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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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special operations, today is their day, and not just today is their day, today is the 15th anniversary of the creation of special operations forces, and during these 2 years i was lucky enough to meet the guys who serve in the special operations forces, in particular to meet them in the zone svo, i have already... talked about this more than once, that these are people who serve in the forces, and you perceive it as the super mega elite fighters that they are, but when you get to know them, communicate, talk, and so on , among other things this is surprising, well, they are very simple, i would even say, well, not that quiet, but...
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a person is so well somewhere so not very willing to sit somewhere in a group and if he talks about their service , most likely it will be a person from there, despite the fact that the tasks they have been performing for these 15 years, by the way, we often talk in this studio about... well, in general, about what lies ahead there are a lot of difficult tests, it became clear, not even in 1914, i think that the creation of special operations forces is also about the fact that, well so we started to prepare and ahead of time, in general , i congratulate all those whom i know, all those whom i don’t know yet, i hope we will meet, and those whom, due to the tasks being performed, i will never see or recognize, i congratulate everyone on the holiday, these two...
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we don’t know and shouldn’t know, this is the image of special operations forces for me, i formed it in december of the twenty-second year, when i managed to cross paths with the guys who carried out tasks there, that’s for for me this is such an image that there is everything you need for very effective work, but people are not visible and should not be visible, this is very important. well, it is clear that there is no
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war without losses, we will not see the faces and will not recognize the names of many of those who serve in this service, even after they gave their lives, so it is all the more important for us to remember the symbols of this, and alexander prokhorenko, one of the symbols of this service, and one of the symbols of the people who serve there and what... they are ready for, and right before the broadcast i posted a video, very good, you know, there are such hand-drawn videos of art, this is dedicated to today, alexander prokharenko, everyone who fulfilled their duty died, we honor them all , we honor them all, everyone who is performing tasks now, wherever they perform them, the guys from the ssso, we wish the successful completion of the tasks of a successful return home. unknown predictions in
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ang: for the first time, all the secret prophecies from the old notebook, recorded from the words of the bulgarian son 30 years ago, will be announced. the fact that our notebook is starting to come true, will this coincide with the forecasts of astrologers for 2024, the year of the death of the old world, but this world wants to take revenge, the current will no longer be needed, people will cut off the wires, artificial intelligence will take over and enslave us. assassination attempt on trump somewhere around october 6th. after all this happens, it will be clear how the world works, who rules it and what to do about it. special issue today. on the first, you mean
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, will there be a global military conflict, are you talking about this, maybe she is our new vanga, seryozha, victory, sergei ivalevich, did napoleon really say that he would like a son like you? i wouldn't want to have a father like that, and you well done, don't change, you're not like others. mister colonel, they didn’t pay enough money, they didn’t pay off their debts, why are they throwing 200 rubles on sluts? we will change their lives, but only after many years these people will begin to change. you're a bargaining chip. he will step over you , over me, over anyone, until we find out who betrayed, nothing can be done, don’t put your pride above life, what kind of changes do you need, you have a prosperous service, men are on the ground, you, that i’m not here,
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you want the truth, a big premiere, the union will save you, put out the fire before everyone around you flared up. watch the time after the program. who recruits mercenaries for ukraine? my name is thomas brick. i am the chief operating officer of the european security academy. why are they fleeing the battlefield and complaining about the leadership of the ukrainian armed forces? they always delayed our salaries. frank recognition of those who wanted to make money, but found themselves in a trap. but i'm not going to participate in assault operations. petro poroshenko made his first order, who he wants to eliminate first. exclusive from prankster and lexus, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, soup, pork hoof noodles and other attributes february 29, an extra day of the year, what to spend it on,
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the most important scientific tips in the program to live, great, tomorrow on the first day, i will serve in the us marine corps, 10. i wanted to come to help ukraine get rid of the russians. a frank interview with mercenaries who fight on the side of kiev. they will tell us the whole truth. the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount. we had to buy all our own equipment. this is a typical soldier of fortune, he goes there to earn money, nothing else he can't do it well. chief of staff, i don't think he even knew where we were operating. it is beneficial for the ukrainian command to send all mercenaries to hotter spots. so that you don’t have to pay them later either, because in the end they will end up with two hundred anyway. there were often cia operatives or special forces soldiers present there. is this a surprise for you? no. the biggest problem is the ukrainian command. the weapon honestly hides and disappears. i've met
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officers selling new weapons. the problem is the president of ukraine. agree. you are ready stay with me when we fight the zelensky administration? yes, sir. it is safer to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians. the vavan and lexus show, premiere, tomorrow on the first. i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent, and i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that very natural and natural processes are happening in russia. after all, it’s important what i do and how i live, this is ultimately the criterion, not what i say, i am often asked, you are now forever, that forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are in opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life
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is so short that everyone should try to make all the mistakes possible before it it’s over, the general plan, you can show, look there, look here, look wherever you want, everywhere...
