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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 19, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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here is our eldest girl wandering between us, this is how the woman in labor lies down , yes it was like that with you, yes there were three seats, three seats , and you lay on your back with your feet in the aisle correctly, yes, with your feet in the aisle here, the second row here. there are other passengers sitting, right? no, my daughter was sitting opposite, she was also lying alone , my daughter was also sleeping at that time, yes, my daughter was sleeping at that time, that’s right, and the other passengers somehow reacted to what was happening, they sat calmly, they didn’t interfere, they asked if they needed help , you are generally taught how to behave if labor begins on on board, yes, we have advanced training courses where this is also covered, and we also go through this during initial training, do you have any kits? for
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childbirth, what do you have? we always have a doctor's first aid kit on board the plane, where there is a birth kit, a birth kit, so we created such an imitation of this birth kit, show me what you did? we put an imitation diaper, we have a model, we won’t put in a sanobar, please put a model for us, this is how a woman is unfolded, this is how labor begins, when you... laid the sanobar, what did you see? that the baby’s head has already shown that the sanovbar is already in labor, how long did the birth last? and it all happened very quickly, when we approached with a nurse, we were just catching, catching the child, catching the child, well, dear friends, i think it’s time to take this traveler out, it’s a girl, grandma, yes, grandma, come out , now we have an old one.
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a celestial moment, a certificate from the ural airlines company, because there is not even a maternity hospital here that can be pointed to the studio, hand over a certificate, it turns out that when children are born on board, they are given this birth certificate, it says where, when, under what circumstances this is a miracle, this is sleeping. a miracle, here it is, it was born , when it was born, this is a sleeping miracle, give a sanobar certificate, we give it to you, please , just like that, and the passengers on board collected money, yes 55,000 rubles and 3.00 of your tajik money, well, at least some support there was, and it’s also a gift from us, dears!
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with your husband, did you break up or what? doesn’t recognize my second daughter, doesn’t want to pay child support, doesn’t admits, doesn’t admit, well, nothing , admits, doesn’t admit, he has to pay alimony for at least one daughter, right, after all, and so, such a wonderful girl, right? such a wonderful girl, absolutely true, what a wonderful girl, what a wonderful girl who did everything without being confused.
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such girls, i am very grateful to you, daughter, god grant you happiness, health, and that you too have such babies, well, it’s clear that you too had such a baby, they said, our wonderful nadyusha, well, we have some there crying, they are already sitting in three streams, in fact this is a happy story, of course, listen, god is not looking at all of us. this miracle here sleeps and doesn’t wake up, it means it’s healthy , it means the mother is feeding, it means there’s enough milk, it means everything is fine, this is where we’ll finish our program, you and i had a good time, may you and all of you live healthy,
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information the channel on the first begins its broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of olesya losyev, ruslan ostashk. well, friends, we have all been waiting for this moment for a very long time. and finally, with pride we can say avdeevka is ours. the russian military took control of the city and also liberated the coke and chemical plant. the militants in the sssu fled, many of them were captured. in addition, russian troops broke through the enemy’s defenses and entered the outskirts of rabodin on the zaporozhye front. already decided to flee, but only to germany for the murman security conference, with threats and blackmail, he tried to extort money from the west to loud applause, and the german edition of spiegel came out with the headline: exhausted president, well, being at the bottom, zelensky is trying to grab onto the western lifeline, but will
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he be able to do this with such a huge stone on his neck, right after a short advertisement, it’s a dead loop. habits, it actually exists in the brain, these are nerve cells connected to each other, so that’s why bad habits stick to us instantly, and good ones are so difficult to form, to these and many other questions, answer the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, in the west they like to talk about themselves as the heir of ancient greece and ancient rome, in fact... europeans discovered antiquity only a thousand years after the fall of the western roman empire. western europeans compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was a remote, dirty and completely undeveloped province. europe itself is very poor in terms of some
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resources; without colonial oppression, modern western europe simply would not exist. western wars were more destructive than wars fought by other civilizations. philosophy of america. wait when i don’t know where you are, what’s wrong with you, promise me that you will return, give me your word, here they are, i see a column, weight on
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the tail, “we are looking for a russian pilot, he is somewhere in this area, there is a price in this life, a second chance, a second life, i have a goal i lived to fight, my husband is a doctor, and a pilot must fly." pilot on february 23, on the first day of defender of the fatherland, on the first day, shura,
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belobrov, you arrived, 3 months, and sasha, wounded?
