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tv   Aleksei Balabanov  1TV  February 26, 2024 12:00am-1:26am MSK

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but i love him, there will be no sale, this is my city, and i won’t give him any offense, but i understand, i understand.
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halit, listen to me, i know that you are worried about your friend, but how can you be discouraged, a man should not be discouraged, a man should act, you understand me, if you understand, come back and eat.
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here are the main speakers, these strangers, ours , these, these, well, this is it, lyosha, let’s turn it on so that there is something, now we’ll start to figure it out, so why figure it out, i want to show a movie to a person, boo-boo -bubu, at least turn this on, yes boo-boo-boo, there are high frequencies here no, there are only tall people here, well, look, he ’s like, that’s all, that’s all, sasha, thank you,
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yeah, you’re asking me why i communicate with bandits. everything, ready, everything, come on, come in, you can turn it off, yes, i turn it off, oh my, damn, what kind of life is this, everything, everything, i turn it off, and...
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i’m an egocenter, a gorgeous thing, of course, at that i liked the time very much, write, how long have you been? 95, it’s not like this for a long time,
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15 years more, it doesn’t age at all, i don’t know, and after 100 years, well, we covered, we covered this whole area with boards,
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flashed in the frame, hello , well, i finally found it, it’s curious, it’s not a train, the hero of the film, but a film that can save a person’s life if there is nothing left of him, this is the topic of my brother, it’s the first time appeared there, yes, and then got it back later,
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yes, i never thought about it, the creator, he is not the master, others can analyze, he himself can’t do anything with money, i can’t, i just don’t want to, yes yes.. brother, please don't shoot, what are you doing, brother, get up, come on, that's it, i'm sorry, brother, don't shoot, please don't kill me, brother, don't shoot. “that’s it, now my children are sitting near computers, and i’m not even friends with the internet, everything
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has its time, new people will come, there will be a new movie, but i’m like a wheat grass, i’ll easily become outdated, someone now watches wheat grass with pleasure, what kind of tractor drivers are there - or, but i can’t do it anymore.” “i’m no longer interested , it will be the same here, for the creator this is the hardest thing, the very feeling of what worked, and now everything seems to be fine, but it doesn’t work anymore, you know, it’s very scary to make it worse, the film didn’t work out , i know why now
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"? i need it, i can, here, i have something better, give me the case, and the music is kuryokhin, there are brilliant episodes, just, well, there are some episodes that i came up with, this is an absolutely left-wing movie, this.. "i came up with the idea, but i went a little overboard, according to our
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rules, for new music you need a special permission from the castle, so phone me, i ’m very unpleasant, but this is in writing, well, why bother the count about this, that you need to write an expression addressed to mr. eerland, i will personally convey, that’s the main thing, that i made a mistake with the hero, i took it from totskogo." i’m already 52 years old, i’m already an old goat, and at this age it’s no longer possible to make a good movie, so
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powerful, energetic, like so youthful, you haven’t seen my amateur stuff, but i have, she read, the world is like a novel, but it turned out to be, i gathered a crowd one day... in a cafe, a huge cafe, a crowd, only because there, thank goodness, a song would be playing, and it was a feature film, it turned out, it was so free, everything was absolutely , a walk in the park without a dog may become too expensive for you, your mother teaches by heart, phone number of the morgue, when she is away, at home for too long, father arriving does not find
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the door, spits the cooked dinner, she is older than her mother, father should become her husband, first experience of fighting against sweaty hands, always comes too early, love is only a face . on the wall love is a look from the screen, how much time did you spend in my apartment? you can’t imagine how much vodka we drank together, all the musicians hung out at my place, i had my own one-room apartment, but my own, all the musicians were jostling around serlovsky, everyone fled there, one day, well, when everyone fled, this was somewhere in
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the late eighties, i went to take courses in moscow. everything somehow fell apart, well, i communicate with egor, with nastya from time to time, they also live here in st. petersburg, it was slava’s anniversary, everyone gathered at my house, they gave interviews, quietly, hello, hello, but here they are celebrating, no? no, glory, what are you talking about, i said the very top to the left, oh, excuse me, you are still friends with butusov, well, don’t be friends anymore, he lives in pushkin, it’s like we communicate, i now he’s so quiet, the bastard, he’s changed a lot, that’s for sure, he was an absolutely open person,
