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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 27, 2024 2:25am-3:01am MSK

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everything is changing, and the game is changing , of course, the speed, flights, pucks , speed and other rules, others, and hockey is changing, but it’s automatic, you like it, the fact that the area has become smaller, the fact that now there really is no concept i like the red line , i like it, when i like there to be more chances, i don’t like finnish hockey, in what respect, i don’t want to, but they play defensively all the time , it’s not interesting, here’s canada, russia, yes, we’re a game. in open hockey, it’s interesting, beautiful, for the audience, for themselves, but here in defense, they they play defensively all the time, scored on a counterattack, scored two goals and won 2:1, that’s all, but the hockey is ugly, uninteresting, and i’m not saying that they work, of course, but they, they play like that, they have such tactics and they bring success, olympic champion , world champions, like it or not, but he’s not very handsome, the canadians play beautifully, the americans, we play completely different hockey, he’s beautiful, and people come to look not at the defense, more at the attack, but how in such a situation?
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because on the one hand you are absolutely right there is a style, a concept and, well, really some kind of development of the game and the attractiveness of the game, but there is a result, which , in fact, is probably the main criterion, you need to combine both, you need to be able to play defense in attack. do you watch every match of your grandson? well, yes, every time i discuss it with him on tv, i don’t watch all the matches, but i still watch the goals and after every match we discuss which goals he misses. what situation is he in today? do you constantly call him or does he call you? both he and i call, but it’s more him after the game , big conversations, it’s just interesting somehow how we talk all the time, talk all the time, why it’s happening, how the team plays and so on, what feelings it has, what’s what all the time. you have already said that this season there is no favorite in the continental hockey league, but if you outline the circle of teams, how likely is it that torpedo and spartak can play each other in the final?
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we have a lot of contenders for first place, a lot, but that’s great, not that so that cska or csk magnitka every time or kazan, well, what’s interesting, well, yes, i’m doing this for the fans, yes, but for general hockey, understand, and for me, as the president of the hockey federation, the most important thing is that there are as many teams like this as possible , why? because when such competitions take place between equal teams, stars are born, professionals are born, who can then be taken to the national team. and win the world cup,
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you know, because this is when you have, you know, you have me as the first goalkeeper, i have there is a second goalkeeper, when he doesn’t push me at all, you relax, naturally, why do they hire more young people, in the team, so that they push the old people, because if she doesn’t push me, the old people will be inferior in your skill, that’s why they need a pike , so that the crucian carp doesn’t rip, that’s right, that’s right , well, yes, but it’s true, true, that’s why the young people who come, they want to take first place.
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championship, and here today it’s very interesting, i’m just watching wonderful games, interesting, we have an absolutely unique story, because new rules have appeared this season, they have appeared in russia, yes, and i think that western colleagues may well take them away and implement them at home, i mean a throw-in in the zone during a violation, remember , when the break begins, and a three-second story behind the gate, you like such initiatives, everything is done to make it more interesting, you know, so that... there is more interest, in the past there were even international federations, that’s why throwing it was not in circles, but in the middle, right opposite the goal, a lot of things, but so that the goalkeeper was not allowed to go behind the goal at all, but then there would be more interest, more moments, you know, there to limit the form of the goalkeepers, do everything in order to attract the fans so that there would be more chances, more goals, yeah, then there will be even more popularity, you know, but if you had the opportunity to change something in hockey, so that... do it, well, in my opinion, now
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, in my opinion, there is no need to change anything, for now let this be all, everything will stabilize, in my opinion there is interest, i like overtime, this is what i like, i know that as a goalkeeper, how difficult it is when you’re against... and then there are a lot of other moments, and it also means the shootouts were not in vain; i bought tickets and watched a lot of interesting things how goalkeepers play this is an interest , you know, we still work for people for fans, i’m looping the theme of the national team , we have russia 25, yes, the head coach is roman ortenberg and the national team is the national
