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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 19, 2024 3:20am-4:11am MSK

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he was interested in natalya pototskaya, how she was, that she died in 1930, he didn’t know about it, after that he still wrote, which means he wrote and was sad, that’s the story, and at the same time he began to write anti-government treatises, he believed, that they wouldn’t deport him further to siberia, but it was possible to deport him, in the forty-first year they deported him to akatuy, where in the forty-fifth they strangled him with a silk handkerchief, and this was not considered murder, because the blood did not...
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what can you do? during the events that took place on senate square, he was not there in st. petersburg, here, but he somehow came under control, and he was released because he didn’t, well, he only knew releyev, because during his trip around the world, one of the tasks was there, which means work in the russian american company in which irileev also worked, he was released, but he meant that he was arrested a second time and wanted to be in the center of events, a participant in the twenty... one year
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to go completely crazy, we are very grateful to him for that that he left vast memories, amazing, absolutely memories, he left, it’s amazing to read to everyone, i just advise everyone to read a lot, not even disingenuous about our friends the decembrists, a lot of funny stuff, but he scolded them for not taking care of the soldiers, then he noticed that in general the serfs who came with their wives , no one sent them to siberia, so to speak, yes , he told how the decembrists went to work, which means that
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in russia, he remained there and continued his educational activities, in general he fought with the authorities in every possible way, wrote treatises, the authorities considered his stay in transbaikalia dangerous he was sent to moscow for bad behavior in 1863, no one had ever heard or seen anything like this, he was bad from siberia to moscow in the year sixty-three, we have just a photograph, he was already an adult, so he was still married.
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distant rings, yes, we talked today, yes, they became a symbol of faith, faith in some kind of freedom, a symbol of fidelity, loyalty to each other, loyalty to their women, and women to their men, yes, and the guys were brave, they came out with open faces, they didn’t sit with a cookie in their pocket and why, in general, is the story the decembrists have always been the most romantic story for us. it was a precious stories podcast. ekaterina varkan and sergei nikrasov were with you. hello, this is a psychic podcast. my name is natalya loseva and we continue to sort out the chests of our problems. and look for the most
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correct keys, even in extremely difficult life situations. today with me in the studio is logotherapist and existential psychologist svetlana shtokareva, head of a higher school. hello svetlana, hello natalya, our guest oksana, request from oksana is very understandable, oksana, tell me yourself, yes, i’m 38 years old, i’m married, i have two children, and my big problem is that i still can’t move out from my parents, yeah, we still live together, that is how i was born in this house, how i got married and built my career and gave birth. their children and to this day we continue to live with my parents and not only, but also with my grandmother, who will soon be 84 years old, that is, our situation is such that this is a three-room apartment in which there are four generations, three housewives in the kitchen and we live in
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in one room, that is, me, my husband, our two children, we just recently got a kitten, and well, there’s this problem, how many of you are there in total right now? seven people, seven people and animals, yes, and you already tried to leave somehow once, no, you’ve been thinking about this for a long time, that you need to accommodate, well, yes, we wanted, we want, but when we start talking about it with husband, somehow it always turns out that it’s like there’s no finances, it’s like we don’t have enough and so, well, now it’s still there, even if you take some and...
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i heard, if i heard correctly, you want to leave your parents in order to separate , yes, just to move away, and you formulated for yourself, maybe in a conversation with your husband or with your children, or for yourself, what will this give you, what will you get, what are the pros and cons? well, i asked myself this
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question, periodically i return to it, and i honestly can’t yet fully answer the question of whether separation occurred, that is, really... i’m wondering how exactly inside, but i’ve already decided for myself how separated from my parents, or somewhere else i resort to them, that is, i also have the same question here, not yet fully resolved within me, what advantages will i get? well, my great desire is to be a mistress in my own kitchen, to raise my own children, and just to conduct even just my everyday life the way i want, okay? and what are the disadvantages? so you left? and what are the disadvantages, that if i need to go somewhere, work, some events, then this is already agreed upon, this is already calculated the time to take the children, that is, it’s like the children are here in their own nest , they are all fine, everything is already familiar
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, i just got up and went about my business, and if we live separately, then it’s like, well , moving, this is time, that is, it’s already planned separately time when... to go, when to visit, how to help, that is , well, this help is not constant, that is, it will no longer be as available every day as always, again, my grandmother is a lively person, she is a beauty to me , she completely loves to cook, that is, i know that it will always be delicious, it will always be delicious, there’s definitely always soup with pancakes, svetlana, before you enter...