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alive, i’ve become different too. no, with age these close, youthful relationships disappear, we had girls in common, cool eagles, look, don’t fall, take a hand. great, hi, when he agreed, i wrote the script very quickly, just because there were a lot of different ideas, scattered , that’s what you need, but you don’t have a pill for your headache, pashkarat is injecting drugs, drink vodka better, it’s not for me
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to take a pill, i don't know who it will be yet filming, i can't write a script. you see, well, let's go like this, the story is born in advance, but when you write yourself, then you have to write for specific objects and for specific people, i had to figure out where to shoot, with viki sukharokov, i knew each other for a long time, well, in general, how- then everything should have turned out this way, it is important for me that there were heroes, heroes appeared, everything appeared at once. you're brother on your knees, hands forward, i'm looking for my brother, bogrov, victor, he lived here, i 'm younger than my brothers, only 2 days in leningrad, my mother
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gave me his address, car wash one, apartment eight. well, hello, brother, seryozha, an unusual, very such a character, and then we sat on the beach, in a cafe, drinking beer, i think, i don’t remember, it was during the day, it was sunny, it was a day, i tell him, let's make a movie together, but there won't be any money, he's like... he just said let's do it, why did you say to make a movie together, what exactly did you mean, but because i didn't take him as an artist, but as a person who well, together with me, i wasn’t a director yet, i was so big then, although i had already made three films there before that
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professional, i mean, but i never felt like that, and i knew that... that if he is an artist, then i have to pay him some money, and i’m not a producer, i know that there is no money for cinema , in fact, there was no script yet, i just had an idea, he was one of the few friends of mine, very close , then he became, but then i just felt his charm, very, very strong, positive charm, and i thought that he could... be a bandit, that would be interesting. i wanted to leave, we almost got killed here, i would like to
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i would have quit, i would have quit, there was very little money, practically none, on film, on camera, but i shot in everything. about bandits or the desire to make an action film for a wide audience, or did you just want to make something with an upbeat feel? i wanted to make a movie in general, and i generally wanted
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to make a film about freaks, freaks, i was very interested in siamese twins, i read books about them, there were also czech girls like that, well, that is, i was interested in them. everything is so ugly, i suddenly read about these, i didn’t know, about the fact that people are masochists, hello, do you want dad? i’ll call you, dad, this is for you, what exactly fascinated you about siamese twins? well, firstly,
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photographs, secondly, chunk and eng, these are two people who were terribly popular, lived in america, both had families and... excuse me, are you coming to us? well, no one gives money for this movie? no, but do you want to make a movie?
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well, i proposed to seryozha, and after he agreed, i quickly began to think and write. i see fresh scars, you are as brazen as velvet in your back. wait, we used to have time for me the main thing is the text, if the person is a fake, i say: stop, and we shoot a take, and the text is created, and he often offered his own text,
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who, seryozha, matrov, never, no, because all the time it feels like he is speaking in the first person on my own behalf, yes, well, because i signed up for it. he helped me , we discussed with him, if he offered me something at the level of the script, he agreed, if it somehow did not contradict my feelings about the film, but in the first film, no, he very much seemed to be like, well, this scene when he's black i failed, okay, what are you doing? he somehow doubted it, i said, no, it will be fine, she didn’t understand. i just didn’t understand,
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after every take she started laughing, oh well, oh well, it’s a very good thing, she didn’t understand, but he also somehow doubted it, well, how much longer were they filming. i don’t shoot a lot of takes, now there is video control, you look and think, so what next, why else did everything work out, message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly, live broadcast 29 february at 12:00 moscow time, i knew that love is a game of fire, i came up with
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you. you used nautilus music, what was the reason for this choice? no, the fact is that the second brother already had money, the first did not, glory would be free and he was an artist and musician for me, because he was like a friend from sverlovsk, vyacheslav butusov, an architect, people are used to listening to western music , any at all, navel there, pipa there, i don’t
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remember there already. it took me a long time to learn to love your forbidden fruits, kudbai america, where i will never be, boy, okay, tell me, i’m bringing you a gift,
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bring us some vodka, sorry, we don’t serve drinks during the climb rally, boy, you don’t understand, bring us some vodka, we ’ll fly home when all the songs i don’t know are silent , in the grated air he will scream, my last paper parahonbay america oh where i was never goodbye forever interestingly very little in the black areas when
