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tv   Zhizn svoikh  1TV  February 18, 2024 10:15am-11:05am MSK

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30 minutes drying, our army has entire bread factories that are mobile, you just need to find a room where you can put an oven and a machine for kneading dough. high-grade flour, yeast, salt, water, everything, a little kindness and warmth from yourself. to provide the entire tank brigade with white wheat, they work almost around the clock, except that sometimes there are special orders, for example, they baked pies for the tankman’s day; they say they will definitely come up with something to please their colleagues on defender of the fatherland day. sergey panomariov, roman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, first channel. and that’s all for now, about the developments in polden, now on the first channel life of our own, today novosibirs, enjoy watching.
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why is our door open, we are letting the park out, but let the park out, no, we won’t let out the desks, open the door, why, jen , where, everything is already wet, open the door, it’s nice, let’s make it dark, this city is on ... a real record holder, everything here is the very best, you can even put it in the book of records, here is the smartest street, the longest metro bridge in the world, the largest theater in russia, we are in novosibirsk, friends, and this is the life of our own, if i were born in novosibirsk, i could work in one of the best institutes in the world and would know what a collider is, why do you need a new maybach, the collider is much cooler, at least it is definitely faster. there is no tula left
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-hander who shod the blah, so, in this city i met an equally skilled craftsman, there are technological works that are very complex, for example, the alphabet on a hairdresser, living in novosibirsk, then i would know what shoes to wear so as not to freeze, but did you know that the first felt boots appeared in the 6th century bc era in siberia, and i could also study in one of the best bell ringing schools in russia, ready, always ready, let's fly. and only here, in the most severe frosts, locals go rafting down the rivers, as if it were summer outside. and here i am, and i'm very cold. and here, here is a real siberian. well, whoever i was, a ballet dancer or a scientist, a market seller, a vivarium employee or a metro driver, i would live in one of...
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friends, i am now in the very center of russia, but at least most people are sure of this novosibirsk residents, they believe that it is this chapel in the name of st. nicholas the wonderworker that is the core of the country. in fairness, it must be said that this was only the case during the time of the russian empire; today our borders have changed and the center has shifted to krasnoyarsk, but from old memory , local residents continue to support this status. however, no one argues with the city’s other status: it is the capital of siberian science. i am now walking along the smartest street in the world, academician lavrentiev avenue in academic town. why the smartest? yes everything is very simple, because there is a little less on it.
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scientific institutions of the world , maxim kuzin agreed to be my guide, who has dedicated more than 30 years to the institute, this is one of the seven colliders currently operating in the world, and i understand correctly that the principle of operation is that two particles collide and decay into smaller ones colliders, and it is registered in detectors, that is, the collider consists of an accelerator that accelerates. particles compresses them to
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a minimum size, and why, in order to measure a small, small particle, you need to build such a huge, huge device. imagine... that at a distance of about 100 m two people stand and shoot gum needles, so you need to hit each other with these needles in the middle between these two people, accordingly you need a very high-precision installation that could focus these beams so that they collide at the point we set, this requires very serious electronics, very powerful magnets, that is, this is... a really very serious physical installation. well well, let's go further and go down to the basements of the institute. and this is the second collider, which appeared in novosibirsk about 40 years ago. the main uniqueness of this installation is that it is completely assembled from domestic elements, and all
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the components are produced here, at the institute of nuclear physics, they are so good that they are even purchased to be installed on foreign colliders, it turns out to be cheaper and more reliable. many people do not understand why these colliders are needed at all, but it is thanks to them that the world can inventions will appear that today exist only in science fiction, perhaps some of us will live to see the moment when science fiction becomes reality, and people, using teleportation, will be able to travel to other star systems and fly into the distant past in a time machine. in fact, colliders and what is being studied here are a way to look even deeper into the microworld. that is, what the world consists of, in fact, what particles it is made of, which particle will be the smallest, and this will also give an understanding of how the universe originated, and there is no possibility that, say, when it is up and running , some huge three-headed
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little rat suddenly appears here, we have no cats, no rats, no three-headed animals here, we don’t have any, but little one, everything is fine, so what? do you want my nose, your dress? there are specially bred rats that are quite openly shown to curious guests. here in ivar you can meet two types of rats, some are very kind, sweet, affectionate, you can easily pick them up, hold them like that, and you can talk to them. well, there are creatures here extremely unpleasant, very aggressive, angry, with a bad character.