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our attention to the issue of separation, that means she’s thinking about it, yes, she’s thinking about creating her own nest, she’s thinking about flying out of the nest in which she was staying, in which she was comfortable, but at the same time , in order to look for worms for herself, in order to spread her wings herself, this is important, but at the same time it is also important to show those whom she is leaving, making this decision, that everything worked out for them, including that the best
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parenting is the best parenting when you know that your children can spread their wings and fly on their own, when you watch with delight as they soar in the sky, this is the best, best gift for parents, if the chick wants this, well, let's help, come on, yeah, oksana, but at first you said that there were seven of you, and i counted six, huh? me, husband, two children, already four, mom, dad and grandmother, also dad, we know almost nothing about dad, yes, and this is important, i think, yes, of course, what is your relationship with dad, good, good and with mom too, yes, you said, but how does dad feel, or how do you think he would feel if you created your own nest and started living separately with your family. but it seems to me that he was a little jealous, in general, in principle , when i got married, it was a little difficult for him
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to accept my husband, especially since the fact that my husband came to our territory, so dad probably wanted more that, well there were other relationships, so that initially everything turned out a little differently, but i had to come to terms with how it turned out, now dad, well, at least he speaks and... conveys that it’s great for him to be with his grandchildren, that it’s great that they are here every day, that he comes home from work, he can take them, go for a walk, that is like a grandfather, he is now realizing himself in all his glory, and well, he always actually said that i don’t feel sorry for anything for you and your mother, i live only for you, now he has grandchildren, grandchildren, well, that’s it everything is for them, i’m building a dacha there, but i’ll leave the car there for them. i buy it just for them, yeah, and well it seems to me that he is so, well, something will
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be missing, probably so, but this is my vision, yeah, my point, and how is his relationship with your husband now, good, good, yes, well, my husband himself in fact, he’s a great guy in this regard, he tries in every possible way to win, tried to win the trust of his parents, in order to win them over, well, after all, i have them, mm, so i’ll say, uh, they don’t have enough, i have my parents there are some stars from the sky, a simple soviet family, well, we are used to the fact that if this is a family, then it must be together, it must all be together, together is great, together is cool , that is, if something happens, then we will better get through it together, that is, well, here we have the value of family, it is brought up from the beginning, yeah, as you think, this value is important to pass on to yours children, your grandchildren go there further, the value of family is up to... tradition, yes, but still i adhere to the fact that i try to raise boys
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in such a way that you are independent and the time will come when you fly away, each to his own nest, and which if you gave them a message so that they could do it, you have everything it will work out, i believe in you, try to do everything so that you can live separately, well, i will help you in every possible way, as much as i have the opportunity to do so, but i... i really want each of you to build your personal life yourself , yeah, why is this important to you? probably because i didn’t get it, why is this important to you, i want it myself, why is it important to you? so that your children build their own lives, so that they cope with it there, why is this important to you? i guess i want to go back to yours now words at the beginning, when you said that this is such a great praise and understanding of the parents, what happened, this parenting turned out, yeah, we will definitely return to this, it’s great that you caught it, but
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still, it seems to me, natalya , it seems to me, guesses what kind of answer i want, and you know it, but it hasn’t been pronounced yet, this is actually what you, natalya, were talking about then, if the decision, is there some kind of internal understanding, we always have some kind of internal understanding, but it as if invisible to us, we need to get through to it in order to unpack it, there’s this little box that’s there, but we don’t see it, like air, we don’t see it, we don’t want to see it, or perhaps we’re looking at something something else at this moment, so that’s why it’s important for you that your children... can shape their lives independently, so that they can cope, so that you can watch with the same delight how everything is fine with them , why do you care how things will happen for them, because these are my children, at the same time i will get my privacy, you will get your privacy, but you said, these are your children, and what does it mean that you
