of the program, now just specifically for everyone with parkinsonism, essential tremor, dystonia. this is a very serious disease, hopeless at the very end of the program, there is a way out, the health program begins while this life is harsh. endless passions are boiling, to wake up healthy in the morning, even if true happiness, we need to, sailing through the watery waves,
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take care of both strength and nerves, if we put everything in its place, health will come first. with you again, with you again, health, dears friends, our program begins, and of course , we started with this absolutely amazing story, with this new topic, treatment of severe tremors in parkinson’s disease, with essential tremor, without a scalpel and incisions, the whole ending of this story is at the end of the program, and of course, this completely new horizons in people's lives. with essential tremor and parkinson's disease, when literally before our eyes there is a tragically strong tremor, because of which a person cannot take a glass, bring a spoon to a card, cannot
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live normally, it goes away simply during procedures in just a few minutes, this is the latest technology of ultrasonic removal , directed rays of the focus in the brain, which is associated with tremor, with all the...
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the story of the rescue of a person who was trying to be torn to pieces by a bear, we keep the pressure under control, the pressure is 125 and 93, is this normal pressure or not, well, i feel good, how is your phone on... can defeat hypertension, this is the measles virus, dear friends, a disease that was considered completely eliminated is raising its head higher and higher, recently in russia and in all other countries, but while we are talking about russia, the incidence of measles has increased almost 300 times, 300 times, guys
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, you have been dealing with infections for a long time, more than 40 years, what about measles, what about measles, why is there such a monstrous increase, why are we not given reports daily , as it was with the coronavirus, it was also revealed, if 300 times more, 300, not three, not 30, 300, irina vasilyevna, unfortunately, we calmed down, i thought that... a textbook, because the contagiousness is the greatest, 99
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out of 100 who meet and do not have antibodies get measles, and that’s why we calmed down they hoped that we would ride like a hare onto the tram at someone else’s expense, why should we get vaccinated when there is no disease, in fact, every 5-7 years there is a periodic increase in...
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profession, we get vaccinated against everything, i’m not that vaccinated from measles, because the russian academy of sciences, that is, it was ours that started the outbreaks, in the third year there was an outbreak, we had an outbreak on television, we were all vaccinated, i was vaccinated against pneumococcus, i was vaccinated against measles again, lord, against tetanus, deftheria, against in total, moreover, we were all vaccinated against tetanus and deftheria completely when before the birth of the first grandchild, so as not to infect him.
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what to do if we get sick? there is no medicine in the world, because the vaccine is so effective and protects so well that there is no need to invest in the development of drugs for the bark, it’s clear, that means, let ’s now look at the complications that result from the bark, vasilievich, i want you to get up with this side, and i’m on this side, we will now have symptoms of measles, i want you to tell us about the most severe complications for those who get measles, well, undoubtedly, this is encephalitis? encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain , which, unfortunately, ends with the development of blindness and deafness, a seemingly harmless infection, but ends, the most common indisputable complication is damage to the lower respiratory tract, pneumonia curves are a classic of the genre, well, in fact it is an infection, and which affects almost many organs of the system, where it ruptures subtly, and genetically we are completely different and
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therefore, given... the fact that the virus has pathways to blood vessels, we have blood vessels almost everywhere, that is, the range of complications can be the most varied, but quite encephalitis , which ends in blindness and deafness , as they say, there is still a choice of what you will lose, but it is better to get vaccinated for the symptoms of measles , which now you need to know to notice, the first, of course, is the rash, here it is, the famous spots of koplik in the throat, this once again shows the copycat. absolutely right, here they are, white spots in the oral cavity, these are the main signs, that’s right, alexander you, it starts with cotoral symptoms, it starts like an ordinary acute respiratory infection, an ordinary acute respiratory infection, but old pediatricians always told us about childhood infection, with bark, but let me say this, the child is scary, if with scarlati he is handsome, eyes sparkle, rosy cheeks, pale nasolabial triangle, and here there is a cough, runny nose,
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so it is very difficult for pregnant women, think, we come again, that there is no cure, we told you everything, the choice is yours, you are adults, and your life is all that is needed. to you, i emphasize, although we often talk about bark in relation to children, we are talking about adults too, all the outbreaks that we had everywhere were outbreaks among adults, and not among children, remember this, thank you very much, let's take a break for a moment, and then continue, and what if i pet him. okay, such a beautiful beak and eyes, that’s how i would, these are without hairs - what’s this, put them in an aquarium, she won’t run away, dogs
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can bite, just talk about a dog’s life, but guess what i have in my mouth, candy? no, dog food, no, collar, leash, no , i give up, but i have nothing there, best of all, new season, watch after the evening news, rum, castra, stellar group product, vodka veda. a product of stellor group, i am not a mother , not a wife, i am an all-russian autocrat , what is this appeal to the people, you are no one here, just
