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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 20, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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just earth, grass, when we go, alyosha, only a formidable house of shine, everyone settled, alive, there was one close person left, this eternal flame, what a memory bequeathed to all who died alone, we hurt in the chest, allow me, go ahead, officers, 23 february first, what kind of profession is this? defend your homeland? this program is anti-fake, some people are still trying to look cultured, but they can’t, i’m talking about andryushchenko, well, about the main thing for the night, today with our ukrainian master archipokuinzhi. 183rd birthday,
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mariupol resident, in fact, the first impressionist ukraine with a magical story of life and love for the fictional romeo and juliet. the story of the great love of a talented master was supposed to be the key in the new house with a clock, nothing, we’ll come back, restore it, and it’s ours, definitely ours. no, well, there are carriers of culture, and there is its peddler. exactly, exactly, peddler, yes, this, it seems to me, is a phrase that characterizes most of the statements of our counterpart, here, well...
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anti-cultural hysteria. arkhib ivanich kuindzha, he is a great russian artist, he was born on january 27, 1842, in the town of korasu-bazaar. it was the mariupol district of the ekaterinoslav province. it was the russian empire and there was no ukraine. it was little russia and nova russia. his father was a migrant. a russified orthodox greek, he moved from the crimea, the city of mariupol, specially built for orthodox greeks, and initially this city was generally called pavlovsk. kuindzh’s native language was the urum language, which, if we say so in everyday life, is the greco-tatar language. i want to read to you a letter that was published in the newspaper novoye vremya in 1904 in march. this letter is a response to mr.
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menshikov, who worked in this newspaper, and menshikov ranked him among the outstanding jews of russia, so this is what kuindzha himself writes: i am forced to declare, dear mr. menshikov, that i am russian, my ancestors are greeks, who were still under empress catherine moved from the southern coast of crimea and founded the city of mariupol and 24 villages. all that has been said. my fellow countryman elpa popov, an employee of the new time, with whom i have been friends since childhood, will confirm. now it's politicized, now they're getting rid of it specifically from the word russian, from this image, from ours, they, they do it on purpose, it’s hysteria, they renamed the painting, well, how did degas create a series of beds at the end of the 19th century and... he himself called
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it russian dancers , because at that time there was a russian empire and russian ballet, which everyone always admired at all times, the whole world, there was no ukrainian ballet, because it was his ukraine as such, there was no such thing, russians and dyagelev came to moline rouch, montmator brought russian ballet. for the sake of now there is political all this terrible hysteria - the paintings will be renamed, this is all wrong, please tell me, where did arkhip ivanovich live most of his life? well, in the end he lived most of his life and became what he became, and this is a great russian artist in st. petersburg, in st. petersburg, every summer he went to crimea, and this was russia and he loved crimea, he
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bought 250 there hectares of land that he bequeathed to russian artists, he is russian. he’s definitely russian, we know that, thank you so much again for confirming this cultural lecture, all the best to you , we have dealt with this fake, at least andryushchenko’s fake-thrower with a specific fake, but he will continue his work, arkhip ivanovich kuindzha, of course, our russian artist, who was born in mariupol, most of his life lived in st. petersburg and was buried there. thank you very much for coming to the audience today, as always, we remind you that if you come across something dubious on the networks, send us reasons to be proud. the first channel presents
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the loop of habit actually exists in the brain, these are nerve cells connected. with each other, so that’s why bad habits stick to us instantly, and good ones are so difficult to form, these and many other questions will be answered by the “live healthy” program. so, dear friends, the incidence of measles in russia is breaking records; today the incidence of measles has increased by three. 300 times, 300 times when there was covid, they simply opened our heads with daily reports of how many got sick, how many, who tested positive, today a disease that is a thousand times more serious than covid, a disease that kills children,
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no one cares about it, it’s just some kind of disgrace, you can’t be silent about it, raise your hands, how many of you have been vaccinated? death of children, today we have a mother and daughter visiting us, come to us, please, what are you, my smiling girl, what is your name and how old, alice, how old are you, six,
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six years old, so, alice got measles, that’s right how seriously ill she was, oh, she suffered the illness very hard, we were lying 2 weeks in the hospital, she had a very high fever, how long? she was 40 , she didn’t lose her temper, i gave antipyretics, gave injections, so i constantly sat next to her and gave her compresses, because somehow i could get the temperature down, i only tried to monitor her with compresses, plus it was still very dangerous, the fact that she had swelling of the larynx and had a very strong cough, she could even suffocate, i was sitting too... they told me to watch, if there was any spasm, then scream and call for help, the child was dying in front of his mother’s eyes, the child not vaccinated that's right, you were vaccinated as a child , that's right, why isn't the child vaccinated
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, why is the mother protected, and the child is thrown into the fire of natural selection, will she survive, will she survive, no, no, but we had an argument, she just had a reason, she had heart problems, that means, andrey petrovich, what contraindications are there for vaccination, contraindications for measles vaccination only primary immunodeficiency, when there is no immunity, due to the fact that the measles vaccine is live, acute illness with fever, with cough, with runny nose, and that's it temporary honey drain for only two. weeks, when a person recovers, he must undergo this vaccination , no other problems like this are a contraindication, by the way, i now want to turn to pediatricians, because in general it is criminal to invent contraindications and
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risk the life of a child, and if in fact the pediatricians said this , this is actually criminal, this is illiterate, the illiteracy of a doctor.
