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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 23, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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the feeling that some new prospects for diplomacy have emerged, and the feeling that the united states is maximally orienting ukraine towards a new round of struggle, and to a round where ukraine will have new , longer-range weapons that will strike deep into russian territory, this is the correct impression ? "of course , the biden administration continues to want to fight and even escalate this war. the american people do not strive for this, donald trump does not want this. and it seems to me that the house of representatives, led republicans don't want it either.
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as president putin quite rightly said, and i have been observing this for 30 years now, we are talking about a deep state strategy that has been carried out for many years. this is antagonism in russian relations, which can be traced back to the early nineties. and this has nothing to do with russia at all, but is a reflection of the us desire for hegemony, and russia simply.
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a large, influential country, and if you want to be a hegemon in this world, then any large country is an enemy, and i am sure that the deepest the state, the cia, the defense complex , the military-industrial complex, from 1992 to the present day, even though russia did not become a democracy of the soviet union and wanted integration into europe, cooperation, and president putin even suggested, that maybe russia will become a member of nato, but the us deep state did not pay attention to this, the question remained to weaken russia to ensure us hegemony, it seems to me that this may be the most understandable. and a logical
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theory that explains the action of the american state, this is, let’s say, a hyper-gaalistic theory, this, in my opinion, is a terrible approach, a self-destructive approach that led to destruction. europe, of course, but this is a long-term approach, and biden seems to either have no influence in washington, or that he is not able to change what has been going on for 30 years, we need to remember, biden was part of everything this all this time, he was a supporter of nato expansion, he was a supporter...
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it is supported only by leaders who are completely in line with what they are talking about says biden. biden, of course, is not the only one, all european leaders can be added to him, here we see ms. vander, one of the most prominent representatives
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of this trend, practically a caricature, but there are other elected leaders, they also go to the forefront of the united states, but they they have very little support, it seems to me. then we are approaching some end point, i hope that this point will be peaceful, peaceful negotiations, and the parties will be able to agree on some security conditions for russia, which will be acceptable for russia. i think that, of course, the consensus that especially worries me is that, having lost on the battlefield in ukraine, the states, american allies, are ready to help ukraine, transfer military confrontation to russian territory, strike deep into russian territory, and this, of course , a new level of escalation, and i
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don’t know what they’re thinking in the cia, or in the pentagon, but it’s quite obvious that in moscow.
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military military escalation if american troops, or representatives in general, are there military, any of the nato countries, will end up in ukraine, and it won’t...
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i don’t think he will want to start a third world war before november, but you know, the situation now is that there are weak european leaders in europe, in particular scholz , who is barely clinging to power, and who has been completely inconsistent, and biden is completely subservient, so now there is no leader who would tell the truth in the e
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polls, so the situation is very dangerous, but i don’t think they will try to send military to ukraine, they will be there sooner send undercover agents, they probably did this, but they will not send the military there, this is my assessment, because this would be a critical mistake, and russia remains in force, and president putin himself spoke about this. people hear what was said, hundreds of millions of people heard about it, they heard that russia
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is open to negotiations, that russia does not want the war to continue, and that it is ready for an agreement that will ensure security for ukraine too, provided that this ensures russia's security interests, all this is very logically, all this is heard in the usa, despite the efforts of the propaganda machine, and it is heard in europe. and this, in my opinion , was said very effectively during the interview, it was a very good interview, and everyone was listening to the watchful commentator in the field of american domestic politics, when we spoke last time, if i understood you correctly, it seemed to you that trump had the preferable chances , and what do you think now, i'm particularly interested in what you think about the possibility that... the biden administration using leverage in the judicial system,
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where there are many judges, where there are many prosecutors who hate trump, who support democrats, do you have any fears that they will find a way to deprive trump of the opportunity to take part in the elections? of course, they are trying to achieve this in a variety of ways, but... the american system, provided that the supreme court has not made a decision that will prevent trump's candidacy, even court cases will not prevent his inclusion in the list of candidates and even victory in the election, so i i understand that, i don’t think he will be disqualified at these elections, or as a result of the actions of certain states, some states tried to do this, but the supreme court ... did not support this line, these few cases, they have nothing to do with his right
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to be elected, criminal cases are underway, but as far as i i understand that even if he is convicted, this will also not disqualify him from participating in the elections and from being elected in these elections in november. i may be wrong in this assessment, but i think he will be a candidate. and yes, they will try to do everything possible to keep him from these elections to be removed, but he, those who support him, see the decisions of these courts as politically motivated, it is not... unconvincing that he does not defend the interests that biden is too old, that his behavior of the american people and approval ratings are at
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a very low level, and his... the indicators have not changed for a long time, they remain at this level , so he is a weak candidate, and i think , by the way, that this is possible, it will be surprising, but nevertheless it is possible that robert kennedy will win, this it is forbidden completely exclude it, because both trump and biden have a lot of so-called baggage behind them, a lot of things behind them, and the new candidate can simply. and i don't think that america is in a position where america is committed to starting world war iii, despite the many stupid things, frankly, that have been committed by both the americans, america, and europe, including these
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insults that have been made coming from biden, in my opinion, these are just the words of an old man, and this does not reflect. we have very little time left, but i still want to ask you about what you see in africa, specifically in ethiopia, where the african union summit just took place , there is a lot of pressure on africa from the united states, the european union, to distance itself from russia and support, or at least comply.
