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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  February 29, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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channel one, good evening, i’m dmitry borisov, there’s a special episode on the air, let them talk. starting point 1814. russia celebrates the final victory over napoleon. the main characters are young officers. having returned triumphantly from paris, they intend to change the order of life in russia. cut down the top to take power. a coup is ready. take me. what changes do you need? i want to change my life. you know, it's interesting here. climax, the filmmakers studied the archives and told the story from the very beginning in all details in the series there are more than 100 characters, about 300 people took part in creating crowd scenes, you can’t get freedom without victims, isn’t it, we are martyrs for the freedom of the fatherland, madmen change the world, what did you want? carry out a massacre here, like in
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st. petersburg, without oaths, here russia will stand, they can forgive me for cruelty , they will never forgive me for weakness, honor is in the hands of horses, thousands of costumes, wigs, chignons, flocks, braids, beards , mustaches were made for the filming, sideburns, all this for the sake of creating the most realistic images heroes. prince volkonsky, pyotr mikhailovich, chief of the main staff. place him on indefinite leave to improve his health. who should take my place? and this is no longer your place. stunning detail was achieved thanks to computer technology and the skill of production designers. the viewer is completely immersed in what is happening on the screen. locations recreated with exceptional precision. almost the entire project was filmed on expeditions to st. petersburg, rostov-nadon, tver, and pskov. many scenes were filmed under.
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sometimes the film crew had to create impossible, for example, the scene with townspeople warming themselves by the fire after the st. petersburg flood was filmed on film in thirty-degree heat, the whole life between these two marks, so nothing. and did not do what he dreamed of, but not everything depends on us , an unfulfilled dream is a sin, in this time there was everything, dreams, hopes, honor, courage, love, sins, but the filmmakers called it a time of anger, and if the full-length film salvation showed what happened in 1825, then the serial film will answer the question of why this happened, about this today, let them talk.
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today there is already the fourth episode on channel one, there is still a continuation of the story ahead, today the star cast will be here in our studio, the first i invite here is the people's artist of russia alexandragarov, the executive role of count mikhail miloradovich, he is here with us today, we meet. dear, hello, i know how carefully you prepare for playing roles, you immerse yourself in your character, was this probably the case with miloradovich? miloradovich, who took over the post of military governor of st. petersburg, after the patriotic war, this says a lot, says a lot, the man who went through the battle of borodino, mikhail andreevich, was the person who agreed that...
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they have a colossal experience of combat operations, difficult ones, they have the experience of victories, they have a huge experience of defeats, behind them was the abandonment of moscow, behind them the capture of paris after the abandonment of moscow, these officers went through this crucible of the war of the twelfth year, and naturally this could not.
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wasn’t, no matter what kind of modern person you are, but wearing a suit, boots, spurs, a sword, uh, a strong collar that holds your neck , doesn’t let you bend, doesn’t let you tilt your head to the side, sasha, well, that’s you, you’re just a brilliant artist, i want to give you a compliment, because you played you...
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sword and i gave it to me by tsar prince constantine , if you please, leave the soldiers alone , stand fat, pour nazarmy with me. my children, do not ruin your soul
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that some general died during the senate uprising of the decembrists, i didn’t know his last name, but the fact that he was shot by the decembrists, and i read this, is the only a military general who died so stupidly, uh-huh, and so absurdly, a man whose
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horses were killed during the patriotic war, his hats were knocked off with pistol and rifle bullets, uh, he walked on the edge of life, death, this man was killed, going out to 300 soldiers on horseback, alone, i, as an artist, asked myself one question: what could move? you see, dima, alexander can talk about his hero for hours, because he treats him... treats him like a living, three-dimensional, complex person, maybe that’s why he later has such scenes, that’s what i started about to say that this scene is one of the most fantastic in the film, when it came out alone , in reality, many actors put on truly historical uniforms, feeling the burden of responsibility, that this film is based on
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historical events, although the artistry still begins to play something, it seems to me that the great advantage, the big advantage of this film is that the people there are alive, i ’m watching. well, like today, why am i saying, what a relevant modern film, not only in terms of events, but in terms of people, how they behave, how they react to events , what happens to them, this is very important, and it seems to me, alexander, your work, it, it is really special, it touches, because here you come to announce to them, yes, this is the verdict, i think, well now this is how you can play it, i’ll interrupt you, this is not my job, believe me, believe me, everyone.
