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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 25, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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then within a week new talents will plop down on this sofa so that the whole country will exclaim, they are the best. see you on channel one, and i ask you, do not rush to grow up, message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly, live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00. zero moscow time.
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hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. avdeevka, how was it? we are here on the seventeenth, yes it was, yes, we dispersed, i, the chief of the general staff, early in the morning, already at 4:00 am, patiently breaking through the enemy’s defenses and a daring underground passage to success.
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we are starting the games of the future in russia away from home. cool, just a bomb. and at home , unconditionally, who comes to live with us, sometimes halfway around the world. when i send my children to school or kindergarten, i know that they will not be pitted against their parents. study, get treatment, see the country, turnkey quality . cinema of captivating happiness, what about our dream, radio dreams, we can die, decembrists, see more, find out why then everything went one way and no other way, some absolutely amazing time, and people, and an event, it still sounds, although 200 years have passed soon, the union of salvation, what exactly will you see tomorrow after the program time.
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so, the main thing for the week, on the ukrainian plan , is the counter-offensive, which began with great fanfare last summer, we can put an end to it, as the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu reported to vladimir putin, this became possible after establishing control over the krynki in the kherson region, and of course, the enemy’s flight from avdeevka near donetsk. both settlements, the zelensky regime abandoned significant resources, which, as the military put it, were ground in krynki, this is our left bank of the dnieper. the enemy held on to the bridgehead from which he hoped to develop success. from ovdeevka, where he had been creating defenses for years, the result was a chaotic flight. alexey kruchinin, more details. the fact that the avdeevka garrison of the ukrainian armed forces was doomed became clear already in early february. but finally this victory, perhaps the most significant since the capture of artyomovsk, was confirmed by sergei’s report shaig, supreme commander. when there was no longer any doubt, the cleansing was completed, avdiivka was complete. all this
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time, vladimir putin delved into the smallest details of the liberation of the city. receiving operational information, the president was in contact around the clock with the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff, the commander of the center group andrei mordvichev and commanders at various levels. you and i are here on the seventeenth, yes it was, but we separated, you and i, the chief of the general staff, early in the morning, already at 4:00 in the morning, then you reported that the situation was the avgeevsky direction is developing.
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in order to cover up this move and give it the appearance of such an organized conclusion, we see and know that this is not so, that it was in fact an escape. vdeevka, the largest bridgehead for a potential attack on donetsk, has been strengthened by the ukrainian armed forces since the fifteenth year, generously filled with concrete, according to some estimates, almost 180,000 tons were spent. we stocked up on observation equipment and firing points, simultaneously shelling donetsk and yasenovataya igorlovka from various types of artillery in varvarsk. the distance allowed to hit aiming. for a long time, ovdeevka was considered impregnable, and it was obvious that it could not be taken head-on. from the very beginning of the special operation , russian troops systematically surrounded the city, approaching the supply routes along which... everything was delivered to ovdeevka, from water to ammunition. having taken the roads under fire control, the garrisons of the ukrainian armed forces, figuratively speaking, stepped on the throat. logistics have been disrupted. then came the first major success within the city limits. we got hooked on the famous industrial zone in the southeast. a small but important springboard. and then the russian fighters
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proved that there are no unsolvable problems, only the will and ingenuity. you can always find a way out, which sometimes looks like an entrance. in the case of ovdeevka - the entrance to the pipe. through it, our troops made their way behind enemy lines near the former. hotel complex tsarskaya okhota. we talked with the commander of the assault group of the volunteer detachment, and the veterans who carried out, in our opinion, a unique operation , passing through a pipe to the south of aldeevka, going behind enemy lines, almost 3.5 km and establishing there, in general, a fairly significant bridgehead, to to which then the rest of the troops fought their way for another 3 days, and what was done. successfully, you remembered about veterans, all military units, all servicemen , of course, deserve the highest awards, encouragement and words of gratitude from the country, from russia, from our
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people, well, what can you say, all the guys acted courageously and heroically, even the strongest glass, say physicists, has a so-called critical...
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than to destroy everything, burn it, and the order came to the remaining soldiers, first leave the wounded. here is one of these wounded , abandoned and desperate, crying, talking with his sister, while there is still internet in the basement, she cries, realizing that she can no longer help, everyone left, everyone retreated, they told us
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that the car would take us away, both of my legs are broken, there are fragments in my back, i can’t do anything at all, but how the stinks could have left you, i don’t know, that’s all.
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2400 - this is not our data, this is their data, we take into account everything connected with those whom they could not abandon, did not evacuate, which means that these are big losses, taking into account the fact that like us reported on the sixteenth, and not until the fourteenth and thirteenth they transferred to kuksakhim, yes, two battalions, well , these are already nationalists who really...
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clearly decided under cover, at the mercy of the advancing army, the azovites left the ukrainian mobilized, who to the end they didn’t know that they were doomed, they took the last one, the seventh house from here, they just locked themselves in the basement and trembled, now we surrender to them, you are surrounded, they say: we have different information, zelensky said that we have here reserve troops, i say, no, no, no, guys , we’re still surrendering, seven people were captured
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, they surrendered, after all, we convinced them that we didn’t want to kill anyone, on the contrary, we didn’t even know that they weren’t they knew that the city was already surrounded, they had no idea, they were thrown here like meat for slaughter, i say, guys, come to your senses, you are all slavs, well, in general, we convinced these guys to surrender, the youngest was 38 years old, myself. the eldest is 62. the khimik district is closer to the city center, dense buildings, everything around is dug with trenches. those who were being prepared for the assault on avdeevka knew that they would face an exorbitant load, and that’s how it turned out. the windows are sealed, there are bricks behind them, cabinets , that is, the first time, even if there is a direct hit from a grenade launcher, it will not penetrate it, so every house here, for every fortification, since 1914 they have been sitting here, digging, taking this into account, you understand why one like this was needed to defeat the enemy in avdeevka. five regiments that particularly distinguished themselves in the battles for
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the city. to prevent leaks, radio silence was established before the assault. information about the advance of our troops was kept secret until russian flags appeared in all key areas. of course, they would not have been able to defeat this super-fortress without artillery and pilots. the density of fire during the offensive was colossal. the dungeons of the armed forces of ukraine trembled and crumbled from high-precision charges of krasnopol gliding adjustable ones. we started working in this direction actually 2 months before today, and here, of course , many different weapons were involved , and objective control of strikes was established movements of enemy troops, both day and night, such attacks we had in the last 24 hours before the enemy left this territory of avdeevka.
