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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 23, 2024 3:10am-3:56am MSK

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yes, i agree, it’s a good analogy, this is how it works, well, or valuable wine, let’s say, because if he drinks every day, i don’t know, alcohol is probably not good, so not because... swearing is not pedagogical, alcohol not pedagogical, well, i came up with such an unpleasant metaphor for schoolchildren, especially for younger ones, because it is quite difficult to convince younger schoolchildren not to use verbose vocabulary, to explain to them why this should not be done is difficult, when i tried to find ways to reach these hearts, i used an unpleasant metaphor, which including causing a feeling of disgust.
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there is some idea in this, because after all, the destruction of a language taboo turns swearing into dirty language, this becomes dirty language, unfortunately, and i explained to the children that there are situations when you feel very bad, you are poisoned, in order to save for life and health you need to induce vomiting, this is a strong remedy, but it will save you, and if the situation is really that bad... you will not be judged for doing this even there, i don’t know, in some unexpected place, but that doesn't mean that you can go spitting at all people exactly because you wanted, this is for a situation of appropriateness, but here now it was appropriate, and if you can restrain yourself, then do it, restrain yourself, because with such uncontrolled use, widespread, this really turns into dirty language that... it's just unpleasant
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to listen to, it stops being such an amazing idea. this is the kud schüdinger podcast, and we are talking about russian swearing. well, when you start talking about dirty language, it’s unpleasant to listen to. it awakens in me a teenager who wants to break it. i can cite an episode from my school practice. we had a competition for projects that actually seemed to be cool.
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related to sexuality, there is a separate problem here, because, as you know, it was not me who said, nabukov also said that the russian language does not have, well, a verb to denote an act of love in this sense, we do not have a language to talk about it, now this the language appears appeared, it appeared thanks to borrowings and tracings mainly, yes, that is, we have the opportunity to talk about it talk, this has not been discussed before, this is not a topic that can be discussed. this is understandable, teenagers need to talk about it, this is an important part of their life, an important part of their growing up, but it’s not a fact that we need to talk in these exact words, no, i didn’t talk about the sexual sphere in the sense that it needs to be described in swear words, i made an analogy that this is also a forbidden area, there is pornography, well, it is clear that any male teenager somewhere somehow has some kind of erotic pornography... it seems to me that this is not
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a forbidden area, and this is a forbidden tool, these are forbidden means for talking about something, well, taboo, yes, these are what we are talking about, here the situation is a little different, we are saying that different things can be discussed in different ways, we have separate words, here they are for this purpose, when we prohibit, it is also quite hypocritical often, but such... words are not in the russian language, they cannot be pronounced, but children know that they exist, and children know that they are pronounced, then of course they stop believing us, they just it’s not that they violate our prohibitions, they don’t believe us, they use these words, because they know that we are deceiving them when we explain to them that such words exist, but they were made for this, this instrument, a microscope there no need to hammer nails, this tool is made for something else.
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and not on the street, and i have never received an aggressive reaction in response, i simply explain that it is unpleasant to listen to, if you need to talk like that, please talk quietly so that they don’t hear you, they are embarrassed, with they are understanding and say: “yes, yes, sorry, we won’t.” we must understand that
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language is a tool, very rich, very diverse, grandiose, with a huge number of elements, components , possibilities, for...
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a teenager, it’s still a process, it’s still a process, it still gives birth to a phrase, builds it and thinks about what letters to put, he puts an indignant emedi - the same thing that they sent to the swearing, no, well, maybe, but this is also a means of expressing emotions, quite fast, but at the same time i’m not sure that it as uncontrollable as a swear word escaping, just as powerful. i don’t think so, i need to study it. it is interesting that, by the way, what if we have already started talking about written language, that we have graphic euphemisms. it’s like, because not only when hearing a common word, but when writing it and, accordingly, reading it,
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a person also experiences stress, because this is a violation of a taboo, and there is a means of reducing this stress, this is graphic fimization, when we... report that the mat must be protected, it must be use less often, not because it is bad, but because it is valuable, take care of russian swearing , take care of the russian language, including russian swearing, because it is a valuable resource, and there is no need
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to talk about it , thank you very much, marya, many thanks to those who listened to us, may the power of science and the power of language be with you, you can find our podcast on the website of the first channel i'm larisa buzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today the grooms are anton, nikolai and evgeniy, and our bride is anna.
