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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 25, 2024 1:25am-2:11am MSK

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i didn’t want to do, well, if that’s what we call a stream, well, the script comes to the studio, i watched them, first of all, from the point of view that lyosha, that is, he himself didn’t want to write any scripts, nothing, yeah, that’s it such a blind man's buff script, but i tell him, it's hard for you to make a comedy, he read it, says, well, yes, so let's play all the roles with very famous actors, he says: yes, come on! and he took off his blind man's buff, everything, yes, and yet this state did not go away, well, in general, in a sense it went away until the end of his life, well, there was it’s just such a period again, well , valery matsakanov sent me the script , it doesn’t hurt me, i read it, i say, but melodrama is weak for you, that is, different genres to work with, yes, me too, i didn’t figure it out either, just, well, yes, to some extent.
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well, maybe it’s that i don’t like these speculations, but i started to say, i’ll say, maybe it was part of this kind of debt to a friend, comrade, perhaps, it seems to me, for a little bit it was present there, that what script by sergei bodrov, here it is on the screen, here is another theme that has always attracted me to balabanov and even somehow intrigued me, and this is the yakut theme in his work. his fate, and this film
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, the tragic story of arik’s film with the death of the actress, and of course the film kochigar, yes, where does this yakut theme sound, and how did it come about, why yaku, well, i have something to do with this too, this it was before karmadon, that is , they lived and worked cheerfully, lyosha came up with a lot, but nevertheless, well, there were always some high-quality, interesting ideas, they were well
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always... the polish son who wrote a great work is a yakut and he was so involved in yakutia, as a scientist, and as a fiction writer, he also wrote several stories, and i gave it to lyosha, i said , look, it seems like an interesting thing, but well i read the fuse, as they say, really wanted to do it, and that’s how the film kochigar was born, no, that’s how the film river was born. died during filming, of course we stopped then balabanov, at the request of dmitriev, the head of the state fund, that at the request even he loved balabanov lyosha edited here this one is from the material that such a film was made as
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an actor from the yakut theater, here he is in georgia 200, in the kochagara the main role, here again, what to look for, some rational explanations, but since lyosha actually traveled, working as an assistant director at the then sverdlovsk film studio, in its documentary department, he really traveled all over yakutia. and the urals, of course, siberia,
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that’s all, that is, for him it was not just such and such an exotic thing that suddenly hooked him, because he had not seen such a thing, not i heard and so on, he has everything for him very... a film that is prophetic about itself, well, yes, well, well, when there is no point in talking about cinema at all, you might as well
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watch it, that’s exactly what i think, that there is no point, in any case, well, to professional people, art historians, film critics, film experts and so on, yes, but i am not one, not the second, not... the third, i am a producer and a viewer, there is a film, what am i from it -i get some kind of emotion, some kind of energy, something happens in me there, at least at the moment viewing, but it’s good when after, yes , after the taste, the so-called, everything else, i try to preserve more sensual than rational in myself, that’s why i haven’t gotten tired of making films since i was 14 years old, i don’t get tired of communicating at all, not burnout or anything, this is definitely not about me, because...
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listen, what kind of song is this? that, dear friends, the creative industry podcast is on air on channel one, with you, as always, the host elena. kiper, producer and music video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, and our guests are the president of the computer sports federation dmitry smith, dmitry smi, and e-sportsman, dota-2 player, evgeniy pogrebeshny, hello,
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hello, so, regarding e-sports, firstly, the audience that is watching us now , i think, most likely, this is treated as something generally quite distant, esports. or or thinks that this is a person who sits at a computer, plays all day, this, in principle, is already an e-sportsman, in principle, well, from a philistine point of view, this is a person, who spends a lot of time doing who knows what, well, i follow this logic, a person who once went out to play football in the yard, he has already become a football player, this is not so, this is approximately, well, this is approximately what it looks like, this is very, e-sportsman, what is an e-sportsman , here i am... so an e-sportsman is a person who engages in e-sports, and here the question is, what is e-sports and how does it differ from gaming, because when a person just plays, he has fun, well, at best, without harm to health, sports arises at the moment when a system appears,
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a training system, there is a team, there is a coach, there is a sleep, wakefulness regime, there is a training regime, there is a nutrition regime, there is a physical psychological one. and training , that is, naturally, strong teams have sports psychologists, and even physical activity is prescribed in the standards of sports training for esports, because the phrase in a healthy body, a healthy mind is not just beautiful words, i myself was a world champion at one time in starcraft and i know how important it is to be in physical shape, because when you come to competitions, the environment is different, water, food, everything is different and the tension is colossal. yes, before there was no such big money as there is now, but the honor of the country you represent was always pressing, this was very important, not to disgrace your honor, not to disgrace yourself in front of the fans, and the price of a mistake is very high, at this moment a person needs is to give it your all, and for