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lyosha, let’s turn it on so that there is something, now we’ll start to figure it out, so why figure it out, i want to show the movie to a person. there are people who make films just out of thin air. and i’m out of my mind, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything , i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you’re my brother, seryozha, he’s not an artist, he’s a personality, i think that power lies in to be honest, it seems like he ended up in the caucasus, strictly speaking , because of me, we were filming there, there’s no need to relax, guys, there’s a war going on, when seryozha left, something left my world, but it just became more difficult for me. because my friend died, there is such a person, he forced me
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to carry a cross on easter, he almost fell, he heavy, wooden, huge cross, so i’m waiting for someone to support me, because i might fall, and a crowd of people is following me, i basically went like this, on the sixty-fifth anniversary of the birth of alexei balabanov, premiere on sunday at first. the information channel on the first continues, this program: time will tell, we are working live. well, avdeevka is ours. yesterday , russian defense minister sergei shaigu reported to vladimir putin that the russian troops had completely taken control of abdeevka. over many years at ssu they turned this city into a powerful defensive fortress, what they considered an impenetrable fortress; it was from avdeevka that they regularly fired at donetsk and it.
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i feel joy, freedom, we are at home, thanks to everyone, thanks to russia, thanks to everyone, finally, freedom, we are at home, most importantly, directly from us. communications, the war correspondent liberated fdeevka, among our others , pavel kukushkin and next to him a fighter of the international brigade pyatnashka, which is a unit, call sign sarmat, guys, hello, we are waiting for detailed information about on how this happened, our sincere congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone and we are waiting for your story. yes, good morning, olesey ruslan, indeed, here i am right now, hugging my brother, call sign sarmat, volunteer. from korachaev-cherkessia and the anterbrigade attack aircraft pyatnashka, who participated
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as part of the anterbrigade in the assault on the south-eastern part of avdeevka, let him tell you now, sarmat, tell me how difficult it was, it was hard, difficult, but we dugout by dugout slowly strengthened, cleared, took prisoners, advanced deeper and deeper, and the boys. separate groups of militants still remained, although syrsky announced an organized withdrawal
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of troops, but of course, this is more like a stampede, we watch from quadcopters as they run away, and the ukranazis leave their wounded, knowing that we will pick up these wounded and treat them, naturally, by the way, please tell me, you , too, you met wounded ukrainian nazis, and there you met the wounded - the day before yesterday , four... well, it also happens that some resist to the last, well, those who surrender, naturally.
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because there are civilians there, women, old people, and now there is information on how many civilians are now in avdiivka, because before the new year, the ukrainian media simply continuously talked about how they were evacuating the civilian population from avdiivka, well, according to apparently they didn’t want to do this or couldn’t, but i ’m more inclined to the first option, how many peaceful people are there now, well, that’s just me personally this morning. where i visited, there are already 20 people, this is quite a large number, in general they say that there are about a thousand of them there, this is a large number, but everyone i talked to, i asked the reason why they didn’t leave, they all said, we
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didn’t want to go there, they didn’t let us go here to donetsk, they were just allowed to leave. which cannot be broken. guys, how did it happen that the nazi azov, which is banned in russia, of which the ukrainian side is so proud, did not actually give a fight to our guys, but simply fled shamefully and now they are passing it off as an organized retreat. in general , you’ve met a lot of ardent nazis there, so what about azov, their so-called legendary
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battalion. well, yes, indeed, they didn’t put up a fight, they panicked, and began to get hysterical on the internet. and as i understand it, they didn’t expect that, well, they had an attempt to release, let’s say, the garrison in the ssu, but they just stumbled upon our guys, who, the first army corps, it mainly consists, of course, of volunteers who are fighting since 1914, they know who these nazis are, they gave them a serious rebuff, you met there directly on vkontakte, yes we met, we just already know how they fight and accordingly. we are also taking measures against them, they understand that we have already squeezed them so seriously, they probably had no other choice, in general, the ukrainian nazis also want to live, they realized that they were thrown into a meat grinder and preferred disaster, but there is an understanding , how long will it take to clean up avdiivka ? as i understand it, since sunday very few people have put up much resistance, there are
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groups that are still hiding, but they are trying to surrender, or this is not entirely true, and also are there any hot spots? there is no resistance at the moment, i think it’s already day 2, the cleanup is going on quite actively, the cleanup is actively going on, moreover, now we have advanced to the trap of avdeevka, already lastochkino, we have entered lastochkino - this is a populated area in the trap of avdeevka , there are already battles there, that is, we are moving quite quickly now, that is , the guys have not stopped, there is no work, the guys have not stopped, the guys are moving on. but we won’t rush things to tell everything details, so we are waiting for news, guys , you are a real hero, thank you very much, sarmat pavel kukushkin, you were in direct contact with us from the liberated avdeevka, i was impressed by the words, they also want to live, but at the same time they daily deprived civilians of the right to life residents of donetsk and border
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areas, absolutely not thinking about the consequences, meanwhile, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. water of troops and how to save at all; who should blame this defeat on? and i'm three?
