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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  February 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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they are discrediting themselves everywhere , they are discrediting themselves in europe, in france, they are discrediting themselves all over the world, and the united states will not be able to maintain this myth for long, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, messages from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, federally. the meeting will be broadcast live on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. hello, we will tell you about the most important events on the evening news right now. lastochkin's victory and now northern, three settlements. our
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soldiers liberated us within a week, and told the ministry of defense about the successes of the russian army and the losses of the enemy. at the first order, we are ready to defend our homeland and defend russia’s national interests anywhere in the world. the president congratulated the special operations forces fighters on their professional holiday. who does the french leader think he is and what do macron’s words about the possible dispatch of nato troops to ukraine mean? allies' opinion. alliance and our answer, which does not allow options. deception tactics, new schemes, the same principle, even tougher measures to combat financial pyramids. the state duma adopted amendments to the administrative code in the first reading. highest speed, difficult track and split seconds to make decisions. the drone race started today in kazan. what other disciplines did the participants of the games of the future compete in? another village was liberated by our
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troops in the dpr, today it became known that the ukrainian armed forces were driven out of severny in a week, this is already the third settlement taken under control by russian units. previously in the ministry of defense reported the village of pobeda to the village of lastochkino. the enemy in these areas suffered major losses in equipment and manpower; in total , over 440,000 militants were killed in the first special operation. the head of the ministry of defense told his colleagues about this. military department sergei shaigum. another topic at the meeting was protection against threats of a radiation, chemical and biological nature; the fsb reported today that a terrorist attack was prevented in the zaporozhye region. ukrainian special services planned to use an analogue of a chemical warfare agent. dmitry kulko, about more details about everything. now the rifle battalion of the first vargei slavic brigade is clearing the village of severny. we're moving forward. already along the southern street. the village
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of severnaya, one of the outposts where, according to the instructions of the kiev command , ukrainian troops were supposed to gain a foothold after fleeing avdeevka. the basement is neat, a grenade in the basement. but taking advantage of the disorganization in the ranks of the retreating enemy, our troops managed to push the front line even further to the west. this year, over 300 km of territory in our new regions have already been liberated, he said sergei shaiguna of the department's board. employees , the combat potential of the armed forces of ukraine is reduced. on average, since the beginning of the year, the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign-made, every day. in total , during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 4,004 thousand military personnel. with such an expenditure of manpower by the ukrainians.
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i got back from vacation on december 20, in my opinion, well , closer to the twenties before this until the new year, they arrived, picked me up from the police there, and gave me an assignment twenty people to cover the retreat of the third osb ak74 in the 1990s, that’s it, and four grenades, well, everything worked out, they surrendered, our troops seriously knocked out the fleet of nato equipment in the enemy’s ranks, today they confirmed.
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defense, finally, the account has been opened for the burning of american abrams, which ukraine, due to a lack of heavy weapons, can no longer protect in the rear. at the front, they were expected to live no longer than leopards. this car, our dronka. destroyed near avdeevka the day before. here is a swedish archer self-propelled gun burned with a lancet, and this is a hit in the polish installation crab, as a rule, their crew is poles. our troops daily strike deep behind enemy lines, at places where military personnel and equipment are deployed. after the collapse of the counteroffensive, the military command of the ukrainian armed forces is trying to use the remaining reserves to stabilize the situation and prevent the collapse of the front. united group. troops with high-precision weapons destroys the enemy’s reserves, does not allow him to transfer his forces to the line of combat contact, and deprives him of the opportunity to counterattack our positions. overall this is indicates the futility of the strategy of the united states of america, the
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containment of russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians and large-scale military-economic support for the kiev regime. the enemy responds to defeat at the front. to use an analogue of a chemical warfare agent, fsb officers stormed two private houses, three ukrainian citizens were detained, they kept drugs that were developed in the united states and used to create chemical weapons of mass destruction; our troops are ready to resist such threats. as of today the day of threats of a radiation, chemical and biological nature is provoked by the actions of washington, which... is increasing its nuclear potential on the territory of european countries and is adopting promising means of delivering nuclear charges. in addition, the united states has formed a network of viola laboratories to study the properties of pathogens in a particular
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region that can be transmitted to humans and cause pandemics. of the 330 such objects, about 40 are located on the territory of ukraine. also noted that our military eliminated the biological threat last year infection due to the destruction of the platinum of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, more than one and a half thousand objects were disinfected. dmitry kulko, nina khoreva and sergei prokofiev, channel one. special operations forces fighters play an important role in the northern military district zone. today they are celebrating a professional holiday; the units have proven in practice that they are ready, at the first order , to defend their homeland and defend the national interests of russia in any situation. peace, vladimir putin noted in his congratulations. the servicemen defended the residents of crimea and sevastopol from the threats of punitive nationalists, “they performed brilliantly in the fight against terrorism in syria, and today they show examples of heroism and courage in battles as part of a special operation,” the president emphasized.