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feel for them, well, love, care and... this is my continuation, this is your continuation at the same time, something very independent, yeah , that is, they inherited genetics there, they inherited the health that perhaps they inherited from you and from their spouses, but together moreover, they are independent people who must go through their own lives, and no one else is likely to can they get through this life, you can stand somewhere... in training to watch them walk, but at the same time they must move their own legs, and here you cannot replace them with anyone and you cannot substitute anyone here, everyone must go through this themselves your own life, you said that you want it this way because you love them, that it is out of love that you proceed when you see them moving
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through life on their own, but at the same time you said that your parents love you too. ..loves very much, yes, would they like to see you go on your own in this life? i think yes, but how can this be expressed, this is how their love for you can be expressed in terms of your life developing independently, this is the message, what could they address to you, what perhaps you hear from them in this connection, i guess i hear it, but maybe i... accept it, or maybe my message is not that? what do you hear? mom even recently said such a phrase that i’m even ready to sell the dacha in order to invest in an apartment, that is , mom is ready to let you go, yes, but here i am objected that i’m saying, what are you saying, i’m saying, dacha, i’m saying, this is a family nest, how is this impossible, well, uh, i’m saying, we
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’ll find some other way, and mom... is also talking about that , well, there , now we’ll supply gas to the dacha, we can already leave there, she told me so, oksan, well, we don’t want to leave this apartment completely, i say, mom, no one is kicking you out, what are you talking about, i i say, well, this is your apartment, as if i were saying, but we need to move out, not you, we, well, we need to look for some ways, we need to look for some, well, roads so that to leave, that is, my mother said that they were even ready to sell the dacha in order to invest in a new one. a house for you, but then how can you observe family traditions, if you suddenly live separately with your family, you will have your own apartment, your own kitchen, each child has a room, you and your husband will sit in the living room, then go to the bedroom, you have a beautiful view from the window, and you cook and order food yourself, but then what about the family
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traditions that follow from your parents, what about this? holidays, meetings, going to the theater together, like us we love to do this, and after school the children can come to grandma’s house to eat her delicious pies , pancakes with yes, yes, of course, how old are your children, and 6 years old, five, they are still small, yes, small, this is a message from the psyche, all other podcasts watch on the website, svetlana, can i ask you? look, you somehow very quickly brought oksana to her father’s line, it seemed to me that this was very good, you hit the nail on the head, yeah, and i watched oksana when you talked about it, and how i... read her emotions , it seemed to me that perhaps you could tell me, aksana, is it true or not, that you are probably even scared that you might upset your father, yes, there is such a thing, yes, that
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this will be a blow for dad, maybe this is the hook that holds the situation, yeah, what do you think, something in this is because i have a feeling that if we are gone, he will become completely bored with life, because every time he comes home from work... it’s there, well, one day he can even pick up the children from kindergarten, that is he understands that he is flying home from work, he now has responsibilities there, that he will come there now him to go for a walk with them, play with them there or watch something, that is, well , somehow he’s already busy in the evening, and if they’re not there, it seems to me that he’ll get bored, maybe oksana is a hostage to her daughter like that, who’s still very childish love for dad, maybe here we have just a request for separation, and this is really cool. history in general, this is a rare situation when you can have such a warm relationship with your parents, you definitely have something to pass
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on to your children, they can see how it’s great when such wonderful, warm relationships are restored between older family members and younger ones, but it’s equally important for children to see that they too, you want to let them go on their own? here is family life, while they should not stand very close, because the load will fall , and far away, because the load will fall through, but they should stand at a distance so that
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the wind blows between them, so that there is still some kind of independence in this column, then this is a good family for marital relations and for relationships with different generations, so that the wind blows, so that there really is an opportunity to be together apart, so... to know that i can be alone, that i have something to rely on in myself, but i have excellent rears, i have something to lean on shoulder blades, this is a wonderful story, i have something to share further, to convey this family strategy that we always know where we will gather, we can go to the theater, and even i would go further, your dad, who is only coming now home, knows it's there children are waiting, if you suddenly lived separately, he... would have more responsibilities, more tasks, well, you need to come for a visit, it’s a whole story, to come empty-handed, meet the children, see them off, ensure their
