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tv   Semnadtsat mgnovenii vesni  1TV  February 25, 2024 2:55pm-5:05pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the film tritopol on the ivy, semyon, has just been a brilliant success, breaking all distribution records, semyon, hello, tatyana mikhailovna turned to my father, i read your friend’s novel, i want to direct, tanya, what kind of friend, i have several of them, my father answered, eliana semenov. stiedletz came here quite often; the reich security administration knew that he made appointments in museums as his agent. the scene of the failed meeting between stirlitz and borman was filmed in the zoological museum of moscow state university. one of the highest officials of nazi germany, played by a completely unexpected person, the famous bard, yuri visbor. and
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bormann was at a meeting with fuhrrer. he had no intention of going to the amnoentor hotel. my dear, sunshine, an amazing choice of director liozn. vizbor was the god of the otepeli generation, a poet, the author of famous songs that were sung by the whole country, suddenly a nazi, one of the leaders of the reich. but the performance was memorable. and it impressed the directors, who after the film’s release began offering vizbura. london and in the white house, and here in berlin? that goes without saying, it doesn't bother me. you can get such a recording. first you need to get assurance from wolf
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that he is acting as an emissary. another unexpected choice of lioznova: leonid bronevoy as gestapo chief müller. müller, gestapa, an old tired man, he wants to live out his years in peace somewhere on a small farm with a blue pool. dad was delighted with the work, of course, bronevoy, then he was still a completely unknown artist, suddenly later at the hot council they say: but bronevoy, he is his own personality crushed all the other artists, that is, they realized what charisma, what power this actor had, this is where we had to start, i better know where to start, he was of course unexpected, he was not at all handsome, but the handsome one among us, perhaps, there was only tikhonov's glory, but
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after that many compatriots learned in a completely different way what kind of enemy he was. bronevoy was already over 40, work in the film became his first big film role. with tikhonov, already a famous actor, they shared one dressing room, even armored at the beginning of filming asked him for an autograph for his wife. i am a good old man for whom i spread rumors. your handsome boss angers me a thousand times. it’s just that he learned at his universities to smile and speak french, but i still don’t know how to cut an apple or eat it, like they eat it at my house, whole, with the pit, one day bronevoy heard rumors, that the kgb consultant, who was always present
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on the set, thinks that the actors... are charming, kind, i say, but what about you ? he says, well, it turns out very well you want me to take a child by the legs and hit his head against the wall, that’s not what the film is about, it’s about the struggle of worldviews, about the struggle of two intelligence services, again you’re up to some kind
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of treachery. cars, we charged everything, and we were sitting in a small hall, they were sitting, they set up a table for them, they set up something like this, paper, pencils and a lamp, for them - a svigun so that he could write, suddenly runs out of the hall of the liozny, from this prometer, the viewing is underway , runs out, i can’t, he writes all the time, he writes all the time,
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listen, give me something... well, what i liked begins to read everything that he liked, which means that what he wrote is exactly what he liked, in this house in the small rzhevsky lane of moscow, according to the plot of the film , there was a gestapo safe house where they kept relative catherine kinne with her newborn son. how is our russian friend behaving? we spend time in interesting ideological discussions. kat
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got there for a very unexpected reason that could only happen to a woman. in berlin , during childbirth, she screamed in russian. dad
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talked to some of our illegal immigrants. only he didn’t call her anything other than katyusha , that katyusha called, that katyusha said this, that, that, that is, it all lasted throughout her whole life, when dad got sick, he was in the gradov central committee, she went to him, there an incident happened there, the guards didn’t let her in, but it’s just the very fact that they were all completely connected together by these threads. a german actor starred in the role of the soldier helmut, who helped kat care for the child and then shot the gestapo officers.
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otto melis. during the war he lost his entire family. when red army troops entered the city where otto lived, a soviet officer saved the german teenager from starvation. i'll go to the stop as soon as i see the bus. i’ll come back for you, better together, let’s better together, i, of course , didn’t have a very big role, but i was amazed at how much resonance it had, actually, not a role, but a film, it’s amazing, but you need to understand how many years him, and nevertheless, he is very clear, everything in him is essentially, without pathos, i was pleased to act in seventeen moments of spring, in this way i thanked that russian colonel who saved my life. here, in the former estate of the saltykov chertkovs on myasnitskaya street in moscow, episodes of negotiations between the german general wolf, played by vasily lonova, and representatives of american intelligence were filmed. general, do you
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realize that germany lost the war? yes, but is it worth starting with such a painful german for me? i told him about this, alive and well, 85 years old, he says: here’s a beer barrel. semyonov asked wolf: did he like the actor who played the general in the film? and wolf said: “absolutely different,” well, according to the text. and yulyana says: “i decided to hit gera, he said: “gervol, you should be happy that our thin womb played in you.” he laughed and said: “okay, i
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’ll send it.
