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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 19, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

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eyes and still skates, then for me this is also a kind of inspiration, so here it seems to me simple delight, not like inspiration about lisa, delight, it’s hard for me to comment on couples, for example, yes, i can do this, well, on the contrary , it should be easy for you, because you understand them very, very well, you are very critical, often i have to say some things, find some things more positive than i actually see, it’s true, well... what but you do it professionally, this is a technical sport, you are everything you tell from the point of view of an outstanding professional, you yourself participate in any support with every cell. tetyana anatolyevna, how do you see mistakes and how not to say so, so that the audience, first of all, so that the viewer, the fan of a particular athlete.
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the athlete himself wasn’t offended, watching our broadcast, he also didn’t say: “oh, this tronkov, he said this about me, or is it the great anatolna tarasova, but still , i wouldn’t want the whole country to hear how ugly my dress is, for example, well, what about do, if i see this, it means i have to lie or that i have to invent something, i comment on what i see, so i see some mistakes in the box office, yes.
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the viewer may forgive you more than , for example, grishin, tronkov or koleda, for example, who has now joined us this season, i cannot complain, thank you very much, dear viewers, for loving me very much, i i feel this love, tatyana anatolyevna, is the view of the commentator and the coach different, can you...
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touched the ice with your hand or hands, to be honest, i didn’t even have time to understand anything, because i was waiting for this element, i was waiting, it’s great now, i ’ll throw my hands up, but unfortunately i didn’t wait, so this season i completely ran away from the spar, and lyosha tikhonov does it, brilliantly, it seems to me , and secondly, well, you saw it a lot of times when i commented on the competitions of tarasov and morozov, and it’s always very emotional for me. it was given
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exactly, then i had to put on these headphones and try to tell something in a trembling voice, that is, it’s difficult for me, i admit honestly, that’s why i say that it’s difficult for me to comment on pairs, well, it’s difficult, but perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, this is difficult for you, because you are nervous, worried, you know the element in advance, you understand how to do it, but have you ever listened to tatyana anatolyevna a comment? your athletes , well, that is, i mean that when your athletes performed, you are a coach on the side, then you review the broadcast, listen to the comments, i never review, we won and won, sasha, you worry, of course, every time before the broadcast, but i'm very i love live broadcasts, i really do, and fortunately, my figure skating is usually shown live, but before each broadcast, of course, despite the fact that in general it has been for several years now and even more. we have been doing this for 10 years,
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however, yes, it seems to me that this anticipation of something mysterious, or even the anticipation of something new, it helps to color these. without excitement, when you go out like a robot in absolute calm, i think it will be much worse, but where are the excitement when you, speaking in football terms, comment on the rejections, or from studios, you can’t compare here, of course, here i very often say in reports that be sure to watch figure skating at the stadium, like any sport, almost any, so naturally in the arena it’s much more interesting for me, much more exciting, much more emotional, i hope. .. the reports are brighter, at least inside i feel much better from the edge, and i like it very much, of course. tatyana antolyevna, you know, it seems to me that this trend of commenting from the edge of the ice is, it’s you, let’s say they introduced me to figure skating,
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because i’ll tell you with my own example, i once competed in megasport, at the cup of russia grand prix. russia and tatyanavna commented on such a stage in a chair, it was all so beautifully pompous, they judged us, put us in fourth place with good skating, and i will never forget how tetyana anatolyevna stood up in front of the whole hall, wagging her finger, and said: it’s not fair, and i, this is how these performances by tatyana anatolyevna seem to me. gave rise to this trend of sitting at the side and commenting, watch from there maybe from the corner, but still from the same part of the clearing from where the technical crew and judges are watching it, you know, i don’t even remember it, it was clearly
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done so organically that i don’t remember that i jumped up, but of course i could, now i take care of myself and don’t jump up. sash , well, let’s talk a little then about what they usually talk about on the internet, on forums, do you remember any failure, the so-called internet language, that is, some mistake that you made or we made on the air? listen, well, i think i understand now, k what are you talking about, i think you and i won’t forget for a long time, if in principle we manage to forget this failure, this is samara, of course, this is last year, this is one of the stages of the grand prix, like... yes , during alexander trusova’s performance at by an unfortunate accident, our microphones were turned on, this is a failure of failures, probably, we have made bigger mistakes on air, i personally did not make them, you know what surprised me in this whole situation is that we are still sitting here in chairs in you and i simply
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weren’t fired for this, yes, it’s strange, but it’s nice, nevertheless, yes, well, what’s the bottom line, tell me the secret, what is the party’s policy? no one forbids, honestly, it would irritate me very much, if they told me, i would definitely answer, when you watch figure skating on tv at home, for example, with your friends, do you comment in the same way or choose less words? well, first of all,
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i don’t watch at home, because 90% of the time i go to competitions. i’m watching it live, it’s different things to watch it live, maybe on the podium, but you’re still on the podium, but that’s it it’s also close, not next to the board where you’re used to being, but you’re close, it’s a different feeling of speed, it’s 100%, the speed on tv is very poorly conveyed, i would say not bad, sorry to interrupt, but false, because sometimes athletes.
