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tv   Videli video  1TV  February 18, 2024 12:15pm-2:00pm MSK

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lived the first stone, despite the fact that hundreds of residents came out to protest, people are against military supplies to ukraine, but the authorities have their own opinion. a large-scale rescue operation unfolded on sakhalin this morning, with more than eighty fishermen stranded on an ice floe that was swept out to sea. the group drifted a kilometer from the shore to save people, the ministry of emergency situations sent boats and a mi-8 helicopter. by this moment all the fishermen had been evacuated. there were no casualties. and that's all for now. have a nice weekend, just now we saw a video on the first channel, this is a video program for dads , children, grandparents, as well as cats, dogs, children, dogs, grandmothers, cats, well, you understand, you saw the video, this is a program for everyone and from everyone, that’s what we are doing today we will.
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show, the inhuman trials of a royal person, an absolutely soulless machine feeds me by the hour, inviting me to dinner in a robotic voice, an ultrasound code, a puppy who is very lucky with a second owner, why should i? now beauty, i’m an orphan without you, a brilliantly simple solution for all parents kids, let’s find out how the future hero lives from under the city of kirov, yeah, even on, and on, and i haven’t laid on the stove yet, after watching the next video you will understand that your problems are nothing, just dust.
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compared to what the hero of the next video must go through day after day, dear diary, i cannot express in words the humiliation that i experience in this house, i am fed by an absolutely soulless machine by the hour, inviting me to dinner in the voice of a robot, i am accused in crimes... which i did not commit, limit my freedom they dress me up in frivolous costumes, they treat me like a child, but i’m an adult, serious man, and i’m already 2 years old.
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a great friend of our program, ilya bledny, voiced, voiced, yes, voiced perfectly, but now all the heroes are in our studio, please come up to us anna, joy has also arrived, eskhimok, hello, serious man, come on, it looks like everything is sad here, no, in fact there is nothing so sad, people who look at me that it’s hard for dogs to live there, but let’s start with the robot feeder, yes, this feeder was given to me by a young man, joy, everything is clear. it comes by the hour, the feeder feeds out according to time, according to grams, i can control all this in the app, but are there really some tasty treats, a cucumber, a tomato, but how do you train a dog to eat such a feeder? i think, in principle , this is not difficult for any dog, because dogs generally eat on command if they are accustomed to this, and even when i pour the food with my own hands with this about...
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well, just in time for the question of frivolous outfits, yes, it was this costume that made joey famous to the entire internet, give us the details. and
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since i don’t have children, apparently, i still treat him like a child, so i saw this backpack in a store at the zoo, i decided that we really needed it, since this harness is specially for... .built under the dog, that is, there he carries his , roughly speaking, things, a water plate, toilet bags, it’s very convenient, well , you were also able to observe yourself from the outside, because someone took a picture of you on the street, yes then i posted it on the internet, but one day it happened that we were walking home from work, i worked in a beauty studio , and we periodically walked together with him, and the girl behind her was filming us, and then purely by chance, well, like six shakes in theory, she was looking for other information on the social network, she came across us and she sent me this video, she said, you won’t believe it, it seems to me that i was filming you, walking behind me, filming, well, i’m already used to it, because he’s constantly being photographed, that’s just it , yes, that would be, he was still there very small, he has not yet really learned to walk on the street, he was interested in everything, but didn’t like
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it, of course, this was his answer, there’s no way around it, but on the contrary, he liked it, it just lay there, there was food there, and... and i wasn’t at home, naturally, he couldn’t have his paws open, and he already understands, the electricity was turned off, the machine didn’t work, somehow the food was already lying there, not two, not 10, 50 minutes, he immediately , yeah, he hid under this , hid, under a shelf, he got the shelves, it’s paper , this is not wallpaper, thank god, about the destruction of households, in general it seems to me that all the people who see corgis are touched, like a handsome guy. very affectionate, small, cool, short, but let’s talk about the destruction that awaits the owners of corge if they get them, i can’t say that there was a lot of destruction, it’s just that a small organism wants to explore the world, it seems to me that there is nothing so scary, i just left the house for a certain period of time,
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naturally, he had nothing to do, and he just found entertainment for himself, and it’s my fault that i believed in myself and didn’t put my shoes away, i always think that i didn’t put them away , means, well, be kind, get it in response. everything , it was necessary to clean better, it was necessary to take better care , there is nothing so terrible about it, i just think that things are acquired, gone, then a new one will come, better, right, i agree , oh, wow, this happens, even so, and go home, then it’s absolutely gorgeous, this is his favorite puddle in st. petersburg, in case of depressurization of the cabin, put the mask on yourself first. then on the child, in general, many people forget that the corgi is a real posture dog, it’s not just some kind of sofa a decorative dog, this is a natural shepherd of course, wow, who loves to run, posture, roll in the mud,
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control all the space around him, a very curious animal, but appearances are deceiving with them, as he is now my good-natured man, he loves attention, loves to he was petted, he doesn’t go outside for the sake of other dogs , it seems to me, so that other people’s owners pet him, so that passers-by pet him, tell him that he is handsome, this is his secret disability, such is the fate of the corgi, it seems to me, yes, that’s why the first video - this deceptive, in fact, he lives a cool dog life, but let’s talk about you, you have the very profession that does not leave men indifferent, i probably can’t say, what profession do you think, what should i think, fish or chicken, did you give me a hint? of course, this is a profession, stewardess, stewardess, but i think, fish or chicken, and you bring gifts, and i often buy gifts anyway, i don’t bring them, in principle, why should i bring him red caviar, well, he already lives well, he has a feeder,
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he has new food, yes, when i’m from far away i’m flying from the east, even now he lives well, you can see how relaxed he is at home, how to get a dog with such work, this is the main question, it’s difficult. i had a dream kolya, and i really wanted such a dog, my mother said, when you grow up, i’ll ask you again whether you can take care of her or not, then i realized that as a teenager i won’t be able to pay so much attention to her, take i have such a responsibility, i think, well, i’ll raise a dog at the age of 30. i’ve come to the conclusion that that’s it, i want a dog, and it doesn’t matter to me where i work anymore, somehow i’ll figure it all out, i started monitoring all social networks. watch , subscribe to people, then i dreamed of a shibe, a sibena, but then my friend and i went for a walk to the patriarch’s, we saw the little corgi, everything, and my heart melted, and i realized what was needed, everyone’s hearts melted here, but she’s beautiful, well, the dog, yes, as they chose, i wrote to many
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breeders, the dialogue somehow didn’t work out, but in st. petersburg, he’s a native st. petersburger, i found a great breeder, i wrote and they said there will be shanks... based on birth everything, and i realized that the hour was close, and it came true for me in just 4 months, i made myself a wish card, cut out a picture of a corgi, just like that with a white stripe on its head and...