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let's see another artist right now: ramyan sergeevich madyanov, who plays the role of count rakcheev in our studio, is today an honored artist of russia. also such a bright role in the union of salvation. tell us how you worked on the picture, there wasn’t this burden of responsibility that people say in general. characters and history, everyone will look under a magnifying glass , check it later in books, it’s amazing
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, it’s a pleasure, it’s wonderful when you go on set, you understand, no, you don’t have to prove to anyone that you’re not a camel, it’s wonderful, an amazing team of artists, imagine what a pleasure, the scene was written wonderfully, very complex, heavy, on internal affairs, you need to deal with her... with her, with it needs to be dealt with, and the more complex it is, the more interesting it is for the artist , can you imagine, they sewed a suit for you, such a beauty, i looked, there he is, there’s my bunny, my good one, there he stands, look, good, hard time , it was just before my resignation, and it was hard internally, but you get such pleasure from it, such a standard was set as... you can’t deceive, i’m sorry that
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i asked you for a lot of blood, so did i, but now is the time, mikhail mikhailovich, being naughty. if this continues to happen to our cinema, i’m calm for it, i really had such a feeling, you are all stars, you are famous artists, and it would seem, well, now we already know everything about them, they have already played so much there, this is an amazing thing, almost everyone, for me personally it seemed to me that they some others , and...
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and so everywhere, here, it’s not just that everyone has their own truth, really, why such a powerful ensemble was created, because all the heroes are incredibly ambivalent, all the ambiguity of the hero, it’s becoming prominent, i’m so i haven’t seen any historical films here, that’s all i’m used to it, i don’t know that it’s like arakcheev is a more or less negative character, here you look at him, he’s charming, completely versatile, different, but the truth in the series is the same, what is the essence of the decembrist uprising, people...
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they meanly kill him, they kill his back, finish him off with a bayonet, well , it was probably difficult for him to imagine at that moment, general arakcheev, a faithful servant of the sovereign, they had already slandered him, you’ll forgive me, soviet historians, they made him into such a guy, keep your face, oh thank you for bringing him back to his charm, the charm of service to the state, since a person serves the state, it means well done, romanevich, when you were preparing for the role, you treated korakcheev as a positive, as a negative character, that’s internal for yourself, there’s simply no positive or negative for me, i’ve talked about it many times in this, there is neither positive nor negative, in general what it is and even when they played obbakumov. it is interesting the appearance
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of a film that arouses interest, which makes you admire the story, which makes you admire the cinema, the acting, this is an achievement that the war of historical eras has ended, when we say, this is black, this is white, again we are trying to turn everything over, and this is... admiring history, a new historical consciousness. and this is also a source of personnel for young actors, just all the stars we know now, and... salvation, and this is almost no exaggeration, after a short advertisement we will return, stay, let them say,
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happiness for me is coming to one’s end. goals never stop, always go towards your dreams and never see there is a limit in it, when everyone is alive and healthy , there is this inner peace, when i get very high grades and are given medals, this is necessarily love for your child, otherwise it will just be watching the child, and not being a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate, be a snow queen today, a grandma tomorrow. whoever you want, even according to the gray pechkin family, live happily, live in the moment, everything will be fine with you, there is peace in your soul, so that every person achieves what he wants, and so that dreams are forgotten, montechoca cognac,
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stellor group product, rum, castro, product. and you’re great, you don’t change, you’re not like others, you’re not a giveaway, you haven’t paid off your debts, what are they for 200 rubles. we will change their lives, but only after many years these people will begin to change, you are a bargaining chip, he will step
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over you, over me, over anyone, until we find out who betrayed, nothing can be done. and put your pride above life, what changes do you need, and you have wealth, service, men on the ground, what do you need to change, you want the truth, a big premiere, a union rescue, put out the fire before everything is on fire, watch the time after the program, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, the girls almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother . i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that your mother is already with us
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no more. what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. it's a big responsibility to say. to your child that his mother passed away. how yulia’s only daughter survived this loss, what path she went through after her mother’s death. i ’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, this is the line for the operation, talk to someone in line, suddenly he gives in, give him a chance, save jobs, i’m putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours,
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you’ll take your wolf to battle, and i’ll pay for your radio for the walkie-talkie, you ’re not capable of this, or a collision that i remember now in moscow, when i’m looking at my collection, scouts on a boat were following on the heels of this aircraft carrier, they...