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no, we even specifically conducted an experiment called cross- education, in our rats this kindness and aggressiveness is deeply rooted in genetics. now we’ll do a glove test, it determines the level of aggression of a rat towards a person, rima , first you, i’ll watch, learn from you, then maybe i’ll try it myself, now we’ll test a guy who’s sitting alone, now he’s already started, he obviously don't like it, basically is experiencing a lot of stress, the cage fits here the hand and, accordingly, the animal. it hurts , of course, he bites through the thick leather gloves, yes, how he grabbed onto it, my god,
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i still decided to do this experiment, as they say, it’s all for the sake of science, cell, buddy, i even feel sorry for you, i’ll tell you honestly. yeah, well, well, of course, now, that’s it, we managed to catch this comrade, okay, yes, it’s good to have a bite, everyone has already realized that you are the aggressor, come on, go home, rest, ugh, it wasn’t weak, but we managed it that way , rima, we are great, yes. and this is another one we have test subject, now we will test the rat’s exploratory activity, what does the test consist of? uh, getting into a new environment, rats show caution and uh, when they adapt to this environment, they show
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exploratory behavior, the rat is placed in this chamber, the timer is turned on, 5 minutes are recorded .
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this song means that guests have come to us, we need to quickly slaughter the lamb to treat our guests, what a aroma, here’s another a dish of bashir cuisine, this is elezh, it was always prepared in the villages in the villages, you figured out what you would cook, i’ll cook some big goose or turkey, i want to make a variation on the theme of kastyba with potatoes and stewed lamb, let’s start, premiere. chefs on wheels, today on the first. for the first time
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in history, a new competition format, born in russia with support at the highest level. a combination of classic sports and high-tech e-sports. for the first time, sports and virtual disciplines are combined into a single space. the best athletes from more than 100 countries, combining sports and technology, we unite the world, games of the future, opening ceremony, live broadcast from kazan, february 21, on the first, on defender of the fatherland day on the first. misha saved you, so that you can live, you must live, you
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’re crazy, how will you fly, how can you no longer stand on your feet, but he doesn’t, the pilot, february 23, on the first. i will return to the institute of cetology and genetics, now let's see what scientists can do in their free time from research. remember how the tula left-hander shoed a flea, and so in novosibirsk has its own craftsman, a siberian doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, who can not only shoe an insect, he can carve a real sculpture out of a hair. makes real masterpieces from grains of rice, dust and god knows what else. what are
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the most expensive materials you used? well , diamond gold, what kind of tools do you use, and in fact, all the tools are made independently in shape... they resemble the tools that wood crackers use, but only very small ones, here enlarged, look, these are uh-huh, chervonets of nicholas ii, copies, the smallest copies in the world, my god, 3 mm, 10 rubles. nicholas has hair, and the eagle has feathers. vladimir was included in the guinness book of records as the author of the world's smallest copy of a coin, its size. work does not exceed 4 mm. the most difficult thing in a microminiature is to create a work that
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would contain two things: the artistry of images and technological complexity. now, if you manage to combine these two elements in your work, then you get almost a masterpiece. there are jobs the technological ones are very complex, for example, the alphabet on the hair of the hair, but it is in no way artistic and does not leave. the mark that this work deserves, a rose inside a hair, and cartoon characters on a poppy seed, the technological is complex and interesting. looks like, can i try - the simplest thing to do, i’ll give you a grain of rice with a marker like this, well, try to write on the surface of the grain, at least something, i tried to write the name of my wife, nastya, but it didn’t work, ok, yes, for the first time
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ok, here... vladimir, in turn, in a matter of seconds wrote the life of his people on a grain of rice: i will save the grain as a micro-souvenir from a scientist from siberia. a little more about records in novosibirsk. here is not only the longest street in the world, its length is almost 7 km, but the shortest in russia is only 40 m. it is also the longest. now i propose to find out how the metro works in novosibirsk, the station. the next station is river station. the novosibirsk subway is the third after the moscow and st. petersburg ones workload. it carries about 80 million
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passengers a year. the trains of the novosibirsk metro are such a greeting from the soviet union, because only classic cars designed back in the days of the ussr travel here, and as many rightly note, their coloring is somewhat reminiscent of a can of condensed milk. metro 40 8674, can you hear me? 8674, i can hear you well. my guide on the novosibirsk metro, alexey mikhailov, has been working as a driver for 16 years. is there any way for a person, let’s say, to accidentally slip and fall on the way, there's a train coming, is there any way to lie down if you haven't touched the contact real yet, and to avoid being crushed, at each station there are trays, so-called, if a passenger even accidentally falls and lies down in this tray, then nothing is guaranteed he won’t, but