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on the air of the first channel of the podcast, everyone wants to fly and i am leonid yakubovich, before introducing you to our guest, i want to warn you that we will not fly anywhere today, we will talk about emergency situations that have ended, thank god, safely, and before i repeat, introduce... our guest, i want to give an example of several such emergency situations, which are written about a lot, interpreted differently, people who understand absolutely nothing about this, create the feeling as if everything ... not well in our aviation, this is not so. here are examples: over the past 60 years , there have been approximately 15 such emergency situations in civil aviation, which,
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i repeat, ended successfully, thanks to the great ability of the pilots to control the aircraft. february 24, 1962, over cyprus all four engines of the il-18b failed. the plane made an emergency landing without being released. on august 21, 1963, during takeoff from stalin , the liner's front landing gear jammed. an emergency landing was impossible due to the weather in tallinn; because of the fog, the pilots decided to land the plane not in vnukovo moscow, but in pulkovo leningrad. when running out of fuel over the city , one of the engines stopped, and then the second engine stopped. second pilot. chechenev, who previously served in naval aviation, successfully splashed down the plane in the water area niva, none of the forty-five passengers and seven crew members were injured. on april 11
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, 1979, a tu-154b passenger plane en route from tashken to krasnoyarsk experienced an engine failure at echelon. the pic decides in planning mode to land at the nearest airport segment. the landing took place at night in poor visibility conditions with the runway lighting completely turned off. the plane successfully completed its landing, although it skidded off the runway; all 164 passengers and crew members were not injured. july 12, 2000, at the airbus 30 after taking off from chania on the island of crete, they were unable to remove themselves from the landing gear due to a malfunction. instead of hannover, the crew decides to send the plane to vienna, but the pilots are wrong. calculated the increasing fuel consumption 22 km from vienna the fuel ran out. in glider mode, the pilots were able to dive almost to the runway; out of 150 people
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on board, no one was injured. on august 24 , 2001, an airbus passenger plane on a transatlantic flight from toronto to lisbon suffered a fuel leak. all engines stopped over the atlantic. there were 306 people on board, but the pilots landed successfully. aircraft in the ozores. on january 14, 2002, liiners tus-204, flying from frankfurt on the main to omsk, was already preparing for an approach while descending at an altitude of 1.00 m. the plane experienced a failure of two engines. the crew managed to successfully glide onto the runway, and none of the 145 people on board were injured. there have been approximately 15 such cases over the past 60 years. and now. i want to introduce you to a person who experienced such an emergency situation, this is a first class pilot, damir yasupov, a hero of russia, who once not
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very recently successfully landed a plane on a field, right, right, hello, tell me, what i read now in the simulators there are such emergency situations in the program periodic training of lightning crews includes practicing actions in case of various failures, as a rule, an engine fire or engine failure. yes, everything is fine. so, step by step, what happened, you took off to we were operating a regular flight from zhukovsky to simferopol, there was an early departure, 6:15 local
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time, august 15, mid-summer. we had an a321 aircraft, a configuration of 220 seats, that is, taking into account that there were children in our arms, in the end we had 226 passengers, a full load and seven crew members, a full load and almost full refueling, we had more than 16 tons of fuel. takeoff after clearance, correct? that's right, it's called a checklist. so, you read it all, you didn’t receive any negative information? yes, everything was going as normal,
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launched. engines, checked all the systems , everything was working properly, requested permission to taxi, for a preliminary start on the landing strip, and the dispatcher warned us with a standard phrase that there were isolated bird flights in the area of ​​the airfield, well, we looked around, it seemed like we didn’t see anything, then when we were already taxiing to the runway itself, we saw a large flock of tea, which took off before our eyes, well, it got scared and flew away from the sound of the plane’s engines, then we taxied to... to the executive start, onto the runway, we read the control card checks and were ready for takeoff, asked for permission to take off from the dispatcher, so you took off, but i was piloting, the co-pilot was in radio contact, we distributed our responsibilities like this, what kind of flight hours did you have? at that time i had about 4.00 hours of flight time, yeah, how many years have you been sitting in the left seat, in the left seat i had about 800 hours, that is, exactly a year, yeah, yeah, as a commander,
