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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  February 29, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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they started filming, we had a lot of documents processed in the archives, there were historians, participants in our program, there were experts, they spent an incredible many hours of preparatory work before sitting on camera, everyone had this smart conversation, as they say, this impossible, interesting, less than 3 hours left before the most important event at noon moscow time, vladimir putin's annual messages to the federal assembly, watch live... broadcast on channel one. and that ’s all for now, antifake is on air right now. secret the disappeared amber room, where the museum exhibits were taken, and what does ukraine have to do with it? and also how the red crosses turned out to be white and how the cia carried out total surveillance. behind the whole
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world and what role it plays on the battlefield. exclusive on the program today. this is an anti-fake program and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. often, by the way, against historical fakes. that's where we'll start. so, the amber room supposedly belongs to ukraine. i wonder why? but i. i read the amber room belongs to ukraine, if we'll find it. we continue to investigate the legend of the disappearance of the amber room. several direct evidence of hints allowed us to put forward a bold version that the highest leadership of the nazi reich secretly transported the work of art to ukraine, where it still lies in some unknown cache. by the way, it’s funny that these underground shelters of bandera’s followers were called caches, that is, they directly admit here that the nazis who.
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apparently they are looking. the fact is that the amber room is still there somewhere the fact that during the great patriotic war, unfortunately , the amber room was stolen from our museum workers, and it disappeared somewhere, generally in kaliningrad, that’s right, it was lost and still can’t be found. now, in general, this miracle has been restored, but this is from photographs, from memories there, from drawings, that is, this is also a work, of course, art, but its value from the point of view of historicity and antiquity, yes, modern is one thing the level of development of skill is different, these are several centuries ago, after all, it’s a loss, well, we can also admire, at least we understand how it looked over... centuries, and why does it
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belong to them, i just have one question, they are the legal successors, well, just like russia the legal successor of the soviet union, the reich , the legal successor of nazi germany, but apparently from the new, because it looks like buying up krazeny, that is, in this case this is also an article, and as if in this case, if ukraine wants to possess what was stolen , actually from the soviet union, and the only successor to the soviet union is the russian federation.
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yes, why should our expressions disappear like dew in the sun, that is, you don’t have to do anything , just wait for the sun, the sun will come out someday, everything will seem to get better , and so on , this stuffing, this is in order to feed this hope , so now we still have an amber room, so everyone owes us everything, these will give us, then just sit in place exactly, and everything will be on its own, let’s try to go along the next one...
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it was presented as a triumph of the german spirit with all that it implies hence the consequences, then it is precisely for the germans that this office mattered and does matter. historical, cultural , spiritual, if you like, then there was a fire on august 30, 1944 as a result of the allied bombing of connixburg, and for a long time there was an opinion that the room was destroyed, but now it is reliably known, there are documents, witness statements that the rooms were not damaged , the boxes with panels have been preserved. the next fact is that in april of 1945, after the liberation of kennicksburg.
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they went into private hands and went to some looters , wehrmacht soldiers pocketed some, some americans, of course, the fact is that dr. roda, who curated the exhibition, he sent part of the room to various addresses, these are execution panels, the so-called, what the russians added to the office, i repeat that the german work, it is small, this office of friedrich, it is relatively small, everything else is...
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there is its own special amber theme, which is already 30 years old, no less, i mean the illegal traffic of amber, amber mining in western regions, experts estimate the annual volume of 300 tons of amber, with a total value
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of half a billion dollars, as you understand, before such a sum, any amber room simply pales, in general , there is no ukrainian trace in the amber room, so you think why then? such stuffing is done , well, in order to catch a fish in troubled waters, as it always happens, this is actually the bread and butter of propagandists, to carry out stuffing if the information is not based on facts, evidence, documents, investigative data, which i repeat, on today objectively there is , then there is nothing seriously to talk about here, absolutely , thank you very much, all the best, we have dealt with this topic, but... immediately after the advertisement we will talk about the global surveillance that the cia arranged for almost all the details in a few minutes , we continue our journey through the pskov region, if you knew how many
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interesting things there are here, this is the lukomorye oak tree, the green color is enough for dubeton, its bed with a canopy, a desk, a wardrobe with books and so on, so on, poetic everywhere mess. but when, for example, you go out in this look, do you collect compliments? necessarily, but at least the views are for sure. why are these snails introduced here on pskov land? because they are patriots. right. behind the icon of the mother of god there is a new brotherly cemetery. the monks have been lying there for several hundred years, right here behind this door on which the icon of the mother of god is written. now we'll open it, let's go, premiere on saturday at the first, mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product