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dear comrades, i congratulate you on your professional holiday, special operations forces day. i thank all the personnel and veterans for their honest, conscientious military service. service and personal courage, for loyalty to the oath and duty, special words of gratitude to the soldiers, participants in a special military operation, in the most dangerous areas, on the front line, in deep enemy territory, in raids and rapid attacks, you carry out assigned tasks with honor, act boldly, competently, decisively, these high qualities, special hardening have always distinguished fighters and... special operations forces. those who, like the president of france, are thinking about sending nato troops to ukraine should, quote, use their heads for more rational thoughts that are safer for europe. this is how the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov , commented on the words of emmanuel macron.
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the french leader said: it is possible that western states will send ukraine not only has weapons, but also its soldiers. the press secretary of our president, in this case, also warned about the consequences of such actions. the conflict between the alliance and russia is inevitable, dmitry peskov emphasized. the voice of reason among european officials is still breaking through a deep rift between the allies. ivan blagoy will continue the topic. experts spoke at the very beginning about the possibility of sending troops by european countries, for example, to western ukraine, in order to stop the advance of the russian army. svo, but there was no official confirmation, here in paris there is a certain conference on ukraine, the results of which the french president directly declares. today there is no consensus on the official dispatch of ground troops, but nothing can be ruled out in the dynamics. we will do everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war. earlier , the slovak prime minister let fitz know; it was clear how worried he was. please take what i
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say here seriously. i simply cannot imagine that there will be soldiers on the territory of ukraine nato member countries, and whatever they do there. i know, but in this case we are talking about classified information. obviously, it’s no longer about so -called volunteers or retirees. 2 years ago, vladimir putin asked a french journalist this question at a press conference, just after his meeting with macron. do you want to fight with russia? you ask your readers, viewers, users of internet resources, do you want, do you want france to fight with russia? about the consequences of the hot conflict with the nato bloc, the russian leader said this: there will be no winners, the current discussions in the west in the kremlin were called an important and new element when asked about the likelihood of a direct conflict between our country and the north atlantic alliance, in the event of western troops being sent to ukraine, the press secretary of the russian president answered this way: in this case it is already necessary to speak not about probability, but inevitability, of course...
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i hastened to declare that the alliance has no plans to send troops to ukraine. statements were made by representatives of germany, the czech republic, poland, and sweden. ukraine also does not require sending troops, this issue is not relevant. the conference in paris demonstrated how the kremlin described it as a very rich range of opinions, however, one can express it differently: a deep split between the western allies. the presence of possible foreign troops, nato and eu member countries, creates security risks for slovakia, also because they are unconditional.
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send soldiers, german soldiers, to ukraine, don’t you want that? german soldiers should never, anywhere be associated with the goals that this system achieves. so, not in germany, and not in germany. even before the conference in paris, agence france-presse quoted an anonymous source in the macron administration.
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zakharova decided to remind macron of history, so in april 1945, berlin was defended, including by the french ss division of charles magne, charlemagne. emmanuel, have you decided to organize the charlymagne-2 division to defend zelensky’s bunker? how bad must things be in kiev that discussions about sending troops have become public? does zelensky's recent tour of europe have anything to do with it ? s...we are now not just talking about sending weapons to ukraine, but about the line, about the direct question of whether the residents of germany, france and further down the list are ready to directly fight with russia for ukraine. earlier , the ex-chairman of the nato military committee , harald kueth, warned about the existing temptation to save the kiev regime from military defeat with the help of troops from western countries. now he reminds.