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they took off normally, the most interesting thing , at that moment we saw that a large flock of birds began to take off from the left edge of the runway, cross our take-off course and not they began to fly away somewhere to the side, they began to behave somehow inappropriately, that is, to cross our course towards us, that is, we gained somewhere around 3-4 m in height, then we crashed into this large flock of seagulls, that is, it it was like a cloud, and since the altitude was low, the altitude of the plane, some maneuvers.
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rolls to the left, to the right, or to sharply undermine the plane was dangerous, because it was possible to hit either the wings, the wing, or the rear part of the fuselage, so they performed a normal takeoff at the recommended angular speed raising the front pillar, and visually , of course, we thought that we would fly above this standing seagulls, because the blow was felt, yes, there was a collision, numerous blows were heard, a bird’s fuselage, wings. birds, that is, there are impacts, an alarm of about three birds, on the right there are about two on-board computers and an audible drop in speed, and so the collision with birds itself occurred, both engines were in steel, the left engine went to idle speed, and little that it was low gas
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, we got a false indication that the reverse flaps of the left engine came out, that is, one of the peti broke the sensor , which monitors the state of the reverse, we got this indication, that is, the left engine came out, went to idle speed, we did not notice a drop in revolutions in the right engine, it was insignificant, in this position we continued our takeoff, since the bird strike was very unexpected, then we ourselves... at the beginning of takeoff, we skipped the usual procedure for retracting the landing gear and began the initial climb with the landing gear extended, that is, since we have one engine on the airbus, two engines that are located under the wings, then we had a slip, the left engine failed, the right one was still pulling, a slip appeared on the right half-wing, that is, the plane began to turn, but when the slip was eliminated, i pressed pedal, pressed the pedal
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, on one engine, that is, what is it, that is, the plane, if one engine fails , the future fate, if they cannot fly , can calmly gain a safe altitude, complete the holding zone, in order to the crew had time to prepare, perform an approach with one engine, and, if necessary, go around, that is , airplanes are all designed for this, so there was no strong concern, of course, it was unpleasant what the engine said, i heard the recording yours. negotiations , a calm voice, no panic, nothing happened, yes, at the first stage, of course, they planned to return, but then they realized that the plane had stopped gaining altitude, went into horizontal flight, and then went into descent, that is
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what was the altitude, the maximum altitude we took in that flight was about 100 m altitude, that is, if the entire flight lasted us 93 seconds, then we gained somewhere around 20 seconds, we gained these 100 m, the rest of the time was more than one minute we... with a smooth descent, the plane went into descent, began to descend, but the usual reaction of any pilot is to survive as much as possible from what he has, that is, he moved the levers forward all the way, since the right engine was also hit by birds, then they damaged their shoulder blades, there some blades were broken, then a pump appeared, that is, the plane began to twitch, and just like that it began to fly jerkily, that is, it was the right engine that began to have these floating speeds, then increasing, then decreasing? on that flight we did not have time to contact the flight attendants, that is, they were also in the dark, like the passengers, because there was no information, that is, we fought so that the first task was to get out of this situation, that
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is, to maintain altitude, but, but you yourself understand, engine failure, loss of traction and we were unable to maintain speed and altitude, because there were such situations, and as it is written in the report, it was in conditions that were not certified during testing, that is , the plane was definitely not tested for this and then look for a site, since ramenskaya airport, dzhukovsky airport is an ice testing institute in a large radius of about 10 km there are only fields, this helped us, they removed the landing gear before landing, so literally there in 7 to 10 seconds - because firstly it’s resistance, secondly - the field unfamiliar, unprepared, we could bury ourselves, yes we can, but what was happening in the cockpit, yes, when we realized that the plane was descending, it would not be possible to reverse this situation, i was in such a state that i could not believe that this was happening to me, so i can i can say for myself that okay, it can’t
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be, that is, you understand that the plane is descending, here is the field, then the thought occurred to me that now it would be very unpleasant for the passengers who were flying on vacation, there at the sea with their families, so at that moment it seemed unpleasant, but there were no thoughts that this was the end, that we were about to crash , i didn’t have such thoughts, that is, there was hope that we would now carefully land in a field with a successful outcome, on defender of the fatherland day on the first, shura, belobrov, you came, 3 months, and sasha, wounded, shell-shocked , from the propeller train.
