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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 26, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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the first channel is all for now, right now the program time will tell, viewers of the first channel have joined us, hello friends, this is a stream of the popular front, let's go. as usual in the studio of ekaterina shugaeva and anatoly kuzich, everything happens in space, in the pavilion. alexey stalerov is with us today, how is that right, wait? prank journalist, aka lexus, here is vladimirovich sergienko, political scientist, from germany, prank political scientist, for germany. who writes a build about him, i
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showed you the cover, yes spy, spy, spy, well about vladimirovich, in general, in this sense, he’s a prank journalist. yesterday the ukraine forum was held in kiev, the year 2024, or from the creation, so to speak, i don’t know, in general that’s what it’s called, but this congress brought many interesting ideas and discoveries, so to speak, well, in quotes, friends of russia, you can listen to the chapter office of vladimir zelensky andrey ermak, which means the word peace again. this is the key to this speech, but, as they say, there is a nuance, listen. the goal of the first summit, the goal of the first summit should be to fix, a personal meeting of the leaders is very important, which will record what we have been talking about all these months, at the level of ambassadors and advisers. at the second summit there may be a situation where we will invite representatives of the russian federation together, where this plan will be presented to them, in case the one who at that time represents the aggressor country wants to stop the war and return. well
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, i remember here, listen, well, it’s true, well, where would we be without him, this is an old joke, it’s clear that , so to speak, the lame dog agrees, and you ’ll ask count pototsky, will it be should he marry a lame dog, please excuse me, there is no answer, oh well , well, in general, don’t pay attention, by the way, pay attention, after all, the world will give the word to invite russia to those who will represent the country, the aggressor, the fair world, well, it’s true, that’s all, any psychologist will confirm to you that... it’s not without reason, you know, he’s an amazing character, of course , we also talked to him somewhere, somewhere, probably a year ago, we they talked to him, he was in such a depressed state, he said that everything was bad for them they are coming, a year ago, they were just planning and they were going on a counterattack, yes they were planning, but he, in a private conversation with an american, said that everything was bad.
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said the following phrase: our whole life depends on the wisdom of the american people, seriously, he said, once again, our whole destiny depends on the wisdom of the american people. oh, listen, i want to congratulate the ukrainians on the real achievement of real independence, and not some non-anecdotal one, you know, your whole fate depends on the wisdom of the american people, guys, well congratulations, what can i say, well then there is another biden bump, two bumps, they are jumping over them, well, in fact, this is right here they really are.
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which is called headless surrender, look, let’s remember that what lyosha said, it means a dead end, yes, but the dead end turns out to be in the name of one person, this is a dead end in the name of one person. and ermak, i think, didn’t just talk that he said, well, for now, while zelensky is there, it’s impossible, the window is right, in general they said that we are theoretically ready to talk about something with russia, but if russia will retreat to exactly the level of february 22, 2022, yeah, on february 24 , they definitely said goodbye to crimea, that is, they say, maybe we’ll start something with russia, in general, you know, now there is such a manner, so to speak troll each other, call something there. the names of someone there in front of the embassies are mandatory, well, zelensky’s dead end should, of course, be in any decent city in ukraine, so friends, we have a call in the studio, if i understand the gestures of our operators correctly, this is anna vasilyevna, yes, yes, hello , where are you from,
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anna vasilyevna, we got through on the phone, i’m calling from ryazan, wonderful, from the library, yes, you work in the library.
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depends on us, some on our partners , so there is a delay in some processes , the main thing is to have a plan, and this plan is there, i cannot tell you the details of this plan and i will explain why, honestly, the fewer people who know the plans of the ukrainian army, the faster there will be a victory and an unexpected result for the russians, and i will tell you frankly, our
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counteroffensive plan last year was on the table in the kremlin before the start of this offensive, period: eight, wait, seven times the words of the plan in those 10 seconds. well, listen, then, of course, i ’m very sorry, the fewer people who know our plans, but you see, in the kremlin it’s time, okay, now let our respected interlocutors, colleagues, tell us how this plan ended up in the scraper on the table, well , listen , a year ago, when lyosha was talking, they called irmak, because only the lazy ones from the irons didn’t say that we were going on a counter-offensive, yes, we were going on a counter-offensive, here we’ll go, yes.
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what is the name of joseph biden's son? hunter, hunter josephovich, yes, that’s about hunter and so on, but there’s just this feeling, he has something like that, zelensky’s manner, let’s do it this way, she’s already eaten too much of this greyhound , this is a manner, fixed, in in principle, even the ukrainian foreign ministry, well, remember, the german chancellor, an offended liverwurst, the german president is removed from the guest list, at the last moment, this is a humiliator, this... this is slapped after slapped, what is germany doing? germany is favored, we are number one in europe, in terms of financing, in
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arms supplies, that is, they are accustomed to they can remember this phrase, we are the elite, this is, we are the elite, yes, we, we, we are the world, the world elite and i think they believed in it, they, this is the whole zelensky team, they believed that they are the world elite, that they cannot afford to talk like this with countries, with presidents, with chancellors, this is normal for them, they believe in it, they live in this paradigm, that is, this is not what he has in his bosom... there is some kind of secret information against biden's son, no, everything was there a long time ago, tserushniki cleared out what was needed, in any case, well, let's do it, there are so many branches of the cia that are in ukraine , there in lvov they are just walking, in lvov they are walking along the street, it’s normal, let’s also talk about arrogance, you are actually right about such arrogance, they actually now even zelensky has agreed to that the counterattack failed due to the fact that the equipment was not brought, we have a buffet.
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there are several questions, first, if you had a fist for a counter-offensive, but it was naked, maybe you shouldn’t call it a fist, that’s the first, second, that means that’s the same fist, four brigades without equipment, okay, nevertheless, he calls them a fist and so on, i’m talking about independence, independence and so on, we already talked, let’s not joke a second time, but excuse me, nevertheless, a bare fist, everything else without equipment, they went on a counterattack. and with whom and with what, that is, they decided to just stupidly throw meat at them, i
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understand correctly, but how else, that is, a year ago he told you that everything is bad with us, there is no equipment, zelensky admits that there is no equipment, he admits, that the plan was in the kremlin, they went, what if we remember how this was pr a counter-offensive from every angle, in fact, now it will begin.
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here's a grain on purpose, then you announced ahead, go, fight, who is responsible for the counter-offensive, zelensky, who tells fairy tales, who is the commander-in-chief in the country, he is responsible, then he is responsible to the ukrainian people. and i’ll tell you, you know, a very, very important point, but no one has taken the military coup off the scales in modern ukraine, well , no one has taken it off, analysts talk about it all the time, that it is possible, and zelensky needs to justify himself, does the kremlin see they knew , does he see something else there, he bears responsibility, no zaluzhny bears responsibility, zelensky bears responsibility, but now he blames everything on zaluzhny, because everything was bad while
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zaluzhny was there, he he can blame anything, he can put him in prison there, he has complete media and power space. he so delicately did not mention the name of the zaluzhny, whom katya remembered, yes, that is, look what he says, you can realize it from this angle: they say we have there were four brigades and we planned that they would go on the offensive, so to speak, as soon as they were given weapons, but someone’s ill will or stupidity, that means, sent them without weapons, so to speak, without without equipment, it just means on
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a counterattack, who it could be, well, like, he’s probably hinting, hinting, and we know that zaluzhny was against it, once again, the supreme commander-in-chief, so vladimirovich, not a bad try, but no, now as for this, as katya said, cia officers, cia officers, bases , bases, beers came and so on, listen, there’s some kind of sensation here, an absolutely, amazingly interesting publication in the new york times, that means a publication. with reference to the sources of this respected publication itself, and the idea is, or rather, the information is that the cia has created a whole network of spy bases in ukraine, with twelve secret facilities along the border with russia. here 's a snippet of this article. located in a dense forest, the ukrainian military base looks abandoned and
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destroyed, but it is above ground. nearby there is an inconspicuous passage into an underground bunker, where groups of ukrainian soldiers. monitoring russian spy satellites and eavesdropping on conversations of russian commanders. the underground bunker, built to replace a destroyed command center several months after the russian invasion, is the secret center of ukraine's armed forces. the base is almost entirely funded and partially equipped by the cia and other american intelligence agencies, which provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track the movements of russian troops and help support spy networks. there is a listening post in the ukrainian forest.
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the germans also installed the latest equipment for surveillance purposes, too, you ’re only talking about the central intelligence agency , and there are also german ones there , and there are also french bases for wiretapping and surveillance. it’s not the central intelligence agency, it’s the nsa anymore, and it’s them who collect data, and let’s
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also tell the truth about what this is the first time we found out. just the readers of this article should have the idea that we have been financing there for 10 years, 8 years by the way. then it’s clear why this cia guy has already come 10 times already i’ve been to the science department 10 times in the last 2 years , he’s a professional, he was the ambassador to russia, but he checked all his bases, you know, i have
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this feeling too, well, it’s internal, if i repeat the word once again that the afghanization of ukraine is happening, then then burns came to pick up his people, that is, the guys little by little collect the anatomy and go home, but there is such a thing that this could happen, because of course, of course. if you provide them with even their interesting equipment, even if you just look at it, you’ll have 5 minutes in hands, this laptop that lies there, you know , it would be interesting, yes, when they feel, at the same time there is confirmation of the success of the advance of the russian troops, yeah, then on the front line, let’s also tell each other very honestly, but can you imagine if csr members are captured, can you imagine what a blow this is for the americans? as it would be, i’m not talking about the exchange fund now, only about information, it would be a bomb, rightly said, because this is
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a drain, this is a drain, the next step is a hearing on this drain, i’m really looking forward to it hearings, this, in principle, could lead to impeachment, but let's remember, friends, let's remember this publication again and let 's look carefully, it appeared on february 25, that is, yesterday, let's see the truth to judge, because well, in theory, yes new york times. a very noticeable publication, probably one of the most famous in the states in general, close to the democrats, not to the republicans, but oddly enough, close to the democrats, this also seems to be the case, but on the other hand, trump is in his sixteenth year, maybe i don't know if this is the case, we'll see we will closely follow this story, that’s what concerns saboteurs, training and so on, local personnel, so to speak, there is a continuation, well, that is, this is generally a large publication, but look at a small piece that is still interesting, including about ... budanova. listen. around 2016, the cia began training an elite ukrainian team known as unit 2245
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, which would capture russian drone communications so cia experts could examine them and also break moscow's encryption systems. one one of the officers of this unit was kirill budanov, now a general heading military intelligence of ukraine. the cia also helped train a new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia.