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makes people sit or stand or shout bravo or look in complete silence. then, what happens on the ice, this is of course, well, we are now talking about that very magical chemistry that only a few actually possess, as it seems to me, with figure skating, only a few, and not everyone can do this, and to see such skating live, they say, wow, do each of you have some kind of skating that you had the chance to comment on and which you still have in your heart , i won’t say to comment, but... but to feel it, when we skated our own,
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because you mostly see the best performances in training, yes, well, that’s how it worked for me, either because the gym is limited and there’s no such thing, there’s no audience, but in training, that’s how it happened for me on the skating rink, right... at every, not like every movement, but you’re like reading a book, at them you look, because they are right in front of you, they create such an atmosphere into which you are drawn in, and you see how they talk while dancing, this happens very rarely, but when it happens, you are simply under the wildest impression.
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you skated with tanyukha, yes, volosozhar, because it was of course the pinnacle, it was an amazing, absolutely brilliant couple, and only unique beauty skating was expected of you, this combination of unique beauty skating, it always gives an opportunity. to the person who is talking about it, talk
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a lot, for a long time, or maybe just in one word, that’s why it’s memorable, you see completely different people, and you see great artists, to all this, where you have to jump triples, quadruples, 2 and a half, you are no longer interested in this, you i’m interested in this story , a two-time olympic champion, here i am , this is adelina’s victory in 1914, because i already skated mine, i’m already commenting on this victory, what is the magic of this victory, is that then they discussed a lot, showed some... some errors, some other...
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crazy, simply amazing,
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this is just some fantastic evening, we've run out of epithets, girls, what? the whole hall in chelyabinsk stood up after the performance of anna shcherbakova, you know, after all, i was right when i said that this person is famous for her inner core, her inner strength, we know how hard it was for her yesterday, how hard it is for her today , she
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just literally hung on etera georgievna on... when one after another they skate, first alexandra trusova, then kamilla valeeva, then she comes out with a fever anya shcherbakova does the seemingly impossible, that is, it was three fantastic, amazing, crazy performances, i remember after almost every performance we jumped out of our seats, we applauded while standing, and after... shcherbakova has everything there were tears in the eyes of the audience, i think even we couldn’t restrain ourselves, we stood and applauded. sash, your chair under you never lights up when you comment on tatyana anatolyevna tarasova, who constantly generates some kind of, again, returning to youth language, memes, yes, aphorisms, the golden fund of the russian figure company
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crawled under the table, you say, baby , nizhnyatin, maalyshatina, beauty, beautiful, you see, you remember everything, not everything, it’s difficult to remember everything, it’s legendary, this, that is - i don’t know, it seems to me , grishin must have a very good one somewhere in his notebook , honey, i love it very much when she lets down her braids, it’s such beauty, a real angel, such lightness and at the same time power, it really makes you feel. i did it, well, how i did it, well, how lovely, just wait, now it’s like that, hall stands up, everyone is called to stand up, yes, it’s just completely unimaginable, you know,
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this simply doesn’t happen, this has never happened in the world, this is a world record. where does this come from, tatyanavna, this gloating? well, i don’t know, i don’t think so, well, how can you not think so, if i have muzhimirovich kraynov, a very educated person and who invented various other words,
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buzzwords, phrases, maybe the one we lived through. years, maybe something got over me, that is , there were trainings in the kitchen, yes, yes, it was necessary all the time, yes, yes, yes, we have to somehow respond to this, not just laugh or cry, age does not allow us to work poorly, because no, no, so, the older we get, the better we work, because...
