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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 1, 2024 12:50am-1:36am MSK

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"applause along with their feet, they not only clap, but knock their feet on the floor, when the audience of two thousand begins to perform this, you think they are running away or running after you, so this tension, our spectator, distrustful, thoughtful, needs to be captured so that it i saw in front of me a mirror that wants to be seen from..."
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before i came to the theater as artistic director, i devoted all my time to working in cinema, but when this event happened, oleg pavlovich left, i took responsibility for the theater he created, for school to to realize the ideas that he had, which our team came up with in the course of this or that work. of course, you need to spend
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a lot of time, and i really can’t afford myself, such close cooperation with cinema. dear friends, we continue our conversation in the studio of the creative industry podcast lab, roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, elena kiper, producer and music video director, our guest is the great actor, vladimir mashkov, who. anniversary, what do you think, hollywood was in your life, ours has the film industry come closer in its, so to speak, state, in the way it works within itself, closer to hollywood? hollywood is a huge industry that regularly captures the attention of the audience, huge amounts of money are invested there, and the work is done to perfection.
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like, for example, a film is a challenge, but if we talk about it, of course, a lot, a lot of money is invested, in connection with this there are a lot of professionals who are engaged in perhaps small activities, but this range of actions is his, he knows it exactly , thoroughly, we still hope for some kind of discovery and miracle, but they lay it out, it will happen, so they sometimes get upset that... we built everything up, but
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it didn’t happen, this is a big tragedy for them, but nevertheless less, despite the fact that this is a battle of money, so to speak, budgets, recently, the last year or two, i meet a lot of people who say, but we only watch russian films, only russian tv series, somehow america has moved away, for some reason we don’t look there, we are already somehow ours, this is probably connected with there is a large bouquet of different events. our stories have become more diverse, our cinematography has grown a lot, the guys are trying, the screenwriters are trying to somehow twist the plot to make it interesting, but of course, it’s very important, we want to see ourselves, yeah, ourselves, and listen to our language , this is probably very attractive that it’s mine.
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it’s close to me, but it’s correct, of course we have a country that requires a large number of serious films, i’m not talking about thousands, but 200 films should be released. per year such that may attract attention, but you managed to create a movie at one time that captured, well , the civilized world, i mean thief, that is, this movie that almost won an oscar, that is, they could create history then, well, well, you see, this is also, it was a paradox, the fact is that when the film war was filmed, based on the script,
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and pavel grigorievich is such a very furious director, having written this story, he was very demanding of the actors, of the space, and you know when the picture was ready, in general there were such thoughts as to who it would be look, some guy is walking around, a thief, some boy, some people, you know, well, that’s about... in the world, there were so many problems in our country, there was no time for cinema, especially for cinema about here is the formation of a person, about a person
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who stole his life, and suddenly it is somehow this way, this is how it was intended - an approach to everything, now is the time when you can make a movie on your phone, how do you coincide with this time? you can shoot a movie on your phone, will there be any value in that? well, you just said about chukhrai, that is
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in fact, it turns out that theater and cinema originate from the author, that is, without the author it is not born at all, and where do they generally grow in screenwriting skills. in our industry in russia, in the film industry , it’s interesting to read something like this recently, in any case, we are working in this direction, now a play is being written for our theater, and more than one, by talented screenwriters, and we are also looking for new young guys, in general, this is a very difficult task, to catch the word of a particular time, to add them up.
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are also the people who adapt the play, they add to it one or another facet of both their talent and knowledge of the world, this is very important, so that the director knows how to write and create
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a dramatic work himself, or in any case adapt it for the stage, you as a theater director, you are talking about what request what do you want? breath of time, you said that the playwright must understand what it’s all about now, what it’s all about now? it is always about the same thing, about a person, about understanding how... he can balance himself, now we are talking about our main traditional value, the main traditional value of russia is life itself, in its various manifestations, about this, about everything, and if we talk about young people, these are not young people, that is, we have two authors who work, this is oleg antonov . who is the head of the literary part of our theater , a wonderful actor, and he is also a wonderful
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screenwriter, he wrote the script for the film serota kazanskaya, and andrei zolotarev, who works mainly in cinema, is now writing a play for us, you said the following phrase: to lay a miracle, here again you, the artistic director, you set up, you know how to...