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this physical fitness is very important, how did it take shape from gaming to move to esports, or was there no such connection, but esports arose... on its own or not, of course , it arose in a vacuum, no, there was no money in e-sports for a very long time, but e-sports arose from the desire to compete, and to compete. i want to follow the rules honestly, accordingly, then the rules appeared, the judge appeared, that’s when e-sports began to emerge, for the first time e-sports was recognized as a sport in russia in 2001, mr. roshkov signed an order, so our sport appeared, how we managed to convince that is this really a sport? and it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times when a person they say that he always perceives something of his own, some analogies, when a person comes... and sees what it looks like, we actually used this, showed
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a demonstration, that is, how athletes compete, that these are really guys, young and healthy, and not some fat people who weren’t holding anything heavier than a mouse in their hands, that is , we had to break the stereotype, it turns out that dmitry and i are the same age, generally speaking, it turns out that he was promoting sports. and developed it, and evgeniy, he already appeared when it was already a sport, and for evgeny it is a sport and a given, so it turns out, it turns out that now there are quite a large number of young people, they believe that getting into e-sports is the same achievement as professional football, hockey and so on, and where did the desire to get into e-sports come from, it was what you... went to, uh, or also from gaming, at first for me it was just leisure, that is, when i was still
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little there, right there in i studied in the sixth grade, just like other children, this there was something new at that time, i wanted to play games, that is, i hung out there with friends, returned home, uh, computer, games, like all children it was very interesting, over time my interests changed, but at one point i i realized that i was better at it than others, that is, i played there with friends, with other people, and i beat them, because of this i wanted to somehow become better, then the first quarrels with my parents began there, when they say you spend too much time on the computer, they limited me in this, in one moment is already enough, when i was an adult, that is, i was in the eleventh grade , there were exams coming up, i decided for myself that i could try myself in this path, because all sorts of tournaments that took place, they were covered, i saw, that you can make money from this and decided
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to try yourself in it, how much money can you make from esports? well, for comparison, here are the players who play at the highest level, they recently won, just like recently, two years ago they won the largest tournament, they received 44 million dollars for the team, well now it has become more interesting and much more conversational, but these are the highest players who have reached the highest heights, yeah, that’s it. this is the number of actions per minute, a term that is used in esports, and not the fact that they will make a team, and the guys
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must work well together, you understand, in esports the reaction speed is very important in almost all disciplines, there the count is in fractions of a second, very it is important that the entire team, as a single organism, can react to changing situations, and here it is not enough to do homework, play out, so to speak, the beginning of the game, the further from the beginning of the game... the more unpredictable everything goes, you have to make decisions along the way, this is improvisation, this is clearly organized communication, this is leadership at certain moments, and of course, this is the will to win, and the esports institute will , we don’t promise you an institute, we’re releasing a textbook this year, yeah, it’s very interesting, and that is , when you talk about training, these are apparently long distances and temporary... which you need to be attentive to , yes, i understand correctly, that is, you already you named several qualities of an esports athlete
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, i want you to continue this list, please name also what this quality is, psychological resistance to stress, yes, that is, then endurance, apparently temporary, and discipline, discipline, endurance - this is first of all, because sometimes when you play a tournament you have to sit there for 7 or 8 hours, practically without getting up. it’s not that you sit without getting up, you understand, we conducted research - athletes during the final game were hung with sensors, filmed telemetry of their body, so the level of mobilization of the body is comparable to... what a formula 1 racer experiences, that is , this is a very high voltage, imagine in such tension, several hours, several days, that is, the competition is not going on alone day, you have 40 minutes, relatively speaking, of an intense game, then you have 15-20 minutes to get in shape, rest a little,
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decompress, and then go back into battle, this naturally requires very high endurance, so ... evgeniy said that there were problems with parents, a negative attitude towards the fact that a child sits at a computer, it is more common than if a child goes to play hockey, football and so on, you somehow fight it, work, we are not fighting, we are trying to educate , we have, for example, a website, on it there is, firstly, a brochure on safety precautions, that is, how to protect your posture, how to avoid tunnel. syndrome, how to preserve vision, and this would actually be useful not only for children and their parents, but for all office workers in general workers who sit at computers , and therefore the first thing we say, and this can be safe if you follow the rules, second, i repeat once again, if a child sits at the computer at night, plays something and says: mom, i will to be an esports athlete