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it’s interesting to discuss this, you probably all heard more than once today what macron said there, nato troops, that means back and forth, for sure heard how, well, well, first this the first thing is that you have the feeling that the nato troops are there, are they french? it’s been a long time , which means it hasn’t happened in 812, it all started, i must say , yesterday, and here’s also an interesting point that everyone is discussing macron, but in general, yesterday we talked in the studio that robert fitz, the prime minister, was the first to bring up this topic -the minister of slovakia, who seems to be against escalation, who seems to be against any military plans, but yesterday he brought up the topic that a number of nato and eu member countries are considering the possibility of sending to... this meeting took place,
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everyone remembered last night, when i understand that this meeting in paris was not formalized in any way, well, that is, it was emik who gathered, so to speak, the rabbit’s friends and acquaintances, well, to talk about the conflict, as it were, he was there in general himself macron started for health. there was a phrase that we, like all these 2 years, will try to avoid escalation, la-la-tapa-la, i even wrote last night that well, it’s like emik, he’s so flighty here like this , like a weather vane, judging by the direction this weather vane arrow is spinning, it means that for now, at least, that’s the mood they have, suddenly in the morning the news agenda took over , it just burst into it, what emik later said, as they say,
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but still at that moment i thought that, well, maybe he loves this these are the questions of the press conference, again this is france,
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blah-blah-blah, maybe ostap just got carried away, but apparently he didn’t, because in almost the same words, that is, they clearly had some kind of common preparation, practically in his words, which is called a brother in many senses, now gabriel, the prime minister, well, outlined it in much the same way. well, that is, you understand, i specifically demonstrated this to you, that it’s not that these pigeons were carried away individually, but
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that this is some kind of, well, kind of design, that never say never, first everything, uh, but even more so, then something happened, and we cannot allow this phrase, we cannot allow the victory of russia, they are macron in words, and this one in meaning, they are talking about consensus, but what is that? a year, well, that is, that’s all that, well belligerent, that means, and
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i think, well , we’ll see, something interesting began to happen here, i remind you again, he said there was a lack of consensus, which implies the presence of two disputing parties, then the unexpected began to happen, because they began to fall apart, this has not happened for a long time, statements from countries that... were represented at this paris meeting poured in, once again, this is just a paris meeting, that is , this is not a formal story, these are just people who came there, let me remind you, before that some of the people came to kiev, but there it was a complete failure, no one even... really discussed it, miloni herself came there, the italians sent someone smaller here, and these refutations just started pouring in, and well, the list, if you read it, that is, literally during there o'clock germany , poland, czech republic, slovakia, italy, sweden, hungary, greece, usa, the netherlands, and nato, and
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bulgaria, spoke on the topic that like no, no, no, here. hammered into this by pistorius, who said the following: boots on the ground are not an option for the federal republic of germany, this is not may be an option and will not be an option, i think that this was food for thought proposed by president macron, as far as i know, no one supported it, as far as i know, he says, no one supported it, i showed you that almost everyone thought it’s not necessary to publicly support this, and well, it’s true, when the first couple of defeats fell, in my opinion, from the swedes and from the poles, and what fell from the poles made me think, and somewhere, well, i haven’t started yet this refutation is an idiot, but i thought that there was something different in this, some another reason, and i, uh, let’s say
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, i allowed a version for myself, i know that in the evening i will have people whom i have uh with whom to discuss it, will they agree with it or not? it’s being discussed today, how everyone reacts, and so on and so forth, but then, if you agree with this version, then this is also possible, that is, you’re just
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saying such things just to support your pr event, also for italians. and as the french say “evula”, all this is really happening, but in general gabriel authal and emmanuel macron, they live in the same information universe, you quite rightly noted this here, so it would be strange if they did not echo each other, but the reaction of boris pistorius and szijjart and so on, that is, of others , was very typical guys, i think the following happened, they actually olaf schultz lifted the veil of this secret a little, so he said that in fact this issue was discussed at the munich conference. it was even previously discussed at one of ramstein, so emman macron decided that sometimes you need to behave, i don’t know what he ’s proving to himself, but it’s something so personal , apparently, sometimes you need to behave brutally in order to be taken seriously, well, i ’m talking about the blood there and emmanuel apparently suggested everyone behave brutal, but people
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are down to earth enough, they say: macron, why, emmanuel, why do we need this, we already feel good. we look very brutal this way, providing ukraine with different types of weapons and so on. and it was, yes, it was macron's initiative, and he decided this it’s easy to stir up an anthill. yes, but no, i think that he did not expect that they would all line up in a list, as they are now spreading, they would begin to refute this, what can i say, yes, we discussed, but no, and so on, and i would, frankly speaking, , i have not seen the grant statement. schweppes. yes, yes, but i didn’t hear what he said on this topic. i have a suspicion that they either remained silent, or even, but they did not support macron, because they have their own game. here. i think that this is actually an attempt to form such a very preliminary negotiating position. because they understand that ukraine will not last long. with
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us, of course, of course, with us. and attention. the question is when to raise the temperature, because guys , you need to raise the temperature before forming a negotiating position, here macron, you know, there is such a thing as cock crow, yes, it’s just about how everyone gave in to their voice , well, emmanuel, well, it’s too early , well, wait, well, it’s not necessary early, nor is it necessary yet, and he was punished for crowing in the first, i don’t mean anything by it, just france. he solved his problems with pr, as you are right, with pr, yes, and decided, yes, to be the first violin, as he was the first to propose a pan-european army, to which the germans waved
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their finger like that, said: no, there will be no army, here, well, and so on, here , but he, he, but he, positions himself as a creative european politician, of course, he means that against the backdrop of olaf scholz, whom ukrainian colleagues very offensively called at one time, he is . in principle there is no unity, but all the other guys showed that there is unity, and the unity is very cautious, because on the one hand, macron proposed, what is it called , the matter and it would seem that they would support it, yes,
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they said, well, we think, maybe so on, but many said, no, guys, we are in these we just don’t play games, precisely because as i understand it, they had something personal for macron, yeah, i’m still inclined to believe that now inside european countries, inside the capitals, the so-called, between them.