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take cover from constant enemy fire while medics stabilize the wounded. after several months of confrontation, the command of the operational-tactical group decided to withdraw from the zenit stronghold, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky said on the night of february 17. based on the operational situation that developed around avdeevka, in order to avoid encirclement to preserve the lives and health of military personnel, i decided to withdraw our units from the city, it was necessary to quickly withdraw, and during the withdrawal there are certain losses, because during the clash some people remained with them the command was given to surrender, it was no longer possible to evacuate them, there was already a doctor there. the third assault brigade showed the consequences
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of the battles for avdievka, in particular, here is footage from the stabilization point, where wounded soldiers are being rescued, the medical service is working uninterruptedly. let's talk about avdeevka, about the situation. tornavsky tells us that part of the ukrainian military was captured. we do not yet know how many we are talking about. unfortunately, there was a threat that our military would be surrounded for several days. from my point from my point of view, the settlement of avdievka is absolutely not worth the lives of our defenders, who are heroically resisting in this direction; in principle, i am pleased with the order to withdraw troops. when you look at the situation in reality, it seems to me that, as a western politician, you should see another piece of your responsibility there. because you promised, you supported in many ways, yes, somewhere you even spurred on our ambitions and at some point you said: sorry, we’re all over, yes, in the girl this may just be the start
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i’ll go further, then slavyansk, and kramatorsk and so on. you see, in order to avoid clear answers, ukraine is now trying to ask the west in full, meanwhile... ukrainian commanders here are trying to somehow excuse themselves and say that everything went absolutely according to plan, the only thing that went wrong was the fighters, who were captured, this is what the commander of the armed forces of ukraine tavra group, alexander tornavsky, told. the retreat from avdeevka took place according to plan, however, at the final stage of the operation under pressure superior forces, a number of ukrainian military personnel were captured. the relevant ukrainian institutions will turn to international humanitarian aid. intermediary organizations and countries to ensure humane treatment of prisoners of war by the enemy. in general, criminals are the first to shout about humanism, that’s what
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prisoners of war in ukraine are sure to tell. andrey frantich, well, let ’s discuss the topic of avdeevka, and syrsky somehow didn’t start very well, but in the role of commander-in-chief, although this is of course good for us, but they all say that it was an organized retreat, planned, what we see in the video footage that is shown and... he needed to win three or four more days while the munich security conference was going on, where he spoke beautifully, and he had to talk about , that we
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are defending ourselves in avdeevka, when it fell, when the soldiers who were under the blows of our half-ton bombs, including in the dungeons, it means, i wanted to say, azovstal, it, it did not turn into azovstal, it is a coke plant, when they received shell shock while in bomb shelters, they ... decided not to agree with zelensky, they just ran, everyone understands the military perfectly well, that you can’t cluster together, that you need to disperse as much as possible, both in width and in length, conditionally, you don’t need to create groups of people , because it will hit exactly these points, but when people cluster together, it means fear, this is a psychological aspect, clinging to someone, walking next to them, and we see that they are divided into groups, that they are just running there, who through the forests, through the fields, some along the roads, there, too, all this was simply turned into a massacre, because they were destroyed on the way out. well, the famous, as they believed , the third assault brigade, consisting of azov men, which was accustomed, being detachments abroad, to show their valor, to shoot their own, but here
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it did not show itself in any way... the first one ran, so based on this they i already had to make a decision, to lead this flight, to say that it was we who gave the command to retreat, in fact everything was different, and we know that there was a discrepancy there, we began to retreat earlier than received an order, this is what became the reason that now there are still pockets of resistance in avdeevka, that they did not receive an order to withdraw the soldier, they will now surrender, of course, we are not talking about just a few, but we are talking about hundreds, and the dead there are for thousands, alexander, well... the german publication bilt writes that in general one of the reasons for the situation in avdiivka was, among other things, the conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny, but it seems to me that zaluzhny was somehow taken out of this situation in a timely manner, understanding what will happen next, what maybe a schedule? well, regarding the conflict between zaluzhny and zelensky, it is much more ancient than avdiivka, it was probably also visible during the contour offensive, well , the germans can sometimes make mistakes, although of course,
