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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 28, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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in addition to fortification, during the trip he visited some other museums, so to speak, interesting historical places because , according to the later recollections of many of his contemporaries, his house in st. petersburg was filled with a unique collection of antiquities , luxurious paintings, sculptures, everyone was delighted with the amazing selection, so to speak, with such taste , high taste was all this was done and he had a very interesting habit, he... loved to be constantly on the move, when you hold the post of military governor-general, everything stands in its place, it’s just his it irritated him, and he made rearrangements several times a year, ordered furniture to be moved, vases to be placed from place to place, so that each time there would be some variety, he also loved to throw on a shawl, an amaranth shawl, his favorite was amaranth color, throw yourself sometimes, because really.
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what’s interesting is that in not a single battle did he receive a single scratch, or wound, or anything, until the tragic day of december 14 , 1825, but sergei mikhailovich, i said here that hertzin also suddenly remembered about miloradovich, herzon, who hated the entire aristocracy, suddenly called him a warrior-poet, all these brilliant descriptions of miloradovich on the battlefield, i can add that the sultan was confused.
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went specifically to the alps and he describes how terrible it is there and he couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to cross, he even tried to go, and suvorov also reported to pavel that these were hanging coffins, that’s how it was possible to cross, but somehow they moved on, and it seems to me that this is an idea of ​​melorades. in many ways
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it's really quite incredible, i i was in this place, i saw it, it was absolutely difficult to believe that this was possible, but miloradovich really... adored suvorov, and suvorov, when he arrived just for the service, immediately remembered his father, remembered his father, said: “ mishenka, i ate such delicious pies at your father’s house,” and so on and so forth, and of course, he was simply delighted, miloradovich, that he was a very young man, a young man, and his 27 years old general, he didn’t get it for the pies, no, of course, yes, but it really was like that, and also, as a matter of fact, in 813 , too, not for pies
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, i didn’t know pushkin personally, but he was informed that pushkin wrote all sorts of outrageous poetry, then unexpectedly, in pushkin’s house, when alexander sergeevich was not at home, there was only one of his servants , some incomprehensible person appeared who offered 50 rubles to this same servant, so that he would give away for a while what barin had written, the servant turned out to be faithful, and did not do this when pushkin arrived. still , he burned everything he had. pushkin was officially summoned to miloradovich, and the next day he had to go to him, when he was already approaching the theater square, he decided to go to fyodor glinka, to his friend, who was
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miloradovich’s adjutant, so i’m coming to you, said glinka, and i’m coming from myself, said pushkin, here having exchanged such remarks, pushkin said: and i will write you everything, what is not printed, what i have written and what is attributed to me, i took a rather thick notebook, this is knightly, miloradovich said and announced forgiveness to him on behalf of the emperor, yes, remember yours youth and good relations with emperor
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alexander i. by the way, vedmiloradovich loved to play cards, he was a gambler, and once he lost. alexander hated, hated, but once miloradovich.
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when, when it turned out that he had lost everything, alexander again left the office for a while, again invested the amount of banknotes that was necessary and handed over... “here is the continuation, mikhail andreevich, but keep in mind that this is the last volume, so we told such interesting stories, but we also won’t forget to tell you that miloradovich was never he was married, so he had quite a large number of fans, he himself was a fan of a large number of ladies, and there is even such an anecdote that after his death they opened a chest that was filled with love notes from a lady.