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” “stop, that’s it, and in a few days a heart attack happened, he was only 61 years old, at the cultural council in april of the seventy-third year, tatyana mikhailovna apologized to all her colleagues for her rigidity, for her such demandingness, perhaps unnecessary, she said, some lines cannot be crossed and..." i crossed them for the good of the cause, here are photographs from different periods, here is a photograph of the times - the creation of this moment of spring, here it is here on the cover of the book, this is... in tbilis, when he came to my parents, this
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is the period of creation, most of the music was written before filming, and a little was written for the live image, basically everything was written in advance, it was all shown in a lyotic way and he could call her at night, as they say, to show something that it occurred to him that what he came up with, what was born to him, and it was, as they say, soul to soul, and not... they worked, to write music for songs for the film . tatyana lioznova invited composer mikael tareverdiev, whom she knew from the time of her studies at avgika where he taught. this film goes beyond its own story, which it tells, including thanks to the music that sounds there. there are six different themes in the film that run and
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do throughout the film. and then the search began for the performers of these songs, who became no less famous than himself movie. initially, tatyana liozno wanted
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muslim magomaev to sing them. but sing very restrainedly, and then he told me, i can’t do that, i don’t know how, i ca n’t, and imagine, suddenly he sang very well, i ask, this take that he sang very well, he forgot one thing word, mixed up the word, we can’t describe it, because the shift is ending, he was flying out tomorrow. i was going to an internship and asked me to wait for him, he would come, he would do it, but we had no time to wait. endless auditions began, but no one was satisfied with the director. then the poet robert rozhdestvensky, who wrote the
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lyrics, invited his friend joseph kobzon. kabzon arrived at the recording studio. suddenly i hear a voice from the control room. i say, it’s very nice, i’m listening to you, and you can sing not with kobzon, i say: why, why, you can sing without kobzon, dude, i understand that you are joking, kobzon, at that time already a famous popular singer, got terribly angry and wanted to leave, but apparently creative ambition took over, i think, oh so... well, okay, okay, i ’ll do what you ask, and that means i i started this, i, i just, no, and somewhere on take 20 , suddenly i, here, here, here, here,
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here, i’m asking, at least not for long, my sadness. then she said: shine, we'll do it. and so a tavern called elephant appeared, where we meet my wife, who is wonderfully played by shashkova, and we talk to her at a distance, only with our eyes, she read in me, maybe be strong, i understand everything, and i... told her with my own eyes: forgive me that i gave you such a life, that we haven’t seen each other for many, many years, but i i’m not to blame for this, i serve, this is mine, my
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service and my service, just like we have actors serving, but kostarnaya has become the kumvangei. positive forecasts, i don’t want to scare you , sometimes it’s better to hear everything without beautiful things, vanga’s secret prophecy, let’s put an end
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to the sensational one now, here’s a bold one, special issue, tomorrow on the first, the main thing in vanga’s opinion is what can save us, let them say returned to the air so that you could tell us all about it, many years later, vyacheslav tikhonov met with his on-screen wife, actress leonora. such a time of happiness, probably, for him in his work, because he already had a huge experience behind him that he could use,
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but he understood perfectly well that all his experience, all his talent could only reveal itself in the company of these same people talented people, my hands are shaking a little, i need to come to my senses, speak normally, no one hears us here, this was born there, well, now tell evstegneyev everything at once and instantly and it’s completely clear that professor play he couldn’t be different, he was like this with such a gait, someone says that he invented it a long time ago, but it doesn’t matter, this is such a playful professor, once and for all there won’t be another, but he asked me to tell you that last night he was waiting your call. come in and pleischner entered the apartment, although he had no right to do this, without waiting for a review
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, strange, i was at home, apparently he mixed up the number, this was his second mistake, many people, thanks to whom the viewer was so immersed in the atmosphere of germany end of the second world war and so believed that happened on the screen, remained, of course, behind the scenes. the film was shot by cameraman pyotr kotaev, the son of writer evgeny petrov, co-author ily ilf and one of the creators of the famous ostap bender. pyotr evgenievich has a wonderful track record. he worked with directors, kulejanov, igor shatrov, with grammatikov he filmed, a dog walked along the royal. and with tatyana mikhailovna lezdova he filmed six. with half the pictures, why half, because he died
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on the set while filming the film, the end of the world followed by a symposium: the most intelligent a man, smart, educated, talented, and petya understood me perfectly and never argued. i can’t help but mention two artists, production designer boris dmitrievich dulenkov and costume designer mara bykhovskaya, behind them was sergei gerasimov’s trilogy, quiet don, so they brought authenticity to the picture. it was especially not easy for the costume designer; it was necessary to sew a huge number
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of german uniforms and other military uniforms, and they had to look the same as and during the war. my father told me that a letter came from the def film studio to the studio, where did you get such precision in details, in micro-details, the costume was meant, it was in the picture. several consultants, and there was one consultant, he was approached by braun, von kerstein, please, heinz adolfovich braun, who was an ss man, then became our prisoner of war, then became a visiting director, an artist, sometimes played ss men, and he really helped miriam bykhovskaya, the costume designer and not a single costume
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was allowed into the frame. bar alpine skiers, daily at 22:00, form eustace alex, i’m in bern, i’m waiting for the same connection, a box of tobacco, a gold block, english matches with a label, i can only say that one of the main characters of our picture is, who for the pastor,
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zasaev. now, when more than two hours had passed since stilitz left himler’s reception room, he understood perfectly well that he was on the verge of failure. i received many letters, naive, from schoolchildren, some girl wrote in such a timid handwriting: thank you for this picture, now
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i understand how you need to love your homeland, we absolutely do. they didn’t talk about this in this picture, they didn’t even use these words, but if we were engaged in rhetoric, if we were always telling someone, this is how it should be or this way, nothing would have happened, art, above rhetoric, art, i i repeat, it is capable of turning the souls of people, this is a gigantic event for the country in general, i think that for a very long time... and no matter how many times it is shown, so many times people sit down near the tv, well, because the great will always attract, no matter what that now so many 50 years have passed, returning to this film is again the same
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emotions, emotions of the heart, soul and... emotions, eyes, because again this meeting with the present. for me, this film is somehow fundamental, or something, such a sentimental one, it gives something more than just about the homeland, than just about the fate of an intelligence officer. and i think that stirlitz will be around for a long time, forgive the pathos for us. a guiding star in this chaos of materialism and
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selfishness. stirlitz, i ask you to stay. in august 1973, on the screens of the soviet union released a multi-part film 17 moments of spring, which... became a cult classic. in twelve episodes, talented directors tatyana lioznova, scriptwriters yulian semyonov and a brilliant constellation of actors came together. today we will tell you about the fate of those who created this film, as well as interesting
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stories from the set. today no one will believe that this role went to vyacheslav tikhonov completely
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by accident, how can one imagine it on the spot. theater stage for 3 years of filming, then both refused, did not want to leave one of the assistants suggested: take tikhonov, he has no roles in the theater, and he is silent on the screen, irresistibly, i love silent people, if a friend is silent, then this is a friend, and if an enemy is then an enemy, there is a vyacheslav tikhonov for everyone . for some, the dashing matvey from the film was in penkov, so i’ll dry the crackers and go out of sight, but he is very handsome, for some, the right teacher from the film will live
