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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 19, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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you say this only because you are now sitting on my throne, and i am standing in front of you, you can put me on my knees and put a couple of pillows on your chair, you still won’t get taller, your trouble is that i know the daughter of elizabeth petrovna and count razumovsky. you, not her, you are an impostor, and i can execute myself, you can’t execute me, why, the monarch is free to execute and pardon when it comes to his subjects, but i’m not your subject, that’s enough, boring, i need names, not yours.
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it doesn't bother me anymore, i'm interested in those who created you, and if you don’t tell the truth voluntarily, then it will be pulled out of you with pincers, no, you won’t torture me, aren’t you really crazy to fight with all of europe, europe? europe, my dear, is far away, europe is closer than you think, free masons have a strong influence in world politics, samuil karlovich, take this woman to the cell.
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where is he waiting in the corridor to call? no, take me with you.
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and in the old days, if you were in front of me, alexey grigorievich would have fallen to his knees and asked for forgiveness. what kind of people are these, the orlovs, are you ruining your life with your own hands? i don't understand you. maybe your majesty doesn’t understand because you yourself have never truly loved, i remember you, alyosha, rosakov wanted to cheat. here, go to your place, i
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’m removing you from the yard. what are you reading, your highness?
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this is what happened in munich, is it a significant event or chatter? you know , it seems to me that this is the first sign of some distant realism, because in fact, from the year 4, nato began active work against
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russia, in the twenty-second year it began, according to the essence of the matter is war, that is, nato has become involved in such active, powerful military support. ukraine, that it was impossible not to see the presence of nato during our military operations with us and the shelling of our territories. and yet the west said: no, this is a war for ukraine, this war will soon end with the victory of ukraine, and we here, on the one hand , have nothing to do with it, that is, we are just an observer, on the other hand, we democratically support it. and in this situation, russia was simply demonized, presented as somehow weak-minded, feeble-minded.
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attacked us, then why should we , as if spellbound, say that no, no, no, we
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won’t touch them, i don’t mean that we are going, most likely, of course, we will stop at lvov, or accept the surrender of ukraine, but the thing is that when they talk about how you can pay for the fact that they started a war with us, you can somehow suffer for it, it seems to me that this is some kind of initial approximation to reality, that is, a chimera is falling and... they actually begin to see things in a more realistic light, because you can’t attack a nuclear power and assume that nothing will happen for it, in principle, maybe there won’t be, maybe we will limit ourselves to something, or maybe there will be, in this regard, i don’t think that we want this war there , of course not, but we have already unleashed it against us, we have been trying for a long time to soften it, to say that no, not yet directly, it seems to me that this conference is precisely a sign that... reality check, here is an acquaintance with reality the west in general
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begins at such a primary stage. andrey kortopololov, chairman state duma committee on defense, colonel general, there were deputy ministers of defense, did alexander dugin hear what he said? he said that the west is already beginning, perhaps, to understand that both oakland can respond, and that it can. manages air defense systems, multiple
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launch rocket systems, and operational tactical missile systems in ukraine. i can say that the west is actually a participant in the war in ukraine. we have said this more than once, that the west is an actual participant, and that they do not tried to assert the opposite, the facts, this is a stubborn thing, and...
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state power forces its own people to do this, you know, it’s very serious, when citizens, military personnel who took an oath to defend this or that country, become mercenaries and carry out tasks on the territory of another state, it smacks such, you know, a serious international tribunal, and sooner or later they will answer before this tribunal... because there is nothing else, okay, they paid the price with increased tariffs for energy resources, because they industry has practically been handed over to the hands of the united states, now they are paying with the lives of their citizens, and this is another matter, you know, about the tribunals, this matter is, from my point of view, quite positive, you need to defeat them, and then after the victory
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, hand them over to the tribunal, now, after avdeevka , an impression is beginning to take shape, but only a little far away, because at first that, in general, the idea that russia can win big, that this is not in the category of a dream of a dream, but that it can have a very direct relation to reality, especially if ukraine. will not receive american help, then the moral and psychological state there may be the most difficult. how do you assess russia's military capabilities for... victory after the capture of avdeevka. ovdeevka is a very serious achievement. the point here is not even how many square kilometers were taken or to what depth we moved to the west. here the matter is different: firstly,
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a powerful, fortified area was taken, which had been prepared since 2014. and who are ukrainians themselves, and of course, all their allies they called it an impregnable fortress, no, now these are not criminal fortresses, let us remember how quite recently, last fall, during a counteroffensive, they broke their teeth not on fortified areas, but on ordinary field fortifications, on which a well-thought-out and competent fire system was created..