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let me say this, dmitry borisov, we’re back in aired large-scale film drama union of salvation now consists of eight episodes, the project does not divide the heroes into good and bad, it gives viewers the opportunity to draw their own conclusions in the film the main stars of our cinema at first glance it may seem that this picture with a man’s face seems to involve all the adult young actors of our cinema images. the decembrists would have been incomplete without their faithful companions, it is not for nothing that the expression wife of the decembrist has long become descriptive. the decembrists are wives, brides, sisters, and mothers who
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voluntarily went to siberia for the convicted, demonstrating not sacrifice, but incredible strength. they couldn't change their minds and come back. it was forbidden to remove the sending of children, and children already born there could not claim inheritance titles. thank you very much, you saved us, i love you so much, don’t leave, just don’t leave, please. there are few female images on the union for the rescue project, but each of them is bright and memorable. in the foreground is the heroine sofia eronst, tanna beelskaya, the fictional bride of sergei murovyov apostol. you're calling me to marry you like that, that's a proposal. where flowers? flowers? when they propose and give flowers, we always give out little things. before, i wanted to know when you make an offer, be sure to know in advance. and... belskaya became a kind of collective image of the decembrist wife, her love and faith in her man are truly sincere. when i was traveling, people passed me everywhere because i was your bride.
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another female character, kondrati arreleeva’s wife natalya, played by actress varvara gusinskaya, despite the danger of the poet’s idea, she is next to him. even after what happened on senate square, natal. leva naively believes that everything will work out, but in this scene she sees her husband for the last time. forgive me, ksenia kusepova deserves special attention as she played empress elizaveta alekseevna, as well as the wife of lieutenant colonel gebel roza antonova played by kristina brodskaya. it seemed to me that they had brought me here. now it’s a gift from a real horse, and he blinks his eyes, shakes his head, laughs, doesn’t laugh, your
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majesty, neighs, the horse neighs, well, give it here. here is the money, take it, so it’s you, how is this possible, why? they are on the other side of the barricades, but the story of each of the ladies in the heart of the heroes of the film novel is tragic in its own way. performer of the role of princess ekaterina trubetskoy, marina konyashkina in our studio today. good evening, raman sergeevich, support me, of course, as a decembrist, i’m also one of them, i’m ready for
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such a sofa, support from roman madyanov is worth a lot, how do you like your heroine, would you be able to repeat her fate? this is, of course, a difficult question, but it seems to me that in many ways i could, because for me, probably... just like for my heroine, the most important thing is family, husband, devotion, happiness for her, for catherine it was precisely in being close to her husband, and he had four happy years of married life, but i must say that in exile they children appeared, and before that she could not get pregnant for a very long time , she was treated in paris, well, somehow it didn’t work out for them, namely in exile, but according to some sources, nine children were born to them, five died, died? some sources say that they have seven children left, well, in general, quite a lot, by today’s standards it ’s generally the same, so 4 years of a happy life before senate square and 25 years, yes. hard labor? yes.