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actually it happened, shurochka , everyone is on a little more, even more to the right, sorry that the bottom, everyone is on the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, tomorrow on the first, a hola concert of the all-russian music... patriotic festival we are not abandoning our own on february 24 on the first. so, we continue to broadcast the podcast everyone wants to fly on channel one. today i am only
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a listening pilot. our guest is the hero of russia damir yasupov, who landed the plane in a field, that is, made an abnormal landing. i made the decision. did he say it himself or did he say to the other person: let’s sit down? he made the decision, but did not voice it, because it was already clear that the plane was no longer flying anywhere, but there were some options for returning. at the departure airport they were simply already reckless at low speed, they could have fallen off simply during a roll, so all that remained was how they teach in school, landing in front of you, yeah , that is, without any maneuvers, that is , even more so, you know, during maneuvers the lift drops, and possibly the speed drops, that is , the plane can simply fall into the curtains; it simply doesn’t bring out, without the chassis, thank god without the chassis, and the chassis were in the process of cleaning, so i think that this is exactly the intermediate position of the chassis, that is, they
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did not lock into our retracted position, that is, they were almost removed, so this is a half-released position, it seems to me that somehow we even they softened it a little, that is , we didn’t land on the engines itself, the rear part of the fuselage was the engine of that chassis, that is, we landed like that, there was a hard blow, of course, the length of this, well , if you can call it that way, was somewhere around 300 m, that is, there was a sharp braking , passengers and crew experienced overloads, if, for example, an airplane with such a mass... landing on a regular runway takes about one and a half kilometers, the length of the run, and in normal mode with the landing gear extended, then here is 300 m, can you imagine how it is? it was short, like this on the seat belts , that is, the seat belts saved us, the second did not warn the passenger, did not warn either, that is, he looked at the instrument readings, that is, he conducted radio communication at the initial level, that is , everything happened very quickly, that is, it was very so you know, from takeoff to... landing, how much time passed? 93 seconds, everything very quickly
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, they sat down, everything, moved away, moved away for a moment , that is, it was very noisy during the flight, yes, and after landing, when the plane stopped, the engines were turned off, there was silence, literally 5-10 seconds, there was just such deathly silence, and after that we heard that women in the salon began to scream, some sounds, screams, that was it. and this little brought us to our senses, we, of course , followed certain procedures, the dispatcher called us, we were called by the dispatcher, who lost us on his radar or even visually, that is, when we reported, we talked with the dispatcher, we had the last communication session that we were asking to enter in the opposite direction, and he gave us permission, and then he asked whether the mean 178, this is our call sign, report your situation, we said that we landed in a field behind the runway, we are asking for emergency services, rescue services, he answered us,
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you know what he says is good, we will provide upon arrival, that is, he really lost us , i say that we have already landed, we have already landed, then during the period of radio communication the senior conductor dmitry runs in and says evacuation, i say yes, thank god that the conductors also undergo training on their simulators for literally one and a half minutes, that is they opened the doors they released inflatable slides and evacuated passengers. we quickly evacuated, yeah, in fact, this
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day was generally a day of luck, a day of miracle, because we were able to jump over a ditch, a 10 m wide vegetation channel, and moreover , the moment of the first landing, this platform, it was higher, it was located than the moment of the second landing, that is, we jumped back, jumped over and then several times two or three times and he jumped, but he jumped and then stopped, well, thank god there was no fire, there was no fire, but there was smoke. slight right in engine, because the pipelines were torn, there was some kind of smoke, but fortunately there was no fire, then the fire services arrived and finally foamed it all up so that it wouldn’t be like full tanks, yes, full tanks, well, happy is your god, glory god almighty, it’s just not, but the most amazing thing is that there was no panic in the cabin, because the passengers didn’t know what was happening, and the passengers didn’t know, and i then talked to them and... i looked at the video, the birds faded away in a second, that is, at such