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british intelligence operative in the usa, it is no coincidence that the new york times british intelligence agent hershey leaked the explosion of a gas pipeline by the americans, that is, this is a definite war between the british and americans, between the intelligence services, it is going on, the british have now leaked information that the cia is preparing bases along the border, why cia officers are preparing bases along the border, preparing 8 years ago, that’s the point, yes, and now why are they preparing, because they clearly understand that russia is advancing and... these territories, where these bases are located now, they will soon belong to russia, in order in order to form an agent fund there, in order to form a sabotage fund
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there, work is needed, this work is precisely carried out by such bases, that is, at these bases , frankly speaking, sabotage groups are now preparing to wage a terrorist war in the rear of russia, once again, when these the territories will be ours, the people who are trained at these bases will pretend that they are with us, in fact they will work as violators. absolutely true, yes, absolutely true, the cia still has serious problems, they have been actively investing in information technology for the last 20-25, maybe even 30 years, that is, asint, open source intelligence was in the first place and working with agents, as they say humin human intelligence, human intelligence, they seem to be lagging behind, now that the americans are simply escaped from russia, they have a serious problem with agents, so it is necessary to create new cells, it is necessary to create new networks, and it is these people who work along the border, along the front line, they form these kind of cells, which after some time will already work in the rear , that is, this is such a trojan horse for us
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, in fact, they - they have it in all the former countries of the ussr, well , it doesn’t matter there, take armenia, romania, that...
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and so on, i hope, and counter, so to speak, work, i don’t hope, but i’m sure, will also pass intensively and effectively, well, tell me, there’s something else i can’t get out of my head, this means that this is some kind of british leak, and this is a british leak of what, so they are leaking whom in this way, excuse me, who? no, the british actually have a rather serious confrontation with the americans, that is, specifically in terms of intelligence, that is, they still cannot be said to be united and acting
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together, but that is. you provoke it to everyone by creating bases for sabotage against the country, well, of course, any normal, so to speak, responsible country obliged, which means this bedbug infestation, this breeding ground for all evil spirits, to destroy for itself , so the common people think, well, well done russians, close the newspaper, but this is so, the point is to give such a message to the british, well, again now europe and britain are also
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part of in europe, they... look at ukraine like a suitcase without handles, it’s hard to carry, yes, that is, in fact, it is the americans who are now actively encouraging them to pour in finances, and of course, they have their own elites there who are trying to put, so to speak, a spoke in the wheels including reports of this kind information for the public , so that there would be grounds to accuse, among other things , the americans of illegal methods of warfare. by the way, this leak in fact confirms our right, the basis for... i understand correctly that mis-6 wants to replace them, that is, such it doesn’t matter from whom we get trojan horses, but we will get them, from the cia or from mi6, we will get these intelligence bases in any case, you are absolutely right, that is, mi6 is also not sleeping, they are also working, they are preparing their agents of influence , they
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are preparing their saboteurs, that is, themselves in fact... this is competition for sales markets, including in the development sector, yes, because having conquered certain markets, you can then promote your business interests, and we have something similar, and we have such bases somewhere we’re doing it, and you say, novel , write it down, that means first base, that’s it, the question is clear and the answer is also clear, even i can answer it katya, yes, but it’s interesting that, well, it seems to me that there’s no need to try details, they recently wrote that the sbu even has a department.
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it causes strong reflections and nervousness americans have a tick, let's start, and i know that i remembered, remember, there was a film on tv about such a series that is sleeping. yes, those sleeping were watching, remember how it’s not a novel , don’t take it away, leave it, i want the same for roman too, this is for all of us, and i remember how the liberal public was hysterical, just arching their bodies as if she was foaming at the mouth, you know, everyone was in epilepsy, like you can yes how dare you what a generalization listen here i remember another incident remember with the spy stone when everyone was on arkady mamontov on arkady mamontov everything
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he was also there, and roman romachev was in direct contact with us, well, really, listen, that’s all, most likely, we need to remember who screamed the loudest, most likely he and, i’ll joke you something, i’ll joke you something means that americans, like many other people, love comfort, when the novel says that they can be under the guise of anyone, under the guise of journalists, environmentalists, well , cirushniks, they love comfort, they have money, they get burned by it in the city.
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what can i say, remember, i said everything, it means that in the near future it will be on the first channel premiere, enough of these abstractions, today , today on channel one, immediately after the program, the time begins to show a special television version of the historical drama union of salvation,
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pictures of the new decembrist uprising of 1825, i highly recommend watching, especially since this television version is very different from the rental one, there, some scenes were filmed and some characters were introduced. i won’t get tired of repeating this formula, and it wouldn’t hurt to see how cyclically instructive our great complex history is, most importantly, and to know her, the film will help you, among other things, to draw the right conclusions from her, something like this, thank you everyone for your attention, see you soon on the air, vanga’s godfather sergei kostarnoy made a sensational statement in the studio of the exclusive program.
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i know pester, he’s a brave man , he fought well, he’s not afraid of blood, neither his own nor someone else’s, i want to change my life for the better, take it and change it, what do we say, who
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will change, so something will be depleted? the budget passed all levels, at the highest approval our little trick was revealed, then to pay what has already been paid, for you the goal is more important than people, judas. judas, brother you, he is just the opposite, we must leave, i ask you, go away, i ask you, follow me. a big premiere, a union of salvation, you should n’t wait for new incidents, where, when, look after the program the time, in voronezh, at an aircraft factory, i saw how the soviet supersonic superliner tu-144 was born, it was taken to the airfield and it rang, buzzed, trembled, washed into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared into the blue, tebostuz in the coal mine, black magma flowed across
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the conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped with its iron paws and its victorious tusks, cut into the coal seam, three or two, launch, the rocket ascended, when this happened, all these alarmed, gloomy people suddenly rejoiced. confession today on the first, this is a bone, this is how osteoporosis is formed, the bone loses calcium, the bone loses cells from dense becomes porous and fragile, about ostaoporosis about living healthy in the program, tomorrow on the first, the first most
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populous country, the third the economy of the planet with a good prospect of becoming second, pushing aside the united states, is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main engine of the indian economy is now information technology, india exports its software products more than... but the future is the premiere of civilization, film
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six, india on thursday on the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he is dying, in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother, i don’t i think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter vera to her parents and ex-husband, i said that, unfortunately, i have a very it’s hard news for you that mom is no longer with us, what he went through at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, just as yulia’s only daughter survived this loss, what a path she went through after her mother’s death, i’m somehow very, somehow mega strong, i somehow everything was like that, i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life de...
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, russian federation, vladimir putin, federal assembly, live broadcast on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov. in a special operation, our military carried out new attacks on militant positions. the crew of the su-34 fighter-bomber worked in the kopinsk direction. all targets were destroyed without entering the affected area enemy air defense. the crew of the anti-aircraft missile system successfully operated in the same area. three shot down
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vso combat and reconnaissance drones. enemy drones were detected using radar. our guys are on duty around the clock in any weather. the installation scans the sky every minute ; it is impossible to pass through; the beech is capable of detecting and hitting six objects almost at once, and is also characterized by high maneuverability and can quickly change its location. this is footage of the sabdeevsky sector, where our artillery continues to push back the enemy. in the matter of calculating rocket systems of the hail series. the command to retreat came when there was actually no one to leave, the losses on our side were very large, when i left the house, there were a lot of corpses in our uniform, a lot, and i wasn’t everywhere when they took me out, i just i saw
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it, and i can imagine what was given there, it’s a nightmare, the guys, those who were with me, i don’t know, it all ended so quickly for them, unexpectedly, they were killed, i think if they had such a chance, like me, just give up, they would have given up, a serviceman of the ukrainian armed forces he told me that he ended up in avdeevka a week before liberation and until recently he didn’t know that he was going there, on the very first day he lost his colleagues and decided to retreat back, but it didn’t work out, he came under fire from his own people, hid in the basement, where he was without water and food, russian soldiers did not find him, the prisoner was immediately provided with medical assistance. the supreme court of the lpr recognized the soviet people as genocide. nazi actions in the region during the great patriotic war. the corresponding statement was prepared on behalf of prosecutor general. the evidence base for the crimes of the nazis and their accomplices has collected
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impressive evidence of mass executions, torture, torture of both civilians and prisoners of war. for any disobedience , the occupiers corralled them, drove them out onto the street, took away their clothes, and deprived them of their clothes. food, in addition, the invaders ravaged farms, peasant households and collective farms, as well as factories, factories and mines, and destroyed critical infrastructure, in particular power grids. according to rough estimates, in the period from july 42 to september 1943, nazi victims on the territory of the region became about 100,000 people. danish police are ending their investigation into the terrorist attack on the nord stream gas pipelines. as stated in the press release , the reason is lack of grounds to continue the proceedings. law enforcement officers came to the conclusion that on the day. that the explosions were deliberate sabotage, but copenhagen will not provide any additional information. let me remind you that earlier the swedish authorities also announced that they were stopping the investigation, saying that the case does not fall within the country’s jurisdiction and that they would have to look into everything germany will continue, which, by the way , suffered colossal losses due to the terrorist attack; instead of cheap russian gas, it is now purchasing american lng at three times the price. our country
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does not dedicate details to europeans. moscow has repeatedly spoken about the need for a transparent international investigation. edition news. commented in the kremlin, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted, copenhagen’s decision is astonishing, the situation is close to absurd, apparently the europeans began to contact their closest allies during investigations. vladimir putin noted the great personal contribution of turkish president recep erdogan to the development of friendly relations between moscow and ankara. the head of our country congratulated his turkish colleague on his birthday over the phone. the leaders confirmed their mutual intentions for further comprehensive cooperation. erdogan.