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the question arises: is there a need for such a chicken in the barn that doesn’t have any eggs on it, so you can’t trample it? and so on, well, in principle, why is it needed , this chicken is now in such an intermediate state, and emmanuel macron, in principle, he made a request to, excuse me, trample this chicken, yes, but no one is with him did not agree , the rest, so to speak, the inhabitants of this barnyard expressed a cautious position, to answer... evasively, i understood, and then, within the framework of this concept, that emmanuel decided to promote his event, create some kind of information storm in a glass, as he
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periodically does, yes as he periodically it does this, to create some kind of information storm in a glass of water, but for some reason , his, so to speak, partners, in the good sense of the word, did not want to participate in this story, and he wanted to use them for his pr, and they, judging by this according to this plate
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, i ask myself the question that it is possible to look at this situation this way, probably it should be looked at it this way, but objectively speaking, macron said that it is possible not now, in the future something is not excluded, but they began to refuse, as if he had said that now, for the sake of objectivity, even emmanuel deserves objectivity, he is unfortunate. and he said, here we come to a question, at least i’m at home, and you will now tell me whether i’m right or wrong, or maybe i’m not thinking in the right direction at all, here i come to
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a question about... the overton window, that is it opens the overton window, and which everyone perceives as everyone immediately began to perceive it, but the question is that it’s close , it’s blowing, yes, yes, close it’s blowing, they say, like emik, close it not now, but nevertheless, it openly, moreover, i wrote about this twice today, or even three, i every time at the end he signed that , well, everything is true...
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makes you think that they were probably the main supporters of this idea, but we don’t know what’s inside them during these discussions, now they’re all making excuses, that is, he throws this one in, opens the airton window, they say: no, no, no, slam it, and we’re like, they all, it means they kind of crawled away there, and isn’t it more complicated, isn’t it possible that the design here is more complicated, what do they say , we don’t rule it out in the future, he gives a good example, they didn’t rule it out in the future. nothing, but they said no, no, no, tanks , no, no, no, planes, no, no, no, missiles, no, no, no, and he says, all this is there, is it possible that emik is thinner than he seems to us with his pr, this is collective rape in the form of refusal, that this is really just an imitation of rape, yes, here i see three prerequisites, then i ’ll start a little from the past in order to reach the present, the year was 1812, practically, yes ,
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a few years ago, macron on board from... his helicopter nose, presented the national security strategy, we are independent country, after which i stayed there overnight just in case, and i said, again, i’m now flying to the usa, so i’m going to have a tough talk with biden, what about us, it means they deprived us of a contract until the fortieth year of submarines for australia, he returned with his head down , but the first thesis: macron is lobbying for his military-industrial corporation, he has a clear contract with them, and what he just voiced is the first result he received from a frenchman. military-industrial corporation their shares went up, of course, war again, this means orders , there is a result, the second story: a few days ago macron showed his sprinting abilities when he ran away from his citizens at an agricultural exhibition, when they started to throw at him there and so on, he ran away, and here look, his country is in crisis in terms of demonstrations, revolutions that are taking place there, agricultural, now raising the bar that he will send troops tomorrow and
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having rolled back
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, they stepped like this, he stepped like this, then everyone said: no, no, no, don’t you step at all there, they retreated here, but they were here, and everyone was like, well, that’s another matter, but they took half a step. that is , on this kind of pr and on these refusals, they took these half-steps, and this is still on the question of the military industry about their, well, these hesitations are what you want and are pricking, there is also scholz, who spoke quite harshly , well, it seems that he spoke quite well, despite the fact that this is how he is positioned in ukroreich regarding the taurus, that the question is closed and let’s by the way let us recall what scholz said, please, we are in no way... to be associated with the goals that the taurus system can achieve. i am amazed that some people don’t care, that they don’t even think about the fact that things could , to a certain extent, lead to participation in war. this weapon is very long range. what the british and french are doing
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cannot be done in germany. i explained why this was out of the question. and this is the final decision. that is, scholz also seems to take half a step back, these guys take half a step back. but the conversation is that the military the specialists are there. this is not, as it were, crossing the line of participation in fanclift, that is, maybe everything here is a little more cunning design, yes, therefore, from a military point of view, and the regime in ukraine has come to a crisis, when it needs fresh blood, it needs to be poured in, they just they don’t have time to train specialists, and it really won’t be in a black-and-white format, that once french troops with a flag went across the border, it will simply begin in small trickles the accumulation of specialists in individual industries here and there.
