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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 28, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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vaniyami, let's look at the screen. the study was carried out in 2018, published in village a, and this is over a million people, it turned out that people in the family, the risk of heart attack and stroke is one and a half times lower than that of people who are out of wedlock, so the girls propose to everyone. what else do men need to do on this day, visit their parents, in taiwan there is such a tradition, yes, women who are married live far from their parents, on this day they must come to their parents’ house with a cup, with such a cup of noodles, noodle soup with holy hooves, and this dish is so delicious that it is believed that it prolongs the life of parents.
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i’m stupid with pig’s hooves and may you have a good life, life has given us an extra day of the year, let’s spend it well, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy, message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin to the federal assembly, live broadcast, tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time.
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european american politicians did not support emmanuel macron's idea of ​​sending nato troops into the territory of ukraine.
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"an evil fate for some, a miracle for others. the investigation continues into the plane crash of the private falcon 10 plane flying from thailand to moscow. we spent one and a half hundred years in the cold, we didn’t understand why they didn’t look for us for so long. there’s a whole range of violations here, there must be an emergency beacon . 5 hours in the snow , the wind, if i had not decided to go to the village, they would have saved you, i initially just climbed the slope to see the situation. i ordered an evacuation ambulance flight without '.
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release today on the first children of anatoly evsyakova, who do they blame for what happened , what happened is not my fault, it is, and my fault is, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that i dreamed of you... awakening some sensitive natures, but for the fact that they served the truth , not to people, you’re my friend , maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what
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difference does it make, what role, who will fulfill it? did you say you love me? and you, i believed, i want to take this disgusting man by the throat. faded, dull, swaggering empire, shake it so that it reaches the outskirts , so that it reaches the farthest corners, can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up , will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait, do you think, young? part of the indignation, yana , gentlemen, we are left behind, a big premiere, a union
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... salvation, what are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup , take me, watch the time after the program, i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than i need them, because i independent, i can say what i think, i generally cautious optimist, it seems to me that these are very natural natural processes. is happening in russia, because what matters is what i do and how i live, this is ultimately the criterion, not what i say, i am often asked, you are now forever, what is forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are friends to a friend of the opposition, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky,
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life is so short that everyone should try to make all possible mistakes before it ends, general plan, you can show, look there, look here, look where you want, where everything is in pure butter, don’t stop the cameras , now we’ll edit it all, matodor, brothers, on friday on the first, they call me to the ski section, never dare cry in front of your opponents, i got it, now go ahead, let’s go , i promise you, lina, where is the smile, she will become an olympic champion, and why are there tacos in lenka? the story of the best skier of the 20th century, it will be hard, i’m ready, elena varbe flies into the stadium, white snow. on saturday, on the first. team
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tournament of the best skaters. russia tennikov, channel one cup, live broadcasts on the weekend on channel one. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live. our army is advancing in the ovdeevsky direction, footage of the ukrainian army fleeing under the pressure of our group center during the liberation of lastochkin and the first footage from this appeared.