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maneuvering, all this in heavy armored luxury vehicles . the federal security service has identified the best driver of a special purpose garage. traditions, decades old; if earlier these were super-closed competitions, today they are attract hundreds of spectators. maria saushkina was among them. on the aurus racing track , the senate, the commandant of the arsenal, and the best drivers
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of the special-purpose garage, which ensures the movement of top officials of the state, compete in high-speed maneuvering. 16 drivers of the federal security service are participating in the races; the names and titles of the drivers are traditionally not disclosed for security reasons. in real life, yes, you can talk as much as you like about what kind of professional you are, but you can only prove it on the road, but on public roads use or when working with a passenger, of course you will never do this, so here among themselves, let them prove which of them is better. each pair of participants completed the elements along the ring track for a while. russia , the design of the first soviet
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post-war executive class car was taken as a basis for the development of the style. the creators of the aurus car talk about why the zis-110 inspired russian engineers. we started from this car, why? because it a winning car, one might say, it appeared at a time when our country won a truly great victory and, one might say, saved the world from disaster. now, of course, it’s very difficult to recognize a zis in it, but the characteristic elements are a vertical massive grille and these, diverging to the side, like he had at the bottom of the zis , these stripes, moldings, how to say, special purpose garage veteran yuri lanin recalls how the tradition of identifying the best fso drivers was born. on our modest, modest territory on masvilma in the garage, masvilma house.
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the directional stability theme is turned off to increase the difficulty of the route. aurus cars, although not racing cars, are dynamic and well-handled; drivers of the special-purpose garage are constantly improving their driving skills, which makes racing in executive class cars more and more spectacular. competitions at the fso circuit attract hundreds of people. maria saushkina, pavel volkonsky, alexander napalmov, fedor yurasov, channel one. the first one will open in the tula region
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the russian museum of radion shchedrin will appear in the city of aleksin, in the house where the outstanding composer spent his childhood. as conceived by the authors, this site will become a place of cultural performance; concerts, festivals, theme evenings will be held there, including with the participation of artists from the bolshoi and marinsky theaters. all this is a joint project of the valery gergiev charitable foundation and the government. the fact that both the region and we, friends of the composer, in fulfilling such a desire, so that we could hold solemn festivals, we could attract young musicians and the most famous musicians of the country. shchedrin spoke about this more than once, that it was in baleksin that he was nourished by the national spirit - the spirit of the outback, our task is to create not only a museum, but also some kind of territory where it will be possible to hold
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various creative meetings, for shchedrin the creation of the museum came as a surprise, he was informed about the plans after the press conference, the maestro, the author of many ballets, operas, symphonies, he is called the king of the modern orchestra, radion konstantinovich still dedicates all his works to muse maeplesetskaya, with whom they lived for almost 60 years. dramatic events that had a huge impact on russian history: the best artists, impressive large-scale filming on channel one, the premiere of the salvation union serial film about the decembrist uprising, this is not an extended version of the mega-successful film that was released 4 years ago, but a completely independent project, it allows you to dive even deeper into the most interesting facts and the intertwining of the destinies of the heroes. kristina levieva shares her impressions. only to blame. you not because dreams aroused some sensitive natures, but because they served
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the truth, not people, an exciting journey into the golden age of russian culture, events that would change the course of history, this is the time when our own became enemies, when the end of illusions came, when beautiful and the nobles stopped sparing each other, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i... and the facts associated with the decembrist uprising, only in much more detail, i want to change my life for the better, take it and change it, it will be more clear in general what happened from the point of view of history, from the point of view of societies, from the point of view of origin, from the point of view of the south, the north. and the like from the point of view of motivation and that side and that side, which means the king, answer if you want to live, and
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if you don’t want to live, more than 100 characters. in fact, the main stars of our cinema starred in the film, everyone on the screen is transformed not just into a historical figure, into a living person, with his own experiences and thoughts, a cold-blooded pest, tormented by thoughts rayleigh, ant's apostle , bright and mysterious, i'm not a traitor, i swear, that means it is so , a love story has appeared, yes, that is, from this side you can somehow look at him, that he is a living person, not only a person, a career.
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to strengthen the motivation of the main character, because the stronger the obstacle, and losing such a woman and such love is a big obstacle, and the stronger the obstacle, the stronger the motivation, you always do everything possible and useful, they are meaningless and ridiculous, i advise you, the movie is not divides heroes into good bad, events in black and white, the union of salvation - this is a chronicle of those days, an attempt at an honest look at the era and people. by the way, viewers will see many characters for the first time, the reformer spiransky, the favorite of two emperors arakcheev, the victim of court intrigue, prince volkonsky. you are my friend , maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, this is the time that is close to me, because pushkin was here, here he was offered, here he was refused, but this is all that time, and of course volkonsky - it’s all one time, a feeling
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some kind of honor, some kind of honor like this... the lost concept of honor, in the role of baron dzibich, who personally arrested the instigators of the uprising, director and author of the scene, nikita vysotsky, they are going to kill you first, your majesty, this is because their it’s not enough, one filmmaker once told me, i dream of working in such a film with such possibilities, with such a scale, how many human capabilities are invested in it. glimpses of noble life and everyday life of officers. in the salvation union, every detail from the cannon to the button on the uniform was carefully restored, and st. petersburg appears in its pristine splendor. but what is worth this scene alone of the terrible flood of 1824, which almost destroyed the city. so what prevented the decembrists, the excessive romanticism of some or the indecisiveness of others. failure
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to agree or a reality that took you by surprise. this is a movie about what happened. the information channel first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, has finally realized the reality, the reality in which he found himself, and admitted that the situation for the ukrainian armed forces in many areas is difficult. the enemy regularly storms the positions of our troops; in many directions the situation is complex and requires constant
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monitoring to improve combat effectiveness and control stability. units immediately made several decisions on the spot. well, under the command of syrsky , ukraine has already lost avdiivka, there is room to move forward, this is what the liberation of avdiivka is for those people who have been waiting for many years for the arrival of our liberation from this ukrainian oppression, clearly illustrates the life of a boy from obdeevka, dima. he is only 4 years old and that's half of it. he spent his still small life, a short life, in the basement, and now, thanks to the liberation of the city, he is discovering this world anew. we have unique passengers today, look, what ’s your name, you’re like dima, cool, how old are you, you know, four,
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you’re already four, you’re four today. one year old, today, today, today is your birthday, yes, okay, that’s it, dim, let’s not distract you, yes, you have a trip here, you probably stayed too long, poor thing. so i didn’t let you out on the street, because my mother came, she says it was a family, one family had two or three children, there were fighting dogs, soldiers came, the dogs were shot, so this is your first trip , almost consciously, yes, yes, that’s it thinks this is a great birthday present for you , yes yes. well, maybe dima’s views aren’t the best, well, now we’ll get to the donetsk people’s republic, everything will be more fun there, you see, chocolate for
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a little boy is nothing for little dima compared to what he sees around himself, this is certainly not the best landscape for him now, but this is not the basement where he spent half of it. his life, now the editor-in-chief of sovtv, war correspondent, evgeny lesitsin, is in touch with our studio. evgeniy, hello, we know that you visited avdeevka, and is there any latest information from there, how is the situation? the avdiivka direction, she is now continuing to storm the guys there, in the thin area today a very critical situation has developed with the enemy, yesterday our troops entered, entrenched themselves on its eastern outskirts, and today, based on as yet unconfirmed information from the enemy. left this settlement now they have already left it there, yes, they have already left a thin one, that is , they are now cleaning up there, this significantly complicates the enemy’s position, because we have already approached orlovka itself, orlovka and
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berdycha, but between orlovka and beredycha, there is still there is semyonovka, and along two routes the ukrainian armed forces group that is currently stationed there is supplied; their situation is now critical; they cannot move away from the reed to deliver a bull right now. it’s more important than life to take care of our guys, of course , evgeniy, and you said about orlovka, if i’m not mistaken, 3 weeks ago, even less,
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orlovka was the central hub through which the group in avdeevka was supplied, there was a highway there, it went from there, and we we are already approaching orlovka, as i understand it, yes, it turns out that there is a kilometer and a half along the highway from tonenkoy to orlovka, but even before orlovka there is still the village of semyonovka. there were also logistics terminals in the ssu and storage of bull there and unmanned aerial vehicles, but now in the ssu, they will simply leave orlovka, because we are already putting pressure on beredychi, so orlovka will be under heavy fire after the thin one, so the enemy will either have to leave in any case or die there, but since - meat fuhrur zelensky he doesn’t spare his people, most likely they will remain there, well , the prisoner’s exchange fund may be replenished. this is also beneficial for us, i know that you always have a lot of information from the kupinsky direction, how is the situation there now? in kupinsk too we put pressure on senkovka, on petropavlovka , there too our guys are now working very hard
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with fpv drones, now of course there is a drone war, it has moved on so much, this direction is more difficult, because there is a relief there and the enemy is snarling from kupinsk itself, they have equipped themselves there in full, but the situation is basically the same as in avdeevka.
