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tv   Novosti  1TV  February 26, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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unreliable, like a kalashnikov assault rifle. kostroma fighters, who accounted for the destruction of leopards and other western equipment in the zaporozhye direction in perfect combination with hail. 12 secret facilities along russia's borders are cia intelligence bases that have been built in recent years, american media reports, among the tasks of providing data for militant missile strikes. educational grants provide an opportunity to occupy a high position in the state. the winners of the fifth season of the management competition, leaders of russia, have been announced, all solved problems from real life: historical accuracy in detail, everything is the same as 200 years ago. today is the first start of the multi-part drama union of salvation, a detailed chronicle of the decembrist era, new characters and authenticity in every frame. chief of the general staff valery.
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yerasimov visited the command post of the fifty -eighth general military army of the southern military district in the northern military district zone, he heard a report on the situation, further actions, and presented awards, orders of courage, and medals for courage to the distinguished soldiers. the first deputy minister of defense thanked the guys for the dedication and heroism they showed in the fight against the enemy. the crew of the su-34 fighter-bomber carried out new attacks on the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky sector every day from the enemy position. all the goals were there. destroyed, and this is the avdiivka direction of calculating multiple launch rocket systems , hail, a series of powerful shots, ammunition depots and concentrations of militants were hit. our artillery is not silent in the area of ​​​​the village of rabotina, this is one of the hottest spots. there are operations there, including the 136th artillery regiment, just a few kilometers from the contact line. the soldiers clear the way for the infantry, destroy enemy mortar guns, and also western equipment. there's more than one shot down. german leopard. the military themselves
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say that while they are working, the enemy does not raise his head. report by valery kuznetsov. how many lines of contact are there here? it's about 6 kilometers here. that is, close. zaporozhye direction, rabotina village area, our reconnaissance drone is circling in the sky, obtaining the coordinates of the target. the hail definitely covers the enemy positions, which he equipped in abandoned houses. enemy. snaps , a shell falls next to us, they hit us, just like that, they say , a bird has flown in, now we are leaving abruptly, at the howitzer battery position we are met by a commander with the call sign kusa, in combat conditions there is no sense of humor, my mother said to put it on, yes, my mother said put on, so alive, hello mom, definitely, hello mom, everything is fine, home soon, soon with victory, victory will be ours, so we make our way to the position, through the forest.
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drones are working around, hunting for crew, gun, shot, a few seconds to reload, the artillerymen fire from the d-30 galbitsa, the military say that it is as accurate as a sniper rifle, as reliable as a kalashnikov assault rifle, their words confirm the result, they destroyed mortar points and worked on those hindering the advance.
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that most of the fighters are from this city, and these are my fellow countrymen, i’m from kostroma myself, also then, i ’m also from kostroma, yes, kostroma, seriously, the region, well, i’m shave, i’m straight from the city, gun shot, that’s it, let’s leave, straight the labyrinths of the minotaur in you, here it is small, inside the dugout is warm enough, heated with gas, since firewood produces more smoke, this can unmask the position. the atmosphere is modest and cozy, the fighters receive letters with good wishes from complete strangers who want to support our fighters, parcels come, everything comes, but john comes, and john, well, someone comes, i’m just not married, so a fighter with the call sign condor is waiting at home with his wife and one-year-old daughter, his birthday was january 22, i see her only on vacation, every time we get to know each other again, dad, mom is already talking and running, that’s it. this is
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my main incentive to, well, return from here, return with a victory, of course, only with a victory, nothing else. valery kuznetsov, nikita sevastyanov, islam starkhanov and natalya sidorova, channel one. zaporozhye region, manipulation, which is not believed even in ukraine, military experts give such an assessment of zelensky’s words about the losses of the armed forces of ukraine. the day before , during a press conference, the head of the kiev regime said that since february 22 , 31 thousand have died in the conflict zone ukrainian employees. experts note that in this case, it is completely bewildering how and on what scale recruits are caught in ukraine. the mobilization is reminiscent of a witch hunt; there are enough men on the street in the store.
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even according to washington’s information , there were significantly more ukrainian military deaths last year, writes the american new york times. and she, citing several authoritative sources at once, reports: over the last... 8 years, the united states has deployed at least a dozen secret facilities and located all these bases along the russian border, according to the newspaper , washington has been tentatively cooperating with kiev through the intelligence services for more than a decade, providing information that ukrainian militants then use for targeted missile attacks, and also training personnel. in a word, ukraine has become one of the most important intelligence bases for the white house. and of course, the key goal of all this is to confront moscow. however, the ukrainian country notes that the publication often goes too far, organizes murders and others. a fatal operation, which greatly angers the americans. another problematic issue: finances, until congress approved a new tranche , the head of the cia, william burns, was sent to ukraine; the same new york times reports about the secret visit. a skillful politician who enjoys high prestige in
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the international arena. today recep erdogan turns 70 years old. he has headed turkey since the fourteenth year. last may he was re-elected for a third term. erdogan has done a lot to strengthen the country’s sovereignty and its national identity. contributed a lot personal contribution to the development of russian-turkish relations, cooperation between moscow and ankara is developing dynamically, major projects are being implemented jointly, primarily the construction of the aku nuclear power plant and the creation of a gas hub on the territory of the republic. the winners of the fifth season of the competition for managers and leaders of russia were announced in moscow. 102 people are the best of the best, there are many interesting tasks behind, incredible tension and struggle with the strongest competitors. all the conditions for a dizzying career lie ahead. and those to whom we have to build the future of our country, anastasia kobozeva. a year of trials is behind us, and in my hands i hold the treasured figurine of the leader of russia. this is happiness and i want to inspire other people to achieve the same achievements. victory is just the beginning. 160 thousand applications were received this time. 300 people reached the final. and what
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’s more important is that managers from various fields fought for victory. i have been working in the food industry for about 20 years. the guys called me the cookie director. i'm the it director. in a transport company, developing science at universities, working in a state corporation roscosmos, i am working on the milky way project. the leaders of russia launched the project on the initiative of the president; this competition is a social elevator for talented and promising people. among the winners of past seasons are five governors, 10 city mayors, and six deputy federal ministers. any person, regardless of his position, what family he comes from, what region he comes from. can apply for an open presidential competition, if he wins, receive a mentor, receive a training program and money for such training, to occupy any of the highest positions in the state, this does not exist anywhere in the world, this is what our president created for
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each of you, all winners receive not only an educational grant in the amount of 1 million rubles. also, the country's best managers will be able to receive career advice throughout the year and support. in the finals, participants solved real-life problems, such as how to put things in order in housing and communal services, improve healthcare in rural areas, launch a business, and make sure that small towns do not disappear, but develop. i'm really a little girl myself a city that simply was never on the map, but this is the city of fokina, primorsky territory, a very, very small, closed town, and we solved problems at the level of just such cities so that the population would stay, love and develop.
