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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 22, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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a tugboat or a spaceship with a nuclear power plant, that's right, there is such a project, but it is focused on deep space, because with traditional, so to speak, engines, there is a flammable oxidizer , you can’t fly further than the moon, i misunderstand that a nuclear engine - this is not a nuclear charge, of course not, but this is a nuclear power stop, and here we have gone very far from...
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hysteria, i think it has already passed for a week, it is still a week away, they will completely forget about it, because i think that competent people are not in vain yesterday the president said, or rather the minister of defense , that they know that we have no such plans to deploy any kind of nuclear weapons, and when they talk about nuclear weapons, they most likely mean strike weapons that are not aimed at satellites, but at targets on the surface land. thank you.
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it would be naive to ignore this kind of policy, because we are confronted by a serious enemy, and of course he is not wasting time and analyzing what sanctions work, what doesn’t work, what else to use to prevent progressive and even active development of russia in all directions , so of course, i repeat, we cannot underestimate, but on the other hand, if i wanted to joke , i would say that we already miss without sanctions, somehow it’s not enough anymore, well, somehow we’re starting get used to it. and speaking quite seriously, such a radical turn of our economy, and not only the economy, towards understanding the real sovereignty of russia means that we are not focusing on sanctions, we are now focusing on our own needs and our own understanding independent russia, sanctions are only a kind of side factor in this case , accelerating this process, or somewhere slowing it down, but today we must proceed from the fact that we clearly know that russia is a self-sufficient country. and this means
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our own sovereign economy, this is a fairly strong social policy, this is our own strong political power, this is trust in power from the people, this is working with russia’s partners to reach out and solve the problems that russia is able to do today formulate not only for yourself, but for all humanity. i think that this is the general line, it sets the tone , everything else is a side consequence, so of course, sanctions...
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heroism, ideas, moral position, and of course, confidence and faith and love in one’s own country, but it’s like it wouldn’t sound loud, so speaking about sanctions , of course we are waiting for them, so that once again, uh, well , we can see what else today, what our frag is thinking about, this also needs to be analyzed, to see what else he has left in reserve, what perhaps today the duma made a decision , a very important one, by the way, i just wanted it as an example, this is of course not a reaction to sanctions, it’s just... we came to the conclusion that it’s time to do it, we announced the agreement that was still there in 566 provided exclusive rights in great britain and ireland to catch fish, it would seem that what we are talking about here, so what, preferences were transferred unilaterally in their direction, today we are putting in order
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what still needs to be done in many areas, and as our president said, we haven’t started yet, so if i were them , i would think about the future, thank you, i have a difficult question for you, academician: when i came to the united states more than 50 years ago, in front of every synagogue, there are many synagogues in america, in front of every synagogue there was a poster : free the soviet jews. it was about jewish emigration from the soviet union. but those jews who wanted to leave, they left long ago and returned back. and many returned back, including your presenter. or they moved further west.
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affection, complete harmony, well, in general, relations that did not interfere with russia either in the middle east or in terms of relations with the united states, where are we now in terms of relations with israel? well, somewhere we stepped back a little, although we had several interesting events here, like yes, americans like to say, like there was an interesting interview with our ambassador in israel, which... in which he emphasized the preservation of our now traditional ties with israel, including humanitarian and human ones, taking into account that with all our critical attitude towards those former fellow citizens who support this extremist wing in israel, after all
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, this immigration, in my opinion, was mainly of an economic nature, people just wanted to be richer, they wanted to be successful, they wanted to live better.
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a single palestinian entity for a settlement, the americans are afraid of this , they want to prevent us from getting there, so in the israeli direction , exactly the same thing is happening here, here the americans are putting pressure so that those people who
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maintain good relations with russia especially from the business community, so that they would carry out such a review of the positions that have been there recently, that is... quite justifiably criticizing israeli actions, and clearly supporting, in general, the other side in this conflict, at the same time time russia is not striving... economically, but this does not mean in any way any elements of support for the
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insane political courses that the netanyahu government is pursuing. thank you, we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes, you're crazy, how are you? how will you fly? he can’t stand on his feet, but he has no legs, the pilot is on february 23, on the first day, on defender of the fatherland day, now we are going to the line of combat contact, you will see how our doctors, surgeons, nurses work, talk to me, everything is fine, you you respect me, guys, let’s get out quickly, we always pull out our own guys, we never get our own guys out.