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what can you think about, these are the advantages of getting a dog, that’s right, we met , we met, it’s an indescribable moment, i go home and know that now they will meet me there, now he’s doing the bar, and he’s been in my bar for 2.5 years . alexander, you are always very interested in conversations about animals, because you yourself, yes, yes, i have two dogs, i now have fox and erdel, our old dogs are gone, my father’s dog, roma, is beautiful, she lived to be almost 16 years old, and i was afraid that the dogs were leaving, unfortunately, their life is very short, i picked up two dogs at once , grabbed them, now they are 5 years old, and these are... my old dogs, and they’ve been with foxes all their lives, and you’ve always been with this breed, yes, for some reason, yes,
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i’ve had them since childhood fox, you know, i ended up in the hospital, i was little, my tonsils were removed, i wrote a letter to my mother, saying that if you don’t buy me dog, i’ll throw myself out the window, my mother ran to the hospital and said, well, the child says to throw himself out the window, so don’t be afraid, what are you talking about, there are bars all around here, then alexandravich shirvint’s mother, my mother called, i’m not very friendly. she says: you know , sanka needs a dog, but we live in a small apartment, she is not small and small, and not shaggy and not smooth, and so that she has fur and so that, she says: “ninka, i’ll give you i will make an amazing dog, it will be the most perfect toy, a fox terrier, rough-haired, so we got the first fox, who was named bimka, a novel was published, then white bim black ear, she really was a girl and was bima, and then, when she appeared, an airedale appeared, they named him roma, although it was also a girl,
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i came to the veterinarian, i say, the clinic , they ask me what my name is, i say, roma, they say that you are a man’s name, i say, say thank you, it’s not kolya, but in general, what would we name the city of rome in honor of? now i have a wonderful golda, foxyha, two squirrels that come, birds fly in, i live on at the dacha we have an assistant who... plans for your dreams, these are three, about the house, oh i’m talking, great, this is funny, let’s talk about
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the family, like all people, ordinary dreams, of course about travel, i can’t have my i can’t imagine life without travel, i have a very large list of countries that i have not yet visited, in short, despite the fact that you rise high into the sky, we still wish you a home on earth, good wonderful children, because it seems to me , you are ready, since you have raised such a beautiful dog who came to us today on the program, that's it, buddy, thanks for stopping by, we have a short advertisement for the following heroes. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which
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real, great art is born. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is knee- deep, but to win it is important to maintain icy calm. spray from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal. and ice. melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest. broadcast from magnitogorsk. today on! first, my advice: don’t sit close to the screens, it might be too hot, meet me in the steel capital russia, although this cat’s name is sky, on the internet he has already been nicknamed uzi the cat, because he knew the new person much earlier than everyone else.
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well, tell me a story like this is my, yes, this is my cat, your cat, your mother, your sister, and you can tell it son, son, and you can tell where our cat came from, do you remember the story, yes, what- it ’s no good, guys, he’s out on the street, we’ll take him out, probably now, now his mother will transfer him, and he
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says that some naughty uncle threw the cat out into the street, we found him and saved him. they took me home. well, the child is small, after all, a street cat - this is always accompanied by a street cat with all that it implies, in general, then it actually turned out that he had a lot of parasites, it took a very long time, to carefully clean him, isolate him in another room altogether, and only then, when he was all ready, we released him, he... by the way, he adapted very quickly with us, we were worried about how he would behave, what his character would be, but this is simply the kindest, most affectionate code that he has we have, well, which one do i have? was in life, well, my parents also have a code, i mean, in general, who thought that some beautiful street cat could be taken straight from the street, and he was not small, he
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was 7-8 months old at that time , the story itself, so we started with the fact that some bad uncle threw out the cat, how did you even do it? a small child, the cat somehow doesn’t fit in , doesn’t fit in, something, so it turned out that the cat found us on its own, i just couldn’t pass by, i first posted his photo on myself - on my social network, they just did repost, yes, to help him , please help, let's save the cat, but no one answered me, only one girl wrote
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that i would take it, but i have an allergy, i don’t remember something at that moment, i was already offended at my husband, i was pouting at him for something, and decided to take advantage of the moment, i said, let ’s please take him in, but he agreed, said: yes, okay, and by the way, we weren’t able to catch him right away, he was - he lived on the street, in some ruined house, there were two cats, there was also a brother, and here was a girl, who posted a photo, she helped us look for him, on the first day when we went, they didn’t catch him, that is, they didn’t find him right away, my husband came empty-handed, i say, what is this, i need a cat, i can’t live without ... this cat, and a few days later there, literally in two days , they probably already brought him, that’s it , we’re a kitty meow, that’s him, yes, he’s already an adult here, and quite an adult, yes, that is, and you can see a little how his fur has changed color this here i am, pregnant with a daughter of a very beautiful color, yeah cool, you're so good, beautiful
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are your eyes similar? yes, my son has the same ones too, yes, no, well, this is absolutely gorgeous, your game there is serious, how did their relationship develop from the very beginning? well, as you can see, it’s very good, now with the birth of your baby, how kai treats her, what kind of relationship he has, he’s very affectionate, he understands. i think so, he understands that you can’t even let out your claws there, i always pay attention to the fact that i even have a shot of him where he strokes his legs with his paws, and he doesn’t even let out
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his claws, well, that is, he’s lying there , he pads, yes, yes, he is always present during feeding, when i feed the baby, that’s why he always helps, he is always, generally always there, i also say all the time that as soon as you sit down on a horizontal surface. the cat is right here, that’s it, he’s nearby, always, he comes , you know, but he suits you very well, you’re wearing one of those sky-blue gamnias, it’s very beautiful, with those, and the eyes under the jacket, absolutely perfect, you need it, but the most important thing here is that the cat was picked up, it’s not my cat, it’s always like that, hop fell. how your baby's name? emilia, emilia has already gotten used to the cat, as i understand it, from the very beginning of her life, you can
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tell me what you’re holding there, without you there’s just no way at all, but the process won’t work, this is my may, he’s sticking to it. i posted my pregnancy and they really liked it, it’s the video with the cat that gets the most views, here’s the video that was the very first - it got more than 7 million views,
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it’s still normal, but what kind of breed, you tried to establish this breed, we don’t know for sure , again, because they took it from the street, but when we were at the veterinarian, she said that the cat is very similar to the thai breed, there is such a thai, that’s what they call them, but i ’m guessing that it’s probably a mixture. let’s just say, here’s an ordinary yard cat and here ’s a purebred one, but i want to tell you one thing, it seemed to me that when we first saw the video, i just saw a purebred cat, honestly beautiful, he’s very noble, we saw an ugly cat at our neighbors so they took a little mongrel like this, she really looks like she’s got the same color, they said, and this is our dwarf moscow watchdog, so small, but in color it is absolutely a moscow watchdog.
