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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  February 25, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

7:40 am
our russian strength, hurray for you, and i bring invisible glory, and we have been in the ranks since the first days of friendship for our glory today, yesterday , the russian is above us, hurray, hurray, hurray, fear is not in battle, we are not afraid, it is running after us not creation and step pechana, hurray! hurray, hurray, for the good and the good, hurray, hurray, it is not for robbery, robbery, led by russians, hurray, when it is no longer possible without a fight, stronger, holobey, sashichka, kondenechka , my complaint, hello, comrade artists,
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we are no one didn’t win, so let’s remember the russian cheers, it’s time guys, it’s time to remember the deck russian shlyak, the cover is hand and the steel is sharp, let's look at the russian, hurray, hurray, hurray, it's time for us to remember, hurray, hurray, yes grandson, our simple russian chicken, science lives in it from uborovo, our red russian hurray, the cathedral lives in it science, soldiers, brothers, where are yours, our money, our sweet victories.
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it’s called a weight, an invention of russian artillerymen, tushkars, so today with a weight, so that’s what they’re saying about you, the cherepovets came to look at the light bulbs, they look, soon, soon these light bulbs will fall to the ground, under the benches, yes, yes, yes, about us, about us, or maybe something from cherepovcha, they say there, cherepovcha, and they also say, we are guys, hedgehogs, we have knives in our pockets, and no one has hooked weights on a chain before us, we really are at the right place, so , like, for
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all the comrades present here and for all the tv viewers, they are demonstrating tricks with a sleeve, we must applaud, well, by god, i switched hands, yay!
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what will happen now , come on, get a tan, come on, officer's rise
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, oops, let me go, dear, if i don't save myself, where i'll die, i don't know, i'll lay down my head in a riot, forgive me, dear, if i don't... on the shore where i will die, i don’t know, i’ll lay down my head in a riot, illuminated the clearing of the road, but in the wrong direction, the cossack takes care of his anxiety for his native country, you forgive me, dear, if i don’t save myself, where i’ll die, i don’t know, i don’t know, i ’ll lay down my head i’ll put it down, oh, forgive me, dear, if i don’t save myself where i’ll die.
7:46 am
over the village the bell was laughing, the bells were digging in the oak trees, the fire was falling on the fire,
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the recruits were calling out to the youths. the gun aimed at the fire, the young recruits were leaving, wishing their years to pass in peace, the girls sat along the sad load, because they were not loved. or they cried under the furious beast, the girls that they were not loved, cotton wool and under the furious here.
7:48 am
how many of you, careless, have rushed away like this, how many have not returned to the people in a foreign land, and have not gotten lost because god will not take away. in a distant foreign land, lost because god would not remove it, behind the enemies, behind the hills,
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a shaggy meze swelled. i was suffocating, i was choking on the train of the bird, i was choking on the song from the revolution, i was choking on the train by the bird. oh, the bell has changed, the crow has stomped,
7:50 am
hello boyars, here the wedding train has arrived, and we have a young princess, but she dear, she will live like an overseas noblewoman, that’s it. here in pskov it is called beauty, it was a symbol of the passing of girlhood and entry into married life. take it so that everyone knows that you are a bride. here is the place for the braid. because at that moment only the husband could see the hair, here is water for you, here is hops for you, don’t regret the hops, as if you were born again, we break it, we taste it, then drink it down so that it is sweet and a little bitter, our premiere, we are playing a wedding, today is the first . oldbar cognac product of stellar group, burbos man,
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product of stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, what happened is not my fault. there is, and my fault is there, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that dreams aroused some sensitive natures, but for the fact that we served the truth, not people, you are my friend, maybe the last, i wanted to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no
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one can know for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, and i believed you, i want to take this disgusting man by the throat, licked, stupid, ambitious empire, shake it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners... can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? you think there might be an uproar.
7:53 am
gentlemen, we are behind, there is a big premiere, the union of salvation, and why are you whispering, we are preparing a coup, take me. tomorrow, after the program time. the first most populous country. the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing back united states. this is india. one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries . this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight
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in the street over some trifle. now about 2,000 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians, they are brother, brother. we helped india create the most modern education system, healthcare. you have a maiden kutumbakom. this in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. premiere. civilizations, film six. india, on thursday on the first. count and times.
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don’t rush to bury us, we still have things to do here, we have small children at home, and we’d just
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like to live, we have houses everywhere. she was small, and she just wanted to live, and not rush us, let’s shoot, and it’s never too late to have time, but it’s better to let her dance, or better yet, let her dance, or better yet, let her dance. but it’s better to let the song sing, and don’t rush close us, and we already love all the darkness, and the shields are attracted to our eyes, excited, and the brush
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is tickling our eyes, excited by... it is necessary, but don’t rush not to love us, and don’t count victories in hindsight, and if we are with you today if you don’t live, then who will love you tomorrow, with you today, who will also love you tomorrow, hey!