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until monday, don’t let them sit on your head, keep your distance, there was a crush absolute, but for most viewers tikhonov is, of course, a stirvet, a reserved, silent, mysterious, loud-worded pastor. there is even a road sign at tikhonov’s dacha plot with names dear to the actor’s heart. this is a joke of our friends, who gave this joke on some holiday or birthday, i don’t remember. this is like a weather vane indicator: penkova, berlin, here is pavlovsky passad with an indication of the number of kilometers, where to go for how long. i was going to... a meeting with borman. on august 11, 1973, the first episode of the feature film 17 moments was aired. spring. since then, the surname tikhonov and shterlets
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have become synonymous. there were anecdotes or rumors that brezhneev, who watched this picture, really, so to speak, imagined him
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the way he played. before shooting, but i couldn’t film with this piece of iron, look at the right corner, i say, i can’t, suddenly the door of the elephant cafe, which was built in
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gorky’s studio, opens, vyacheslav vasilyevich enters, that’s when he looked up at me, i said: “that’s it, you’re mine, i’m yours, i adore you, i love you, i suffer, i worry, i worry, the next day he couldn’t film without me. asked me to come, i came and sat by the camera and also, well, i just played back what happened yesterday. and people believed in it , that i could have a wife who behaves like this, and we talk to her at a distance, only with our eyes, this is the merit of tatyana mikhailovna, she took us to different places in this tavern, she filmed the elephant, and we talked with her, she answered me with her question: and i answered her, she read in me,
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maybe be strong, i understand everything, and i told her i said with my own eyes: forgive me that i gave you such a life, that we have been invisible for many, many years, but i am not to blame for this, i serve, this is mine... my service and my service, just like ours , among the actors , the service, yes, is noisy, the masts creak dully, only his calm voice, excellent posture, the dignity with which he carried himself in every role seemed to be signs of blue blood. many were sure that tikhonov was supposed to come from the nobility, but the actor was an aristocrat by vocation, and not by
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origin. vyacheslav tikhonov was born in in the city of pavlovsky passad in the family of a mechanic at the tkat factory and a kindergarten teacher . since childhood, tikhonov has been looking for an opportunity to prove himself. at that time, the bravest guys, to prove that they were not afraid of pain, tattooed the name of their beloved girl on their hands. tikhonov also decided to get a tattoo. only he didn’t have a beloved girl then, so he tattooed his name on his left hand. glory. he had to hide this mistake of his youth while filming for the rest of his life. in the tikhonov family there was only one actor is uncle volodya, after whom vyacheslav will later name his son. when there were performances with his participation, we all went as a family. it happened when we came after performances, we discussed, talked, rejoiced, this is the best profession, you say you bring joy to people. tikhonov
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dreamed of growing up and bringing joy to people, like his uncle, but he didn’t tell anyone about it, he was a terribly shy boy. when the time came to choose a university, it turned out that his parents had already decided everything for him. the father saw an agronomist in his modest son. and tikhonov decided finally admit that he dreams of being an actor. what started here? oh, nightmare, horror , yes, it’s not serious, yes, for a guy, yes they all drink there, lord, where are you going, the groaning started at home, no one believed in tikhanov, even the actor’s uncle said, come on, old man, this is not yours, believe me, only my grandmother stood up, said, let him try, tikhanov submitted documents to ovgik and failed the exams, suddenly she, you are not accepted, moved on. what
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to do, i didn’t know how to commit suicide, i didn’t know yet either, i’ll come home to moscow, they’ll be glad that i’m here, that’s what we they told you, but you didn’t have to return home, tikhon was miraculously enrolled in a course with professor bibikov, forty-fifth year, there were no boys, everyone was still in the army and they remembered me for that reason, that’s the only reason, and after 3 years my parents.
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eyes full of sadness and wonderful tenderness of speech, but for a long happy life this was not enough, i honestly don’t understand why we separated, somehow we didn’t do anything bad to each other, but we were not unequal, we were not equal to bear this hard life. thrill, in life, to be happy this expressive silence on the screen evokes witnesses; you need to talk about your love and your
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problems too. in the marriage of tikhonov and mardikova, a son, volodya, was born. the boy was 13 years old when his famous parents separated. this is a little warbler. volodya, father son. alas, the fate of vladimir tikhonov was tragic. tikhonov lived with mordyukova for 13 years. they broke up during the filming of the film , it was in penkov, where he played the main role for the first time. the actor was then 35 years old. maybe it was his personal experiences that helped him
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create one like this. i couldn’t understand anything what was going on, they refused her in a row, i couldn’t believe it, i had the best, ideal hero, positive, these two wonderful actors refused to play, and then i received a telegram, and we were filming, on the dnieper in ukraine, i received telegram, we suggest you come. for the role of andrei golkonsky, when he fights angrier and feels less sorry for himself, he will win, tomorrow,
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no matter what, we will win the battle. sergei bondarchuk took tikhonov reluctantly after pressure from above, he did not see him as a prince, what an aristocrat with such and such working hands, and also a tattooist. “if only i had acted with maktunovsky, but as soon as tikhonov appeared on the screen, it became clear that andrei bolkonsky could only be like this, the issue with his hands was solved simply, they put gloves on the actor, i loved you from the minute i gave you, can i hope, why ask, why doubt what you cannot help but know, why talk when you cannot express in words
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what you feel?” " groups, they met on the set, or rather not, on the sound of the film and men and women, and mom was invited there as a translator of simultaneous text, so there was supposed to be another one, but her friend could not come, and
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she asked her, she said: replace me, so that for one day literally in the tone studio and she came, sat so modestly, so in the dark, and he just noticed her and said: let’s go have a smoke, so they went, she didn’t know how to smoke, didn’t smoke, well, he also liked that the girl was embarrassed that she didn’t know how to smoke, but pretended that knows how, it turned out that she and tamara are similar, she is modest and silent, homely, you can it was easy to sit next to him, think about his own things, silently leaf through the newspaper and not worry about being accused of indifference, he was sure that he had found the only one he needed, neither an actress, nor a celebrity , a simple, nice girl who was his i understood that these were happy years, which... in general , came after quite difficult years, and it was
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during these years that these were his best paintings. indeed, after marrying tamara, tikhonov began a stormy stage in his film career. 17 moments of spring came out, they fought for homeland, one of the most touching films in the history of our cinema, white bim, black ear. you know, some learned people say that you see everything in gray, it’s a pity. “well, don’t be upset, firstly, they can be wrong, and secondly, it means you have your own point of view, he could pick up a bunch of mushrooms, by the evening, when the film crew arrived, the actor and rostotsky were already ready , potatoes with fried mushrooms were ready, and he received us, sat and waited, that is, there is such gentleness in him , human closedness, it’s somehow like this combined. hello, ivan ivanovich
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, hello, i come to you from bim, from bim, in his second marriage tikhonov became a father again, the birth of his daughter annie turned his life upside down, he carried the little girl in his arms like a jewel, caught a smile, admired every gesture. the actor thanked his daughter for coming into his life and giving him another chance to become a good father and make his child
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happy. cleans out, you know, how a touching meeting tears everything away from cabbage, when suddenly the age of petals, leaves, the essence remains, this is it a man sat like god, pure, clear, like a child, let there be rain, at the end of his life.