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stellor group, girls, forward, victory, we have the olympic games ahead, we don’t. time for all sorts of nonsense, i love you, you can’t let the team down like that, they didn’t count on you, no one, believe me, no one recruited. the same physical form, stand your ground and never give up, the world championships are in norway, the norgs will vomit, bury your talent because of simple muscle pain, anya was put up against you by dubendal, you must defeat this velby, i’ve already done it, come on, well done, huh? "enough washing, i decided to give up, history of the best skiers of the 20th century, white snow
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, on saturday on the first, i'm happy, you 're here, i think we need to part, with every butterfly i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision that is remembered now in moscow, when ..." i look at my collection, scouts on a boat walked along the pits of this aircraft carrier, they scooped out from the sea all the rubbish that fell from the aircraft carrier, swollen paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped to find precious information among this rubbish , in a dim cloudy day, i put on my orders, it was my parade, i was alone in the drizzle. confession on monday
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on the first is the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india. exports its software products to more than 90 countries , this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight on the street for some trifle. now about 2,000 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians, they are brother, brother. we helped india create the most modern education and healthcare systems. vasuba kutumbakom, it is in sanskrit. means one land, one family, one future. premiere of civilization, film
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six. india, on tuesday, on the first. this is an anti-fake program, and we continue. our editorial team received an exclusive video from our colleagues on the information front, a video about that with the help of artificial intelligence. the united states can monitor almost every person who has ever posted anything on the internet. now you will understand everything, i suggest watching this material together. the company is primarily known for providing mass surveillance software to us intelligence agencies. this software collects any data sources that are uploaded to the internet, for example, financial documents, booking information. mobile phone data or messages looking for connections.
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the company's main orders come from the cia's venture division, which is called inqtel, and also among its clients are us government agencies such as the fbi, the us department of homeland security, the national security agency and of course the pentagon. before the start of the special military operation, the ukrainian security service and the main intelligence directorate, for example, tsypso, became plantir’s clients . comenat outside of ukraine, they can quickly answer the main questions of the battle: where
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are our forces, where is the enemy, which weapon will be most effective, and after that they transmit accurate information about the location, number of the enemy. the system uses a fairly wide range of sensors, so we’ll call them , both instruments and artificial intelligence kernels, by the way, some software...
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i figured out with the help of some people where relatives are located, at home in short, intelligence from open sources, i’m all the rest, most of the secret services, who were wearing masks, actually tortured me there, they beat and detained in latvia, that is, people who are prohibited from running social networks there, that is, sss agents there and so on, but they still liked something somewhere, showed up, relatives. i know where my sister lives, where my sister works, which store belongs to my mother, my investigator, even the special services, who have strict instructions, which, by the way, they follow quite well, but still there is something somewhere , somewhere they showed up at sports competitions, with bicycles very for example, intelligence officers in latvia get carried away,
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and even such people find themselves unprotected from tracking via the internet. if we are talking about ordinary people who are not familiar with information hygiene, security and everything else, it’s simply as easy as possible to track them, these are the systems they talk about in the video, well, most likely they simply combine this data and add artificial intelligence to it, what does this threaten for ordinary citizens, but at the everyday level, and how can this generally influence the course of world events? every citizen of our country must understand that we live in the era of modern information technology, very fast information, and we have these technical capabilities, they create greater comfort, that is, we live in more comfortable conditions than 20 years ago, and even more so 50 years ago, yes, that is, we are maximally mobile, maximally informative, maximally connected with each other anywhere in the world, and so on, but we pay for this with our vulnerability, firstly, any information-psychological impact on
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a specific person or a social group of people, first of all it starts with intelligence, that is, when you collect yes... let’s say, well, the most common thing now is that for people who are not in the know, here are frauds with bank cards, that is, the attacker collects information on a person, he understands, yeah , he has children, he understands age, he understands approximate hobbies, then he starts working, that is, right away the scammer calls, he immediately starts with the correct legend selected for a specific person, and how did he find out what kind of person a person has?
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somewhere in africa, the natural tools are different, that is, we can be influenced with one tool, understanding our traditions, our customs, habits, worldviews, you cannot influence them with such tools, also on the contrary, information is a weapon, and the more information the enemy, the attacker, knows about you, the more vulnerable you are, because the attacker always acts unexpectedly for you, for the victim, the same thing, for example, even when they make an information dump.