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today, perhaps this is a pure coincidence , it came from lithuania, which means there is a certain statement in the emirate, which i’m very interested in how to interpret it from these points of view, this is the former minister of foreign
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affairs of lithuania, now an ambassador, well, where is he as an ambassador, in sweden, in my opinion, he is the ambassador, yes, listen, linas lenkavicius, after sweden joined the alliance, the baltic sea became an internal sea of ​​nato. if russia dares to challenge the north atlantic alliance, kaliningrad will be the first to be neutralized. previous false accusations by russia that it is surrounded by nato is now becoming a reality. and before we move on to america, here, first from a pr point of view. this person simply didn’t understand the combination and got out where he shouldn’t, or he got out just where he needed to. it's called sleight of hand, of course, because it's a concept in the first place.
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it’s not just that he shouted something like that from the branches, but within the framework of this, he proposed a thesis, a justificatory thesis for the expansion of nato in all previous years, simply, that is , now, as it were, the main line will be that, well well, look, you see, in fact , russia is aggressive, it was not russia that responded to the expansion of nato, but nato expanded in response to russian aggression, by the way, by the way, i noticed, even myself, when i wrote on this topic, i paid attention , that we all give this... text, and there is another phrase, he has just this extreme
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phrase, which means he writes that the previous false accusations against russia that nato is surrounding her have now become a reality, he writes he, but i’m interested here, of course, in the words about, that is, the neutralization of kaliningrad and so on and so forth, it seems to me that in general, what is needed to avoid trouble is these kind of linkavichs, to neutralize , well, as if on distant approaches, well , hands will get to that, in general, this kind of statement : an official lithuanian person , on these topics, we must somehow perceive and react diplomatically, militarily, whatever, or against the backdrop of what is already happening in general, this is what they call a natural background of rhetoric. this is the question again, not even about red lines, about where this line is,
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the ladder of escalation along which we are moving, we are overcoming step by step, at some stage there will be a stage of using tactical nuclear weapons, we are not shy about talking about this, our military-political the leadership says that a conflict with nato, if it happens, will be exorbitant for us, and we will not fight with machine guns and machine guns, so we said that tactical nuclear weapons are stationed in belarus... but in this sense, andrei, i really i wonder when the official - the official representative of lithuania, albeit in sweden, but nevertheless, he is an official, speaks about the neutralization of kaliningrad, he cannot but understand that in this case, in principle, lithuania will be neutralized, well, with all my love for, so to speak, nature and the weather of this territory, despite the fact that it is somehow historically ruled by some fucking idiots all the time, and he cannot help but understand this,
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what is happening, or rather is not happening
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yet, in the united states of america, that is , this stupor with or without highlighting allocation of assistance to ukraine, everyone understands that we are talking not only about the allocation of assistance to ukraine, but about who the americans are now for some future in the conflict that they created between us and europe, and in this sense it is very important to understand , what to expect and what is happening there now, because today... maybe, by the way, even what bloomberg wrote about yesterday has already begun. on tuesday, joe biden will meet with congressional leaders, including the speaker of the house, at the white house. mike johnson's representatives to highlight billions of dollars in emergency aid to allies, including ukraine, and prevent a us government shutdown. biden will discuss the urgency of passing a bipartisan national security supplement. johnson's office confirmed the speaker's plans to attend the event.
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senate majority leader chuck schumer, senate minority leader mitch mccon and house minority leader hakeem jeffrey will also be at the meeting. well, so you can roughly understand what kind of speeches there are today will be heard or may already be heard , well, for example, that same sumerian, please, with this aid package , congress has a chance to ensure that ukraine wins the war, so that putin does not win, so that western democracy can flourish in the 21st century, let me i have to say that if our allies see that america will not support ukraine, they will no longer be our allies.