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because she is the daughter of hereditary officers, dreams of visiting kamchatka , warns that she will give her first kiss only to her future husband, admits that she has a strong character, warns that for her such concepts as duty and honor are not empty words, anna’s chosen one will never be a narcissistic glamorous handsome man with long hair , will marry an honest, responsible man, with a decent upbringing, a strong core and correct moral principles. "hello, hello, hello, we are glad to see you, it’s very mutual, very nice,
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girl, very nice looking, long hair, blonde, very beautiful, he even said, anechka, on the eve of defender of the fatherland day, well, who, if not you, will sit in this chair, who, if the bride does not leave, so i congratulate your entire family, you all. who defended our country , thank you, i wouldn’t say that she looks 18 years old, well, older, well, because she has a fatherly look, this stern one, you know, she has an officer’s family, you are with gifts to us, yes, otherwise you’re embarrassed, of course, my girl, of course, come on, congratulate us, we love gifts, oh, ah, heavy ones, even, larisa, rose, we brought you hand-made cheeses.
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colonel of the police, second in the armed forces, he devoted many years to the suvorov school, sverlovsky, now he heads the committee of the council of veterans, this is soorsky, how old is he now, long-lived, he is forty-eight years old, oh, yeah, and the first grandfather is forty -six, hardening , yes, everyone is alive and well, the first grandfather, our grandfather does pull-ups almost 37 times, right, right? he has been holding since his youth sports uniform, he always worked out himself, he also skied all his youth,
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collected medals, awards, to this day he goes for a walk every day, every day he devotes exercises on the horizontal bars to sports, you are ideal for this according to all criteria, according to all criteria that she listed, i had the impression that she was talking about you, zhenya, i’ll tell you honestly, since childhood i have always with great pleasure congratulated my grandfathers, my military grandmothers, and also on this... holiday dad. natalya, this is my stepfather, yes, anin, how old has she been raising her? from five, from five, and where is my own father, alive, healthy , he has his own family, we are in very good, warm relations, but he is not a military man, he is not a military man, as you call dad, both, or rather , i’ll answer both, both i call him dad, my father was also an officer.
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or something, well, in a good way, i know the city inside and out, there was a lot of filming, lenin avenue, you know, near upi, there are, well, let’s not name these, i love them, and we lived there... we lived, i went down, i see everyone knows, these are the same lawyers there, these are the doctors there, that is, all these men, suddenly, ho-ho, i think , there are definitely muscovites there, because you’re on the powder, it’s clear that the bearing, well, we’re like fishermen , of course, with them, well, first of all, that they’re a woman was, that is, that it protected me, i really wanted to dance,
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and i ask, men, who can i invite to dance, just boldly? boldly , uh-huh, they showed you, well, we are military officers , he shows us, with him, i think, well, probably some kind of walker is the most important dog-walker among them, and he, when after we each other i’m telling a story, he says, i get up and think, it’s some kind of thing, well, good, well, yes, it’s clear, who’s in the restaurant, he says , she said it in our ural language, what’s it called, yes, here, he says, i turn around , he says, there’s such a little girl standing there, a seseria and a turtleneck, everything is all right, everything is covered up, everything is neat, and everyone there is like, well, diva, you understand, it’s new year’s eve, everything, everything is fun, honestly, from the experience of living years old i can express that a mother’s character is the most important thing in a girl, well, yes, i also heard the opinion more than once and more than once when they said, if
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you want to know what your wife will look like after a certain period of time , look at her mother, surprisingly her mother is very young, we are dancing with him, this first slow dance, i already have my purse on my shoulder, i went home, he gives me his phone number, i’m thinking about how to give out the phone , well, we danced, but it’s not a reason to get acquainted, but suddenly again, by chance, i hear who he is, where he’s from, that is, he’s not just a military man, well , of course, yes, yes, i’m saying, seriously, this you exist directly alive, you can even touch you, i say, only...
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i found out late, that is, i always say , i was ready to be a mother at least 150 times, he does not suffer because there are no children, no, he forbade me, i don’t allow you, i won’t give you anything, because i need him to you were you, a holy man, you and anechka said, i have enough of them, saint, and his parents are in the urals, we have strict rules in the urals, and if a woman doesn’t give birth, then there, there are also such parents, in fact, i i say, why do i always thank mommy?
