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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the vremya program is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here is the main topic. there is such a profession: defender of the fatherland day, pride in everyone who is in service, gratitude. heroes of our time, stories
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of those who have proven by deeds that we do not abandon our own, saving the wounded, fire ourselves, returning to duty after a long treatment. didn't leave us, american patriot, launcher the arrivals, explosions and fires at military factories were destroyed along with the ammunition in dnepropetrovsk. and reproach, the air of a girl in the sky of the great war, in each frame there is a special vision of attention to detail, a special display in the victory museum. the same yankovsky, 80 years since the birth of the great actor, many roles in theater and cinema, every time he performed an ordinary miracle. defender of the fatherland day, a holiday for those who served in the country. ceremonial formation and lighting of flags on warships.
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pacific fleet, military flowers memorials and where the eternal flame burns, in nizhny novgorod, congratulations to the veterans of the great patriotic war. the front-line soldiers are now thinking with those on the front line. in the urals there is a historical reconstruction, so that there is a deeper immersion in history, and with it an understanding of our time. performance of paratroopers in tyumen and school events "hero's star". children's letters from st. petersburg with words of admiration and good wishes to our soldiers. february 23 is russian army day. vladimir putin, as always on this day in the alexander garden the kremlin paid tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers; it laid a wreath of scarlet roses with a ribbon in the colors of the russian flag at the grave of the unknown soldier. together with the president , the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu, veterans, and suvorov soldiers took part in the ceremony. vladimir putin greeted those gathered. i spoke briefly with the minister. at the end , a company of honor guard passed through a solemn march. in honor of
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the holiday, congratulations from the supreme commander-in-chief. russian soldiers and officers worthily continue the glorious military traditions. at the forefront today are participants special military operation. you fight for truth and justice, show courage and bravery in defending russia. you are our true folk heroes. we are proud of you.
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four tu-160m missile carriers were transferred to the armed forces. in general-purpose forces, we will also strive for the highest level of equipment with modern weapons and equipment. this work, i repeat, is carried out systematically and consistently. in recent years , defense industry enterprises have multiplied the supply of the most popular weapons to the troops. first of all, high-precision means defeat and unmanned aerial vehicles. vehicles
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of various types, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery , as well as air defense systems, counter-battery warfare, communications and reconnaissance equipment, among the priority tasks are increasing combat training, skill, coherence of actions of our units and formations, training commanders at all levels, a strong support here, sergeants , officers who proved themselves in battle, fought heroically on land, in the air and at sea, are real commanders, brave and decisive, they lead the soldiers, the future of our army and navy lies with them. expensive friends, the country, all citizens of russia believe in the strength and reliability of their defenders, and know that you are always on duty, always guarding the interests and security of the fatherland. for the holiday
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, the minister of defense presented orders of courage and medals for courage to the participants of the special operation. the award ceremony took place at the headquarters of the joint group of troops, and this evening in the theater of the russian army,
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for the village of pobeda liberated the day before , he rode close to the enemy to land troops, rushed first when the enemy counterattacked, the militants barely escaped, defender, shy in civilian life and brave in battle, call sign also modest, bush, under this name as a child i played a tank simulator on the computer, the tactics of my car, it is a little similar to the game, act secretly, quickly boldly completed the task and quickly left there , and before the north military district there were those who did not believe that the younger generation was capable of the same feats as their great-grandfathers, front-line soldiers, but now thousands of defenders, in their 20s, were awarded for their courage and military ingenuity in battle, for example, a military man andrey
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khromov, during a firefight with ukrainian equipment, simulated hits on his infantry fighting vehicle in order to lure the enemy out of cover, they drained the diesel fuel, doused the infantry fighting vehicle, set the front part of the vehicle on fire, i think that... we were hit, the armored personnel carrier jutted out in our direction, i don’t think for a long time, i accordingly, he opened fire, which is not a story from books about the great patriotic war, and many of them have accumulated over time, the technology, of course, is completely different today, but it is controlled by people, those who are not in the first generation called defenders, that’s right, he served on the red caucasus chair, i was a child i was a sarvanian, i found a little bag, a handkerchief with wrapped awards for my grandfathers, i played with them, tried them on my chest.