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a lot of weapons were thrown, a lot of rounds , manpads, well, actually, everything is now being tidied up, a lot of work is going on to clear mines, having gathered forces, russian troops carried out a knockout series of attacks , talking about the situation in avdievka, sergei shaigu reported to the president about taking control of the krynok , the last bridgehead of the ukrainian armed forces on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. another symbol of the bloody stubbornness of the kiev mode. it would seem how you can gain a foothold on a patch if the only way to get there is to cross. the dnieper is under the gun of russian copters, mortars and artillery. shots in the cannons sounded as the last echo
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of the failed ukrainian counter-offensive. kiev sent its selected soldiers there until our paratroopers, under the command of the airborne forces commander , colonel general mikhail teplinsky , put an end to it. here are some of the last prisoners caught during the cleanup in the krynki. here they were, some boys got caught, they wanted to hide. it's okay, we'll find everyone. i also talked to mikhail yuryevich the day before yesterday. he reported to me about the settlement of krynka on the left bank of the dnieper, i would like to hear your assessment of what is happening in this area. i know. teplinsky, i confirm his report, this is indeed so, the tanks have been cleared, four brigades of the enemy’s thirtieth marine corps were concentrated there, this is a well-equipped, trained, rested, equipped with both weapons and medical personnel, a formation that was supposed to carry out this
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to create the very breakthrough through the sky. but it’s like a trap, and they climb and climb and climb into this trap, but be that as it may, judging by the practice that we observe, these reckless actions can be repeated, so i ask you to keep this in mind. our successes continued for weeks with the capture of a village with the self-explanatory name of victory. it lies on the way from donetsk to kurakhovo, still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. the settlement
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is small, but what is more important here is not its size, but the fact that kiev has fewer and fewer opportunities to terrorize the capital. pipe in avdeevka with several exits to the farthest almost 4 km, is guaranteed to be included in textbooks on military affairs. the underground passage behind the enemy defense line turned out to be so effective. it was not enough to come up with an idea, you had to believe in the plan, and then patiently and secretly, day after day, under the most difficult conditions, bring it to life. amir yusupov was able to evaluate it on the spot.
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what do you have here: sweden, sweden, poland, czech republic. germany, yes, almost everyone, america, america, how would we be without it? three steps to victory. industrial zone, kaksakhim plant, royal hunt. and each of these steps were very difficult. the brigade fighters, veterans of the volunteer corps, entered the industrial zone, also known as the industrial zone, together with the attack aircraft of the first army corps, and the tank crews of the tenth tank regiment helped them. you have the nerve to drive up several vehicles at once in the second year of the northern military district and work with direct fire. they would burn them right away, but it worked, precisely because by that time it had become something unusual, the guys literally drove in and put their trust in the armor, well, in the armor, in my experience, it was probably surprising when the tanks came straight into close contact , that is, they approached the firing points point-blank and shot them. as a result, the huge fortified area came under our control, the enemy was pushed back into the nearest forest belts,
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and, as always, after losing a position, he began to erase them with all his guns. 3 months ago, immediately after... ours took on another important strategic point: tirikon behind the avdeevka coke plant, the soldiers of the 114th brigade recaptured it, the tankers also led the attack aircraft, literally shielded them with armor, they flew into the cars continuously. all crew the leading tank is now the heroes of russia and the tank, the guys received a brand new
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t-90m for their feat, only from the factory, and quickly, they didn’t even have time to get from moscow to the northern military district zone. not even a day... in respect to them the honor of respect. the soldiers thank their commanders for a reason, because there was only one alternative: to storm all three lines of defense head-on. the losses would not have been small, but instead.
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here they are walking above you, if they found out, they would simply smoke us out of this chimney, our opponents were periodically heard, this added tension, we heard how they talk as if there was a dugout or something like that, it was cool that i walk under them, and they don’t even realize, you definitely don’t want to climb.
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they monitored everyone's movements, so the safest and best way was through the pipe. yes, we didn’t prepare for defense for 10 years, of course, here it was possible to prepare such a defense that we wouldn’t even have approached, but we did it, we deceived the enemy, we did the impossible and made our way through this legendary avdeevka defense. the armed forces of ukraine tried to regain control over the royal hunt for almost a week, technicians arrived.
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the fat guy is hammering something, i won’t say what, well, we’ll bury ourselves, why do you need this? well, they are also soldiers, they also have families, they also have wives and children. having forgotten about this, the command of the ukrainian armed forces continued to throw people to slaughter, while our fighters at this time made another exit from the pipe, a little further away near the private sector. who's next there? footage filmed by a veteran brigade fighter, one of the first attempts to enter the private sector. the enemy is clearly busy with the royal hunt, the buildings are abandoned, everyone is running there, running, running, ours are moving through the streets
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, combing houses, occasionally encountering resistance, they threw a grenade, threw it into the basement, everything is correct, we are working, working, be careful, steps, look, the next day the veterans enter the second and third streets, someone behind ... the ukrainians are taking over the street, come here, run, young man, here you control it together, here you control it, control it all around, hold it,
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defend it, hold it, how did the guys hold on? i don't know, on character. an enemy bradley infantry fighting vehicle is blown up by a mine so that the enemy does not try to evacuate an expensive overseas gift, our soldiers, to be on the safe side, also throw grenades at the car, fire grenade launchers, they don’t use anything more than what is called heavy weapons, they simply don’t exist, you can’t drag them through a pipe. now there will be an explosion, an armored vehicle that was blown up, finishing it off, veterans are filming, chernyshevsky street, the end of the street. as a result, the veterans are assigned to nineteen houses and hold the defense; vladimir putin also notes the heroism of the guys. this group of veterans, ahead of our troops, broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka, captured 19 houses and is holding them successfully. the men there fight as they should,
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they fight as they should. guys, these words. we heard much later, absolutely right, these are the very houses that vladimir vladimirovich putin spoke about, these are the very first 19 houses that we took, it was nice when you heard, honestly, on a high, it was very nice, they were directly appreciated on this level, to be honest , we didn’t expect at all that they would pay attention to us, in the week that our militants stayed here on this street, all the houses were equal to ground, just compare the footage taken in the first days after...
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it turns out exactly the opposite, the dashing enthusiasm immediately disappears, we leave, we leave, a thirteen-minute video on the official channel of the brigade, we won’t run, we won’t run, they’ll shoot through, even an action movie .
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after liberation, many are still hiding in abandoned houses in the basements in the hope of changing clothes to leave the city under the guise of civilians, so our guys are now combing the streets. andrey is one of those who were abandoned on the first line so that the azov people could leave avdeevka. i was surprised that they abandoned those who were not fired upon, this time, as if the arrangement of positions surprised us, we were positioned like this, firstly, illiterately, from what i saw, 50,
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threw grenades, then they threw at him, he was shell-shocked, he was captured, woke up, admitted that the attack aircraft, our fighters appreciated it, they clapped , they say, the first person, he says, we already have eight cooks here, 12 drivers, he says, he says, on smoke, he says, honesty, that is, everyone there laughed, they are as many as something from there they called the neighbor, they said, fuck it, he said, don’t look at the cook, that is, we all have cooks now, as i understand it. defeats in the private sector, the enemy’s defenses crumbled, in the area of ​​​​high-rise buildings he almost did not resist, surrendered, went into the fields, in the fields we encounter each other, because the enemy does not know the terrain, he begins to wander, begins to muzzle, some of the enemy, manpower, sometimes they even come out to us themselves, because they get lost, get lost, they no longer know which way to go, here’s one of these lost ones, he was in the military defense, stood at a checkpoint, then he was thrown into
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avdeevka, 17 days before the surrender of the city , an airstrike hit the basement, out of 13 people there were only three 3/3 left, there were three alive, all 200 later. the survivors were sent to the front line in another unit, they all died together under artillery shelling, when there were four of them left, the order came to leave their positions, but it was too late, by that time the remnants of the ukrainian armed forces were already surrounded, we immediately walked 50 m of a wide road, on at this intersection there are three at once, because they immediately there were 200 three of them, but they were machine gunned, they fell on there a little further from the intersection, i fell a little behind under...