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he doesn’t need to move somewhere, move, he understands, he accepts it, so, well, let’s continue the inspection then. didn’t open, why don’t you, sometimes soviet carriages require soviet decisions, it opened, here we have suitcases with personal protective equipment and additional tools, here we also have tool, oh, nothing, there is a locker here, i never knew, already passing between the cars, i pay attention to the coupling. mechanism and opening taps, but what do you think, this is how much money you need here in novosibirsk to feel comfortable, i don’t know, you’re a family man, not a family man, eh, but give or take, for one person a month, i’m a family man , paying off the mortgage, my salary is basically enough to live, dress, go somewhere with
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my family, carefully. doors are closing. the next station is gagarinskaya. it's always been i wonder who the girl is who is announcing this to. central station of the novosibirsk metro, lenin square. here is another unique object of the city. the locals call it. this building is the novosibirsk coliseum, only under its unique dome the moscow bolshoi theater could fit, because this is one of the largest theater buildings in the world, the famous novosibirsk opera and ballet theater. the area of ​​its premises is more than 40 m. this is a separate universe inhabited by beautiful and talented people. well, of course, here's...
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meet evgeny basalyuk and ksenia zakharova, one of the leading ballet dancers. groups happy married couple , you know, i always had a question, can ballet dancers distinguish another ballet dancer if he is just walking down the street, say,
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in some kind of winter jacket, when the figure is not visible, you can understand what it is dude from your, so to speak, circle, it’s mostly visible if a person walks, you know, this winter gait, this one, it’s kind of visible, but i correctly noticed that you’re going out everything is something like this, yes, well, these are costs , about tension, once i saw the legs of a ballet dancer without punches, without shoes, and to be honest, it’s such a spectacle, everything is fine with you, no, with me everything is the same, i’m not ashamed of it, so you know, like a worker’s hands, i also have legs, this is a fact, but this is a fact, you, you are constantly on them, yes, this is our bread, so this is a fact, we can give you kseniy, well, not exactly a unique opportunity, but now you can make any wish, right? on our day upon arrival, the guys were preparing for the play “the little humpbacked horse,” where evgenia plays the role of ivanushka, and his wife ksenia dances the part
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of the tsar maiden. they say about enthusiastic people that they live at work and sometimes visit home. let's find out how relevant this phrase is for ballet dancers. can you turn on the common top one? thank you, well done, that's all. and you applaud your child when he turns on the light or does something, you know, he watches a lot of videos and clap, he knows when they are clapping, how much more comfortable are you working with each other in pairs? much it’s more pleasant to dance, there’s more trust , of course, more emotions can be shown, we don’t need to play love on stage, and it seems to me that it captivates the viewer, sincerity, honesty, so there’s a big plus in this, why do you love your pro... why do you like her, why did you choose her and continue to go in this direction? probably because we don’t have a routine, every day we have different rehearsals,
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different performances, today i’m a prince, tomorrow i’m a quasi-fashion, the day after tomorrow i’m ivan, there, that is, it’s like such an interesting thing, the holy of holies, every dancer, ballet, refrigerator , they say there’s never anything there, now we’ll find out whether they’re lying or not, ksenia, yes, welcome, soup for the child, buckwheat with meat for the child, pies for the child too, kefir, i see this yours, kefir , yes, that’s mine, and what do you like to eat, let’s put it this way , well, it’s just that everyone is really interested in how people in your profession are, i love meat, salads, yes, and evgeniy has a favorite dish, evgeniy eats everything she can find, it’s good that we didn’t look in the freezer, because the guys hid everything there. never died out on earth, heroes, russians, and i haven’t lay on the stove yet , it’s warm there, it’s warm there, that’s my wish, it
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’s the cat who taught you everything, no, this guy, he just saw me , he ran straight, just paw, take me, take me , take me, a dog is a creature that appeared on earth so that a person understands that he can just be loved like that, mothers all over the world have been waiting for this life hack for thousands of years, in general, the intrigue of the century will be revealed. in a few seconds, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, that you are so sad, you will kiss me, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep to the limit, but for... trouble, it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of red-hot metal, and the ice melts
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like steel, hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, broadcast from magnitogorsk, today on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, it might get too hot. i’m fascinated, what kind of people are they, orlova, you’re healing your life with your own hands, great, golden age, big premiere. tomorrow after
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program time. kostya, dear, hello brother, did you really think that i changed my shoes? how did it happen? why were you there? brother, i can’t, this is not mine. i am very afraid to be alone now, you are the closest person to me. in short, i'll see you soon, i'm coming to see you. the warrior had already bought the clothes, which left them right on their face. little one, come quickly. sasha, how is sasha? well, sasha, she’s with you, artyom! these are my guys, aha, we are going to pull them out, why did you lower your eyes? sturma is not for you, understand? well why not? just? i had a fight with my boyfriend, and he left to fight, i really want to see him, my father is like that, well, in general , i don’t care about anything except greatness, you grew up into the wrong person, 14 years old, bro, only crosses from the armor, and i'll stay with you. i
