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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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and the truth of alexander kots, alexander, thank you very much for taking the time, tell us what you consider the most important thing at this stage? well, actually, hello, colleagues , in fact, just now on the screens there were shots just from petrovsky, it is also called stipovoe in the ukrainian style, i must say that the main events, of course, are now unfolding to the west of avdiivka, where the enemy, like him claims he withdrew in an orderly manner, withdrew his garrison, in fact, according to numerous... footage that was filmed from drones, it is clear that this is more reminiscent of flight than an organized retreat, the feeling is that they did not imagine that they would ever lose avdiivka, because to the west of it there are no serious fortifications, no serious minefields, no continuous mining , there are minefields, but there is no continuous mining, and what we did in zaporozhye, preparing for the ukrainian counter-offensive last summer, now the enemy is trying to... cling to the line
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of defense, which he hastily formed from settlements berdychi, semyonovka, orlovka thin, from top to bottom i named these settlements from the south, from north to south, and these are not just points on the map, these cities are very, these villages say a lot to the residents of donetsk, because it is there that to the west of avdiivka there were artillery positions of ukrainian troops, which for 10 years...
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in order to prepare further lines of defense, they are very clearly readable on relief maps, most likely, the next fortified lines will be the road from the village of ocheretina to the south through umanovo to neitalovo or karlovka, yes, but it seems to me that this is not the final point of their organized withdrawal, as they say, today powerful blows and also western airstrikes were carried out.
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not only gliding ammunition, but also reconnaissance, we see that the capabilities of russian intelligence officers to observe from the air are increasing, despite the opposition of the missile defense, and we saw today all these impressive footage of attacks by gliding factories on fortified militant points, which are, as a rule, on critical infrastructure facilities, they have not been are working, but... nevertheless, we also see
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how the enemy is losing motivation, losing initiative, prisoners say that their coordination of units is disrupted, troop control is disrupted, communications are disrupted, and many themselves are specifically looking for opportunities to surrender in captivity and thus save his life. the opinion of people who are now working in vdeev’s direction is very important to me. but at the same time, last year they went through the bakhmud meat grinder from beginning to end; they say that in artyomovsk , after all, the quality of the enemy was absolutely otherwise, there he clung to every stone , to every bush, to every entrance, in general he had to gnaw out the whole thing, here it’s also not easy, of course, but that stubbornness, that opposition is not there, the enemy still tries for the most part not to engage in protracted... shooting battles,
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when opponents approach each other at a distance of a machine gun shot, in this case they either try to retreat or surrender, well, in other... directions we also see that we are creating points of tension for the enemy, so that he and not there was an opportunity to concentrate large forces in one area, we see progress in the artyomovsk direction, where the village of krasnaya was taken today, and we are actually a kilometer from chasov yar, and chasov yar is an already open road to konstantinovka, and or to kramatorsk, for me it’s more logical, probably still to konstantinovka, but now it’s clear that our main... efforts are concentrated precisely to the west of avdeevka, where we still manage to push through the enemy’s defense line, there is also movement towards zaporozhye , but it's probably there not as large-scale as in the donetsk
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direction, but still this is also a point of tension to which the enemy cannot help but distract, and some additional forces, he is obliged to react to the artyomovsk direction, to... the direction where he also has not everything is great for him, he maintains a large group on the border with belarus, that is , now there is a war of reserves in which ukrainian troops are clearly not demonstrating their superiority, and this gives reason for cautious optimism, and i would also probably note everything - the mood of our soldiers, because gliding ammunition is good, fpv drones are also good, artillery is excellent, we don’t have a shell right now. hunger, but in the end everything is decided by the infantry, and i have noticed in recent days how much the mood of our fighters has changed in general, that is, these are people who are eager to fight, who have felt the taste of victory, who have felt this , well, even the passion for sports
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continues, continues to move forward, gaining new, albeit small victories, but these are all such steps towards... towards a big victory, and more one point, probably, that i would note , i said at the beginning of the speech, is that there were no serious fortifications, but now in the ukrainian, in the ukrainian segment of social networks there are complaints from engineering, representatives of the engineering troops who said that there was not enough concrete, money was stolen there, civilian specialists were not hired there to build a defense line, but i remember last year, i saw it with my own eyes. how it was built along the entire line of combat contact, this is our most powerful line of defense at several thresholds, how military specialists, civilian specialists, civilian equipment, and military equipment worked there hand in hand and managed to build all the necessary
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fortifications on time, this still probably speaks of signs of strong statehood, which are not observed in ukraine, and hence , probably, its current defeat on the front line, because where there is no serious state machine of its own, which is capable of uniting both civil and military authorities to jointly prepare for defense, there, in fact, cannot be success. colleagues, thank you so much, alexander, thank you and take care of yourself. i must say that it seems to me that it was very good, in general, as alexander himself said,
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they took not only avdievka, but also several other towns and villages over the last two or three days. i can't give a specific date to say when exactly ukraine will lose, but they are definitely starting to lose territory, territory that they took from the russians. they have to retreat because the ukrainian armed forces are unable to resist russian troops. if ukraine will continue to not receive support from the united states, then in a month or two, it is likely that the russians will seize even more territories, mainly in the east, but i admit it.