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do not change, everyone who takes part in this is already the same, we will not become, we have not become worse or better, but we have changed, who if not us? love to save while the heart is in the chest out of breath, premiere, medical special forces, on sunday on the first.
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defeat, especially before the elections , so to speak, there is already one afghanistan in biden’s stash, if ukraine gets in there too, it will be completely bad for the democrats, so we need to look for some ways, in foring fairs there is an article that we need to wind down gradually , george beebe co-authored, published in associated press, in my opinion, it is very large. article, i would even say that this is not even an article, but some kind of research work that you need to look for
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compromise, it is necessary to come out, against this background , nevertheless, with the persistence of the administration, they are already talking that it is time to supply ukraine with missiles for attacks with a greater range, already up to 300 km, and maybe more, the germans are already issuing some kind of secret memorandum that ... it’s time to deliver tauras, and tauras is 500 km, that is, you know, if this is really done, then it will be already, these are not even f16 aircraft, this, well, naturally they cannot deliver many such missiles, but nevertheless, even there are several, even under a hundred, if there are missiles, then this, well, let 80% be intercepted there, but... still 100% interception, it is only possible
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theoretically, practically impossible, so targets in the depths will be hit, this is crimea, these are our, so to speak, regions central russia, i think that here, if this happens, then we need to discard all sorts of, so to speak, talk that we are not targeting... civilian targets, infrastructure facilities, we need to strike at kiev, and strike at kiev the beats aren't just there. for power plants, well let's just say, here is the government quarter in kiev, it is not residential, there, in principle, it is the same bank, we can demonstratively strike the ukrainian parliament there at night, but we need to show that we can go as far as it takes, because
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endure these, well, for now these are pin pricks, okay, but if they are, so to speak
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, dots on the globe, well, that brings us to the idea that recently sergei viktorovich lavrov was in the state duma and it was precisely this idea that was voiced, that in us our society, well a consolidated position in support of the foreign policy pursued by the president of russia, but i think that our presidents demonstrate a willingness to delegate institutions, in particular the ministry of foreign affairs, and we are ready in this matter to support the development of a new vision of the future world, but we are not...
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.and china, where everyone says in their own way: one land, one family, one belt, one road, and we can offer a manifesto for the future, based on the fact that we are understandable to many countries, and we can formulate these positions together with our colleagues, and today think about this, as a manifesto for the future, to determine the goals of the task of all humanity for the near future. thank you, academician naumkin , i completely agree with the analysis of alexander mikhailovich, but i would like to add a small, maybe a small grain here that... our desire for absolute sovereignty does not mean an economic autotar, and the fact that we are hugging today with the global south, this means that we are becoming they are reaching out to us, this means that we have increased our attractiveness, we are attractive to them as a partner and in many ways a leading partner, so we are not striving for isolation, in
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this quest for sovereignty, on the contrary, to create a completely new system of interaction with the absolute majority. population of the globe, this is important, the resolution of conflicts, including the middle east, is an integral part of increasing our weight in international affairs. just today president putin flew to kazan and took part in the opening of the games future, in which hundreds of athletes take part, there are several heads of state and government - former soviet republics, now mainly from central asia. and this, of course, from my point of view, well, if we can say so, a dashing start, this is of course not a real analogue of the olympic games, but it is an indicator of a new path of opportunity, when russia will allow those who do not want russian participation to do just fine without this participation or not
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get by very well, and russia will do its job with the participation of others. and i did not i doubt that if new world records or records exceeding olympic results are set at these games, then i have no doubt that russia will have the right to possibly say that these are the true champions, i think it will not be difficult to find the correct name for these champions and not i’m afraid to say the right confession, i just want to say: good luck and keep it up, it was a great game, we’ll see you tomorrow on the air.