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which looks at the perception of music, because that if you chat for a long time while a person is skating, then you will kill exactly this composition, which is before your eyes, in front of you, then you will not have a connection between movement and music, because you will tell all this, show it and no one needs it, you need this is combined, but very... very precisely, very in small doses, tatyana anatolyevna, such a question, how am i, being an active coach? i sit down in the commentary room and discuss the work of other athletes and coaches, well, i don’t know, you ’re a professor, so the question is, i’m not your friend
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alexey nikolaevich, yet, but i’ll strive , it’s clear that you’re striving, you see, why not, i don’t understand why no, why is he a multiple olympic champion, yes, a member of our team for many many years. one of the leading trainers, working with leading, with leading couples, why doesn’t he, why can’t you give an assessment, even to your former colleagues, you already free from this work, you don’t skate anymore, you don’t win, you don’t lose, you work as a coach, and then who to ask, the coaches know everything, to be honest, well, not so much. regime, well, who should the viewer listen to, when the opinions of commentators and judges differ, the viewer himself can draw conclusions, the viewer also watches these
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competitions, we work for the viewer, and what do you think is too long, i also think that no matter where you didn’t come, i came, for example, to gymnastics, for example, yes, yeah, i’m not a professional in this matter, right? but i see that this is amazing, this is brilliant, but still in the end i, i understand who won why? spectators can also understand and develop themselves, they have been watching figure skating for many years, they know many elements. they know, i’ll say so, they know, and just from my own feeling,
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i can’t say who i liked more, that’s enough, well, in the end , grishen figured out why others can’t figure out how to immerse themselves in our sport, you in general, sash, how much do you have? took time? wait, well, the rules change every year, how can you learn them, they are transformed every year , various points are introduced into them, but in general , i guess i want to say, somewhere around the end of the first season, it seems to me, it started to work out quite well , that is, it took almost half a season, probably even a little more, but what is your favorite sport for commentating, single skating, singles, and you have men’s, is it difficult? question, i rarely find myself unable to tell you, but it seems to me that i just like figure skating, i like it very strongly, that’s probably
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why i think, that’s why i ’ve been involved in this sport for a decade and a half now, but my beloved, well, sometimes someone skates better, sometimes in a different form they take to heart, i won’t undertake to answer here definitely, then the question is for tatyana anatolyevna, again, because with grishin it’s useless. to ask, because he had a doctorate, and football, everything was in life, some other sport i would like to comment on, try myself, maybe relatives, but i would like, i would like, i would even like to train, wow, is it really hockey, no, well, some things that i know.
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gymnastics, we are now in chelyabinsk watching the russian figure skating championship, not only watching it, but also commenting on it, now we are at the russian championship, it is impossible for me to imagine a season for myself without visiting the russian championship, this, in my opinion, is generally the central competition , not even the european championship or the world championship, this is the best competition that i love most. this is the most nervous tournament for of course, of course, for us too, for amateurs, for professionals, to see what a person is capable of.
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such a situation, what should we expect from the broadcast, what will be the most interesting, what will happen, will be, what will be the most interesting, we will see, and we will comment, better, we will talk about the best, why can’t we miss it, i guess, let’s i’ll tell you about pairs, and you ’ll tell me about your favorite singles skating, so, first of all, this is a confrontation with only half a point there...