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already after. let's see some stills from the film. i wasn't with them. you weren't? then why did you come for you? no i myself. kate. i did something that gave me almost nothing but hope. success, they believed me, but i was mistaken , and they paid for the mistake, and now you too, i have to go, it’s impossible any other way, well, it’s just a scene where everyone should cry, i look at natalya, natalya egnatievna, just you -
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joins us, the performer of the role of lieutenant ivanav, we meet him here in our studio, good evening, hello, speaking of penal servitude, your hero, as i understand it, escaped three times later, this is the most difficult role, may my colleagues forgive me , because heaps, heaps, heaps of books have been written about all the decembrists, about sukhinov there are already four lines in wikipedia, and here i had to, how to say, fantasize, invent, some different ones, based on facts, which are the most interesting thing, you know , they should correspond to the historical stilted characters, they need to be revived, do what you want here, the fact is that ivan ivanovich sukhinov was sent into exile, this is understandable, accordingly he lost all the noble puppies there, he was a nobleman from the beginning, already in exile he tried to organize an escape,
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and he was already... they didn’t forgive him for this, they imposed the death penalty, here ivan ivanovich sukhinov could not stand it, the day before the sentencing, he hanged himself, so it seems to me that this was the key key point, and here i started from this, just trying to find characterization of the character, like this, that is, you knew the ending, then you figured out how it was, i already came up with the path to this ending myself, and what helped was what alexander domaga told you.
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immediately instantly, well, actually something like this, yes, there are a couple more details, that’s the most comfortable part, and it seems to me that part of the suit, which, no, no, is actually a very comfortable hat, and what makes it comfortable is that the time of the filming process could be put in this cap - various details that did not belong to that time, a mobile phone, for example, therefore sometimes sometimes. you walk like this, and there, yes, but now i look at you and i understand that what they were talking about, that it ’s enough to put on a suit and immediately there’s a different impression from a person from everything about french at once, and sergei etyrin in our studio, sergey revich, tell us, this is a very important part of the process of generally immersing yourself in details, yes, there can be no mistakes here either , important of course, and details usually... they
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are very often punctured, because there are a large number tasks that seem to priority, choose the buildings against which the action takes place, choose the interiors.
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the question of materials, the quality of materials , well, yes, yes, yes, because the endless sat down, stood up, horses, that’s all, modern fabrics may not withstand this, such a load, it doesn’t matter, it seems to me that these details make up general, because when you look at the overall picture, the crowd, yes, this square, not costumed people, real people, and i got hooked, i think how authentic all this is, and where did they film it, on territories? those who became part of russia will allegedly undergo ethnic cleansing, when the ukrainian nazis entered the territory of the donetsk-lugansk region, threw grenades at basements with children, women, and old people, the population is completely fooled. who did alexander sergeevich pushkin interfere with? the main problem
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with quotes on the internet is that people unconditionally believe in their authenticity. before proving that this is not pushkin, it is necessary to prove that this is pushkin, but there is no evidence, why did the african decide to become russian? antifake premiere. tomorrow on the first, me i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent, and i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that very natural and natural processes are taking place in russia, because it’s important what i do and how i live, this is ultimately the criterion, and not what i say, he asks me... often we are now forever, what is forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are in opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov , he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone should try to make all the possible mistakes before it ends, general shot, you
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can show it, look there, look here, look where you want, everywhere everything is in pure butter, don’t stop the cameras, now we’ll edit it all, brothers, tomorrow on the first , the final start of the season, a team tournament for the best figure skaters in russia, we support the whole country, because figure skating is more than a sport, it is beauty that saves the world, it is success. which erases boundaries, these are achievements that one cannot help but admire, this is the pride of all countries and pride in one's country. tinkov,
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channel one cup, live broadcasts on the weekend on channel one. the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with good prospects to become. swarm, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries . this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight on the street for some trifle. there are currently about 2.0 films being made in bollywood.