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how do you also build something? you see, oleg pavlovich spent his whole life building a theater and building it as a building, and building it relative to the corpses, and my task is the same, our theater, which is on sukharevskaya, seems to be done, but there is catastrophically no room there, we have one stage, that’s why i look with envy at theaters that have several stages,
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we are from the youngest to the oldest age and so that the children of our institute develop and programs and well, so that this part of moscow, sukharevskaya and prospekt mira, also sparkles with certain meanings, whether you like it or not, but the construction of the holding requires, in general , inclusion, the first dream, the second dream , i would like this to be realized and well.
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you, thank you, thank you, i once offered my students such a task, gave them a text and asked them to identify its main feature, someone said that the text was too short and not informative, someone, on the contrary, that it was too long, but they all... the main feature was that this text was not written by a person, but by a computer program. hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about artificial intelligence. harutyunanovich avitisyan, academician.
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my opinion is that it is very important that our society and we understand that we are still dealing with advanced it technologies, and not artificial intelligence in the real sense of the word, horror stories mainly concern us and films are made on this topic, in basically this is about the fact that artificial intelligence will get out of control, that it will become more powerful than the person himself, and to me it seems that here it is very important to define this divide, that these are, in principle, different worlds, and this. there is no need to be afraid in this sense, while the accelerated implementation of any technology, including artificial intelligence, which gives a significant increase in labor productivity, i will say this, sometimes by tens of percent, sometimes on an orderly basis, without control of mechanisms, technologies, or testing for trust , so for security in
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a broader sense, of course, this is very, very dangerous, and sometimes they even scare me that public opinion, public this is, of course, a horror story , that’s what’s really worrying and exciting, this is the eternal problem of man, which at one time was still plato in the state, but it was thought that it would be resolved when
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, as a result of the development of technology, everything else that helps a person in life will be a huge space of time has been freed up. for the spiritual cultural development of man, here is our experience of industrialization, post-industrialization, modern digital time, it shows that there is nothing like this 12% of content on the internet refers to indecent things, but at the same time, about 60, even more than 60% of requests are addressed specifically to this area. so what are we talking about? that the actualization of human sinfulness is taking place, we find ourselves surrounded by such vile, very soft, very sticky pillows, from which it takes much more effort to tear ourselves away, the simplest is an image, an example, of a person who lives or at least has experience of life in the village, he
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knows very well that if he doesn’t go to the well, if he doesn’t bring water, if he doesn’t bring firewood. in an apartment, he is guaranteed, even if he simply does not survive, a person who lives practically does not pay for utilities, he knows that he most likely will not be kicked out, it will still be warm, there will still be water in the tap, it doesn’t matter somewhere he will find something for himself, scrape together something, go to the neighbors to have something to eat, and he can afford the luxury of sitting before the tv, now in games, on social networks and so on, but... here’s the question why a person is sorely lacking in internal immunity in order to resist, counteract such temptation? let’s definitely talk about this, there are just a lot of questions at once , unfortunately there isn’t much time, in principle the main answer has been given, but i still want to maybe explore this topic a little, look, allen turing, the famous mathematician, i think
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in 1950 or 1951 he published his article, which asked the question: can a machine think? they’re not designed that way, unless, uh, i don’t know, your diesel engine is made very well it looks like, i don’t know, some other super engine, this doesn’t mean that it has ceased to be a diesel engine, yes, here it
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’s exactly the same situation, so far it ’s very far from strong artificial intelligence, in this sense, from my point of view , although there are enthusiasts who believe that in the next few years, maximum 10 years it will be created, from my point of view this will not happen in my lifetime, and if it does happen, it will even happen, this is a separate matter. discussion, it needs to be discussed separately, because in the world it is generally accepted, by the way, this confirms my words that the world community thinks so, the subjectivity of artificial intelligence is not discussed anywhere, this means that after all, everyone treats this as complex, but technology, from this position it needs to be considered, so if such technologies appear, i, as a person who deals with this, will see it, doubts will begin to appear, i will share, but for now i have no doubts, and i don’t have any doubts now, that everything that is happening now is so otherwise very good.