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this is a serious measles outbreak, we thank you, congratulations on having a girl survived, please sit down, mikhaila egorovich, you are with a gift, yes, i am with a gift , here you go, thank you, we gave you an avocado, an avocado pillow, you will sleep at home, thank god you have recovered, let's talk about the symptoms of measles, andrey petrovich is standing next to such a baby, where we show the target organs, this is measles encephalitis, this is damage
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to the brain, in this case it is a deadly disease when a viral infection spreads in the central nervous system, in this case the brain is affected, this the most dangerous, the next target organs are measles pneumonia, which affects the intestinal mucosa, and we will tell you why these things are dangerous, because when these organs are damaged, the function of both the intestines and the lungs is impaired. so, all complications of measles, especially encephalitis, can lead to death. this is a fact of life, for a child, for an adult. it’s more difficult for children because adults who were vaccinated in childhood have at least some residual immunity.
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in this way they are located from right to left on the surface of the cheeks and pharynx, why? yes because this is precisely the entrance gate of infection, the measles virus first gets there and begins to develop there, when it begins to spread everywhere throughout the body, blood vessels begin to suffer, especially small vessels, and this causes damage to blood vessels, a rash appears on the skin, on the palms of the hands, this is the spreads throughout the whole body from top to bottom, all over the body, from top to bottom, of course, a rash
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is the main sign of measles, open the mouth of a child or an adult and see if there are white spots, please show us once again the spots of the filatus coplica, which means the highest risk of measles , measles is 100% contagious, by the way, if you remember the coronavirus, which was so feared, such was the propaganda of nightmares, and... but there the possibility of becoming infected is from one to 4% , measles is 100, 100%, an unvaccinated person, is next to a person who has measles, he will get sick in almost 100% of cases, the only salvation today is a vaccine, in russia there is an excellent live vaccine, a live vaccine gives everyone excellent immunity, there is a question, people...
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in some countries they have canceled vaccination we saw how sharply measles with fatal outcomes skyrocketed again, so world science, world medicine no longer risks canceling
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vaccination, well, in russia they did not cancel measles vaccination, thank you, god, so... friends, the incidence of measles has increased 300 times, vaccination in russia is free, in america, for example, it is not, you can go to the pharmacy, pay from 40 to 150 dollars, you are vaccinated, and people go to get vaccinated, it is free here, respect the work of a country that wants to protect the entire population, moreover, here in russian federation, it is mandatory for doctors and for teachers and social workers up to... 55 years old, you must have immunity against measles, otherwise you should not be allowed to work. i believe that this is a very correct, mandatory law so as not to infect anyone. i also agree with this, and if a doctor, yours, or a school teacher or kindergarten teacher says: “but i don’t get vaccinated against measles, you have the right to tell her, you
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are committing a criminal offense against our children, because you.” you can infect our children, you can infect us, this a real crime, there are no options here , here we draw the line, once again we ask you to get vaccinated, the incidence of measles in russia has increased 300 times, vaccination is free, we will pause for a while, and then continue, grow big, without it you are small and frail. with it , it is tall and strong, while the body does not produce it, if there is no leicine, then there is no hormone and we cannot grow, we cannot renew tissues, in what food to look for leucine, there are no former ones, the worst thing that can happen is to become from
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man to animal, and this happened to me, they will talk about personal things. experience of struggle, and we have modern methods of treating alcoholism, we celebrate the day of the alcoholic. get caught in a loop. why bad habits are formed in a few days, and good ones in a few months. what shocked me the most was how long it takes 2/3 years to develop the habit of doing 15 minutes of exercise in the morning. how can you get used to regularly doing exercises and drinking a glass of water in the morning? on the day of defender of the fatherland on the first. can't you imagine how frustrating it is to wait? wait when i don’t know where you are or what’s wrong with you?