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in addition, according to military correspondents , units of the second guards army of the center group are breaking through the enemy’s defenses in the north of avdeevka near the village of stepovoye. let's learn more about this from the special correspondent of the media holding komsomolskaya
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pravda. alexander kots gets in touch with us directly. alexander, hello, we are waiting for details about the advance of our troops in the vdeevsky direction. yes, hello, colleagues, well, property. it is already ours in a group, it has already been officially announced by the ministry of defense, it was actually taken by a unit of the second guards army, the fifteenth brigade, and the steppe capture of the steppe is opened. the road to berdych, in fact, now ukrainian troops are trying to get hold of the berdych line, orlovka is thin, and this is not just the name of settlements, the residents of donbass associate these settlements with ukrainian artillery, which has been terrorizing donetsk and its satellite cities, yasenovataya makeevka , for 10 years, these are not just points on the map, these are former artillery positions. ukrainian troops, which are now naturally pushed back further, now ukraine is trying to cling to this line, these
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settlements are located on the same highway, but if we talk about orlovka, then our troops have already clinged to the outskirts of the village, there are battles on its territory, the thin one is also there after the capture of the northern one, everything is already close to its logical conclusion, the feeling that this thin resistance along the berdych line is ... an attempt by the ukrainian command to gain time while they are preparing the next line, to which they will cling, to which , on which they will try to gain a foothold, it runs from the settlement of ocheretina to karlovka itself, why along this line, because the settlements along this line are located on hills, in which all the advance from the east will be visible, probably in donbass this will be the penultimate line in this direction. defense, because then, apparently, if it is possible to break through this line of defense from
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ocheretin to karlovka through umanskoye, then further there is a line that runs from uglegorsk, actually through kurakhov, selidov and to pokrovsk, which is the former krasnoarmeysk, this this will probably be the last serious line of defense in the donbass, if we are talking about advancing from avdiivka. towards the west, but we remember that north of avdievka there is still a powerful fortified line, which connects several cities, these are kramatorsk, druzhkovka, and konstantinovka and slavyansk, of course, is still a distant prospect, yes, but given that there are certain advances, for example in the artyomovsky direction towards chasovyar, we can assume that konstantinovka. on that section of the front will become the next settlement, and which will have to be taken by our
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unit and actually cut this line into such a pie into such mini-cauldrons. alexander, i know that you have details of the liberation of avdeevka that have not yet been voiced, waiting for the story. oh, you know, these details, they appear every day, that is, these are not tactical or operational details of the operation, these are purely human. stories on which i hope in the future series will be made, films will be written, books will be written, but gradually this is a brilliant operation, it takes on faces, but for me war is, first of all, the people who participate in it, these are the people i was looking for , in the thirtieth army there was a young, junior lieutenant who led his company from the northern side of avdeevka, entered through the village of vesyoloye, exactly this... the road of life, which supplied
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the southern enemy group along industrial avenue, his own unit then cut the highway that leads to the northern village, leaving almost the entire enemy garrison in this area without supplies settlement, and this young lieutenant was wounded, had the opportunity to evacuate, but refused ... he remained with his soldiers after the capture of avdeevka, went further towards lastochkina, received another severe a wound that was incompatible with life, and nevertheless continued until his last breath to coordinate the actions of his attack aircraft, who took lastochkin, continued to transmit the enemy’s coordinates to the command post, continued to record equipment and transmit this data to the highest. command until his last breath, a young guy, call sign yula, ae fought to fulfill his
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official duties and thanks, of course , to the dedication of these people, and the self-sacrifice of these people, in fact , this is perhaps our advancement avgeevsky direction. you are right, alexander, the heroism of our guys is worthy of films and tv series being made about it, and books being written, and thank you for looking for these stories and telling us them, this is a very important contribution, thank you very much. special correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, alexander kots, was in direct contact with us. the liberation of avdiivka is still, well , probably the most important news in the foreign media. now the americans are in ukraine. the liberation of ovdievka is avdievka can decide the outcome of the entire conflict journalists write that the liberation is a turning point, after which things will go much faster. the russian side intends to put an end to the stagnation at the front and take all the initiative into its own hands. the ukrainian armed forces
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no longer have any chance of launching a new offensive. zelensky's buffoon, what was he doing in saudi arabia, why then albania, and in general, yours, what is he connected with, connection with the current situation? let's take a few steps back. we all remember our president tucker carlson’s interview not too long ago. all of us we remember that 3 or 4 days ago, mr.
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zelensky, as a response, gave an interview to the fox news channel. let me give you some bare numbers , it’s just arithmetic, carlson has about 12 million subscribers, fox news has about 11 million, absolutely comparable figures, views of the russian president’s interview are more than 200 million, views of mr. zelensky’s interview are 165. and for this he went to saudi arabia arabia, a thousand times more. these are numbers that show today's interest in political figures. here's for zelensky very serious problematic times have come, because interest in him as a person and in the entire ukraine project is gradually fading away in the west, but it sometimes flares up with renewed vigor
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after the statements that macron made there, and which we will probably talk about today . literally 2 days ago, the head of the state duma, vyacheslav viktorovich volodin, together with a delegation of my colleagues also visited saudi arabia and talked with the crown prince. yes. on the eve of the very meeting you are talking about now we say saudi arabia. and zelensky urgently came there, and his
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arrival was not announced in advance, usually they like to announce their arrival in advance, this is where the key one arises.