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team yet no no because we don’t we all know who our stars are practically the only ones there and the same stars then we have a lot of players playing in the nhl, that’s why. when we had breaks, they called from csk, from other teams there, just take ours for one or two tournaments, because there was no such schedule, and today it is very difficult to gather even better players, why? because well, we understand that look, the games are tough, the teams are
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one, two, three, and then play unevenly, and if we take them there for two or three breaks, play at a high level, well, they just don’t give in , they don’t... give themselves up like that, because the national teams don’t, they don’t play for the world cup, they are already good players , so when they come to the national teams, they lost to the belarusians, i think that after all , the players were not as dedicated as they would like to be here, but right very close to defeat here, a belarusian, well, excuse me, belarus is the national team, and this is russia 25, there is a difference, why do you think it’s the belarusians, we play with them all the time for the world cup, we don’t always win so well. our podcast is called hockey football, you know both sports very well keep an eye out, what do you think about hockey football in general? well, because we are a winter sport, and football, from the point of view of history, psychology, that’s what happens, because there are a lot of intersections, and cafe football and hockey, and yes
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, you played all of these, but i want to say, we are all time we practice football, all of us hockey players played football really well, we played for pancakes in general, there were majors for spartak, for cska for... hello, this is the easy money podcast, i ’m its host mikhail khanov, our
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guest today wonderful guest, anton suvorov, economist, rector of the russian economic school. hello, antonevich, hello, mikhail, we’ve just recently been on our podcast. we were dealing with the topic of behavioral inflation, when a group of people or a whole class of people influences the prices of certain goods or groups of goods, but, probably, with you, as a professional, as a professor, it is right to talk about the fundamental meanings and prerequisites of this term in general, as behavioral economics, i would still like to analyze this concept as a whole, that this is where it came from and how it...
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the position of classical economists or adherents , the second assumption is that a person makes a reasonable choice and always chooses the best alternatives available, is this behavioral economics? is this this? such a methodological assumption in classical economics: classical economics is a very mathematized discipline, it is structured as a set of mathematical models that, based on the assumption that rational economic agents act, these are not necessarily people, they can also be firms that seek to maximize profits, economics studies their interaction, theoretical models make predictions, and empirical work evaluates how successful these models are, how well they correspond to reality, and beyond.
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psychology is unexpected, by the way, but it turns out that the difference between economics and mathematics is only in psychology, and there is a thesis that the origins of behavioral economics almost go back to adam smith, and you said in a conversation before the program, almost to socrates, this is so, well, it seems to me that we can say that socrates, who said there plus or minus, i know that i know nothing, and others don’t even know this, in general thought like a behavioral economist,
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80% of drivers answered that they drive better than most other drivers, it is clear that such a situation is impossible, most people who have a high level of intelligence have high intelligence, they doubt what they say, the correctness of their assessments, and most the main thing is that they believe that there are people around are at the same level, therefore they are extremely cautious in their judgments, they tend to underestimate their expertise, and people with a low level of development have a small amount of knowledge. education, on the contrary, they are very confident in themselves, they do everything, you know how it is, never argue with an idiot, and you will quickly fall
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to his level, yes, then he will beat you up through experience, the same thing here, they probably asked the middle ones masses, they said, yes , of course, we introduce the preca very well, as i have a smart interlocutor, i’ll bet there’s something else a study in which they asked professors, who on average are generally not stupid people, how well you lecture, and what percentage do you think said that they also lecture better than most of their colleagues. well, 50 percent, no more than 96, oh well, yes, that is, this is a fairly stable phenomenon, which in different contexts, in different countries, is actually observed to be what is typical for us, in fact, the mechanisms are even clear, firstly, it’s nice to think good about yourself , but it's just nice, yes, that's right, that's even unpleasant, right, this is a more subtle question, i really, really agree that probably in some situations this is right, because it somehow stimulates us, of course, to try something, yes, because if we were very skeptical about their... opportunities, we just this is positive feedback, this is positive feedback, yes, you must