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don't want to be a piece of shit. 20:22 premiere on the first. i wonder what it is not the stars of the novosibirsk ballet who eat, but ordinary citizens. at the local market you can find venison and elk meat here and there, even bear cutting. so, friends, i'm going on the hunt for siberian game. and what about brisket at 600 rubles per kilogram, 600 rubles per kilogram, it ’s just beautiful, let’s try it, oh , let’s try it, of course, um, very good, delicious, let’s have 300 grams, i still want some salsa, of course, the most fantastic at our central market,
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it's a peasant market, right? homemade lard of luxurious salting, well, now i’ll take it, how much i owe you for all this splendor, but i don’t owe you anything, i don’t owe anything, i love this market, listen, you watch, then they’ll see you on television, because everyone will be for freebie walk, it's just for you. sterlyatochka, oh 2.0, is this a good price or a bad one, which one is it , this is a great price, a great price, yes, the fish comes fresh, chilled, not frozen, i understand correctly that sterling is give or take a royal fish, it is considered, of course, yes , how best to cook it, how you prefer, you can bake it, you can make nonsense with it, excellent fish soup, who can make it, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, yes, nonsense, stroganina, this is some kind of nonsense, but what kind of nonsense, it is lightly frozen, thinly
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sliced... salted, peppered and eaten raw, then give me one sterlet , we’ll indulge in nonsense, this one will suit you, and you see, she smiles at you, my god, what a mouth, well, come on, okay, bro, you can then talk nonsense, no, okay, that’s my task, i understand that novosibirsk nonsense or straganina, in our opinion, is a purely northern dish, and not only that, it was born where it’s cold, but did you know that the first felt boots appeared in the century before ours? it was in siberia that they were incredibly popular here, but that’s not surprising, given the local frosts, but also today in novosibirsk these warm shoes have not lost their relevance. more than 15 years ago, ivan lapin decided to take up an unusual craft and became the city’s main pimokat, a man who makes felt boots. how dangerous this process is, i heard that in order for everything to work, you need to use acid, and here we are without gloves, without protective equipment, without anything. we will ride without
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traveling around siberia, bit by bit, collecting knowledge about acid, without acid. for several years ivan has been studying how felt boots were made in ancient times, so that the wool wakes up here and is ready for felting. now we drain the main water, the wool is now soft and pliable, we can do it. somewhere the size of the slippers, now we’re looking to see if we have some joints coming out somewhere, now we’ll roll them through the rod, which gives the rod more compaction, that’s right, more compaction, imagine that you will have to give these slippers to a dear person who will their loved ones will be very worried if
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there are holes in a year. hemp, we always remember that our helpers are tools and hot there’s always water, so now we have rubles, right? who cares, they say the product is so expensive, but i thought the valinki cost 100 rubles, well, there are 200, well , you come across such characters, i say, i ’ll give it to you for free, you choose a day, come with me, ride, and then you and i let's talk, expensive or inexpensive, so dear friends, if you want good, authentic russian felt shoes, you come to ivan, if you roll them yourself, you will have them without... such shoes cost only about 2.0 rubles. quite inexpensive, for handmade work. mish, tell me, when will you when you grow up, will you help your dad with valenka? i will be the director of the valenok museum, which will be
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made in the city. in general, it must be said that siberians have learned to cope with the cold in different ways. everyone says that siberia is the capital, ban. why russia's climatic conditions, of course , well, yes, it's cold, the bathhouse is about warmth, girls, what can you say about the bathhouse, you're not tired of steaming yet, you're not tired of it, no, what kind of gigantomania does novosibirsk have, you have a lot here from the very beginning there, i don’t know, it’s the biggest theater, you have the biggest big bridge, you have the smallest street, the biggest street, you have everything in reserve, here in reserve, what is this, why is it so stronger, is this some kind of way of life, what are you trying to prove to whom? we were in krasnoyarsk , by the way, an excellent city, also siberia, all the residents of krasnoyarsk say, we are the center of siberia, we come here, they tell us: no, we are the center of siberia, irkutsk is the same, and irkutsk will also say that they are the center of siberia, who is the center of siberia, what about
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dumplings, the chinese say that these are their dumplings, the siberians believe that these are their dumplings for the first time, no, it’s the same with the center of siberia, who is doing what, we are all doing modern choreography, and so you all dance, yes, wow, vera, are you? where do you like, where do you like to relax and what do you do? i love skiing , swimming, going to the bathhouse and drawing, well , here’s an example, i liked that the bathhouse is still there, well, children go to the bathhouse from birth, the child, he takes the bathhouse for granted, when he systematically goes he has problems a certain habit, at an age when he is already getting older, no matter where he is, in what country, he is always looking for a bathhouse, a siberian is looking for...