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saudi arabia happened exactly on that day , when almost all western countries openly, publicly declared that they would not send their soldiers to the ukrainian battlefield, they probably also began to understand that kiev would not be able to win in this confrontation, therefore when emmanuel macron said he did not rule out sending western troops to ukraine, which caused a huge resonance throughout the western world, his intention. absolutely no one divided it, the un called for refraining from rhetoric that would incite conflict, it is important to note that in france itself there was only one. human. against the backdrop of the fact that all western leaders practically spoke out against it. in france, there was only one brave person who dared to contradict macron, this is the vice-chairman of the national assembly,
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sebastien chinu. let's listen to what he said. macron says simply: get ready to send our troops to ukraine at any moment. he wants to involve the french in a conflict that could essentially escalate into a world war. that is, we will have to tell the french that we are going. holding a peace conference. in general, the fact that france should take an initiative at all concerns macron, this loud statement of his, which everyone is now discussing, apparently they decided to throw out an idiotic idea in the west. the one who is most suitable for this, well, french defense minister sebastian licarnu tried to get out of the situation, he also said that macron was talking about something completely different, there was no
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talk about sending troops to ukraine, but in any case, macron was heard, as they were heard by britain, and the united states, and germany, and italy, greece, hungary, finland, the czech republic, slovakia, and bulgaria have stated that they are not going to send their military to ukraine. president emmanul macron says nothing can be ruled out when it comes to stopping vladimir putin. at a conference with ukraine's allies from across europe, macron even talked about the possibility of stationing ground troops in ukraine to ensure that russia does not win the war. let's look at the first reaction to macron's statement from the outside. sweden, which just joined nato. sweden says that sending military personnel to ukraine is not a pressing issue, that we have no such request from the ukrainians. european
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partners could say that emmanuel macron is right, that we should not rule out anything, but they have a completely different reaction. they don't think so, they say: "no, no, no, this is not relevant." let's listen reaction of the greek prime minister to emmanuel macron's statement. there can be no question of sending troops to ukraine, this issue. does not exist for greece and, i believe, does not exist for the vast majority of our colleagues. this issue is not on the agenda. i think this discussion is a distraction from the essence of our efforts to really support ukraine. we are struggling to hear and see those who agreed with emmanuel macron. now let's listen to nato secretary general stoltenberg. plans there is no presence of nato combat troops in ukraine. we must remember that this war of aggression that russia is waging against ukraine is a gross violation.
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consensus and so on, but this does not exclude it for the future, this is the main element to which we return, and for me this is even the basis, the basis of any dialectical strategy,
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do not exclude anything, do not prohibit anything, just keep at least one card in your hand for later, but it doesn’t mean at all that we will do this in the end, there is no decision at the level of the european union to send to...
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with flags, so he went to the border, no, he they have a mission to understand, there is a mission in ukraine of 200 people, they receive two salaries in france, there in ukraine, since they are employees of some center, it’s just that now they will expand this mission from 200 people to 500, that is this is not macron’s initiative, not some kind of emotional message, a coordinated, planned step that tests the ground for the future, as a future mission, as you correctly said, who?