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color, the brigade banner, veterans, the city was completely liberated from the fsu militants, who positioned their artillery right here, between the buildings and they were hitting donetsk, it ’s just a stone’s throw away, and you can see the building. now he doesn’t fly to donetsk so often; in ovdeevka , people are no longer afraid to leave their basements and
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houses. valentina is even removing the bench, it stood between two thick walls, here the woman took cover from shelling, more i hope it won’t be needed, i slept today and turned everything off.
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imagine, he took out the last money and gave it to me, imagine, i didn’t want to take it, but he said: take it, these are tears, the first news about the fate of relatives and friends: aunt valya lies under the rubble, she lies there too, and the basement has put everything, she is under lies in rubble, i don’t know how to convey this, tanya, who fled from the city, a unit of the ukrainian armed forces found out where the people were , destroyed these very buildings with artillery strikes, recently, well, a week ago... ukraine committed sabotage, 15 people were killed by the atb, then the department stores were bombed, 30 people died there at the anniversary party, also in the basement, in general they targeted where there were a lot of people
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in the basements, that is, they knew where everyone was sitting, yes they did, and before that they came and asked , who lives where, we walk along avdeevka, the bread factory district, such an apocalypse is here today, there must have been a market square. a lot of shops, naturally destroyed and burned, some kind of cash register, perhaps there was even a bus station, but every now and then we meet residents on the streets, some ask not show their faces, they fear for their relatives in ukraine, how are you here, but we’ve been holding on since 1914, this is one of the points on the map of the city where the enemy tried to hold back our advancing troops. they established a foothold here, they attacked here , they launched drones here on this apyatina, and so yes, i have this alley, a house in trash, four flights into one house, those who refused to evacuate to ukraine stayed, as
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the locals say, the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine no longer accepted them as their own, mine is the only one, and he has something like a td radio, well, kukransky, where am i in the krenitsa, that is, i’m in the store, quickly , meet, bastards, damn them, and we will pray for you, guys, god bless you for you, we waited, what it’s like to feel like second-class citizens for almost 10 years, they terrorized us, they kicked us out of here city, they wanted us to leave , leave the city, and why didn’t you leave, where, only to russia, we tried not to talk to the ukrainian military, not to look them in the eyes, so as not to accidentally anger us, because we speak russian, and they demanded ukrainian from us, now we...
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no, it’s just, you know, it’s scary to approach them, well, we’re all waiting for them here, you know, so they came to us there in the department stores where we lived.
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daughter, don’t worry, everything is fine , like you, yourself, well, in the evening there were shelling from there, because the basement was well shaken twice, but, well, that’s it, daughter, i’ll come, then i’ll tell you everything, daughter lydia vladimirovna left for donetsk almost 10 years ago, after her data was entered on the fascist website peacemaker, for more than a year, there was not even contact, everything was a daughter, then i asked the young people people here phone. “well, that’s it, that
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’s it, bye, my dear, i love you very much, and dad, dad loved you very much, he really wanted to see you, that’s it, bye, bye, that’s it, i’ll call you again later, when it became clear that the city is completely released, watchman, miraculously surviving the church of st. magdalene, climbed the bell tower, began to ring the bell, but with joy, with emotions, yes , i wanted, people knew, everything. we are at home, well , i called, many heard, well, of course, on what, i called everything, everything so that they know that everything, ours, the temple was almost not damaged, even though it was in in the very epicenter of the battles, shrapnel flew into the windows, knocked down, pieces fell, the main dome is intact, the bell tower is intact, and it is there, there, there, it gathers, blinds, despite the danger of shelling, many still do not want to leave their homes. there is nowhere to run behind moscow. many men stayed
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specifically to help restore their hometown. this is how we communicate with each other about what will happen to our city. everything was killed, everything was destroyed, the plant. if there is a sponsor or whatever they are called, there will be something that will restore it. of course, the city is slowly they will restore it, i wanted. and, although the front line has moved, it is still not far, damage assessment has already begun. the chelyabinsk region has taken patronage over the city, but, of course, all of russia will help. avdeevka is now part of our country. dmitry tolmachev, sergey ponomarev, igor kritskov, roman serebrennikov, dmitry kucheryavets, kristina neznanova, channel one. on friday, russia celebrated defender of the fatherland day. on the eve of the holiday, vladimir putin presented awards to combat pilots at the chikalovsky airfield near moscow. glad for the opportunity today to present high state awards to aviation units and units of the aerospace forces. their personnel is soldiers. the officers showed courage and bravery
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during a special military operation, carried out thousands of combat missions, and demonstrated the highest skill in solving assigned tasks. pilot retraining. the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel was awarded the order of suvorov. the order of zhukov recognizes the services of the fifteenth army aviation brigade. the order of kutuzov was awarded to the 487th separate helicopter post. to the command aerospace forces. the supreme commander-in-chief handed over a list of the icon of the man-made spasoni. it will be kept in the main temple of military pilots throughout russia in moscow. this same week, defense minister sergei. shaigu presented gold stars to military personnel who, by presidential decree , were awarded the title hero of russia for their valor during a special operation. and at the command post of the group of troops center, the soldiers who liberated avdeevka received orders and medals from the hands of the chief of the general staff valery gerasimov. on tuesday, perhaps, for the first time there was
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described in detail how russia began to prepare for a ukrainian counter-offensive when our intelligence discovered his plan and began to receive details, this is what sergei shaigu told the editor-in-chief of the tas agency mikhail petrov: the president decided to create a deeply chaotic line of defense along the entire length of the line of contact, this more than 2.0 km, but this is not just a deeply chalked line of defense, this is a defense that allows you to conduct not just defense, active defense, that is, to attack in certain directions, well and... at the same time, knock out, knock out, knock out, knock out the enemy's weapons forces, knock out and do this virtually every day around the clock, and for this, again, reconnaissance is needed, intelligence data, then a decision was made, and several were carried out such operational meetings, where
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the plan was presented, it was approved by the president, while we were
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given the thumbs down, but of course, all this with the possibility, i repeat once again, of conducting active defense. and this defense was justified. in the summer of 2023, nato specialists planned, and zelensky promised to open corridors to mariupol, melitopol and berdyansk, cut off ours to crimea and return the sea of ​​azov. for this, the west transferred over 2,600 tanks, more than 2.0 armored vehicles, and other equipment to kiev. noted the famous military expert konstantin sevkov in an article for the tas agency. more than 45% of the personnel of the total force and more than 75% of the strategic reserve have been trained according to nato standards. in other words, our troops were opposed by the nature of their training precisely by nato’s personal
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compound. the russian army prepared thoroughly to repel this offensive. measures were taken to create defenses along the entire front line. enemy. had to suffer heavy losses in trained personnel and military equipment, having largely lost the combat effectiveness of its strategic group in eastern ukraine. in this regard, the actions of our troops are reminiscent of the kurdish strategic defensive operation of the soviet army in the summer campaign of 1943. as a result of the events of the summer of forty-three on the kursk bulge strategically repeated in 2023 in the southeast of ukraine. hitler plotting operation citadel. kursk will receive gigantic resources to open the way to the previously abandoned stalingrad and gain the opportunity to advance on moscow. the red army crushed this group and thereby predetermined the outcome of the entire second world war. so now the citadel is 2:0 according to zelensky. adjusted, of course, for the difference in firepower and technology from the last century to the present day. the current success