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george, in fact, his husband came to him , so he played a prank on them, said that he was born, guess who, they say who is a boy, no, who is a girl, no, who are two boys, of course, he was very happy, the actor adored his grandchildren and was happy simply because they were nearby when the guests left for moscow... vyacheslav tikhonov was left alone again, he was going through memories, words, mistakes, moments, happiness and misfortune in his memory, maybe that’s why he in all the last frames there were tears in his eyes, he looked back and turned to his conscience, whether he had offended someone unwittingly, whether he had hurt someone with a careless word or silence, meeting me somewhere on the new arbatel. or somewhere else, strangers met me, with bags, with luggage
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, having seen me, the first thing i, uh, see, they smile at me, at first it put me in some kind of dead end, and i a little, maybe , there is something wrong with my clothes, why are they smiling, they were smiling because we recognized a familiar person, the memories that gave birth to this smile are kind. this is all the result, as i understand it, i answer myself, it means that after all, my life in cinema was not in vain, since we do not make films for ourselves, not for awards, not for a salary, but we do it for this smile
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spectators. at first she invited her to play the role of a spy wife, known at that time. because why was he reaching for the gaba? well , first of all, she was an absolutely lovely creature, and she also reminded him of his wife in his youth, this is the same type, the directors made these arguments they weren’t convinced, the role of stirlitz’s wife went to actress eleon shashkova, lioznova approved her immediately, without long tests. they did my makeup,
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she looked at the photo, said: tomorrow is the shoot, i say, what am i going to do? i even think that uh, that this is a premonition of love, yes, it is stronger than if something happened, it takes my breath away, because, you know, when a beautiful person is an amazing actor, it’s
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doubly, triple, another little secret, i was in a position there. second son, and there when this scene where she dances and where he invited shirlits to ham , that’s where the explanation goes, yes, well , i have some kind of pullover of his on my shoulders, it was already barely noticeable, five years later the kindergarten workers asked her son, but you didn’t act in movie with my mother, he says, i was filming, which one, he says, i was filming in 17 moments of spring, who are you, my mother was pregnant with me, and i was in her tummy. during filming , ekaterina gradova, who played kat’s mother, carried her child under her heart. there were even rumors that the cruel filmmakers tortured her baby in the cold to make him cry louder. actor alexey safonov, who played the role of gestapo officer rolf, assures nothing of the kind.
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there was no cold there, naturally, it was a warm pavilion, no suffering for the child. it was - according to the plot, the window is open, it should be cold, that’s why we react that way, but in fact it was such a cinematic deception. during her lifetime, actress ekaterina gradova lived two lives: in the first she had filming, fame, popularity and success. all this came to the young actress immediately after the film 17 moments of spring. beautiful, charming, with eyes full of incredible mystery. and a mysterious half-smile, only this could be the russian native kat. stirlitz is here, is that me? yes. the film, of course, is brilliant , so you watch and even in the fragment, i know that this is my mother, there are other people’s children there, anyway, it
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’s made in such a way that you connect when the child starts crying, and i was just watching it, i think , otherwise... don’t cry, dear, what’s his name, she starts kissing him so that he i didn’t cry, lord, they won’t ever come from there, gradova got into the film almost by accident, at that time she was auditioning for the role of one of the girls in stanislav rostotsky’s film, azorya, they are quiet here. it happened at the gorky film studio; auditions were taking place in the neighboring pavilion at 17 moments of spring. during one of the breaks , tatyana leoznova’s assistant saw gradov and persuaded her to try out for the role of kat. thank you. leoznova wanted kat to be a very feminine, experienced intelligence officer without pathos. and
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already at the first rehearsals it became clear ekaterina gradova is intended for this role. mom, by the way, told us about it. with a hatch, that at first there was a light hatch , a fake one, she removed it so easily with her head that it was implausible, and they brought her a real one, then she had several cervical vertebrae after that, she moved out and never came back, but the lie down was real ... ekaterina endured all the hardships of filming selflessly, and was so sincere in her transformation that
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she instantly fell in love with the audience, but her husband, the brilliant actor andrei mironov, saw her in a completely different role, the keeper of the home and the mother of his children. natasha, why does my son run around the city alone? why don't you keep an eye on your child? mother! thank you, please, ekaterina met mironov at the satire theater, where she came to get a job, and andrei was already a star there. despite his enormous popularity among women, mironov fell in love with gradova like a boy. you're attractive, i'm damn attractive. why waste time? on the second day of meeting mironov rushed to gorky's studio, where while filming was underway, 17 moments of spring asked
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the administrator to call gradova to him. to the question, who are you? the actor answered categorically: groom, i’m getting married, i’m getting married! what kind of toys can there be? and i will be happy, i am completely. and my grandmother. it was simply impossible to resist mironov’s charm. on november 30, 1971 they got married. masha was born in the same year as
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se moments of spring was released in 1973 . andrei really wanted a son, but when he found out that he had a daughter, he alarmed the whole family with happiness. he stood under the windows of the chamber and drank vertinsky loudly. yes, this is indeed a fact. a very joyful and cheerful person, and he sang to my daughters, my daughters. andrei loved his wife, adored his daughter masha and wanted more children, dreamed of a son andrei and another daughter katya, he persuaded gradova to leave the theater, believing that family and acting were incompatible things. but catherine did not want to give up her favorite profession, this became the first step towards a break, the second final passion. mironov was a bright man, but the fame and attention of women in some sense spoiled him. him there was a connection on the side. this
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was unacceptable for gradov; she insisted on a divorce, although andrei was against it. dad was such a jewish boy, in a good way, he simply would not have gone for a divorce. this is for him, he would get married and live like this. and... after the divorce, ekaterina worked with her ex-husband on the same stage for another 11 years. she almost never acted in films, after roles in