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what really is the situation now, what should we expect from it, what can these expectations be based on? if possible literally let me touch on the previous scenario for a minute, i really liked the commentary in the american media, they showed about the deployment of troops - a very important point, how russia will react
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if france puts troops, for example, in uzhgorod or lviv, they will just go and stand and not go anywhere else move, will this be considered a belli incident? and there may be a case when russia will preemptively strike at these troops, the first case, the second scenario, these troops enter and stand on the right bank of the dnieper, yeah, the difference, in that case they came in, in this case they came in, they say: we don’t say when we will go in and we don’t say where we will go, yeah, today the scenario is playing out: a good and an evil policeman, yeah, america has decided to make a commitment. a good cop, and a good cop is as follows: i'm sorry, a good cop to whom to what? it seems to me that the police are kind towards ukraine, the fact is that the victim in quotation marks is the green one, who is asking both europe and america, give
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money, give strength, give an army, give everything possible, he was asked a very good question: what is the criterion for victory for you in the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth year, so tell me.
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agenda, they want to tell us that they are all such trumpists, but no, they are playing, first, against this deep state, why? yes, they are greedy, they say: guys , you are full, we also need a piece, we also want to be part of this deep state, no, no, we are not for democracy, we are for money, we are like who, they say that, we are like republicans who were dragged by the ears from big trough, now you are deepst , you are a deep state, you eat to your fill, we eat well, but not to our fullness, you can bargain with us so that we too...
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no need, they understand perfectly well that their victory today for the republicans is this is the allocation of money for the border, which will greatly harm the chances of the democrats and, of course, for
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themselves. in america, greed and self-interest come first. if they asked me: “describe an american, that’s who he is? you know, there is such an english word, hypocracy.” yes. hypocrisy. here's the total hypocrisy, starting from their smile when they greet you. but you are talking about politicians, because not all americans are simple, like politicians, politicians. this is where it’s very important, politics is a diagnosis in america, when you talk there, it’s a politician , he says, i think he’s a good guy, yeah, and if we’re talking about the american outback, it’s you and me, yes, it’s kindness , this is good nature, this is a person who will calmly give you the keys to the car, say, drive, but gasoline, oh well, it doesn’t matter, and you understand that we are not so different, these guys, who are the washington swamp, they are completely different, today's meeting, this is a meeting of big bargaining, this is a meeting of big elections, the speaker of congress, he asked for this meeting... 2 months, yeah, he was constantly rejected by the president of the united states of america, he said, i don’t have time to meet with some speaker of the us congress, but now, now the turk is already very
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serious, the fact is that the forecast for the end of march is given by the americans, and the forecast is very simple, if we don’t start right now that produced weapons are sent to ukraine, then we will see that from the end of march russia will attack, and this runs through the red line in all the media, they discuss it in all talk shows, every talk show says that we will do this or it won’t, the figure is the same everywhere, the end of march, the beginning of april, this is the deadline that they are trying to overcome, but this is a trading position, absolutely right, this is a trading position, because they know very well that there are stocks, a lot of stocks, they understand perfectly well that now this is a question big political business, this is a deal , this is the deal that is going on today, they understand perfectly well why they are doing this, it’s very simple, they are playing, first, their elections, second, they just need to trample a number of... european countries now on a very important topic, the military economy, already now the largest sink tanks in america are preparing
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tools on how to put certain sectors of europe under martial law, so that you have, just check it out, you know, a gift to you, macron was the first to received exactly what we were talking about, the first one to receive the first one, the first one to receive these falliants, which spelled out how to properly enter the war economy, without you switching to... there is no american aid for europe , americans they have now been calculated in this zero, what did macron want? macron wanted to open his mouth a little and said: i ’ll hit you right now, solve this question, which one? we will get a rollback, but at least a little, explain to me where we, the europeans, they received a clear answer: zero, everything is clear,
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within the framework of the fact that well, we don’t understand where this one will go... well, i don’t know, maybe something will come by the end of the program, maybe we’ll discuss it tomorrow, but it’s a very interesting story that burns’ secret visit took place to ukraine, that is apparently they are preparing them for something there , by the way, i really like this secret visit of the head of the cia, which took place on february 22, about which a day later they are already writing, as it were, in all the newspapers, it’s like , well, apparently, here i am saying that apparently he somehow failed to manage the tail, that is... the director of the cia arrives, and journalists, in this case the new york times, seem to be on his tail, and he never leaves, well, he ’s still a diplomat, he’s still not an intelligence officer, but nevertheless, seriously, that there is a version that he came, came to prepare the ukrainian reich for something, or he came for something else, no, a very important model of those negotiations who will conduct them, only lazy people in the united states of america, only,
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probably, the most ordinary synthetic people did not write now your vision, how can you enter into these correctly? negotiations, negotiations, whom, with whom about what? and the negotiations of the united states of america, on the platform of ukraine , that’s right, on the platform of ukraine with russia, yeah, it’s not even discussed that russia will talk with ukraine, it’s not discussed, that is, this is the famous, not a word about ukraine, without ukraine, well, naturally, and he came to say, there are boys, we won’t discuss this with you, we are purely about beer, the same stephen walt, when he says that there are those rake that america constantly steps on, this is what we ... we know how to resolve the same conflicts with the same methods methods, we don’t like the country , we will bomb it, we don’t like someone , we will remove him, he himself says: look, we have ceased to be effective, we have come to the time when negotiations should begin, the faster we freeze this conflict, the more dividends america will receive, but not russia, and in the same article he concludes: russia will not agree to negotiations on someone else’s terms, so this is a big
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game, game, game, big game. because not everyone seems to be able to analyze, the story is that guys, politicians can’t cope, therefore, his arrival there in the light of what you said is a very interesting story, we will watch it, but of course, do not forget about the advertising on channel one, the message from... the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream. on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. montechoca cognac, a product of stellor group. rum, castro, product of steller group.