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the issue of ensuring security and interaction in the caspian sea is being discussed these days in st. petersburg by the heads of the coast guards of the caspian states, azerbaijan, iran, kazakhstan and turkmenistan. the russian delegation was headed by the head of the coast guard department of the fsb border service, admiral roman tolov. according to him , there are a number of problems that require close attention: illegal migration, poaching, smuggling of weapons and drugs. we came up with the initiative to create a forum of coast guards of the caspian
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states, now this issue will be considered at the national level of all caspian states after appropriate coordination along the line the ministry of foreign affairs, through the coast guards, i am sure that our partners and colleagues have a positive attitude towards the creation of this forum, the results have shown this. at the meeting, we will create this forum for the coast guards of the caspian states, at which all internal threats will be considered and adopted accordingly. appropriate management decisions to neutralize them. more than 350 important initiatives are currently being implemented in russian regions with the support of deputy prime ministers. so effective interaction was ensured thanks to the institution of supervision of federal districts. this was stated today by mikhail mishusin at a strategic session, at which they talked about the results of the project. its
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goal is to improve the quality of life in the regions and improve the pace of their socio-economic development. off-budget investments have all the details; finally, in 2023 , they managed to attract almost 9 trillion rubles. over the past 2.5 years, over 230,000 jobs have been created, goods and services worth 6.5 billion rubles have been provided. such indicators confirm that it was possible to ensure effective interaction between
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the government and entities, to establish cooperative ties that are necessary for small businesses and large ones. and also create conditions for cooperation between neighboring regions within federal districts. according to mishustin, 357 initiatives are being implemented in the regions, 33 projects have already been completed. the russian minister of economic development noted that an average of five key projects were developed for each region. the mechanism is effective, but there is an order to increase ambition, tasks and ambitiousness of the indicators, well , taking into account the dynamics that we now see. additionally update the list of projects , as i said, taking into account new realities, and accordingly concentrate all efforts on ensuring that people, businesses, investors, residents of the regions, of course, first of all, see the positive effects of this institution. the southern federal district is overseen by deputy prime minister alexander novyk, it was created before the end of
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the twenty-third year in comparison with the twentieth year, an additional 600,000 in the north caucasus federal district jobs, this is almost three. more than it was, unemployment was reduced by approximately 9.6%, and these are record low figures, during this period we also increased the volume of revenues to the budgets of the north caucasus federal district by 41%, and this is also one of the main indicators , deputy prime minister yuri trutnev is responsible for the development of projects in the far eastern federal district; according to him, i will achieve the planned indicators for economic development in the district. plans for creating jobs in the far east have been completed 100%, most economic indicators exceed the russian average, but there are also problems, this is not very big, but a number of projects are slightly delayed in terms of commissioning, because sanctions have affected the need to select other technologies, purchase other equipment, this is all
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being done, not a single project will not stop, they will all be realized. but unfortunately, a number of projects have already affected the engine for a year and a half. mishustin noted that the institution of supervision turned out to be very effective and the results of the work of deputy prime ministers can be seen countrywide. for example, a powerful production of household and auto chemicals has been launched in volgograd. a tourist route called turuar sevastopol has been created in crimea, where you can get acquainted with crimean wines. pharmaceutical production began operating in moscow, including the production of onological drugs. in mordovia, production of drugs for patients. and these are not all the projects implemented throughout the country under the supervision of the deputy prime minister. pavel kcholkin, olga merkulova, sergey romanov, channel one. even tougher measures
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punishments for those who create and attract investments in financial pyramids. the state duma passed it in the first reading today. individuals, in recent years alone , thousands of such dubious organizations have been recorded, from which the most vulnerable and gullible citizens most often suffer, both physical and legal pensioners. details in the report by dmitry kochitkov. galina mikhailovna keeps her pension capital in a large black bag, only it is not money, but an agreement with a consumer credit cooperative. in hope for additional income, pensioner. how can pensioners be deceived? these are the poorest, most vulnerable people. there were almost 800 people like galina in eight regions, mostly pensioners, their contributions were not returned and the promised
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interest was not paid, the amount of damage exceeded 237 million rubles. now the leaders of the pension capital company have been charged with fraud and organizing a criminal community. the state duma is going to introduce maximum additional responsibility for citizens for involvement in financial pyramids. people who attract , there are a lot of different deceptions going on, they lure, they say , you will earn good money, you will receive a percentage of the financial responsibility for those transactions, the main thing is to call, conclude an agreement