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“good evening, how many years in your life did it take to work on the project, as i understand it, it’s not something that you decided, took, went and filmed, you know, besides being a director, i’m kind of a director, i am like this by chance, by the will of fate, and i was the author of the script, i started writing the script , i remember very well when, because as soon as i started writing it, my daughter was born, so..." she will be 11 years old in a month , then, well, you
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know, at first i was ready for paintings, and then a decision was made, this is a rare decision in general, a rather risky decision by a producer to film a series, usually a series is filmed simultaneously with a feature film, let’s say we had problems, a great completely russian actor, who played the union of salvation in the film. you had a task, an artistic task not
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to violate kravchuk’s artistic style, but then the question arises: if you had room for your own artistic imagination, that’s where the style came from and kravchuk also got his own for this picture style, so - when i read the literary version of the script, i read it out loud to my mother , unfortunately, she passed away a year ago, and that was a long time ago, that’s when my daughter was just... born, she said, and i think that’s all the mothers of all the participants in this project could say the same thing, maybe they even said, nikita, this must be incredibly beautiful, this is an incredible, incredibly beautiful time, incredibly beautiful people on both sides, now there was an idea then 11 years ago turn to exactly the events there two hundred years ago need to be rethought.
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freedom, gave us to create, understanding that it was the producer who did not put pressure on us, yes, he allowed us to make a picture about the decembrists, as if ordered, it is impossible to fulfill the order , you have to fall in love, you have to, you have to feel that you know them all, what is it, what is this...
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dissolution, destruction of the standing army. do we understand today what this leads to? naturally, this is high treason of the highest order. didn’t the officers who went through the war with napoleon understand that russia we need an army. therefore, there is definitely a foreign trace behind all this. well, we also ask the question that the decembrists asked themselves. what would have happened if the decembrists had won? there is an answer to this question. charming actors, i want to empathize , this is who the decembrists are, but it’s beautifully filmed , and there is the magic of cinema, but when we talk about the magic of cinema, let’s not forget about history , these were traitors, they are heroes, heroes of the twelfth, fourteenth years, including including, this is rubetskoy, he has a sword, gold. sword for the courage that was
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he was given how at the age of 18, in my opinion, he ended the war with napoleon, at the age of 18, this is history and this is the tragedy of love, how when love could have caused something terrible and irreparable, but what is the story, they stood at 300 m from the unguarded new sovereign, they could have entered and slaughtered the entire royal family, they would have won, at least at that moment, but they would have destroyed... i’m sitting here now experiencing some kind of incredible thrill just as a citizen of russia, because i remember very well that when the film came out in 2019, it was subjected to monstrous astrocism, simply monstrous on
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the part of film criticism, 3 days before the release of the union.
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and you created, i am the director, i turn to the production designer, this old petersburg is also of special significance, a special jewel, thank you very much, as the descendants of the decembrists accepted the new extended
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version of the film, salvation, after a short advertisement, we will return, stay with the first channels. kvn, major league, new season on saturday on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product. stellar group gin snob product stellar group cognac monte shococa product of stellar group rom kastro product of stellar group vodka veta product
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of steller group so, friends, world immunity day, here it is, an immune cell, it has teeth. protects us from cancer and infection. on world immunity day, we have 10 commandments for immunity, all the most important things about immunity, about your immunity in our program. tomorrow on the first. hello, my name is ksyusha, i’m 27 years old, i’m just now starting to somehow equip my apartment. the fact is that 2 years ago i lost my husband, after a long period. what feeling do you want from the space, so that it fills you? with light and such energy of life, i found a wonderful natural one, wow! our door is a barn door and it would seem that a barn door is something heavy and rough, but no, one
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space becomes multifunctional, but at the same time united, with the fact that you came into my life, here is the film crew, you bring me back to yourself back, thank you very much, thank you, about the comfort, the premiere is on saturday on the first. we continue our journey through the pskov region, if you only knew how much there is something interesting here, it’s an oak tree, a green flail on a dubet, his canopy bed, a desk, a wardrobe with books and so on, there’s a poetic disorder everywhere, and when you, for example, go out into the street in this image, you collect compliments, necessarily, but at least views for sure, but why these snails? are being introduced right here, on pskov soil, because they are patriots, that’s right, let’s go, the premiere is
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on saturday on the first, good evening everyone again, let them say it, i’m dmitry borisov, the new a look at the events described in school textbooks, the main instigators of the decembrist uprising, who they are, the union of salvation, now this is an eight-part large-scale film project,
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the lieutenant colonel became one of the founders of the union of salvation of the key figure in the uprising of the chernigov regiment. the role was played by ivan yankovsky. op. why doesn't the wine pour out? magic, witchcraft.