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veda vodka product. stellar group cognac old barrel product of stellor group bourbon steersman product of stellor group. hello. you are you in a hurry? you are my friend, maybe my last. prince volkonsky pyotr mikhailovich, chief of the main staff, is to be dismissed on indefinite leave.
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union of salvation, this is so much nervousness that this, look at the time after the program, they invite me to the ski section, never dare to cry in front of an opponent, i understand, now go ahead, let’s go, i promise you, lina, where’s the smile, will become an olympic champion, but what’s so special about lenka, leather, bones. the story of the best skier of the 20th century. it will be hard. i'm ready. elena vyalbe flies into the stadium. white snow. on saturday. on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears. even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t
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recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i do not think. i’m without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that... but, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility, telling your child that his mother passed away, how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i’m just somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided to do anything... became a star in memory of the famous mom, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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premiere on saturday on the first, this is the queue for surgery, talk to someone in the queue who will suddenly give in, give them a chance to save their jobs. i’m deploying terminators, you win, the plant is yours, you’ll take your wolf to battle, and i’ll pay for your rita’s walkie -talkie, you’re not capable of this, i love her more than life itself, but if they tear the aubrac into pieces, rita will never forgive me for that, we are taking the battle, doomed, the premiere of the serial film on sunday on the first. team tournament of the best figure skaters of russia
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, tenki. channel one cup, live broadcast on the weekend on the first. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, today is an interesting day, in terms of the fact that today there are two such, two spheres, here are news reports in an interesting way on the topic, this is where real politics is, and where is pr and are they separated today, pr, averton windows, i don’t know what else, so we talked about macron, who was building a storm in a teacup, then everyone began to refuse, that it seemed like he was solving his problems, they are solving their problems. in general it is not clear what reality is here, but that here is the creation of certain images , the second story, in my opinion, today’s from the same series is connected with the middle east, with the houthis, about whom it seems to me that we already
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know as much as we did not know in the previous many years, here is an article from one of the israeli newspaper, which told everyone this today, yesterday more precisely: 3 months after the houthis began attacking merchant ships, the yemeni rebels carried out another one of their threats. in the red sea between jidai in saudi arabia and djibouti in eastern in africa, houthi rebels from the radical yemeni ansar allah movement damaged four undersea communication cables. the attacks caused major disruptions to internet communications in the gulf countries and india. further, as often happens on the internet, on the internet, in telegram and many other places. it means that this news immediately began to take on a life of its own, i read tens of hundreds of comments that gay, gay, guys in sandals, now it means they showed everyone the corresponding finger, that means that’s because they cut it,
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to be honest, i’m sinning, i’ve even already started scribble a post about the fact that the houthis in one small area of ​​the planet are showing everyone what can happen.
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that everyone heard the signal, worked it out, realized that, oh, like, we were thinking about something , and then we say, actually , we have nothing to do with this, we don’t know anything, your version, you know, i think that the houthis are acting quite consistently, they primarily hit business, that is, they understand that the west and the military-political leadership are proxies of business in broadcasting interests, now they are not trying attack israel, although attempts to send drones are constantly happening there , they are hitting big business so that it goes to the government, i apologize, i understand all this, but still this is the story, on the one hand, because we all.
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these are generally all high-speed lines, this can also cause very serious damage, that is, i understood from your remark that when you said that the guys in sandals have learned to play pr, but what is this pr about, this is pr, we are nothing we don’t do it, we pout, or we hit, bounce, they learned to play information war, because well, it’s hard to imagine how the guys sit and are like this, blue or red, red or blue, call a friend, so i think this is...
