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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 28, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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in general, it has been going on since the very beginning of the special military operation and even earlier, one should not be surprised at this, just now, dear colleague, dmitry vitalievich said that definitely no one can treat the charity of china, and it’s the same here, yes, they they pressed, they have very great connections, as i already said, in addition to trade, there are several ten, several hundred billion dollars, there are also reserves.
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through one gate, this is, so to speak, a two-way street, our trade with china, well, once it was relatively small, last year it reached 240 billion, and the american one dropped to something like 600 billion, these are still different values, but they have already gotten closer, this is already somewhere on the same order of magnitude, plus we are for china, this is reliable, as they say, covering your back in terms of energy supply. he is absolutely sure of this and rightly so, that he is sure that approximately 72-75% of our exports to china are in one way or another related to hydrocarbons, we have long been in first place in oil supplies, we are increasing supplies of natural gas, liquefied gas goes to china, this is all the basis for chinese industrial growth, so no one here will ever give up on this, the problem, by the way
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, is what you said andrey ivanovich, that there are many things that can be done, and most importantly, there would be a desire, then he added, in china there is a very clear political line of the chinese leadership on cooperation on this matter, and he added that in our country the will of the political leadership is of great importance. game, we'll meet tomorrow on
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the air, i live in the depths of russia, the edge of lakes and rocks, there are blue mountains and rivers.
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neighbor, brother, someone else passing by will wish you good morning, here it is happiness, hello, this is a podcast deception of substances with you, its host is olesya. editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. zukhra, here my friends and relatives watched our podcast and made a remark to us, we smile very little, well, as i said, we are talking about serious things, of course, we are talking about this with serious faces, but it seems to me that we should correct ourselves with pleasure , yes the second the second important note is that we probably still need to constantly talk about the fact that all those recommendations that are heard in our program, they are still... of
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a recommendatory nature, and if we are talking about some substance, then before prescribing it for yourself, you still need to go to the doctor, well, it’s better, of course , to have a medical examination so that they can tell you everything. what you can and cannot do, yes, well, now we will talk about food, are there people who categorically cannot , under any circumstances, have iodized salt or anything else. there is such people who absolutely cannot consume iodine even prescribe an iodine-free diet, well, for example, when a person has hyperfunction, that is, excessive synthesis of thyroid hormones, then one definitely cannot consume iodine or iodized salt. some medications containing iodine and even food that contains a lot of iodine. well, how, how can i recognize this in myself, or i just don’t understand it, but it won’t light up, and you can’t eat iodine with a light bulb like that, you have hyperfunction. if a person is preparing for iodine therapy, let’s say he had a severe cancer of the thyroid gland,
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he was operated on, and iodine therapy is required, then the doctor will definitely tell the patient: you are now eating completely without iodine, indicate which foods contain more iodine, what? exclude it completely, be sure to make sure that the salt is non-iodized, then you also can’t use iodine. in other cases, in most situations, iodine is just really needed, and the problem that has become so grandiose on a global scale is related to iodine deficiency, we have very, very much countries all over the world where there is a natural deficiency, iodine deficiency, by the way, our country, well, probably... consists of regions in which there is an iodine deficiency, so this is very important for us, and why is iodine deficiency so scary? ? oh, it’s easier to say than it’s not scary, iodine is a substance that a person needs in life, for example, those same
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thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized if there is no iodine or there is a deficiency of it, there will be few of them, and thyroid hormones - this is that... a child is born in a situation where the mother had iodine deficiency, he did not have enough of these hormones , such a child will be born with a pathology of the nervous system, he will have poorly developed intelligence, up to cretinism, this is often perceived as a dirty word, but in fact... sufficient iodine and thyroid hormones, his intelligence will never be sufficient, unfortunately, this situation is very similar to the fact that you and i are preparing a pie and we forgot to put eggs in it, we baked it, it is