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special events in the history of the earth, they are waiting for a very serious illness, it is still called disease x, the world will turn upside down, women will not give birth, everything will be launched as artificially as they launched covid, my son died, i paid for everything, at this price, i with fanga i am on constant energy garter, each of us wants to hear positive forecasts, i don’t want to scare you, sometimes it’s better to hear everything without beautiful, secret. that vanga will now put an end to a sensational , such a bold special issue today
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on the first, this is the main thing in vanga’s opinion that can save us, all the troubles in russia are from the guard, don’t let power out of your hands, your excellency, you didn’t pass me, but these papers dozens of officers read it, and you read it too, or that i shouldn’t trust you if the soldiers in our regiment killed the commander, look, emperor trubetskoy should only dream, and we will do it, st. petersburg is swarming with conspirators, we must openly oppose the emperor, then it will become obvious to everyone what has become obvious to me, he... is weak and insignificant, which means he is not needed, so what? will it happen now, katya?
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big premiere, union of salvation, so we begin, prince, watch the time after the program, in voronezh, at the aircraft factory, i saw how the soviet supersonic superliner tu-144 was born, it was taken to the airfield and it rang, fluttered, soared into the sky, and how huge the deity disappeared into the blue. in gebastuz , at a coal mine, black magma flowed along a conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped with its iron paws and pobedite fangs, cut into the coal seam, 3-2, launch, the rocket ascended, when this...
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confession today on the first, the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming second, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of the civilizations that determined development. humanity, the main locomotive india's economy is now information technology, india exports its software products to more than 90 countries, it is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now in bollywood about 2.0 films are shot a year, this is an absolute record, indians and russians are brother, brother, we helped india create.
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will open the first museum of radion shchedrin in russia, it will appear in the city of aleksin, in the house where the outstanding composer spent his childhood years, according to the authors, this the site will become a cultural destination; concerts, festivals, and theme evenings will be held there, including with the participation of artists from the bolshoi and mariinsky theaters. all this is a joint project of the valery gergiev charitable foundation and the government of the tula region. it seems symbolic that both the region and we are friends.
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for shchedrin, the creation of the museum came as a surprise; he was informed about the plans after the press conference; the maestro, author of many ballets, operas, symphonies, all of his works are still dedicated to radion konstantinovich their. with whom they lived for almost 60 years. dramatic events that had a huge impact on russian history: the best artists, impressive large-scale filming, the premiere of the salvation union serial film about the decembrist uprising on channel one. this is not an extended version of the mega-successful film that was released 4 years ago, but a completely
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independent project. it allows you to dive even deeper into the most interesting facts and the intertwining of the fates of the heroes. kristina levieva. just sharing his impressions you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams, in some sensitive natures, but for the fact that we served the truth, not for people, an exciting journey into the golden age of russian culture, events that will change the course of history, this is the time when our own became enemies, when he came the end of illusions, when the beautiful and the noble stopped sparing each other.
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that is, from this side it turns out to be like that, it means that there is a love story, and somehow you can see that he is a living person, not only a person with a career there, wars, professions some kind of man of his own affairs and he also has some kind of area of ​​\u200b\u200bfeelings of romance
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of some kind to court his lady there. once again, i love you, it was important for me to make her such a beautiful and such a worthy woman in order to strengthen the motivation of the main character, because the stronger the obstacle, and losing such a woman and such love is a big obstacle and the stronger.. ..
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last, i would not like to lose a friend, this is the time that is close to me, because pushkin was here, here he had proposals, here he was refused, but it was all at that very time, and of course volkonsky, it was all at one time, a feeling of some kind of honor, some kind of lost concept of honor. in the role of baron dzibich, who personally arrested the instigators of the uprising, the director and scriptwriter of the film is nikita vysotsky. they are going to. i dream of working in such a film with such possibilities, with such a scale, how much human potential is put into it. sketches of noble life and everyday life of officers; in the union of salvation, every detail was carefully restored from the gun to
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buttons on the uniform, and petersburg appears in its pristine splendor, but what is this terrible scene alone worth? the top of 1824 , which almost destroyed the city, so what prevented the decembrists, the excessive romanticism of some or the indecision of others, the inability to reach an agreement or the reality that took them by surprise, this movie is about what happened 200 years ago, as a reminder, there is no better teacher of life than and history, soldiers must go because they receive orders, then for whom is all this, for whom is our business, find answers to many questions, find out more you can talk about our history today in the first episode of the historical drama union of salvation immediately after the program time. don’t miss it, well , our episode is over, the anti-fake program will continue the broadcast.


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