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invested, just as both dads were involved in this, of course, so they they always supported me, i’ll say it this way, i’m very grateful to them for that, well , to be honest, i myself had my first kiss at the age of 20, so she still has 2 more years for me, natasha, but i don’t feel like i went too far stick, well, this is the time, it’s not me telling her that everything is bad, god forbid, but well, it’s just 18 years old, can you imagine when, if not now, to fall in love and kiss, well when, why?
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there is no test, this is my opinion, and even if they don’t break all the tvs now, it seems to me that he is still the leader in the family there must be, for her, the attitude, it seems to me, is too very serious , she takes it very seriously, which means she doesn’t let guys get close to her, i really value decency, for me this is a very important quality, i bring this quality to life in myself to the first bar. anya, well , there was already some kind of courtship, there were probably boys around, but there were courtships, courtships, but relationships, yes, i couldn’t call it, that is. young people paid attention to me, gave me gifts, invited me to some meetings, but my mother was not against it because you accept these gifts, there were
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only two gifts in her life, tell me which ones, a pendant, i was given jewelry on march 8th, for example, with some kind of holiday, if i were in my place, i would have chosen, but i wouldn’t i was together for that, well , hypothetically of course. in this case, you don’t choose you, when i was given such a gift, i am a responsible person, my parents raised me this way, and i felt that if i accept a gift, then this is some kind of serious step anyway, i’m still most likely to i choose more with my mind than with my heart, i’ll answer like this, oh little one, who are you dreaming about, you’re just dreaming, the way you draw, the way you fantasize about your future, your life, probably a young man. i would prefer a decent person who leads a healthy lifestyle , so that we have common interests, but to get married, just get married, it’s a wedding, when
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it’s supposed to be, that’s how long you give first for dating before the wedding, probably a year, a year i would probably need that is, 19 you are ready to become a wife, just a wife, a wife, and when are these kids probably? i will answer the rose after 23 or this, that is, i am now in my first year of law school, and i would like to get a full education, but i believe that education is not a hindrance for a family, you can do everything, in reality you should have a very strong, reliable companion with you , a man, yes , who can, thank you, thank you, help her in all her endeavors, the main thing is that he is not long-haired, but that he was like...
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they couldn’t exist as an honest person, that’s why i’m asking this, i just see how , for example, the groom, anechkin, comes to you, and you, an interrogation with passion, that’s how i am, who
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, where, what, so professionally, you will quickly scan, yes, it’s really very similar to mine, you won’t have a lamp in his face, i don’t even need to look at him, she it’s easy for me to talk, and i give out who, who, what and the same thing, even this bothers me, that’s how i see people.
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everything will be very simple, because on such a big holiday the soul sings, so i will test our anya and the applicants on their knowledge of holiday songs. anya, i’ll give you the first line, and you continue. junior lieutenant stirs hearts and ring finger, without a ring, check out, i hope your ring finger will soon have a ring, come on in and meet your first groom. hi anna, i hope tall sailors are your type too, hello, thank you very much, this is for you, thank you very much, let's go through the hall. anton
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, 27 years old, a sailor, third mate on the bulk carrier, lives in kaleningrad, is proud that he is the son of a naval officer and the grandson of an aviation colonel, admits that thanks to life on the ship he learned this, except cooking. while anton was on the flight, his lover broke him a car that was dear to him, like a memory of his father. he hopes that anna won't break his heart. hello , i'm glad to see you, happy new year, i'm glad to see you too, yes, thank you, well, oh, don't be shy, yes, thank you, dear, thank you, this is for you, thank you, this is for you, thank you, anton, thank you very much for the gorgeous bouquet, i’m very glad that you liked it, but i don’t know how comfortable she will be - with such an old man, no, well, not with
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such an old man. with such an age difference, because perhaps some views on life may differ in themselves. anton, me i understand correctly that you became a sailor following the example of your father, yes, he is ah, that’s it now , don’t worry, nothing, well, why not worry, i have so many gorgeous girls, yes, my father worked at our academy in kaleningrad, here he is - raised guys who have now been captains for a long time, and he simply watched their lives, how they, so to speak, grow, and he advised me to also follow this step, i also then went to the kaliningrad naval lyceum and later entered the same institution bga finished, and they were already leaving
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at sea for a long time, yes, i am... an active officer, this story with the car happened just when you, yes, how far did you go on a voyage, and then my contract expired for 5.5 months, i was already at sea for 2 months , that is, i left the girl a car so that she could move around comfortably, which in turn was given to you by your father so that you could move around comfortably, well, you can say i inherited it, it all depends... on how she prefers to swim on the sea or walk on land, whichever she prefers, or fly through the air, or fly through the air , as will happen to me, because i will only carry it in my arms, as i said, and how i wanted this car to go to my family, my future family, but it happened, that the car is no longer there, well, she fell in love , of course, but it’s amazing how she got into an accident or due to some carelessness, she