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with someone, and so you, due to your ignorance, by doing this, you can to fall under such fines now, in recent years the bank of russia has recorded the activities of 3,500 organizations of internet projects with signs of a financial pyramid, so there is a need to tighten them. draft ban on unregulated organizations bank of russia to attract funds as investments. it is important that for legal entities we are talking not only about fines, but about suspension
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of activities for up to 60 days. this may prevent the builders of financial pyramids from collecting money from gullible citizens. dmitry kuchatkov, sergey kuznetsov, sergey kamensky and olga gerosimenko. first channel. about how the national healthcare project is being implemented in russia. the speech took place today in tyumen. the region is one of the leaders in increasing life expectancy, this is a key priority for the entire country, indicated by the president, the indicator is increasing and has already exceeded the pre-pandemic level; this was achieved, including thanks to the improvement in the quality and availability of medical care, the participants of the round table, which was held by the accounts chamber, emphasized. of course, healthcare and education, as the key national priorities of our country, defined by the president, and as... the basis for increasing the well-being of citizens are, of course, indeed for the accounts chamber also a key task when you are within the framework of the round
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at the table, you exchange experiences and look at the positive practices that are being implemented in the regions of the urals and siberia, this is priceless, because in our country it was very important that the ministry also participate in the dialogue. health, ministry of education. difficult does not mean inaccessible. the principle of operation of mobile election commissions, which are now sent to the most remote areas so that their residents can take part in early voting in the presidential election. the center also sums up the interim results of the large-scale project inform week. he covers the entire country. how the representatives of the commission greet you, who sometimes even find themselves in the role of rescuers. in the report by kiril brainin. my parents met here and met. alexander is a hereditary meteorologist, from khabarovsk here to the kur station only by helicopter, one of those most inaccessible places where voting
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takes place early. and alexander has been among the first to make his choice for many years. every time, mobile election commissions prove that difficult does not mean impossible. yes, voters travel by air on all-terrain vehicles, by snowy even inexpensive destinations when you need to walk. this is how the principle works, every vote matters, let it. already in the distant tuvan camp there will be only a couple of ballots in the ballot box. early voting started on february 25 and will end on march 14. kamchatka, as always, is ahead of the whole country. over 7.0 of our sailors and fishermen will participate in early voting. these are the ships that are sailing on voting day, these are 125 maritime sections of about one and a half thousand of our voters who are located at lighthouses, camps, at mining enterprises in...
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geography - the whole country, yes, of course, there are street posters in the media about the upcoming vote , they talk a lot about the upcoming vote, but the cycle is sure that there is no substitute for live communication, thank you very much for talking. we are waiting for you at the elections, thank you very much, don’t get sick, come to us, the project has been running since february 17 and will last until march 7, one might say, now is the middle of the road, time to sum up preliminary results, sometimes quite unexpected, for example, in kaluga region, when literally our colleagues saved an elderly woman, she had a gas leak in her house, they found it out in time, turned off the gas, in the tula region they literally saved a woman on time, discovering that she had
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a stroke...
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i would say with gratitude they are open for dialogue and are grateful to our colleagues for explaining and informing them about all aspects of the election campaign. in general, representatives of the commission can clearly count on the reciprocity of voters; the cycle predicts a high turnout during the three-day voting. a matter of attraction a new project in the moscow subway also serves citizens at polling stations, a pre-election train has been launched, a vivid reminder. about the country's upcoming choice, for those who haven't met yet, welcome to the sokolniki line. the next station is krasnoselskaya. kirillo branin, ekaterina koryaka, svetlana barkova, veronika ilvuchenkova and alexander anonichev, channel one. in kazan, a new day of battle for the trophies of the unique tournament of the game of the future. fidgetal competitions at the intersection of two worlds, real and virtual, are already watched by millions of fans around the world. started today
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qualification in drone racing, pilots. hello, the “time will tell” program is live on channel one, i’m artyom shenin, and today, february 27, we will start the broadcast with congratulations to the people who were related to the special operations forces.
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today is their day, and not just today is their day , today is the 15th anniversary of the creation of special operations forces, and during these 2 years i was lucky enough to meet the guys who serve in the special operations forces, in particular , to meet them in the northern military district zone, i i’ve talked about this more than once, that... these are people, who serve in the forces, and you perceive it as the super mega elite fighters that they are, but when you get to know them, communicate, talk, and so on, among other things you are surprised by this, well , they are very simple, and i i would even say, well, not just quiet, but
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very intelligent. but the intelligent ones are not.


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