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constantly praise yourself for certain successes, otherwise you will not develop, otherwise all these efforts are in vain, this true, yes, but, but as if the peculiarity is that we willingly perceive information that is positive, we actually remember it, write it down somewhere, and we somehow filter information that is negative, our brain is designed that way, but this also leads to the fact that indeed, in many situations we overestimate our chances, so... very recent work there in 2020 studied managers of a hypermarket chain in germany, who received very detailed feedback regarding their successes. and their compensation was tied to the success of their units, accordingly they were generally interested in having an objective picture, working on what they were not doing very well, and improving the quality of their work; however, despite such strong incentives, they demonstrated a persistent overestimation of their future results when asked about forecast for the next period, they
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were stable all the time, well, not all, not all, but very many, there were managers who underestimated their results, gave too modestly. in the stock exchange world it is very unprofitable to show indicators higher, let’s say, than what will happen in fact, but it’s also impossible to be too low, because otherwise the quality and you as an analyst will immediately be called into question, but here you need to very clearly meet the expectations of the market as a whole, because otherwise you influence the price of the stock, then the stock will either sharply fall or rise, so here
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the situation is the opposite, returning to behavioral economists from how all this arose, let’s put it this way. counterarguments, the main criticism of traditional economics, what are behavioral economics? is that people systematically deviate from rational behavior, well, when i talked about excessive self-confidence, this is rather a deviation in the picture of the world, but our picture of the world does not quite correspond, but closer to it it has some kind of rather systematic distortions, when if you take a few people at guess, with a high probability they will have these distortions , some similar examples, let me give you this... for example, if we talk about excessive self-confidence, this is such a motivated distortion, because we really want to think good about ourselves, but there is such an anchor effect, which is generally quite mechanical, is very similar to some kind of visual illusions, the fact is that any information influences some of our decisions, judgments, even if it has nothing to do with it, but just arose at the right moment
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before us, the classic experiment is this: they spun the roulette wheel, it stopped. at the figure of 65, participants in the experiment were asked the number of african countries that are members of the un, is it more than 65% or less, they gave some answer, and then asked, well tell me, what percentage of african countries are members of the un, well now , probably 100%, that was a long time ago, when not all countries were members of the un, the answer was, if i remember correctly, 45%, in the other group everything it was the same thing, but only the ball stopped at ten, the question was more than 10% or less, and then they said: well, give your estimate. the estimate was about twenty, that is, the gap was approximately twofold, because it is clear that neither the roulette nor the ball have anything to do with africa, this is a bone, like this osteoporosis is formed, the bone loses calcium, the bone loses cells from dense to becoming porous and brittle, and bostow porosity about much
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more in the program to live healthy. tomorrow on the first. unknown predictions of vange. for the first time, all the secret prophecies of the old notebook, recorded from the words of the bulgarian hay-seer 30 years ago, will be announced. the fact that we have a notebook is starting to come true. will this coincide with the forecasts of astrologers for 2024. the year of the death of the old world, but this world will want to take revenge. the current will no longer be needed, people the wires will be cut. artificial intelligence will take over and rob us. this will happen. somewhere in early october , a boy from india says that there will be some kind of terrible epidemic again, it will develop according to the scenario of total intimidation, i am always waiting about aliens, information calls that will be in early june, they can be prohibitive, people want specifics that can be easily verified, firstly, then the assassination attempt on trump somewhere around october 6, after all this happens it will be clear how the world works, who
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rules and what to do about it, special issue tomorrow on... you mean, will there be a military global conflict, are you talking about that? maybe she is our new vanga. kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on the first. this is an easy money podcast, today we are talking about behavior. like behavioral economics , what it studies and who benefits from studying it more deeply, sellers, buyers, people themselves
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to learn about themselves, yes, marketers, here, who are the main, let’s say, customers, beneficiaries, that is, consumers of what is a product of behavioral economics, well, some models of behavior, who, who is the main consumer, it seems to me, everything, everything, everything, well, because on the one hand, if we talk about a marketer.