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to be tempted that this is something so incredible. when i was listening to you, i also thought that when we look at an unmanned vehicle, yes, it is, it doesn’t mean that it, that the program controls the same as a person, yes, there is a completely different principle, as they say driving, you know, here i am a very good topic, driverless cars don’t really exist, but the fact is that when elon musk, for example, was asked, what did he say, i have an assistant, that is, there are a lot experiments with driverless cars, but in the sense that... a driverless car drives wherever it wants and it’s fine, this does n’t exist, i’ve been talking about this for a long time already and said that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment , whatever
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you want to call it, it’s technological , just human, then yes, then an unmanned car makes sense and it will drive, but if, for example, on a city scale, this is not a chess game where a computer can learn from itself play, this is not a game of go, this is an environment that is changing, where it is changing dynamically and unpredictably, that is... unmanned vehicles, for now this is a research project, a project, i just want to bridge the gap, that when you said about subjectivity, i remembered that in 2011, when computer watson, in my opinion , yes, he won jeopardy, one of the philosophers said that watson does not know that he won jeopardy, yes, yes, so it seems to me that a very important topic is that a person in a situation , when he doesn't have a pre- prepared algorithm, he dives into a certain depth, artificial intelligence... there is no such spare space from which it would be possible to quickly pull up the necessary algorithms to solve this issue, well, by the way,
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i also remembered this now, i read somewhere that when to compare a human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from the fact that a computer is a deterministic system, that is, under the same conditions, yes, we get the same result, and the human brain is a non-deterministic system, the results are still the same will always be different. i wouldn’t pose the question like this here, because one of our listeners will start this later, because artificial intelligence is still not entirely deterministic, there are some difficulties, but it’s still not the same not that, well, you can say so, but still the matter is getting deeper, how to say , firstly, the idea that neural networks and the human brain are one and the same thing, this , to put it mildly, is not even discussed anymore, this no longer a hypothesis, in my opinion pavel balaban our famous academician is there. now he says that everything connected with human memory is not connected with neurons at all, with new cells, well, not with new ones, but with known ones, uh, and we need to study them and a new
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direction, in fact, we all need to do this , therefore, the brain is a much more complex story, probably this is the very last thing that a person in his humanity will be able to study, so this is some kind of model, it has the right to life, it has shown its effectiveness, but we must treat it in such a way that we have enough. .. an effective tool for solving the problem, now we need, based on the complexity that this technology represents, we must manage the risks, make sure that it does not cause harm and is used to the maximum, well, as always, in principle, in the life of mankind, the nuclear reactor was, some other technologies are complex, but don’t think about it like now let ’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it ’s profitable, well, it’s clear that when you let a person through on the subway, well, what ’s the difference, even if he will deceive from... coming, yes, well, let him come, it won’t affect anything, but if he goes to a nuclear facility, for example, it’s probably not worth the risk there, and there should also be security circuits to check for sure that it’s him or that it’s not him,
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so - here it seems to me that world practice is already moving in this direction, the europeans are generally strict, so they announced in may, we discussed this at our conference, now, in my opinion , they have accepted that they are dividing artificial intelligence into three parts, one part will be it is simply prohibited, for example, there is the collection of biometrics in public places, social scoring , the second part will definitely be regulatory, well , for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, it’s just that if you are not developing an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example, it is impossible... to tify, that is, enough tough, but there is no artificial intelligence , this is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and, accordingly, the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times higher than for the development itself, we do this, so i know this well, we do real-time ourselves the operating system, finally the third part, when you can use it as you want, it doesn’t affect anything, well, for example, the entrance to the subway, from my point of view, can be entered into the third part , well, a person comes in, or in the dining room, for example, admission, well, he’ll eat it