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of poor quality, it will no longer be possible to mix in eggs and change the quality of this pie, here the same thing, if a child is born , then the situation will be improved, but to normal... it will work out, yes, of course, he will be treated, he will be given the necessary substances, but it will not be possible to change the level of his intelligence, if defects of the nervous system have developed, too it won’t work out, moreover, his whole body will not function so well, everything will be in such, well, decline, to put it mildly, well , that is, it depends on the health of the mother, it depends on nutrition, on the health of the mother, on how she eats, replenishment is there a shortage? are hormones replenished during pregnancy ideally before a person becomes pregnant, go to an antenatal clinic , talk about reproductive plans and undergo the so-called pre-gravid preparation, that is, preparation for pregnancy, so that all
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deficiencies are replenished so that she does not have any hypothyroidism and some other problems, then, let’s say, the quality... of the body, yes, will be much higher, that is , the mother will be able to give the child everything he needs, this is directly fundamentally important, that is, the child will have fewer health problems , that is, at least as far as iodine deficiency is concerned, of course, yes , because again, sometimes we notice that one child quickly grasps everything, the other slowly grasps everything, often this is due precisely to the fact that during pregnancy , this... the child did not receive enough of what was necessary, it is precisely connected with iodine, yes, mother, the synthesis of thyroid hormones during pregnancy practically doubles in order to provide for both its body and the body of the fetus, but if this does not happen on background iodine deficiency, then the child will
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suffer for the rest of his life, yes, unfortunately, this is so , so it is extremely important, yeah, well, as far as i know, in soviet russia there was a whole program for the judification of salt, in general it... the salt goes at the state level, that is, it is impossible to sell hyadated salt , it is possible, but only in pharmacies, here again is what we started with, or it can be on the shelves, but everything should be very clear to the buyer, if a person cannot have hyadated salt, it must be non-iodized is available, but for for all the rest, the salt should be iadated, this is very much related to... iodine deficiency , diseases that develop against the background of iodine deficiency, and they were absolutely wrong when
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they said that in soviet russia this problem was solved, yes, in the seventies , soviet doctors stated that they defeated iodine deficiency precisely by supplying poisoned salt to all regions. we have regions with more pronounced problems of iodine deficiency, the north caucasus, siberia, including the krasnoyarsk territory, especially... and the sverdlovsk region they say there are 30% of people with iodine deficiency, it seems to me, even more, because there is also an additional problem there, such as excess fluoride, fluoride is able to remove iodine faster, so siberia, the krasnoyarsk territory including, tuva very, very much this problem was there so big, there is an iodine deficiency with a large amount of fluoride in the water. more pronounced, and there is another problem associated with the same in siberia, this is selenium deficiency, we know that iodine
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is absorbed and metabolized much better, all processes go better when there is enough selenium, again, in the same siberia with selenium, everything is also not very good, in chukotka everything is excellent, because there is a lot of fish, there is a lot of selenium in fish, including iodine, in the krasnoyarsk region, again, or in tuva, there and there is little selenium, and little iodine. there are many authors , so this problem is more pronounced there, and there is prevention of iodine deficiency, we are not in soviet russia now, yes, there are no such programs there, we have now, but we have very accessible medical care, and if you contact an endocrinologist and even therapist, then understand whether the synthesis is sufficient thyroid hormones, and whether there is iodine deficiency in this aspect, it’s very simple, then just... by consuming poisoned salt, we can save ourselves and our loved ones from this problem. by the way, eating seafood
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that is available, but very, very helps to cope with this problem, well, for example, a person’s daily need for iodine is 120-150 microg, and i’m not talking about ustoritsa, but not everyone eats ustoritsa, especially not there every day, but seaweed, well, a more than affordable product, in this seaweed... iodine almost 1 gram per kilogram, we need only 150 microg, that is, many, many times less, you don’t need to eat a kilogram of cabbage, if every other day you even eat a salad of seaweed or some kind of seafood, then that’s more than enough to provide yourself with iodine, i remember what you told me, you had a patient who remembered these numbers 150, only she decided not... micrograms, but grams, and when she ate 150 g of seaweed every day, and this all
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led to sad consequences, she had to to urgently, in general, remove from this state of hyper, how can i say , hyperfunction, and against this background hyperfunction has developed, this sometimes happens, these are etrogenic, that is, when the doctor prescribes very large doses of iodine, or when the patient perceives the situation like this, then yeah that's not good, maybe uh huh. will end, hyperfunction does not always develop, but unfortunately this can happen, so the basic principle of medicine is quantum satis, as much as you need, that’s how much you need, that’s how much you need to consume, do i understand correctly that in some extreme degrees of damage to the thyroid gland, you can see it all with your own eyes, that is, a goiter appears, yes, a goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland tissue and this happens for banal reasons, when there is iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland. which extracts it from the blood, it enters the blood with food, and it