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the most enjoyable thing is doing what you love, doing what you like? i am a hereditary teacher, my mother and my aunt, our total experience today is already 75 years, people from all over the country and neighboring countries come and try what i have prepared for me . i really like how beautiful kazan is, what a history it has, shouldn’t we move to totarstan, i think, well, everything is done, people who start playing the guitar there, for example, never leave this business as you started until the end do, russia, summer ladder lace, close to the heart, folk songs , cherish, preserve and develop our russia, our most beloved, most good country.
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dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on air on channel one, with you, as always, the presenter elena kiper, producer and music video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential cultural fund. initiatives, and our guest is the president of the computer sports federation dmitry smith, dmit and an e-sportsman, a dota 2 player , hello, hello, so regarding e-sports, firstly, the audience that is watching us now, i think, most likely this is treated as something in general rather remotely, esports, or or thinks that this is a person who sits at the computer, plays. all day long, this , in principle, is already an e-sportsman, in principle, well , from a philistine point of view, this is a person who spends a lot of time doing unknown things, well, i follow this
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logic, a person who once went out to play football in the yard , he has already become a football player, this is not so, this is approximately, well , this is approximately what it looks like, this is very much, cybersport, what is an esportsman, so i would say, an esportsman is a person who is engaged in e-sports, and here the question is, what is e-sports? how does it differ from gaming, because when a person just plays, he has fun, well, at best , without harm to health, sport arises at the moment when a system appears, a training system, there is a team, there is a coach, there is a regime - sleep, wakefulness, there is a training regimen, there is a nutrition regimen, there is physical psychological preparation, that is, naturally, strong teams have sports psychologists and... even in the standards of sports training for esports physical activity is prescribed, because the phrase in a healthy body, a healthy mind is not just beautiful words, i myself was once a world champion in starcraft and i know
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how important it is to be in physical shape, because when you come to competitions, the environment is different , water, food, everything else and the tension is colossal, yes, before there was no such big money as now, but the honor of the country you represent... was always pressing, this was very important, not to disgrace your honor, not to disgrace yourself in front of the fans , and the cost of error very high, at this moment a person needs to give his all, and for this physical fitness is very important, how did it take shape from gaming, did they move to e-sports, or was there no such connection, but e-sports arose on its own, well, no, of course, it arose in a vacuum, no, there is no money in esports for a very long time. there wasn’t, but esports, yes, it arose from the desire to compete, and you want to compete according to the rules and fairly, so then the rules appeared, the judge appeared, that’s when
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esports began to emerge, for the first time esports was recognized as a sport in russia in 2001, mr. roshkov signed an order, here our sport appeared, how we managed to convince that this is a sport, and it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, when a person... he always perceives something of our own, some analogies , when a person comes and sees what it looks like, we actually used this, showed a demonstration, that is, how athletes compete, that these are really guys, young and healthy, and not some kind fat people who are heavier there the mice didn’t hold anything in their hands, that is, it was necessary to break the stereotype, it turns out that dmitry and i are the same year, generally speaking, it turns out that he promoted sports and developed it, and evgeny, he already appeared when
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it was already a sport and for... evgenia is a sport and a given, so it turns out, it turns out that now quite a large number of young people, they believe that getting into e-sports is the same achievement as professional football, hockey and so on, and where did the desire to get into esports, this was what you were going towards, or also from gaming, at first for me it was just leisure, that is... when i was still little there, i studied right there in the sixth grade, i was just like everyone else children, it was something new at that time, i wanted to play games, that is, i walked there with friends, returned home, uh, computer games, like for all children, it was very interesting, over time - interests changed, uh , but at one point i realized that i was doing it better than others, that is, i i played there with friends, with other people, and i
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beat them. because of this, i wanted to somehow become better, then the first quarrels with my parents began there, when they said: you spend too much time on the computer, they limited me in this, at one point it was enough, when i was an adult, that is i was in the eleventh grade and there were exams coming up, i decided for myself that i could try myself in this path, because - all sorts of tournaments that took place, they were covered, i saw that it was possible make money and decided to try myself in this. how much money can you make from esports? well, for comparison, here are the players who play at the highest level, they recently won, just like they recently won the largest tournament two years ago, they received 44 million dollars for the team, well, now it has become more interesting and much more, but these are the highest players who have reached the highest heights , yeah, this is a team, yes, this is a team game, this is also very important, because in order to understand
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the scale and... teams are somehow formed, right in esports, well, naturally , here we are no different from other sports, there are scouts who are looking, there are people who are coaches, they train, there are sports psychologists who are responsible for the coherence of the team, because if you recruit five people with the psychology of the leader and the good apma indicators there, this is the number of actions per minute, a term that is used in e-sports, and not the fact of what will come of them.