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don't rush to crown us. and we still have things to do here, we have small children at home, and i just wanted to say, we have small children at home, but i just wanted to live, that there are small children, and i just wanted to. the regiments are being drawn up, the arrows are holding the squadrons zartzurei pass by and hide in a detachment in a detachment
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of years.
8:00 am
dear friends, hello, greetings from kusbas, yes, we are now in the city of novokuznetsk, kemerovo region, and
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novokuznetsk residents welcome everyone, hello, we remind you of our guys, of those who are now in the trenches, on the front line, they still need our care, assistance, help, we thank those who have already taken part in ours. public action in support of russian soldiers, play victorious harmony, we are waiting for new arrivals from you, friends, qr code on your screens, and we are sending the next batch necessary help, we decided to send an accordion to the front this time, it ’s written here, from anastasia, zakhar zavolokin , there are accordionists there, we hope that there is more than one, so that it would raise, so to speak, and... so to speak, but simply raise the combat spirit, let's check, she's playing, let 's check if she has a sound and is it good, with military command, friends, 333, fire, fire,
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playing, present,
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oh, hello my garden, hello, loved ones, will return to us with victory, dear warriors, return to us with victory! warriors dear ones! hey! hey! hospital! hooray! address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly.
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live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one and i am its host, alexey rafaenko. watch this episode. they are not only brothers in arms, but by blood, older and younger, fathers and sons, shoulder to shoulder at the forefront. i followed
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my brother so that, how to say, to cover each other’s backs, to stick together. there is one profession, to defend the homeland. during the great patriotic war there was such a famous calculation: there were six brothers, the whole family, to defend the country. they didn’t take me at first; my son wrote a contract. the first one, and i already asked for it through the ministry of defense, we are ready, we continue to monitor the special operation, right now the news for the past week. main news: avdiivka has been liberated. the strategically important settlement came under the complete control of the russian military. vladimir was told about this at a meeting in the kremlin. the minister of defense reported to putin sergei shaigu. this ukryp district was created, created over the course of 9 years, 9 years
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day after day. underground passages, concrete structures were made, special lines were made so that one could move without going to the surface, so, of course, the fact that the enemy’s resistance was broken here is a great success. the supreme commander-in-chief noted that the capture of avdievka was the merit of all army units, as well as units of the aerospace forces that took it.
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employees of the group's assault units center, they knocked out the enemy, in particular from a powerful stronghold located near the ovdeevka railway station. the support was serious, some of the buildings here date back to tsarist times, the walls are thick, meters high, they did not intend to retreat at first, but our tomovians, worthy guys, pushed, pushed through their defenses, the enemy, fearing encirclement, retreated into a ring. the enemy units here were formed from the remnants of the nationalist azov battalion of foreign mercenaries. approximately based on the interrogation of the company commander there were about ten of them from the azov battalion , some canadians, and there were also georgians. having fled, the enemy abandoned american and czech-made ammunition, supplies of imported medicines and food at the strong point.
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colors were dropped on our attack aircraft from a drone, there was a feeling of pride for the russian army, for our grandfathers, it was a great victory that we took the avdeyka, this is an unforgettable feeling, words probably cannot describe, happy and peaceful residents, they have been imprisoned for the last months in the basements and came to the surface only to to replenish water supplies, oh so from the water
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, i’m still afraid, i look like they’re coming, but we don’t know who, even, probably, russia has already arrived, i see a red ribbon, with the arrival of our troops , the local residents finally got the opportunity to establish a peaceful life. according to them, thanks to the rapid advance of the russian army, vysu’s soldiers did not have time to blow up all the buildings and many of the city’s infrastructure remained undamaged. minister of defense sergei shaiguov. on the eve of february 23 congratulated the military personnel on defender of the fatherland day awarded those who distinguished themselves during combat missions with orders of courage and medals for bravery. i serve russia. the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. i serve russia. dear friends, colleagues, i sincerely congratulate you on these awards. i'm sure the award will not be the last, we have a lot of work to do.
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enter with dignity. they were awarded for this, in honor of the holiday , fireworks went off all over russia, and now to the main topic of the issue: the sentinel film crew continues to work in the zone. svo in different units, in different sectors of the front, entire generations of fighters have already met. as during the great patriotic war, now on the front line there are often stories about a father who went to fight after his son , about younger brothers going as volunteers along with their elders. our geocinths work effectively.


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