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one more time. but on a large scale this does not matter, this needs to be discussed somehow in our society, because now the opinions were very different, some believe that there is no need to regulate anything at all, some believe that everything is needed on the contrary regulate it, as it is in other countries, but what is really needed is this discussion, what we understood and at the same time were based on scientific knowledge, and not because we are afraid of it, let’s go there, if we move away from fears in the opposite direction and look? these are the main hopes that we can place on the development of this technology, father pavel, you, well, it seems to me that the main hope is that we will have the opportunity to make such a qualitative leap in understanding the depth of formal data processing, even if we let's take, relatively speaking, languages ​​there, because today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced, not
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only in modern times... of course, this is a huge help. on the other hand, remembering the story of our seminarians who tried to write a sermon, and were then very upset that, in general, not each of them could write such a sermon that it would be guaranteed to pass the test of the teacher, this is also great , why? because it makes you think, but i would also add here that we don’t understand how
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the brain is working. despite the fact that we have advanced very much, that is, the answer: what is the brain, and is our self-consciousness, consciousness in general as such, really, is it caused by certain physical processes, chemical, and so on, and this is generally said to be prohibited use consciousness, but on the other hand, for a believer, a completely different perspective opens up here, and from the christian anthology we understand that man is without god. he is not a person, in this sense i really like him the image that father sergei bulgakov uses, he says that in a person there is a hole drilled into infinity, that ’s why i really like this image, but the hole does not have its own nature, you see, that is, this opens up, in my opinion, an absolutely amazing perspective, such fearlessness specifically in the scientific field, “i don’t
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need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent and i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that they are very natural and natural processes occur in russia, after all, what is important is what i do and how i live, this is ultimately the criterion, and not what i say, i am often asked, you are now forever, what is forever, nothing is forever in this life,
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academician harutyun avetsyan, proterey pavel velikanov, i’m vladimir ligoido, today we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. you know, i think that there is not a single sector of our life activity now. where artificial intelligence will not be implemented, because once again, i think karmar said, yes, that 100% of profits and mother the native capitalist will sell, there is an obvious benefit from the point of view of our country, because on the one hand this is an advantage , hope, on the other hand, of course, there are risks associated with the loss of jobs, this is discussed there, well, understandable, but from the point of view of our huge country, where the population is not very large, automation of this order will help to master what is now difficult , in this sense, in a sense, it’s even easier for us , e.g. agriculture, for example, well, we need to increase its efficiency, automate, this is all connected again with artificial intelligence, because in traditional ways, if you do this, it’s just very expensive, medicine, uh, in fact
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, most of us just don’t go to doctors, to be honest, well, i mean the population , and therefore, what we are doing is we are trying to move in this direction and those that screening the population is constantly passive. for example, through the devices that we carry with us, there is already a single-channel connection in watches, and a person can be brought to the doctor sooner, and as you know, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the better it can be treated, from my point of view this will not lead to the fact that doctors will not be needed, on the contrary, the pressure will be even greater, doctors will be needed more, but the efficiency factor can increase sharply, that is, if we did not serve there before i know a thousand people, we can do 10,000 , but more, and a good doctor will be able to convey his knowledge to...
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his youth, and i remember very well that if you had any problem in interacting with some different services, he was always a hotline number, somewhere could call, and after some time hear the live voice of a live operator who
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would be involved in your problem in one way or another. today, such an option is practically absent, because in most such cases you find yourself switched to artificial intelligence, which will crush you... more or less the next 5-10 years will definitely be resolved, because now translators are already appearing right away, you can hang in our own ears and communicate with each other in different languages, i just returned from china, there the girl at the hotel didn’t know a word
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of english at all, she had a device on which she spoke chinese, translated it into english, everything was fine, not the other way around, that is, her profession, we communicated with her without a translator, she calmly understood everything, we understood everything done, that is, potentially of course. there in a mass sense, yes, but this does not mean that professional translators will not be needed for specialized stories, in this sense, well, yes, there is a social danger that some professions will exist.