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2 years ago, ukrainians insisted that they could win this war and that they would win. a year ago, at the same time, president zelensky even said that by now in time it will all be over, but now the ukrainians recognize that this will be a long war. andrey, this is what a long war is in general, the idea of ​​ukraine and what ukraine is for to continue this war, to prolong it. it's a long war. a term that is also called a war of attrition, this is when each country constantly throws people, equipment to the line of combat contact, it all costs very much, it requires a huge potential of resources, such as human, military-industrial potential of the allies, but we see that they are being depleted, so in this sense i would like to understand that for ukraine that is why the resource of the allies of their potential is very large in ukraine. frank, another question is that
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they don’t want to do this, the americans are forcing the europeans, the americans are trying to do it themselves, but political factors are now preventing all this, although some of it will fall in, so ukraine has the only resource, these are people, and that’s it not endless, for a reason, they are starting to send their embassies abroad to catch people, to interact with employers so that they issue lists of employed ukrainians of military age and squeeze them out. them to their homeland, using a variety of tricks, blocking cards, conditionally there, the impossibility of obtaining certain documents, so that personal appearance is required, so that the person returns to the country, like a valve that will not prevent him from leaving back in this situation, so they and now they find allies among the leaders of western countries, who also benefit from kicking them out, because they are on benefits, but let’s be frank, if we weigh this potential, our potential in some parts is even greater than that of the collective nato. for
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the production of shells, armored vehicles, and our human potential is very serious, like motivation and other factors, so it’s really not just that, you showed western reports, for ukraine the situation really looks very sad in the near future. alexey, in these reports, where the situation really looks sad, they openly say: choosing which region of ukraine defend, you essentially determine which region you will surrender, preparing zelensky for what is inevitable. in fact, we can’t even fully understand how bad things are for them, but if you look at what western journalists write, after talking with the military, who are on the other side, things are already in complete disarray, that is, they are close to disaster, we must understand this very well, that is, they are in the deepest depression, for them all the stories of last year, where they deceived themselves that they would succeed in something, they... gathered together
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such a bad psychological thing, they sit there for 2 years, it’s unclear why, they surrender city after city, then it gets worse and worse, why are they resisting, the common people no longer understand, but if we’re talking about the political leadership, then of course, that’s just just earning their own political points, what they want in the future is unclear, maybe they want to teach somewhere in california and are now preparing a comfortable retreat for themselves, but all this will cost ordinary ukrainians, well, dozens and...
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the ukraine 2024 conference with speeches zelensky, there polish farmers unsealed and poured eight wagons of corn from ukraine onto the ground. another act of vandalism. in poland, unknown persons opened eight carriages and poured out 180 tons of ukrainian grain. the press service of the ukrainian railways company reports this. the incident occurred 150 km from the port of gdansk. the grain was transported in transit through.
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they finally decided for their business directly with the poles, this is the statement made by vladimir zelensky. in poland today there is an internal struggle, for us it is extremely important to preserve the alliance with poland, but if we do not find acceptable steps, then we will protect our business. well, who knows, zelensky knows that the path to wealth lies precisely through western pockets, so he will fight to the last. it was a hot weekend in paris, there was an agricultural exhibition there. well, dissatisfied french farmers burst in. president emmanuel macron was present at the exhibition at that time, the farmers were very determined, they began to throw eggs at the police, insulted the police, insulted the president, in the end the security forces were
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forced to use tear gas against them, well, macron himself hastily left, so he left and fled, what can we say from this exhibition, well, here are the shots that we just received. farmers in brussels went to a completely new protest, the reasons are still the same, in particular, dissatisfaction with the economic support of ukraine from the european union, this is of course interesting, andrey frantsevich, what is the balance of power between politics and economics, who will win this battle in europe? you know, i remember my experience working in the foreign economic sector and always.
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on tenders, so that they enter the foreign market, so that our producers are not infringed upon, it’s the same in the country, but europe, being under external control, is essentially, essentially a garden from which the harvest is harvested, americans perceive it very simply: we when - as part of the marshall plan, they printed, sent a lot of money to europe, raised technology, it all grew to a high-tech sector , including, by the way, in agriculture, now all this harvest can be harvested. all these companies send to the necessary countries, such as the usa, britain and so on, they sit and watch how this will happen, but if you go down to the plane of the people and their authorities in europe, i was just now watching these shots and thinking, interesting, but what else needs to happen for the same macron so that he begins
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to act in the interests of his country, now he is already running away, although this is a disgrace for the president, his security, security in the world, yes, the president running away from the crowd, well, this is already, this is already this is a serious signal and a disgrace. what should happen next? they should start having street fights, and this is also a gang and business will soon begin to finance it. the germans paved the way in this regard by creating territorial joint commands of the bundeswehr and the police, realizing that the businesses that are now suffering are going bankrupt, this has never happened before, their enterprises that survived the first and second world war are closing, they are now closing because they cannot work under these conditions, therefore my understanding that the next stage is serious street. confrontation, the authorities in some part will begin to give up, because they will not be able to carry out the commands of ordinary americans. alexey, if you look at it, yes, what is happening in europe now. the polish-ukrainian conflict on the border, where eight wagons were simply emptied, corn was poured onto the ground, this is not the only
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conflict, by the way, grain that is being supplied continues to be poured out there, in general there is a conflict against supplies. france, farmers' exhibition, seemingly no has nothing to do with ukraine, yes, but in fact people ask macron questions about why we support ukraine, but we have big problems. germany, protesters constantly go out to protest rallies, and farmers are also ahead of the rest of the planet. i have a feeling that the top can’t, and the bottom doesn’t want to, i ’m not hinting at anything, but the situation is very similar, here it’s more likely, you know, such irritation at a mischievous child, not even a friend, who knows who, so they were taken to the european family, yes, as it were, they were told, that’s it, we seem to be friends with you, yes, but no one he said on what conditions, yes, that this is cooperation there of the third level, yes, it was immediately obvious, but now they themselves have begun to get irritated, so, our business executives are suffering, yes, they are still shouting something, indignant, etc. they promise us some
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kind of retaliatory measures, and of course, they will now push them back even further, that is, they will hide this mischievous incomprehensible kitten, not even a child, somewhere in the closet, that is , and the further it goes, the stronger it will be, that is they themselves, purely as human beings, think, why did we even get involved in this? an incomprehensible miracle that is happening, but how do we need it at all or not, is the french revolution possible now? macron cannot thank macron for the situation here, they ran to beat him physically, and this was obvious to everyone, that is, people were determined to such an extent that they were ready to use physical force against their... president, despite subsequent criminal sanctions, that's how the police are protecting, pay attention to how tear gas was released, these
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are the prerequisites, this is not just a protest to ask questions, they have already tried to talk to him, he doesn’t want to talk, so maybe, i don’t know , how to help somehow, but now it will sound specific, we won’t save them and this needs to be understood very well, they gave their sovereignty to the americans, this is really so, and what are they now maybe, that’s right , my colleague... indicated that where can they even go in this fall, that’s all , accordingly, the presidents are running to hit, they are told that close your historical, century-old enterprises, they are doing it all, the next one a step is, of course, straight up war on the streets, but they will accept this too , that is, a completely possible scenario, this is the most probable, it is being realized before our eyes, and this is very beneficial for america, we know who the main interest is, here is the weakening of europe -
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“we wanted to see a partner who would be oriented towards the west, would become european, but this is not what russian president vladimir putin did. we will continue to tighten the stranglehold of restrictive measures against the russian leadership in order to force moscow to seriously sit down at the negotiating table. well, i really don’t like noland, what russia is not in the american trend, in its right mind, but here it is worth noting that, in general , biden’s america and nuland herself will not help anything at all, not at all.” when i heard this statement from the zeros , it was immediately clear to me
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emotions prevailed, because they say as usual, we didn’t want to see this kind of russia , they don’t care what kind of russia you and i wanted to see, they wanted to see us differently, but vladimir putin, you see , went the other way, they sincerely don’t understand why and they want to force us into hell, but it's just suggests that in the minds of americans, the world order can only be american and nothing else. what’s interesting here is andrei fransovich, that by this she makes it clear that guys, we won’t stop, it doesn’t matter that there ’s money hanging up in congress right now, but there’s still a little time, literally 2 weeks, when everything will be decided, but even if there’s something... then again this will drag on, so she shows, this is a lady, a pastry chef, a chef, a pastry chef for preparing a revolution wherever possible, she says, guys, listen, don’t hope for nothing, we are not... an inflated soap
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bubble that they inflated a long time ago, it can always burst very easily with a small puncture, it’s just that the pressure is already excessive, but what is a soap bubble? americans over the last 5 years there have printed 80% of their money sent to the whole world, which, relatively speaking, is reflected in all countries in the form of high inflation, they do little except weapons and produce aircraft there, made in the usa is practically impossible to find in the states, it's all made in mexico, in asia and so on, and they minus a trillion. every year, their trade and economic balance is not maintained by any country, this is how they export their products, the main dollar, and what russia, china, the brix countries, the sco are doing, we are hitting the dollar, it is not them who will change, it is us for them, a very big threat is us, a noose that is tightening on the noose of this hegemon, and they really have serious problems, because they are beginning
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to crumble on many fronts, and as soon as their satellites begin to flee from them, and we see, that... saudi arabia, which always tied its own, its black gold, oil , tied to the dollar, is now starting to trade for the yuan, this is a huge risk for the united states, so they will tighten the noose around the neck of europe of their satellites, like on leashes of dogs there or some other animals, and they will tugging at them and not actually feeding them, letting them be angry and hungry, and another world begins to be built according to completely different rules, on equal terms, and there is no leader here, these are all nationally oriented states, so... last friday our country celebrated one of our most important holidays is defender of the fatherland day. everyone understands perfectly why in these times this holiday is especially important for our country; activists, volunteers of the popular front, and just ordinary citizens throughout the country organized a variety of actions in order to support our guys on the front line, our defenders,
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a motor rally was held in yekaterinburg in honor of our soldiers. now a participant will contact us. participant of the autostorm ural project named eldar okperov in honor of defender of the fatherland day eldar okperov i organized a car rally with the guys to congratulate our fighters, from the very beginning we have been helping with humanitarian aid, sending car assaults, sending cars, now we are growing, growing, the unification of all non-profit organizations gives us great results, now next to me is the yekaterinburg city foundation vasily agafonov volunteer, these are girls.