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of the russian army again affects the global situation in the world, not in favor of the collective west. ivan kanavalov will continue. strategic stability is the basic concept of great power relations in military terms. the higher its level, the lower the likelihood of a large-scale, especially nuclear war. but the dialogue must be two-way: the collective west , led by the united states, using ukraine as a springboard in the fight against russia, is playing a double game, driving the situation into a strategic impasse, from which the west will sooner or later have to get out on russian terms. and as for the periods of stability, we are here too never refused dialogue, but of course make sure that they are united. and the entire west, on the one hand, is calling for the strategic defeat of russia, on the other hand, they allegedly intend and want
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to negotiate with us on passion-stability, believing that one issue is in no way connected with the other, but this will not be possible if they seek to inflict a strategic defeat on us , then we must think about what, what is strategic stability for our country, therefore... equipped with nuclear warheads. the basis the air components of the russian nuclear triad are
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the tu-160 supersonic variable-sweep wing strategic missile carriers, known as the white swans. their new, deeply modernized versions are produced at the kazan aviation plant named after grabunov. the president of russia checked for himself what improvements and changes the tu-160-m received, having completed a half-hour flight on a missile carrier in the pilot’s cabin. we are getting new equipment, the equipment is excellent, it is truly of a new generation, as i told the commander, now i’ll say it once, and the leadership of the ministry of revolution , of course, can be accepted into the armed forces, this is a really new, new machine, in many ways new, it handles better, it can be seen even with the naked and unprofessional eye, it is highly reliable. this is a new, new plane. putin flew on a missile carrier called ilya muromets. muromets and three more such aircraft have already been transferred to
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the russian armed forces. the name for one of the cars from this batch was proposed by the president. what was the first plane exactly? we called the first plane valentinashka, then we called it geronica costs. well, here is the 902 car, which is the first defense serine, still without a name, that we are in tatakhstan. i think this is how they fly in their dreams. the current tupolev missile carrier has retained its external appearance, but it is being created on a completely new
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technological base: modernized engines, modern avionics on-board equipment, as well as the latest weapons control system. in addition, the aircraft received an electronic warfare system, the production scheme is changing, today it is also a slipway, there will be a conveyor, the main thing the difference is when the plane is not static. the staple moves around the workshop and as it moves , the units are joined together and then go to the testing station for the summer. all this significantly increases production speed while maintaining quality. for the collective west, these largest and most powerful supersonic machines in the history of military aviation since the times of the ussr remain a big deal. concerns that after the flight of the russian president on the modernized tu-160 and was confirmed by the western media.
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british daily mail headline. putin mocks west, flying on a russian strategic nuclear bomber tu-160m, while the kremlin threatens nuclear war. the move will likely be seen in the west as a clear reminder of moscow's nuclear capabilities. reuters. putin attracted the attention of the west by flying a bomber capable of carrying nuclear weapons. writes fox news. with this flight, putin presents himself as a strong commander in chief, writes the german publication spiegel. the history of the tu 160m in general, the successes of the aviation industry, reflect the general development trend russian defense-industrial complex. the period of mobilization and restructuring under the conditions of a special military operation has passed. there is a systematic and large-scale increase in production. we have actually increased the production of tanks sixfold. tanks. is being improved and modernized, our production of unmanned aerial vehicles
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has increased 17 times, our co... against the backdrop of the failures of the kiev regime and the triumph in america itself of opponents of military assistance to ukraine, washington is looking for new pseudo-arguments that that strategic stability is allegedly undermined by russia. the last story is a fantasy story. it all started with a social media post by the chairman of the intelligence committee of the us house of representatives, mike turner, who reported a serious threat to national security. i ask president biden to declassify all information. it turned out that we are talking about the fact that russia allegedly wants to place nuclear weapons in space in order to destroy the american satellite constellation, which added to the panic. russia is trying to develop nuclear a space weapon that would destroy satellites by creating a powerful energy wave upon explosion, potentially
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knocking out huge numbers of commercial and... government satellites on which cell phone conversations, bill payments and internet access depend, according to three sources familiar with the data intelligence about this weapon. the national security council strategic communications coordinator, kirby, tried to calm passions. this is due to the anti-satellite capabilities that russia is developing. i want to deposit right away clarity on several points: firstly, this is not an active potential that has already been deployed, and although russia’s desire to create...
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the stage of completing work on poseidon, on peresvet, on burevestnik, on sormat, on the vanguard, work has been completed, two regiments have already are practically not in service on combat duty, and in this situation, naturally, several more options can be added to this, for some reason they don’t talk about this, but this really should be feared, while russia is ready and open to negotiations on the entire spectrum .
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the united states provides details of a conversation between us secretary of state blinken and brazilian president lula de silva. blinken and lula talked about the conflict in ukraine. blinken made it clear that the us does not see conditions for diplomacy. the political hypocrisy and resourcefulness of the collective west played a cruel joke on him. it is obvious that now it is time to start negotiations on the problems. strategic stability, western leaders will have to start by recognizing that these problems are of their own making. ivan kanavalov, maria mortanova, alexander gusev, first channel. well, i’ll add about who and how they listen to in the world. against the backdrop of the avdeev fiasco, zelensky gave an interview to the american television channel fox. in 10 hours, this video gained 32,000 views on a channel with 11 million
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subscribers. and also, in 10 hours, vladimir’s interview. and fox is where carlson worked until his show, known for its harsh criticism of the current american order, was suddenly closed last spring. there will be more about the states and biden in today’s episode, but for now let’s move on to the european union, where farmers’ protests over ukraine have reached their peak france of the highest political level, in poland - a new degree of bitterness. report by ivan blagoov. paper for bulk materials. the author of the video is coming. the euro, judging by the comments of surprised polish farmers, is a humanitarian cargo. this is the problem in
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ukraine. on the polish-ukrainian border , such things are happening that drug lord pavel iskabar is turning over in his grave. these are the words of polish farmer hubert aidana. hello poland. here he is, with a rubber woman in the guise of the head of the european commission, driving towards the border. aidano is one of those who actively dealt with the topic of fraud with the supply of ukrainian grain, and ended up on the list of enemies of ukraine on the notorious website peacemaker. the polish press publishes screenshots of threatening messages received on the farmer's phone. we will slaughter your families, cut your throats and shoot you. aidan is now under the protection of law enforcement agencies. earlier, the organizer of the strike of polish carriers, rafal mekler, was also subjected to harassment. for what you did, we will cut off your head and poland will not help you. get ready, you you will suffer before death. and this pole complains about some ukrainian provocateurs who violated the flag of his country. they came, took our national flag and rubbed themselves with it. here is your gratitude for the help we provided you.