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we’re talking about this, what influences from the point of view of behavioral economics, simply the behavioral perception of a thuja or another situation, what influences a person’s financial decisions, right? it’s not without reason that now the term “fomo” is very popular, it’s fear of missing something, yes, especially related to the development of gadgets, when a person constantly constantly monitors gadgets, afraid of missing some messages that seem to him to be important, yes, on the other hand, how really... well , a person’s financial decisions are rational and irrational, and i would like to talk a little about this topic: how does behavioral economics on financial decisions? well, financial decisions
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are, in general, such a special case, in general , decisions that we make every second, behavioral economics looks at these decisions as some combination of rational irrational factors, it is clear that we make some decisions very soberly, after thinking well, in some situations we act impulsively, when we act impulsively. of course, when we act impulsively, there is a much greater chance that we will make some mistakes, but if we talk about examples, well, in the financial market, a classic example is the so-called disposition effect, the fact is that one of the key observations in behavioral economics is that people perceive losses much more painfully than they enjoy gains of comparable magnitude, that is, the loss is extremely unpleasant for us, maybe this is some kind of reasonable response to... problems with self-control, probably this is the effect of expectations, that is, we are assuming certain, well, let's say, investments or financial decisions or
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financial investments, we are focused on results, and we initially expect profit, yes, we are all interested in interest, profitability, something else, whatnot, no one is interested in losses, although this is also part of the investment, mandatory, but to a greater extent, because everyone is expecting profit, then profit is perceived, well, yes, good. yes, here it turned out, even less , what is it, they don’t report it to the tiger, constipation of meat, and if it happens, god forgive me , there’s a minus, yes, and even a big one, then it’s extremely painful, because it’s completely different from ours expectations, perhaps this is the reason. an important consequence, and from this property is that investors sometimes hold shares for too long, which are obviously falling in price and it would be necessary to get rid of them, and recording a loss is very it's unpleasant, so people continue to keep them. and they lose money on this, there are a lot of studies that show that in fact, investors, especially individual investors, especially not very
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experienced investors, perhaps, such behavior is quite typical, you know, one of my favorite books, about the market, about financiers, well , in particular about stockbrokers, i never tire of talking about this on many of our podcasts, this is the memory of a stock speculator, about the greatest speculator on... buying, selling and so on, it irrational regarding the behavior of just a person, because if an ordinary person, well , for example, let’s say, the discovery of america, if an ordinary person, well, any, any example, if
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a person there... okay, yes, well, use what is not at hand look from another, there are a lot of examples there, sayings there among different peoples , on the stock exchange it’s exactly the opposite, that is, here you need to squeeze out all the profit as much as possible until the end, that is, wait, wait, wait until it, that is, has already developed in its own way extreme, it will go back only then fix it, otherwise you will end up taking a piece, and then you will, as you said, reproach yourself for not getting it, that is, here, unfortunately, this is, or rather, fortunately, this is all confirmed
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numerously. research from a hundred years ago that behavior in the market is irrational in principle, now i would probably like to ask the following question, to what extent behavioral economics can be a tool for changing the behavior of entire masses, whether within a country or within some territory or within class of a certain class, middle class or lower class or upper class , on the contrary, that is, maybe...
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we may not be driven away in front of a pedestrian crossing, and even if we drive there at a speed limit of 20 km/h, most likely the car will shake and it’s better to drive even slower . people’s behavior can be changed, we know that people are often very conservative and choose the option that is offered to them by default, but we remember that there were a lot of so -called silent people when the funded part of the pension and most people didn’t make any decisions at all, but remained as they were predicted or? so how much was expected, but as if looking from the outside, of course, this was the predicted result, well, i, i’m not ready to say, the result, because a similar story also occurs in different countries, this is the longest money that, but it turns out that a very strong dependence on what a person is offered by default, but there is such a book about this pushing or nagging ; this word even appeared in russian by richard tyler
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the nobel laureate is also one of the scarifes of behavioral economics, cass sanstine, they also have such an important example that there are countries in which, by default , the organs of a deceased person can be used as donors, but there are countries in which it is not possible, and it would seem very simple change your decision, that is, you just need to fill out some form and where you can prohibit it very easily, and where you cannot use it, you can, on the contrary, write permission, yes, but it is clear that the vast majority of people do not do this, therefore accessibility is perfect.