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the most sensational one is ekaterina teleshova , a ballerina, but maybe this is connected
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because this novel unfolded in the last months of his life in st. petersburg, this is a famous ballerina, by the way, alexander sergeevich griboedov was in love with her, quite successfully, quite successfully , took her away in general mikhail andreevich, mikhail andreevich somehow reacted to this quite evenly, griboedov wrote a dedication to the tv show, published it in a magazine and everything about it. they knew, but - griboyedov then quite quickly retreated to the caucasus on a business trip , and did not leave katya miloradovich, so, but you know, i have the idea sergei mikhailovich that in general he somehow, well, that he forgave her, he he loved her, she was a woman, and he didn’t distinguish griboyedov badly either, so to speak, but he distinguished him well, because while griboedov was still in st. petersburg, he came to him for lunch, to milradovich, i mean home, in general, as if nothing had happened, but... a small nuance, at that time his play was not published in any form, not on the theater stage, not in the press, and
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the military governor-general was in charge of all the units, perhaps it was in this way , which means, well, this is not revenge, but in any case, this is how the connection was reflected, this could be, but nevertheless, nevertheless, they were friendly with mushroom, but we also know that grief was not published in moscow, this too yes, by the way, she was naschelshova. 33 years younger than the general, and he, of course, treated her with great tenderness, and even on that ill-fated day, december 14, the last day of his life, they found him in her house, early in the morning, yes, he and in the morning he arrived, promised, bashutsky, that he would come to her, he was in full dress, because on that day they were supposed to take the oath, and they reported that he went to senate square, an evil fate for some, a miracle for others. the investigation continues into the crash of the falcon 10 private jet flying from
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thailand to moscow. we spent one and a half acres on moruz, we didn’t understand why they didn’t look for us for so long. there is a whole range of violations here. there must be an emergency beacon. 5 hours in the snow, wind. if you had not decided to go through the village, would they have saved you? initially, i just went up the slope to see the situation. a businessman from volgodonsk ordered an evacuation ambulance flight for himself and his wife. but only two of them were not on the list of survivors, they were the best, kind, sympathetic, what kind of mysterious illness did anna evsyakova have and where did it come from? this flight, this is a severe infection, the doctors in thailand will never give permission for the flight until the insurance is spent, he paid a lot of money to someone, and where did the press come from the version that the evsyukovs were overtaken by retribution for a fatal mistake from the past, special issue, tomorrow on... the first is the children of anatoly evsyakov, who do they blame for what happened, i will serve in
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the us marine corps, 10 years, i wanted to come to help ukraine get rid of the russians, a frank interview with mercenaries who are fighting on the side of kiev, they will tell us the whole truth, the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount, we had to buy all our equipment, this is a typical soldier of fortune, he goes there to earn money, nothing else, he is good. he doesn’t know how to do it, the chief of staff, i don’t think he even knew where we were operating, it’s profitable for the ukrainian command to send all the mercenaries to hotter spots so that they don’t have to pay them later either, because in the end they’ll end up with two hundred anyway. there were often cia operatives or special forces soldiers here, the cia is present there, this surprise for you, no, the biggest problem is the ukrainian command, weapons are often hidden and disappeared, i met officers selling new weapons, the problem is the president of ukraine, i agree, are you ready to stay with me when we fight
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the zelensky administration, yes sir, it is safer to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians. show vavan and lexus, premiere, tomorrow on the first, miloradovich’s ring podcast is on the air, surprises await us ahead, but for now we will continue with sergei mikhailovich nikrasov, in general an uprising the decembrists have such a very, of course, interesting bloody history, and many people ended up there by accident, and many s...
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renounced, from now on our sovereign nikolai pavlovich, you and i are serving people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia, i ask you, i beg you, come to your senses, return to the barracks, and
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i promise, i, you hear, will take each one by the hand and lead him to the sovereign, and he will forgive you , i swear, i will not let you be offended, if you please , drive off, leave the soldiers alone, stand still, nali, for by me, nazarmy, my children, do not destroy your soul.