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my mother’s toy, as you already were, there will be a lot more, as soon as she gets bored with you, get out , do you want to accompany me to europe, based on the results of our conversation, i... lyosha, let’s turn it on so that there is something, now we’ll start to figure it out, so why figure it out, i want to show a movie to a person, there are people who they make a movie out of thin air, and i out of myself, and you
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don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, i i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you are my brother, seryozha, he is not an artist, he is a personality, i think that strength lies in truth. he got there, in fact, because of me, we were filming there, there’s no need to relax, guys, there’s a war going on, when seryozha left, something left my world, but it just became more difficult for me because my friend died, there’s this man, he made me carry a cross for easter, i almost fell, it’s heavy wooden, a huge cross, so i’m waiting for someone to support me, because i might fall, but a crowd of people is coming towards me. in general, i somehow made it to the sixty-fifth anniversary of the birth of alexei balabanov, the premiere on february 25 at the first hello, good morning elina
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vasilievna, when you come to you, it cannot be different, and i am with a small gift, with that same siberian cedar and ... we follow the leading news, i know that my son entered the first big important event in our family, the child entered medical university, despite the fact that there are no doctors in the family, there have never been doctors, and this, of course , was very exciting for me, said romochka, how will you be, no one
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can help you, i say, they won’t tell you anything, he says, you know, mom, there have never been tv presenters in our family, somehow you’re coping, i’m happy for you, i'm happy for you, this is very important, i'm just happy because now.
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dear friends, our program continues, right now the story is literally breaking, this is the story of a man who grew up, was born and lived in siberia, all siberians go to the forest to get nuts, this is our favorite entertainment, september 2023, shushinsky region of the krasnoyarsk territory. viktor gennadievich and his comrades go to collect nuts in the forest and fall behind a little, just a few moments later, turning around, he sees a bear pouncing on him, if anyone understands, a bear is a huge animal taller than a person, and the bear begins to tear him to pieces... tear him to pieces in the literal sense of the word, rips off his scalp,
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gnaws his skull, the worst thing is that all this time the man is conscious and he himself cannot understand why the bear abandoned him and left, we only show that , what you can show how the doctors saw him when the ministry of emergency situations brought him to the hospital.
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someone will go for nuts, someone will be brought torn, so you can’t put a single robot into the program, what should you do about it? the first question, of course, is for you, i can’t understand how you didn’t lose consciousness, what does a person feel who is being torn to pieces by a bear, and is this possible? somehow resist, you know,
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there were no thoughts, as if, even i just didn’t understand what it was, how it happened, that of course i didn’t feel pain, but there was shock, i didn’t lose consciousness due to the fact that i knew that they wouldn’t look for me for a long time, i would bleed to death and simply die there, if i lost, i just set myself up not to lose consciousness, but why did he leave? after all, you are such a taiga person, i mean a bear, how do you explain this to yourself? i think he just realized it was a bear that killed me? they brought you a torn person, what was broken, what was torn off , and so on. there was no living space on victor’s face, just a crust of blood and there i saw a tongue and missing eyes, the first thing that struck me scared that... the person’s vision would no longer be, but upon closer
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examination we realized that his vision was not affected except for the left eye, because somehow the muscles that move the eye were torn out of victor’s eye sockets, in the mouth, well, what can be said represented a mouth, because they were rags, i saw that the jaw was simply broken off, the jaw was lying on the tongue, and victor was talking to this jaw, that is, he was transported for how many hours, it was damaged and lower and upper jaw with two sides, how long did the assembly operation take? yes, the most difficult thing, of course, is that there are no regulations or clear algorithms , thank god bears don’t attack people every day, so there are no standards of treatment, the doctor receives this patient and he makes a decision right here, looking at all this
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horror, yes there was maximum improvisation, but the first thing we did was wash it, it probably took an hour. assessed the condition of the bones that were torn off from him, of course, it was impossible to throw everything away, well, if it sounds so rude in trash can, i wanted to save something, and as practice later showed correctly, we attached these bones back to his skull island, they were partially fused, that is , now you fastened it all with metal clips or with titanium, screws and
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titanium plates of our domestic production , moscow city, like this. our plates don’t behave, it’s also interesting, but now when they go through the frames on the plane, it rings, by the way, no, no, they are adapted for the patient’s life, and they can also be used to make dental plantants, that is on which the teeth will be restored, they don’t ring, well, what can you say, i just want to say alexander vasilyevich, well done boy, well done boy. kemerovo state medical institute, we convey to you our vibes of love, gratitude to our dear alma mator, is it true,
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there are simply no words what doctors come out with, well, don’t go for nuts anymore, rehabilitation is enough. that but i don’t even know what advice to give, because after that i wouldn’t leave the house at all, just good luck to you, vit, good luck, because taiga, siberia, jokes aside, that’s why the people there are different. thank you - it’s nothing, they are the first after god, the first after boov, thank you very much, good health, good luck to you, amazing medical fate, we’ll take a break for a while and then continue. ufa wait for us!