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that is, these are the things that work or not? they certainly work, but another thing is that this is such a very, i would say, crucial moment, yes, because indeed, we understand that people are subject to influence, especially in situations where they have no experience, where they are quite naive, where they don’t have enough information or expertise, yes, that’s why, of course, this is such a force, yes, but here it is very important to be on the bright side, to give people enough flexibility and not drive them into some kind of...
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rigid models, how ready they are to gain this freedom in decision-making, you know, how we say that this is the choice of the soviet man, yes, well, you and i belong to the generation that still experienced the soviet... union and deficit, that you start talking about how good it was, one type of sausage, and you’re not mine, there are 10 of them, give me at least two, well, there are 10 of them, or even 20 or 30, that ’s how much a person is ready to take this choice, that’s it just research what they say about it, what the state can offer him there, economy, society, or is it easier to say that now the same model remains, give me something by definition, i’ll take it and it’s great, think for me... but what has changed or not changed here? well, look, it seems to me that there are two stories here, the first is that indeed, if we are given a very difficult choice, there are 30 varieties of sausage, we only need one piece, yes, then in general, this is probably sometimes redundant, in
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general, we are not happy about this, so there are even restaurants where a person can simply pay for entry and then he gets a fixed menu, these are very expensive restaurants, sometimes we are happy to delegate the choice to a friend. the story is more fundamental, indeed, maybe in some difficult situations people really want to delegate the choice in principle, but it seems that this is a bit of a slippery slope, a person is still responsible, even without making elections, it is still some kind of choice , yes, well , there is a book by eriho froma, flight from freedom, it is important, yes, a message from the president russian federation, vladimir putin, federal assembly, live broadcast. on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. we are talking about behavioral economics, this is the easy money podcast, our guest, economist, rector of the russian economic school anton svorov. well, by the way, returning to this
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thesis at the beginning of our conversation, what comes first: behavioral economics or advertising and marketing? well, i think advertising and marketing predate behavioral economics. thoughts are primary, but on the other hand, behavioral economics explains why certain marketing techniques work well. well, i don’t know, for example, sometimes, yes, yes, but sometimes we are faced with a situation when we see some attractive bank offer, well, for example, you can take out a loan, a stand that seems incredibly low, here’s some other... that time ago i quite often received such offers, the rate there was almost lower than the rate. on a deposit in the same bank, but at the same time we understand that somewhere in small print it is written that in fact there are some commissions and if we calculate such a full cost of this loan, it will of course be significantly higher. and where else, let’s say, is the same marketing and advertising
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, which claims to be the palm in relations with consumers, influence on the minds, so to speak, of consumers of products or services, where, where else can you give examples, what is taken exactly from behavioral economics and application. it is possible to give the consumer the impression that he has a rare opportunity to take advantage of some kind of discount, which will disappear in a few hours, only now or never, but such an illusion arises that without taking some action, without buying some product or service, the consumer
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will lose some, perhaps, this is akin to not even sradrni, in its purest form, fomo, this is the term fer that was introduced of missing out, that is, this is fomo, it is in capital letters f, mo, all over the world. translates as fear of missing out on something interesting, hence the explanation that we are constantly stuck in messengers, constantly monitoring what has come to us, yes, but this is standard, but here are some channels in messengers, some kind of event streams, and we are constantly looking, suddenly it’s important, suddenly it’s important, gurgled, gurgled, only then a person comes to limit cash there only to parcels, really important ones, because as one of mine said very good friend, so wise...


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