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they didn’t allocate money to ukraine, it seems to me , but, well, it’s obvious that we have successes, their volume and their interpretation depend on which side of the front we are on. it seems to me that in this case the second hypothesis is more true, that the colors are thickening, it is said that the russians are just about there, then we can say that they are just about there they are already approaching kharkov, kiev, odessa, so urgently provide funding, we can hardly expect from america today a truly balanced and close to reality assessment; every statement there is made for some purposes, for some pragmatic results, it would be nice
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... she said, no, this is certainly not the case when they try to present the ukrainian leadership to us as , well, if you like, moral leaders, but this only makes me smile bitterly, but regarding the divorce from the west, this is a very interesting opinion, this is especially interesting opinion, when it comes from you, alexander and from konstantin malofeev, deputy head of the world russian people's council, it is especially interesting when you...
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a very important and much discussed meeting in moscow, which consisted of two parts, konstantin, tell us, yes , this rally in english or meeting, in russian, just so that our spectators understand that we did not go to the square, we were sitting in the hall, no, i didn’t involve you in this, yes, we were sitting in the hall, there were us 500 people, and 380 of them came from 130 countries, this was the largest meeting for...
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there were lies all around, now these people have already come to the second congress,
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a lot of work has been done this year, a lot has been done during this time, especially on social networks, of course, not in the main western media, but it has become much more true, the biggest, of course, such a breakthrough, such a direct missile breakthrough through this blockade, was an interview with vladimir vladimovich putin, tucker carlson, which sold out, well, according to various estimates, up to a billion, looked at... different media this interviews with world viewers, and now it’s easier for our russophiles to work, because russophiles can rely on this interview, this is one day, the second day was...
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from china, india, african countries, latin america, professors came to us , intellectuals came, they all said that the american century was over, and we began to discuss the world order that would come after our victory in this war. alexander, let's listen to what one very authoritative person said about the tasks of your forum. multipolarity is an alternative philosophy. it is based on fundamental objections. no, the west is not all of humanity, only part of it, its region.
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the west is a province. along with others. this is not a singular civilization, but only one of civilizations, and today there are at least seven such civilizations on planet earth. and i heard your speech, and you explained what kind of civilizations these are and how they converge and how they differ, but i have a slightly different question for you, you did not raise the question of...
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all those new poles that for real they become sovereign, imposing sanctions on them, they are waging a direct war with us in ukraine, in this war we are fighting precisely for a multipolar world, they are waging a trade war with china and threatening them with war with taiwan, they have staged a war in the middle east against the islamic world, which also represents a pole, that is, they are definitely not not not ready to talk about this at this level at all, although here the question again arises:
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we are going to the vanguard together with china, i think, and maybe with india, we are going to the vanguard of the real formation of this honest fair multipolarity, when...
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i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent, i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that very natural and natural processes are happening in russia , after all, it’s important what i do and how i live, this is ultimately the criterion, and not what i say, they ask me:
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brothers on friday on the first, we continue our journey through the pskov region, if only you knew there are so many interesting things here there is, it’s an oak tree near the lukomorye , it’s green enough for dubeton, its bed has a canopy, a desk, a wardrobe with books and so on, so on, there’s a poetic mess everywhere, but when you, for example, go out into the street in this look, you collect compliments , necessarily, but at least... views for sure, why are these snails introduced here on pskov land, because they are patriots, that’s right, behind the icon of the mother of god
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there is a new brotherly cemetery, monks have been lying there for several hundred years, here behind this door, on which is written the icon of god mothers, now we’ll open it, let’s go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, girls. forward to victory, we have the olympic games ahead, we don’t have time for any nonsense, i love you, you can’t let the team down like that, we were counting on you, no one will win, no one has regained their previous physical shape, stand your ground and never give up, the world championship is in norway, the norgs will tear up.
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on saturday on the first, i’m happy, you’re here, i think we need to part, there’s a big game on the air, and you said, alexander, that in general, what you’re doing is not threatening to the west, and that you are not trying to replace one hegemony with another, but...