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you have two children, a boy and a girl ; girl emilia, but now she will be 18 on the right. she is turning 18, and here they are my little children, this is emil, eml, daughter emilia, we only bothered with a name for the dog, simba, when did simba appear or did etimba appear, i will say in general, i really really adore dogs, a dog lover in my childhood there was such a small story, i’ll tell you, in general it ’s like a multi-channel movie, remember, i want a dog , that’s all they didn’t allow, my grandmother didn’t allow me , she said oh so it’s impossible, she’s... there this, there that, didn’t allow it, but there was a moment like this, it means we were sitting at home eating an orange, i was eating an orange, i was about eight years old, and so grandma went to the kitchen, and i was eating an orange,
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i have a film, this is a true story, it gets stuck in my throat, it’s true, i can’t breathe , i run up to my grandmother in the kitchen, show her, what is she, what is a granddaughter, what am i? she actually takes two fingers, as it were, in her throat and pulls out this film, and i didn’t do it on purpose, i’m an 8-year- old child , i just say, let me have a dog, she says, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it , don’t die, i’m allowing you a dog, in fact she allowed me, i had my first dog, it’s a toy poodle davis, i have, so what am i talking about, the fact that i had my first miniature poodle, then i already had let's go denis, i remember this is a doberman, then i also had a shar pei, that is, i had a lot of dogs, but since i started touring from the age of 16, 17, of course, and it was difficult for me, we have 40 concerts we flew tours a month, and dogs, of course, just like me. i had to give it to my grandmother in the village, she kept an eye on her there, well , something like this, then it turned out that there was a break, so i had some, here’s my daughter, then she said, i want a dog, in general, she asked,
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of course well, i... saw me straight away, ran right up, and pawed he started, take me, take me, take me , he has this tongue on his side, he wants to get out of here, faster, please, and i realized that it was him, but i didn’t see his face, because it was just a ball so unrealistic little, and when i brought him, god, my daughter saw it and that’s it, we loved him, he’s a member of our family, how old is he now, he’s 7 years old now, a long time ago, a long time ago and he’s already like that with us, that is, at first
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i’ll tell you honestly, i, i, i said. what are your plans and what do you want next? further develop my blog, because i have two children, and i want to spend a lot of time with them, also take care of the children and continue to show our lives, thank you very much for coming, i hope that you will find time for the dog and come back to us with new videos, we have a short advertisement for the next hero .
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attention, the train will not go further, please. vera, help me, to be honest, i’m dying , save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, i’m young, i’m smart , i’m educated, if you decide to become interested in me, first of all, you must find something good in me, appreciate is to start admiring i i felt there would be one, they said , i hate it from childhood, but the main thing is to take care of your figure, what kind of figure is this, where is talya with you, thank you,
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well... that the madhouse is crying for her, that’s clear, but first you still have to do something cling, primitive, cuttlefish, loser, this crazy library is leading you astray, you fell in love there, and on oleg yankovsky’s eightieth birthday, you fell in love of your own free will, today on the first, look, you did it, just like that, mothers all over the world were waiting for this life hack for thousands of years, it’s cooler than developing mat and diapers, in general, the intrigue of the century will be revealed in a few seconds in the video.
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the fact that in one of the beauty salons, as always, i was going on a date with my husband and they offered me to make a bob hairstyle out of my long hair, i think it’s great, well, i’m always for some kind of creativity, but before that i didn’t know that that is, he is generally afraid of some kind of short hair, and they offered me, i say, great, cool, but somehow on an intuitive level i think, well, next time we will definitely
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let's do this hairstyle. i come , that’s it, that means i’m ready, i come with my husband to the restaurant , he says: oh, how cool you look, you ’ve got great makeup, as always, a million compliments, and i say, can you imagine, i say, i’m one of mine. .. they wanted to make a bob, well, a hairstyle, he was like that , for the first time in 18 years i heard such a phrase from him, he says: i would immediately stop loving you, i was completely in shock, i think, wow, well, i pressed, i i’m not offended, i think it’s cool, great, i remembered it without going far, i made a bet with him, i say, well listen , i say, if you are so afraid and you don’t like short hair, well, on me, yes, then actually i say, come on... you lose weight 5 kg in a month, i say , that’s it, i say, long hair stays with me, well, if he says, you don’t do it, these are the games you have, it’s clear, i say , i cut my hair accordingly, i say, i don’t do my hair, i say, i cut it and i’ll walk around with a bark, well, that’s
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what it was really needed for, well , you actually have long hair, that means you everything means everything was a success, he was scared, this is a prank, in short, the usual classic prank, but he was scared in general, he says well... yes, it’s better to lose weight, of course, you’re holding each other back, that’s right, yes, that’s right, but you pulled your daughter, that’s right, but what about you in general, well , it just occurred to me to try to put on a wig to demonstrate to my daughter, well , to me, in order to achieve results with my husband, yes, that is, to show the seriousness of my intentions, i say, yes, do it , buy a wig, well, i bought it, but for now i i tried it on at home, my little daughter comes into my bathtub, she looks at me , you should have seen it in her eyes, i was just shocked myself, she is such a very characteristic, very persistent girl, she was scared, but she didn’t show it, but in her eyes it was clearly visible who this woman is, where my mother is, she seems to be looking, recognizing, but
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she’s straight away, back, back, back from me, i say, little girl, my girl, go here, she’s leaving right now, going back, we were completely shocked, amazing, look, here, in fact, the situation is very... simple , it’s just that he has a small child, well, his brains are not yet very filled with information, so he perceives his mother as a certain set of symbols, yes, that is, it’s not the whole mother he perceives, but some markers , it’s just that most likely for her mother it’s characteristic long hair, when it disappears, it means it’s already something suspicious, you know, when i read the comment under this video, there are more than 7 million views of the video at the moment , wow. half - that's for sure, yes, what did people write? i just want to say that a very large percentage wrote about someone wearing a hat eating, that is, the mother put on a hat, the child doesn’t seem to recognize everything, either they put on glasses or cosmetic masks,
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it’s amazing , but let’s get to know thea better, you have a video about her, we can all watch it, such a trilimum pum-pum. thea, i really love this name, thea , i thought that if i had a daughter, it would be thea, well, i used to think so, thea, well, yes, it ’s a lot for you, so funny, no, no, no, i’m not like that, i’m good, like that, svetlana, you just said that if you have a daughter, there will be you, well, you thought, well, i thought so before, because it’s always hard for me with names, well, what a choice for a child. but thea, when i heard the name, or rather, i didn’t hear it, i came up with it, it seemed to me so, and then my friend’s daughter turned out to be, those, i think, wow, thea, thei, and the boy theo, theo is excellent, please , teya teo, and
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the guys were just experimenting, this is your third child, right, what are the names of the others, how old are they, the third child, and the eldest daniel, he’s 15, the middle one, yes, the middle one is nika. he’s trying, he’s still studying at school , and music school, or he’s already been in his last year,
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that’s for sure, it’s not the same, but what... jump rope, yes, the best story for losing weight, boxing and jumping rope, boxing and jumping rope, all pears , i love boxing, yes, it's the best.