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involved in taking from a fortified area, now the guys will rest a little and will be deployed in another direction, that is, our variability has increased, theirs has narrowed significantly, and now telling something to the west, well, it’s hard, the most the main thing, you know, in a modern war is that they do not know how to hold on to field positions, as we showed to the whole world last... fall, and the significance of the avdeevka victory is very, very great, it will significantly affect the further course of military operations, by the way, the decision on the nerdbe tribunal was also made not in 1945, but much earlier, so here too it’s time for us to think about who, where, for what, we will judge, i completely agree with you, i will say
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from my point of view, think about this topic and even planning is a good thing, but in order for it to become not just a good thing, but to lead to a concrete result, the main thing is military victory, and you won’t be able to put western figures on trial if the victory is limited to ukraine, that’s what we’re after there has been a conversation on the table more than once, and where is everything...
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it is on the agenda, that’s what they don’t want to admit in the west, that it is they themselves who create this threat, that if it weren’t for their actions, then... the question could not stand, what do you think? no, they are already, i think, in this there are certain shifts in relation, i would like
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to put what alexander said from a slightly different angle into a certain context in order to give such a good answer to your question, the fact is that the western position is already changing for the third time, the first time they proposed zelensky shelter, support, money.
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when your client loses, you must bear full responsibility, here is our crushing defeat in the west, not blows to boston, chicago, washington, the faster and more powerfully we finish this war, we will win ukraine, this will be a crushing blow to the american administration, biden and the west, this will be a victory for russia over the west, so... this will be our colossal response, and russia will emerge from this war in a completely different capacity, it will be a qualitatively different power, and the world will be qualitatively different
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, so for this there is no need for tactical nuclear weapons, or strikes against europe or america, there is no victory, because they, it’s not us, they brought the whole world to the conclusion that russia is at war with the west, which means russia is winning collective west. points, then russia, someone in russia can press a button, the west won’t say hello, this is of course not how you want to live, this is far
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from the ideal state of international relations, but we lived without a serious war between the west and between the great powers, am i right? seems. that if the west didn’t exclude, i’m trying to choose my expression, they didn’t exclude the possibility that if the west exploded, then not only ukraine, but the west might be in trouble, that if such an understanding arose in the west, it would most likely lead not catastrophic war, to peace, where am i wrong? no, you are absolutely right, in general, during the post-war period, two basic
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points of view emerged in the theories of international relations in the same, in america: the first idea of ​​volz that a bipolar world, the balance of dual nuclear powers is the most stable, most peaceful form organization of the international world order, international... to have as such contrabalances, or maybe just one, then this one pole will deal with the periphery, and will also create a stable system, a chance to create such a unipolar world appeared after our collapse, this gilpen theory in a sense defeated volt’s theory, although vols was a much more recognized and respected authority in international relations in... the west, but now a very interesting topic arises that we are not returning to bipolar world, and we and the unipolar world are collapsing , a new world is emerging, many polar ones, which
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still... poorly understood theoretically, but if now american realists truly open their eyes and stop insisting on this unipolar moment, which is already obvious ended, and simply recognize the reality of the world in which they live, then i think , of course, they will see that russia, this attack on russia, this desire to destroy us, was a colossal mistake, because nothing but a worsening of its positions in this not... as an inevitable new architecture, this consciousness could be healing, they themselves, especially the new understanding of the multipolar world , would have stopped supporting ukraine, in 2 weeks, there in a maximum of a month we would have solved this situation on our own, this is exactly where here partly andronik, you are absolutely right, i
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agree with you. another thing is that the west could, if it quickly rebuilt now, it wouldn’t have lost, we would have taken ukraine, he would have said that this would not be a fight for democracy, it ’s impossible that they would quickly change their shoes, because today, many analysts are already saying that the west made a colossal mistake by getting involved in a war with russia, with a nuclear superpower, they will be defeated and what i said, and there will be automatic consequences for this, but if you change, look.
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how to achieve all this, so i am very interested in your opinion about the capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces, today the capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces are decreasing, they are decreasing thanks to our victories, because look, every day our military reports about this, official reports about this year...