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safety, spend time while you might be at work, but for him , on the contrary, new opportunities open up in this regard, i also saw, counted, when oksana spoke, talked about their life together, her kind of deepest tenderness towards her grandmother. and maybe here there are also some thoughts when you think that you feel sorry for yourself, if now you spend those precious years, while your grandmother is still alive, no longer with 100%, here my awareness turns on even more, because i understand that firstly, this is the person who raised me from the very cradle, my parents also did not show me how to fly out of the parental nest, they stayed with her, and my grandmother is the person who took me to kindergarten every day and back carried in her arms, that is, this is the person who very wisely supported me during my puberty, yes, when
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it was difficult for me to make any decisions, my grandmother was always there, and she always so deftly seated me at the table with tea, these heart-to-heart conversations, that is, she talked about her childhood, the years after the war, how they had a famine there and so on, and for her... as if, well, in principle, she conveyed this to me, how valuable this family is, that even now she very often says: how great, that we are all together, how cool that we can all be here together, let it be small kitchen, but friendly, so she keeps this fire in the house, that is , it turns out, svetlana, look, for oksana to leave the house to separate now, this is even to some extent, but if you don’t betray, then disappoint your grandmother yourself. by
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the age of eighty-four she has such experience, like this, she is such a main character, the main character of this family, she is the head of this family , she looks at what is happening and how such a picture is revealed in front of her, but at the same time, probably, the grandmother would it's important to understand when she leaves, she will definitely leave someday, so that those who remain have... the opportunity to still cope without her, maybe, maybe, but probably now is a period when it is very important for her to be needed, and it is also important that she heard, yeah, and you know, as i understand it, i try to support her in this, that is, yes
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to him. too, and how, for example, do you do it, and well , your husband, for example, there, oh, ba, there, tomorrow is the weekend, bake your pasties or pies there, that is, there children, for example, order her soup, for her it’s so important , for her it’s so supportive, yes, that is, she is there even when the children come home, she is there, oh, let me help you take off your shoes, i understand, but you don’t need to take off these shoes, they should do it themselves, you understand, at the age of 5 they can do it themselves take off your shoes, but she doesn’t, so i want to serve you, so let me help you. and that is, she has this feeling when she always helped someone in life, she, well, it really was always like that in our house, that no matter who came, she would help everyone, she would always give more bags with something will definitely send it there put there at least bread, a piece of butter, but she will definitely give something, that is, she is such a person, she gives, she always gives, now, that is, well, it’s impossible for her, but how can she change her life like that, how can they, yes, and to whom would i give it, what would be the answer?
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to whom she can give and what she can give and how she can give, i don’t know, i’m at a dead end here, i personally am at a dead end here, because i see how in life, for example, she gives to her son-in-law, that is, my dad, she has been following him all her life, that is, as her own son, looks after, looks at, strokes , cooks, until a certain age she always cleaned the apartment and so on, that is, when i was already grown up, she said that this is my boundary to my room, please don’t come in, i ’ll clean myself, i beg you, that is , we also had such things there - some kind of grinding, then i finally won it back, she stopped cleaning there, but how did you do it? well, honestly, at some time it was through swearing, that is, i fought back with a scream and said: “don’t, please, i’m asking, please don’t come here, because i’m used to this candlestick standing like this and i don’t want it to stand differently, i ’ll wipe off this dust myself, just please don’t come in, that is, have you already
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gone through a bit of separation?” .a truly friendly family in which everyone appreciates each other, look, her lack of separation, it seems to me, is not just what it looks like, it’s the lack of separation of an infantile person, no, on the contrary, she thinks about everyone, she thinks about children, about dad, about mom, about grandma, that is, she leaves not because she is so infantilely comfortable, but because her soul hurts for everything, it seems so ideal, it’s so great, so cool.
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how else will i learn that i can have something independent? this is a psyche podcast, where i, journalist natalya losyeva, my today’s expert psychologist svetlana shtokareva, our heroine oksana, figure out how
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to separate as an adult? you said that you didn’t have a very good experience in this sense, because your parents, well , your mother couldn’t separate, you and for your mother you can become an example, and it’s not too late, no, it’s never too late, but...