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gratitude? a ukrainian pro-government blogger popularly explains what a favor it turns out that refugees from the square are doing to the poles. we, ukrainians, we, ukrainians, support your gene pool. your children are born with the skin color they are born with thanks to us, they are doing us a favor. v comments on the census of europeans: if ukrainians leave poland, their economy will slide to the level of zimbabwe. so how do they help? did they give you a penny? on february 20, at the medico freight station, protesting poles opened the hatches of two freight cars with ukrainian grain. about 4 tons of corn were poured onto the ground. as it turned out, the cargo was transiting through poland to germany. it would seem, what about the poles. maybe this is the issue, but here’s what the deputy minister of agriculture of the republic said earlier about this scheme. you are transporting grain to germany via poland. the germans check it and say that the grain is of poor quality. do you know what happens to such grain? 99% of it
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returns to poland under the guise of european grain. on the night from saturday to sunday , the largest incident of damage to ukrainian grain occurred in poland. unidentified persons opened eight gondola cars with corn and poured the contents onto the ground. the ukrainian side speaks of damage to 160 tons. a list of 500 companies that allegedly purchased ukrainian raw materials. calls for a boycott are spreading across social media tarnished polish companies. the situation is tense, ukrainian drivers at the border are subject to noise attacks, and trucks are being pelted with eggs. kiev propaganda is indignant at calling the protesting poles judases, who have completely screwed up the whole city today.
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let's go, for the sake of photography, prime minister of ukraine shmygal posted the photo and stated the obvious. unfortunately, such a meeting with polish officials did not take place today. the majority of representatives of the polish political class, on the one hand, are very we are already tired of what is happening and, well , even the behavior of vladimir zalynsky. political scientist mateusz pieskorski refers to the book poland at war, which contains statements by polish politicians published on condition of anonymity. this is how a member of the close circle of the president of the republic speaks about zelensky’s delusions of grandeur and his consumerist attitude towards his partners. later, after this carnival of friendship, when zelensky believed that he was mahadma gandhi, he no longer needed duda as gandhi’s assistant.
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commenting on the current crisis, the president of poland dudo said the authorities cannot restrict the right of poles to lawful protest. however, there are also limits to the demonstrative humiliation of kiev. the deputy governor of lublin described the prospects of the poles as follows. we cannot allow those who openly and actively serve putin's propaganda to take advantage of the farmers' protest on the border with ukraine. any such support for putin’s narrative is high treason, we will not tolerate it. the reason for such a tirade was apparently a poster on one of the tractors with an appeal to putin deal with ukraine, brussels, our government. i would say yes, as for the mention of vladimir putin, the russian president, this is the only case that we...
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bus, the ukrainian authorities immediately released a statement, this is a dangerous picture that will be completely used by the russians to split european unity, oh what do they think, about the picture, please, in the center of prague at the beginning of the week there was a demonstration of farmers, it was remembered by the appearance on the square of some ukrainian activists with flags. in one of the published videos, screams can be clearly heard: ukrainian fascists. ukrainian fascists.
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differs from what could be seen and heard, for example, a year ago, the british publication guardian refers to a public opinion poll conducted in january in 12 eu countries, its results are comprehensively reflected in the headline, only 10%.
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the police special forces threw eggs at macron himself, apparently trying to get the elected officer, who later addressed the protesters from a safe distance. you you are not helping any of your colleagues by breaking down the stands, you are not helping any of your colleagues by making the exhibition impossible in a sense by intimidating the families who intended to come, it is counterproductive. the french president eventually canceled his participation in the online summit on ukraine, the so -called g7 in such events. obviously not before kiev, what happened shows that the scenario of radicalization of protests is absolutely real, the consequences for europe are difficult to calculate. in spain this week there were also scuffles with the police, acted extremely harshly. this footage shows one of the demonstrators having his head bloodied. footage of beatings with batons instantly spread across social networks. it is not difficult to guess that they can only increase the degree of discontent. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva and yulia zagranichnogo pavel evdokimin. first channel. a topic that
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exploded at the beginning of the week and by the end of it was plunged into fog. in spain , the case of the death of maxim kuzminov, a defector who hijacked a helicopter from kursk to ukraine last summer, doomed him to death, is being investigated two unarmed crewmates. the spanish government is not saying anything except that there is an investigation underway. there are still newspapers, but there is no more clarity. according to one version, kuzminov entered spain with a genuine ukrainian passport. in someone else's name, according to another, the spanish authorities provided him with some documents. the publication el pais wrote about the russian trace, immediately admitting that it is very difficult to prove. their colleagues from el periodicals are more logical in this sense. another important aspect is how the crime was committed. the killers were not professionals and this is not in the style of russian special services agents, eight shots, two of which missed one, one was non-lethal. sources interviewed do not rule it out. that the murder was the work of
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common criminals or gang members rather than a spy story. finally, kuzminov’s father spoke out. he openly stated: his son was liquidated by the ukrainian special services, since traitors are not respected anywhere ; no one needs them. the man believes that the defector’s mother, recruited abroad, could have played a role. uninterrupted supply to the front everything you need. supporting those who fight on the front line, organizing a peaceful life.
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medical products, technical means of rehabilitation for those dismissed from service, as well as the restoration of passing documents. training or professional retraining and further employment. the attention of millions of sports fans is now focused on kazan. the first games of the future are taking place there. a unique fusion of virtual and real disciplines. one of the most spectacular is the battle of robots, the decisive battles are just today. ours is among those claiming victory. the first sets of awards have already been awarded in a fair competition. a real holiday of sports without.
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forever! the opening ceremony of the games of the future was broadcast in 24 countries, china, brazil, india, indonesia, with a reach of an international audience comparable, for example, to the world cup. the event is truly unique; it happened for the first time in the history of our humanity. the live broadcast of the ceremony from the games competition has already been watched by more than a billion people, everyone who watched in the hall a huge television and... audience that was streaming on all platforms, watched a unique innovative show, essentially took a journey into the future, because it was clear that this future is being shaped by russia, how we see our future and what sport will be like in decades to come, all this was shown in a grandiose performance in
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a combination of two realities: huge holograms of fantastic creatures on the stage and digital avatars of athletes. official delegations from 23 countries arrived in kazan, vladimir putin on the podium, along with our champions, kamilla valeeva and nikita nagorny, as well as the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and tajikistan. the idea to combine classical and e-sports was born in russia. our country was and remains one of the leading sports powers on the planet.