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professional user associations social networks and messengers, we are glad to welcome you, what kind of system is this , when was it developed, what do you know about it, but should our ordinary viewers be afraid of it, well, it has been developed for many years, practically it is a kind of system that allows combine big data from various sources, including receiving it in real time, analyzing, comparing and obtaining specific information about a person, about his connections,
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from the influence of this system, there’s no way around it today you cannot get rid of it, simply because today you generate a large amount of information, and such systems, they work for the purposes of state security of countries, as we know, today the state aggregates a large amount of information about you, including data from video calls of the sorm system, data from video cameras, which means in your money transfers and so on, that is, a large amount of information today is in the hands of the state, and part of this information,
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information, data, its relationship, its person can be found in large quantities close circle, acquaintances, relatives , friends, but how can oleg understand at work and in general where he is going or what he plans to do, here is the correspondence itself, can the system get this, well, at its disposal, does it have access? in russia, the idea is to have something like this. it shouldn’t, as for america, unfortunately, it’s thriving there, and edward snowden talked about this back in 2013, he wrote that the cia, that google made a special search system for the cia, and where he simply enters the necessary data o person, and then the intelligence services specialist has a large number of the same social connections about the person and his location, how accurate this data is can be judged simply because when you travel around the world with your google phone, for example, you can see an automatically created a map of the world, where there will be your photographs that you took, including marked points on the map, friends whom you
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photographed, whatever, well, time, which is also recorded and the coordinates are recorded, which means on yours, on yours in general, there is a lot of data in the picture that will allow you, and again , various letters come to your mail, and there is a report on transactions, a report on payments, a report on purchased tickets and... this information is available in such a convenient form, in which it is used by ordinary users. what should we ordinary people do? here’s what to switch to, what messengers to use, after all , like a person who communicated with western intelligence services and who was interviewed by western intelligence services, communicated directly, yes, directly, yes, and whose phone number is also different the phones ended up in the possession of western intelligence services. so on and so forth, and these are the latvian special services, and there are latvian special services that worked directly with the mishest, no, i had guys there together with mi 6 and the sgb of latvia, but at least i can
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speak for these two organizations, i i don’t know the cia anymore, everything else there, it’s not for me, but i think there are such people in russia, but if we are talking about the mish and the state security service of latvia, then with the correct use of phones and the telegram messenger, you can reduce the likelihood of yes. i can tell everyone right away that it’s definitely not it’s worth using the services of the meta network, which is banned in russia, these are whatsapp, instagram, facebook, they first of all passed everything, vk, for example, didn’t turn me in, thank god. that’s the only thing, the only story is that who didn’t turn me in, it was vk who didn’t turn me in, thanks to them, if you don’t use the achievements of civilization called face id, if
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you don’t use various prints, fingers, if you have to delete information and after incorrect entering passwords that even consist of letters and numbers, and if you don’t synchronize this on do not use cloud cloud services, so that you can recover the phone, if you have a password for the same telegram on the device, you must have a password for the device itself, you must have a cloud password for telegram without the possibility of recovering it via mail or everything. but given the presence of a large number of these stories, plus most likely a feast of correspondence with very important people, that is, secret chats, so-called, and so on and so forth, if you have all this use and you have sufficient willpower, if you are ready to endure something, some level of physical pain and impact on you, if you have maintained this information hygiene, there is a chance that at least the western intelligence services will not immediately or
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not at all. .. access to some information, but only some, but you can try to isolate yourself, at least partially, from western intelligence services, well, for sure , i say again, don’t use it, i’m very strongly agitating all the military, who are watching us, please do not use whatsapp, i i understand that people, officers who are 40 plus , we have such people, and even pilots, rocket scientists, that is, in very responsible positions, use whatsapp, and this is a leak of information ... just like that, just online , well, it’s not safe for them , thank you very much, all the best, it’s very important that our citizens understand that there’s no way to be safe, that’s for sure, our citizens just need to know that the enemy, the attackers, have such capabilities, and not just from the american intelligence services, yes, that is, if let’s say there is some, well, let’s say , mid-level engineer there who will say, why am i in the cia, as if
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yes? so on, no, attackers have the same opportunities if necessary, and it is no less important, given the development of modern technologies, that we save not only a digital trace on the internet, yes, but also our biometrics, that is, face, voice, that is our voice is in the networks, our citizens should simply, simply understand about such opportunities and live accordingly with them, try to provide less information about themselves in general there is no other way to distribute it.
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services, i would like to recall the classic expression “silence of gold”, it probably suits all times and will suit all times, but as for our services, here you not only need to get involved and try to work with them, yes, but influence them in the same way , if you don’t like some information, you can be active here too, you need to defend your rights here too, at the end i would just like to show you one quote, alex karp, there is such a character, and this is what he writes: within 10 years about 95%. the world's leading technology companies will be american thanks to us leadership in artificial intelligence. the us will eat up all european technology companies. you have to tell these tech companies: you can't work with the us against its adversaries. and if you do, we'll kick you. this is exactly what the co-founder of polantir said, that is, those who have all the data directly threaten large corporations, that is, information is now even higher than
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capitalization. there are three countries in the world, which have sovereign, conditionally their own social networks and their own conditionally search services, some internal large services, this is russia, china, the united states of america itself. immediately after the advertisement, we’ll talk about ambulances and the manipulations that ukrainians throw out on this topic. i will die for my native land, i feel it, i know. and joyfully, holy father, i bless my lot, who is rayleigh, kondraty rayleigh, writer, here is our polar star, the first number, you were even allowed to dream with permission the late sovereign, people with such convictions rule companies where the shareholders
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are all in the thick of it. family, i now have connections with the people closest to trun, i get news from there, i need to strike now, russia has another chance. there won't be another 100 years, prince, you are mad, kondraty fedorovich, madmen change the world, big premiere, union of salvation, we are sergei petrovich, a match that will light everything and burn itself out, watch the time after the program, i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than she gives me, because i...