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the system, because that the houthis in this case are not alone in this situation, and you were absolutely correct in saying that the blow is being delivered to western companies and these guys took the hint, which is why, when they achieved results, the houthis said, it’s not us, go prove it, really , was there a call, was there this reasoning, red or blue and so on, investigate, yes, good luck to you guys, in fact this is a pedagogical act that... in the end should affect the baltic sea, and this is even to some extent, you know, such a preliminary answer to the statement of the lithuanian politician that we are blockading kaliningrad? i’m embarrassed to ask, do you think that the houthis have interests, in case i don’t think that the houthis have interests in the baltic sea, there is a technical ability to do this, but there is a technical ability to do it, in the end some kind of yacht andromeda, rented from somewhere there. sailed, did all this, are you
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kidding, no, okay, then the houthis are sailing to you, that’s all who will be there under the guise of the houthis, well, we don’t know, in fact, i understand, you know, as they say, i like the move of your thoughts, whoever understood, understood, but, but no one hints at anything at all, in light of the fact that this houthi factor appeared in the middle east, which we are already discussing in an amazing way, purely theoretically in connection with... with the baltic in connection with cables around it means in the atlantic and so on, but it’s very interesting what’s happening there in the united states of america, because they threatened to close everything there, sometimes not to close it, biden, well, let’s listen to what biden says about this and then we’ll discuss it, you can say when you think the fire in the gas sector will stop, i hope that by the end of the weekend, at least my national security assistant tells me: that we are close to an agreement, but we are not
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finished yet, i hope that to the next on monday we will conclude a ceasefire agreement. this is just a cherry, this is the one with the ice cream, this is of course , i don’t know, i don’t understand anything about public relations, but this is the story with the ice cream, and i don’t know what kind of guy is standing next to him , also with ice cream, this is this old grandfather, who says that he will close everything by the end of the weekend, while holding this ice cream, looking at it, well, i don’t know, this is some kind of... a separate topic, they've probably already moved on, as always, it could be mike, who is in his ear, he’s just standing next to him now, maybe, yes, but all this talk that by the end of the weekend we will sort something out there and so on, is this... a cover for one’s own helplessness or is it really is something going on? i believe that no matter what happens, today the united states of america is not fully involved in resolving the issue, someone knows how humanitarian aid went in gas, someone knows what is happening with those - almost 7 million refugees, which
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they are leaving now, standing on the border of egypt, no, but we don’t hear a word said about them, and we heard that the united states of america easily scolded israel, but we understand one simple thing, the middle east. today is a loss for the united states of america; it is impossible, it is impossible to create new neighbors. imagine the united states of america now saying: “we have settled everything.” but this settlement is not a two-state issue. the question is: freeze the conflict, don’t find anything in common, freeze it again the conflict should be resolved by the next administration, that’s why ice cream, this ice cream, why ice cream, they’ve read everything, huh?
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in the states of america, there is a point of cyber attack,
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the response to which could be a strike with nuclear weapons, so a cyber attack or cutting these wires, they are not equivalent or equivalent from the point of view of a legal incident.
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that's who is giving him what advice, he's here biden said that by the end of the weekend, at least my national security assistant tells me that we are close to agreement. let me remind you, once again, this is the same national security assistant jake sullivan, who two weeks before october 7 said that in general there was no such stable situation in the middle east as they provided, so jake is also not clear there there he has for an ice cream, also within the framework of this or politics, geopolitics. or some interesting pr, but i want to show you a sketch like this, this is also america, miller is a famous performer, and matthew lee, whom everyone seems to know here too, it seems to me that this very interesting, revealing dialogue they had, please, the us does not dictate
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to israel what to do, just like we do not tell other countries what they should do, we only represent what we believe in, unless we invade to these countries. well said, we present that, okay, well, seriously, we present a stand-up in the briefing room, well, this is really in the briefing room, and this is in a sense, like i caught him, but he doesn’t even argue anymore, he says that : well, yes, yes, i’m standing, here you go i’m blurting something out, well, yes, of course, that’s how it is, is this some kind of prompt reaction, or is this some kind of slip of the tongue, this is an attempt. off topic, sergei said it correctly, they are trying to freeze conflicts, although they need to be resolved, freezing them is completely pointless, it’s like meat, it still needs to be fried and then eaten or thrown away, but... frozen meat is not in general , the solution to the problem here, in ukraine, anywhere, in the baltic sea, in
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the near future, as i understand it, there will be something like this, this department , this is the so-called psaking, that is, you have to get off with a joke , they basically threw an accusation at you, and you got off with a joke, put on one boot, took one off, that’s actually what matthew miller is doing now, this is such, you know, such a mocking stand-up, and regarding the fact that no one is in charge of anyone there, you know, i have a friend, to whom, and i won’t say who, but i showed him a text message from joseppe barel, which is clearly a mailing list, and jose borel just with with help sms mailings are , in principle, controlled by the heads of european states, what to say and what to do, so don’t tell us that you don’t lead so -called sovereign countries there, exactly the same text messages, one swiss ambassador there showed from a representative of the us state department, so.