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they know better. if i may, let me remind you that his great-grandfather was tried, including for a crime in the donbass, he was the commander of one of the divisions, on the hands of this division there were more than 10 thousand lives of civilians, just civilians of the soviet, then donbass, donetsk region he was tried there, regarding the situation here in avdiivka, it seems to me that, on the contrary, zaluzhny was taken out at the wrong time, that it would have been more profitable for zelensky to hang the change on zaluzhny for avdiivka, look. that’s why we wouldn’t have to justify ourselves now and invent all sorts of versions regarding the fact that we planned to withdraw, not planned to withdraw, simply by presidential decree you remove the prisoner for flagrant violations, maybe even put him on trial, but on the other hand, perhaps this is not zelensky made a decision regarding zaluzhny , perhaps the owners of zaluzhny are americans they took their boy out from under the attack, and this boy is confronted by the english boy vova zelensky, now vova.
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nothing will work out for him anyway. quite serious media resources are included , zelensky, no matter how hard he tries to wash himself off, both abroad and inside ukraine, because under zaluzhny they include petro poroshenko in his media empire, perhaps others will join in. zelensky was essentially buried, in ddeevka, yes, it seems that zelensky was buried, now they are starting to joke about the topic of legitimacy, legitimacy zelensky, these are 5 years, 5 years when they end, then there is nothing in the constitution that elections cannot be held during martial law.
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they were joking about terrorists, i don’t agree with the terminology here, they are not military personnel, they are terrorists, in so it’s just a private military company that is 100% funded by nato, these are some kind of proxy troops, there are absolutely terrorist organizations there, so then they were defeated, cheesesli came to honor their memory during the time he honored their memory a new defeat, very symbolic indeed, and i will say this, a cheese exam for the rank of field marshal keitel.
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see in the west and ukraine itself and what will they really be shown? answering olesya’s question about who made the decision to surrender to avdeevka, the russian troops made the decision to surrender to avdeevka, and not zelensky or syrsky, and so on. yes, of course, those who defeat russia on the battlefield now look like complete fools, in this it seems to me that the tactics of the ministry of defense and the armed forces, especially the information part, are very good, we have always
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they are reproached for the fact that... now they are trying to puff out their cheeks, and this makes them look even more idiotic, because a fool with puffed out cheeks is much stupider than a fool without puffed out cheeks, so zelensky’s presence there is very characteristic, he is present there, he is not present in its country when
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the front is actually, dare i say it, broken, and this is very typical, we understand that part of the ukrainian political community, losing, they will relocate. where, my colleague already told me, london, somewhere else there and so on, like white helmets, who simply relocated in syria , dissolved in the vastness of canada, and this must be taken into account, the people who sponsor these forces of zelensky and so on, they understand this very well, and you are absolutely right, zaluzhny was brought out in order to have a backup option, plan b, when zelensky completely loses legitimacy, not only according to the law, but in the eyes of sponsors, they will simply try to replace him, but can you imagine what kind of points he’s gaining now and deservedly so, he’s already in the ratings. unfortunately zaluzhny doesn’t score points, ratings, alesya, ratings are a lucrative matter, as president putin said at one time, here is zaluzhny, in fact , everyone in ukraine understands perfectly well that it was zaluzhny who created his situation, which is now in avdievka,
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because well, syrsky just took over, he also has what is called, they brought him out very competently , and very large resources are being supplied to him, he is a more dangerous creature, a political creature, than all the others. why? because a he is evil, b, he is a nazi, this is the role he will continue to exploit, plus he has space political maneuver, because he did not forbid himself to start negotiations. here another topic comes to the fore in connection with the liberation of mavdeevka, the exact number of ukrainian prisoners of war is still unknown, but as ukrainian sources report, zelensky and the sbu decided to deal harshly with those commanders who agreed with our troops about... surrender . the president's office instructed the sbu to deal harshly with the commanders from avdiivka, who agreed with the opponents to surrender safely military and wounded. the bank considers this a bad signal, which has a bad effect on the morale of the armed forces of ukraine and may become a general
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trend in the future, when commanders, instead of fighting to the death, will negotiate for captivity. well, news from a parallel universe vladimir zelensky about the withdrawal of troops from avdievka, allegedly announced the withdrawal of troops from avdievka at munich.