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tries to extract everything that is literally all the tiny bits that enter the body and in order to cope with this more effectively, it increases in volume, that is, it overexerts , she overexerts herself, grows in volume, this one a goiter is a large thyroid gland that developed against the background of hypothyroidism due to hypothyroidism and an insufficient amount of iodine in the body. hypothyroidism is already developing, that is, its function synthesizing this organ decreases and we see this clinically and sometimes, when the thyroid gland reaches... reached such a size that it had to be carried with you or carried with you in some pouches, this this has happened before, and these cases have been described, that is, such a huge organ that could no longer be held in one’s hands, yes, to unfortunately, this is true, now this is almost impossible to find, but it was described in textbooks, by the way, this was a good
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experiment before the war, before the great patriotic war , in my opinion, an experiment was carried out in kabardino-balkaria. noted that the number of goiters increased by about 4%, again in the post-war period they returned everything to normal, returned hydrogenated salt, increased the amount of consumed products with iodine and everything again went less than 1%, this is the incidence of goiters and iodine deficiency, well, strictly speaking , all it is solved simply, the global problem is solved
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simply, a message from the president of the russian federation on... on thursday at 12:00 moscow time, the deception of substances podcast is with you again, endocrinologist zukhra pavlova and editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova. you can watch all episodes of the podcast deception of substances on the website of the first channel do i understand correctly that if...
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out of evil, because if there is no opportunity to develop, yes, then that’s it, the starting point is such a bad point of reference, it is unchangeable, that’s it if a person develops hypothyroidism due to a lack of iodine, then of course such a person will complain of decreased memory and increased fatigue, and the inability to quickly find a solution, and such a kind of slippage, figuratively speaking, mental, then restore. the balance of iodine and the synthesis of hormones , everything will return again, and it will become absolutely normal, when a person is in hypothyroidism, he may not have a large goiter visible, yes, but he will have other signs, also quite obvious, but he has this one dull, swollen face, he can complain that in the morning he wakes up with such stiffness in his hands,
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his hands and fingers are so swollen, swollen, he is all like, there is a word for pasty. her needs are dry, her elbows are dry and have a white tint, well, that is, by looking at it you can understand that a person is definitely unhealthy, this is what a person with advanced hypothyroidism looks like, yeah, and what should he do, he needs to go to the doctor, of course, all the information is on the internet, but to diagnose yourself, and you can be very mistaken, hypothyroidism
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after all, there are no such classical, unambiguous manifestations, sometimes other diseases have the same... masks, so there is no need to invent anything, you need to go to a specialist, who sometimes at a glance can suspect, after examining the person further, his assumption will be even more confirmed, having prescribed, ordered an examination and seen the results, he will definitely make a non-suspicious diagnosis, and will prescribe the correct treatment, that is, if a person has an iodine deficiency, then by restoring this deficiency he will return. v his previous state, that is, he will be cheerful, healthy, vigorous, non-postotic, as you put it, and so on, that is, this is a reversible situation, if yes, unless it has already... developed against the background of such long-term hypothyroidism, untreated , no complications have developed, well, for example , we have a heart, there is such
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a cardiac sac around it, called a perekart, into this perekart, into this cavity, fluid can be released, a lunge, the so-called, and if, if that’s all happens for a very long time, then this attack will go away, but such ones remain, figuratively speaking, like adhesions, and... i saw on the internet a folk way of how to improve, but we may not be able to win back something, i understand that you have little iodine in your body, you need to draw iodine, which means a mesh, and if it will disappear quickly, which means your body has absorbed iodine, but in reality this is of course. nonsense, just eat it on the table, on the floor and so on, everything evaporates approximately, so if you draw a mesh on yourself, draw a mesh there, i don’t know, it will evaporate at the same speed, this speed
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will depend on the ambient temperature environment, yes, iodine has a high pore pressure, and it goes from a solid state to a gaseous state, so it will evaporate absolutely for everyone, and then the speed, the speed is influenced by external factors. so this experiment, it is not very objective, but if it helps someone go to the doctor, because it seems to him that he has a problem, this is a good experiment, it can be used, okay, doctor, what can you say about such a miraculous a remedy like blue iodine? well, here's blue iodine, again there is no evidence base, that's why we we always appeal to evidence... because even every doctor has his own experience, one doctor believes in one thing, another doctor believes in another, a third believes in a third, and if we were all guided only by our experience,