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it’s strange, it seems to them that they are at the table , in fact they are on the menu, the americans have a second echelon that manages politics, everything is very clearly calculated, political strategists sometimes even laugh that there is even a degree of purity there they were looking at shoes, so biden, who was just portraying this scene with an ice cream, was holding money in his hands, supposedly he came in to buy ice cream with money, then he was distracted, so he has a microphone, his buttonhole is hanging, this is, this is all staged by him he just doesn’t take it off, that’s why it goes everywhere, because why? there is a stand-up show everywhere, in which they try to convince people of the events that are taking place, but
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in fact, in fact, as i have also constantly said, you must always look for where it is profitable from the point of view of financial processes things happening. sergei sergeevich said that freezing the gas conflict will hit the shares of military-industrial corporations. yes, this is true, constantly smoldering conflicts are a lot of money for their corporations, they made a record in the twenty- third year, they sold $240 billion for the first time and they really want it. for the first time, all the secret prophecies from the old notebook, recorded from the words
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of the bulgarian son-seer 30 years ago, will be announced. the fact that we have a notebook is starting to come true. will this coincide with astrologers' forecasts for 2024? year the death of the old world, but this world will want to take revenge. the current will no longer be needed, people will cut off the wires. artificial intelligence will take over and enslave us. this will happen sometime in early october. anna from a boy from india says that there will be some kind of terrible epidemic again. it will develop according to the scenario of total intimidation, i’m always waiting for information about aliens, information calls that will be in early june, they can be prohibitive, people want specifics that can be easily verified later, an attempt on trump’s life somewhere in around october 6, after all this happens, it will be clear how the world works, who rules it and what to do about it, special issue today on the first, you mean, will there be a global military conflict, are you talking about this, maybe be she ours? new vanga,
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what happened to me is not my fault, it is, and my fault is, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we revived dreams, some have sensitive natures, but for the fact that we served? the last one, i wouldn’t like to lose a friend, the truth is not to people, you’re my friend, maybe listen tomorrow, no one can know for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, did you say you love me? and you? i believed, i want to take this disgusting, licked
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, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it until it reaches the outskirts. so that to the farthest corners, can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat , but a beginning will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? if you think they might start an indignation, i would start. gentlemen, stand back big premiere, union of salvation, what
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are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup. take me , watch the time after the program, i will serve in the us marine corps for 10 years, i wanted to come to help ukraine get rid of the russians, a frank interview with the mercenaries who are fighting on the side of kiev, they will tell us the whole truth, the payment is shocking, we never received it the entire amount, we had to buy all our equipment, this is a typical soldier of fortune, he goes there to earn money. he doesn’t know how to do anything else well. chief of staff, i'm not i think that he even knew where we were operating; it was profitable for the ukrainian command to send all the mercenaries to hotter spots, so that they wouldn’t have to pay them later either, because in the end they would end up with two hundred anyway. there were often cia operatives or special forces soldiers here. the cia is there . is this a surprise for you? no. the biggest problem is the ukrainian
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command. the weapon is honestly hidden and disappears. i've met officers selling new ones. the problem is the president of ukraine, i agree, are you ready to stay with me when we will fight zelensky’s administration, yes sir, it’s safer to overthrow zelensky than to fight with the russians, van and lexus show, premiere, tomorrow on the first, i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than i need them. because i am independent and i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that very natural and natural processes are happening in russia, after all, it’s important what i do and how i live, this ultimately is criterion, and not what i say, i am often asked, you are now forever, what forever, nothing is forever in this life, we
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are in opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone must try. make all the possible mistakes before it ends, general shot, you can show it, look there, look here, look where you want, everywhere everything is in pure butter, don’t stop the cameras, now we will edit it all, matodor , brothers, on friday on the first. kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on the first. this is the queue for surgery, talk to someone in the queue and suddenly he will give in. give them a chance to save jobs. i
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field terminators, you win, the plant is yours. you will lead your wolf to battle, and i will lead yours. well, let’s return to the first part, which we discussed today regarding one of the most discussed topics today, macron’s statement that this is his unsuccessful pr, everyone is denying it, or is it the averton window, as some believe, literally several statements, which means chrystia freeland, deputy prime minister of canada, avoided answering the question of whether
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canada was ready to send its military there, saying, canada trains ukrainian military and provides assistance. in ukraine, however, canada was not at this paris meeting, but lithuania was at this paris meeting, and the lithuanian minister of defense said that, probably, at first it would be...
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moscow time. unknown predictions of vange, for the first time all the secret prophecies from the old notebook, recorded from the words of the bulgarian son-seer 30 years ago, will be announced. will this coincide with astrologers' forecasts for 2024? this is channel one, good evening, i’m dmitry borisov, there’s a special episode on the air, let them talk. astrology star svetlana dragan specializes in economic political forecasts, with much of what is happening. now she predicted a few years ago, as for donbass, this region will become an edge , and this is not a decision yet, it will only be
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a starting point, when the factor of donbass, in general as a region, requires clarity, the situation will be such that we, russia, will be forced to respond , the astrologer is convinced that events will soon occur that... will change the course of world history, while the safest place on the planet, according to her, is russia. it's difficult for us imagine the introductory messages that will come, they may even be of a natural nature, but i want to say that in fact russia is one of the safest islands. what other events in the future will connect svetlana dragan and the famous fortuneteller vanga, what secret knowledge is contained in the notebook, written from the words of the bulgarian soothsayer. 30 years ago. british journalists accused the author of the notes that the documents were forged, and even sent them.


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