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it is curious that, having been in 55 battles and never touched by anything, not even a single wound, not a single concussion, suddenly he receives a very insidious blow with a bayonet from prince eugene. he demanded that they show him, when they showed him, he said that no, this is not a soldier’s bullet, it is not made from russian weapons, this was important for him, well, here is senate square, but one came out, but for
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him, i think that this was not a feat, he was used to talking with soldiers, indeed, but this... it was a sneaky shot in the back, bashutsky, his adjutant, he pulled him out, which means he couldn’t find him in any way help, invited some frieze chenels , as random people are called, as bashudsky call them, they carried the dying, wounded, they didn’t know then, the dying count to the horse guards barracks, which were very close, then the doctors, led by arent, and the germans came , the british were there, our russians, petroshevsky, which means his personal. who, as fate would have it, turned out to be the pope of the great, then known to us, that means, rebel, but no one could help him, then, that’s when the doctors were called. strictly speaking, frieze chenels, as later bashutsky wrote that when he arrived , all of miloradovich’s decorations had disappeared, in fact
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, all the decorations, but more on that later, he then called miloradovich’s confessor, who turned out to be from a church near st. isaac’s church , turned out to be a legless invalid of the war of 812, which is symbolic, he wrote a will, to release one and a half thousand serfs, a letter to hand over. also, the furniture of his luxurious house was sold for 80 thousand, it is known after his death, it was also given for debts, and what we said,
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he was very fond of all luxury, so to speak, he always wore jewelry with good taste , the same bashutsky recalls that on this day, every day he put on new rings, depending on his memories, each ring was associated with some story, some memory, this time he too, so to say, here are some... i really appreciated this ring and just said that they would put me in a coffin, that in general, so to speak, it would be better to be silent with a strange prediction when the friezes, the so-called chenilles, that is, strangers ...
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they came to us from yaroslavl on purpose anastasia mikhail dubynin, they will tell us their story, which is also connected with miloradovich with his ring. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream. on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. podcast on air.
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specific time, so nastya will tell me what she wrote to me, in the letter i and everyone gifts can happen today with our feelings and emotions; i tell katerina our story with mikhail, which means that mikhail made me an offer, and we decided to melt it down old gold to make wedding rings, and misha took out his modest box and... in it, my attention was attracted by a ring, very similar to an engagement ring, but what attracted my attention more was the inscription on the inner back
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, count miloradovich, december 15, 1800. of course, there is a heart here it started beating, it’s still beating, i immediately asked misha what the inscription was, where he got this ring from, but at that moment misha answered me that his grandmother gave him the ring, and somehow he never asked again what for the ring, although my grandmother said that the ring was valuable, and we then we gathered a family council, we spent half the night... with my mother and my sister searching for information about the count on the internet, and the version that the engagement ring fell off almost immediately, because the count had never been married, then the thought came to us, that the ring could be mourning, but we didn’t find any information about this either, but we found something much more valuable, this is an excerpt from
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catherine’s book. from ekaterina came to me on december 5th on my birthday, and it was the best birthday present that year, sorry, misha, here, and i received a letter from anastasia on december 3, and december 3 is the day of the unknown soldier, i accidentally found out about this and , having read it, i was in such a completely stunning bewilderment, and this is such a greeting
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from the great unknown... no, not on purpose, and here, well, there is such a picture, well, on postal envelopes, we know, but here in lavrovomka the letter m is like a monogram, that is, like miloradovich in the laurel wreath, in general there are some kind of miracles, according to nastya’s story, so i understand, that this chest of its own means with its jewelry, they discovered, around october, in october, miloradovich’s 250th birthday, just from his birth, this all worked out for me, and such coincidences, coincidences simply don’t happen, and we realized that it definitely had to be his, to besides, nastya , which means she received a state examination , we also have it, which says that with a high degree of probability this is the ring that was ordered by friends or people who were close, but here we have,
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so to speak, big difficulties, we started from... possible some moves, which means who could have ordered it, and it was very difficult, because there were no documents, in fact there were no documents, something someone someone once ordered such a ring , because when i wrote the text , i consulted with senior comrades, i read quite a lot of documents, i called the senior comrades again, the senior comrades again said that they, so to speak, are all unknown, and such rather serious experts from... such historians, but we can assume that it was done by doctors, we can assume that this was done by the generals tol trubetskoy, but there are no separate reports, we can think , assume that relatives, the sister who lived, miloradovich’s dear, survived him by more than 20 years, his nephew was in st. petersburg, but this is not everything is not fighting from the yaroslavl province, this is the only one who is fighting, which means that this is apollo aleksandrovich
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maykov. who, according to bashutsky’s recollections, stood there nearby during the last minutes of miloradovich, according to descriptions, was close to death, even closer than the count himself, here in he is mentioned in the will, as we have already said, then he, it turns out, is maikov, when they began to delve deeper and study, he was born in the yaroslavl district, approximately in the village of gorki , there are several such villages there, but here is one of the villages. just in the big village where misha’s grandmother lived, and some kind of story began to emerge, some kind of story began to chew up, somehow grow, but it’s still not very clear how this ring got to the grandmother, to establish we didn’t succeed very much, it was great that we didn’t melt it down, now it’s a family tradition, now it’s a family tradition, it’s gone nowhere, misha and nastya tell me that my grandmother was a very religious person, i suggested that
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there might be such an option. this means that the only one of the relatives, nikolai apollonovich, the son of apollo alexandrovich , recovered after being dropped, became a good artist there, and he could come there later on...