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hooray, how cool you are, absolutely fire, thank you very much, i immediately wanted to go to yekaterinburg, well, as we all know very well, the popular front keeps up with the times, a defender of the fatherland in the literal sense of the word now you can become by downloading a mobile application that allows you to inform our intelligence services about various suspicious actions and sabotage and, above all, about drones that can be seen in the air over our cities, everyone... understands what time we live in, our task, our the opportunity to protect ourselves, here is the popular front radar, an application that has already been downloaded by almost 390,000 people, can help us protect our families. well, you know, when we talk about our own defense, it is important to defend ourselves on the historical front, on this
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front, such a main weapon of defense is our historical memory, now... russian cinemas are screening a large-scale military drama by alexei german the younger, air , about yesterday's schoolgirls who overnight become real, such ardent defenders of their homeland, on earth, in sky, a film about how a person and his homeland cannot exist separately from each other, i watched the air twice, 100% immersion, amazing filming, this must be conveyed through word of mouth. "i'm a girl too, i i feel like i’m in their place, i admire these people, and in the meantime, the film is a must see, young people and children should watch it, i recommend it to everyone, it’s a very beautiful film , there are a lot of emotions, you can see the air in the country’s cinemas, i’m sure that our viewers
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will they will enjoy watching this film , difficult times give birth to strong generations, now we..."
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let them say it back on the air so that you can tell us all about it, what happened is not my fault. it is my fault,
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it’s just you and me not like dreams aroused some sensitive natures , and those who served the truth, not people, you ’re my friend, “maybe the last one, i wouldn’t like to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what it doesn’t matter what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, and you believed me, i want to take this disgusting lying, licked, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat”? and shake it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what
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a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made, just hurry up, if the gentlemen conspirators want to wait, do you think they can start disturbances, i would start. gentlemen, big premiere, union of salvation, what are you whispering? we are preparing a coup, take me, watch the time after the program. i served in
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the us marine corps for 10 years, i wanted to come to help ukraine get rid of the russians, a frank interview with mercenaries who are fighting on the side of kiev. they will tell us the whole truth. the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount. we had to buy everything of our own equipment. these are typical soldiers of fortune. he goes there to earn money; he doesn’t know how to do anything else well. chief of staff, i don’t think he even knew where we were operating, it’s profitable for the ukrainian command to send all the mercenaries to hotter spots so that they don’t have to pay them later either, because in the end they’ll end up with two hundred anyway. there were often cia operatives or special forces soldiers here. the cia is there. is this a surprise for you? no. the biggest problem is the ukrainian command. the weapon is hidden and disappears. i will meet. officers selling new weapons, the problem is the president of ukraine , i agree, are you ready to stay with me when we fight the zelensky administration, yes sir, it is safer, safer
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to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians, the vavan and lexus show, premiere in wednesday on the first, the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with good prospects. to become second, pushing aside the united states, is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of humanity. the main engine of the economy india is now. technology india exports its software products to more than 90 countries, a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now about 2.0 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians, they are brother, brother. we helped india create the most modern education and
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healthcare systems.
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it hasn’t melted yet, but we are already in the zaporozhye region, where soldiers of the novorossiysk airborne assault regiment are waiting for us mountain formation of the airborne forces. load at your targets. fire, the guys are already experienced, that’s right, of course, already experienced fighters , we’re still at the training ground, we’re still training, well, there’s no way without training, it’s like athletes who always train in order to achieve their results, their goals, there are a lot of training points here , which they go through during the lesson, so...
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they practice everything, starting from weapons training , where they shoot, they practice assault actions, there is no limit to perfection, just like everywhere else, so with you, so with us, we are no different, as a result, excellent, yes, absolutely excellent, of course, we are fighting for our own, we came here ourselves. no one forced us , so to speak, that is, but they are now mobilizing, they are trying to force them here, they are being taken from the streets,
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i didn’t serve in military service, well, at some point i just realized that i needed to do this, and i think , that i hope that many will also think about it and understand that they should be here, as i told my relatives about my decision, my father served, he seemed to react positively to this, my mother was naturally worried, wife too, little child, about to turn 3 years old. well, they wait, the wife, like any woman, had a hard time letting go, yes, well, we wouldn’t say that it’s easy here, we break ourselves, every time we step over new things, we learn again, without training, as it were, well, there is no further development, and what we had to step through here, step over, well, first of all, death.
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it’s hard, but it’s normal, they feed well, so they won’t come home to their families, they dress well too, as they say, we don’t want to go on vacation. we know how to wash, we love our homeland. it’s only with experience that you can
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catch it right away, but everything with experience everything with experience , more flights, you understand more how to control what to do in different situations, not just learn, you can fly there and... sat back and forth, precisely when other circumstances influence you, there the enemy jams, in weather conditions, then here, so as not to lose them out of nowhere, out of the blue, but the hardest, most difficult thing in working with such drones as you have, because the operator of such a drone , he immediately, in general, reveals himself when starts to take effect. yes, and the more effective you are, the more they look for you, the more they want to find you, they want you, one might even say, if you bring a lot of harm to the enemy.
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you definitely don’t have random people in your credentials, how are those who end up in the airborne forces selected? well, first of all, our guys, they were mobilized, and initially our floor was trained at the khryazan airborne command school, everyone already knew that they would end up in the airborne troops, they all passed. at least jumping from a parachute tower, that's what it is there was the noise of the engine behind the kneeboard, the blue pa lies on the wings like paint, don’t
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be afraid of the blue, you won’t drown, this is a fairy tale, not a fairy tale, don’t be afraid. well, the most important thing is that the status of a paratrooper warrior forces the guys to live up to it, because we work as part of a regular airborne assault division, for us these are big, well, big people who started a special military operation, and the history of the airborne forces and legendary. officers, commander vasily filippovich margelov, who, by the way, is a native of dnepropetrovsk, and the commander of our airborne forces is also a native of these places, so we must match those guys who glorified the airborne forces with their immortal exploits, and the most important thing is that
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there are no such people who begin to lose heart and lose heart, well, the guys support each other, and their loved ones, who are waiting for them home today is, of course, a very big support and support. people who provide assistance, friends at enterprises, volunteers, regional authorities provide great assistance, these are our wonderful women, grandmothers who come themselves, they weave camouflage networks, in general , that is, this support for our guys, it of course has a very special influence, so everyone who supports, everyone who helps, sends letters, these children’s drawings, since we are talking about letters, write to of our project, we are alive, with a request to pass this on to the fighters on the front line, which we do with pleasure, brothers, you can’t say it in a nutshell, of course, to
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tell you, to convey to you what feelings we are experiencing, emotions, these are great times, this the times of purification are great, obviously they are for us were also needed, because already through these processes. thank you very much, thank you. in general, the hardest work in war is the work of a soldier
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, our soldiers, these are yesterday’s ordinary fathers, sons, drivers, plumbers, electricians, salesmen, people from factories, they came, stood in formation, took up arms, instructors were engaged in air forces , well, this spirit of the airborne forces, it permeates all the guys, many are proud, although many did military service... in the troops, well, now we are all paratroopers, well, we are required to do what we must do, and the soldiers will definitely do it , so look at our paratrooper guys, and this... the paratroopers from the assault brigade are the very elite of our troops and
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we are simply bursting with pride that we have such defenders who, relying for historical memory, remembering the basics of creating airborne troops, they talked about vasily margelov, with pride and honor they carry the banner of the airborne troops, our countries, you know, this is no one but us, this is not only about them, this is about all of us you, further, news on the first channel. message president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly live broadcast on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. hello, news time is first. we will tell you about the most important events right now. and we start with the successes of our military in the special operation zone in the avdeevsky
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direction; units of the center group liberated the settlement of lastochkina. the ministry of defense reported this. the fighters improved the position along the front line. the total enemy losses in this area are more than 400 militants, in just one day in all directions over thousands. six counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces assault groups of three dpr settlements were repelled, and more advantageous positions were occupied in the donetsk and south donetsk sectors. in addition, the launcher was hit. norwegian-made anti-aircraft missile system, two stormshadow cruise missiles, five rockets, and hymers multiple launch rocket systems were shot down by air defense systems. chief of the general staff valery gerasimov personally heard a report about the situation in the special operation zone and the actions of our fighters from the military themselves. he visited the command post of the 58th combined arms army of the southern military district. the commander told the army general about the current situation, and valery gerasimov presented awards there.