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a speed, this flock of seagulls, it flew over left to right in half a second wing, that is, no one noticed them, this popping noise that happened was also not heard, but people heard that this vibration started, the blinking of light bulbs, because our power supply, the lighting of the aircraft is powered by the engine running, the engine was running unsteadily, and the lights were blinking in the cabin, there was shaking, this one, whoever was sitting at the window saw... these wisps of smoke, and the surge, this flame was bursting out, some saw it, but since the plane is long, 45 hmm, everyone behaved differently, some saw, some didn’t, some were already asleep , it was still a morning flight , some put on slippers, some listened, got scared, held hands, some prayed, some did nothing at all didn’t understand, but most people understood that something was wrong, that’s the moment of impact, of course, and the ground was a big surprise for everyone, even for our flight attendants, who didn’t know about it, and such a case, you know,
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the sun hit rows of corn, yes, we have an association that corn, that’s all, how this phrase was born, do you want it? say when it happened landing, it was early morning, the sun had just risen, can you imagine, a field of corn, height 3 m, the plane was standing still, there was nothing else, when the passengers evacuated from the plane, as i say, they poured out of the plane, that’s it, they started to get lost a little bit, there were family people there, through different different doors, children, adults started shouting there, masha, pasha, dad, mom, it was all...
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we immediately gave explanations, an investigation was ordered, a preliminary report was ready somewhere in about literally a month, final report was also ready about two years later, but published later, that is, because there were a lot of examinations and there was a report of about 300 pages, it was clear, the reason was immediately clear, probably because the destruction of the engine was you can see what happened, of course, here and i would also like to say for the fourth bass... of course there was this information and the fact that on the output of the reverse, yes, for example, there, which was also a little misleading, but in in principle, the protection at the angles of attack worked, that is, it prevented the plane from stalling, that is maintained the minimum speed that was required to continue the flight, so that the plane did not simply fall into a tailspin,
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that is, at this minimum speed we flew, that is, here i would also like to say words of support for the plane, and this is good weather without ... imagine, if there was fog, for example, yes, poor visibility, then it would be much more difficult, side wind, side wind, well, the field itself, that the field was below us, no unstructured buildings there, that is, that was also lucky, and of course, glory to the almighty, just like that, well, we were sitting at the helm, it can’t be removed, that is, after a hundred years, i returned to that flight a lot, that is, when it happened, but it was still very hard, so hard, so when this happened, the first day, then the first. i didn’t sleep well for 3 days, fortunately i didn’t have any dreams, but i constantly returned to that flight, what would i change, what actions could i change, and after four years have passed, now, having returned back, i would not change any of my actions didn't change, that is i would leave everything as it is, because like the butterfly effect, you change one thing,
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some action, even some small roll or pitch, you pressed the pedal a little , that is , it was all perfect for - you see, here the plane was standing , that is , it was practically intact, that is, the most important thing, the whole plane and the entire passengers were alive, this once again speaks of how important this muscle memory is, how much training over all these years has made it possible to practically reflexively control car, everything happened instantly, you didn’t give it away you are aware of what you are doing, your arms and legs walked on their own, so yes, these movements were already on a subconscious level, that is, everything that was laid down on the simulator was in muscle memory, like... i called, but not from my phone i took the phone from georgiy , the co-pilot, because both of my phones were scattered throughout the cabin, i couldn’t find them, although they say that the landing should be soft on corn, but nevertheless the overload was so significant, all of them were not secured...


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