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you’ve already been together for a total of 18 years , 15 years, how did you get married, what’s the secret, few people are able to last 18 years with each other, in fact, we love each other very much and somehow everything is built like that for us, well in fact, very competently, we like to take time to spend time with the children, that is , we have this tradition, every friday the two of us, we sit in restaurants, we look beautiful, that is, and i also love... taking care of myself, this also fuels a man,
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he is such a romantic, what advice would you give to people, understanding, understanding each other, respecting, correctly, hearing, agreeing, agreeing, definitely, i think you are good friends, very much, yes, this is the basis, svetlana, you have two children, for sure, and milan is the eldest, he will be 10 years old now, this my little milano, yes, my sweetie, my little eye, my, my impossibility, my happiness, and my youngest christian, christian, he turned six a few days ago, listen, he’s already asking for someone’s pets, they’re asking, but they know, that mom has an allergy, and it’s impossible, the effusion is small, but 30 is ideal, 30 times for three sets
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, a break, a minute and a half, well, that’s it, static, static, static, again the tummy, if you do the exercise, the main thing is to freeze and for a while, so that the muscle, the muscles burn, have a good body, cool kids, so they are mom. made us happy, yes, yes, my love , i kiss you, my dears, oh, oh, well done, brilliant, well done, damn, well done, oh, he’s a piece of glass, another piece of glass, but you don’t fit in with me, smaller amlitu, now he has switched to football, smart, smart, smart, smart, smart
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, 10 years older, 13 years old, my husband and i have never raised a voice in the house, for me this is fundamentally important because i had some experience before and before my family and this experience somehow you know i still don’t know somehow it well i don’t have a problem with the lessons there at all in general, because i, well, i somehow just know how to come to an agreement, this is every morning , this is when we all kiss each other, well , it’s just incredible, no, that i, i don’t know motherhood is the most beautiful , thank you very much for coming today.
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such a beautiful beak and eyes like this, i would like this without the hairs - what is this? put them in an aquarium, she won't run away, the dog can be a biter, only... the life of a dog, and guess what's in my pocket, candy, no, dog food, no, collar, leash, no, i give up, eh i have nothing lying there, best of all, new season, look after the evening news,
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when they saw this dog, they dreamed. in fun games and walks together, but life had a completely different test in store for them. let's get a look. a second ago it was tender and quiet, flying, whispering, loving, then. and so on endlessly. a second ago, it was tenderly sweet, i was sleeping with you. i admired you furtively, touched my face, i’m falling from the sky like a burnt comet, i’m pressing my forehead against the glass until dawn, your laugh is on repeat in my voice recorder, there’s something important you just didn’t understand,
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why do i need beauty now, without you? albina and vladimir will now tell us this story , which for now looks tragic, but when you see that oscar, that oscar is already handsome, then all questions, in principle, disappear, oscar is definitely handsome, but this is that dog, yes, let's tell the story that it was, how did you even decide to take him, where did you see him, we saw him on the internet , i dreamed of such a dog for a very long time, your eyes were like i wasn’t there yet but i understood everything, i bought him myself, yes, i’ve been here for a very long time i was surfing the internet, so i found it nearby , like a dog, the color i wanted, everything, i wrote to the seller, the seller said that it was not me who was selling, but my friend was selling, i gave the number to my friend, we called my friend, she was
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on a video call she showed me the little dog, i was very worried that he was inactive, she said he was just tired, he was just small, he... are you still taking the puppy? we buy a puppy at our own peril and risk, she says that yesterday we vaccinated him against helmites before selling him, he will have diarrhea for 3 days. the diarrhea lasted for six months , we didn’t know what to do, i called the saleswoman, she said that you are feeding him incorrectly, i fed him natural food, i naturally gave him boiled beef, rabbit. and in the end, six months later we found a competent specialist in the city of smolensk , a gastroenterologist, he helped us, that is, we sent tests to moscow, the puppy was
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completely, he had a lot of diseases, if we have more or less everything with the gastrointestinal tract things got better, we started bald, we... we went to the same clinic, they took a scraping and it turned out that we had a subcutaneous demodicosis mite, which was transmitted from mother to puppy, that is, they sold us an initially sick puppy, in general, but now he is healthy, beautiful , and she would simply throw it all away, yes, she referred to the seller, she explained that her parents are breeders, they have dogs, and that we took the most beautiful puppy, well, my child has an allergy, so so...