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esports athlete, i want you to continue this list, please name something else this is such a quality , psychological resistance to stress, yes, that is , further, endurance, apparently temporary, yes , discipline, discipline, endurance - this is first of all, because sometimes when you play a tournament, you have to sit there for seven or 8 hours, practically without getting up, the point here is not that you sit without getting up, you see, we conducted research on athletes
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during the final game. hung sensors, took telemetry of their body, and so the level of mobilization of the body is comparable to what a formula 1 racer experiences , that is, this is a very high voltage, imagine in such tension for several hours, several days, that is, the competition goes on for more than one day, you have 40 minutes, relatively speaking, an intense game, then you have 15- 20 minutes to get in shape, relax a little, and decompress. and then back into battle, this, naturally, requires very high endurance, evgeniy said that there were problems with parents, a negative attitude towards the fact that a child sits at a computer, it is more more common than if a child goes to play hockey, football, and so on, you somehow fight it, work with it, we don’t fight it, we try to educate, we have, for example, a website, on it there is,
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in -firstly, naturally , not everyone becomes an athlete, and esports as a whole is designed in such a way that it is quite easy to enter into it and try yourself, then the whole question is whether a person has enough endurance, desire, some kind of
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willpower in order to achieve success , or he'll try and say, no, i'd rather go there i’ll play there just for the soul, here everyone makes their own choice, but the task of the parent is to figure it out, and for this... in ordinary sports, as we understand it, there are professionals, professional sports are sports of high achievements, and there are amateur athletes, so called and in that other case, we understand that... in principle , well, as if in the first place, of course they must comply with everything you say, an amateur athlete, in any case he brings himself health and joy, here is an amateur athlete in esports, how is it different from a gamer, that’s how he is, how
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to distinguish them? well, everything really depends on him, because if his goal is to get some kind of income and go to a higher level, then he should, just like... all e-sportsmen there, stick to training, well, there must be discipline, and if he just wants to play some kind of tournament, just with his friends, so to speak, to go for fun, then there’s nothing stopping him from doing it, it’s done there for registering in the tournament in 5 minutes, look, now only with our support, but there are seven online tournaments a day, and besides us there are also... other tournament operators who hold their own competitions, so almost at any moment, no matter where a person is in kaliningrad, vladivostok , he always has the opportunity to go online and take part in a competition, this is exactly
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the same mass amateur level, then, if a person understands that he is generally interested in this, he already then begins to participate in the championship of his region there student competitions, if it is a high school student, we have a school one. a league in which you can take part, that is, in this way a person can already try to move forward, but everyone has their own motivator, for some it’s fame, for some it’s money, for others it’s, well, in general, here everyone has their own. we continue to talk about e-sports, today our guests are dmitry smith and evgeniy pogrebeshny, an active trainer, i would say, an e-sportsman, i am nurturing. but i can’t help but ask about it, there are a lot of discussions about what to do so as not to lose young people, esports has an impact on distracting a young person from the street, from under the so-called bad influence, keeping him
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on the verge of, so to speak, rash decisions and so on further similar things, yes, yes, this is of course, in fact e-sports and well, in general , the world of gaming, the computer, it can completely pull a person out of reality, that is , a person can... when a bitch, that is, he went there, played, laughed, went mind your own business, then this is one thing, but if he has a built -in training program, he somehow monitors his results, analyzes his games, somehow communicates with people from this area, then this