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what are you doing there? no, there are six of us. why couldn't they leave you? i don’t know, so, mom, four people like me can’t walk either. i don’t know who i am, who i am call, i can’t understand, who will you pick up? well, the story continued, it turned out that this one, who is now pressing on pity, surrendered as a prisoner and now his relatives hope that they will help him in donetsk, they generally say, can you imagine, he hasn’t been on vacation for 2 years, i was in avdeevka, shot
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at civilians in donetsk, the guy was very tired in captivity, he hopes that he will rest, they will definitely help him, but we are humane people, yes, so i don’t know who tornavsky is planning to contact international humanitarian organizations. ukraine just needs to go there to find out what humanitarian approaches and the humanitarian world are, otherwise for them humanitarian aid is exclusively a weapon, that’s all they know about humanitarian aid. the surrender of avdiivka and the mass escape, ukraine suffered colossal losses. 1,500 people, according to ukrainian media, about a thousand could be captured. the avdeya front collapsed due to the refusal of units of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces to carry out the orders of the leadership, ukrainian sources themselves write about this. command the group knew about the difficult situation, especially in distant fortifications, so the garrisons were promised reinforcements, as well as stabilization of the front due to a counter strike, which was supposed to cut off the wedge of the thief.
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they cheated too much, so we were already ready for service, but in fact the americans really cheated, deceived ukraine, look, excuse me, grandpa biden is surprised behind your back, they surrendered avdiivka, of course, of course, and october 1, the beginning of the fiscal year in the us department of defense, and zelensky, having already built his own cycle financial at these dates, they expected that they would be given 50 billion dollars for the next year, they proceeded from this, they were not given anything. they are postponing, it is unknown when it will happen, so they are failing in everything,
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in armaments, in money, in the construction of fortifications, in command, in fact, the zelensky regime received its own berezina, you know, as in french there is already a word, after which the army broke down, after which it fled, got fled and ceased to exist, of course, the zelensky regime has not yet been completely broken by us, it is clear that the combat potential remains, it is clear that some weapons will be supplied, but purely psychological... the newspaper wrote that in munich, after the defeat in avdeevka, everyone became despondent, they always focus on such events, therefore, to prove to zelensky that your troops are combat-ready, to prove to him that you give us more weapons, or don’t give them there, give them on credit, whatever, they don’t believe, they don’t believe that they can get their money back. ago, they always consider tanks and planes in
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the form of money, as investments that do not give in the country, which will be taken away in the form of living real resources, now there is no longer such confidence, so zelensky, of course, will blame everyone around him, not himself, not his command. alexey alekseevich, how will they be able to survive this extradition this time? they began to remember this word, by the way, well , firstly, it became clear that the moral spirit was broken, it was not broken, it was completely broken. they are still trying to hold on like a cucumber when they started talking about russia going further to the baltic states, to poland and so on, if we go further, then what about the ukrainian army, which is supposedly combat-ready and so on, no, it is combat-ready, and a lot more resources will be made, invested there, they will be through third-party routes, there will be various tricks there, there will be money, money will definitely be, the question is in the moment of corruption, how much money will go to...
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an investment analyst in the usa, well, it’s a bad investment, in fact, when people get to the point that it’s a bad investment, they start looking for a way out, that’s what we we see in the united states, maybe democrats, indeed, trying to insist and saying that ukraine needs to be helped and so on, maybe they are actually winking at the republicans and saying, listen, let’s resist quickly, we need not
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to lose face, but we also feel sorry for the money, about investments, you understand, partly including excitement, and excitement is... now russian troops are putting pressure on various sections of the more than nine hundred kilometer front line, where russia will try to break through next is still unknown. north-eastern city of kupyansk, eastern the town of chasov yar and the southern village of rabotina are under threat. soldiers fighting in the ugledar area said the fall of ov
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deevke, 85 kilometers to the northeast, would likely free up russian troops to step up. western experts note that now is the most dangerous situation for ukrainian troops since the start of a special military operation, let’s discuss this topic with yuri ivanovich podalyaka, he joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich, hello, yes, good afternoon, five directions, western experts tell us, now, where we are attacking, we will not, i understand, now the biggest task of the general staff is to understand where we will put pressure, we will not tell them, but tell them where we are.