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he'll literally grow up like this, and i say, how to feed, well, how and what, here is this food, i gave it to her, and he began to froth, but it turns out that it took him several days, horror, well, it’s been a week or something, not two , just to be, but you managed to cure him, that’s all, yes, we are now on gastrofeed, he is exclusively. ha eats food, well, sometimes of course i feed him, yes, well, i somehow managed to recover, but not completely, well, let's watch the video, oscar's treatment. you came to the doctor, yes, we will be treated, we will be treated, yes, oscar, you are my little one, yes, yes, we are not
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we will cheer with you, you are my smart girl, you are an obedient dog, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, but such sadness, oh , it’s a pity, of course, unbearable, yes, he’s just sad, you’re waiting for dad, where’s dad, where dad? dad left , dad left, where is dad, i don’t like these moments when they are oscar, where, who, now, if you went on the road with a friend, if you went on the road with a friend, they all had fun dearly, without friends i’m a little bit, without friends i’m a little less, with friends there’s a lot, but you ’ll soon have fun in this situation, what? so sad, and osko, well, i’ll be back soon, lie down
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sleep, he looks so cool, there are some folds here, yes, as if specially drawn, look like a masa, no, ah, you are offended, so touchy, well, here we are faced with the main problem, how to choose a breeder, do you have the answers , yes , but in general now the whole story with... yes, that is, a person who is a member of some kind of breed club, well, he takes care of his reputation, and he takes care of his puppies,
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that is, when you see that the person is really interested in the fate of the puppy, then buy it, the ideal option is this is generally to go choose a puppy either with a knowledgeable person, that is, it’s better with some specialist you know or with a veterinarian, you’re great, you’re strong guys, but not everyone can take this step, well, there’s no need for that. i come in the afternoon, there was money , there is no money, no, no, there was, and he says to me: oh, how good it is that you see all this before your eyes, then a friend comes running and says: you have money lying around in the clearing, i really some kind of money, five thousand rubles, i say, how can that be, they put it on the chest of drawers like that, she steals? i told this story to the breeder , she says: you know, she’s like the mother, the mother is also very thieving, so how
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old are goldies, that’s how long you’ve been communicating with the breeder until now, well, well, it turns out, after all, the mother of your loved ones is essentially turning on yes , we call her erdeline’s mother, there is no such thing as an accident, there is no such thing, you saved a person. look what a mushroom, look what a mushroom,
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barrel, yes, like in a fairy tale, yes, he comes with us to pick mushrooms, let's go for a swim, let's go for a swim, swim, let's go, let's go for a swim, let's go swim, let's go, swim, let's go, i say, swim, no, let's go for a swim, oscar, be careful, let's go for a swim. i see you are traveling, yes, we always take him with us, we tell him oscar, jump, that’s it, he ’s in the car, and we drive on, this time we went south, he slept in the car for 19 hours, well, naturally on we stopped for a walk, he tolerates it wonderfully, because he knows that since he was four months old, we ’ve taken him to the doctors, taken him everywhere, he’s very used to the car, he’s used to it. this is how we went to travel last time.
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go home, go home, i like it, they always sit like that, and that’s the way they sit, but he likes to walk, don’t you hear, yes, he really likes to walk, you’ll live in the entrance, in the entrance, right? well, that's it, then bye-bye, i close the door, that's it, bye, i sat like that for 5 minutes, go home, i say, this is my duck, sit, sit, of the four-legged ones, do you have any other plans, well, of course i would also like one bulldog , how i want everything for a cat, in short, i hope that all this will work out for you, because i hope that you will still be lucky with the one you
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you'll start, thank you very much for coming, and... and now we'll take a break for a while , then we'll come back with new things, games of the future, opening ceremony, live broadcast from kazan, february 21, on the first, on defender of the fatherland day, on the first, help, by the way, my name is nikolai, olga, tomorrow at 6:00! you can’t imagine how difficult it is to wait, to wait when i don’t know where you are, what’s wrong with you, promise me that you ’ll come back, you understand, now there’s a war, and i’m a soldier, a pilot, february 23, on the first,
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not died on earth, russian heroes. how and before for years they lay on the stove, but not because of infirmity, but just painfully interesting cartoons, let's see, well, like david, he lay on all the beds, like mashenka and from masha and the bear and fairy tales, yeah, even on and on, and i haven’t been lying on the stove yet, and i haven’t been lying on the stove yet, but look at the cartoon, what a cool story, there’s no water, you have to go get water , that’s just how life is, yes, how, can you imagine, i used to, guys , please come to us, anna, nikolai, david, today we are visiting, lord, just like in general, like from a book, exactly, hi, hi, great, how are you in the mood , normal, like lying on the stove, good, yes, it’s warm there, it’s warm there, oh, they played my
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video here, here in moscow to see you, yes, but you allowed it, like, we’re with you they asked, you said, we can continue, can we talk to your parents, yes, yes, yes, let ’s talk about this video, what does david do on the stove, where did you get the stove, and we live quite in such conditions where basically the heating is on, i’m a priest, we have to visit fairly distant parishes, we need to travel a lot, so one day we we got ready and went to one of the distant parishes, there - one of the women invited us to her house, so this is not your stove, this is not our stove, but you are visiting, okay, well, actually , we came to visit, and david he started out like a little girl, at first he lay down on all the beds, then he climbed onto the stove , and it was time to leave, to leave already, in fact, this video came out, where he says that he is not ready to leave, he needs to watch more cartoons, drink tea, eat everything, the video was seen
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by the very people you... yes, who were visiting, we were invited to visit by grandmother maria, one of the parishioners, in this remote parish, and this house is just like a summer house for her, she herself lives in the regional center, comes there in the summer, and i published it literally a day later the granddaughter of this grandmother, maria, writes to me that this is my stove, she herself has lived in moscow for a long time, her parents also have it. it turns out that a little girl came to this house and recognized it, this is the house of her own stove, let's watch a little more video that the guys are filming, how david feels in these videos, well, in general, oh, oh, oh , here, oh, here is my first video, hello,
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today we are at home, listen, how old are you? four, something like an adult already? yes, yes, yes , yes, like that one, that’s how i am, that’s my cat, that cat taught you what? no, he’s my cat
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, i bought him, here it is from me, i have a norther, and the breed is a mongrel, well, a good breed, well, let’s find out now from my mother how the cat appeared, well, you can answer mom and dad, yes, it turns out, together with the church we have a house, well, on the territory, and for the first six months we lived with... in the walls, well, it turns out mice are all these living creatures, without a cat it was impossible to live without a cat, so we took a helper, he is like a member of our family, we love him, he helped us a lot and to this day it’s been helping for a long time, and how long has he been with you , how long has it been two years, that is, practically half of david’s life, but where did he come from, and well , actually, i had such a problem as mice and i started looking for advertisements in our districts here to these village groups. suddenly someone gives away a kitten to whom i won’t write, everyone they already took it, and they wrote to me themselves , they heard that koska, our village, the radio
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is working, and they say that the mother cat brought two already grown kittens, black and white, they photographed them for us, they were already all independent and in the north we chose, but this is yours, please tell me, in order to grow up to be a smart boy like you, what should you do, what do you love? i love trains, cars, great,
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books, maybe you do, yes, i love books, fairy tales, i also love various entertainments, attractions, i love all sorts of goodies, there sweets and... serious food serious food , too, you're great, we also have such good food, ate this this this this cutlets already right there sweets here cutlets raw dough that's what you need here my cat is good again small so that's chocolate yes i'm like that i understand that it’s okay, the flour is also delicious
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, the chocolate, yeah, the chocolate will suit something interesting , that’s how it works, yes, we’re making krovashny, i ’m looking at the krovashny here. nikolai saw me at the school christmas tree.