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i congratulate you all on your well-deserved awards, for your courage, for the dedication that you showed during this action, i wish you further success in the battles for the liberation of our land, so you can return alive, unharmed, so take care of yourselves, success to you guys, a crime of the nazis . on the territory of today's lugansk people's republic, during the great patriotic war they were recognized as genocide. this the decision was made by the supreme court of the lpr. facts of mass executions and torture of civilians have been established. the invaders ravaged collective farms, plants and factories, drove people out of their homes, took away their food, clothing, shoes, used them as slaves, and tortured those who resisted. almost 100,000 people became victims during the years of occupation of the region. the details were provided to the investigative committee. republic, which wore in the years. war name voroshelovgrad region was subjected to
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massive looting and destruction, and the people living there were shot and as a mockery, tens of thousands of able-bodied citizens were forcibly taken to germany, essentially ending up in slavery there. prisoners of war were kept in inhumane conditions, deprived of food and doomed to hard labor. the evidence collected by the investigation once again confirms the criminal plans of the german. fascist invaders to exterminate the entire soviet people and attempts to eradicate their self-identity. vladimir putin noted rcep tayyip erdogan’s significant contribution to the development of friendly bilateral relations during a telephone conversation with the leader of turkey. russian president warmly congratulated his colleague on his seventieth birthday, noting his high authority in the country abroad for many years of government activity for the benefit of his people and, in particular , the country’s strengthened position in the international arena. as the kremlin said, during the conversation the mutual intention to further
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comprehensively strengthen ties was confirmed, vladimir putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to recep tayyip erdogan, in which he wished him health, prosperity and new. success in government activities. recep tayyip erdogan has been leading turkey for almost 10 years and was re-elected to a third term last year. despite pressure from the west, our countries are jointly implementing major projects, such as the construction of the country’s first nuclear power plant. yuri lepatov’s report tells about how foreign policy has changed, what trials the president has faced and what his hobbies are. first goal with the right foot. not where the high waves and balancing on the board are, although this one he also promotes a sport in his country, in political surfing, it is much more risky, for decades he has been on the crest of a wave, although several times it covered him
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headlong, in 2016 many decided that it had completely covered him, military lines, tanks in the streets, shooting , killed, the main target was himself. an operation was carried out against me in marmaris; two of my guards were shot. if i had stayed for just 10-15 minutes, i would have been killed or captured. after the suppression of puchi , erdogan’s power only grew stronger, his thousands opponents were arrested in the streets of rallies of his supporters. a sharp turn in foreign policy follows. integration into the european union, the previously stated main goal, is cancelled. turkey was lured to the eu like a carrot. the country even became a candidate. in 1999, but there were always critical shortcomings, one of which was declared by president erdogan himself, not european enough, too independent, this is europe like before the second world war, russian, fascist, cruel europe, anti-islamic and anti-turkish. in the usa
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they definitely didn’t count on erdogan; the assumption that mitesh was organized with the knowledge of the americans is expressed, for example, in a phrase addressed to the us ambassador. let him know his place. nato's most inconvenient ally dares to pursue a sovereign foreign policy. he is purchasing the s-400 anti-aircraft missile system from russia instead of the american patriot system, and is arguing about finland and sweden joining the north atlantic bloc. ankara and moscow are implementing major economic projects: the turkish stream gas pipeline and the construction of the country's first nuclear power plant akkuyu power station. this is not at all similar to the behavior of the young europeans, the countries of eastern europe, who, at the snap of a finger, from washington.
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these forces have tried repeatedly to pit russia against turkey. in 2015, a turkish fighter shot down our su-24 flying over syria. then the russian pilot, oleg peshkov, died. in 2016, ambassador andrei karlov was killed. the court later discovered connections between the perpetrators of this and those who were plotting against erdogan. the turkish president had enough courage to apologize, which was both in writing and in were expressed orally to putin. moral principles, as he has repeatedly said about himself.
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free of charge and accordingly we also already count this housing. and today vladimir putin congratulated the president of belarus alexander
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lukashenko on the successful holding of a single voting day and a confident victory of the belarusian patriotic forces. in the republic, the day before , for the first time, simultaneous elections were held for the lower house of parliament and local councils of deputies, the largest campaign in the entire history of the country. all four registered in belarus nominated their candidates parties and people voted actively.
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the funds are intended , among other things, for updating utility networks, repairing boiler houses, treatment plants , so that their accident rate is reduced, and residents receive quality services, because clean water and heat in the house are what primarily affects the comfort of people’s lives. and at the end of the issue about one of the favorite vehicles of the residents of the village in the nizhny novgorod region. in tumbotina, everyone from young to old is armed with finns. called sanya, which is in every family, for 20 years now for years, they have been organizing a traditional race there, the participants of which know exactly how to race to the finish line with the breeze, to
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cheer up, what is the secret of fast riding on finnish bikes, and lyubov filippova did not stand aside. painted in your favorite color, with luggage or decorated with toys, everyone’s fincas are different, that’s what the sleigh is called in the village of tumbotina, nizhny novgorod region, every family has them, i have my own finca. the children have their own, we all go everywhere, to the store, to visit, everywhere, when they are hardly standing, you go up to the store, they set it up, they went out, they took it, they went to school for fin, school everywhere these finns, you can put a backpack on, it will be much faster and more convenient, and after lessons you don’t compete in hand-to-hand competitions , we compete, the handles on the back, the seats are such long stripes, you stand on them with one foot, push off with the other, so andrey , come on, have a seat too. on the finochka, now we’ll have a race, to make it fair, i’ll also take a passenger, the count is three, 1, 2, 3, let’s go,
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help me, oh, how difficult it is , at the same time there’s a scooter, and skis, and skates, what’s that, here in mass races on finns you really have to try, the locals organize competitions every year, this is a favorite winter pastime, ulyana, come on ulyana. ulya, each participant has his own tricks, we have adhesive plaster on our feet so that it is easy to push off, so that the foot does not slip. these sleighs appeared in tumbotino more than 80 years ago, when local residents went to the russian-finnish war, they spied such transport as the finnish sleigh. having arrived here, they decided to try to introduce them into our region. and it worked. irina already her children, they also rode on little trains , my grandfather made them in childhood, now they ride
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like this, they were put out one after another, and there were 5-10 people, the locals, of course, sing songs about finnish sleighs, i’ll sit on the finnish sleigh, i’ll sit, i’ll sit, i’ll go , and they make modern versions of finnish furniture, they fold out in the car very conveniently, food, anything you want, you can put your grandfather here. for 20 years already, the most honorable and experienced participants are group 65 plus, how much driving experience do you have? oh, 50 years or more, i train every day, go to the grocery store? yes, yes, yes, to my daughter, their sons and it seems that the audience is watching the race of these contestants the most. winner faina mikhailovna is 82, here is
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her main advice. i was in the mood, when i’m not in the mood, there’s nothing to go on. lyubov filippova, andrey podgornov, natalya sidrova, channel one, ezhegorodskaya region. and with this our episode is completed, right now, the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” and i, vyacheslav nikonov, are live. today , russian president vladimir putin began his working day with congratulations. he congratulated his belarusian colleague, alexander lukashenko, with the successful holding of parliamentary and local elections. the high voter turnout and the results of the people's expression of will clearly confirm broad support for the course pursued under your leadership for the harmonious socio-economic development of belarus, ensuring internal political stability, and promoting mutually beneficial integration processes
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within the union state. we join in these congratulations, just like him who turned 70 today. it's hard to overestimate your many years of personal contribution to strengthening friendly, mutually beneficial relations between our countries, of course, we will continue our constructive dialogue and joint work on current issues of the bilateral, regional and international agenda. let's join. under the rule of recep taydogan, turkey in the current situation is truly an important partner of our country. well, as the kremlin press service reported, in the coming days the president will devote his main attention to working on a message to the federal assembly, which will sound soon on thursday , february 29, it is clear that it will be of
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a programmatic nature and not only for one year. and at the same time, the president continues his working meetings, as he already met today with the head of the karachay-cherkess republic temrezov. and those days that the big game was not on the air, our valiant armed forces continued a special military operation, almost every night was marked by very powerful strikes from our high-precision systems on... the infrastructure of the ukrainian regime, well, ours, after the capture of avgeevka, they continue the offensive, primarily in the donetsk direction, but in many others. today , the ministry of defense recently confirmed the capture of lastochkin, but i am sure that this list of settlements liberated from the ovdeevka trap will grow
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quite quickly. podalyaka monitors what is happening on the fronts. special military operation, yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours, good afternoon, i think, not only to the west of vdeyukena and northern, literally just arrived just before the broadcast information that powerful artillery preparation has begun on all enemy positions to the north of avdeevka, except for the swallows, obviously the ministry of defense will in the very near future announce that the settlement of severnaya has been completely taken under control, well , our troops, according to the data that i have, there are battles going on now in paradise already... in the populated area itself it is thin, that is, the western front is rolling back from avdeevka quite quickly, well, in principle, we assumed that the enemy does not have convenient lines of defense here, most likely they will retreat yet 5-6 kilometers away, they are just trying to gain time a little in order to somehow strengthen the defense here, because according to the statements of the ukrainian military, which are now appearing more and more on the internet, they
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say that there are serious fortified forces here in the near future. no one created, that is, they hoped that the avdeysk ukrapadion would hold out and vysu would not leave it, which is why they are now trying to hold this line of defense by throwing reserves, but i would look more to the north of avdeevka, because the next important ones could unfold there events, our fire pressure in this area speaks precisely of this, and another very important direction is the chasvyar direction, where our troops are squeezing the enemy out of the settlements of bogdanovka and ivanovskaya, there are bo... the hills are essentially the outskirts of chas vyara, if you look on the map from a great height, then in general the plan for another large strategic operation is already visible, we won’t talk about it in detail yet...