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we were filming, we were filming the real ones. they weren’t filming artests, but the two brothers there were all blacks, they were real, well, how was it, like a contact installed? well, they laughed all the time, because they had fun acting in films , but they played very well, because they are all americans, after all, they watch films, they love them, they know, they are interested in the fact that whites came here, there whites didn't come in at all. he didn’t speak much english, but he still spoke. how are you? i want russian, prostitute, marilyn, russian, marilyn, well, i haven’t seen a single person who
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liked him. i say, i could put any negative into it, anything, because he would compensate with his charm, and it would be the other way around. what's happened? snowball, let's go with brother two, with brother one, in general, if you take another artist, he's a negative character, i would have written a different script if it wasn't him, come with us home, it's good there, but what am i going to do there? what are you doing here? but i like it here, in america all the power of the world, what is the power, brother, that’s what, all the power is in money, brother, money rules the world and the one who has more of it is stronger, okay, that’s a lot, and what
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will you do , i'll buy everyone, and me, yes, he's there the way he is, he is for me, real, he doesn’t play anything there, a negative hero, that’s right, and his brother is a positive hero, although he killed a lot more people, who did you call a niger, now i’ll show you who really is a niger ,
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in vain you called him a quiet, and who is he? and pro-american, what's the difference? niger is an insulting curse word for them, but that’s what i was taught at school, the chinese live in china, and the germans live in germany. this is why in israel there are jews, in africa there are blacks, they are completely different, they are just different people, this is somehow interesting that he loves his brother, here he uses him, that is , one is good, the other is bad, interesting, interesting, well, i came up with it, i didn’t have any special philosophical idea, it just seems to me that it’s interesting, i found out that i have... there is a huge family, a blade of grass, and a small forest, in the field, every spikelet, river, sky, blue, this is all my family, this is my homeland,
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there is a huge family, sand, watered, and in your opinion such a hero as danilo bagrov may become obsolete ? seryozha is a very, very strong person, i say, this is a personality, and a personality it is multifaceted, so i cannot predict whether it will become outdated or not , for some it will be outdated, but for others not, in this case, what you call a personality is a person who is able to involve his field in an entire country, and of course he was positive, yes, absolutely, absolutely positive, despite the fact that he was killing people there. and he said in the cinema, “aren’t you a bastard brother to me?” people really liked this phrase, he said it well, he said it correctly, well, look,
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for example, he says, i’m jewish, somehow i’m not he said very much, well, no, after that birman stopped greeting me, what’s your name, golfman? jews, or what? a german , otherwise the jews are somehow not very good, but the germans, the germans, are fine, what’s the difference that you’re stuck, a talented person, not necessarily smart, and in general talent does not ennoble its bearer, these are completely different parameters, i ’m really a fool, absolute, well, they say that i’m talented, they say, definitely, well, it’s also not a fact.
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so tell me, american, what is power, is it in money, my brother says that it is in money, you have a lot of money, so what? “i think that strength is in the truth, whoever has the truth is stronger, so you deceived someone, took money, and why did you become stronger, no, no. the fact is that there is a story, and there is an image. seryozha, he is not an artist, he is a personality, a strong personality , so he can do this, or edek can do it. he never studied to be an artist or a director, suddenly he became both, a screenwriter, plus, he himself is the sister wrote. this is a lot, i would help with the music only, the only thing i told him was that tsoi, but i really knew music, much
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better than him, i say, the most cinematic musician is tsoi, tsoi was already there, if only you weren’t in his tsoi’s service, or rather, he died 100 years ago, firstly, he didn’t die, but died, and bring agate , at the end he said goodbye, baby, he chose it himself, i just told you, listen to everything, come out, goodbye, and i really always check the music with the image, that is, i always turned on some kind of music in my ear, watched tv, it’s very simple, i advised him to do the same, myself, myself.
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what did you talk about with sergei then, anyway? what were your common themes? well, i don’t know, well , about everything, what does a friend mean? talking about life, about everything. we really communicated in such a big way, we were friends, we didn’t talk about philosophical things with him, we talked about creativity with him, i told him the idea of ​​​​the film war, i remember, i don’t remember a lot, but in the war he was an absolutely positive character, initially , if it weren’t for him, there would be a slightly different movie, because he brought a lot to it.