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volodya, volodya, and what interesting things does grandfather do, he does a lot of interesting things, this, this i carried some sweets and carried my firewood. in order to light the stove, are you going to sleep again, or what? yes, no, i just turn on the stove to make the house warmer, it seems to be, this is a russian stove in his place, this is in his village, this is me in his village, but can i try the dough, it’s delicious, i’ll eat the leftovers from the dough .
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you have an interesting feature that he calls everyone by name, not grandfather, grandmother, yes, why did this happen, probably, or traditionally for your family, i’m not always with this, i think that firstly, traditionally, however, this is common in our family, and... what i think is a friendly relationship, but this is temporary, judging by experience, this is temporary, then he will grow up, ready, oh, grandpa is here, here are the pies, go ahead, eat, i have a grandpa, i love him, grandpas are always waiting , who is filming all this night picture, the gentle
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sun will fly away forever, okay, my grandfather and i are having fun on the road, it’s a pity to stay, the hour is coming, grandpa is coming far from us, you should come visit grandpa more often, i miss grandpa without you, so and i know, mom, follow me, okay, follow me, i’m coming, i’m coming, my son, i’m coming, i greet everyone, we will now have attempt number two, to get to the other side of the luza river, god, i love you, dear, i walk around the world, i, i don’t complain about anything, i don’t sit down for anything, anything at all.
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50 and another 50, that is, about 100 km, from which city are you asking, as from kirov, kirov, from kirov, and from kirov we live 400 km from kirov, we live next to veliky ustyug, 80 km from veliky ustyug, so what? it was clear, that is, and there you have such original places where you can come and see how it all once was, yes, how do you do it, how do you raise him to be such a smart person by the age of four, what should you do with him, love him, love him.
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be patient, and it’s worth talking to me , i know you listen to audio books, yes, yes, convenient, convenient, what’s your favorite, sour milk, sour milk, excellent book, from serious literature, have already started listening to something, yeah, what for example , deniskina’s stories, there’s only cranberries, look, he’s really young for 4 years old, he’s handsome, generally smart. yeah, what do you want to be when you grow up? at train driver, great, great, what kind of trains do you like, what city would you like to take people to by train? hey, here to moscow, to moscow, the second city from moscow to where, to kirov? kirov-moscow you will have a route, and you will be the best driver, it seems to me that ’s for sure, guys, what are you dreaming about, as adults, now, now , wait, now he’ll tell you, now, let’s find out. what mom and dad want, come on, we
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probably dream about restoring the church to the end, that’s probably all we’re talking about we think now we are only doing this, this is your joint desire, everyone will have their own, joint desire, we are in this place with our hearts and souls, this place is very picturesque with ancient churches, yes, that is , the silk road used to pass there and a lot of things were built so there’s a lot of work and well, our first plan is somewhere around... we have two years of such intensive construction ahead of us, in what state did you find it, and what have you already managed to do during this time? well, we arrived, the first problem was that it was not in the temple. heating, after all, this is our northern region, and there were two potbelly stoves, they served there, well, maximum +3°, it was very cold, steam was coming out of our mouths, so the parishioners tell us that they need heating, they themselves
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do not have the opportunity to do this , so i decided to try to reach out to people on the internet , to take a risk, it still worked out, i started a block and six months later... you started a blog for this, yes , in fact, that’s why we still maintain the page, a lot of things have already been done, this handsome guy helps, rightly so, very much, more than anyone else, it was very nice find out your story, thank you for coming to visit us today, i hope that we will meet again more than once, well, now a little attention, advertising is on the first. imagine that you are calmly flying on a plane, and the woman sitting next to you goes into labor. what to do? about this and much more in the program “live healthy”. tomorrow on the first.
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you and i are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia. for betrayal of the oath, violation of military regulations. babe guard. mikhail andrevich, the punishment is excessive, where is that beautiful, whose name i’m afraid to say, happy angel day. close your eyes and wait. i arrived on behalf of count miloradovich, with the humblest request to take the russian throne. if i decide now, the first thing i will do is punish miloradovich and you. constantine i sounds better than nicholas. konstantin, my friend , was no longer there, the big premiere, the union of salvation , the senate, will not swear an oath, i promise you, but it’s not the senate that decides, but the guard, i have 60 thousand guardsmen here, and you, soon on
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the first, are great, when parents... to the board, and in this case it’s not and a derogatory expression, attention to the screen, oh-oh-oh!
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well, raise it, now we will ask you questions, dmitry, gulnas and zara, today another person came to us from nizhnekamsk, on these occasions. and you are already training him, this is his salary, his personal trainer, i already understood, zara, it was you and on the screen, it’s amazing how you started, let’s talk about the video, why you decided to show your daughter, this is a century and this. weckboard, but it all started before weckboard, at first she just trained home at home on a regular board, well, on a balance board, with when she was a year old, she was already starting to keep her balance , then we started putting her on a snowboard, they were riding a snowboard by the rope, you ride yourself, yes, in all types, initially yes, our
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husband, yes, he is an athlete, yes, he is an athlete and i am a coach, that’s why all this passed on to my daughter, that is, usually. the child is simply being trained for naval special forces, these are imitation snow slopes. and this is just a towel, yes, just a towel, a handy thing
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, but it’s suitable for adults, not particularly for adults, but this is her this year, we have a springboard, yes, nada, oh, look, this is us at one year old just in our arms, we have her, what mountains , ours, krasnaya polyana , zara, you’re great, these are the first times, yes, yes, the very, very first time, we have her right away like this, right this one, but to stand on the webboard - this is a very difficult task, even if you skated on a board, for...