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our five or six pairs there are the best pairs in in the world now there is 100% peace, so we can say, we will watch the world championships , so be sure to watch pair skating , from our russian championships you can always understand who is who for what place this person will fight for at the world championships, always, because we have there are always some types such as pair skating, well, of course , two pairs are outstanding, outstanding. ours and then the perev school, where each pair has its own personality and unusual elements, and every pair must have some new element, technically impossible, well after pairs we have women's single skating, the floor is yours, i can say that women's
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singles in the free program. we will watch, we will watch figure skating on channel one, hello, the baden baden podcast is on air, i am its host, konstantin severinov, and today we will talk about children, about pediatrics,
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we will talk, our guest is... andrey alekseevich stepanov , chief specialist in pediatrics, presidential administration. andrey, hello, hello, konstantin. i would like to be with you today talk about a few things. as a longtime father, i had the feeling that what pediatricians say changes to the exact opposite about once every 10 years. and i would like to understand why this is so. you are absolutely right, konstantin, this is a problem in general, i think that... throughout medical science, this is not only pediatrics, the view on many problems, they change quite quickly, and what was completely indisputable for us was another 10 or 15 years ago, today it has been revised, and we have taken a diametrically opposite point of view, and why then should i, as a consumer, listen to the doctor, now, i know that i ’m smart now, that in 10 years everything will be the other way around, you know, well, the basic - let’s say,
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postulates... they are unshakable, that is, all doctors they certainly want your child to grow up healthy and beautiful, and for this purpose we use completely different approaches and different methods, so exactly what is placed on the pedestal of common sense, it remains unchanged, but nevertheless, all sorts of different scientific approaches , they are changing, i cannot say that all science changes its view in 10 years, but at least... 15-20% of what we know today will be revised in 10-15 years, we will be told what works everything is a little different, and new generations of parents will religiously follow the recommendations of pediatricians, understanding that they are the opposite of what their parents did, we will change our views on some, let’s say, drugs, we will change our views on some approaches, but our main views
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will still remain unshakable. based why are doctors, excuse me, hanging around in the air? well, in fact, this relates more to pharmacology, this relates to genetics, this relates to... to those processes that are at this junction, that is , precisely due to the fact that we study more of the processes that occur in the body , we have the opportunity to reconsider many views that are becoming outdated and replace them with others, as for the fact that a child should be healthy, and we make every effort to make it so, to prevent illness from taking over, this here... what happened before or what will happen next, well, let's see, scientists or doctors will tell us, well, you see, even, let's say,
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back in medieval, and not even medieval, in eco-torian england , it was believed that let’s say, and even in the twenties in russia, that a child needs to be kept swaddled as much as possible... in a swaddling bag so that he moves his arms and legs less, well, thank god, we have followed the path of common sense and are talking about that it is possible to swaddle a child, but only for a certain amount of time, because in theory it is swaddling - this is actually an imitation of the intrauterine stay of a child, when he precisely feels the boundaries of his body due to the soft pressure of the walls of the uterus when we are newborns...
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all mothers, when they put their children to bed, immediately begin to search on the internet for information about why he does not sleep, there poops or , on the contrary, does not poop, well, in general, for a variety of reasons , unfortunately, you can find on the internet, as in the classics, that advice is on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity, but in connection with this it is not written, they say the opposite, but this true, but these tips... can lead to disastrous results; you often hear that, for example, a breastfed baby may not poop for 10 or 15 days. i want to say right away that no, this is not so. a child should have stool every day, especially a newborn, several times a
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day. and in this regard, you need to be very careful about the information you receive. it’s even better to consult with a trusted pediatrician who can tell you that yes, this information is available. you can use it, but this is in no way in this case, quickly run away from there , but for this you need to trust the doctor, so the second piece of advice is to get a doctor you trust, you need to consult a doctor, show your child to a doctor, and of course, based on these tips, as we have already said, the prospects for we will be the most cheerful ones, well, after all, children, well, at least little ones, are already being taken to doctors. well, regularly, or rather in accordance with some kind of schedule, in this sense it can’t even be avoided if you wanted to mean yes, they must be decreed, they are decreed terms when the child undergoes medical examination , that is, is shown to all doctors when examinations take place, but unfortunately, this is not
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always observed, so i urge you to show doctors to comply with all the deadlines that were allotted specifically for showing the child to specialists, if we talk about schedules and needs regular... it is very stupid and strangely painful to watch the death
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of children or the irreparable damage caused by a disease that could have been prevented, which is a preventable infection, within the framework of this movement that you said, yes, children can have serious consequences caused by infectious diseases, which perhaps a vaccine could somehow stop, but on the other hand, there is, for example, the idea that vaccines lead to...