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participated in some general multilateral foreign policy formats, and i participated in such, the entire agenda is written down in advance , not a single question ever gets there , there is a discussion on some issues, groups prepare these questions in advance, the leaders only voice their speech, and if this issue was on the discussion agenda, it says that this task was set by the americans so that the europeans would take upon themselves the full burden of the conflict, both financial and military, and other leaders. the eu almost unanimously immediately disowned this, literally a few minutes, hours after of this statement, yesterday they almost all spoke out, more than 10 leaders spoke out, we are against it, we do not agree, no one will agree with this, you know why, because macron made a false start, macron voiced it ahead of time, macron voiced it wrong, as the voter should have heard if macron had said that we are helping and we will expand our missions, just a second,
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mission. more than 300 people, the american one has been working in ukraine for 2 years with full-time generals who supposedly monitor money there monitors the allocated funds for this , it is expanding very seriously this year, these are the us armed forces, yes, they are in ukraine, yes, they are fighting with us, well, no matter how he is not sitting in a trench with a machine gun, but here is the activity he is conducting , of course, we don’t know, we don’t know who was sitting, relatively speaking, at the helm, although there is not such a control body there, in the same patriot complex that hit the plane in... belgorod, so there are a lot of questions there , and the fact that france has long been a participant in these hostilities, with from the moment the first french projectile , only a french projectile approaches the caesar complex, they have 14 types, flew towards donetsk and peaceful cities, they have long become participants in this conflict, it’s just ours, it’s behind us now the ball is on our side, how we will react to this, they are constantly testing us with these actions, statements including,
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here... the european publication conservative generally means they decided to call this macron summit such a desperate attempt to find ammunition for ukraine. french president emmanuel macron has organized a special summit in paris in a desperate attempt to find a solution to ukraine's chronic ammunition shortage. the problem is that ordinary people in europe no longer believe that this is possible. the russians are making progress along the entire front, while the ukrainians are forced to abandon. their positions due to a shortage of artillery ammunition and other vital equipment. a year ago, the european union promised to supply ukraine with a million artillery shells by march twenty-four of the year. at the moment, not even half of the stated goal has been achieved. eu countries are searching for potential ammunition sellers around the world, but so far unsuccessful. evgeny viktorovich, look, many are now discussing this statement by macron. because they are concerned about
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how events might develop further.
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did it improve or was it torn down, given the reaction of european leaders? i think that this story was a little unauthorized, because the reaction of european leaders, well, people were simply shocked, and you know, i had this kind of... opinion that... media people now rule not only in ukraine , but in general they rule in the west, one of the media people whispered to macron, here we have a summit, we have gathered here again to discuss something about ukraine, but there is not a single good media occasion , you need
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to throw something in, so he threw it, but the fact that it didn’t turn out very well, they set him up, then it turns out that they set him up very badly, but will this stop the process as a whole, let’s see, is it really? the task of the coming weeks is to see what the real consequences of this statement will be. well there are many versions of why, why, and why macron said this, here is the agency, the french news agency writes that at first macron’s idea of ​​​​sending the military to ukraine received support from the allies and, above all, from the united states. listen. france , several weeks before the meeting in paris, sent its allies proposals for further support for ukraine. according to the european military.
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western special forces have been fighting unofficially for a long time, a senior representative of the european ministry of defense said that macron’s statement was aimed at creating deterrence and ambiguity in relation to russia and added, everyone knows that
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there are western special forces in ukraine, they simply did not officially recognize it, all that remains is for this western complicity to issue a confession, but they don’t want to do this, alexey borisovich is official. why do you think, what is holding them back ? will this subsequently hold them back in light of the fact that macron is already making such stuffing? well, first of all, let's start with the fact that, of course, i don’t believe in the spontaneity of macron ’s statements, he is already quite an experienced politician, one of the largest states, to make such spontaneous statements, besides , there have actually been leaks confirming this, that he sent out his plans, his intentions, somewhere somehow... then this was discussed, and of course. i am more in agreement with the version, although there may be many versions, which andrei expressed, that this is pumping up the reaction, pumping up the reaction, both intra-european and the reaction of the russian federation, this is absolutely clear why it was macron, you know, if
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the leaders of any of the baltic states had made a similar statement there, it would not have sounded hee-hee-ha-ha, there are only two countries in europe that can show seriousness. the beginning of this discussion is, strictly speaking, france and germany, but i think the choice in this case was obvious, that germany cannot come up with such initiatives. well, it’s just that the historical heritage doesn’t allow it, which, by the way, scholz mentioned just a few days ago, now reacting words macron, we decided that macron is the smartest, because the rest are even stupider, and you , in fact, there was no one else except macron, there is also a nuance, macron has his last presidential term, now he is no longer thinking about the next elections, but not about the elections, so it came down to macron and...