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white house, a world will still come in which we need to negotiate, a world will come in which we will need to get along, this war will not end with the disappearance of europe and
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america for us . and will not end with the disappearance of russia, for them, no matter how much they want, there will be some kind of peace after the victory, in which we will still negotiate with them, and these are the people with whom we will negotiate, so when we talk about that negotiations are needed, a question with who, if these are negotiations with those people who understand the need for a multipolar world, the need to respect sovereignty, civilizational and country-specific russia , it is necessary and possible and necessary to talk with them, with those people who do not consider us people.
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i have already heard statements of this kind, konstantin, that they are starting something like this again, they are going to establish some new international structures, we need to get through the conflict around ukraine, we need to find a way to freeze this conflict again, somehow negotiate to the west, to to whom russia, according
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to... which, under the conditions of sanctions for the second year of the svo, we managed to carry out the conduct of the svo with enormous, of course, efforts, but this is not only our position, this is the position of our foreign ministry, which was represented by the head, this is the position of speaker zakharova, on sergei viktorovich lavrov spoke with us for the second day, this is the position of our president, this is the position of our government, this is the position of our people, and this is the position of our armed forces, which are waging a war for independence from the west, in other words, correct again.
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it is an accident that we will now agree to any agreements, freeze the conflict and return to western society, the break with the west has occurred irreversibly, this is precisely because western civilization did not accept russia, because it has now turned into what our president calls a satanic civilization, with satan there can be no compromises or agreements, we must, but we don’t pretend, if the west is building a satanic civilization, we are sad, we are hurt, it
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is not a stranger to us, but... ultimately its business, but when this civilization actively invades us and tramples on our traditional values , our interests threaten our state with destruction. here our entire society unites around the assertion of our civilized sovereignty, and those who do not fall into this single chorus of the president, the people, the army, the state, the power, history, russianness, the russian idea, simply oppose themselves to everyone, well, many of by the way, they are rightly leaving the territory of russia, they do not feel our country is theirs, they do not feel it as their homeland and their fatherland, but real people remain.
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goes further, but he does not say that we are making excuses, we are no longer making excuses, and this is very important, what you said is absolutely true, there has now been a turning point in this, we have stopped making excuses when we look at the approach of the west to the conflict around
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ukraine, they have a clear sense of their complete moral rightness, maybe i said it wrong, they create the feeling that... this somehow does not correspond to the image that they create, but nevertheless, it’s not for me to tell you that they have a feeling, or at least they are trying to create a feeling of their complete and absolutely
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obvious moral superiority, and this at a time when elections are not only not being held in ukraine, when not only the russian orthodox church is being suppressed there
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church, when... don’t regret
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it, this is not just murder, this is with aggravating circumstances , this is a cynical form, and not yet, because what , in my opinion, the minister of defense of the czech republic said, she said, it’s necessary, on business , that is, itself in fact, the first wave was so necessary, shoot these russians wherever you can get, like mad dogs, guilty and innocent, they are guilty because they are russian, this is the logic, in my opinion. of the modern west and pay attention, this is in their culture, if we look carefully at action films and films, modern and even past, there is a hero, for them a hero who is good, is described as being good, and he fights the bad ones until he kills himself the main bad thing, he kills everyone to the suffering of all people, there in stacks, hundreds, there thousands of people, people are falling until this good hero gets to the bad hero, and this is all absolutely unimportant, this is very strange and...
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and friends, we absolutely understand what is the difference between the globalist elite, which started this war, and ordinary americans who are the first victims of this globalist elite. thank you very much, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes. i will serve in the us marine corps for 10 years. i wanted to come to help ukraine get rid of the russians. frank interview mercenaries. who are fighting on the side of kiev , they will tell us the whole truth, the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount, we had to buy all our equipment, this is a typical soldier of fortune, he goes there to earn money, he doesn’t know how to do anything else well, boss headquarters, i don’t think he even knew where we were operating,
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it’s beneficial for the ukrainian command to send all the mercenaries to hotter spots so that they don’t have to pay them later either, because in the end they’ll end up with over two hundred anyway . they were often here. opponents of the cia or special forces units, the cia is present there, this is a surprise for you, no, the biggest problem is the ukrainian command, weapons are often hidden and disappeared, i met officers selling new weapons, the problem is the president of ukraine, i agree, you are ready to stay with me, when we fight the zelensky administration, yes, sir, it is safer to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians, show. vavan and lexus, premiere. today is the first one. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is
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my mother. yulia nachalova died very young at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that. only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm really very somehow mega-strong, i felt somehow that i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided to become whatever it took. hello in memory of the famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday, on the first. this is the queue for surgery. talk to someone in
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line, maybe he will give in. give them a chance to save jobs. i'm exhibiting. there's a big game on the air. with us is irina donovna zvigelskaya, corresponding member of the academy of sciences and head of the institute of world economy and
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international relations. and i have a simple question for you: usually, the united states and israel speak with one voice. and then president biden said that he thinks that an agreement will be reached by next monday. about some kind of suspension of military operations in gas, israeli prime minister netanyahu stated that he knew nothing about it and that he did not see such a possibility, what was happening? well , the following is happening: indeed, biden said that by the tenth, and this the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, it would be necessary to suspend, suspend military operations, we should finally begin some kind of...