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two iconic films, she did not want to lower the bar and refused a lot. but she was actively involved in her native satire theater. played in popular productions of dog baskervilles, talent fans, small comedies of the big house. i'll buy a ticket and get there. suitcase, i’ll leave and won’t return , they communicated with mironov, andrei came to their house to see his daughter, however, their relationship with katya was more of a working one, because... a year after the divorce, mironov married larisa golubkina, but the actor played a huge role in gradova’s fate once again. in fact, he divided her life into two parts, or rather, his death. on august 14 , 1987, during a tour of the satire theater in riga, the stage during the play crazy day or
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after figaro's marriage, andrei mironov lost. consciousness and never woke up again. when andrei mironov died, ekaterina was 40 years old, and it seemed that her old life had collapsed. she could no longer go to the scene where the coffin with the body of her ex-husband stood. it was then that her second life began. she had been walking towards her for a long time, but in small steps, not always paying attention to the signs of fate, mironov’s death simply became the last straw. actress. left the profession forever, god help me, some say it’s a weakness, but it seems to me that it’s a big one strength, that is, this can be argued endlessly, but i am a supporter of the fact that this is the act of
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a strong person, a few words for the press, igor timofeev. they got married in 1991, when ekaterina was 44 years old and he was 35. he was not only younger, but also a man
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from a completely different environment, a nuclear physicist. water from the neighbors where she lives there, two houses away, the house burned down, she was worried about this family and bought them a house in the village, in general she was a good person, this is another significant place in the second life of ekaterina gradova, st. catherine’s church, it is located v several kilometers from the village, the actress first came here when the temple was just being restored. horror! the crosses have all been removed, there are no bell towers, nothing. and there was a coal warehouse, a dance floor in this church of catherine, and we went out with a procession of the cross, the first time, there was a priest, one granny, there was a deacon so young, and i was with my
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little adopted son, that’s all. someone could say, here, well, with our grandmothers, with some of our neighbors, with these boys, but talk, save them, take the slides, yes and rename it, take it into the city hills and rename it, because she dedicated a lot to this place in the vladimir region, in
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every temple... she invested money in them, including ours. faith was of great importance to my mother, that’s a fact. but i can’t say that she came to god in one second. this was some kind of internal emotional experience of hers, some kind of path to this took place in her. the key moment was when their daughter masha, at three years old, found herself on the brink of death. it was. such a difficult test that maria still remembers about it. i had double pneumonia, as it turned out later, a drunk doctor at the filatov hospital. ae made the wrong diagnosis , said that my mother, that your girl has acute appendicitis, then i remember general anesthesia, which, in principle, according to all
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physiological laws, is impossible, that is, i remember the doctors, i saw them from above, i saw this one at first the light that was above me, and then i was given anesthesia and then i saw everything from above, what was happening, after ... they had already done this operation, it turned out that i did not have any appendicitis, indeed, i had a very borderline serious condition, for my mother, of course, she later told me that it was a very turning point in life, well, if i now understand who to pray to, what to do, and miracle help instantly comes, yeah. then i didn’t understand at all, i remember that i was standing in the kitchen near the window, screaming: after all, help, not understanding who i was saying this to, hitting the wall
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with my fists, as a result, everything happened normally, in 1992 at ekaterina’s georgievna's first grandson andrei was born, her daughter maria mironova married businessman igor udolov at the age of 18. therefore, she gave her son the double surname mironov udalov. this is how andrei mironov jr. appeared in the family, just as andrei mironov sr. once dreamed of.
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i want to tell you. an amazing paradox, in her second life ekaterina gradova became who mironov wanted her to be, just a wife, mother, grandmother, a woman for whom family became above all else, well, we are left with her wonderful works in cinema.
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fraukin, get ready, you lost, a scout must be able to lose with dignity. “i know you will deny it, but this is stupid. we have intercepted 40 of your codes, now they will bring you clothes and you will go with me, i guarantee the life of you and your child if you cooperate with us. defender of the fatherland day, now we we’re going to the line of combat contact, you’ll see how our doctors, surgeons, nurses work, talk to me, everything’s fine, you respect me, so guys, let’s get together faster, we
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always pull out our own, we’ve never abandoned our guys on the field, antosha, it's okay, even though it's a man, so do they it’s scary, we try our best to support them, when you see someone’s pain, you always choose how... to love to save while your heart is out of breath in your chest. premiere, medical special forces.
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today on the first, what happened is not my fault, it is, and my fault is, only you and i are to blame, not because of dreams of vadeli, some have sensitive natures. but by serving the truth, not to people, you are my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, our goal one, what difference does it make, what role, who plays it. you said you love me, and
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you? i believed, i want to take this disgusting living, emaciated, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat,
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but the beginning will be it's supposed to. big premiere, union of salvation, what are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup, take me, tomorrow, after the program, time, i ask, at least
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for a little while. high, the time will come, you yourself will understand, they probably whistle like bullets at the temple , moments, moments, moments, moments
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, compressed into years, compressed into centuries, and i don’t understand, sometimes, where the first moment is, where the last one, the director of the network of moments of spring tatyana lioznova was sure, the music for only tarevergeev should write the film , he felt... he felt the film material brilliantly, after reading the script, he clearly understood what he could do here as a composer, not only what was written in the script, but also what else he could offer, but the performer was not approved right away , what joseph kabzon was chosen, also thanks to tariverdeev. robert, rozhdestvensky, peredelkina invited me, asked
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me to listen to new works, he said you can try it, i said why