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we understand that the west is saying absolutely frankly
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, this does not suit us, we cannot allow russia to win, but this is heard from all officials, therefore, that it is necessary to raise the stakes, this is one of the elements of raising rates, well, absolutely an unambiguous answer to why such a pumping of opinions begins, somehow the european leaders, you see, did not support macron in the idea , i have already said that someone sincerely did not support. in ukraine, how did they react to
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macron’s statement itself on the reaction of western leaders, because there, as i understand it, they really expected and would like western troops to enter their territory? well, you know, in ukraine this statement was not particularly well received by the population; no one believes that the west is really preparing to help ukraine with serious forces, everyone already understands that ukraine means the nazi state that exists there now, it is condemned, that’s literally all today. blog published information about the fact that ukrainian border guards are already complaining that 6,000 musicians, men of military age , leave the country’s territory every day, every day, mostly using fake documents, well, not fake ones, according to official documents, well, it’s a very fashionable topic there now, this is to go out, quickly marry a mother with three children, he got married, divorced, the mother is already there next cooks and so on, there disabled people are taken out one by one, according to the law you can be taken out alone. and another one comes back, yes
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, that is, as they usually do, a man supposedly accompanies a disabled person, some woman comes out after him, who transports this disabled person back, the next guy takes him out like that, quickly arranges guardianship for him in this way, takes out 6,000 people alone officially leaves every day, and many more cross the border, some are caught, some are not caught, nevertheless, a huge number, that is, the exodus of men is colossal, where to get the mobilization reserve... hence the main problem, the enemy does not have enough soldiers, not even equipment, there are already not enough soldiers, hence the same statements from macron, and the desire to somehow legalize, for macron the stakes are very high, he has indeed there are only defeats on all sides, that is, we squeezed him out of africa, he has colossal problems within the country, about this, well, as if we also see from the tv screen, and he also has problems in ukraine, on which he also relied everywhere loses, well for him it’s very it’s difficult, yes, that is, how to come to terms with...
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they teach people that this is normal, that without this there’s nowhere, there’s nowhere to go, you’ll still have to do it, like the residents of ukraine, they also didn’t imagine that it would be exactly like this, yes, when we remember the fourteenth year on the maidan, they rejoiced there, danced , jumped, they didn’t think that it would all end like this, just like the europeans, for their elites they are the same sheep, who
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were sentenced to what, with what their elites or the american elites decided, that is, this also a resource, but of course, more expensive. to some extent, probably more valuable for its elites, much more valuable than the ukrainians, nevertheless, this is also a resource that must be used for one’s political goals. well, this can be formulated as a creative union of the wolf and the rams, as you correctly noted, can’t give new results and can’t, like the situation on the fronts ivanovich? well, actually grief because everything is good for us and everything is bad for our opponents, they are starting to push through these things, because really the front, well, is not crumbling, but is cracking, obviously they are trying to do something, but they are not succeeding. they cannot stabilize the situation in the ovdeevsky sector, there is constant pressure, and they cannot solve even a purely technical problem, yes, how to stabilize the front? we need to somehow find artillery reserves, shell reserves in order to disrupt the advancing rush of our troops and , accordingly, somehow neutralize our aviation, until they succeed, and hence the constant rearguard battles,
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they hide behind these rearguards and retreat to more and more new positions and they are already saying that this will be a rather deep position, far from donetsk. in the ocheretina area , novoselka first, karlovka and further to kurakhovo, from here there is a huge territory, most likely over time, again this will not be tomorrow , it will not be the day after tomorrow, but weeks will pass while they strengthen themselves, yes, they will gradually surrender it, but this not their main problem, everything is clear here, they lost this battle, they still have several more important battles, this is a watch, it’s going on now a fierce battle, over the past two days they have made the same attempts to expand. they threw one of the elite brigades into battle in their favor, it could not do anything, just as they threw the third azov assault brigade near avdeevka, and in the same way they tried to concentrate certain forces and throw them into battle before the brigade in order to recapture our units from the positions they occupied over the past weeks, they tried to do this for 2 days,
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suffered heavy losses, on the contrary, not so much they didn’t recapture anything; according to the data i have, they started moving again today. reserves and this thwarted their attempts, and i also see an expansion of hostilities, a serious expansion precisely due to the concentrated counterattack expansion in the zaporozhye sector. our troops attacked yesterday in the ugulyaepol area, and there was also a tactical success, that is, everything is still bad for them everywhere. thank you very much, yuri
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ivanovich podalyaka was in direct contact with us. in general, the operation to liberate avdeevka haunts everyone in the west; they are now actively this is not easy to discuss. so the operation is truly unique, now you will find out why, just imagine, our soldiers walked along an underground pipe for 2 km in full equipment and immediately attacked the enemy, well, i said, yes, in full equipment, our colleague yulia boranovskaya visited this pipe and found out the details this whole operation, let's see.