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i’m afraid that we would conducted experiments on living people, so blue iot, if you read the comments, is practically a new elixir of youth and health, yes, yes, but essentially it is iodine quenched with starch, or, as it should be said, starch quenched with iodine. that we all know from childhood is such a potion, yes, here, which is recommended to be used for completely different pathologies, diseases, and i definitely do not recommend self-medicating, including with blue iodine, there are doctors for this, why don’t you sit down to fly an airplane, although there are a lot of videos on the internet, everything is available , because you understand that you can absolutely die here, so using some untested methods of treatment i will die. you can do it even faster, but for some reason this doesn’t scare many people, go to the doctor, always go to the doctor, thank you god, we have very affordable medicine , contact us, it’s not all that complicated now,
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yes, perhaps there are queues at clinics, but the queue is a place where you can spend your time usefully, reading something useful, going to the doctor for an appointment, they will definitely save you from some kind of dangerous treatment methods, zukhra, now let’s talk about delicious things, let’s talk about... and arrange for yourself an iodine deficiency, and it turns out that if you overeat nuts, you can , but the nut shell contains fetic acid , it will not allow the absorption of not only iodine, but also other important ones, and what is in general, fetic acid, why do nuts need it? nuts need it as a repellent for those creatures, animals that can eat these. and nuts, that is , despite the fact that it seems to us that nuts grow in order to be eaten, nuts have a different task, apparently, in order to fall, then grow into a new tree and so on, so
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fetic acid - this is what should protect the nuts from being eaten by all sorts of animals, but the nuts get to people, and there is a method when they offer nuts soaking, soaking and freeing them from this peel, we deprive them of this fetic acid , in fact, we help them to be absorbed by various micro... elements, so nuts, yes, without fetic acid, without the peel are more useful, but in our country it does not happen , probably, there is a habit of eating nuts in cups, but in order to get a sufficient amount of iodine, you don’t need to eat nuts in cups or cups, we forget that they contain a lot of vegetable oil, vegetable oil is a very high-calorie substance, just yesterday we talked with the patient about the fact that it is healthier to add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the salad, say, a tablespoon or a spoonful of sour cream, i say, depending on what we are talking about,
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if in terms of calories then... sour cream is healthier because it has much fewer calories, it’s just about 10 times less calories, but sometimes we want to get something else from vegetable oil, so it all depends on what goals we set, so to get enough iodine, and not necessarily eat a kilogram of nuts and not necessarily eat so many calories, this is it yes, that’s how to soak nuts, i’ve even had some sprout, how much is that? i soaked them, yes, if you are very busy at work, sometimes they sprout, they are lucky, yes , they get a second chance, well, in fact , it’s literally enough to leave them overnight in the morning, drain this water, clean it of this, and the skins peel off from them completely calm , yes, of course, yes, they are already becoming very accessible, these nuts, you can eat them all, what else can you eat, and banal products, for example, lemon, buckwheat, proos contain
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a sufficient amount of iodine, this is of course not ustoritsa and not seaweed, but if you consume these products regularly, then iodine deficiency can be avoided, if we have a child, an actively growing organism, then he definitely needs iodine, well, quite a lot, for sure, well, a little less, probably, than a pregnant woman , this does not mean that for an elderly person. a middle-aged person does not need iodine, he does, well, it’s just that in children and pregnant women the need increases for obvious reasons, and there is an increase here and there, that is, in women the need increases even if they do not they are expecting a child, not not in pregnant women , but in pregnant women, but precisely in pregnant women, and here and there i say the growth of the fetus occurs, here the child is a young growing organism, that is why the need for iodine is great, but if you use iadated salt daily, then
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this need is covered , iodized salt should probably be given a comment in terms of cooking, right? yes, yes, this is an important story, yes, because iodine is a fairly stable substance in salt, which means that, mm, it can evaporate when we cook food, that is, when, that is, in contact with hot, no, not just hot, because there is also hot food on the plate, but the temperature is not 100°. when we cook it 100°, well, depending on how we cook in general, maybe more, here at such a high temperature iodine becomes volatile, it is generally a halogen, initially such a volatile substance, and it is released and we will not get iodine in food, so when when we prepare food, it’s better not to add salt, so add salt to the finished food in your plate with seasoned salt , then we’ll get what we need. in fact, many people just have some kind of