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not, well then come tomorrow. i don’t need kobzon, i need stirlets. tariy verdeev managed to insist on his own, only kobzon should be the performer of the songs in the film. so, he says, you have a voice, he says, forget about it, you don’t need to sing with your voice, he says, you need to, he says, sing with your soul, joseph, from the fiftieth, as they say, take i just wrote it down because i wanted to. yes, yes, yes, osya also got involved in this acting game, each moment has its own reason, its own bells, its own mark, moments are handed out,
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to whom shame, to whom infamy, and to whom immortality. rain is woven from tiny moments , ordinary water flows from heaven, and sometimes you wait almost half your life for it to come in your moment, this picture was an unprecedented success, it turns out that the ministry of internal affairs reported that when the picture was shown, there was not a single crime throughout the country, the crooks also kept a close eye on picture, we watched, the success of such a series as 17 moments of spring is impossible to imagine without the music of composer
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tareverdiev. all the filmmakers except tariverdiev received the state prize. the composer received the first state award for this painting. only 9 years later, when the picture had already been released, and semyonov for all the main, as it were, authors, participants in the picture, well-known and mikalavich tikhonov, he made such certificates that allowed him to travel anywhere. of course, tari verdiev immediately checked whether this worked an unusual pass, and mikail ilenovich, who was always eager to try and conduct an experiment. he drove out to red square, a policeman ran up to him and mikolanovich almost wanted to arrest him, he showed this id, well, in general , they saluted him and he left red square
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unharmed, i won’t live at least for long. my pain, you leave me, like a cloud, a gray cloud, you fly to your home, from here to your home, in front of mine, show up in the distance,
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to the edge... this incident was one of the reasons for the consequences mikayla's health deteriorating. it was a mean joke. the scandal happened through. 1970 and was even shown in soviet cinemas. theoretically, tareverdiev could
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hear the melody and borrow it. he didn’t attach any importance to the telegram that was shown to him at the composers’ union, he so easily threw it back on the table, thought it was a joke, and then rumors spread, they refused to publish music there , and so on and so forth. the rumors immediately became public knowledge among the entire creative intelligentsia. entered a lot, went to concerts, where from that moment i stopped loving the public, people traditionally sent him notes with questions, where there wouldn’t be at least one note that justified that you stole the music,
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the final point is this... and mika already has me and nothing close somewhere far away, very far away, there is heavy rain. right by the river in a small garden the cherries ripened, bending down to
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the ground, somewhere far away in my memory, now it’s warm like in childhood, even though the memory is covered with such large snows, you are a thunderstorm, give me something to drink, dobgin. and not to death, here again, like the last time, i’m still looking somewhere in the sky, as if i was looking for an answer, somewhere far away, very far away, there are mushroom rains, right by the river in
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a small ripened garden. this is the center of moscow, maly rzhevsky lane, building 6. the rizhsky railway station in moscow depicts a railway station in bern, switzerland , and the flower street in bern, by the way, has never been there, this is riga's jaau street. the scene of general wolf's return to berlin was filmed, of course, not in... germany, but here at the monina airfield near moscow. the german transport aircraft was replaced by the soviet li-2 aircraft, which was produced under license
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american company douglas. to make it even more convincing, the artists painted black crosses on the tail, body, and wings, but now there are red stars again. opposite the plane, two soviet uaz corn trucks, which the people... called the loaf, were very clearly visible. all this could not even be german trophies, because this equipment began to be produced only after the war. there are many similar incidents in the series. some of them are related to various kinds of objects. a carriage in bern with an inscription in russian - tara-58 tons, many noticed spectators. they didn’t pay attention to most of the other film blunders. for example, stirlitz's house is equipped with soviet plumbing. stirlets goes to meet borman wearing soviet plastic glasses in the fashion of the seventies. the motorcycles on which german
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patrols ride in the film were produced in the ussr only since 1950. and znob served the gestat. post office in bern. filmed, of course, in moscow. words in russian were replaced with latin ones. but for some reason, the telegram form that professor plishner fills out was left in russian.
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the international telegram is easy to read. the coat of arms of the soviet union smeared with ink, the inscription ussr post, they covered it up, in the next column they forgot to cover up the rubles and kopecks, so they ended up in the famous series, attention, the first main role of evgeny evstegneev in a movie was not at all heroic, what is required of you, my friends? he played the director of a pioneer camp, comrade dynin, in the film “welcome or no photography allowed to outsiders.” at that time , the actor was already 38 years old, what they came with is what they left, in other units, which is not a day of 100 years, that not a day of 100, or even 150. the film was immediately banned, it was considered anti-soviet, more specifically anti-khrushchev.
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the arts council was outraged by the allusions to corn. it seems that musicality and artistry were inherent in the actor by nature, and zhenya evstegneev could not escape this, although no one in the family thought about his acting future. and here you need to understand that he was born and
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raised in absolute rudeness, in this house. in nizhny novgorod, evsttikmeev lived with his mother as an adult when he moved from the village. our film crew was lucky. we probably the last ones who managed to rent this house. evstegneeva’s mother, maria ivanovna, worked as a trainer at the krasnoe etno plant. in the forty -third year, after finishing the seven-year school , her son zhenya also came there to work with the woodsman. but nature still took its toll. after work , he spoke to wounded soldiers and sang. played the guitar, while still in the pioneer camp, zhenya experimented with a bugle, played wooden spoons on a saw, but his hobby
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was drums. after the war, evstegneev played in a factory jazz ensemble, it became a real an outlet, he was simply happy there. he says, you say, you can’t imagine, in gorky, when i played drums in the factory orchestra, all the girls were mine, i enjoyed such success, can you imagine, i boasted, at one of the factory performances the rector of nizhny novgorod saw you, then. theater school and invited me to study as an artist. so the music world lost a wonderful drummer. but kinomir acquired a great actor. this was the first sharp turn in the fate of evgeny evstegneev, but he almost missed it. how much to pay “will they be,” zhenya asked the rector. 75 rubles when you finish. evstegneev laughed.