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life, you live by this, well, yes, sports for the rest, yes for me, because working with this is an integral part of our life, everything is connected, and every day in the winter i on the mountain, in the summer, and i’m in the park, well, where i teach children, so all my life it turns out that my daughter is always next to me, in the summer she rarely, sometimes rarely, she goes to kindergarten, i take her with me to work, because she rides there, runs together, and since i train children,
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but the main thing is the pink skirt here, you understand how old the suit is for how much for how much you are 4 years old, only 4 years old, yeah, and this is already a change of season, this is already your family's summer entertainment, yes pro'. tell me zara , who most wanted you or dad
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for you to skate, dad knows how to ask, okay, no, well here, but what about children, i’m a coach , i know, yes, if something is given it’s difficult for children, they don’t like it, so you bring it to the goal, when they start to succeed, then they really start to really want it, now with zara, when she ’s skating, there’s a fire in her eyes , that’s the fourth already at this stage, as if already at the stage to receive such a certificate, and everything is already there, the official
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documents are already ready, but tell us what they are for, what kind of records she set, and her first record is that she is the smallest the age in the whole world who mastered the water board is second the record is that she is the youngest , then she mastered snowboarding, and they also added another record that in the same season she learned to jump with a springboard, ride through pipes and spin there 360 ​​on... certain of these, well, planes, figures, this the record was also entered, it was the second world record , the third world record, we already had it registered, there was also another third world record, here in russia, one girl set it, so we beat her this record, that is what to scroll 360 on a there is, when you ride a snowboard, there are special figures that you ride on, and there you had to spin 360, so it scrolled at once, and now we have the fourth record... well, we submitted an application, this is completely nonsense , because at the age of five, at six,
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even at 7 years old, no one had ever done this, this is on the water board, let's look at the life of the world. we try to participate in activities, and you don’t just post it like that, why am i there, wow.
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it was she who woke up in the morning in a robe with coffee, i decided to go for a ride right away, and what are her future plans, well, you as a coach reminds our world very, very much , now i really wanted her to learn this, the main thing, you know, sports are always like this, here i am now i’ll learn everything, i won’t go further, injury is dangerous there, well, no, when you’re already. yes, a certain goal, yes , yes, yes, she achieves it, then let’s try something even further, let’s try something else, i think just let her learn, it’ll all end with this, when she ’s learned it, they’ve set a record, i think so well, maybe they’ll try again on the springboard , well, at least i understand that this injury is dangerous, as it were, and the approach to this will be very long ; it won’t be right away to take her to the springboard and send her there, but yeah , well, i think now, for now, you can
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calm down a little, as if she’s already as if he had already made such a record for the whole world, that is , well, the first little person who did it, and so just let him do what he wants, he rides there on a water board, and there are two , for example, lines or three, he rides, there is someone... someone is also driving, she’s screaming there, hi kid, here, well, that is, it’s so much fun to ride that she still has time to chat there, she feels confident, this is the most important thing that parents can give to children, such self-confidence and independence, freedom, yulia, dima, when you look at other talented children, what do you think? “yes, you should be proud of your girls, tell me something about them, it’s interesting, they’re already playing, this person who is always generally dissatisfied with everything, dissatisfied with the sun, this one is always happy with the water, this is alisa, victoria, no, in general she is interested in drawing and wants to be
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she is very creative and draws, they both draw, trips to gelendzhik, get ready for a tan, eat this , yes, these are grapes. we found mud, mud , cool, muddy, just don’t sweat the t-shirt , this is beautiful soft sardinian clay, this is sardine, it really calms the nerves, this is 4 years old for them, and this is basically moscow, dad is walking with
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the girls, really yes, dad i just went for a walk with the kids in november, how did you even survive after that, when did you return home? and mom saw all this, i said, they’re just very calm, they left the house like that, i’m not i know, but i don’t know, i many times that’s all , how can i say it, it’s me they walk with, i’m a mother in the mud, and i’m a mother in the mud, and i each have their own water, you know, the girls are now adults, at maryany’s there there is a phrase, what a cozy mud, it says, it’s going to get ready now, get ready later, my god, what a cozy mud! thank you so much for coming to us today, it’s great that you watched us, go to the website of the first channel, watch all the videos, vote for them, send us yours so that we can be here with you we'll definitely see each other again, bye!
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attention, the train will not go any further, please vacate the carriages, someone help,
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citizens, the train is heading to the park, please vacate the carriages. stand up, hear me, sit down, shame on you, what are you looking at? i had to take a taxi, hold it, hold it, i say.
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where did we meet? are you olya? wait, i was with vitalka, go, go, oh, no, no, i won’t go in a car, please sit down, to be honest, i’m empty today, how long until yours? there's a threefold phone number, i'll definitely return it, no need to come back, no,
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i’m not going there, that’s it, i’m sorry, this is just me, sit, just a minute, go ahead, tirov, why didn’t you take the template? tomorrow. look at me, brian, i look, i look, petrushen , igor, you have a voice, but what to help, you need to perform in a joint choir, no, the mood, but the mood will come, the anniversary of the slaughter, 200 people on stage, orchestra, audience, total one rehearsal, give me 2 rubles to get it, i won’t give it to you.
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i found out, it’s great, it just happened, i was busy , my dear, maybe you can drop by and grab something, i understand, i’m sorry, there was another puncture, but where is your tamarka with a full refrigerator, maybe you you’ll take a bottle of it, she won’t let you take it out, and then you know, i’m going to get married there, cool, maybe you’ll rent it, but no,
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order, vera, hello, guess what, it’s not good to sell out old acquaintances, this is igor, and you remember , okay, don’t be ridiculous, we recently saw each other under very piquant circumstances, you guessed it, i feel very bad, my head hurts, i have a fever, the doctor has just been in, i need to go to the pharmacy, there’s no one to help me, but
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no, don’t buy any prescriptions. what's here , semyonovskoye metro station budenovo 1 apartment 21 i'll be waiting in an hour, listen, little girl, smart with education, i remembered you were a barbecue waitress. oh, he’s coming, hello, come in, i’m his friend just came in, please come in, uh-huh, over there. thanks for stopping by, where's the recipe?