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everything was carried out and, let’s say, the project was frozen, yeah, this year they decided to resume it using the previous experience with... it completely worked out,
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that is, this thing was deliberately degenerated for the pipe, this is the beginning of the pipe, everything was closed here, nothing was visible, all the work took place here, yes, yes, all the work took place here, everything was behind the nets, suit, masks, scuba gear, all the cylinders, bought, and were guys who knew how, they swam , wait, this is a whole special military operation, inside a special military operation, well, it turns out, well, now we ’re talking about it with a smile, this is titanic work that has been done, only later, when the pipe is completely finished cleared the water when they already understood where it was coming out, when everything was already it’s different, but by and large, you ’re still walking through the pipe, but what if you arrive? but you see it is located at a depth of 2-3 m , in principle it’s not scary, it’s necessary for a storm trooper to climb into this pipe in all his suit,
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but yes, i don’t understand how to do it at all, oh well, that’s what i say, i say it was everywhere , wait. so, thank you very much for agreeing to give me a tour, some kind of pipe passed under the enemy’s trenches too, yes, that is, there were moments when you literally walked under their trenches, he you under their dugouts, yes, that is, they could hear you, they could, yes they could, they could, and how many exits it has, i’ll tell you now, 6,8, 11, 11 exits, well, that’s up to the final point. only later, yeah, and why were these exits made, well, so that the groups exited in more than one place, everything was counted, there is a special
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device of a wheel that rotates, measures meters, that is, you looked on the map where the enemy was, measured it in the pipe, how much have you gone through so that you understand, well , listen, well, the human factor is always present, suddenly they went somewhere to side, i don’t know, maybe you went somewhere at that moment and you are leaving, the same thing could happen theoretically, theoretically yes. but thank god they were lucky that this didn’t happen, they were lucky, so they walked at night, at the moment when they had to cut a hole, and the artillery worked specifically so that they wouldn’t hear that, well, because cutting metal , you can hear it a mile away, then there will also be a large piece of iron, which is very heavy, it will also be loud, and now you see, now the nearest voices are from us, this is the extreme point we have 4:1, well, this is half a kilometer half a kilometer. i hear them as if they were sitting here, it’s such audibility, well, it’s a pipe, the connection here
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works inside the walkie-talkie, well, because it ’s healthy, the walkie-talkie doesn’t work, that is, you did all this without a connection, why use a connection? ring tapes, like the great patriotic war, that is, this is the only connection that worked here, this is the only connection that works everywhere so far, it never fails, and it is almost impossible to listen to it, especially here. not it’s impossible to connect, here we are walking across the widest place, this is how we had to go, in all our uniforms, still carrying a bull, yes, yes, there were still people working, well, as you can see, it’s not that i ca n’t straighten up , wait, how long is it, to the extreme point 3,750, how long does it take from this point to the extreme point of time, how long does one person walk from the bull? yes, well, the slomovik walk takes 5-6 hours, well, leaving the bc and returning is a day, yes, it’s a day, it’s cold here,
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damp, it’s also hard to breathe here, very it’s hard, it’s hard, i can’t even imagine how it’s there in the middle with you and me at the very beginning, there’s still air coming in, that ’s how it is, there was at least some oxygen there, we ’re alive, i want to walk a little more, in general, it’s even interesting to find out what kind of pipe she has... and by the way, there’s no smell at all, to be honest, the operation of the pipe is absolutely fantastic, i’m shocked , i think we should make a film about it, no, i don’t know, the director knows better, i think that every war , a film is made somewhere about what is it probably about us too, well, i i know you are very impressed... you tell all this, but it really seems to me that i’m watching some kind of movie, now you remember it with a smile, it works with a smile, but just how much effort was spent, but this is
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just a colossal feat , well, really, i... an assault development group, which is under the control of the command , this is donetsk, these are the high-rise buildings of the city of donetsk,
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you can see them, this building was the control center... but here you can see avdeevka in full view all over, yeah, here coke, but kosakhim, with what emotions, they brought us here our russian flag, we are happy, with the understanding of a completed task, that we have completed, let’s say, this assigned task with the taking of the obedi. from my first trip to donetsk, i knew how long people had been waiting for avdeevka to become a russian city. now i’m in avdeevka, and it’s a russian city. still , it’s breathtaking how unique the operation was and how calmly our heroes, our guys