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went by car to the wedding and... for some reason, when she was getting ready from the wedding, she got into the car in an uncut state and lost control and flew out, the car is not subject to yes restore, but she is alive and well, she is alive and well, when the ministry of emergency situations took her out of the car, she stood up on her own two legs and walked away, would you give your girlfriend the car if she broke it, what would you do, no problem, bro, yes if she had broken it, it would be okay, the most important thing is that she is alive, have you not forgiven her for behaving like this? why did you break up? i didn’t forgive, because after this accident, roughly speaking, they left me alone, i was in chukotka at the time, working, we were loading coal, the time difference was almost 9 hours, i didn’t have any connection with home, that is, roughly speaking, i had contact when it was night, and i have a 6:6 shift and it’s very difficult, that is, instead of sleeping, i had contact with home to try at least somehow solve
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the issues, find out. how was she feeling, but in the end it all ended, it seems to me that it still caused some kind of trauma with trust in him, so it seems to me that if some kind of connection arises between them, then she will most likely also have to somehow- somehow prove your feelings so that he doesn’t i doubted it, yeah, please tell me, my father has the same specialty, tell me about him, my father... graduated from the naval school, he was born, that is, he was a signalman, he just after finishing his training went to the caucasus serve, why to the caucasus, because he really loved skiing and thought about how he would serve and do his favorite thing, but it so happened that he ended up at an outpost, which , how can i say, like mine by the sea, whatever living soul, that is, he sat in the mountains and intercepted
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radio signals, where?
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and no, i see very strong sea knots, i think our marriage will be as strong as this knot, sea knot, so, well, money, oops, our hands will be tied together, and now we have to dance, it seems to me , the very reason for their marriage is different, that is, the groom already wants a family. build, probably raise children, well, 27 years already, it’s about time, here, and she’s still i think, well, she’s young, we still need to see the world, the sea has returned
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with the sound of seagulls, songs of the surf, once the light awakens, thank you, thank you, anton, anton , take the candy and go to your room, at the age of 18 she hasn’t kissed anyone yet, she went for walks a couple of times, accepted gifts sometimes, now she’s right close and i think it’s her boundaries that i don’t want to destroy anyway, i really don’t want to an interesting young man, i liked the family he came from. and i’m very interested in the city of kaliningrad, i’ve never been there, i really want to go, yes, my dear, you liked the groom, of course, you liked the family too, and the city of kaliningrad, listen, mom,
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look, you wanted, this is the ideal option, you wanted your daughter nearby, here it is, please, he went, as they say, like a sea captain, an ideal husband, everyone dreams of this, she came to you, “her husband returned, she went there, yes, her husband is at the door, wife in tver, please come in and meet the second groom, when you return from the flight, your feelings are ignited anew, it’s like you ’re meeting for the first time, and it can’t be put into words, so how can it all be compensated for by the crazy, some girls are straight they love it because there is no, how to say, stopper in the relationship, hello, anna, my name is nikolay, i’ll try to melt your serious look, it’s very
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nice, thank you, a very chic bouquet, this is for you too, let’s go, nikolay, 25 years old, military man, head of storage calculation, military. oh, thank you, dear, thank you, oh, how beautiful, thank you, thank you, nikolai , happy holiday, our dears, thank you, happy upcoming, oh, nikolai, thank you so much, what a beauty, very, oh, what
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a beauty, very a beautiful set, it was right up there with the trump card, as they say, a girl’s best friend is diamonds, so he gave it to me, bye here, let's say, entry level , right now, but put it on, and now i'll go hug her, and you know the sign who the matchmaker hugs, she will get married this year, oh well, i'm telling you, you can also have fun, no, with us it’s called die, but don’t give me a kiss without love, no, i wasn’t going to kiss you, well, i mean, you never know, give you happiness, health, just like getting married, then you’ll send it to me, that’s okay. oh-oh-oh, yes, that ’s it, the impudent guy, he stole it, he stole it from me, well, in my opinion, he
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didn’t hug larisa, so you have everything chances, nikolai, you are a professional military man, yes, for 7 years already, look, at the age of 25 , you have been a professional military man for 7 years already, well, i served in military service, first in the airborne forces, and then i came and immediately got a contract, you are like that cute girls, probably, they were running after you, running, running, this one, who was running, this has been since school, ran, ran and... well, i started looking closely at her and realized that there was something in her, maybe she might like him, well, i don’t even know, he might reveal himself now, well, she was like that hysterical, yes hysterical, well, that’s putting it mildly, putting it mildly, but what jealousy there was, well, you can’t be jealous of such a kid.
