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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 1, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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our heroes on the front line in the trenches, where it is most difficult, know that the whole country is with them. vladimir putin noted the work of the fatherland defenders fund, which provides targeted assistance to northern military district veterans and the families of fallen soldiers. the support system is constantly being improved. today the president announced that participants in the special operation will now be able to obtain mortgage loans on preferential terms at 2%. a huge amount of work has been done in the unit as well. modernization of the army itself, thanks to which our troops today are successfully advancing almost along the entire line front. defense enterprises have increased the production of weapons that have proven their effectiveness in real battles, but the main thing is people. our armed forces have gained enormous combat experience. this concerns the interaction of all types and branches of the military, modern tactics and operational art; a whole galaxy of talented commanders who take care of us has grown and been trained.
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people, competently perform their tasks, use new equipment, successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say that this is in all levels, from platoon and from the operational level to the highest level of management, we see where and what problems we have, of course they exist, we understand at the same time what needs to be done, and such work is carried out continuously, our units have a strong grip on the initiative.
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to their own on the battlefield. hero of russia alexander karamyshe on his mi-8 more than once landed in the gray zone under enemy fire to pick up the crew of a downed helicopter. the pilots call him their guardian angel. russians don’t abandon their own people. this is 100%. and thanks to the courage and heroism of our military personnel. we're moving forward we have everything ahead. the fastest victory will be ours. heroes who are humble in life do everything on the battlefield for the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. they certainly are. will not retreat, will not let you down and will not betray, so they must take leading positions in the education system, youth education, in public associations, in state-owned companies, business, in state and municipal administration, to lead regions, enterprises, and ultimately, the most large...
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reserved, they do not boast of their successes, they do not utter loud slogans, but at turning points in history, it is precisely such people who come to the fore, take responsibility, such people who think about the country, live by its destiny, can... be transferred in the future and entrusted to russia. you know that, well, you know that the word elite has discredited itself in many ways. the true, real elite is everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, proven by deeds, who have proven their devotion to russia.
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that the defenders of the fatherland are the true support country, vladimir putin spoke during a recent conversation in st. petersburg with students, participants of the northern military district, who voluntarily went to the front. after that meeting , as the president announced today, he decided to create a new personnel program for veterans of special operation participants, it will be called “time of heroes”, built according to the same standards as the school of governors and the competition for leaders of russia as mentors in the new program." with higher education and management experience, regardless of rank and position. in addition, those who participated in combat operations , the country's leading universities will be able to enroll as a priority. i ask the ministry of defense, the commanders of combat units, to support the desire of the fighting officers to try their own. forces in the new
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personnel program, provide for them the opportunity to apply for participation and attend in-person classes. i note that participants in a special military operation and privates. both sergeants and combat officers already form the backbone of our armed forces; of course, as i already said, those who intend to continue their military career will receive priority promotions when entering command courses, schools and military academies. patriots, brave, competent, whom people follow, despite the mortal risk. this is the future command staff of the armed forces and the personnel reserve. if there is a choice between a person who has a diploma, but has never taken part in hostilities, and the same person who also has a diploma , has organizational capabilities and fought, i believe that why not give him, as
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they say, preference, because we will understand for yourself that he will be blood and flesh, as they say, he is doing everything to justify the trust of the supreme... commander, and of course, he will do everything to ensure that everything is fine in our area. a training program is already being prepared so that the participants, veterans of the north military district, can receive new non-military training. this is the most important task that is being solved now, and naturally, taking into account what the president just said, of course, it will be overgrown with specifics, specific tasks, because these are different professions, different specialties, those who would like to continue the military. career, separate opportunities will be presented to them. some soldiers who were wounded or served a contract in the northern military district are already making plans for a new profession. many people now conduct military-patriotic education classes in schools and plan to develop in this area. education system, mise education. in principle,
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our children need to be raised in this spirit, just as we were raised by our grandfathers and fathers, so i think there is something to strive for, there are heroes in who must be equaled. the concept of heroism does not depend on time, performing feats. and the determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, rise to attack , go forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our soldiers, who are creating