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please demo version is free and i entered an assignment on a topic that was clear to me, on the topic of my dissertation , neurosity generated a twenty-seven-page text very quickly in 3 minutes, well , part of the text was closed because the demo version was so that i couldn’t use it without paying, but i can say quite responsibly, that more than half of my students won’t write such a text, let alone in 3 days, in 3 weeks, the question is specifically polemical, what’s good about it, is it an education problem? from my point of view it is impossible to decide if you have
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there is no elite, but if we didn’t have a glass-machine department in our country , there would be no mathematical education on the scale of the union, and no one would train the elite, if a student from festekh or vmc brings me a diploma, well , i really read this diploma in detail and thoroughly , no, of course, i listen to him , he speaks, i know his knowledge, if his knowledge does not correspond to what is written there, it is still clear that he can... order a job, and that this did not exist before, in all second-rate there’s a whole business in universities everywhere, well , you think that this business is going to die because that some were afraid, yes, but, but nothing more, that is, if we build the education system correctly, this will not interfere, this is again a threat, a risk, but we can manage this risk, and if we don’t have this, then of course, if the teacher himself can no longer distinguish in the sense that a person cannot interview him to understand that he... does not understand, well then the problem, yes, that’s a different question, that’s
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why i do it, that’s why in elite places it doesn't cause problems because you're there either you run a hundred meters in the required number of seconds, or you don’t run and the texts won’t help you, this is an obvious thing in my opinion, again i ’m saying this now on purpose, the problem certainly exists, it needs to be raised, it needs to be discussed, but it’s not in the same plane as they are discussing how to make sure that the quality of education in our country increases, without trying to close it down. because this is impossible, because once again, physical people will do this, what difference does it make, but how to make it grow overall, how to make these places appear at growth points, how to do it, we and colleagues, when we discussed , after all, of course, you pose the problem more broadly and deeply, and we have this instrumental one, someone said, and we shouldn’t try to prohibit it, we should, on the contrary, give tasks that, well, for example, one of options and solutions that will include the use of chat, let the student work with chat, this is such, this is a possible way of using it, right? of course it’s possible, this is a new toolkit, well, yes, and
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accordingly, it won’t be possible to create a new course on this topic in one day, this needs to be involved in this, our designers, writers, will use this one way or another, just at least for inspiration, for example, uh, because you can re-check a thousand options, and then, like a professional, choose what you think is right , this is quite possible, but this is a different level, and this again... are squeezed out of our everyday language, and
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there is no consciousness of the concept of chivalry or a real aristocracy, who are they? there is a wonderful study by marina asovskaya, called knights of the bourgeois, where she shows how a knight actually differed from a consumer man, who has always been, in general, not only in the 20th century, but in that he did not have the right to engage in professional work. no activity, he could not earn money, but at the same time he had to be deeply immersed in many different areas, in the military sphere.
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the context of high technology, it simply pushes us to the conclusion that if we do not return to the topic of service and pose it as a cornerstone topic in human life in general, then we will have nothing to oppose to these technological possibility, i would say even more radically, if we have gone in this direction, if we do not dissociate the idea of ​​a person with a function, if we do not return to the understanding that a person is a seeker of truth, goodness, love, beauty, and then, in general, artificial intelligence, no matter how we define it, it is already...
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secular, by the way, in russian culture it is not just a step from church culture to chivalry, and this is also an important
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cultural fact of the academician. we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. look, yuri mikhailovich lotman, what he said, when some kind of technological discovery appears, any, yes, some kind of revolution, a breakthrough that should make life easier, it always first throws it back, because, as lotman said, he had , he spoke in terms of technology and culture, he said, technology has not yet become culture, now the telephone has appeared, for the first time we can talk without seeing each other, and we don’t understand how...
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it’s normal for them, and this is - it seems to me that human adaptive mechanisms after all, they are not limitless at some point, this also changes, uh, does not allow, let’s say, a person to come to god, because there is no time anymore, he always lives in a comfortable environment, but does not understand that he eats a hamburger and not a steak, i don’t know, and neither does he, because
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well, everything seems to be there, it seems.


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