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they use it so that a person can relax as much as possible and get the healing effect of a russian bathhouse, are there any signs, and you understand that a person, let’s say , he feels very good or he feels too good... the grateful burgundy color of his back is good, siberians love the bathhouse, it seems to me that this cannot be taken away from them, it’s in the blood in the bathhouse, of course, i’ll kiss it, i love the bathhouse very much, i love it with a broom - so that you can treat your entire height,
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steam it, drive out the illness, so to speak, i i very often go to the russian bathhouse, and sometimes , of course, to the finnish sauna. well, yes, i love it, i love the bathhouse very much, i’m one of those people who see 100° on the thermometer and say: turn up the heat. i again went to the institute of cytology and genetics, where i have been conducting unique experiments for more than 60 years. the fox is a very common character in russian folk tales, but not to say that he is positive, cunning, has his own mind, always looking for benefits, in the end he ate the bun by deception. but here in the academy town they decided to domesticate the fox it turned out very well, meet chip smile, what do you feed them, cat food is especially tasty, wow, i never thought that dogs would
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eat cat food with such pleasure, why are they so calm and friendly, how did this happen, this not ordinary tamed foxes, the fruits of an experiment that lasted about 70 years, is it possible to take these foxes into your home and raise them as pets? they did this, but it is not a very full-fledged domestic animal in the sense that it, of course, belongs to a person she treats well, but she doesn’t treat anything that can be broken or chewed very well, and of course she won’t listen to the command. it’s a pity, but are you so similar to the dogs? doesn't it happen that money disappears from your wallet, and then you find it? no, but small items from pockets, yes, they are picked. is their good-natured behavior a genetic trait, or can it be acquired, let’s say, as a result of social factors? this is a natural genetic feature; in humans, in fact, the acquired one plays a significantly larger role experience, yes, than what was in the born, oh my god. what a soft tongue. the capital of siberia
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is known not only for its modern science. traditions that were lost under the ussr are being revived here. since 1997 , one of the most famous strong schools of bell ringers in russia has been operating in novosibirsk. what about your musical education? there are six classes. well, great, let's try with these two. okay, let's just alternate them for now. yeah, well, the rest are medium and small bells,
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they are crushed, forming a sound pattern, what should i do, give me a task, well, take this these three bells, ready, always ready, flew, young lieutenant ignatius vladimir ivanovich, sapper. weak ones, whose path have you crossed? i stood up for the girl , he will now look for me, what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary, don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, this he, who is he, volodya, the one who saved me? you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again,
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you won’t be here, doomed, premiere serial film, watch after the program time, i want you to fight doomed to fight, i was surprised to find that the metro in russia is supposedly only for the elite, the flow of the moscow metro is about 9 million people per day, it’s good that we have so many elites here , this is a multiple cheaper. in the west they like to talk about themselves as the heir of ancient greece and ancient rome. in
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fact, europeans discovered antiquity only a thousand years after the fall of the western roman empire. western europeans, compared to the inhabitants constantinople, but it was a remote, dirty and completely undeveloped province. europe itself is very poor in terms of such and such resources. without colonial oppression , modern western europe simply would not exist. western wars were more... destructive than the wars fought by other civilizations. the philosophy of america, we , is the highest achievement of statecraft. we manage you because it is in your best interests. if you do not admit this, you represent a universal evil that must be eradicated. premiere civilizations, film five. west. on tuesday, on the first. my wife and i travel here 100
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km, we study every sunday, we, just like at school on september 1, come to classes after the school year has passed, we take an exam, in the future i also dream of becoming a bell ringer, learning how to ring, touching these wonderful bells, for what was it necessary? mobile belfry, mobile, mobile belfry is needed in cases where bell ringing is needed, there are no bells, you need to bring it somewhere, maybe lighting. installed on the gazelle and you can move right along the city streets and call what we ’ve been doing on easter, probably for the last three years, driving through the streets of novosibirsk
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for 4-5 hours, it’s cool, it probably impresses the local residents.