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promise me that you will return, give me your word. here they are, i see a column, weight on the tail, we are looking for a russian pilot, he is somewhere in this area, there is a price in this life, a second chance, a second life, my goal was to live to fight.
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pilot on february 23rd on the first. i think that strength is in the truth, like the caucasus , it ended up, in fact, because of me, we were filming there, there’s no need to relax, guys, there’s a war going on, when seryozha left, something left me... but it just became more difficult for me because my friend died, there’s this one a man forced me to carry a cross for easter, i almost fell, it’s heavy, wooden,
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a huge cross, so i’m waiting for someone to support me, because i might fall, and a crowd of people is following me, and i’m somehow so it passed, on the sixty-fifth anniversary of the birth of alexei balabanov, the premiere, on sunday at the first, well, dear friends, we put on gloves, this is our highly medical habit, because only with gloves we cut meat, and why do we cut meat with gloves, because meat is a serious thing, meat generally contains essential amino acids, we don’t produce them ourselves, our topics today are irreplaceable and...
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we have such agents 0.07 brought us leucine, so leucine is an essential amino acid, let me remind you once again, all our proteins are built from amino acids, and essential amino acids we do not produce, so you need to know the food that contains these essential amino acids, bring this food to us in the studio, so, on our tray there is meat, bean cheese, what is this, andrey petrovich, soy, this is
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soy, let's go, who will highlight the role of essential leicine what leucine is responsible for in the body, dear doctors, who will start, well, if we start with meat, let’s start with meat, let’s mikhailovich is that licene activates the analbalic system of our body, which. and come, look, this is a red blood cell, an erythrocyte, the function of which is really the transfer of oxygen to our brain,
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to any tissues, they brought and then must carry away carbon dioxide , the protein hemoglobin works mainly here, this hemoglobin protein is not formed if a person does not have leucine, this is a component of the hemoglobin protein, without it... there will be no red blood cell work, leucine is needed for respiration, that is , without leucine there is no hemoglobin, period, what is hemoglobin, you at least heard, further, it is very interesting that leucine is necessary for the synthesis of growth hormone, look, this is the brain, and this is the pituitary gland, where growth hormone is produced, if there is no leucine, then there is no hormone and we cannot grow, we cannot renew.
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a lens through which light passes, and if it is opaque, then the person sees poorly. this is the situation, we have three products, we have cheese, meat and soybeans, where most of all leucine, overall these are the top three. soybeans actually contain almost two daily values, veal, about one daily value, cheese 70%.
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this means you need 50 g of soybean product to fully satisfy your need for leucine, what we did, dear viewers, we decided to immediately restore your need for leucine so that your hemoglobin, as they say, is good, so that your muscles grow, so that your cornea is transparent, yes, please enter what we need. 50 g
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soybeans to the studio, we are soybeans prepared, try, how do you like them , you don’t eat beans, we all don’t eat beans, beans are not in our culture, beans are healthy things in all respects, there is coarse fiber, everything in the world, so beans should be included, women, please rate , well, they are quite tasty, they resemble peas, only more... teeth, in order to be preserved, you have to gnaw, you have to gnaw , of course, so gnaw, in the past you were a person, a predator, in the present too, gnaw, so you are refreshed, it’s all about food , it’s time for us to talk about medicine, in general... i want
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you and i to fight over this matter, anyway i’ll go to a rally, let’s go, it’s uncomfortable, but there’s no need to drag me anywhere, pedalers, everyone here is a winner, people who fight for the greatness of their homeland, this is a special contingent, i don’t want to lose because of this crap, my brother was wounded yesterday, i'd rather not go to the police right away. he doesn’t look at his appearance here, sometimes a person takes 40 sips and can shit himself, a friend of ours volunteered, we thought you’d help us find him, but how can you find him here, i’m going to have a child from him, help me find him, please. daughter
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is being held hostage at school, they were trying to let her go, how long morv, everything is well heard, that for you the homeland, run, for me the homeland, this is what i cannot live without, 20:22, the premiere on the first, on the day of defender of the fatherland on the first, in france to the commander, a son was born, hooray! rushing about the pursuit, i am ready with sometimes names, nuts, those who accepted mortal combat, spin, or just earth, grass, when we go, alyosha, only formidable valor, all settled, only