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200 athletes from more than a hundred countries of the world will have to demonstrate masterly skill, perseverance, and the will to win. welcoming words from the leaders of other states were spoken in their native languages. ahead of the future. i wish everyone success. let's do the following games in kazakhstan. sport düyünün elçisi.
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bu musobaqalarda o'zbekiston yoshlari ham qatnashyapti. i really like everything that’s large-scale, computer-based, the guys from behind the console then go to the playground, it
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’s generally great, it’s great for sports and for the unification of these two formats, i think that this is the future russia has opened the concept of fidital to the world from the words physical and digital, each of the twenty-one disciplines takes place first in the virtual space, and then in the real one in the stadium, on the race track, on ring or on ice. hockey matches in kazan attracted thousands of spectators, full houses , the final game, who will become the owner of the figital flame, that’s right, the flame, that is, the flame, is called the cup of games of the future , two russian clubs league pro team and cosmos x17 reached the hockey final. during the weeks of the tournament , fans got to know the teams and decided on their sympathies. why? because they are now playing out space specifically in physical ones.
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the outcome of the match was decided with a series of shootouts, the hall of thousands exploded after each hit with a stick victory, they snatched a victory for tim, they get the cup, in the history of games of the future and a cash prize of 175.00 dollars, the league for tim first place, it seems to me that it feels like some kind of world championship, well, even i would say not a world championship, but some kind of- then the olympics , you saw, the opening, if this continues, this is a real vision of the future, cyber ice, everything is cool, sport should unite, but it seems that this has been completely forgotten in the west, latvia and estonia have deprived their hockey players of their licenses for participating in the games of the future , but among the players are those who spoke. for the national team, members of the baltic select team in kazan reached the final, but on the day they learned about how
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sports officials treated them, they lost in the match for third place. nevertheless, according to the hockey players, there are only positive emotions from the championship. a wonderful tournament, the organization was at the highest level, i think the conditions are top class, and it’s nice to play 3 on 3 hockey, such a dynamic sport, at this tournament there are no boundaries or divisions by nationality. guys from different countries from russia, belarus to syria, tanzania and macedonia, playing together, future stars of fidgital football. football at the games of the future started with matches among the youngest athletes, all of them are from 10 to 12 years old, but they already masterfully control the ball and even more so the gamepad, scoring a series of goals in the virtual space. one more goal, go, go, go. the guys are dynamic, i really liked their game, their technique, like in
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vision of the field, long-range strikes, well, it’s actually very difficult, sometimes you can miss the button and, how can i say, just like hitting a sword, yes, just like a sword, guys, participants in the international football for friendship project, each team has an international composition, russia, romania, central africa, we communicate very well, we are interested in communicating. i think the project is very cool because it allows children from all over the world to unite, play football together and make their dreams come true. andrei arshavin watched the game of young football players. in his opinion, the combination of virtual and real football is a natural development for sport. we also played on the computer , played different sports, we just didn’t have consoles, then in my time the personal computer was more represented, but i think for them it’s not so difficult, it’s clear that someone has. it turns out better on the field , someone is better at the computer, look what he ’s doing,
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basketball was memorable for the bright matches this week, the russian club uralbasket was able to beat athletes from the usa, the birthplace of basketball, probably the most beautiful match so far, on the other hand out of three previous ones, so in general, the winner is not the one who can do it more, the one who wants it more, and here we wanted it more, obviously, after the game they told me, you played very hard against us, but i myself am from basketball 3: 3 and for us, this style of play is very familiar to me, because the contact is tougher than in classic 5:5 basketball, and the guys from the usa were not ready for this, they seemed to be in my element. it was difficult to watch this game, but as they say, these are the pies, we will not lose again, that's what i tell you i will say, in general i think this is a great concept, combining new digital technologies and physical sports, all this goes beyond, we could not imagine how all this would be harmoniously combined, i am very glad to be here. thousands of spectators and full houses also attended matches in the tactical game dota 2. most of all, this
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discipline resembles chess, but as fans say, it is much more difficult. the type of game itself is as similar as possible to them. players from the chinese team extreme gaming became dota 2 champions, they won 35,000 dollars. another esports discipline is world tank.
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since childhood, but here in kazan it has turned into a completely new sport, mma fighters first find out who is the strongest on gamepads, and then on their fists. usually we play video games at home without actually moving, combining them like this with real sports is something new, just a great idea. an amazing trend: athletes
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involved in mixed martial arts turned out to be avid gamers; they showed an incredible level in fighting games on the console. often, the one who won in the virtual space knocked out his opponents in the octagon. i think a lot of people will like this format, and a lot of people will see these fights and next year the level will be much higher, i think i just didn’t expect this, kazan is a wonderful city, russia has created a completely new world-class championship. and it is no longer people who participate in these battles. russia, china, india, brazil, united arab emirates, each robot has its own fighting style. his whole body is a weapon, he rotates with speed 2.0 revolutions per minute, the pipe is needed to turn over, that is, if it turns over, it turns back with the pipe. our
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robots are easy to control, this is our captain, he will have a remote control in his hands, one hit and the opponent is incapacitated. not only robots take part in sports competitions, but real cyborgs, athletes from all over the world with bionic prosthetic limbs demonstrated agility, speed and strength on a special track. in general, the games of the future fully justify their name. today in kazan, in front of millions of spectators , a new history of world sports is being written. pyotr deryagin, svetlana kostina, dmitry belov, nikita chupin, anastasia beristenko, channel one. guests on this. the main topics of the meeting with the president of the republika srpska milorad dodik. development of bilateral relations, the russian leader spoke with his kyrgyz counterpart sadyr japarov. the venue for the second games of the future could be kazakhstan.
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kasym chamar takaev made this proposal at the meeting with vladimir putin. team uzbekistan according to words. will bring, this is sunday time, see below. language , what else has biden agreed to and how has trump set himself up? in the states, it's an important election day. a super project for everyone: schools, medicine, roads, construction projects that change lives, each separately and all together. they moved to russia for valuables, from england to orenburg, from canada to nizhny novgorod and did not regret it. decembrists, origins and meaning. union of salvation - an unprecedented journey into history
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tomorrow after the program time. we continue. after advertising, do not switch, what happened, it's not my fault. there is my fault too, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams in some sensitive natures, but for the fact that we served the truth, not people, you’re my friend, “maybe the last one, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen , tomorrow, no one can know, for sure,
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we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, and you believed me, i want to take this disgusting lying, licked, stupid, cunt by the throat empire, to lead it like this, so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat , but a beginning will be made, just hurry up, do the gentlemen want to wait for the headlines, do you think they can start an indignation, i would overnight. gentlemen, we've fallen behind,
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there's a big premiere, a union of salvation, why are you whispering? we are preparing a coup, take me, tomorrow after the program time, gin sheaf, stellar group product, monte chococa cognac, stellar group product, rom, castro, stellar group product, vodka. veta product stellar group cognac old barrel is a product of stellar group. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar
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group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. bets are no longer accepted. let there be a fight. why do you need it in a week? doomed, the premiere of the serial film, watch after the program time. in voronezh,
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at an aircraft factory, i saw the birth of the soviet supersonic superliner tu-144, it was taken to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared. at a coal mine, black magma flowed along a conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped with its iron paws and cut into the coal seam with its victorious tusks (3.2) launch, a rocket ascended, when this happened, all these worried, gloomy people suddenly... rejoiced, rushed to hug each other, shouted: hurray, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, tomorrow on the first. team tournament
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of the best figure skaters of russia. tenkov, channel one cup, live broadcasts, march 2 and 3, on channel one. it doesn’t happen that... they, well, this is my mother. yulia nachalova she died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us. what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death?