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there are no reserves, well, the mobilization capabilities to mobilize industry, as we had in our time, respectively , having found ourselves in a very difficult situation when they have no reserves, no equipment, few shells, well , without western help they will fail, with western help they they're also crazy, but they just can't put it off for a while to kill some more the number of people, that’s all they can do for now, well, it’s clear that after we took avdiivka, and we took it very beautifully, there are still military experts. the westerners were in shock, they expected that the enemy would, well, the landowners would defend stubbornly at the avdeeysk ​​plant, a fairly fortified place, that is, which we would still have to take with heavy losses, but the enemy abandoned it without a fight, for western military experts this it was a shock, they still can’t understand
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what happened, but this is what happened, in the last six months, the russian army has become noticeably different, in addition to the fact that it is equipped with special devices, and also... the firepower of the russian army, including the aerospace forces, has increased very dramatically, for example, by one avdeevka, maybe someone doesn’t know, during the last week of the assault only about 300 large aerial bombs were dropped, which were controlled , or rather adjusted, that is , falling quite accurately, and, accordingly, it was precisely the losses that these bombs inflicted on the enemy’s horizon, and we still can’t even calculate them, because we only they took avdiivka, there still needs to be a clean-up there, it is being carried out, and then... an unknown number of ukrainian soldiers are still buried under the rubble, because the bomb leaves a large crater, if, for example, they hit the building where ukrainian soldiers were concentrated, there are all of them buried , you understand that in the front-line city no one is dismantling these rubbles, that is, it’s all left there, that is, no one can even count them, this is the amount of ammunition
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that we use the capabilities of our aerospace forces, they are all overwhelming, they are the ones who forced the enemy to abandon everything, because now in kiev they are saying that there was an order, they had contacts with the ukrainian military, accordingly, they know the real situation, that there was no order to leave, the army just ran , and then they formalized it, that they seemed to have given the command to leave, and during the escape they lost a huge number of people, that is, the ukrainian deputies are grieving that only during the escape there were 850 people lost, who were lost, that is - colossal numbers for the ukrainian establishment and society are a huge shock, just yesterday i spoke with some of my fellow countrymen, they are really shocked by what is happening, and the fact that... now they really expect a blow from us, it’s unclear where, this leads them into even greater shock, because there are no reserves, if you make a mistake with the choice of direction, then it is clear
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that the russian army will deliver another powerful blow, inevitable, and where we attack, i’ll tell you, and the zaporozhye direction, and even the enemy admits that we have progress there, i am not afraid of a breakthrough, but the ugledar direction, the marin direction, again the operation of the western avdeevka continues, again the hour of avyar we are pushing through yesterday yes... quite west of avdeevka, but still less than 15 km away there is a very strong line of kurakhova, selidovo, there is ukrainsk, yes, these
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cities, they are located on the right bank of the river, on very high hills, it is clear that we are unlikely to move there further, but to clear the space in about 10- 15 km from donetsk, in principle, in ours in our strength, especially since the enemy is now disorganized, it is difficult for him to build defenses, those units that you... or out of the bag, they are not yet controlled, this is not a unit, this is a collection of people who are disorganized, they are completely depressed, it is clear that they can only become a combat unit after a while, if they come to their senses, and from here they are now trying to close the holes with those combat-ready units that remain, but again yesterday we worked according to the swallow, that is, attack aircraft, so you understand , it wasn't, ours they simply squeezed out the enemy with fire weapons, forced them to abandon the village without assaults, that is, with fire defeats, that is, with a barrage of fire, they simply have... no crowbar, will donetsk now be
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able to breathe more freely, will the shelling be reduced? well, unfortunately, for terrorists , if their task is to shell danets, unfortunately, we have not solved this problem yet, and we will not solve it in the coming weeks and even months, but so you understand, yes, if we drive the enemy to the line of the same kurakhov , but it’s 20 km from donetsk, the hail system is modern, yes hits forty. kilometers, again , you understand, they don’t need accuracy, they shoot at squares, that is, what is the difference between shooting at enemy combat positions and shooting at a city, a huge city with a population of over a million, because the city is huge, where you won’t get there, you have your task fulfilled, the main thing for you is to kill civilians, it doesn’t matter to you to hit exactly some military facility or military target, accordingly you won’t limit it to this, you can shoot from 40 km, you will hit somewhere, unfortunately, this is all not yet will work, the only thing we can do with...