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one sparkle remained. february 23 at the first, and what kind of profession is it, to defend the homeland. our next topic is alcoholism. today is world day alcoholic. and you know, in medicine there is no contempt for these people. why? because it's a disease. this is not a bad habit, it is a disease that overcomes a person. and it is very difficult to overcome this disease. and this is an amazing sculpture, sculpture or art object, it actually reflects the essence. the person wants to escape but cannot. this
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bottle is sucking him in, i repeat once again, this is a disease, right now on our medical site, our guest today is mikhail, it just so happened. life, that he is an alcoholic, an alcoholic who seems to have succeeded win, right now we have a test for alcohol content in saliva, does mikhail now have alcohol in his saliva or not, no alcohol is found in his saliva, now there is no alcohol in his saliva, our experimental nine have exactly the same test, if anyone has alcohol was detected in saliva, please press the red screen, if not... who has not detected green, mish, i want you to get up from here with us and go to our layouts, and you know, everything is negative, thank god, everything sober, i want to return
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misha to this situation, you really drank, that’s right, how old are you now, i’m 37 years old, now 37 years old, whether you have a family or not, not yet, now in the process of creation. there was, but unfortunately , it fell apart for this reason, yes, there was, the children remained in the first family, no, there are no children, there were no children, you know, i want you to tell the most terrible episodes, because those alcoholics, who have a chance to escape, there comes a certain moment when they understand something, although i repeat once again, this is a heavy pull, as it was for you, the worst thing that can happen is to become an animal from a person and... it also happened that i found myself in some other
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place, which i don’t know at all, in someone else’s clothes, without money, without a phone, in some kind of unconscious state, there are some... these are immoral people, believe me , with whom no one would... would like to be, it was an apartment, it was a brothel, it was some kind of brothel, something like an apartment, unheated, some semblance of some kind of... then, i don’t know, there was a heater, completely fireproof conditions, the smell was kind of unpleasant, everything around was dirty, well it’s just creepy, i just realized that this was already the bottom, it was an episode when you woke up and realized that you couldn’t even remember how you were there, even remember, and the worst thing was that i didn’t want to. nothing but, i was ashamed, i just wanted another drink, unfortunately, can you imagine when you asked for help, but i didn’t ask for help, i just, i just started studying this problem, reading books, i
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was told that there encoding sometimes does not lead to any results, at this moment so my grandmother, who was very close to me, died, at her funeral i just said, i swore to myself that... she understands that drinking is not good, but the craving is so high that it kills everything, and the person reaches for the bottle, loses self-control, at first tolerance to alcohol increases, then it decreases
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, which means that at first he needs more, more, more, and then a bottle of beer is enough for him to go on a heavy binge, without memory - this is a binge, this is retrograde amnesia, this means that he drank beer, but... well, unfortunately, the main signs of alcoholism are lies, this is a constant promise, i repeat once again, if you are a doctor, if you are a doctor, you
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understand what to say, how could you lie, this is stupidity, lecture, behave well, this stupidity, you need to understand that cravings are irresistible, this is a sign of illness, here i am now... i want to show you and our viewers an episode that a very famous expert on alcoholism told me about a long time ago, he is unfortunately no longer alive, this is about. .. imagine a person who was treated for alcoholism at the institute of narcology and believes that now we will see a person’s brain that has been cured, he carries out mapping, they give him a lemon, one small dot in his brain lights up, yes, it’s a lemon, then they give him a sniff of alcohol, alcohol on a cotton swab, he has, look , what... is happening, his whole brain
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is on fire, i remember well that at that moment i asked professor alchuler what this means vladimir borisovich, it means the person is lying, that he has no cravings, because i was examining the patient , and his professor i asked, is there a craving, the patient says, no , there is no craving, during the consultation it was clear that the craving is hellish, i say that he is lying, and professor alchu told me, no, this is a subconscious craving. what does subconscious craving mean, german? it involves those parts of the brain that are not controlled by consciousness, that is, we do not realize that we are drawn to this, but like our guest there is a cerebral cortex that says: no, i don’t allow you to take a glass, well, here’s the question , who will win, many have...