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will of course be beneficial, and you are doing something else sports, except e-sports, uh, sports, yes, i do, and you have a girlfriend, an e-sports athlete, the girl is not an e-sports athlete, here we are for 3 years. we live together, so in fact it’s because of victoria, that’s her name, she pushed me into e-sports, i would say so, because when we started on... relationships, i studied full-time, at the institute, and you can also say, i haven’t decided, i kind of played in tournaments, as you said, i was an amateur to play in tournaments, and i was thinking about going to work in my specialty or becoming an e-sportsman, and accordingly the girl pushed me to do it, that since this is my hobby and it can bring in some income, then why not, how to combine work with a hobby - this can be said to be a person’s dream, well , yes, right? what was your specialty? management of the organization, that is, well, the manager
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won’t run away from this, yes, he won’t run away, you’re okay with that graduated, i was in my second year, when i decided to become an e-sportsman and came to my parents with this question, i said that i was going to college to take exams, i somehow passed them, i went, but i would transfer to correspondence and try myself in e-sports , and my mother told me at that moment that let’s give you a year, transfer to part-time, if there are any results, then continue, if there are no... results, then go back to full-time, go back to college and, well, finish college, well, i transferred to correspondence and there a month later i won, well for itself at a fairly large tournament, we won 5,000 rubles per team there, and accordingly i transferred to a correspondence institute, i still graduated from the correspondence institute just this year, recently i defended my diploma and, so to speak , succeeded in e-sports too. and your parents come to your
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tournaments, how they participated at least once, all tournaments can be watched online, i tell them that i’m going somewhere there, they watch the broadcasts for me, but the tournament itself is there for the final part doesn’t come, i just got on about five years ago, probably tournament in moscow, quite large, i was shocked by the level of patriotism of the guys who participated there, well, just raising the flag, and it’s understandable. that people from the street are attracted by e-sports
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and so on, and that you can get lost, it really is possible, in general there are no less dangers on the internet now than on the street, the same darknet and other horror stories, they exist, it’s as if you don’t have to think about them , close down, but my personal position is that the more a person understands the world around him, the better, and esports teaches... in many ways analytics carry out, analyze , draw conclusions with your own head, do not try to find ready-made solutions somewhere, but come up with something new, your own, unique, then, let ’s look again, if we are talking about e-sports, it’s not only athletes, it’s not only coaches, judges, this is a huge industry around, these are the people who, in fact, are scouts, managers. naturally, sports psychologists, but besides this, this is a huge
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part that deals with coverage, that is , these are broadcast directors, and these are commentators, these are analysts, these are the people who are there speaking, in the virtual world they control cameras and so on, that is, this is a huge number of people, well, for example, here we are again , about 100 people went to saransk now , people at this stadium served this tournament. and a lot of people worked online , that is, esports is an industry, an industry that at one time was in its infancy, now it is actively developing, it has not yet reached its peak, and yet now this is a huge number of jobs , but for me what is much more important is that esports makes people think, this is actually important in our time, well, i’ll also go back a little bit. after all, martial
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arts, as we know, each has its own code, when a guy from the street gets involved, relatively speaking, well, how it should be, yes, when he gets involved there, as we know, this code affects how so that the skills that he acquires are used for the benefit, is there such a code for e-sportsmen, are you proactively searching for these same guys, athletes, well, i understand that scouts, we already understand that these are the people who are looking, but the question is where? there is no code as such, but esports teaches discipline, and there is also a very interesting term: sports aggression.
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successful in our world, here, now , e-sports, it does not oppose itself to traditional sports, on the contrary, it says, we must go hand in hand, there is traditional sports, there is computer sports, that’s when a person does both one and the other, that’s when he becomes harmoniously developed, and there are already coaches in esports who say: now i’ll teach you, you you will earn millions from this, well, there are coaches who do not work in this... way , they are like a ghostly sixth player, that is, in the team where i play, there are five players, and accordingly, most often in the organization there is a coach who after you 've played the games, it starts looking at all your games, all your replays, every action and then s'.


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