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what else did you use besides yakars? saw, yes, in general, one thing becomes clear: the most important thing is the person who rings, and not what you ring; people from all over russia come to the novosibirsk school of bell-ringers to look at the old bells, just like ... the largest theater in the country, where i again propose to return. it seems that in the novosibirsk opera and ballet theater decided to collect all the very best. well , i already mentioned the size of the building itself. in addition, up to 500 artists can perform on stage at the same time. and here is one of the most spacious auditoriums, for almost
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1,500 spectators, with a huge chandelier weighing 2 and a half hanging above their heads. tons and with a diameter of 6 m. but even such a huge stage is just a small part of this gigantic structure. i wonder what the other numerous rooms where spectators are never allowed are hidden? one of the most important elements for any theater are, of course, props, because they are the ones who create the feeling that the actions on stage are true... now i will introduce you to a person whose imagination and skill are able to convince the viewer of the authenticity of what is happening, and this is for someone and this is for someone or yourself, but so as not
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to injure the artists, to the extent that these things could be used in everyday life if desired , or are they well... theatrical and this way and that the shield of donquixote, for example, it is made made of two layers of plastic, between which is sandwiched metal mesh, a person who is interested in some kind of role-playing games and battle reconstructions can perform and he will withstand quite serious blows, here is the sword of the same donquixote, since a ballet dancer works with it, it should be as light as possible, although... metal, this crosspiece, let’s say, it’s hollow , everything has its own tricks, theatrical weapons have their own tasks, it must be both strong and light, this is a washing machine, not really, this is a dyeing machine, and here you dye fabrics, we’re in what workshop, alchemical
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work on dyeing fabric in the colors that we need, giving them some shades, or changing them beyond recognition, or... bringing them to taste, let’s say, the fabric was some kind of lemon, completely inexpressive color, they made it like this , shines beautifully, looks royal , my task is to make sure that, firstly, the fabric is dyed, secondly, it is suitable for work, thirdly, it looks good, that is, there are no creases or stains, and that it is smooth, clean, and evenly colored. all these fabrics, which were originally of different colors, right here, we gave them other shades to match the sketch. prop artists can dress a hero in more than just a freshly painted suit. but also give him ammunition from the past. we work with a very light and durable material called eva foam. from the stage it looks like powerful
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steel cuirasses. in fact, this is a lightweight sheet material that does not interfere with the artist’s ability to simply try it. really fluff, simple. there you go, he's floating. what do you like most about your profession? maybe, that it is essentially inexhaustible. really? it will be more interesting, it’s -40 outside now, and for people like me, that is, for residents of central russia, this is an excellent reason to
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lock yourself at home, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and enjoy hot drinks, but siberians are built differently, in this cold they they prefer to get out into nature, set up a camp bathhouse, and arrange an unforgettable rafting trip on the cathedrals. a unique club for those who like to swim on boards has existed in the city for a long time. due to the strong current, this part of the ob does not freeze even in the most severe cold, we unfold backwards forward, we launch into the water, where ours did not
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disappear, we are ready for any consequences, all because there is a bathhouse nearby, so now you get down on your knees carefully, and now you will slide smoothly, oops, oops! so neat, hello, listen , well, great, cool, i like it, fans of winter swimming, unlike me, stripped down to their swimsuit bottoms and stood on...
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each city has its own unique feature, i think that novosibirsk has versatility, here there is everything, modern science and ancient traditions. unique culture, delicious food, but the main wealth of the capital of siberia is, of course, amazing and incredibly talented people, but it seems to me that these are kind, busy people who are constantly working, maybe a little harsh, well, actually, it seems to me that russian people are , they are interested in something , passionate about something, strong, courageous, but at the same time they are very kind, sympathetic, the people in novosibirsk are bright.


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