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it means you don’t seem to want to, but if you if you try, then this circle starts again, so the modern treatment system is based on the fact that a person is aware that he is an alcoholic, he says to himself: yes, a craving is waiting for me, and a subconscious craving is alcoholic, i know this, i understand that cravings can occur, and i know, i have learned what to do when cravings occur, so worldwide. managing an alcoholic is not ha-ha-hee-hee, it’s a huge respect for this struggle, which for any person lasts a lifetime, that’s right, of course, well, you’re in the process now creating a family, come here, of course we must say how alcohol treats, how alcoholism is treated, let's start with the fact that, of course, alcohol is a poison, it is a poison, it is a toxic substance for our body, the first is a neurotoxin. it just kills
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the brain, but that’s not all, that is, it kills the liver, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver develops and leads to a wide range of disorders in the heart, severe arrhythmias, which can even cause death. if we stop drinking alcohol, our body cleanses itself. all these negative there will be no consequences , this is what needs to be experienced, so in clinics, treatment for alcoholism begins with detoxification, when the alcohol is removed, removed and removed, the minority manages to cope on their own, the minority, so for 2 years you are already a clean person, as you told us, you you shouldn't forget that you are an alcoholic, because if...
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western europeans, compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was a remote, dirty and absolutely ... developed province, europe itself is very poor in terms of some resources, without colonial the oppression of modern western europe simply would not exist. western wars were more destructive than wars fought by other civilizations. the philosophy of america, we , is the highest achievement of
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statecraft. we manage you because it is in your best interests. if you do not admit this, you represent universal evil, subject to... the premiere of civilization , the fifth film, the west, today on the first, on defender of the fatherland day on the first, beshura, call, bam-bam-bam, the germans have an alarm about... what is their car? how do i know nastya you can’t trust women, but now you see how it turned out, the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to intelligence information
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, an enemy submarine was discovered in the fifth square, belobrov’s unit will go first, commander, the left tank is broken. a little bit, even more to the right, forgive me for what actually happened, sura, everyone to the bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, february 23, on the first, this is a program to live healthy, dear friends,
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it is next to you, which means here a desire arose in the frontal lobe, and the command something act, do physical exercise or eat right or something, then we have to wait for the reward, the reward is somewhere close, and somewhere far away, for example, if we eat sweets, flour or inject drugs or alcohol, we receive the reward almost immediately . that is, with us all this is compressed instantly: you ate a sweet, you feel good, drank , i feel good, injected yourself with a drug, i feel great, we showed in one of the programs the pleasure zones from cocaine and from sweets, they are absolutely the same, sweets even make you aroused faster , thank god, we are dying
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not as quickly as from a drug, which means first, the faster we get a reward, the faster a habit is formed, the longer it takes... they are very, very difficult to form, so today we want to tell you, in fact, how many days it takes to form. especially good ones, that you need to understand that this is a lot, a lot of work, and getting rid of
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bad habits is a feat. the first question is why it is difficult to get rid of bad habits, because look, here is the circle that has formed, in which the center of pleasure is involved, which receives inappropriately, he stays all the time, that is. will not disappear , it is there, and if you give the signal again and drink or eat a cake, it will all work again, and you will reach for the next piece or the next piece, of course, that’s it, therefore, we have it. we constantly have to leave it dormant , which means, once again, this dead loop of a bad
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habit, here it is yellow, it will not disappear anywhere, never, it will decrease , the less, the longer you do not return to it, but it will remain, mish , forever, that is forever for the rest of your life you you must remember that you are an alcoholic, and as soon as you have one sip, be it wine or beer. he will come to life and begin to torture you, this is the law of bad habits, so, of course, if you need medical help , you need to seek it, there should be people who support you, and no one should say: okay, take a sip, you’ve already been 2 years old you don’t drink, this shouldn’t happen, there’s a dead loop of habit left in the brain, the grown nerve cells will all come back, i want to show right now how nerve cells grow, that’s how they grow when you’re good
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you are trying to develop habits , you see, this is work, this is the path, everything is accelerated here , but this is barely developing, you see, it is very difficult, with a bad habit everything is ready, everything is lying there, good habits, give us some examples, friends, how much do they form? good habits are what kind of habits, these are habits, for example, playing sports, reading books, this is also a habit, this is also some kind of addiction, even drinking a glass of water is also a habit, even fruit every day is also a good habit, now how many days does it take, so i just want to show you how to form this habit as opposed to, for example, eating fruit instead of eating sweet bread.
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it takes 254 days to train yourself to exercise for 15 minutes, yes, that's why i can't train myself to exercise. i’m breaking down by the thirtieth day, i already want to, there is an objective thing, if you go on
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a business trip, if you travel, you find some kind of excuse for yourself, you don’t do it all the time.


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