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now i get 175 clean, i’ll stay at the factory. but the rector did not back down and invited evstegneev to the theater to watch a performance, where he himself acted and was not mistaken. zhenya was shocked by the theater and came. for entrance exams. after graduating from college in nizhny novgorod, he went on assignment to work at the vladimir theater. there they immediately recognized an excellent comedian in the twenty-five-year-old but already balding graduate. over three seasons, he played 23 roles. and in programs, starting in 1951, they are literally everyone, he is involved in every performance. the audience began to laugh as soon as evstegneev appeared on stage. the slightest gesture enhanced the effect. the same thing
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happened. hey, you’re not even worthy to die from a noble hand, i gave you a gold coin, but whoever took yours, give it back, i ’m dissatisfied with you. evgeny evstegneev came to work at the sovremennik theater immediately after graduating from the mkhat studios school. he also got there by accident. on the stage of vladimirsky theater rector veniamin rodomyslensky saw him and immediately understood that such an actor should not be missed. he invited evstegneev to study. to moscow without any entrance exams straight into the third year, so the twenty-eight-year-old provincial actor appeared before his fellow students, among whom was the capital’s hottie galina volchik,
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of course he was somehow incredible , some kind of monster for us, a purple jacket , in my opinion he was creepy, in general, well, actually some kind of bob, then this shirt was called, such a bob, he had a little the jacket had long sleeves, just like that, yes, the shoulders were like that, shoulders, no man visible, just shoulders, he understood that he was among the capital, well, as they would say now, such a party bamont, you know, standing, and he understood , that her pose... should resemble a person, according to his concepts, from the high society, so he stuck out his butt, as they say, and smoked like that, he didn’t
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talk, everyone looked at him, not understanding who he was, his talent was so obvious, his talent was so demonstrative, he was an actor of god's grace. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly, live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. over 28 years of work in cinema , evstegneev played in 114 films. even his relatives cannot immediately choose a favorite one, although no, they still can. so, now i can’t name it right away, probably, well,
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what’s a dog’s heart? scissors, but i don’t understand how he played a dog’s heart, kill me, i don’t understand, yes, a super intelligent person, but he’s a simple man, you have to be able to eat. it feels like he really is of some kind of high, high blood, this is for the audience, this is a mystery, just as
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much of a mystery. why? i don’t know, he always told me, he says, you know, sasha, he says, here you have to be very attentive to be an artist, he says, you have to have amazing attention, he says, you never, he says, paid attention to how people sit at table, someone says, someone takes a three-piece like this,
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someone like that. for a little leg, someone will grab it, and this is the character speaking, by the way, let's check you, repeat, hurry up, listen, your head is fine, everything seems to be fine, but what if only a crazy person would want to learn step dance with such a sense of rhythm? with broken legs and a gait like yours? on a winter evening in gagra he played, a tap dancer, an artist , well, in fact, he had nothing to do with the stage , his gait changed, i remember the first time we were filming a scene where he was walking there in a long shot, suddenly i saw that he had absolutely a different gait than look at the gait on a winter evening in gagra and look at the gait in the seventeenth moment of spring, absolutely two different people in... this is a great
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artist who is able to transform in an instant. the beginning of filming seventeen moments tikhanov was already a favorite of the public. leonid bronevoy was known only in narrow theatrical circles. a couple of movie episodes only. but she decided to give another central role in the film to the unpromoted armored one. the director's instincts did not let her down, as always. stirlets shot müller in the head. the bullet bounced off. armored, thought stirlets. one scene, 2-3 minutes screen time, lioznova could film for hours, exhausting work on each frame, endlessly long rehearsals. well, when we were driving in the car, it was - well, it was difficult to get into the car, and uh, there was not enough space there, and
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the cameras were standing, the light was already set. however, he very soon refused with the words “it does not suit me, as the secretary of the mustfilm port committee, to play the role of a seasoned fascist.” then luozno looked at five more applicants. the armored one was chosen. who else shared your defeatist sentiments? which of your
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colleagues, subordinates, assistants? who more? who? this is the first appearance of leonid bronevoy on camera. the interrogation scene was added to the film at the insistence of a kgb consultant who was always present during the filming. i came up and said: hello, they told me that you don’t like something, he says: well, he looks very kind, charming, kind, i say, what do you want me to take? child by the legs and hit his head against the wall, the film is not about that, it’s about the struggle of worldviews, about the struggle of two intelligence services, go to your place and write everything that you consider necessary to write, the role of the mueller for leonida bronevoy was very important, he was already 45 years old, but before that he had almost never acted in films, this was the main obstacle in his approval for the role, we had a common friend with him, the kingdom of heaven, the head of tropes and...
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wonderful underrated actor grigory lampa. and so, when tatyana liozno
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was looking for muller and grisha lamb began to persuade. because his father was condemned as an enemy of the people, he made a mistake, he didn’t listen to his mother, she told him, i think his older brother, who was very big, played a role here security officer, almost 40 years later, the fact that bronevoy’s uncle held a high position in the nkvd of ukraine will surprisingly intersect with his acting career when the film 17 moments of spring was submitted for approval to the chairman of the kgb of the ussr, yuri androp. it turned out that the name broneva was familiar to him even before the war . andropov yuri vladimirovich, when he was still a boy, was dying of grief, and lived with my uncle, with my father’s brother, and was fed
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by him for a month, and survived thanks to this, when many years later he was shown the material, he he says who he is, someone i knew about him, where he lived. “it was a difficult time for the whole country, the stigma of an enemy of the people broke the fate of people, regardless of state merits, status and ranks. sergei bronevoy, an nkvd employee, was arrested in 1937, well, under the influence of this brother, he went to work there and made a very big mistake a mistake that ruined the whole life of the family, the mother’s short-sightedness.” was smarter. the father was sentenced to 10 years. bella armored and her eight-year-old son received an order leave your native kyiv within 24 hours. they spent 4 years in exile in the kirov region.
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they left everything, everything they had, the apartment, there was a piano left in the room, that’s where i studied violin, violin, before that. i looked at the click of the violin, it says there , i didn’t even know that it was an expensive violin, they left everything, in may 41 the armored soldiers were allowed to return to kiev, in june the war began and again the road to evacuation to kazakhstan, i didn’t quite understand, who understood what war was. first of all, i remember hunger, endless hunger, endless hunger, until military, military, after the military, at the age of 14 in
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evacuation, lenya became a baker's apprentice, a loader and a dough mixer all in one, the work was bread-making, but perhaps it was the hardest bread in his life. i came thin and hungry. i made it there with them and plunged headlong into this dough, they pulled me out and said no, i already need to feed him for it in 1945 when i finished. “did you join the party? i say, no, how
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can you not join, the party gave you everything, this is after 10 years of imprisonment. i say, yes, it gave you everything, either he was a fanatic, or he was a person of narrow mind, which is actually the same thing. the father's attempts to restore the family were unsuccessful. mom was against his return. he asked, he called me all the time
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, “can’t she come to him?” “ i unexpectedly received an answer: come , let’s see, before the selection committee the armored man read taras bulba’s monologue, i said, well, should i sing something else or what? no, don’t , go, i went, sat for a long time, gribov was there too, alexey nikolaevich came out, said, you have half a liter, and that you were taken to the third year, the armored one became a favorite of gribov, gribov took the young actor on tour in the provinces, gave him the opportunity... to earn a lot, especially since gribov saw that i