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at my place, i’ll go myself, don’t worry about anything , sorry, just in case, what if a ruble isn’t enough, igor will give it away, three is better, they think the more expensive they prescribe, so to speak, the better the doctors, thank you very much, sorry for bothering you , i’m running now, i’ll sit with the patients, so if you’re in a hurry, how did the doctor examine the head, you’d better tell yourself, what's new? everything is the same, i’m also at work, and the same, and what are these arrows? my trips, oh, have you been to australia? well , it’s okay, but the second judge from belgium was caught , he condemned me, i abandoned my apartment with this disease, i haven’t left the house for 6 days, right? do you
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have any rag? igor, order! kolya, kolya! verochka didn’t leave, she decided to help us! and we don’t know how to thank her anymore! oh, this will take a long time, the sick person needs rest, and you know, how... now i’m getting sick, and the ancient egyptians believed that with a runny nose your brain is leaking, how do you know everything? listen, i wish you could go home, penelope, finally,
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she gave three for the medicine, i remembered yesterday. metro, taxi, junior lieutenant, ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper, there is a pulse, but weak, whose path you crossed, i stood up for the girl, he will now look for me, what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, and that’s how it should be, don’t approach him, retreat. invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, this is him, who is he, volodya, the one who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, this is how it is with us i can’t, i’ll see one like that again, you
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won’t be here, doomed, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, i want you to bring the doomed to battle, lyosha, let’s turn on something... something happened, now we’ll start to figure it out, so but what to figure out, i want to show a movie to a person, there are people who make movies just out of thin air, and i from myself, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse , brother, you are my brother, seryozha, he is not an artist, he is a personality, i think that strength lies in truth. it seems like he ended up in the caucasus , in fact, because of me, we were filming there , there’s no need to relax, guys, there’s a war going on, when seryozha left, something left my world, but it just became more difficult for me, because a friend of mine died, there is such a person
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, he forced me to carry a cross on easter, i almost fell, it’s heavy, wooden, a huge cross, so i’m waiting, someone will support me, because i might fall, and a crowd of people is following me , and in general i’m like... so good for alexey’s sixty-fifth birthday balabanova, premiere on february 25 on the first.
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virunchik, help me out, the same request, he arrived again, i just found out, he’s leaving on a night flight, you can replace him, it’s that pilot, no, he’s a flight engineer, okay. you are lovely, yes , i have faith, now, i have faith in you on the phone, yes, yes, i remember , of course, but i don’t need it, show stubbornness somewhere else, i, i really regret that i gave you my phone number, people work here. yes, and don’t call here anymore, yes, this is the library, october 12,
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find your husband and come to him, mommy, help you, about 20, okay, i would have time today, you look at everything in a row, your head is breaking , okay, now, how good, i’ll open it, my respects, i told you, i’m stubborn, how did you know what you need, let me come in, no, who is this, is this? maybe you’ll come out to me
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, excuse me, i don’t have time, i’m taking it as a relic, but we’re seeing off someone to retire, we decided to chip in for a color tv, 8 rubles, buy it , i’ll give you things from amsterdam for six, no, five, no, i don’t need it your thing, i agree, for three, let’s shake hands, no, please take away your leg for nothing, oh, and even so, even a ruble, come out. shame on you, you're a low guy , come on, if you knew who was standing in front of you , this low guy used to have everything, a car, a beautiful wife, japanese technology, i didn't get out of cutting, i lit certificates, but now he has nothing no, except for boring work, he can’t even fall in love, only giving in helps, and what can this kind of people do, work on themselves, manage their feelings, that we work on anything and for anything, just not on our feelings, they are like homeless children , they are launched. gravity,
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offended, offended, insulted, freaking out, making you laugh, laughing, but where are you , where are you, you need to learn to manage your feelings yourself, i want, i’ll be cheerful, i want, i’ll adore my work, i want, i’ll fall in love, you know, and you’re happy, yes, lately i’ve been reading a lot, i think it’s possible, you can find happiness in yourself, i’m sure of it, you can, ver, help, to be honest, i’m dying, save me. i'll help you with something too. this is serious? yes, ruble. we will solve the problem from four sides. first, you need to be passionate about your uninteresting work. in this brochure you will become familiar with the psychologist method.
1:56 pm
exercises for working hours by day of the week, here i wrote detailed options then you’ll look, wow, listen, maybe you have a more interesting job, you like interesting work, without self-hypnosis, secondly, you need to find some side interest, a hobby, but i prefer the word hobby, the choice here is huge, and collecting, stamps, coins, badges, keychains, postcards, tickets, forms, napkins, labels, bottles, lamps, teapots, are here detailed list, then look at it, choose, b. crafts: embroidery, burning,
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sawing, did you have any? what? well, before we met, did you have any of the guys? i was, don’t interrupt, into hobbies related to nature, fishing, collecting medicinal plants, everything, i like postcards, everything, everything, everything, good, thirdly, it is necessary to cultivate altruism in yourself, a list of good deeds, donate extra books, plant trees, helping the elderly and helpless, pots behind them? search, search for relatives of those killed in the war, like red rangers, why do you say that with such intonation? okay, okay , just talking about this makes my ears swollen, radio-television, inflation of words cannot overshadow the essence of ideas, apparently, unfortunately, this is far from you, why is this far away, my father returned with his disabled person, he suffered from spinal cord for 12 years , mother exhausted me, in short, i agree, soldier, come on, okay , we agreed, fourthly, about personal interest, if you really want to get carried away, then choose an object for yourself... well, it’s not my taste,
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i’m telling you honestly, well you are not my hero novel, i never liked handsome men, especially those who drink, but if i wanted, i could fall in love with you, in your theory, yes, that if i want, i can fall in love with you, of course, come on, wait, wait , for this you need mutual desire, and then we need to think about whether we are suitable for each other, let's... if we fall in love, then we will think about whether we are suitable, well , we agreed, well, come on, what is this, well, well , ok, so, if you decide to become interested in me, first of all you must find something good in me, appreciate it, start admiring it, resorting to the help of the same auto-training, and try not to notice what is not attractive in me, we will meet often so that our meetings become a habit, and try to do something nice for me, tolstoy
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said, we love people for the good that is given to them we do, and we hate them for the evil we cause them. well, at first, everything, but it won’t be so easy to fall in love not at first sight. now about me, i'm listening to you. so, the task before you is, well, in general, to become pretty, for this it is necessary, but to do cosmetics. and my taste, i should like you, as far as i understand, let your hair grow longer. eyebrows are so thin, well, when they are plucked, you know? this is what the courtesans of the times did. maybe, well , your eyelashes need to be tinted, these very little things of yours need to be hidden with tone, it’s funny for me to waste time on this, you never know, it’s funny for them to talk about how i see the northern lights in metal searches or whatever you said, okay, don’t beat me down, that’s it, let’s move on, get up, get up, get up, get up, b, dress in youth fashion, take a walk,
2:00 pm
walk, walk, but the main thing is to take care of your figure, what kind of gait is it, where is your waist, you feel that a lot depends on you, a lot, it’s more difficult to understand. we are entering the most interesting period of our lives.


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