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titanic work is now being done at the front, they have shown how much their combat skills have grown, but we need to protect them, help them return home alive and with victory, i would be grateful if any one of you will help our guys in any way he can, and accordingly, we will pass all this on to the guys, we will try to convey everything to the maximum by february 23rd. qr code on the screen of our viewers, website our viewers , of course, know that in such...
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hello, hello, how are you? is it quiet today? well, thank you, god, it’s quiet, it was loud at night, now it’s quiet, drones flew into the vineyards and there were shellings, so residents continue to die, ukraine is trying to shoot. not in terms of positions, but in terms of civilians, it was the arrival of point y, a civilian died, it was the dead of night, 3:00 a.m., yeah, there was a huge crater here, 10 meters deep, that is, the shell hit between the magazine and yes, but he about he broke through the roof part, probably broke through,
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broke through the roof of the house, there was a part left.
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well, the village has everything, there is a bank, there is a post office, there are three kindergartens, now everyone is doing distance learning, education , we have a school, a recreation center, that is, shops are working, all people are provided with heat, electricity, gas, our services are all working, the village continues
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to live, we are restoring everything that ukraine is destroying . so, well, i want to quickly not restore peaceful creation, but build, i was born here, grew up, my children were born here, my youngest daughter went to first grade in 14, now she is already a first-year college student, our dad died 3 months ago , who served for a year and eight. the mobilization spouse ended up dead, he is a volunteer , we are all in such a situation now, you know, what are we, the guys who actually came here from russia, you yourself know, how how can i look them in the eye now, if only my the husband stayed at home, that’s right, i think a man should protect his family, hold on, we believe that everything will be fine, we hope
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that there will be a good, peaceful life, it will come soon. that's why we are here, we did not intend to leave anywhere and are not going to, we want live here on our own land. admit it, you are exactly that wonderful, beautiful woman to whom fighters once turned when something in their uniform was torn, yes, and you darned and sewed up the boys, yes, it happened, yes, it happened, it happened , sprouted. i altered it, we got a larger shape, we had to make less, well, we made it a little smaller , as it should, as it should be according to the regulations, you guys already know some of them, yes, you know many of them, many of us know you, yes,
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our boys love baked , love pies, they love chebureks. well, pancakes too , i worry about everyone, i think about everyone, at least come, as it happens, we haven’t called each other for a week or two, already... i’m starting to worry, we’re already like family, the viewers of our project are alive, they send a lot of books so that we they were transferred to these villages where they read, this is excellent, and today you brought a batch from tashkent. thank you very much, all the literature here is in russian, oh what a beauty, when
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the school was open, the children came, we communicated more often and invested more often, now distance learning is, of course, very difficult with this, the children leave the house looking pale, they practically don’t go out for walks. because the constant sounds of these drones are scary in general lately, of course, yes, they are afraid, everyone is afraid, that’s why there are practically no children in the center here, we live and pray for hope, because everyone, many have children at the fronts, husbands, that’s why it’s in you too, yes, who is in you, son.
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from morning to evening from evening to morning everything begins with prayer, but our boys and men have courage. strength of spirit, and the rest all depends on the almighty, how he will help us, well we believe, we believe that everything will be fine, there will be a peaceful life, we will enjoy life, have fun, now we live, every day, we rejoice, we got up, thank god. we lived through the day, thank god, we are standing there,
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but about peaceful life, children who were born during the war, who have never seen peace here, in limonovka, ask you how it is, but no. for now, for now, nothing yet, they don’t know about her, how is it, how could it be different, yes , those who were born also went to the second grade, well, my first grandson went to the first grade, i remember when it's february 18th and we're out of them the kindergarten was taken away, the village was under shelling , and he’s a grandmother, how are you, granny, how are you going to work, he says, suddenly the tanks will come, but the little granddaughter of the twenties, well, of course, when...
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that’s the word itself the values ​​that are dear to us in life, life itself, and the life and health of our loved ones, those people who are next to us. my homeland, because it is my homeland, the place where i live, where i invest my strength, each of us, but values, decency, honesty, justice, this is also valuable, so you can you can delete something from this, you can add something, but you can’t delete it.