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that the enemy is detaining zelensky with all possible means, but formally, in fact, they are not recognized dead, well, there is paperwork, because the methods of declaring a soldier dead, so that
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, well, bodies in the territory controlled by the regime do not pay monetary compensation, taking into account the fact that the regime does not have money, and there is also a huge number of so-called missing persons, there are approximately of them, again this it’s impossible to accurately calculate, because i even stayed with the guys in the lugansk people’s republic, and still happens to... that is , these figures will most likely be supplemented after the end of the war for many, many years, that is according to these rough estimates - there are still almost 100,000 of them, and in total this is the number of people who died from all the security forces of ukraine, and this is not only vysu, this is also the police, the national guard, this is also the border troops, approximately already more than 2000 people, with taking into account the colleagues who commissioned, this is much more than 300,000 people, and puzzled looks, or rather questions are now rolling in for zelensky, not only from abroad, but in ukraine, if everything is really as good as he said, and he also named
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the number of russian dead military six times more, why do the russians manage this without mobilization and create a powerful numerical superiority everywhere, and i remind you that only according to official data from the azov men who fought in avdeyka, we supposedly had a numerical superiority there of one in seven, and this is everywhere.
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so we are working on them and so on, but if you look at what they are working on, they named the number 31. our ministry of defense at the end of december spoke about 38,300 losses, january began with another 2,000, then we are already talking about over 400 thousand lost there lines subre, this is what we were able to take into account, of course, when we move west, we will see further, the main resource of the ukrainian army of manpower, it cannot... incur these losses, so the enemy is now engaged in fighting outbreaks, that is, they they are wondering where we will attack, near kharkov , podkupinsk, maybe carbon, periodically certain broadcasters appear who directly
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know, have already seen, either british intelligence, or american, everyone is looking somewhere, where our troops are, where we will attack, we do the same so that we improve our positions and at the moment when the enemy least expects it, we make that very rapid breakthrough that leads to the result, that’s how it happened. such a very interesting phrase, which, for example, goes against what zelensky says. zelensky says: we are negotiating with france on the supply of mirage 2000 aircraft, and he says to saley: guys, well, there aren’t any in ukraine, there are so many pilots.
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you said absolutely correctly, now our troops have gone on the offensive, the results are already visible, now the battles are already underway directly in the settlement of rabotina , or rather in what remains of it, of course , the village is very much destroyed, but nevertheless, in the destroyed houses, the ukrainian nazis are building fortifications for themselves, on which our vks forces are very successfully working out, they are shipping factories with enough umpc there ...
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the battles are already taking place directly in the populated area itself, our attack aircraft are advancing, this is the most important thing, and they are advancing from several sides, from the south of novoprokopovka, from the west from kopanei, and are also narrowing the fire bag from verbovoy’s side, so now the ukronazi group, which is concentrated in work there, is having a very hard time. pavel alekseevich, the prepared report, which we will now look at, let’s.
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let's see, our guys are coming, behind me is an attack aircraft from the fifth company of the 291st regiment, a man has just returned from work, in general, there we are already gaining a foothold on the southern outskirts, moving towards the center, the guys are now on a short rest, they have arrived, discussing the support of tankers for their actions and... again, after a short rest , work again directly in work, when they go on the assault, you work on the ukronazis from all the trunks, as they say, from all the trunks, we and the orta all from all the trunks are hitting directly with them , the tanks also come out, in short , they came on board here, these two katzekhs did they work, the fpivishki in you, yes, and the fivishkira here in the mangali in defense, that helped and saved? yes , the defense saved me, the stream went to that direction, you see, right here? wounded, but not defeated, now
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we’ll get back on the road, ready to leave, so the hamachi also flew there, oh, you have a full box here, yes, yes, full, yes, ammunition, how much, 40, 40, yes, fully loaded, yes, yes, fully loaded, for a shift that you work out all the ammunition, yes, yes , sometimes all of it, sometimes two, i’m reading the song , tears are already welling up, thank you very much, we will not let you down and we will defend our homeland. victory will be ours, thank you, as they say , it starts in a jiffy, yes, right after talking to me, guys, the crew of saushka dilym are going on combat duty, they are going directly to work, to help our attack aircraft, this was a report by pavel kukushkin from rabotin, thank you very much, pavel alekseevich, we are waiting for your reports, take care of yourself, but... the events that are happening
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now there on the line of military contact, and within the western countries themselves, do not instill any confidence in the kiev ones, in the victory of the kiev regime, about this after the advertisement, vanga’s godfather sergei kostarnoy made a sensational statement, in the studio of the exclusive program, he announced an unknown prediction would be foreseen, i promised to make such obligations, we let them say it back on the air so that you all... let us know about this they told us that special events will happen for the history of the earth, they are waiting for a very serious illness, it is still called disease x, the world will turn upside down, women will not give birth, everything will be launched as artificially as they launched covid, my son died, i paid for everything, at this price, vanga and i are on a constant energy suspension, each of us wants to hear positive forecasts, i don’t want to scare you, sometimes it’s better to hear.
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everything without beauty secret depravity let's put an end to it now sensational like this fat special issue today on the first this is the main thing. writer, here is our polar star , the first number, you were even allowed to dream with the permission of the late sovereign, a man with such convictions rules a company where the shareholders are all in the thickest family, i
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now have connections with the people closest to the trumpet, i get news from there , you need to hit now. russia won’t have another chance for another 100 years, prince. you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich. mad men change the world. big premiere. union of salvation. we, sergei petrovich, are the match that will ignite everything, yes will burn itself out. watch the time after the program. in voronezh, at an aircraft factory, i saw how the soviet supersonic superliner was being born. tu-144, they took it to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared into the blue, on a hebastuse in a coal mine, black magma flowed along the conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like
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a monstrous the dinosaur stepped with its iron paws and with its victorious claps cut into the coal seam, three. two launches the rocket ascended, when it happened, that's it these alarmed, gloomy people suddenly rejoiced, rushed to hug each other, shouting: “hurray, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today on the first.” i served in the us marines for 10 years, i wanted to come.
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there were often cia operatives or special forces soldiers here. the cia is there . is this a surprise for you? no. the biggest problem is the ukrainian command. weapons are often hidden and lost. i've met officers selling new weapons. the problem is the president of ukraine. agree. are you ready to stay with me when we will fight the zelensky administration. yes, sir. more, more secure area. to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians. the vavan and lexus show, premiering wednesday on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most
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precious thing - her mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her to her parents. ex-husband, beloved daughter, vera, i said that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child, that his mother passed away, how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on
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saturday on the first. big game live air, the last chance to defeat trump at the primary was missed by niki haley, she was there at one time.
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including charles koch, a billionaire who was, but is already falling off, the largest sponsors, perhaps the main sponsor of the nikiheli company, said that he would stop supporting this hopeless candidacy. well, then, naturally, the democrats began a proven campaign about what was behind trump and the republican party in general, well, of course, who? russia and putin, that's what rep. mejari taylor greene said, let's listen: again russia, russia, russia, for exposing influence trading in the biden family, which has enriched itself by tens of millions of dollars, the democrats are again going to lecture everyone, accuse us of russian disinformation and call us russian sympathizers, so all of us who just care about america, the american people, our hard-earned...
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everything repeats itself, vyacheslav alekseevich, i have a feeling that they don’t like henry, because he once wrote, if most americans don’t know who he is general, so you don’t have to worry , okay, but it seems to me that the classic phrase is, if a horse is dead, it’s time to get off it after all, but no, for some reason the americans think that they should bet on the same rake, you can step on them again, but at the same time there is a surprising american consciousness, there are just rake, and there are loved ones, but nevertheless we see that in general...
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this concept, that something is wrong in the american state, becomes russia, and maybe you are doing something wrong, that is prevalent, and this is precisely what affects most states where thinking exists. thinking population, there is such a thing in america too , not a lot, but there is, they are often called rednecks or rednecks, because we often translate it simply there, well, rednecks and rednecks, and this is a vulgar word redneck, when you want to emphasize that a person works earns money exclusively through his own labor. trump in this case looks like a very good president for them, he is a person who says: listen, under me you lived better, under me yes, we quarreled with russia, but we didn’t start a war, mind
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you, speak openly and honestly and in general, so trump, who is now the absolute leader in the race, he is the person who has already gone through this story with russophobia, and he can stop this top of russophobia, because we remember when the prosecutor admitted that the charges against trump were falsified, well, i must say that biden really finds it difficult to talk with putin, he confuses him with sijinping, yesterday this happened again once again, so he doesn’t really... understand who should i talk to? well, these are his problems, but for biden the issue
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of ukraine is now becoming fundamental, because if ukraine suffers a defeat, then naturally it will be pinned on biden and now the question is whether there will be money for ukraine or not, and tomorrow biden will meet with congressional leaders in order to try to persuade them to allocate this money. it all comes down to the question of the border, so our tv viewers ask, that’s what the actual problem is, yes, well, it would seem, close the border, yes, but the democrats stand to death, we will not close the border. with mexico, through which millions of people are already passing, simply, this is what the dramaturgy of this situation is, why the biden administration, yes, the democratic administration, is doing everything to leave an open border with mexico, well, precisely because she anticipates defeat in the elections, the united states
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has a practice from time to time to grant civil rights to some migrants who illegally entered the territory of the united states, making them voters of the democratic party , naturally, just out of gratitude they will vote for the democratic party, they were powerless, the republicans say that you should always be powerless, and the democratic party, while it is in power, gives them an american passport, well, i must say that you don’t need to have a passport in order to vote in american elections, they don’t ask for documents at all, you don’t even need to be alive to vote in american elections, but still a certain number. new living voters are necessary for the democratic party, therefore closing the border is unprofitable, and the democrats do not want to close it, and the republicans, feeling that this topic is now very unpopular, and the topic of the border, an open border, are trying, on the contrary, to close it to earn additional points in the upcoming elections, but isn’t there also an economic component here, because in
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principle, the american economy has grown and america has even become the first economy in the world to rely on arab labor. and this is cheap, free, sometimes slave power, which simply replenishes the labor market and solves many problems. in any case, for american agriculture , for the service sector, the influx of a huge number of powerless migrants, at least for some time, perhaps for a long time, powerless migrants provides an influx of cheap labor, there is the old american, when there is a knock on the door, a farmer boy, a farmers son opens the door, stands on the threshold... “mom, a beggar has come, and mom says, no, this is not a beggar, this is a seasonal worker, well, mom goes and negotiates with him, it means that they need to harvest corn or something else, yes, then several months pass, there is another knock on the door, the boy opens the door, there is a similar man standing, also in rags, and he shouts: mom, mom, a farm worker has come, a seasonal worker , mom says, no, this is not a seasonal
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worker, this is a beggar, yes, the american economy, indeed, it has always been built on attracting free things."