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brain explosion. it’s very difficult for people to understand that when you don’t add salt while cooking, and then add salt when you first eat, then you actually consume much less salt, it will turn out to be much saltier for you, because, relatively speaking, you put this salt on your tongue, and not in a plate, not in a pan, and so on , where it spreads into a very large volume, honestly this is the one... the case when you just have to believe the word, cook without salt, add salt just before consumption, absolutely exactly, yes and i really, really want to ask our listeners to believe that this is verified information, i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent and i can say what i think. i
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’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that very natural and natural processes are taking place in russia, after all, what i do and how i live is important, this is ultimately the criterion, and not what i say? i am often asked, now forever, that forever, nothing is forever in this life, we opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone should try to make all the mistakes possible before it ends, the general plan? you can show, look there, look here, look where you want, everywhere everything is in pure butter, don’t stop the cameras, now we will edit it all, matodor, brothers, on friday on the first, you can let the team down like that, we were counting on you, no one, believe me, no one has regained their previous physical shape, stand your ground. and never
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give up, come on, the story of the best skier of the century, white snow, on saturday on the first. team tournament of the best russian figure skaters tenki cup of the first channel, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first. we continue the podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova is with me. let's now talk about soybeans, cruciferous soybeans, you and i are very... there are iodine, there are nuances , as they say, everything is the same as with holy
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acid, a very similar situation, cruciferous soybeans also reduce the amount of iodine absorption, i would like to cite here as an example southeast asia, the japanese, even before... birth in the womb, receive a lot of soy and, because it is part of the food culture of this people, they do not have any problems with iodine deficiency, because they also consume a lot of seafood, in other words, with consumption of cruciferous plants, turnips, soybeans and so on, we simply have less soybeans in our culture, but now there is a lot of tofu and so on, lovers of some kind of exotic food, well , cabbage, all its types, and... if to them add something containing iodine, seafood or iodized salt, then the problem goes away, what is called in the background, because we compensate for the loss of this same iodine with cruciferous vegetables,
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the problem is solved very simply, now about soy, we must also take into account this point, the fact that there is a lot of soy in protein shakes, and protein shakes are very good thing, good, let's say, good protein shakes. this is a good thing that allows you to compensate for protein deficiency, and we all, you and i, are always in a protein deficiency, if we don’t especially watch it on purpose, so and accordingly, if we take some kind of protein shakes, we need to see if there is soy in it, if there is soy in it, then we look at what kind of salt we have, the salt should be judied, and it is also very important to look at the composition of this product, because iodine may be added there, because respected manufacturers, they immediately , they immediately add it there, so that again there is no overdose of a certain amount, then if iodine is included in the composition, then we do not add nuclear salt, if it is not included, we add
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nuclear salt or we eat there i don’t know persimmons, now is the season of persimmons, they have a lot of iodine, eat for your health, there will also be good prevention of deficiency, bad habits, smoking alcohol, smoking alcohol - that’s it... i don’t know a situation where alcohol or nicotine could somehow improve human health. some other drugs, for example, oral contraceptives, are also a common thing , you also need to think about what they say, but well... about oral contraceptives - in general, you can devote a whole separate program to think about it, not in the sense that you shouldn’t take them, thank god , if they are prescribed by a doctor, in the sense that they can reduce iodine in the body, but there is a complex mechanism, but again, if we
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use poisoned salt, do not overuse it, you and i had a whole program dedicated to salt, we we remember that per day this is no more than 5 g, yeah. iodine deficiency, even if you use any substances or products or drugs that reduce the absorption of iodine or help it to be eliminated from the body more quickly. i would also say that when we have some problems with... deficit, all our country is in iodine deficiency, we , unfortunately, have one of the few countries , there are about a dozen of them left there, in which there is no mandatory salt poisoning, therefore, when a person is forced to take
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responsibility for his own health, this is generally correct in principle, because that no one owes us anything, we have many opportunities to take care of our health, then when buying salt, make sure that it says: iodized, but using iodized salt will deprive you of many problems associated with pathology thyroid gland, yes, with iodine deficiency, by the way, yes, there are, there are studies that say... if a person is not offered iodized salt and non-iodized salt, even knowing the benefits of iodized salt, it is not at all a fact that he will choose it, that is in no case can this be done as if by a person’s choice, in fact, in fact , it should simply be visible everywhere, yes, and galina afanasyevna melnichenko, who has been leading the problem of iodine deficiency for many years, has been trying for many, many years. ..