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hero of russia, lieutenant colonel alexander karamyshev shows on the simulator how he lands in the gray zone to pick up the crew of a downed helicopter. during the svo, he did this more than once. the pilots call him their guardian angel. when you arrive after a task, they usually come up to you and pat you on the shoulder, thank you, brother. on that day, he did everything to get to the crash site of the k-52, under enemy fire, at the helm of which he was friend, hero of russia, vasily kleshchenko, but he died on the spot. where the pilots served together for many years , a street and a school were named in honor of the departed hero, the price of the feat, unfortunately, is often life, says alexander, but no matter what, we need to continue the work of our fallen comrades in historical times to protect our people in the northern military district zone. this is our original territory, these are the people who
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are there, these are our brothers who have been with us for many centuries, who asked us for help, and we cannot provide this help. despite, that we ourselves could die at any moment, and major burdakov, who had two orders of courage for capturing enemy support forces , returned to duty even though he lost his leg in one of the battles. in my understanding that defending the fatherland is a sacred duty, every man is by nature a defender, in the event of, well, some serious situation, he must defend his family, at least his region, his country, and these concepts that remained part of the genetic code in russia do not depend on time. dmitry kulko, dmitry kachurin, ilya maryin, maria mortanova, tatyana shilina and denis larin, channel one. footage distributed by the ministry of defense today. in them , the petriot launcher, one of those that the americans gave to ukraine, is moving towards a shelter where
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a loading vehicle and ammunition are already hidden, as well as a fire control device and a mobile power station. high-precision weapons were used against an identified target. the shelter is destroyed, cars are approaching it for those who could have survived. there are also reports of new massive attacks on ukrainian military rear areas. in odessa at the naval drone base, in dnepropetrovsk at the yuzhmash and dnepr-tyazhmash plants, as well as at the oil storage facility. near kharkov at a western ammunition depot. there are, of course, other results for the week. in the period from february 17 to february 23, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 37 group strikes with high -precision weapons, including long-range airborne weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against military-industrial complex facilities, military airfield infrastructure, arsenals and fuel bases. they were also amazed. deployment points units of the armed forces of ukraine, the formation of nationalists, foreign
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mercenaries. in the donetsk direction , enemy losses amounted to more than 2,560 ukrainian military personnel, 12 tanks, 31 armored combat vehicles, 58 vehicles, 13 field artillery guns and a combat vehicle, multiple launch rocket system, hail. in the avdiivka direction, over the course of a week, the enemy lost over 2,900 ukrainian military personnel killed and wounded, four tanks, 37 armored combat vehicles, 90 vehicles, eight field artillery guns and a combat grad multiple rocket launcher system. success at the front is the result of a lot of work by real professionals. the hero of our next report is a sniper, one of the most productive in the northern military district zone, four orders of courage. almost all the details of his work are secret, and so on. it’s more interesting to find out what kind of person he is, a tough character, a heightened sense of justice and a very special attitude
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towards children, both his own and others. oleg shishkin will tell you more. his enemies know him under the call sign executioner. for his own people, he is the commander, father, brother, of the senior sniper group of one from units of the airborne troops. i just returned from avdeevka, where i was wounded for the seventh time. a shrapnel flew under my bulletproof vest, almost reached my heart , refused rehabilitation and vacation and... walking around my hometown when someone is here is probably the most important thing for me, how i will honor anyone, well, i don’t know, this , he’s fighting, and i’ll be there, here are my guys, my group, i can’t do this, he’s one of the most effective snipers in the northern military district zone, how many targets he’s hit, classified information, but judging by the four orders courage, three of which he received over the past year, count...
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a personalized rifle for silent shooting allows you to work at a distance of over a kilometer, here is an example of jewelry sniper shooting with one shot hitting two targets simultaneously. but the specialty of these super-professionals is sniper duels. this rifle belonged to one of the ukrainian riflemen, on the butt there is the coat of arms of the third reich, an eagle with a fascist cross in its talons. among the trophies, documents, personal tags of militants, azov battalions banned in our country and aidar. the inscription in ukrainian explains that the unit is named after oskar derlivanger, an ss officer known for his bestial cruelty. his punitive unit is responsible for almost 200 burned belarusian villages and...