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today we have the nineteenth of february, that is, 50 days have passed , ukraine has lost 50 thousand, the armed forces of ukraine have lost and they cannot be replenished so quickly, it’s easier to replenish tanks, tanks of course, tanks can be brought in, can be brought in bring tanks, guns, shells, who will sit at the helm? levers, at the controls , who will use these tanks, guns , launch these shells, there must be people, human resources are the basis, the basis, because look why, the main operational department already says why more and more of these certificates about mercenaries and foreign military personnel appear , yes, because ukraine doesn’t have more resources, so these western so-called politicians go there, they push
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and shove and shove with... what are we doing during a special military operation we have studied american and other nato equipment well and are perfectly able to resist it, moreover, we drive in 90% of what flies in our direction, so there will be a lot of talk, but there will be little use, now the russian steam roller is just gaining move, and avdeevka gave it an impulse, after which... it will
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roll, roll, crushing the remnants of the armed forces of ukraine, and we will inevitably come to what daronik spoke about, to our complete victory, no matter where we stop, and where we will stop, this will be determined by the commander in chief, our army will simply complete this task, and the west will be left to wipe away snot and drool, because the more unbridled the fun, the heavier the smell. yes, we’re leaving for advertising , we’ll be back in just a few minutes, and after that andrnik migranyan will tell us what they think about this in the united states, and whether there is a possibility that the american realists, whom we see more and more among the experts.
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cut down a crucifix, i remember how this crucifix, placed on an armored personnel carrier, moved across the whole of pskov, aest descended from the sky onto the crucifix, prophetic bird. premiere. alexander prokhanov.
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confession. today is the first one. i'm not a mother, not a wife. here i am, everything is self-restrained. russian, what is it? an appeal to the people? you are no one here, just my mother’s toy, and as there were already a lot of you, as soon as she gets bored with you, get out. would you like to accompany me to europe? as a result of our conversation, i will have money, an honest name and freedom of movement. afraid of infidelity, next to you, i'm not afraid of anything. are you people or spheres? the empire needs an heir. "nikita ivanovich and i have chosen your bride, let him go me to the front, don’t leave me , i’m not ordering, please, great, golden age, big premiere, tomorrow after the program
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, on defender of the fatherland day on the first, shura, belobrov arrived, 3 months, sasha, wound, concussion, from a propeller , the train is leaving, the third bell, bam-bam-bam , the germans are in alarm all along the coast, the second truth is ours, commander, the torpedo splashed down, the torpedo went, and what is their car, how do i know nastya, you can’t trust a woman, but now you see, how did it happen, the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to information. branches in the fifth square, an enemy submarine was discovered, belobrova's flight will go first, commander, the left tank is broken , a little more, we'll check again, i'm sorry, what
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actually happened, sura, everyone to the bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, february 23, on the first. there's a big game on the air. so, andronik, we see that president biden, we hear that president biden is not only desperately exposing russia, but also desperately exposing his republican rivals, saying that they have completely sided with putin.
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no, no for various reasons, well, firstly, well , i adore judge napolitana, who has many wonderful experts speaking, they all say:
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representatives, people who say enough is enough, i can’t help but quote the last one, yesterday i discovered tucker kaltsin , or this morning, i don’t remember, this is his last speech, and he says, you know, he says, they tell the boy, and you know, your parents don’t love you, the boy says, why, and you’ll see, and really the boy about...
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the cia destroys everything here, doesn’t give us the opportunity, so that we establish normal relations with russia, russia has offered to be in nato many times, offered, in general, peaceful negotiations, it is we who turn away from this, and these are serious, popular, charismatic influential people who are forming a new attitude to what is happening , which didn’t happen, i’m not even talking about at the beginning.
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elegantly said: well, let him kiss my ass, well, on this, on this note , let's change the topic a little, for the sake of fairness, i would not call her a black activist, she really african-american, but she is first and foremost, she is of course a conservative, she is married to a leading white man, i don’t know what to call him, an aristocrat.