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egypt and gaza in the rafah area, what is gaza from a security point of view, that the israeli military will be on the border between israel is not going to stop military operations and accordingly will continue to destroy hamas, which is final.
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because it seemed that israeli plans, well, they are not very real, including israeli military plans, but now
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biden, you see, is doing some more optimistic statements. you know something that said that the conflict will indeed soon be, if not completed, then at least brought under control, i think that now, as we know, negotiations are being conducted, negotiations are being conducted in the spirit and completely recently, the president of egypt, assissi, just stated that yes, obviously, in the near future it will be possible to agree on a ceasefire, that is, i...
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relations with israel nevertheless remained, as it seemed to me, at a fairly high level , and it seemed to me that prime minister netanyahu, among other things, also believed that his relations with russia were quite positive and were in the interests of israel, but now i hear, firstly, that israel is starting some kind of polemic against
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russia in the security council, accusing . in all sorts of sins, i ’ll be honest, i’m especially bothered by the fact that allegedly, according to israeli officials, israel has begun serious supplies of weapons to ukraine. is this so and what do you think about this? i believe that the crisis around ukraine is very serious, really complicated our relations with israel for two reasons: first, israel at first, as you know, did not join. to sanctions and in general did not supply anything to ukraine, except for some bulletproof vests or some other helmets, in general, not weapons, but then the situation began to change, i think that pressure was exerted on israel by the united states, and the israeli leadership itself decided, well, something needs to be done, in any case, it was very important,
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there was a very important moment that led to complicating our relationship. the second point is also no less important - our relations with iran. israel treats this with very great prejudice, i would say. here. and he constantly hints that we have some kind of cooperation with iran, which is acting against the security of israel itself. and all this together, all this together, of course, complicates our relationship, but despite everything.
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the two countries did not become opponents, i hope this does not happen, it was a great game, we will meet tomorrow on the air. message president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, the federal assembly. live stream. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. the fact that foreign mercenaries are fighting in ukraine has long been no secret. there are various rumors about their number and the countries from which they came. who are they, ardent russophobes or career officers of western intelligence services? who does the recruiting? what requirements does ukraine have? how much do they get paid for such cynical
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work? a frank interview with a mercenary. who are fighting on the side of kyiv, they will tell tell us the whole truth today in the vavana and lexus show. let's start by introducing our guests today, and first i would like to introduce you to a special person to whom i would like to bow and say thank you, this is the holder of the order of courage, veteran of the northern military district anton filimonov. anton, hello, thank you for joining us. also with us are war correspondent pavel kukushkin, journalist michael bohm and the people. artist of the russian federation vladimir steklov. hello, friends. several thousand foreign mercenaries are fighting on the side of ukraine. they're all focused in the international legion of ukraine. we decided to find out who these people are who came to
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fight against russia and why they are doing it, what is their motivation? our story began with a legend. we created an advertisement on the internet about recruiting foreigners for a new pmc. for the sake of solidity, we added that this will be the pmc of petro poroshenko. and they responded to us... bret kendol, an australian who has been fighting for ukraine for almost a year. this is what he said at our interview with petro poroshenko. hi brother. i'm very glad to see you, glad to hear from you. it's a great honor to talk to a man who protects our country. what could you tell me about your experience and your feelings for...
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the year will be this month, in which unit did you serve? detachment in which i was a gur within the reconnaissance unit and the eod team, i was in the explosive ordnance detection group, before that i was in the assault group, in the special forces team, battalion, and i decided to leave the legion because i wanted to go along another way. i wanted to get into pmcs, they always delayed our salaries, we had to buy everything of our own equipment, on our own, we never got the help we wanted, they
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never paid us back for the scam we bought, we had to purchase our own vehicles through volunteer groups, ngos and the like, how do you rate our counter-offensives? i think there will be many, many more losses. i think there were losses where we shouldn't have had losses. on my last business trip, i was in the north of the country. six ukrainians defended a well-fortified position, on which should have been at least 30-40 people. and the russians simply broke through. and broke through this entire zone because there wasn’t enough manpower, it’s just a waste of people.


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