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were not in it, but one way or another he got to the caucasus because of me, and what fascinated you about caucasian theme? well, firstly there was the chechen war. secondly, i found an interesting character
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there, that’s where we were filming, that’s where i actually lived, everyone was from zhilistin, and i alone lived where the zindan was, this one, well, that is, everything real was interesting there, there the energy was so strong, well, when i saw it... i immediately realized that this was a movie, i only wrote the script later, i first talked to the people who were sitting in these pits, they told me t... such scary stories, just like there was a stack
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of glass wool in the truck, they were transporting him there as a young guy, and then they showed it to my father, my father paid , until you pay, i will pay, we will cut off your fingers, like they cut off the fingers of the jews, all this... everything was all determined for me, i was not there for the first time, when they were filming, i i’ve been there for a long time and had a rest, when i was a boy in kobarden, bulgaria, exactly, i just like it there, there are these mountain rivers, these
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gorges, it’s all very cool. do you also like the way of thinking of the local population? no, that ’s not interesting to me, you remember the scene on the glacier, they are walking along the glacier, we have to get there and come back, yes, the hero and this englishman , well, how ugly can it be, because they are walking naked from the waist up in the snow, the sun is shining, the snow is warm there, what are you thinking about, i said mine... so that they don’t touch yours for now, but my guys are fierce, i’ll do everything russian , i’ll do everything, it’s all a movie, it’s interesting, the question is how to reveal it, it seems to me that he came up with a coherent idea, and he would have done it, because it was not in vain that he chose this gorge, there are sirens there was, he
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said that you are very beautiful. there are so many songs that have not yet been written, tell me, cuckoo, good in the city, the inhabitants of the settlements lie like a stone or burn like a star. i took my whole group there with me, because a lot of people died there, who went with me almost the whole way, there were good
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people, you know, around. “great, great, yakov, good evening, the whole group is gathering, people are asking about our people who died, about seryozha, they all worked with us, but they didn’t go to karmadon, they were lucky, seryozha, matrov. he begged me and marinka, he begged me, because well, marinka is like a person this, and her mother told me, i gave you an editor, and you took her into the group, so
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she attacked me, i made the second director, well, but she was great as the second director.
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in voronezh, at an aircraft factory, i saw how the soviet supersonic superliner tu-144 was born, it was taken to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed into the sky, and how a huge deity disappeared into the blue, in a hebastuse, in a coal mine, black magma flowed through...
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confession tomorrow on the first country in terms of population, third planetary economy with good prospects. to become second, pushing aside the united states, is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of humanity. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries. this is a country of paradox. one day we land on the moon, and the next day people are fighting in the street over some trifle. now in bollywood about 2 films are shot a year - this is an absolute record, indians and russians, they are brother brother, we helped india create
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the most modern education system , healthcare, vasudeva kutumbak, this in sanskrit means one earth, one family, one future, the premiere of civilization, film six india on thursday on the first, it seems that since he has been gone, it has become much more difficult for you to work . well, you can say that, probably, but i don’t think so, i’ve never thought about it as much as you say, but it just became more difficult for me, because my friend died, and not only him, but half of my group, you know, there are people there who are close to me. in fact, if you have a lot of ideas, you can find others, but seryozha
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ostakhov, who filmed everything with us then, had a stroke, although he didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, never, he just worked a lot, it seems like now again i made a movie, but i found yasha simonov, a brilliant moscow cameraman. filmed together , that is, everything is interchangeable, with seryozha it was, as if , i’m telling you, there was personal, there was friendship, well, maybe, well, of course, when seryozha left, something left my world, what the brightest episode you have a connection with him, well, purely personal communication, we went to deveevo, and how was it, great? is it possible for me to see this? but you’ll never see him,
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because we went and it was good, well, firstly, i was interested in showing him the places where i studied, after all, i lived there and i showed him, and then i made a film there, stupid, this one, what is it called? a black comedy, specially, i went to nizhny novgorod, specially rented my hostel, the institute, there is all this in the frame, blind man’s buff, yes, and where this machine gun, it worked then, it worked now, where they drink water, i all this is invented on the spot, it’s not in the script.
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screw you, i was interested in how mikholkov would play, i was interested in making such a stupid, stupid film, so i did it. people are laughing, we got into a little bit of trouble here, seryozha, and you know what a problem is, no, sergei mikhailovich, a problem, seryozha, this is the distance between the vagina and the anus, even vladik knows, well, well, let’s bomb further, the rest is history, i am a lot of bandits, i know, i go to the bathhouse, you know, bandits go to the bathhouse.