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in 1975, his grandfather, oleg yankovsky, also played one of the five executed in the film about the fate of the decembrists, “the star of captivating happiness.” people's artist of the ussr embodied the image of a poet ryleeva. kondrat fedorovich belonged to a noble family, was brought up in the st. petersburg first cadet corps, the educational processes of which often allowed for corporal punishment. in part, that's exactly what it is. according to some historians, he gave birth to a protest against unjust power in relyev, led the most radical wing of the northern decembrist society, became one of the main organizers of the uprising on senate square, in the film project union of salvation, the role of relyev was played by anton shagin. we need to act immediately, russia has no other chance there will be another 100 years, prince. madmen change the world, madman napoleon, madman bud, madman christ, go to the square! don’t be crazy, well, at least once in your life, go home! the fifth , peter kokhovsky, came from impoverished nobles, as a lonely, hot-tempered man,
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the decembrists assigned him the role of a regicide, and was among those executed largely for the fact that during the uprising he mortally wounded the st. petersburg governor-general mikhail miloradovich. the investigation lasted 7 months, interrogations in his office.
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making the film version for the first time, this is not the case no one has ever done it, but as far as we have checked in the history of world cinema and television, and we will find out when we look at what it is, whether it is correct or not, because sometimes they don’t do it, because in general there is no need to do it, they do what that they didn’t guess what we guessed after the film came out, the first and main feeling that came over us was like a bright emotion. which the film caused among those who liked it, among those who said that this is not the movie that we need, the main thing is that we got into the nerve of our time, the idea itself, but which kept us going for so many years, and it was quite difficult to do, we were dealing with high-energy material, working on the film, but in total almost 2,000
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people, the film group, then... the television series group, and the fact that this material came together , the fact that this was done in a certain general way, in a general understanding of the situation , will probably be the most important, great result, it turns out that this can be done, that is, the film was made, not the entire film was included, but the materials of the film were included in the series, but this is 2 hours of time, the series is 8 hours, and what we filmed, came up with, made around. film, but this is a kind of global experiment for which we set aside, we set ourselves the task of telling about the civil conflict, presenting both sides, each side is inflamed with love for the fatherland, in general with the same strength, and it turned out that this confrontation has not ended, the conflict between power and a kind of creative class, and the military elite at that time was
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the creative class, has been going on for... almost 200 years, this is probably the specificity russian path, usually this never happened, what is the decembrist uprising there from the point of view of the cultural code, in principle, but this is such a powerful genetic failure, speaking from the point of view of the usual social political structure of society, when pugachev’s uprising began, the entire creative class , all the nobility crowded around the king and said, these are terrible people with axes. now there, as pugachev loved to joke, when they told him, but i’m not a nobleman, i’m an astronomer, he says, okay, tell him higher, and that’s in general made an impression on people that power is what protects people, but here a group of people arose with the absolute sacrificial conviction that power is hostile, that power is a certain kind of those who have captured the country and
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are tormenting it and bringing evil pain to it, they... .in general, they really sacrificed themselves, and this is, in general, a pattern that exists, albeit for centuries, is being reproduced in the seventeenth year, the february revolution began with the words, the great shadows of the decembrists were avenged, well, in general, and then again sometime there, in the seventies, our internal position was rooting for the czechoslovakian national team against the soviet union national team, that is, this continued and maybe continues to this day, otherwise there would not have been such a strong reaction to the film. here is one of these amazing projections - this is, of course, how this film was created technologically, these sets, such complex systems that allow you to immerse the viewer in the image of that time, on the other hand there is a layer of these december utopias, because while they were being assembled, like on stormy days, they were getting ready, god knows what
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they said, what strange things they came up with. for russia there is dismemberment into pieces, and marlinsky wanted the same parliament as in england, and in parallel, since the film arouses great interest in living history, i would like to see, perhaps on the first channel, historians who will immerse us in the world of these december phantoms, that is, you are calling on anatoly to make another multi-part film, 11 years of work were not enough, we need another 10, i encourage everyone to continue more, more more, but by the way. the question of authenticity, there are scenes, in the film, yes , they were massive, war scenes, there is also a special art to create them , to make them believable, denis, as i understand it, they turned to you for consultations, so that you helped, in fact, to make them so alive, many thanks to anatoly vladimovich in general for this project, for giving