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which you organized and were impressed by the level of your guests, but still these were people who, let’s say, they have great potential to become. serious participants in the american political dialogue, but they are still not there yet, when we talk about those who are already there, who are now helping the administration determine us foreign policy, in congress, in the media
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information, in large corporations, do you think the mood there is changing or is it the same? non-conservatives, yes, this is a completely alien phenomenon for american politics, they are ideologized, they, like trotskyists , hate russia, stalinism, they introduced into western, into american politics something that was completely not inherent in it, just totalitarianism, such bolshevik, internationalist totalitarianism,
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the only thing they considered was that a global proletarian revolution is impossible without the creation of a global capitalist society, and the building of socialism in one country is... the most evil thing, then that completely globalist consensus arose in america, when the globalists on the left were democrats and the globalists on the right, they closed ranks and began to fight for the strengthening and preservation of a unipolar world, but gradually this policy came to a disaster, now everything is more and more,
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trump was the first call, because trump did not belong to this category, he was an old conservative, these are exactly the people with whom we are traditionally like russians. trump was a protege of these forces, so old conservatives, and of course, maybe he was not completely consistent in this, but for a second term he now promises, i will only rely on. on you, no more neo-conservatives, no more flirting with globalists, and this mood is growing in america, these are the people you are talking about, who represent, well, let's say, a kind of intellectual, conformist, old-conservative elite, now their influence is being restored in
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the republican party , just before our eyes, and this influences the media, even if not globalist, but however significant, it influences policy. the position of these traditional conservatives is steadily and rapidly growing, of course , maybe the washington international specialists in international politics are not immediately immediately affected there, because russophobia is already so thorough, but this collapses the positions
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of the new conservatives among the republican party and allows trump to become a full-fledged beneficiary, beneficiary everyone.
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excuse, well, old-fashioned canard, propaganda, of course, no nuclear there are no weapons in space, russia,
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unlike other states, very clearly fulfills all its obligations, it would be better if these obligations included the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in space, so the american partners would better remember where they divided the remains of their... their words, they say one thing, do another, the west, it is that they are not responsible for and this is noticed and noted and said many times. our president, that’s why they are afraid now because they lied, and we
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don’t want to talk to talkers and runes anymore, because that they do not understand anything other than the rough language of the revolver. we are leaving for advertising, we will be back in just a few minutes, we will have a free round table, free in terms of expression of opinions, unfortunately, not free in terms of duration. let's go to advertising. hymers are invulnerable, the west and ukraine are trying to convince the whole world of this. first of all, the americans pursue several goals. the most important thing is making money. this myth has been refuted by a popular american investigator. hymers were destroyed in this war, at least two hymers units were sent to the usa for repairs. the car breaks through, but the car is no longer moving anywhere, then you can finish it off, as well.
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western europeans, compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was a remote, dirty and completely undeveloped province. europe itself is very poor in terms of such and such resources; without colonial oppression, modern western europe simply would not exist . western wars were more destructive than wars fought by other civilizations. philosophy of america, we - this is the highest achievement of state creativity. we manage. because it is in your own interests, if you do not admit it, you represent a universal evil that must be eradicated, the premiere of civilization,
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the fifth film, the west, tomorrow is on the first, on the day of defender of the fatherland on the first, the commander’s son was born, just in time for the chase. we are in thunder, let us go, officers,
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on the twenty-third. on the first of february, and what kind of profession is it, to defend the homeland, there is a big game on the air, andronik mafeevich, yes, by the way, i want to react to two things, which have already been noted here by dogin, first, today are conservatives.
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who seems to be a conservative, his father, the creator of the magazine that dmitry was involved in for a long time, published the national interest, irving crystal, once was, but the truth is, this whole group really existed, there were trumpists, yes, daniel bell, norman podhoretz, irving crystal, daniel bel, well, in general, therefore, therefore, the faster. ideologically, conservatives will set themselves apart and say: this has nothing to do with conservatism, get the hell out, well here is the second one, which you reminded me of, i have quoted many times, he is one of my favorite authors, he thinks and knows, i even tried to arrange a correspondence with him, and there was some
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correspondence with patrick buchan, because this... well, a man whom i have known since the nineties, when he crossfire, then was a candidate from the republican party for president there and so on, all of trump’s rhetoric, apparently it was benanon or someone else, they took everything from the last book, big , a significant book by patrick bukinin, suicide of a superpower, will the usa survive.
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there is still a lot of work and research, here are the conservatives who see in us after the decree on traditional values, in general, you see how politics is developing, the politics of russia is being built, they see without any explanation, without any research, then the guideline that is very close to them, here it seems to me that this is a very great force, which has not yet been fully comprehended by us, but which can become a completely analogue of the third international, even if it is a conservative international.
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a very , very big, extremely unpleasant surprise, well, what we fought for, we ran into it, we talked about a very interesting situation in the world in general, in ukraine
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specifically, and of course, neither one nor the other, the war is unwinnable, nor the struggle for a new world order, nor the war in ukraine, but frankly speaking, the dynamics in that other case are very positive. and there is a basis for informed optimism, but beyond justified optimism, the general always demands increased accuracy, and i am the leader of informed informed optimism, there is a reason for this, it was a great game, we’ll see you on the air tomorrow.


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