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when we learned about the tragedy in panteleimonovka, we immediately contacted the head of the village administration to find out the details; fortunately, everyone you saw in this story is alive, but collapsed as a result of the shelling. of a residential building , four civilians were pulled out from under the rubble; among the dead, a girl born in 2009 passed away today. well, in the us, meanwhile , they claim that they need to continue financing ukraine in order not to send there to fight with the russians, the american military, this was stated by niki haley , who, by the way, nominated her candidacy for the post of president of the united states, but nato soldiers under the guise of mercenaries have been present in ukraine for a long time, participating in hostilities, this was stated by the chief of the main operational directorate of the general staff of the russian armed forces. nato military personnel, under the guise of
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mercenaries, participate in hostilities; they control air defense systems, operational-tactical missiles and multiple launch rocket systems, and are part of assault squads. currently , the ukrainian people are being used by the united states as cannon fodder to realize geopolitical ambitions for global dominance. alexey alekseevich, how high is the likelihood that this conflict with nato is, we have long understood that...
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in this sense it is necessary to work more with the western population, the population of western countries directly, because they deserve to know the truth, this is very important point. andrey, does nato really want and is ready for war with russia or are they just fooling around? replenish their budgets and, accordingly, their pockets? they are not ready, that ’s why the largest exercises are currently underway, that’s why nato is now allocating huge, i mean country by country, money for... rearmament, and of course, this should be earned by the americans, not european companies, but as ours said military-political leadership, we will not fight with machine guns in the trenches, tactical and strategic nuclear weapons will be used, our triad is already ready, they understand this too, so small local specialists, let’s call it that, will be and have been at the front, but i don’t yet see any prospects for the introduction of full-fledged units under flags. a short advert and we'll be back.
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big premiere, i will become a mother and the father of the child is pavel petrovich, you understand that this child may lay claim to the throne in the future. watch the time after the program. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history hidden outside our cities. i collected.
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premiere alexander prokhanov confession today on the first. for the first time in history. a new competition format, born in russia with support at the highest level. a combination of classic sports, high- tech e-sports, for the first time sports and virtual disciplines are combined. a single space, thousands of the best athletes from more than 100 countries, combining sports and technology, we unite the world, games of the future, opening ceremony, live broadcast from kazan, on wednesday on the first. usually with a pillow, here is oleg ivanovich, swaying like that. loved to nap, he says:
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oh, how i love to sit on the street and look at what is happening around me, i say: oleg , let me kiss you, because this is one of my favorite states, he sits down next to me and looks at me, and i am a young artist, i i say that oleg ivanovich, he says, it’s good to be young, he was playing a dramatic scene, i said: stop, he turned to the camera, said, so, steak or cutlet, he said, he... a second after the scene in which there were tears in his eyes, the last time he came on stage, i remember he was very very bad, they already knew what was happening to him, and it was like...
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“let’s go, it’s uncomfortable, but don’t drag me anywhere, transmitters, everyone here is transmitters, people who trample for the greatness of their homeland, this is a special contingent, i don’t want to lose him because of this crap, my brother was wounded yesterday, i’d rather not go to the police right away, we don’t look at his appearance, yeah, when a person has been drinking since he was 4 years old, he can shit himself, our friend left volunteer, we thought you’d help find him, but when he’s found here, i’ll have a child from him, help me find him, please, my daughter
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is being held hostage at school, they promised to release him, how many faces? what is homeland to you? beka, for me, my homeland, is something i cannot live without. 20:22. premiere on the first. you and i are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia. for betrayal of the oath, violation of military regulations. lep guard semenovsky regiment to disband. your testimony, mikhail andrevich, the punishment is excessive, where is that beautiful one, whose name i’m afraid to pronounce happy angel day, close your eyes and wait, i arrived on behalf of count miloradovich, the closest request to take the russian throne. if i
12:00 pm
decide now, the first thing i will do is punish miloradovich and you. constantine i sounds better than nicholas. besides, konstantin is my friend. a big premiere, a union of salvation, the senate will not swear an oath, i promise you, but it is not the senate that decides, but the guard, i have 60 thousand guardsmen here, and you, soon on the first, right now in russian cinemas there is a large-scale release.
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this film touched me to the depths of my soul, everything is original and colorful, i would even go again, air, to the cinema. next, news on first channel. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and we begin messages from the ministry of defense, they concern avdiivka, liberated by our army last week. russian units managed to take full control.


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