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bashkirs - traditionally, these are wars, these are the ural cossacks. the boy was 3 years old and they hit the horse. and the boy began to master the art of war, this song means that guests have come to us, we need to quickly slaughter a lamb to treat our guests, what a aroma, here is the next dish, bashkir cuisine, this is elegance, it was always prepared in the villages, in the villages, you figured out what you would cook, i’ll cook some big goose or turkey, i want to make a variation on the theme of kastyba with potatoes and there in the west they like to talk about themselves as the heir ancient greece and ancient rome. in fact , europeans discovered antiquity only a thousand years after the fall of the western
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roman empire. western europeans compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was remote and dirty. health is with you again, dear friends, you you know, at the end of december we showed a story about
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strokes, where i said that a stroke can be avoided if you measure your blood pressure, then in january we showed a story about hypertension, because hypertension is the main cause of strokes, the main cause of morbidity and mortality in modern world in our country, and i didn’t even expect that it would get such a resonance. columns and we rise to the very top, and above the highest column of morbidity, hypertension is almost twice as high,
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if we turn this curve over like this, then you see how many times hypertension outpaces atherosclerosis. hypertension is a stroke, a stroke is instant death, it is the life of 230 years of a paralyzed person who cannot speak, all of this can be... avoided if you measure your blood pressure and control it at a normal level. today we have our first program, because there has been a radical breakthrough and a complete change in our ideas about normal hypertension numbers. well, we will be siberians to understand this issue, you see, right now siberians dominate here wonderful host of channel one alena lapshina. hello, right now there is news on the air about events in the country outside its borders. alena lapshina came to channel one
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10 years ago. she came to moscow from tomsk, where she shone as the host of an information program and even received a bronze arfey at the tefe region competition. hello, right now about the most important and interesting events of this day. alena's homeland is kazakhstan. she was born in a closed city. stepnogorsk, father is an engineer, mother is a musician, alena has two younger sisters, twins. as a child, alena was sent to a music school for a violin class. the girl devoted 10 years to practicing this instrument. her parents hoped that her destiny would be connected with music, but her daughter decided differently and entered the philological department of omsk university. in a few years she will become a local television star. this was her springboard to the first channel. and we begin our issue with a report on important documents signed today by vladimir putin, among them a law that people with
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serious diseases, including cancer. alena is not married, she has a son, by the way, he is a first-year student at sechinov medical university, so very soon the family will have its own doctor. well, here she is, a smart beauty, sometimes it’s even a pity that the presenter...
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free applications for phones that will do everything and explain what your blood pressure is and prescribe pills for you and so on, we use the free application my pressure, from my point of view view is one of the best, it means so, but you don’t sit, my dears, you measure your blood pressure, you can help, yes, i sit so that everyone’s legs stand level,
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we don’t cross our legs, our arms are not on the weight, not on the weight, yes, we breathe calmly, yes, during the measurement you can’t talk about pressure, your back should be supported, but we’ll talk about this separately, so we watch, watch, watch, watch, and quietly my hair stands on end from the numbers that i see in people who feel great, let’s show , 179.8 is not true. try it on, of course, well, in general, oh, you it’s not true, it’s a lie, 179.86, you could have taken your blood pressure before this episode, you’re taking some pills, i took it today , it was 160 this morning, i’m just wondering, for a second
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, it was 160 this morning, now it’s 233. oh, how good that you turn on the phone right now in the hospital, 170 to 106, 173 to 106, you are taking blood pressure medicine, i am an emotional person, wait a second, that means blood pressure medicine, she doesn’t drink, dial your blood pressure numbers in the apps, you entered your blood pressure numbers here, what the phone wrote to you, that’s what the application gives, yeah. i'm reading: it's dangerous here high blood pressure, call an ambulance or contact your doctor. i will now ask our assistants, our employees, to take you straight to the ward, we will now take care of you and decide what to do. and your situation is extremely serious, because in such numbers a stroke occurs, but you feel good,
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right? but i feel normal, because blood pressure is an asymptomatic disease. please take our patient there, please call dr. kurokhtin to the room, right there right away, we have it here too alarming indicators, and we generally have only alarming indicators, this is hypertension, what is the second stage, is this the second stage of hypertension, what medications, which means you are missing this, if the pressure is 20 mm higher, there will be a separate program on how medications are prescribed.