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i recorded everything on a tape recorder, people there lived a different life, it’s a huge world, now they are serious financiers, they are no longer bandits for a long time, they went through the war, it’s all interesting, what do you think, bandits have some kind of human values ​​of their own, and how they relate to the values ​​of the intelligentsia world, yes they relate and what... often in the intelligentsia world the values ​​are much weaker than in the gangster world, there the word is the word, there honor is honor, there people do not deceive each other, in the intelligentsia world all around lies, in the last film, i have two bandits starring in them that are absolutely real,
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i met them in the bathhouse. but the fact is that they come from the army, and that when a young guy was taken to war, he fought, killed people there, he comes, no one needs him here, this is an interesting topic for cinema, which is now in demand everywhere, vasya , and you love me,
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how you and i swollen masandra in kabul, how we drained this airplane alcohol, but no, okay, good luck to you, daughters, hello, and how in 1986 i killed the khan, too don’t remember, but i communicated with these people, that’s why i’m in trouble.
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you have so many of your own and unrealized ideas, and suddenly you made the film morphine based on seryozha’s script, well, yes, i wrote the script for myself, and seryozha really wanted to make this film and act in it, are you ours? a new doctor, doctor palyakov, this is seryozha’s idea, of course, but what attracted you to it, what seryozha suggested, and in general the book is good , i still read a little that you are crying here, a lonely, stupid child,
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crucified by cocaine wet boulevards of moscow, children's her neck is barely covered by a little bun, bald, wet, all funny like you, girl, what do you think, a morphine addict or something, i know what to shout, you can jump crazy, wolves, and our dear doctor. and by the way, you owe me another 5 grams, please do it, well, your masses are completely their own, not yet implemented projects, not yet, but already, why
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already, because well, they’re disappearing? as if everything has to be done in its own time, you need to be inspired to do it forever, then i won’t. everything, all the best people leave early, but still not all, there are good people who stay and live, there are those who leave late, and moreover, from the point of view of eternity , this does not matter at all, they do not
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live, do not exist, they live until a certain age, again, who knows, there are people who live actively inner life, also until a very old age, i ’m talking about russian, sometimes i want it, and sometimes i don’t want it, before i always wanted it. before i always ran, now i stop running, but because there were a lot of failures, but this is also understandable, this is also understandable, the trauma has been experienced, this whole story, it could n’t help but traumatize me, and i had a lot of injuries, well, especially when i got hit, and you didn’t look at the river, no, you didn’t finish how to look at it, he was at a medical festival, but it took me 40 minutes to edit.
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and i knew that it would be a complete success, because firstly, if these 40 minutes rang, they called me from yakutia and my parents said, we can have a younger daughter. tell you that you continued making the film, but they don’t understand anything about cinema, that if there is only one person, uh-huh, misha played the main role there, a scraper,
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who has now died, she was in the hospital in moransk for several months, in the hotel the sting on her head hit her terribly, and i edited 40 minutes with marina lepardi, who died with seryozha, and these 40 minutes went to the venice festival, and it was a success, byterkhay with a child in her arms and a bag over her shoulders came out of the yurt, a well-fed bear woke up in the ashes and followed her. having reached the river, she put the child in the boat and pushed it away from the shore.
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when he said that he was balabanov, there were people from moscow, from minsk there, well, where from there, from everywhere, but he somehow became respected, not because he, that i, of course, and this is pleasant, of course, it means that it was not in vain that i did something, not in vain, not in vain, and in general you would underestimate your importance. this is the point, the point is that it seems to me that it is not necessary, well , if you are an egocenter, before, what seemed to be necessary, you needed it for yourself, then it means that now
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you don’t need it for yourself, or what? you understand, when you love yourself and feel that you are very afraid to do something bad, now, well... because before that everything was like, well, for with the exception of some things, in general it’s good , but i’m afraid to do something bad , i’m afraid that i’ll let the universe down, but i know that i ’ll write this script, i won’t be able to film it adequately, although i know everything, all the artists, all the places, i saw it all, i drove through it all, everything, everything is there, somehow this energy disappears with age, and cinema is energy, i always said that...