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, this is not true, you need to sleep at night, from this point of view again... once again, as i said, sport is a system that includes everything, and naturally, not everyone becomes an athlete, but esports in general is structured like this that entering it, trying yourself is enough easy, the next question is whether a person has enough endurance, desire, some kind of willpower to achieve success, or he will try and say, no, i’d rather go there just for the soul and play there. uh, here everyone makes their own choice, but the parent’s task is to figure it out, and for this the parent must understand the basics, that is, when a parent looks at what the child is doing, he must immediately identify whether this is some kind of systematic activity, or just entertainment , in any case, it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s not harmful to health, it’s important,
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well, this is an interesting question, by the way, because in ordinary sports, as we understand it, there are professionals, professional sports. sport of high achievements, and there are amateur athletes, so-called, in that other case we understand that they are, in principle , kind of the first, they, of course, must comply with everything you say, an amateur athlete, he is in in any case , brings himself health and joy, here ’s an amateur athlete in e-sports, how he differs from a gamer, that’s how he is, how to distinguish them, everything really depends on him, because if his goal is some kind of income. get and go to a higher level, then he should, just like all e-sportsmen there, stick to training, well, there should be discipline, and if he just wants to play some kind of tournament there just with friends, so to speak, to come for fun, then well, he nothing prevents you from doing this, it’s done there, registration in
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the tournament takes 5 minutes, look, now it ’s only with our support, but it’s happening...
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we continue to talk about e-sports, our guests today are dmitry smith and evgeniy porebeshny, an active trainer , i would say, a nurturing e-sportsman, but i can’t help but ask about this , there are a lot of discussions about what to do so as not to lose young people, e-sports, it influences distracting a young person. from the street from under the so-called bad influence to keep him on the threshold of, so to speak , rash decisions and so on, yes , of course, this is actually e-sports and well... in general, here is the world of gaming, the computer, it can completely pull a person out of reality, that is, a person may simply not take care of himself, just as he may become dependent on
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a computer, so how can one deal with this, well, that is, what’s good about that then, that is, he, well, if i was just a young man who wanted to become an e-sportsman, started training and disappeared, so to speak, into the abyss, well, here’s the question.
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i somehow pass exams there, i go, but i would transfer to correspondence and try my hand at this question and said that here i am at the institute,
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e-sports, and my mother at that moment told me that let’s give you a year, transfer to correspondence, if there are some results, then continue, if there are no results, then go back to college full-time and finish college, well, i transferred to correspondence and there a month later i... won a fairly large tournament for myself, we won 500,000 rubles for the team there, and accordingly i transferred to a correspondence institute, i still graduated from the correspondence institute just this year, just recently i defended my diploma and, so to speak , succeeded in e-sports, i also won certain tournaments, and my parents come to you to tournaments, how are they participated at least once? you can watch all the tournaments online, i tell them that i ’m going somewhere there, they’re rooting for me... they watch the broadcasts, but they don’t come to the tournament itself for the final part, i just got there about five years ago, probably to a tournament
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in moscow, quite a big one, i was shocked by the level of patriotism of the guys who participated there, well, just raising the flag, and of course, it was international, so every team that won went out, it was clear that how much this that’s it, that’s the level of patriotism and love for to my country, for me it was...
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new, my own, unique, then, let ’s look again, if we’re talking about e-sports, it’s not just athletes, it’s not just coaches, judges, it’s a huge industry around, it’s people, which , in fact, are scouts, managers , of course, sports psychologists, but besides this, this is a huge piece that deals with coverage, that is, these are broadcast directors and these are commentators, these are analysts, these are the people who, relatively speaking, manage the virtual world cameras and so on, that is this is a huge number of people, well, for example
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, here we are... again , about 100 people went to saransk now, people at this stadium served this tournament, and a bunch of people worked online, that is, esports is an industry, an industry , which at one time was in a state of disrepair, now it is actively developing, it has not yet reached its peak, and yet now this is a huge number of jobs, but for me what is much more important is that esports makes... .people think this is really in our time is important, well, here i am, i’ll also go back a little bit, after all , martial arts, as we know, each has its own code, when a guy from the street gets involved, relatively speaking, well, how it should be, yes , when he gets involved there, as we know, this code influences the good of the skills that he receives, do e-sportsmen have such a code? do you work in?