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we have thawed patches with streams, who in moscow saw streams only knee-deep mud, and our autumn is golden, truly golden, the trees are filled with all the colors, this is how we live, alyonochka, what is
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the most interesting thing in life now, well now here we are we are just studying at a medical university, i help as best i can, although of course i have no knowledge of anything, i recently passed the class in histology with an a, this is generally a genius, in general a hero, histology. friends, plowmen and super-hardy people , my son will become a good doctor, he chose an amazing profession, i’m very glad that we met today and examined him, now immediately after the program i’ll tell you what will
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happen next, we won’t pause for long, and then we’ll continue, attention, the train won’t go further let's go, please vacate the carriages. no, to be honest, i i'm dying. save me. this is serious? give me a ruble. listen, young one. he is wise and educated. if you decide to become interested in me, first of all, you must find something good in me, appreciate it and start admiring it. i felt there would be one, they said, i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to get in shape, what kind of hike is this, where is talya? thank you, well , the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear. but first you still need to cling to something, primitive, karokitsa, loser, it’s the librarian who is leading you astray, you fell in love there, and for oleg’s eightieth birthday
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yankovsky, in love of his own free will, today at the first, look, why did you do this? about what, i don’t want you and i to quarrel over this girl, i’ll go to the rally anyway, let’s go, it’s uncomfortable, but don’t drag me anywhere, traitor, everyone here is traitors, people who trample for the greatness of their homeland, this is a special contingent , i don't want.
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help me find him, please, my daughter is at school, being held hostage, they were trying to let him go, how long?
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cobiological agency: the latest technologies for the treatment of tremor, parkinson's disease and essential tremor, a miracle, which happens before our eyes without a scalpel and cuts in 5, 10 minutes. this morning, dear friends, i start at the brain center of the federal medical and biological agency, this is an operative blog.
9:14 am
cuts here will be operated by a beam of ultrasonic beams focused in one place, this is a completely unique technology that looks like a real miracle here. first of all, let's figure out why tremor or trembling occurs. our movements are controlled by the central zone of the cerebral cortex. here we decide what is needed. for example, raise a hand, nerve impulses go through the substantia nigra of the brain to the spinal cord, then to the hands, and we raise the hand. with tremor, this is impossible to do, so the whole problem is in the substantia nigra. this is the area of ​​the brain on the mri, it is the one that disrupts the conduction of nerve impulses, and this area must be neutralized with ultrasound. my task now is...
9:15 am
the patient is right-handed, his right hand is working, on both sides at the same time, this is dangerous, our tremor will be removed today. who can come to you, that's who can come with confidence, this the magnetic resonance imaging scanner began to hum, patients can come to us.
9:16 am
let's return to our patient, he has a special helmet on his head, it is fixed to the couch so that his head does not move, and ultrasound rays go in a circle straight into the substantia nigra. a young neurosurgeon is at the computer, and next to him is his teacher, the famous neurosurgeon, academician krylov, well, here we can draw an analogy with radiosurgery, when we use gamma rays, they pass through undamaged.
9:17 am
oh, no, not yet, no, it persists, just think, at some point everything, well, became smaller, in my opinion, our reaction would be a little less, like...
9:18 am
in general, it would be a little longer. well, the patient already feels the first effect. the doctors return to the computer and gradually increase the temperature. so they will return to the patient several times, gradually increasing the force of influence. finally the main moment comes: the temperature is 50°, the black is being destroyed. substance, it lasts literally a few minutes, all the doctors return to the patient again, since it’s normal, but what about once again, the impact was only on your right hand, what can i say, it’s
9:19 am
beautiful, yes, how about you, well done, place both hands like this. well, here we see in peace there is nothing at all, i went straight into peace, i feel, i feel, i feel, of course , well done, well done, well, thank god, the triumph of science, against hypocrisy and obscurantism, it is important to say that we have shown you the tip of the iceberg, this procedure is preceded by extensive examinations, which are done first.
9:20 am
have high homogeneity, that is, the more heterogeneous they are, the more focused ultrasound, well, ultrasound itself is worse passes through them and, accordingly, we will not achieve the effect that we need , so if the patient’s skull is heterogeneous, then accordingly we can understand this , and accordingly not perform this procedure on him, this patient is lucky, ultrasound will pass through his skull bones, now you see what they put on the patient's head...


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