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today the absolutely necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development. low bow to you guys. dmitry kulko, marina eliseeva, anna zayakina and yuri yarchenko, channel one. let's return to the president's message. and now about our heroes. guard private vladimir fotseev noticed a drone that conducted reconnaissance of our positions. based on visual signs, i determined that it was a hexocopter, that is, an aircraft with six motors. i requested the command post, made sure that our drones were not in the sky, and hit the target with well-aimed fire. private sergei bugrimov discovered a group of saboteurs from a pickup truck. they tried to launch a heavy drone, an enemy observation post, from where the fire was adjusted, the private transferred the coordinates to the commander, all targets were destroyed by artillery. and here is the latest data from the front lines. the ministry of defense reported that the army russia has taken more advantageous positions in the kherson direction. there, in the area of
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​​the tendrovskaya spit, an elite sabotage group of ukrainian naval special forces was destroyed. the militants set out on five high-speed motor boats and tried to land in our rear. it is reported that one of. the dachas were supposed to unload the ukrainian flag at the landing site, but it didn’t come to that: four boats with the landing party were destroyed during the short-lived battle, they sank, one disappeared at high speed, the result of a failed sortie: up to 25 saboteurs were killed and one prisoner. how apparently, ukraine does not give up attempts to organize bloody provocations and all this is done with the help of western countries. often such plans are drawn up by experienced nato advisers and instructors, and they pay the price. lives of ukrainians, and this was also discussed in today’s message from the president to the federal assembly. the head of state especially noted that all such attempts have been suppressed, are being suppressed and will be suppressed, and russia will never allow its national interests to be endangered and devalued. and vladimir putin
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once again reminded what truths western politicians should not forget. pavel krasnov will continue the topic. there have been many difficult periods in russian history; in fact, it was all a series. the trials that befell our country and the main lesson that can be learned from them is that we managed to cope with difficulties only together, everything that happens today confirms this once again, the fate of russia is in our hands. the habit of inciting national conflicts around the world seeks not only to hold back our development, instead of russia they need a dependent,
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a fading, dying space where you can do whatever you want, in fact they would like to do to russia the same thing that they did in many other regions of the world, including ukraine, to bring discord into our home and weaken us from the inside . this is an absolutely obvious thing today; we are faced with the firm position and determination of our multinational people. everything that has happened in ukraine since at least 2014, including coups d’etat, the war unleashed by kiev against donbass, is a direct consequence of those same attempts by the west to shamelessly interfere in other people's affairs. strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use. what we planned in the field of weapons. as i spoke about in the 2018 message, everything has been done
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or this work is being completed. in 2018, while delivering a message, the president spoke, for example, about kinzhal hypersonic missiles. today they are no longer just in service, but are successfully used within the framework of the air defense system, together with ship-borne zircon missiles - this is another example of hypersonic weapons. at the final stage of testing the winged burevestnik and submarine unlimited range missiles. we will soon demonstrate them in operational deployment areas. job. work on a number of other promising
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weapons systems continues, and we will still learn about the new achievements of our weapons scientists. it is not surprising that against this background , the united states again raised the topic of negotiations with russia on issues of strategic stability; what is strange is that they remembered this in a country that directly declares its intention to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in battlefield. we have every reason to believe that the words. there they will strive to defeat us, but this certainly won’t work, our
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position is clear, if you want to discuss responsible issues of security and stability that are important for the entire planet, then you need to do this only in a single complex, naturally, including all those aspects that affect our national interests directly affect the security of our country, the security of russia, in the same vein as the recently voiced support...
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and at the same time they themselves choose targets for attack strikes on our territory, they choose what they think are the most effective means of destruction, they started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember fate. those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic, they must... in the end understand that we also have weapons, but they know about it, now only me said, there are also weapons that can hit targets on their territory, and that they are inventing everything now, which is scaring the whole world, that all this really threatens
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a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization, putin threatens the west with nuclear war. british newspaper daily mail. putin directly threatens the west with nuclear weapons, accusing nato and the united states of being ready to strike russia. reuters news agency. putin
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warns the west of the risk of nuclear war and says moscow could strike western targets. german edition. putin threatens to attack western countries. the president of russia, of course, did not threaten anyone; on the contrary, he spoke of a forced reaction to threats, but this is exactly how his words were heard in the west. however, the cause-and-effect relationship was still caught there. direct intervention by western countries in the conflict in ukraine threatens unlimited escalation. putin warns the west that the entry of nato troops into ukraine threatens nuclear war. putin made an address to the nation in which... he announced the risks of nuclear war and said that the west provoked the war in ukraine. about, french president macron recently said that nato troops could appear in ukraine, and although his nato colleagues did not like such frankness, they hastened to deny the intention to send their soldiers into battle against russia, macron himself clearly did not lessen his ostentatious belligerence.