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active mode of searching for these same guys, athletes, well, i understand that the scouts, we already understood that these are the people who are looking, but the question is: where are they looking? there is no code as such, but esports teaches discipline and there is also a very interesting term: sports aggression. sports aggression, it exists in all sports, even chess, and the task of a competent coach is to teach it. athlete to dose this very aggression, because if a person is completely non-aggressive , he will not have normal motivation for the will to win, if he is excessive, he can succumb to emotions and make mistakes, it is very important to dose this story, if we talk about where scouts are looking for e-sportsmen, they are looking for them at competitions, there are many competitions, as i already said, amateur ones, and you can watch the results.
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secondly, in the game itself there is usually some kind of statistics, and there are certain indicators , parameters by which, again, you can track those who have already achieved a certain level, and a competent scout can see a taking off, rising star, that is, people who have very good potential that can be revealed, something like this, and you sign a contract, yes with this player, we federation, we don’t sign, clubs, sports clubs, at what age did you even sit down at the computer and the first game at what age, probably at 10 - i just sat at my father’s computer, played, then my godfather gave me a computer, actually, what’s the question, what the sooner a person starts playing sports, the better, as
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you know, yes and no, we know, well, now we know, well, if you take a child at 5 years old to the skating rink, you ’re doing great, but if you take a child at 5 years old to play , means a computer game, or that’s not how it works, that’s not how it works , which means, naturally, we have the ministry of health, which sets age limits for each sport, in our country people from 14 years old are allowed to compete and... and for training in the section 12 years is enough , well, of course, with the permission of the parents. for the country, what is the benefit of the fact that we have the strongest players and e-sports in general is developing, and pragmatically, if it’s good, what’s the benefit in the country that we have great chess players, or how uncomfortable we are because that our football players do not always, to put it mildly, achieve success, look
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, when we say that russian esports players are the most desirable foreign players for any team in the world, this is prestige, pride, the perception of our people of our country by people from all over the world, i think this is a very important point, but again, you understand, this is a task. sports, any sport, this is not setting a world record, this is the task of cultivating a harmoniously developed personality who will have those behavioral patterns that will allow him, this person, to become successful in our world, here, now, e-sports, he does not oppose himself to traditional sports, on the contrary, he says, we must go.
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in the area there is traditional sports , there is computer sports, it’s when a person does both one and the other, that’s when he becomes harmoniously developed, and there are already coaches in e-sports who say, now i’ll... teach you, you’ll earn millions from this , well, there are coaches who don’t work in this way, they’re kind of ghostly sixth player, that is, in the team where i play , there are five players, and accordingly , most often in the organization there is a coach who, after you have played games, he begins to watch all your games, all your repetitions, every action and then with the team sorts out where they made a mistake, where they didn’t...
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i felt when my head understands what needs to be done, but my hands no longer have time, and of course this is very unpleasant, so in general, somewhere around 24-25 is a certain the limit beyond which one goes, there are unique people who are there at 30 to 35 years old... so should i say that from big sports, do they remain within the perimeter of the sport or do they leave to do completely different things? and you know, of course this is determined by the person himself, but i can
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say that many become coaches, many become judges, and if a person is charismatic, he goes into commenting and becomes a famous streamer, someone runs a blog, well, there is huge potential here yes. so what does an esports player play and about? - mostly shooting games, what is this? well, look, let's do this then, what are the scenarios? what, in computer sports is a discipline, it is tied to a certain scenario, yes, this is what you call shooting games, we call it tactical three-dimensional combat, and there are strategies, there are sports simulators, there are technical simulators, for example, one of our disciplines is this ...control of drones in the virtual space, that is, there is a whole program where a person undergoes training to control a drone, and the trick is that when controlling it in the virtual world, the person uses the same
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he is the most manipulative, he develops mechanical control skills, after a person has been actively engaged there, for example, for six months or a year, he actually acquires the profession of a drone operator, therefore...
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initially, the soviet union, he raised the question of how to retain a person, you understand , specialists, he trained them, there was the best training school in the world, and the guys from the usa came to the understanding that it was easier to buy ready-made ones, rather than grow their own, cheaper, and this happens not only in sports, especially not only in esports, it's everywhere.
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and it didn’t matter to me how much money they would be willing to pay, but for younger people , money is a much more important motivation for them, and here the question arises, how can our state solve this issue solely with money? in my understanding, no, and not because we are not saudi arabia or anything else, but because this is fundamentally wrong, the financial motivator is...