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treat it, they talk about it, they say, well, let the directors make films. solves a feat, not a feat, but we just carry out his job, but andrei frantsevich, from a military point of view, precisely from the point of view of the work of a special assault unit, because this is a non-standard operation, it is probably not every serviceman can perform it, this requires special training, special knowledge, to what extent this operation unique? well, in fact , in history, only the second world war can be like that; it can present stories in prague and events. who were in stalingrad, but i also talked with the guys who participated in these events, they say, initially , when we found it back in 23, we cleared it, it was impossible to breathe there, that is, there were no welding machines there, these burners did not work, because pay attention, they needed to calculate distances, cut out huge spaces , send all the sand, because there are still several meters of earth above the pipe , pull it all out from there in bags, prepare the exits,
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camouflage it, when the attack aircraft had already left, this huge amount of work was done by the engineers, that is, when 150 people left at the same time they climbed to the surface and began to storm, by the way, this became one of the key moments in the capture of avdeevka, when the ukrainian garrison had to transfer reserves from the center of avdeevka in the direction of the royal hunt, it was then that from the north our spartans were able to cut off the supply with this wedge, then they had all the defense crumbled, that is , there was a need for interaction between several units, it should have been.
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in this pipe, well, firstly, they didn’t go back, when they came to the surface they stormed, they were already working as engineers when they dragged when they dragged, yes, moreover , this is all calculated at the headquarters, it is calculated with a reserve, these are attack aircraft who entered the positions, i do not rule out that they sat for several hours before leaving, waiting for the command to synchronize, these are people, those who were at the exit could breathe, and those who were sitting inside, that is, who suffer from claustrophobia, it would be very difficult for him there, in fact, an indicator of the russian spirit and non-standard.
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there is no way to calm down, the day before he arranged a meeting at which he tried to persuade congressmen to unblock this military aid, and after this meeting the leader of the democratic majority in the senate of the us congress. chuck schumer told reporters how he tried to intimidate speaker mike johnson so that he would eventually say yes. we told johnson, do it, this is one of the moments when you need to act. i've already told him four or five times: history is looking over your shoulder, and if you do wrong, whatever the current political decisions, you will regret it, everything is in his hands. well it works out here there is a feeling that the american democrats in general , led by biden, don’t want to wash their hands of this issue, because they are counting on heating them up further due to the conflict, but all these threats
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from chuck schumer had no effect, that’s what he said after of this meeting, speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson. we had several meetings there, it was open and honest, i think we need more open and honest. conversations on capital hill, so i was glad to take part in it. we met group, and then i had a one-on-one conversation with the president for a while, just him and me in the oval office. there was a discussion about an additional funding package and i made it very clear to the president to everyone in the room that the house was actively exploring all options on this issue. we will deal with this in a timely manner, but again, the country’s priority is our border and ensuring its security. trying to somehow influence. at the congress , us administration representative john kirby said that washington fears new, quote of terrorist successes, russia, as they call it in the coming months in ukraine, and if america does not help, of
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course. the situation in ukraine is now terrible, i can’t even predict what will happen in a month, but if kiev does not continue to receive help from the united states, then it is very likely that in a month or two russian troops will achieve new territorial gains. this can be expected in the east and it is possible that even in the south. and here, friends, against the backdrop of these disputes, is a very remarkable and interesting fact: the forbidden in russia, instagram began to block videos of the destruction of the american abrams tank, this is democracy, they write that in this way they want to protect the image and business reputation of the company that produces tanks. well, that journalist.