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well, dad has a job, my mom is generally great in this regard, she’s a needlewoman, she’s a traveler, they have excursions on excursions, theaters, she and dad are together they travel extremely rarely, because mostly now my mother is already retired and she has a sister, who is also retired, so they go on excursions together, that is, they are like each other’s best friends, and they are still together, this it’s also very rare and great to have sisters. with dad they can also be something else, when dad is also involved in some kind of travel,
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excursions, she tries, she tries there, and dad, dad sometimes gives in, well, dad, for now , there are probably more important things to do, a working person, well what, a young man at work , what could happen here, just, for example , come to the dacha and relax, and i also saw this thread, you said that your mother spends a lot of time with her sister, yeah, i understand that they have a close relationship, very much so, but at the same time they have no need to live together, maybe also an example for everyone, yes, yes, yes, well, you know, how it happened in life was also very interesting, they are twins, their births are half an hour apart, and... it turned out that her sister is the first i got married when my grandfather at one time received an apartment, that is, they decided that the apartment would just stay with the newlyweds, and then a few years later my mother got married, gave birth to a child somehow, well, so i
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sometimes asked, i said, why? it’s as if you didn’t have a goal there to buy an apartment, they say, yes, somehow we lived, it seemed like we had enough, everything was fine, but now , of course, it’s a bit cramped. but it’s a bit cramped, well, oksan, you’ve got some ideas or feelings that will help you in this situation without a solution that’s obvious to you yet. the problem and the moment have been in me for a long time
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, so this is how the ball sits now, i understand that this ball is unwinding, and it just becomes easy for me, easy from the realization that i can, you know, this is actually a very important thing, then why are you saying this because it’s so warm, exactly? warm, conscious, i wouldn’t even say parting, but a transition to something new. life, understanding how they can
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move on and build their own lives on their own, you can become the founder, you are in a completely new chain, the chain of how to deal with a good family, without the traumatic, this ruined nest, with such a very good parting , when you really watch with delight how people leave in order to... continue life, well, friends, it seems to me that today’s range of situations has we succeeded, our today's heroine leaves, as she says, with a slight feeling and with the words that i can, and it seems to me that with a whole plan on how to act, svetlana, you did not tell the heroine what to do, you did not give advice, you were just asking questions, that was it.
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and it seemed to me that it was important to look at that meaningful potential, absolutely precisely, the potential that can and should be used, instead of sorting out the traumatic experience of a destructive relationship, which is more important, more correct, for me it seems very useful to look at what should appear from what needs to appear, instead of sawing files about how terrible this story is in general, that my god, four generations are milling around - in one kitchen, it is not interesting.
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i like the positive approach of the logotherapist and existential psychologist svetlana shtokareva, who helped our heroine oksana, as i see it and as it seems to me, solve her not very simple and easy situation. it was a psychic podcast. hello, the sunday program is on air time, in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. avdeevka is ours, the head of russia, victory will be ours! and a report from the
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bogdanovka area, which is being stormed by our defenders. shield of the motherland, vladimir putin at the ural carriage plant, where our tanks are made, and our guys say tankers, and the enemy admits the same thing, the best car. and for the health of the nation, the successes of our scientists are impressive. we have come close to creating the so-called. oncovaccines, cancer vaccines with nato missiles for women and children, help, bro, i called an ambulance and the sponsors are ready to feed the kiev terrorists further. who's fighting? ukrainians, who are they killing? ukrainians, and the united states and europe simply supply them with weapons, thereby giving putin a rebuff. point
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of no return: 10 years since the maidan erupted. the whole world is being pushed to a dangerous line, do you even understand now what you’ve done , i’m lost again, mr. president, i’ll stand on the other side, yes, even democrats are already talking about biden’s health problems, and tucker carlson continues to irritate russophobes, this russian wine from crimea. in the warm waters of which not only a naval base is located, but also grapes grow. what else impressed the american journalist in moscow? so, avdeevka is ours. and the taking of a strategically important settlement under full control, defense minister sergei shaigu
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reported to vladimir putin. how the offensive operation of the russian army went in the avdeevsky direction was not reported until the city was completely liberated. the significance of this event is colossal. since 2014, the kiev regime, with the participation of western specialists, turned avdeevka into a fortress, in the literal sense of the word: deep and chaotic defense. from there they constantly attacked donetsk, taking advantage of the fact that it was only a few kilometers away. and as a result of difficult battles, our soldiers knocked the enemy out of this fortress. the militants suffered heavy losses. many, including those from the banned azov , were captured. footage of the enemy fleeing in disarray. will be published by the ministry of defense, filmed from a drone. crowds of militants are moving along the roads, which are under constant fire control of the russian army, but how today we reported to the president, the minister of defense , chief of the general staff, that the offensive is developing and the retreating units of the armed forces of ukraine are not allowing our fighters to gain a foothold on new lines.