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just very somehow mega-strong, i felt like everything was just like that, i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the girl’s adult life, who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. it's sunday time and we continue. america, the elections , it’s not easy for the current owner of the white house, let’s say, but here, after our president said that joe, as the president of the united states , is preferable to russia, biden, as people say, lost his mind. i don’t want
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to quote him, but this is still the president of the united states.
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well, today donald trump confidently won the primaries in the primary elections in south carolina. the home state of his republican opponent niki haley. the former us ambassador to the un has already admitted defeat, but is not dropping out of the internal party race, although experience shows that it is the winner of the republican primary in south carolina, which has worked like clockwork since 1980, who ultimately reaches the finals of the fight for the white house. report by giorgi alesashvili. after stopping in charlotte
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, i drove through rock hill without losing a minute. to this day these lines are from the song of chuck berry, father rock and roll, were almost the only confirmation that famous americans had ever come to roquille, a small town on the outskirts of south carolina, and now donald trump has arrived here. finally, victory in the primary, that is, the title of candidate for the number one post. from the republicans, trump climbed into such a wilderness because this presidential election took place on a foreign field for him. south carolina is not just nikiheili’s homeland; she served two terms as governor in this state: the province, but with a high standard of living and an educated population. by all accounts, if anywhere she could challenge donald trump, it would be here. according to the unwritten rules of the political game, if they lost at home,
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haley had to be taken. recuse himself, after which trump would become the uncontested candidate from his party. the line for his rally already forms 5 hours before the start. the crowd is mercilessly processed by politically savvy guards. we know, you, me, we, joe has to go. this is the main thing that those gathered want rewind everything back 4 years so that it’s like under trump. biden is a liar, he is a communist, his goal is uni.
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what am i today ? vote for the democrats, because they will deliberately, if
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you let them, turn you into a dumbass, so that you depend on them for everything, the scene came out to the country anthem: god bless america, trump was short, instead of the usual two i spoke for only an hour and a half. scary, get up and go, if your husband is not feeling well, honey, something doesn’t feel good to me, leave him in bed, don’t worry, he will hold out, go vote, we will win this state, and then we will come to the crook joe biden and say: you're
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fired, get out of here. the current president, however, is not going anywhere, attracting loyal stars, like tv presenter jimmy fallon, his team is trying to make everything look like biden is not sleepy joe, but... fashionable, stylish, youthful. a there’s also an interview out in which eighty-one-year-old biden hints that there’s still gunpowder where it’s needed. the published fragment of the book by former presidential pool journalist katie rogers quotes biden. the president said that the secret of his successful forty-seven-year marriage was good sex. at the same time, trump believes that biden, quote, will not last until the elections, the confrontation has reached such a level.
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europe, i love europe, but they are very cunning, they use us in trade in the history with nato. i told them if you don't pay, i won't defend you. meeting the leader of one of the 28 nato countries, asked me: sir, does this mean that?
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why is trump so fascinated by putin? well, at least because trump imitates this dictator, he said: let's leave nato and let putin do it.
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citizenship pro-democracy media, relying on unnamed sources, claim that the arrested man immediately admitted to working for the russian special services, despite the fact that for 10 years he was an fbi informant, that is, we are talking about a double agent. it is reported that smernov had numerous contacts with by a certain russian official, this person is described with smernov himself as the son of a former high- ranking russian official, allegedly controlling two groups that are given the task of liquidation.
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like putin, the circle of putin’s admirers is expanding in the republican party, and this is happening at the instigation of donald trump. the trials against trump have not resolved either. in new york, he has already lost cases of harassment and financial fraud, and if in the first case, except for the words of the victim, the prosecution really has nothing was, then in the second case they didn’t even find the victims. what exactly is fraud? the bank, which, according to the prosecution, suffered, itself stated: we have not lost anything, we are ready to continue working.
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in the swing states that usually determine the outcome of elections, trump is ahead of
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biden, but at the same time , the number of those who do not like both of them is growing across the country. real americans do not consider themselves either republicans or democrats, they call themselves patriots and want the best for their country, they want common sense. and for these voters, it is possible that haley, who only recently stopped calling for bombing everyone, from yemen to iran, is the third option. 70% of americans. claim that they do not want either trump or biden to win; they are the politicians with the highest anti-ratings in america. 60% of americans believe that both biden and trump are too old to run for president. we need a leader of a new generation who can work from morning to night, 8 years in a row. the washington swamp, which trump is threatening to drain, does not seem to mind a sudden election sensations. under state law , even democrats will be able to vote in republican primaries. this week registered members.