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there was nothing on the internet, i, uh, put this ring in my box, it was lying with me at home, i would like to ask my grandmother, yes, but my grandmother, my grandmother is no longer here, but we have one here it’s a wonderful story, so rummage through your grandmothers’ chests, in boxes, maybe you’ll find something, can you imagine how our history will be enriched, mikhail, or maybe really a little, maybe some other interesting things, those were in the chest , i checked several times, there was no more. that’s okay, but maybe you can tell me something a little about your family then, i was born in a large village and grew up there, now i live in yaroslavl, 2 years ago,
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i remember meeting anastasia, i did she’s got a proposal, and so the ring found the right hands, yes, but it’s right there in the hands, i look, otherwise it would still be lying there and lying there, as i understand it. that misha you were interested in there , somehow, well, well, not so much, and nastya, she’s such a strict person , a strict person, she took it right away, it means she wrote with all her fists, she found me, she wrote to me, and the most interesting thing that i liked was that a letter arrived in the mail , the russian post office is not electronic, not sms nothing, it was just the only address i found on the internet there was no phone number or email address, just an address and a postal address, and there was no one. confidence that it is current, will this letter give, but the letter has found its addressee, and we have not yet said such an important thing that the ring itself, which means it does not have the hallmark of the assay
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office, which just says us about the time of production of this ring, the mixture of metal from which it is made, but this ring is gold, but there is a name mark, the so-called author’s mark. ht, that is, it is in latin, in fact, we found in the catalog , in the catalog of stamps, we found this ht, this is the brand, this is heinrich thalberg, a master from finland, living in st. petersburg from nineteen to thirty-two, that is, we understand that the ring was made in st. petersburg it was this master, so to speak, that on one side of the investigation has not advanced us far, but we definitely understand completely that the ring is not somewhere, so to speak. in the eastern regions of ukraine, chernigov, poltava, where miloradovich’s relatives were grouped, ordered, not somewhere in moscow, some kind of fans, and if they are fans, then only in st. petersburg, that is, this is st. petersburg, which means the master made it,
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maybe you can tell us now about miloradovich, how you feel about him, we won’t tell you more about the count than you already told us, but we want to say that of course he became the hero of our family. moreover, one of the coincidences that i personally like to talk about is that the ring “ma” went to “ma”, misha and i are waiting for a new addition to the family, and after this story the name of our child was a foregone conclusion. it's clear. this is milorado. in this, on a wonderful note, we can, it seems to me, safely conclude our podcast today, which is called “the ring of milorada.” and i thank today’s participants sergei mikhailovich nekrasov, director of the all-russian pushkin museum, mikhail and anastasia dubynin, a young married couple from yaroslavl, and myself, of course, ekaterina varkan. thank you.
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the power of memory is great, there is something terrifying in the diversity of its countless depths, as augustine wrote. confessions: hello, today we have gathered with thoughts about memory, about its secrets and riddles. dmitry petrovich bak, literary scholar, candidate of philological sciences, evgeniy germanovich vodolaskin, writer, doctor of philological sciences. friends, i’m very glad to see you, it ’s mutual, with whom, no matter how, to talk about such a topic, and you know, i want to have a pre-question, perhaps, a warm-up question, memory - is it more about hope?