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this is a fairly serious topic, every word i say on this subject is weighed, thought out and verified. apparently, the french leader is haunted by the laurels of his predecessor two centuries ago, and he really forgot how it all ended then, but here it’s worth remembering, even if not officially, but nato troops have been present in ukraine for a long time, and this is no secret to anyone. even france sends mercenaries and military advisers there, not to mention weapons, including caesar self-propelled guns and scalp cruise missiles with a range of 250 km. germany is not far behind with its arist anti-aircraft systems and cannons. the situation is alarming, although there are still those in the west who hear the warning of the russian president. first of all , he said that if weapons were fired on their territory, they would also consider it attack and take retaliatory measures, and then
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putin made it relatively clear that then he would also think about shelling nato territories, in this. context, he again mentioned nuclear that he would be prepared for nuclear escalation. weapons, and this more or less suggests that the main thing is that these words are finally heard by those who in the west decide what to say, indeed, russophobia, like the other, the ideology of racism, national superiority of exclusivity, it blinds, deprives one of reason . the actions of the united states of its satellites actually led to the dismantling systems.
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no matter how the collective west threatens or pumps weapons into the kiev regime, russia will ensure its security. our defense industry is operating at full capacity today, here is an example: in kurgan they are increasing the production of bmp-3. universal, maneuverable with increased maneuverability. a modernized infantry fighting vehicle is very much needed on the front line, a hot shop and a hot defense order. how it is carried out and why the new infantry fighting vehicle
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is compared to the legendary t-34 tank, andrei golderev found out. this is the hottest area production, foundry. this is where the creation of the bmp-3 begins. nowadays various protective elements are smelted here. there are more than twenty melts per day, this is approximately 140.150 tons of liquid metal, the thing is that the bmp-3 is constantly being improved, with an emphasis on security, for example , the sights, hulls and turret of the troika have already been additionally protected, they will appear on bmps in the near future visibility reduction devices and anti- drone systems. this local electronic warfare system will be equipped, that is, well, plus - anti-drone, so to speak, visor. as for other characteristics, here the car is unique in... it is universal, speed, maneuverability, in these indicators it has practically no equal, it can accelerate to 70 km/h, and is also capable of flying over mines, our product is not heavy,
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it’s quite light, considering that it has a low specific pressure, it can drive over it, at the same time, that is, the mine does not detonate, and it’s not at all difficult to control, the bmp has a gearbox, semi-automatic, these are two pedals, and the speed switched using a special lever. all these systems are checked several times; in tsekhakhi, at a special test site, work goes on around the clock. previously, we tested it for about 2-3 days, approximately we left on one, well , we test one car, let’s say, now there are even two, otherwise we have time to test three a day. the bmp has high cross-country ability and can easily overcome snow in winter; in the rest of the year , sand and even water. versatile bmp-3 and when shooting. this combat vehicle can be used, for example, as artillery at short distances or.
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overhaul of the bmp-2m chassis and mechanical modules. we completely disassemble it, right down to the screws; we install a proven restored chassis on the empty body; we install the power plant, electrical equipment and fuel system. today is another shipment for the ministry of defense of bmp-3. the equipment leaves the workshop under its own power and then drives onto special railway platforms, where the vehicle is secured and prepared for shipment. this. the second regular shipment increased by one and a half times compared to the previous year. in plans to produce more equipment. by the end of this year, we will have completed
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the first stage of the program, namely the re-equipment of the enterprise, which will allow us to significantly increase production in the coming years. moreover, the bmp-3 has one more feature in which it can be compared with the legendary t-34. a peculiar t-34. which, that is, has both technical perfection and high reproducibility in syria, we can reproduce this product practically, well, under certain conditions unlimited quantity. andrey gulderev, maxim trubnikov, vladimir belyaev and evgeny kuznetsov, kurgan channel one. the president emphasized in his message to the federal assembly that russia’s main asset is its people. therefore , vladimir putin spoke in detail about the problems, tasks, and issues that concern every person.