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vladimir putin congratulated the russian military on the capture of avdievka. the supreme commander-in-chief sent a telegram to colonel general andrei. today, the group of troops center , developing an offensive, completely captured the city of avdievka of the donetsk people's republic, in the battles for avdievka , formations and military units of the thirtieth separate motorized rifle brigade of the second distinguished themselves army, thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade, 55th separate motorized rifle brigade
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, to the troops you led who participated in the battles for avdeevka, eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battle while solving the problems of a special military operation, supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, vladimir putin. the president also noted the work of our heroic pilots and specialists of the russian aerospace forces. it is reported that everyone who contributed to this victory will receive state awards. vladimir putin's press secretary shared details about the work of the president. in those hours when our units took the city. vladimir putin received the first reports yesterday at 4:00 am. on the eve of february 17 at 4:00 am, defense minister sergei shaigu, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov personally reported to the president in the kremlin that the operation in avdeevka was nearing completion. already at 11 am, the military commanders
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were again reporting to the president. then shaigui gerasimov was informed that the operation was actually completed. at that moment , a mass flight of the enemy from avdeevka had already begun. on the city from our forward positions under donetsk, brought up, it always seemed to us an impregnable enemy fortress, now the fortress fell, an exciting moment, perhaps, for each of the journalists who worked here. all these years, of course, for the military, who brought this day closer as best they could. right at the entrance there are riddled buildings of the industrial zone, until yesterday, this was one of the most
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powerful strongholds of the enemy. the enemy dug in here for almost 10 years. i don’t think there’s any need to tell you, everything is already clearly visible, what fierce battles literally took place here a few days ago, but now, i must say, it is unsafe here, since the retreating enemy has mined everything that is possible now. our engineering and sapper group of the central military district is working on this, and secondly , the front has moved back, but not too far yet. the military says that today we are lucky with the weather, cloudy and foggy, but in general ukrainian quadcopters, reconnaissance aircraft and kamikaze drones are still trying to fly here. civilians are almost invisible; they are trying not to take to the streets again, but those who meets, says that until the last minute they refused to evacuate and waited for their own people to come. i feel joy, freedom, we are home, thank you. thank you all to russia , finally, freedom, we are at home, most importantly , everything is fine, we provided assistance
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to civilians, there are a lot of elderly people who need medical care, well, if possible, help was provided. now the assault groups have gone far beyond the city, chasing the enemy fleeing in panic, as the military says on his shoulders, without involvement our sappers have a lot of work to do, surprises rag left a lot.
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here, too, in an incurable situation , before our eyes they cleared the bridge, which the enemy did not have time to blow up, apparently they had to run too quickly, supports and boards were installed specifically for the bridge spans, the destruction of the bridge span as our train advanced, that is, they really did not like this bridge , why they might have liked the bridge when they were here, but when we came in, they needed to specifically stop the advance of our troops, it’s understandable. all means and methods are used for this purpose. sometimes, in order not to waste time clearing mines, explosive objects are destroyed on the spot, which is why it is still rattling in the lining,
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here and there. these are our sappers, and this is how they undermine everything that is difficult to clear or makes no sense. burnt enemy equipment is everywhere, a lot of abandoned weapons. the cannonade of battles had gone far and was already heard from somewhere over the horizon. these are scattered groups of the enemy who are running and are covered by our artillery and... zelensky personally ordered to hold avdiivka to the end. until recently, the head of the kiev regime came there and even i took a photo with stella, over which there is now a russian flag. about how the city fortress was taken in the report by evgeny lyamin. 239. guards tank regiment, ninety-tank division, detachment. storm, my poser, i just put up a flag on nine floors, the glory of russia, victory will be
4:11 am
ours, emotions are overwhelming, this is the khimik microdistrict in avdeevka, was one of


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