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the best, precisely because the past is happy
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, this is childhood, for example, it almost always has a shade of happiness, a sinless, transparent existence, and the more you remember, the more you hope that you are living in every moment in its completeness, and not in the incompleteness that seems right to you, in vanity. just now, when evgenia gernovich , you said that sometimes you want to get rid of something, but i thought, i remembered, or rather, the thought, the thought of what confession is, this is a cry to god: lord, don’t remember me like this , that is, don’t remember me committing this act, forget, well, it’s funny to ask god to forget something, but that’s the whole idea, well, not repentance, but repentance is probably based, no, moreover, i think that repentance, confession is overcoming time, you return to the time before sin. as if, because this sin is washed away, it goes away, the only difference
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is this: you return to the old time, but with the memory of sin, this is already a hint of the absence of time, of absences before and after, and there is simply repentant sin, and there may be a desire to prevent it from happening again. it is washed off, but the scars remain, the scars remain, well, the famous line of pushkin, but there are options for sad or shameful lines, i don’t wash it off, yes, this is a very important story, because that even if you want to get rid of a memory , i agree with my wife, the work is still not to get rid of it, but to understand that it is given for something, well, because there are no tests of superpowers, we understand perfectly well, even if this memory is bad, the memory of a sinful state of the soul or... actions, then anyway it is not given in order to be equal to it,
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memory is what makes us unequal to ourselves in the best sense, look how naturally we now then let’s move on to the actual content of the concept, here equal, unequal, yuri mikhailovich lotman said that man is memory, culture is memory, i always tell students that to substantiate this you don’t need a lot of evidence, imagine that you wake up tomorrow and don’t remember anything, right? what you don’t remember is not there, that is , it turns out that memory is a culture-forming phenomenon, excuse the involuntary academicism, and a person-forming phenomenon, the question then is, after all, a person is identical to memory, or forgetting or not, there is wisdom unburdened by knowledge , that's who dealt with wise old people , sometimes in old age a person does not remember any specific things, but... at the same time he is wise, he is
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absolutely error-free in his choice, although he cannot justify it in any way, maybe he had something similar in tolstoy apparently said when he said that a person, leaving for another world, takes with him memory, but memory not about specific events, memory as a certain sum of ideas of good and evil, this is a certain extract that already exists in isolation from specific events. that is, the memory of an old man is the memory of a child, i don’t mean that a person falls into childhood at some point, i’m more like that.
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there are two rivers, summer and eve, summer is a river that washes away bad memories, then a person moves on to eve, which flows nearby, in general, it reinforces the good, a good mind, yes, if i demologize correctly, again, well with reason, yes, that’s probably true
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, maybe this system is how it should work. who knows, dante, in general, was not such a special spiritual authority, but the very thought of something like this is very close to me, because, even the idea of ​​hell, there is an opinion that hell is not an opportunity to get away from bad memories, that when you see all the beauty of heaven, then... at that moment you become incredibly ashamed of yourself, this memory, it burns, maybe , this is, well, this is what chagin suffers from in your one-story novel, yes, that is , this is actually what i perceived as an experience of hellish torment, and he does not know how to forget, he cannot forget his
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limit and this is really so , absolutely right, he either has to hang himself like judas, and either he will repent, so he repents. and the sincerity of this repentance allows him to come up with a new poem of odyssia , in which he gives his new life, i am far from convincing the reader that he just needs to rewrite, no, he needs to repent, and then as such a gift, maybe , maybe maybe i’m not saying rather the question is, is it possible to get away from the bad ones? memories to stay with good ones before death. who recruits mercenaries for ukraine? my name is thomas bry, i am the chief operating officer of the european security academy. why do they flee from the battlefield and complain about the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. they always delayed our salaries. frank
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recognition of those who wanted to make money, but found themselves in a trap.


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