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was starving again, he said, let’s do the same thing, pochekhova is an attacker, you are the investigator, and i, who are the nuts, and we went just kidding with him, gribov took some boy from the provinces and lets them earn 15 rubles. he came to school already formed and very well known in the provinces. life, he did not know that
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new, tragic twists of fate awaited him ahead. in the fifty-fifth year of graduation from the studio school mkhat, when oleg efremov organized his famous contemporary, armored, unlike many of his fellow students, did not receive an invitation to this theater, and other moscow theaters did not offer him work, he was forced to leave again for the province, to the grozny drama theater. dream about the moscow stage. in grozny, at the lermontov theater, the troupe played in a half-empty hall; i played
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stalin in the evening and sold the leftovers in the morning. if i start telling how i exchanged voronezh for moscow, it’s better not to know, and honor and praise to him that this is all, keeping in mind, they kick you out, they don’t take you there, you go there, and until the end believe in yourself in the possibility of your existence in this profession, listen, they break down. 80% of the artists, 80 , if not more, bronevoy’s family, his late wife’s aunt’s daughter was almost starving, finding himself in a hopeless situation, bronevoy found an unexpected way to make money, i stayed on the boulevard to play dominoes, but i didn’t know that if you win on the boulevard,
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god forbid the ruble, you have to continue the game, they almost killed me, there are these old people, i was young, i say, well, let me tell you tomorrow i’ll lose, i need this now , i won 2 rubles, let me leave, this is my situation, the armored man doesn’t give up, continuing to look for work, he finally finds it, andrei gonchurov, at a stupid time the artistic director of the theater on the small armored one takes him to the corpse very soon armored, the leading artist of this theater. by that time , the armored man’s personal life had been determined, his daughter had grown up, and he had met, perhaps, the main person in his destiny. victoria, an ordinary engineer from a design bureau. perhaps it was this meeting became the main reward for all his losses. i hope you remember me, arkady velurov, couplets, satire and political phileton. didn't understand? for 7 years, leonit and victoria tested their feelings, then they decided to get married, but the marriage registration itself ended unexpectedly for
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the bride. margarita pallov did not order us to stay late at check-in time. calmly. shooting day, preparing for filming in the seventeenth moment of spring, leonid sergeevich could not do without the help of his wife, they learned complex dialogues together, he for muller, she for stirlitz. thank you, great, my friend, you always helped me out, i love you tenderly in a comradely way. mikhail andreevich suslov really did not like the film. he
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might not have come out at all if he had not been protected by the minister of defense, marshal grechka and... he watched it, he liked it very much, in general, they gave us these awards, and for that reason, the armored, brilliant one played the role of muller, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i am aware that
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bronevoy has about 50 film roles, many of which are memorable. shalevich appeared in front of the camera. liozny gasped. the actor in make-up looked very similar on the real cia chief. we managed to find only one photograph of him. shalevich’s
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makeup was based on it. tserushnik, i am a damned fascist , they must, lonovoy most vividly remembers the scene at the airfield, the thugs, muller, former athletes, boxers and wrestlers are playing here, general wolf, played by lunovoy, gets off the plane, and cannot take his eyes off these thugs in he's in civilian clothes, but the sight of the thugs makes him feel uneasy; the fact is that the director ordered him not to say anything to lonovoy about the appearance of these characters. and he got scared for real, which for the sake of greater authenticity i was striving for, i go out, and
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i understand everything that these millstones right now will grind me in a second, and i stand and can see,
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this is on my face, it looks much more pleasant, they destroyed the myth about the third reich , which existed before this, before this year, until the seventy-third, the beginning
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of the seventies, there was a completely different myth about the third reich, it was a bunch of bloody maniacs, idiots, morons, well, criminals and scum, and we mean with them fought, here in on the seventeenth weekend of spring, a worthy opponent was shown, with tanya's talent
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it suddenly became clear that... a lanky young man with a thin neck, it seemed like nothing special, but all the girls in the saratov palace of pioneers knew who lyolik tabakov was, a hooligan and an inventor, he was lying in wait for them under the stairs and scared with terrible screams, and then he came out on stage in gilded shoes with blue bows and played a storyteller, girls' hearts melted under his magical charm. tabakov first saw lyudmila krylova, his first wife, in a photograph. he i was choosing a partner for the filming of the film
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"road to the sea". oleg savin in a noisy day and became famous throughout the country, girls swept away his photographs from the union print kiosks, so an actor of this rank could afford to choose his partner himself. tabakov spent a long time looking through photographs of young actresses, but he didn’t like anyone. then they showed him krylov. but this, perhaps, would be suitable, he announced
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to the director. it was ours. quite quickly our relationship reached its zenith. a man must provide for his family. for tabakov these are not just words. co during his student years, he managed to study, act in films, act on stage, sometimes two or three roles per performance. apparently due to a shortage. pants, just the male part of the troupe, sometimes he had to play two or three roles, and somehow this way out of the situation stuck, get up, get up, oblomov wouldn’t dream of such activity in his worst nightmare, but tabakov, on the contrary, couldn’t live without it, he i wanted to do everything at once, while i was young, while i had the strength, no one suspected
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how... it could turn out one day at a rehearsal of a play of an ordinary story, tabakov felt pain in his chest, the actor shrugged it off, the nonsense would soon pass, but it didn’t , half an hour later the ambulance team took tabakov to the hospital, and an hour later the contemporary’s artistic director oleg efremov was informed that your artist had a heart attack,
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it is unknown when he will get back to his feet. 29 years old, it later turned out that over the past 8 years the actor had worked in forty projects, he had to sleep no more than 4 hours a day, his heart simply could not withstand the stress, after being discharged from the hospital, despite the prohibitions of doctors, he immediately went on stage, humanity now it requires the best minds, pure hearts, honest souls, i don’t know how to explain it easier to you, aduev’s role in... ordinary history has become his truly stellar role. tabakov was generally used to working a lot, with almost no time left for home and family. son anton grew up behind the scenes. i was there, well, as a child at the theater. and all my toys, these were there, when even my dad had an office on mayakovskaya square and it just coincided with
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the fact that... he played schelenberg and they always brought him these costumes there cockades with, in the sense of a cap with cockades, there were some other paraphernalia, this is what i remember exactly, it took up most of my time, i studied it, tried to fit in, put it on, took it off, in general , did something like that. crafts role of the head of german foreign intelligence of the fuhrer ss brigade walter schelenberg. became one of the most memorable roles of oleg tabakov. the actor turned out to not only look very similar to his character, he also made him surprisingly charming, and yet he played a phishist. it is known that at a closed screening moments later, the head of the kgb, yuri andropov, approached tabakov and quietly said: it is immoral to play the ss brigade so well, meaning
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the unconditional sympathy that his hero aroused among the audience, i am very pleased that you understand everything so accurately, here are the relatives schelenberg, on the contrary, wrote a letter of gratitude to the actor. well, yes, the postcard was received to the effect that thank you, that you were as kind as uncle valt was kind, how much we forgot during the war, first of all, we forgot ourselves, like a coat in in the wardrobe after a heavy drinking session on easter, yes, like a coat in the wardrobe, they stopped writing poetry a long time ago, i didn’t start at all, a small lie gives rise to great distrust in the gap. the occupation is a very feminine occupation, in general, a man after


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