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well, we’re cracking them like nuts, i think they’ll soon go bankrupt, no matter how much they help them, so don’t fly over us here, it won’t work, the commander’s wife and four daughters are waiting at home, the senior receptionist, he saved her from under fire, the girl’s parents died, she miraculously remained alive, we were on a mission that caught us, and she also covered a house nearby, she badly injured a girl there, i picked her up and carried her, she then told me, uncle is a savior, and you’re bleeding, i looked,
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they should feel like ordinary children, i’m here for this, i’m fighting for this , i will only win for the sake of this, fulfilling children 's wishes, the commander has still not been able to realize his dream, to go on an excursion to the moscow kremlin, he admits that he even dreams of meeting his family on the large stone bridge at the barovitsky gate, as in old soviet film from 1944, in 6:00 pm after the war. oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, irina chyuchuy, channel one lugansk people's republic. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the head of the chechen republic ramzan kadyrov, issues of the socio-economic development of the republic and its contribution to the special military operation were discussed, the kremlin reported. the most precious gift for soldiers on their holiday is the opportunity to see the faces of their relatives and hear their
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congratulations. in the moscow region branch of the defenders of the fatherland foundation with the participation of the head of the region organized a teleconference. on a mission, convey our deepest regards , we will do everything to ensure that all questions are closed on our part, we do not doubt your courage, heroism, everything that your loved ones and relatives said, you please, be sure to follow, okay guys, yes, of course , andrei yuryevich, we will try 100%,
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the collective west will have to answer for everything that it has done to ukraine,” said the poster.
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from china, india, turkey, kazakhstan, a number of them. among them are not only russian, but also companies from other countries. our mit responds significantly expanded the circle of those who are prohibited from entering russia. we are talking about representatives of law enforcement agencies and commercial organizations of eu countries, citizens of eu member countries responsible for providing military assistance
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to the neo-nazi regime in kiev, representatives of european structures advocating the confiscation of russian state assets or using profits from them in the interests of ukraine, supporting the introduction of sanctions against our countries trying to undermine russia’s relations with other states, engaged in spreading disinformation about our country. the russian response stop list also includes representatives of the council of europe, members of the legislative assemblies of the european union countries, members of the osce parliamentary assembly and the pose, who systematically make aggressive statements against russia. today's holiday agenda was not left in the country by the presidential candidates and their proxies. 3 weeks until voting starts. pavel pcholkin will continue. co-chairman of vladimir putin's headquarters, vladimir mashkov, arrived in tula today. there he met with popular front volunteers and members of the young guard movement who helped collect signatures. he thanked the activists for their help and congratulated him on defender of the fatherland day. pashkov was born in tula
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, and according to him, he is proud that it was the tula government volunteers who were the first to begin collecting and sending to the northern military district everything necessary for those who are now fighting for russia. of course, the thing is that now we are here, and there are guys on the front line, without suffering. defending the interests of his country, winning, and you do a lot to support the guys at the front, thank you very much thank you, we must do this every day, until our complete victory, the ldpr presidential candidate attended the party’s festive rally in moscow today. leonid slutsky congratulated all defenders of the fatherland, especially those who. now he is fighting in the northern military district zone. the rally was attended by several military personnel who decided to join the liberal democratic party. sludsky solemnly presented them with party tickets. defender of the fatherland day, the main
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holiday during the northern military district. the main holiday that consolidates the country. in on this day we honor those who protect us on the front line, those schweibats, heroic women, ascetics who, under the auspices of the liberal democratic party, work for our people and show maternal care. nikolai kharitonov, presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, together with the party leadership, faction deputies and supporters, laid wreaths and flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. he also attended a patriotic rally organized by the party, where there were also many warm words addressed to the defenders of the fatherland. the people must live with dignity, be confident in our army, armed forces, and the victory that is today, and we are waiting for it in a special way.
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they are also defending our homeland as part of a special military operation. of course, we all want them to return alive and victorious. meanwhile, the central election commission, having received ballot papers for voting in elections abroad from the state sign, has already begun sending them to russian embassies. according to the russian ministry of defense , almost... estonia and latvia have suspended the licenses
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of players performing at the games of the future in kazan, but among them there are, for example, those who represented the latvian national team. let me remind you earlier that riga legally prohibited its athletes from competing with russians and belarusians, even if they compete in a neutral status. multiple world champions in rhythmic gymnastics dina and arina overennye ended their sports careers, the head of the federation irina winner announced. previously , the famous athletes said that they would stop performing if the russians were not allowed to the olympics. let me remind you, dina overina is the record holder for gold medals at the world championships; she also won silver at the tokyo games. second international document festival. and does not fit into the framework of news
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stories, according to the participants, the task is to show everything with documentary accuracy and convey to the viewer at what cost is victory won? true, it’s like that, so you turn on any western european or american tv channels, they show everything completely differently, our task, including through documentary films, is to record all this, show to your audience, and accordingly to those who want to see this truth. "power is in the truth". a train with this name departed today from the kievsky station in moscow to vladivostok and back. the train includes themed carriages dedicated to the heroism of our military. both in the northern military district and during the great patriotic war, samples of weapons and equipment. the train is carrying an exhibition with documentary evidence of the criminal plans of the kiev regime, its nazi essence. our answer is the truth and a careful attitude to historical
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facts. route. stops at 75 railway stations with concerts, a field kitchen, a discussion platform, the train will return to the capital on may 8. and at the moscow victory museum today there was a special film screening, the film air by alexei german the younger, a film about our brave girl pilots during the great patriotic war, a piercing and honest film. we have never seen such an air battle on the screen before and, of course, the plot, which...