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in yakutsk, i visited medical centers
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and talked with colleagues and medical students. nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation spoke at a meeting with employees of the moscow institute of geotechnics and engineering sanctions. alexander lukashenko also voted; he came to the polling station with his son. journalists were also interested in the presidential campaign in belarus next year. in the context
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of the current election campaign, the opposition begins to promote the topic: will you go or not to the next presidential election? tell them i'll go! and if, the more difficult the situation becomes, the more actively they will excite our society, including you , for me, believe me, this is very important, not a single person, a responsible president , will abandon his people who followed him into battle , therefore, the more they strain you, me and society, the faster i will go to these elections, so don’t worry, we will do it this way... this week the date became known vladimir putin's address to the federal assembly will take place on thursday, february 29, the kremlin press service reported. in such speeches, the president usually assesses the situation in the country and outlines the main directions of foreign and domestic policy. the content of the message is traditionally not
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disclosed, however, the scale and level of the tasks facing the country, the head of state clearly outlined his speeches in moscow at the forum. strong ideas for new times, today, this is right to the point, why? because today i think that everyone will agree with me, we are still experiencing a special time, and this is novelty, new time, the novelty lies in the fact that we are reaching a completely different level of what is facing us. tasks: the country is qualitatively changing from the inside, becoming more self-sufficient, more sovereign, more self-confident, this is the time of russia, i regularly travel around the country, and even despite the fact that administrative services arrange
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meetings with people in a regulated manner, everything, i understand everything, i see everything, but even... the changes are impossible not to notice, schools, hospitals, roads, in a word, what we encounter every day, and what is determined by the expression, quality of life, increasing its main national priority, how national projects are implemented, including in remote regions, yulia pogorelova collected fresh examples. in its eighth decade, this
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rostov school looks great, the secret of its youth is a major overhaul, serious and long-awaited. globally everything was replaced, this is the ceiling, this is the roof, this is the basement, this is the entire territory of our schools. on september 1, when we came here, we were amazed, just everything they could have dreamed of is now in this school, modern computer classes, a work equipment room, a museum, its own theater, in the circassian maula there is an iconhal, where the population is less than 500 people , the school is now indistinguishable from the capital’s, but in this new school they still keep their old traditions, the students carry out the remembrance and help the current defenders of the fatherland, they know their native nogai language and love their au, their small homeland. our graduates who graduated school is 20 years old, they return to school again on may 25, give instructions to current graduates,
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talk about their achievements, their successes, and hold class hours with teachers. fatima temerzhanovna, great, traditions. carrying out major repairs, to additionally equip the classrooms of physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and the equipment should be
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predominantly of domestic production, i also ask you to complete the work to provide schools with not just the internet, but high-speed access as soon as possible to the world wide web. in crimea , a gymnasium for gifted children was renovated; most of the students from rural areas come from new regions, after the reconstruction here. opened a talent support center based on the sirius model. and now, vladimir vladimirovich, not only our 300 high school students, but all the children of the republic can study medicine, agrobiology, genetics and selection, develop in the field of painting and theatrical art, and of course, play sports. in addition to the renovated facilities, nine were built in crimea over 10 years. new schools and 163 kindergartens. as for the federal overhaul program. initially calculated until 2026, it is planned to be extended until 2030 in order to completely close the issue of schools in the country in need
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of restoration, exhale, exhale, inhale and exhale, well done, good, when we found out , this is what appeared here, we immediately came, here i go straight to the therapist and say, please send us to exercise therapy, because it’s very convenient to be close to home now twice a year. we will try to pass, there has never been such a clinic in krasnoyarsk, besides physical therapy classes, here you can undergo any examination using the most modern equipment. a computed tomograph for a clinic is not a common thing, it is unique; we can detect, for example, a malignant tumor even in the earliest stages, which saves people’s lives. a six-story building designed for a thousand visits a day with its own operating rooms and even a hospital, not a clinic, a dream that has now come true. that's it for now. accessible, free, beautiful, very friendly doctors, that’s how it works national healthcare project, by
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the end of 2025, thanks to it, two more similar clinics will be built in krasnoyarsk , a large perinatal center will soon begin accepting the first babies in kazan, this means not only a full range of services, and children will be treated, and pregnant women, and deliveries, here there are all possibilities to provide so-called third-level care, complex cases, premature births, pathologies, and the latest technologies. with which this center was equipped to help kazan doctors, professionals who know how to save very tiny newborns. we have cases of nursing children 480 and 460, and one girl has already gone to school this year in the first grade and a boy is 4 years old. in the west, children with such a critical body weight are saved only after the parents decide. it is believed that they will definitely become disabled, but in our country the president has spoken about this more than once; for medicine, the main thing is the person. we have a historically low infant mortality rate, historically low, this gap is lower than in the country
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as a whole, this is great, this is good result, special words of gratitude to you and all your colleagues, the village of ryndino is about an hour’s drive from cheboksary, in this place vladimir putin is seen for the first time, he came to a meeting on the development of the chuvazh republic and came here to look at the new pope, how many people are there, 741. if the case is complex, the patient will be taken to the regional center, there is a question about the transport accessibility of the country, it is important to build roads to
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the most remote villages, to hard-to-reach villages, and of course, to build highways between major cities, in general to connect the country by roads, the m12 east highway has already been opened, connecting moscow, kazan, yekaterinburg and tyumen. the president checked the quality of the road on the section of the highway in kazan himself while driving a kamaz. kamaz in the k5 model, the latest development of the plant, completely domestic. production, i dreamed of making it happen, i dreamed all my life, once, when i drove a kamaz all over the country in the nineties, to get on a good road, in a good car, but the fact that i didn’t even get along with the president... it’s gone, that’s gone , imagine this event for life. modern highways are not just good roads, they are also infrastructure for those who drive on them. they are building roads right away, amazingly , they are repairing existing federal highways, but there is a question about cellular communications, either it is there, or bad, or it is not there at all, that is , well, i would like to go along federal highways, well , consider driving this one, kalina
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there in the far east. and your colleagues were just talking about this, unfortunately, you know, it’s not just these cellular operators, there’s a whole complex we need to decide whether it is connected with the allocation of land , with the connection of electricity, then we will have some other commission to work on there, i understand, this is an important thing, putin was shown a roadside multifunctional center, there is a gas station, a food court, rooms for rest of drivers and passengers , it was just you know before... we were engaged in fast and high-quality food, now everywhere here, three meals a day, you can do this, and the first, second, third, highway plans to build about 200 throughout the country there will be more than thirty such multifunctional centers on this m12 east highway alone, and the highway itself will become the basis of the high-speed transport route russia , 12,000 km long from st. petersburg to
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vladivostok, this route will provide communications. the north-west of the country with its central part of the volga region, the urals, and will make it possible to quickly deliver goods to the east to central asia and china, it will be shorter, and therefore more profitable, than the route that currently goes through kazakhstan. yulia pogorelova, ivan prozarov, olga knyazyev, anton vernitsky, konstantin panyushki, natalia radeonova, alina sanueva and ekaterina koryaka. first channel. and during vladimir putin’s trip to chuvashiya, in the president’s busy schedule, he found time to communicate with local residents. arrival of the head.
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a student from italy shared her impressions of modern russia at the forum of a strong idea for a new time, which we have already mentioned. now it is very difficult to find a country where different peoples live friendly together, this is already a value that russia wants to preserve. secondly , homosexuality, transgene, is now very common. these are not, these are new values ​​and people who understand very well that these are not traditional values, these are not seed values, they want to maintain their beliefs, but they are in non, friendly environments, so they think where can i feel protective, but
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there is an answer to this question, this is russia, we are quite tolerant. yes, and there are more and more of them. and just not the last argument for those who move to us from western countries - the desire to protect own children from new, far from traditional values, from their aggressive imposition. when choosing russia as a place to live for their family, they readily tell why this decision is the only right one. report by lyubov filippova. martin moved to
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orenburg from england a year ago. we pulled her out after about an hour, all these people sincerely came to my aid, and it’s just wonderful, they shouldn’t have done this, they were probably late for work. martin's family is orthodox, his wife julia sings in the church choir, his eldest son gordon goes to orthodox gymnasium, they say that it is in russia that traditional values ​​remain that are dear to them, i send children to school or kindergarten, i know that there... it will not turn them against their parents, this is such a strange feeling that is not familiar, i think , to russian parents, when you are afraid that you won’t recognize your child, girls can call...
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