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my stoves are working, i set it on fire and look at fire, i wished that it would rain, then you will understand everything, only there is emptiness in the sky, vanity and tossing, a changing life, front-of-house purchases, put everything on the shelves, happiness is at fault.
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you know, borya, we are going to have a son, and the belly is already noticeable, apparently just bloated, i have a very good man, an acquaintance, sergei semakov, an artist of the sixties, who was at an exhibition in moscow.
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became an orthodox childhood or did you come to this yourself at what age already in college already in connection with some experiences or gradually yes no , i read a lot of books, i read the bible at the institute a lot about it, i talked about it, i lived with jews. they were baptized, i was baptized too, and then they took me to israel and left, i was so surprised, sasha vilensky was my friend, we lived together in the same block, but after that he stopped communicating with me, and erlovsky and i ran as students together, that is, i know him, we entered together for a course, studied together, lived together. everything was together, then
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he disappeared, you keep remembering who died, who disappeared, well, someone else remained, well, there is no light, no, no, i too will soon disappear, we don’t know what will happen, maybe there will be light? there is, everyone about knows himself, what he knows about himself, as long as life is interesting, it’s interesting, and then, when it’s not interesting, then... suffering is exacerbated by talent, well, that is, some factors that sharpen feelings, as long as they are present, a person develops, his creativity , art develops when all this
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stops, everything, and no one is immune from this, not guaranteed, maybe. something to disappear. yes, i think i never really cared. well, that's for sure that i'm a fool. you are awesome. no. yes. sister.
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we're just too old to communicate a lot, i don’t communicate with anyone at all now, is this correct? i don’t know, for me it’s right, i like to sit alone, but there’s a big world out there, you can find something interesting. oh, let me there,
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i hope that we will make a film about you, in general, we already have half of it, in my opinion, there are so many topics left that have not yet been covered, we need to prepare for the anniversary at some point and not at the last moment, we have an anniversary there will be material, i will soon fall over, so stop lying down. there is a lot of far-fetched and unspoken things, it’s impossible, it’s impossible fall asleep ahead of time, so maybe the time is just right, i have an idea to act in films, myself, it’s just really, just
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learn the words. came. he’s there, go, maybe i’ll take it, my star is always. with me, my star burns inside and
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tells me, hello, valera, hello, where is lisa? wait a little, a little more, we have a long road ahead. my star sounds in the night, my brother killed me, its fire floats in me, but the light does not illuminate it, everything will change soon, and the stars will not warm me, it leads. field and will never tell me
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won’t hope for a miracle, give me drops of light, won’t give it to anyone...
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all the whales, when they see a star, cry, it doesn’t warm anyone, it doesn’t shine for anyone. she leads everyone to their cherished goal and says:
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forgive me, goodbye, i’m leaving this region, repeats it every time...
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message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time.
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today we are talking about probably one of my favorite topics, the theme of decembrism, books. about decembrism, my life began, one might say, almost professional interest in history, thanks to these books, i actually chose my profession. the theme of the decembrists is of course interesting due to the huge mythology that is associated with the decembrists. for example, i’ll just tell you that when i watch the film “the star of prickly happiness,” i’m simply amazed at how the authors managed to avoid a number of very interesting nuances. hello, you are watching a historical podcast. russia and the west on the swing of history. pyotr romanov and sergey soloviev are with you. today we will talk about the decembrists, the decembrist movement in decembrist uprising, the influence of this movement on the further history of russia. the topic is very interesting, because such a rich layer of mythology is associated with the history of decembrism. many people have the idea of
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​​the cruel nicholas, the white fluffy decembrists. overall, it doesn't really fit the story.
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this is an idea for the people, but without the people, yes, this is the idea of ​​both colonel riego in spain and the military revolution in naples, that is, this is what was happening in europe then, they saw it all, learned from it, and of course, they are afraid new pugachevism, here it is very important, they are like nobles, they were brought up on this, after pugachev’s french revolution, russian aristocrats began to teach their children crafts at the end of the 18th century, for example the famous general ermolov, who by the way was in one of the organizations.
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that and the technology of seizing power, so here is one of the points of view, it was dominant in southern society, there was a spanish
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colonel, in my opinion, when he started or a lieutenant colonel, i don’t remember now, riego, and he started, in fact, the uprising in provinces and for some time it was successful, which is why, in general, there was a debate between two positions, to start in the capital or...


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