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it’s wonderful that they recreated the atmosphere . i was imbued with it, of course, there were tears in my eyes, from those years, with the help of this film you will find out a lot of new things, the subtleties of war, the subtleties of history, a master of subtleties, a director who has a whole philosophy in every frame, a life lived in every glance, on the eve of defender of the fatherland day alexey german arranged a special screening of the film in the victory museum, but where else, where more? show a film that tells about the great patriotic war. many people go back in time and understand what, what incredible feats we had to win. war is not a comic book, it is not computer animation, but this, these are people, this is detail, and this is an attempt to return to those heroic and yet tragic moments of our history, especially at the beginning of the war. i think all the time that someone will remember about us later that we
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fought in tears. to achieve such authenticity, the authors of the film actually came up with a new technology for filming air battles, instead of graphics, a giant screen at the height of a four-story building projects the sky , against which there are planes in full scale, 12 of them were made for the film, every shot, every breakdown, everything is real happens in the frame, here is shelling, and so...
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what is more important, the homeland or the person? this feeling of the height of the air, and the fear of death, war is always the personification, men will go to war, that’s all, but here are women, for me it was a shock, this is a picture to which they come with families, and sometimes even whole classes, because one it’s a different matter to read in a textbook and quite another to see how it is... with our own eyes, we came to watch the film on the eve of the wonderful holiday of defender of the fatherland day, because unfortunately, not all children know what kind of holiday this is and does not associate it, well, with girls, for example, this film very clearly shows the heroism of young girls, they appreciated that this is a modern, well-made, interesting film. every frame of the film seems to be covered with fog, it drives you crazy, inspires doubts, induces melancholy, horror, rage, but sometimes it gives hope, and even if some of them are destined to burn in
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the sky, and some to return. we are now standing here at this moment. kristina levieva, dmitry remizov, pavel volkonsky, maria emelyanova, alena germanova and ruslan bashko. first channel. if our cinema were the firmament, then one of the brightest stars, of course, would be named after him. oleg yankovsky was born 80 years ago. aristocrat and dapper, handsome stage wizard. it seemed that with one glance he bewitched, and there was so much light, irony, and sadness in his eyes. he... left early at 65, but left not only films. yankovsky is a film dynasty of incredible talent, and if this name is in the credits, then the magic of cinema will definitely be there. report by alexey zotov. it's me. perhaps you have heard of me? today i’m just doing it, without puppies. well,
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lie down, you bastards. can you seriously? i wasn't afraid to sound funny; not everyone can afford that. circus. not funny. on screen he might not even laugh. eyes, only oleg yankovsky knew how to smile, be ironic, take offense and yearn with just one glance, and kill madness on the spot. an intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen, it stands before everyone’s eyes, his face, his eyes, his smile, squint, some incredible irony , amazing, the flight of you is not mi, his peeking out from around the corner, from... behind the walls, from somewhere there was also a little bit of him, he everyone is watching everything that happens from above, you are lovely, i adore you.
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years has been eyeing him, looking for a dazzling, magical role: “i’ve been waiting for you for a long time, come in, photogenic, like a cat, i don’t shoot him from any angle, he’s beautiful, all the shots where he’s silent, he’s not silent, it’s
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amazing when he is silent, you can see how he feels about it, and of course, her eyes radiating a wonderful sparkle, frivolity, irony, wit, she seems to have cooked it well"? she, it seems, doused herself with sauce on the way, yes, how dear you are to all countries, and love, and wisdom, and patience, and imagination, and a dream , this picture has everything in general, in the performance of the role of munchausen by oleg minkovsky, there really is a feeling that a person can fly to the moon, help, to be honest, i’m dying, save me, i tell you too i'll help you with something.
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