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me the opportunity, my comrades, to work there quite a lot. teams of instructors, we had soldiers, namely soldiers, and these are soldiers modern russian army, that is, in the role of the military, the military in the role of the military, the military, when throughout. several takes, the cameraman and director are trying to achieve something more, 300 military personnel begin to seethe, keeping them in this square when they are standing also costs something, here for the first time, not as is customary in historiography, troops were deployed on senate square, because scientific consultants, paintings, leonov, popov, they are different. looked at the information that was available, rethought it, and here we have a revived, as it were, picture of that one, that one as it should be , as reliably as possible, as
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reliably as possible, as close as possible, it was possible, well, largely thanks to these scenes they also say that salvation is a male movie with a very masculine character, but there is and the scenes are very romantic, it’s just also a separate film-film. remind you where you left off, i remember, the whole world, but i want more, i love you, you said you loved me, and i believed you. in our studio denis andreevich flonmek, good evening, descendant, among other things , the decembrist is vasily davidov, with what eyes do you look at this project? first of all, thank you very much for all the energy,
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energy that was invested by all the participants , hundreds, thousands of people in this project, it seems to me that it should attract further attention to how endlessly interesting our history is, how great our country is. and how important, besides the fact that these battle scenes are striking, are eternal values, like family, like love, like these seven wives of the decembrists went to siberia, by the way, i have photographs of one of my great-grandmother, four times, who went to siberia, here she is in such a heart, this is not at all... i recently brought her to russia, she was somewhere in exile, the painting was there, a woman with an exceptional memory, who also told petruch tchaikovsky, he wrote a lot about it, about how pushkin came, that means, to
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one of these places, kamenka, it’s called , where the southern society of the decembrists was, here at there is another photograph of me, just where the son of the decembrist married petrach tchaikovsky’s sister, history, it seems to me history. in our country, we all study it at school, at college, and maybe it’s something a little dry, something close to mathematics, chemistry, you need to remember some numbers, some letters, if you enter into it through family history or through local history, moscow studies or some other city, then you will see how this whole science, how it is actually alive, and it seems to me very a successful film, including so that we use every chance so that our people... having learned something heroic about their country, love it even more. it seems to me that this is the main meaning of our activity. vadim dmidorevich, do you think the film turned out believable? well, first of all, i want to say that
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historical films are relevant, important and necessary, especially at the present time, through family, through heritage, memory of heritage, this is definitely necessary and modern. instilled in young people, then, only then was society whole, so i want to say, uh, i’m a very little kid, at the age of 10 my dad took me to the borodino field, and then i got involved in this, and the society of descendants of participants in the patriotic war, in which i am still a member, well, it’s deep for me interesting, when i watched - the material
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, immediately when the film appeared, that is, about 500 people, absolutely young people who were fired up by the story after this film, and even the most interesting thing, who were fired up by the fact that there is good cinema in russia , so i think that girls, the girls will absolutely support me, listen , it’s great, alexandrevich, you see how from your screen you conveyed your passion to your heroes, that you can become so infected that i was aware that one of the main components of who... what does this one do? a group of people who were engaged, if the young generation goes to the library and takes out books, if the young generation, which begins to be interested in the history that happened 300 years ago, that is, the young generation begins to look for historical materials, compose some kind of brochures, print some booklets, but then i think that our mission has already been accomplished, hurray. the mission is completed
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, but it is being carried out right these days, because the next episode, it’s already today after the program, we’ll watch it very soon and the whole next week will also be evenings on the first channel, the union of salvation is a multi-part project, don’t miss it, i’m dmitry borisov, see you . hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main thing today. address to the federal assembly by the president.


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