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events, well, let's start with money for ukraine, well, from my deep point of view, ukraine will receive money, why? because ukraine is probably the most successful
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geopolitical project of the united states in recent decades, it is a battering ram against russia, which the americans just talked about not so long ago we couldn’t even dream of it, and ukraine is very successful in terms of big geopolitics in realizing the tasks that the americans set for themselves. what exactly do they see as success now? if it had been so obvious, i think it would be unlikely that mike johnson, who has absolutely no sympathy for russia, i am sure, would have prevented the allocation of these funds? success lies primarily in the fact that for russia, the very burden of a special military operation is also very heavy. yes, we, of course, are on the threshold of the formation of a multipolar world, we are fighting for it, but finding ourselves in a military conflict, naturally, we - unfortunately, inevitably suffer... the americans, the americans saved themselves from this unpleasant component by dumping all the dirty work on their ukrainian, i would like to say partners, but not partners, subordinates, because ukraine behaves
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exactly this way, and as for the democrats or republicans, from my point of view, they will give money, but less, now the republicans, from the point of view of internal interests, are using this rhetoric to... put maximum pressure on the democrats, more moreover, the money that they plan to allocate to ukraine, and they directly say that this money will remain in the united states, that is, as they say, why not allocate it? but because behind the republicans and behind the democrats are various military-industrial corporations , both of them want money, they want to warm their hands, naturally, this is quite normal, the natural desire of american capitalists, and as for the overall informational background, tucker carlson’s interview is the real one an information bomb that simply exploded the interest of everyone peace towards russia, the whole world, namely public opinion, the planet is beginning to listen more actively to the position. how, how
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, how, if they watched our films, old soviet, new russian, then everything would be much simpler, because it’s simpler, because we bring the truth through culture , too, we once slept through the power hollywood, we are now catching up very actively and very successfully, more than one and a half million people have already watched the wonderful war drama by alexei german the younger vozdu, which is currently showing in our cinemas. you know, i watched the air and dive twice. i am one hundred percent, amazing filming, this must be conveyed by word of mouth, i am also a girl, i feel in their place, i admire these people, and in the meantime, the film is a must watch, young people must watch it and children must watch it, i recommend it to everyone, very much a beautiful film, a lot of emotions, air, see it in cinemas around the country, now there’s a short advertisement and we’ll be back.
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i go to the choir, sing and perform at various events in my city, restoration monuments of my country - this is an incredible honor, of course, and i’m straight...
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“we will change their lives, but only after many years these people will begin to change, you are a bargaining chip, he will step over you , over me, over anyone, until we find out who betrayed, we can’t do anything , don’t put your pride on your life, what changes do you need, you have wealth, service, men on the ground, what do you want to change, really, a big premiere.” union of salvation.
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put out the fire before it burns all around. watch the time after the program. yentarnaya the room supposedly belongs to ukraine. ukraine wants to have what was stolen from the soviet union. so this looks like buying up krazinoy. germany must look for the amber room. it has certainly been preserved, but in what form is the question. how the cia carried out total surveillance of the entire world.
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from it, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, that evening he experienced, he, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell his child that his mother passed away. how did your only daughter, yulia, survive this loss? what is the path? it passed after the death of my mother, i was somehow very mega-strong, i felt like everything just like that , i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, come what may ? become a star in memory of the famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be there for you you, exclusive with dmitry borisov , premiere on saturday, on the first, final
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start of the season, team tournament of the best skaters of russia, channel, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first, this is the queue for the operation, talk to someone in the queue, suddenly he will give in , give me a chance
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to save jobs, i’m putting up a terminator, you win , the plant is yours, you’ll bring your wolf into battle, and i’ll pay for your rita walkie-talkie, you ’re not capable of this and... i love you more than life, but if you’re doomed to pieces, they flog you , ritan never he won’t forgive me for this, we are accepting the battle, doomed, the premiere of the serial film is on sunday on the first. today it became known that the former head of the ussr government nikolai ryshkov has passed away, this was announced by the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko, ryshkov was 94 years old, he was the last chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr, he was a long time and a deputy for 20 years representing
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the belgorod region, resigned in 2023, in general he was a man of the era, a witness to many political events shocks, experienced the disaster very hard. in the nineties he managed to formulate the idea of ​​the national idea of ​​russia, based on his political and life experience, and really wanted russia to finally get up from its knees, and he was lucky that he found this period. more news. message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, to the federal assembly, live broadcast. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. hello, time for news first, about the most important events.


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