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i don’t need money, uh, then first
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of all i now look at the players with whom i will play, that is, for me the first turn, since i’m aiming for the highest niche in e-sports, uh, i also want to play in major tournaments, then when i’m called to join a team, the first question for me is uh, who will i play with, then the next question is there uh, will i play there from home, or will they provide us with a bootcamp, or will they provide a salary? but often players, if there are four strong players, namely those who are some rising stars or they have a fairly high rating, then most often the players agree even without salaries to play, and what is the average income now, you can call it something, or is it all very much on the stage is divided into 3-4 levels, it’s called tier-1, tier-2, tier3, tier4, tier-1 scene - these are just the top tournaments, where there are 44 million dollars for
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first place, tier 2 is the nearest tournaments, the prize money there is also big, but not so huge, tier 3 is where i am now i’m playing, trying to get into tier-2, well, salaries in tier-2 teams are somewhere around $2,000 - plus or minus a thousand, depending on the media coverage player. for one participation, well, in the sense of one victory or something, that is, when you are in a team under contract, you are paid a certain amount per month for just playing in the team and completely, one might say, devoting yourself to the team, in addition to this you you play a tournament, and if you win a tournament, the team takes a certain percentage of the winnings, it ’s small, but it still takes it, so you have a salary in the team and you also have money.
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are provided, well, you need to come, the tournament lasts several days, continuous play, there is preparation for opponents, this all happens in person, that is, we take our keyboards and mice there to make it more convenient for us to play, computers there , that’s basically how the tournament goes, and there is a tournament where you can just play online from home, a computer game is a very complex design, it’s... a concentration of creative industries, i would say, yes, it’s
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the software part, it’s design, it’s music, well , that is, there’s a lot of stuff, that’s what it’s all about mostly western games in general, that's what it's about says, and will we play our games, someday, when , there are not very few russian games on the market, but the fact is that in general, when anyone on planet earth is going to make a game, he... .. a game that will pay off and at the same time be of high quality, but only at the russian level, this is technically impossible, the game must be world famous and in demand, and here it is both good and bad, bad, because you are competing with the whole world and it is natural that your the product was
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competitive, it must be very very interesting, attractive, profitable and so on, the good thing is that it... becomes an excellent tool for soft power, conveying our ideology, our culture, our values ​​throughout peaceful history, there are quite a large number of russian games that are popular, oh my god , take the same tetris, it was also created by a russian, what game should i start becoming an e-sportsman with, and you better come to our competitions as a spectator and get tested, they will tell you where you are better off there. in competitive puzzles or maybe your talent for sports simulations will open up in tetris, i think, dear friends, unfortunately, we have to end our broadcast about e-sports, there are still a lot of questions left, but we will meet again many times on the creative industry podcast together with presenter elena kiper,
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producer and music video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. and we were visiting. super athletes dmitry smith, president of the computer federation sports and evgeniy pogrebeshny, an active cybersportsman. you see, what a thing vladislav santicha is doing, we are counting on our guys to reach the finals. but we are already accustomed to living in this reality and we don’t have international hockey, how can people stop loving hockey, what do you think? yes, they have to work, they have to, so that they don’t stop loving them, why? because the hockey federation is trying to hold as many tournaments as possible, but, unfortunately, we have a small list of our rivals, belarus and kazakhstan, but they participate in youth games, in women's competitions,
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russia 25, we have this team that year we played in chelyabinsk, in krasnoyarsk. in tula, in minsk, this, of course, shows the guys to the national team that it exists, especially we are looking for young hockey players, so we try to do a lot to make the team work, in sirius we train young people in august in june, but here this is the only way for today we are still waiting for a long time for us to be returned to the hockey family of world hockey, but when this will happen we don’t know, this is a podcast hockey football, my name is denis kazansky. our guest is vladislav tretlyak himself, president of the russian hockey federation, three-time olympic champion, a huge number of questions and many thanks for the time you came to us, let's summarize how hockey is developing in our country, what has appeared in it, well, appeared stadiums, but before we didn’t have that many stadiums, now there are already more than 700 in ufa , a good stadium has opened in the city of oktyabrsky, stadiums
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are being built in novosibirsk, a stadium has opened in omsk, this is also very important to create conditions for hockey players, you understand. there are a lot in tatarstan, moscow , yekaterinburg, a lot of skating rinks are being built, so there is an opportunity to see new stars and hold more competitions, of course there is, this is the first, here is the second, of course, we are trying to win the channel one cup, which has traditionally been since 1969, you know, i was still present, it’s very important that it takes place, why, because we are putting together a national team, well , we lost for 2 years in a row, well, here’s the team russia is 25, won this cup and... a lot of people came, everyone remembered this new year's tournament, so many fans come to root for russia, we held it in moscow for 2 years, the last one is now in st. petersburg , and we will continue to expand, naturally geography, the channel one cup, in order to popularize our hockey throughout the country, you mean that not only...


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