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but in europe there are more and more people who understand the general senselessness of the ukrainian strategy, the european union, the west as a whole, well first of all, robert fica, who is the prime minister of slovakia, let's listen to him: the west cannot admit that the strategy of the conflict in ukraine to destroy the russian federation is not working, soon after the conflict began, the ukrainians made it impossible to reach a peace agreement with the russians, although they were close, the west decided that massive support for ukraine, both financial and military. combined with sanctions against russia and the false demonization of president putin will bring russia to its knees. russia is not politically, not economically, not is on his knees. in 2023, she received during the conflict.
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planet earth weapons for ukraine , the united states of america used to do this , that is, we see one thing replaced with another, but the fact is that there are no weapons as such, they do not grow on trees and you cannot dig them up from
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some forgotten warehouse, it must be produced, produced, for this we need workers, primarily qualified ones, which we most likely will not see in europe now, the same thing is happening in the united states of america, that is, this strategy that was bet on. they didn’t say failure at all, that is , to provide some kind of fallback option to go for some other things, they can’t, they can quickly - find so many
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tanks, planes and so on, the pilots have run out in ukraine, what to do , and how to do it, well, europe has already been tied up in this matter, europe is now slowly drifting towards conflict - with russia, they tell it that you have 3, 5, 6, 10 years left there, they are conducting exercises, that is , it reminds one of the feeling that here. .. this is a kind of ear whose legs have already been torn off, but he still believes that he walks on the earth, yes, this ear of wheat is legless, nevertheless he considers himself the master of the world, including the middle east, where the big game is gaining more and more momentum, more on that after the advertisement. what happened to me is not my fault. there is, and my fault is there, only you and i are to blame, not because dreams aroused some sensitive
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natures, but because we served the truth, not to people, you are my friend, maybe the last. “i would n’t like to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know for sure, our goal one, what difference does it make what role , who will play it, you said that you love me, and i believed you, i want to take this disgustingly living, emaciated, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the very far'. can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but
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a beginning will be made, just hurry up, do the gentlemen conspirators want to wait, do you think they can start an indignation, i would like it for the night. gentlemen, back off! big premiere, union of salvation, what are you whispering about? we are preparing a coup. take me. watch the time after the program. in voronezh, the aviation plant, i saw how
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the soviet superliner was born. supersonic tu-144, it was taken to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared into the blue. at gebastuz, at the coal mine, black magma flowed along the conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped over the coal seam with its iron paws and victorious claps. confession is on the first day today, i will serve in us marines for 10 years, i wanted to come help ukraine get rid of the russians.
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at an interview with mercenaries who are fighting on the side of kiev, they will tell us the whole truth, the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount, we had to buy all our equipment, this is a typical soldier of fortune, he goes there to earn money, he does nothing else well doesn’t know how, chief of staff, i don’t think he even knew where we were operating, it’s beneficial for the ukrainian command to send all the mercenaries to hotter spots so that they then don’t pay either, because they ’ll end up paying two hundred here now anyway. were they cia operatives or special forces soldiers? is the cia present there? is this a surprise for you? no. the biggest problem is the ukrainian command. weapons are often hidden and lost. i've met officers selling new weapons. the problem is the president of ukraine. agree. are you ready to stay with me as we fight the zelensky administration? yes, sir. it is more, safer to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians.
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show vavan and lexus, premieres wednesday on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. this girl is almost unrecognizable as the child who lost her dearest mother 5 years ago. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that... but, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us, that that moment, that evening, he experienced , only he knows, it’s a big responsibility, telling your child that his mother passed away, how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided to
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do anything... became a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. big game live.
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silyvia is in the process of holding an open tender for all international companies, including russian, to contribute to oil and gas exploration in unexplored territories, both onshore and offshore. russian companies should submit their proposals for the acquisition of areas of libyan territory and begin work on oil and gas exploration. we hope that russia will make an oil and gas discovery and return to work on libyan territory. on at the upcoming meeting, i will propose to the russian minister of energy to return russian
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energy... companies, as well as companies specializing in other areas, since russia has high technologies in the oil sector. and russia has a positive agenda, including within the framework of opec plus, which we are part of. together with saudi arabia, largely determines the situation on the global energy market, but libya is really a divided country there, oil is produced, but not in the volumes that were previously under gaddafi, this is indeed, it is also an important element of our possible strengthening of influence in the middle east and northern africa. alekseevich, a very important moment, 2011, the monstrous war that the united states of america and its allies unleashed led to this. that the country was destroyed, the average per capita income in libya at that time was from 13 to 15 thousand dollars per year, today this has been cut almost 10 times, that is, 1,500 dollars per year - this is approximately the per capita income which exists in lev today, this is democracy
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in the american way, you could stand on your feet, but the americans turned you into a beggar in one piece, and this is as always in the richest country, a very good phrase came from the minister of energy when he said that russian companies ... will be able to find a certain consensus within the country, this consensus is really needed today, and yes, i believe that different clans will try it on for us, and russia is very important that, in addition, we, our corporations and companies work there, so that we we got a small piece
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of the same one that china has, for example, i’m talking about a military base, i think that this would be a very correct decision, it would very well stabilize this region as a whole, well , i must say that the question is about ours. .. the military base in tripolitania was left during the sub-dama conference in 1945, but yes, alas, the western partners here did not meet us halfway, i think this would really be a stabilizing factor, but i think there will be big problems with this now , although there are opportunities in the region for our basing, we actually already have a naval base in syria, it is possible that it will be in sudan, well, in a number of other places, but now the situation on the foreign market, oddly enough... is determined to a large extent by such strictly political forces like ansar allah, the houthis, who have actually now paralyzed movement through the vanity canal, along the red sea, and so on
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and so forth, and the situation there, well, is becoming more and more acute, because over the weekend, the american and british armed forces bombed yemen again violation of all international norms. the merchant fleet is due to add just two new supertankers in 2024, the lowest number in almost four decades. the tanker shortage comes amid declining fleet efficiency , and with many ships sailing around southern
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africa rather than through the red sea and vanity canal, a growing shadow fleet means many ships are only available to certain customers. oil transportation in general has become longer. deliveries to europe, which previously took several days across the baltic sea, now they do. this means that travel time increases, given that - oil prices are quite low, now, relatively low, and for opec plus there is a great interest in prices rising in
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2024, a situation arises where this is even very good that there are few tankers, because the circulation speed of such a commodity as oil, but it decreases, that is, oil is extracted, it takes a long time to deliver, accordingly the price should be higher, the higher the price, the greater the formal risk, the more ship-owning companies will earn; this is also interesting for them. situation , that is, they are trying to extract their own benefit , which means they don’t need too many tankers, which means that russia will have more tankers there from other countries that will supply their own oil to reliable, friendly buyers, and for the european union this a disaster, but from the point of view of the united states , nothing bad is happening, because this is another good thing that joe biden has done conditionally for the american economy, but for us this is also not a very big problem, because our tankers. continue along this route, it must be said that already 80%
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of the oil that we sold to the european union has found one buyer - india, 80%. and of course the situation around israel , the gaza strip, in the media everything seems to be calm, in fact the idf continues to carry out military strikes, there is great destruction there, serious and a humanitarian catastrophe, in israel my... protests due to the fact that it never problem solved the release of hostages , in fact, for netalyahu this is clearly not the main thing, well, even the countries of the european union are outraged by what is happening there, let’s listen to barel: we are already in the midst of a catastrophe, the un was forced to suspend humanitarian aid, israel is using hunger as a weapon, and this contrary to international law, the gas was destroyed to the ground, without the use of force. disproportionate, hamas is an idea, an idea
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can only be fought with another idea, that is, they are already beginning to understand that israel is doing something wrong, well, israel began to actively conduct military operations against lebanon, and strikes are carried out not only on the southern part of lebanon, but on the eastern part, which was not the case before, and hezbollah began to actively fire at hamas targets with its missiles, then there is, in fact, a crisis - it continues only to deepen, it is on the rise, everyone understands that the tsahal, the tsahal command, it is practically bogged down in this conflict, they do not have a scenario that they would complete with the result that was announced initially, that is, the enemy turned out to be too tough, even this idea, which barveli called hamas here, not to mention the hesble combat unit, everything goes to the point that europe, realizing that... is being drawn into this conflict in one way or another otherwise, he tries to distance
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himself and says that you guys are violating humanitarian law, wait, where were you a month ago, 2 months ago, when palestinian children were dying there, palestinian children continue to die, women there and so on, suddenly you remembered about some kind of humanitarian law but i think here we are talking about money, about the money that europe should allocate to israel, because the united states does not pass this, they fought for... of course they force it, it is already sending its fleet to the middle east, but again
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it turns out that they have no positive agenda for for the region, they are ready to support israel, they are ready to say that oh, that’s not good, humanitarian law is being violated, but they are not ready to offer anything constructive in order to resolve these conflicts, unlike russia, so our cause is right, victory will be for by us, the enemy will be defeated, let's give the floor to the news. see you again at 17:00. message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, to the federal assembly. live stream. on thursday, at 12:00 moscow time. hello, on the first channel news release, in the studio!


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