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lost the most precious thing, my mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband.
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i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what i experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother i didn't. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow really very mega strong, somehow everything felt like this to me i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. the final start of the season. team tournament of the best figure skaters of russia. we support the whole country.
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because figure skating is more than a sport. this is the beauty that saves the world. this is a success that. talk to someone in line, suddenly give in, give it a chance. save jobs, i'm putting up a terminator, you win , the plant is yours, you'll take your wolf to battle, and i'll pay your rita's punishment, you 're not capable of this, i love her, more than
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life itself, but if they doom her to pieces, ritan will never he won’t forgive me for this, we are accepting the battle, the doom, the premiere of the serial film, on sunday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue, ukrainians on the social network x are distributing a photo in the comments caption, a russian drone allegedly attacks an ambulance in ukrainian armed forces, right here.
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definitely not an ambulance, with these white crosses it is interesting that the germans with such crosses, if my memory serves me correctly, invaded poland in 1939 and started the second world war, they loved this kind of crosses, although they later abandoned them because that they were such an excellent target for tank artillery, so they switched to more accurate balkinkreuz and other history, but now, apparently, the ukrainians are not very worried , so they sculpt such educational symbols for themselves, to get to know your strangers. well, it’s true, when they are completely german crosses
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, it rather shows their ideological orientation, so in this case, the fact that a soviet zealok is destroyed by our drone, well, nothing, they wanted dehumanization, so we give them demilitarization along with dehumanization with what there is also denazification, all three in one, this is our enemy, he is not limited by any moral framework and so on, well, now let’s remember separately, there are some interesting facts, before the northern military district it was ... in dokuchaevskoye, when the ninety-third brigade stood opposite, they shot at the bread truck and the ambulance, and the ural at kamenolomna to kuchaevsk they burned during daylight hours, there in the first half of the day there was just a rush into the cabin and the driver was burned, a civilian, that is, that’s all, here are the other brigades this was abused, now this is mainly allowed not for direct fire, like from a ptura or a sniper, or like they did with a mortar, but a longer range... through artillery, that is, now we have seen it more than once, and
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the ukrainians themselves publish footage of where in donetsk they no, there were at least two such videos , i saw them hovering over shelling sites, that is, where their artillery had already arrived, the drone continues to hover, an ambulance arrives to help the wounded residents, and this ambulance is struck again , that is, they see that an ambulance has arrived, they waited again and one crew is at least full. an ambulance died, so how many doctors in donetsk have probably already died, and public services, yes, the fact that they are now using ambulances for transportation and ammunition for everything else, they use civilian trucks for delivery, tanks, i don’t know, for delivery, that’s it, these covered trucks, there are a few pieces of bread written from that series on them, and then boom they unload the lifelines, we remember, logistics, just transport supposedly some company is coming, in the twentieth year , if i’m not mistaken, there was such a loud scandal that... reached the international level, when ilin - the name of this estonian doctor
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who fought for the armed forces of ukraine, died in the zaitsev area in the gorlovka direction, and he died how, they were going to evacuate their wounded man, but they were all fully equipped with weapons, they all seemed to be walking, then they came across our group, a shootout began and he ran away somewhere, they scattered, he ran away somewhere, was blown up by a mine, with white crosses, is it simply possible to confuse a white cross? this is an ambulance,
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it just flew down the road, my only question is that they disguise themselves as anything, they shoot at everything as anything, for whatever reason, but at the same time they are also trying to blame us for what we allegedly caused here a blow to some kind of ambulance, or supposedly we ourselves shelled donetsk , we’ve been doing this for several years, that is, all this here has only one meaning, the russians are bad, everyone else is good, but since you said well today that russia is the only legal successor . union, they consider themselves the legal successor of the third reich, then they should rightfully accept the defeat of the third reich, which will inevitably happen in the near future, as i always remind our viewers that you, too, not only can, but are obliged to help in this if any the information seems suspicious to you, send us to our editorial office, reasons for pride, be sure to send everything, too, all the best to you, a message from the president of the russian federation,


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