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i was on a business trip, and there were hysterics, swearing, and it got to the point that i just broke up with her on a normal note, i tried , well, then you got a new girl, and a new girl appeared, and she attacked her straight with her fists, broke everything there in the apartment, okay, yes, she broke everything, she recorded a voice recorder and she gave the recording to the district police officer, exactly the last one, minutes, seconds, yes, which are already at the end after all, it was as if someone was beating someone there, nikolai. well, this didn’t affect your reputation, no, they proved everything, girls can be
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very insidious, they want to hold on to their boyfriend as much as possible so that he doesn’t escape anywhere, that’s why mindelson even comes to perjury, test nikolai on a song, let’s try, you there will be nikolai, a song about aviation, it’s time to go, the road, the long, long road. anna, as a first date, i would like to invite you to a film air fragment, let’s see a little bit, then we’ll get to know each other further fine. leningrad is under siege, girls, pilots
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and female technicians must show dedication, courage and self-sacrifice, seventeenth, that the sky dreams of how i dance, how i go out on stage alone, zhenya, we all need love, let’s fly somewhere and disappear, you could be in me to fall in love, despite the fact that i am a military man, i want... well done, what a wonderful surprise, guys
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, well done, the only question is, who does she like more, brown-eyed brunettes or blue-eyed blondes, and you do you know who she will leave with today? with you? not i doubt it's the case with you. natalya, how do you like it, nikolai? very nimble, a lot of energy, how do you like your groom? very, original, interesting, i was impressed by the gift and the whole story in general, thank god. we still have one groom, come and meet me, i had such a feeling that i wanted to go out, you know, i didn’t. i'm afraid, i just left with the feeling that it was mine, anya, hello, you look magical, thank you very much, this is for you too, thank you very much, very nice meeting you, let's get to know each other better, come on, evgeniy, 20 years old,
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is studying software engineering and is a student at the military department. radiation , chemical and biological protection, lives in moscow, is proud that he won the institute's arm wrestling championship, when his beloved evgenia offered to move with her to another country, he chose his homeland, hope that anna will share his beliefs, allow me, i will hand it to you all flowers, thank you, thank you, rose to you, happy holiday to you. and you are also a hereditary future military man, no, no, i have a family of hereditary doctors, my mother is a doctor, dad is a doctor, grandma is a doctor, grandpa is a builder, by the way, they are all
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doctors liable for military service, so at the first click, dad is a reserve lieutenant, just like i will be in the future, i come back from vacation, i can. devote myself to family affairs, i can devote myself to my beloved, a person needs to study, it takes a lot of energy, zhenya, please tell me, what kind of girl is this, where is this on the ski arrow, from you, suddenly, it seemed to me, when you love person, you give him your attention, he gives you, and this is love, and not even i need to clarify this and... at some point i decided to ask directly, without implying that there would be a negative answer, to ask, yes, do you love me, and received the answer: i don’t know, it was extremely unpleasant, because you you invest in a person, you plan something for the future, you want
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to build a family, but they answer you, i don’t know, it hurts a lot, i think that at 20 years old he still has no experience at all in any relationships to tell. you can wait, and i think if both people have the same values, what's most important is they see that they are coming together, compromises are inevitable, perhaps this year will fly by faster, i agree with my wife, all the girls run away from him, run away, leave, fly away, i even have a girlfriend who has never flown away
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to another country, well, i think, will find love, i’m not sure that sanna mindelson will you test our little wife? let's try, you get this song, i hope you know it, and if you don't know it, we will help you, a soldier is walking through the city, along an unfamiliar street, and from the smiles of the girls, the whole street is bright, don't be offended, girls, because for a soldier, the main thing is that his... good beloved is waiting for him, on such a cheerful note i would watch the surprise, i believe that the first touches are very important and i want to ask you to dance, and sing for...


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