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we can really expect an increase in temperature, there is a local reaction, but nevertheless, if we are faced with the fact that a child develops cerebral palsy or autism there, this is not the root cause, it could be that the child was simply paid attention to because of the vaccination and having diagnosed it, they decided that the child had this particular disease, but... the very role of vaccination in the development of these conditions has not been proven
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anywhere in the world, i assure you that if at least some relationship was found between , let’s say, autism and a vaccine, then insurance companies, especially abroad, they would grab onto this with their teeth, and vaccine manufacturers would play the accordion at the station, so here it’s absolutely no good...
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diagnostics have improved, criteria have been developed, what we call autism, and here very many cases are united when there are no healthy people, there are undiagnosed ones, well, in general, yes, in general, yes, if earlier it could have been called schizotypal diathesis or something else, today everything refers to... autism and, accordingly treatment takes place in this vein, but i don’t think that it has become more numerous, i think that it was simply classified, and they learned to isolate it from other conditions, so it has developed in such quantities, something can be done about it, this is what what can be prevented the fact that parents can, unfortunately, there is no prevention, because this is not even a disease, it is often a condition. that is, i don’t know any actions that could practically be taken, listen
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to good music, and not listen to some wrong music, read books, well , what you listed, this should undoubtedly be done, but unfortunately, this is not will be a prevention of autism, because today this condition includes a lot of genetic abnormalities, which is accompanied by the fact that the child’s reactivity it’s structured differently, it’s not that it doesn’t work like that, it works differently, here , of course, this is a separate topic, like the universe, you can talk about this autism, even better with those who are directly involved in it. well, from the point of view of a pediatrician, you are the main specialist in pediatrics, we came to you, a specialist here should be on autism in neurology, and i even think that not every neurologist will undertake to discuss the topic of autism like this globally with details, but genetics, here we live in the 20th century, many say that this is
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the last century was the century of physics, now we live in the century of life sciences, biology, medicine, there are movements when people propose doing tests for genetics. a concept such as epigenetics, when the condition surrounding the child , both in utero and thousands of days after birth, when surrounding circumstances impose a certain influence on the genetic material, on
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the genes themselves, when, of course, unfavorable conditions are laid down in the future, including... many diseases that an adult faces include: diabetes, high blood pressure , maybe even some mental conditions , today, of course, the condition of a pregnant woman, the condition of an unborn child and a newly born child, it is, in fact, the root and core of all those pathologies that will the child has already... a child who has grown up , who later turned into an adult, and here is this whole scientific layer that we still have to raise and raise, but this is very general, it’s almost like you yourself said the word philosophical, yes, what this is essentially that everything affects everything , everything is interconnected, but recognizing this is one thing, but what to do about this topic is a little different
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, for example, what do you think, should parents do genetic testing of their child, without medical indications, it makes no sense to do such tests, but if the doctor advised it and said exactly which signs should be looked at for changes, then of course it needs to be done, that is, these are the indications that are revealed during regular visits to the doctor, then we started when it is seen, when the doctor detects some deviations, well, god forbid, in the development of the child, or of course, of course, and the pediatrician on the spot should already determine which specialist. as soon as you show the child, a specialist sends a geneticist to the doctor and recommends exactly those genetic tests that he needs to take. well, you smash all the myths and don’t give up any hope, you always say that you just need to go to the doctor, do it regularly and trust the doctor. i just wanted to ask again about one myth, as it seems to me:
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umbilical cord blood, there is the idea of ​​biobanking, storing blood stem cells, if god forbid even with a child. he has already grown up, he has already become, maybe his parents are no longer there, but this is something that will help him with the replacement of some organs, maybe even transplants, well, this is, let’s say, the distant future, but nevertheless there are a number of conditions, when crookedly preserved blood taken from a cryobank can be used , with proper storage and integrity.


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