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because, oh well, adults can yes make a decision, but the children cannot, they will use the salt that their parents bought, and the price will rise, well, as if the family budget will suffer from this by some completely insignificant amounts, by pennies, by pennies, yes, but health , well, in general it’s difficult to evaluate in money, especially since i really like this story, the fact that in fact the deficit, the consequences of the deficit can be reversed at some point. yes, in fact, not so many different
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pathological conditions of our body can be reversed, right here in fact, everything can be solved with one small pinch of salt, not the right word , moreover, the gland is generally so grateful, in my opinion, many processes flow so slowly in it, it takes so long for a person to have a chance to fix everything, and by the way, i’m also somewhere... i read that in the countries of northern europe... and a huge percentage of cancer is of the thyroid gland, and people don’t die from it, because it lasts for a very long time, and this is a problem of overdiagnosis, they find it in the very in its most rudimentary state, in general people live a wonderful life life, at the same time with such a complex diagnosis and it does not metastasize for a long time, so this is really very grateful and...
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we have some other products, well, how are we going somewhere like birds, why do we cook porridge from millet, it we can use enough, ok , buckwheat is often used, yes, eggs , by the way, eggs, a strategic product, lemon,
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in general citrus fruits contain iodine, well, lemon in this regard is larger, more leading, so to speak, fruit, so , iodine deficiency, if you eat right, iodine deficiency to get, well, it’s quite difficult, the only thing is when a person goes to get tested, now our listeners may think, what if i have... iodine deficiency? they’ll go get tested, if you ate seafood the day before, then everything will be fine with iodine, that’s if you mostly eat potatoes and pasta, then well, zukhra, we always talk about the fact that you don’t need to go get tested, you need to go to the doctor, and the doctor will already tell you what tests you need to get, well, just in case, because that i very rarely encounter people doing everything
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just as you say, so anticipating this possibility, i want to say that you can get tested completely pointlessly, wasting time and money, so olesya is absolutely right , go to the doctor, he will immediately tell you what you need to do and what you don’t need, this it will be both effective and reasonable, yes , and i hope that we will save everyone from iodine deficiency, but i would really like to be heard by people who... make the decision after all, they passed the law on mandatory salt poisoning, yes, perhaps there are some - counteracting situations, well, let’s say, poisoning with... does it greatly change the guest in relation to food manufacturers, well, this is a very useful thing, and most importantly, edible salt is intelligence, this is our health, this is our future, yes, yes, thank you, there was a podcast with you deception of substances and i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova and the famous endocrinologist zukhra
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pavlova, you can watch all episodes of the podcast lab project on the website of the first channel good evening, the miloradovich ring podcast is on air, my name is ekaterina varkan, i i would call myself a writer, and i am very pleased to introduce today my interlocutor, the director of the all-russian.
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i hope so, but mikhail andreevich was a great military leader of the late 18th, early 19th centuries, he was born in 1771, into a family of hereditary military men, his parents and grandparents came from serbia, that is, he was, in principle , considered a serb in russian service, like his ancestors, he further studied at the most fashionable... universities in europe at that time koningsberg and göttingen and went there with his cousin to study. from memory brother grigory miloradovich's education was so-so , he was mainly engaged in entertainment and travel , but the most interesting thing is that at the age of 16 he was already
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an ensign in the izmailovsky regiment, that is , he took a trip around europe with his brother, about the same age, until he was sixteen years old, for us this is just . dapper and returning to russia, he ordered so many tailcoats in st. petersburg that...
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interesting historical places, because according to the later recollections, so to speak, of many contemporaries, his house in st. petersburg was filled with a unique collection of antiquities, luxurious paintings, sculptures, everyone was delighted , so to speak, by the amazing selection, with such taste, high taste, all this was done, yes, and he had a very interesting habit, he loved to be constantly on the move, when you keep a military governor-general busy stands in its place, it just irritated him, and he somewhat...


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