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in the next 6 years, i join
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your applause. in the next 6 years, we must achieve sustainable growth in the birth rate. here, of course, we need the work of all levels of government, and civil society, and even representatives of traditional religions for the country, but first of all it is important that there is, of course, money, to raise three, four, and so on. state support for families with children should become even more systematic. and for this we will launch a new national project, which is called: family. in a number of specific ones. i’ll say right now about a number of specific initiatives: first, russian regions, in addition to federal programs, are implementing their own measures to support families with children. i would like to first of all thank my colleagues for this work and i propose to further help the federal subjects where the birth rate is below the russian average; this is especially important for
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central russia and the north-west. in 2022, in 39 regions, the total fertility rate was below the russian average; by the end of the thirtieth year, we will allocate at least 75 billion rubles to such regions so that they can increase their family support programs. the president emphasized that the regions will receive this money in the near future. the second initiative is housing, 110 million square m2 in the past year built. over the past 6 years, millions of families have celebrated housewarming. the family mortgage program is valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030, while maintaining the main basic parameters. pay special attention to families with children under 6 years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and yet, now at
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the birth of the third child, the state. years in different regions of the country, in some cities this is free kindergarten and medicine, but in others this is not the case. the president signed a decree that all families with many children families are entitled to the same support, and such families will be equalized following the example of those regions where there are the most benefits. the status of having many children will now affect the tax deduction. in families with many children and a lot of worries, parents should have more free funds to solve everyday problems. i propose to double
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the tax deduction to 2800 rubles per month. for the second child and up to 6,000 rubles per month for the third of each subsequent child. what does it mean? for example, a family with three children every month will save 1,300 rubles in his budget. at the same time , i also propose to increase the amount of annual income to which the deduction applies from 350 to 450,000 rubles. and such support should be provided automatically. maternity capital - tangible assistance for a private kindergarten can be spent on a university. now, at the birth of their first child, a family receives the right to a payment of 630,000 rubles. and upon the birth of a second child, another 202,000 rubles. the size of maternity capital is regularly indexed. maternity program capital is valid with us until the beginning of the twenty- sixth year. i also propose to extend it.
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at least until 2030. and this is important, speaking about how families live in our country today, putin openly and clearly listed specific problems. in 2000 , more than 42 million people lived below the poverty line in russia. since then the situation has really changed, changed dramatically. at the end of last year, the number of people below the poverty line dropped to 13.5 million people. but of course, there is a lot of this too. but we stand by our decision. problems in the area of ​​constant attention. a number of laws were adopted relatively recently, so from january 1 , 2023, a single monthly benefit was introduced for families with low incomes, and from the woman’s pregnancy until the child reaches 17 years of age. last year , more than 11 million people received this benefit. the president also announced that the state will support funds and social non-profit organizations that help disabled people, sick people and,
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of course, pensioners. russia, by the way, began to live longer, on average 73 years. by the age of thirty, life expectancy is russia must be at least 78 years old. and in the future, as we planned, there will be more. to reach the level of 80 plus, special attention needs to be paid to rural areas , regions where life expectancy is still lower than the russian average, while it is important that the duration of a healthy, active life increases, so that a person can devote his time to family, loved ones, children, grandchildren, a new national project, a long and active life, will be responsible for solving these problems; perhaps the capital will share experience of the active longevity project, which changed the lives of many elderly people.
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we have significantly reduced the consumption of alcohol and, above all, strong alcohol, and this certainly affects the health of the nation . i propose, using federal resources , to annually build at least 350 additional sports facilities in the regions, primarily in small towns and rural areas, these are universal complexes, and prefabricated playgrounds where children, adults, and entire families can exercise.
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in addition, i propose in the next 6 years update or open medical offices in schools where there is such a need, and there is such a need, because now in twenty-two, twenty-three, out of 39 thousand schools, 39, 440 schools we have, only 65% ​​have medical offices. families are growing, the need for new schools and kindergartens is growing , we will build more in the coming year.
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all our small cities, regional centers, towns, villages, and so, from march 1 , 2024, i propose to double the federal payment for such specialists class management and supervision of groups up to 10,000 rubles. education is a separate topic, so much needs to be changed, firstly, we are gradually changing the approach to schools, strong teachers with original methods will take part in the project at a leadership level school. by 2030, 12 such schools will appear in the country, the second time. for eg, which scares parents and high school students. indeed, the unified state examination mechanism must be improved, which is what i propose at this stage, i propose to take another step in this direction, to give graduates, what is called a second chance,
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precisely at the choice of the student himself, to provide him with the opportunity to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects, to create this, to do this to the end of admissions companies to universities. in order to have time to submit documents already taking into account the retake, such everyday things, but they are important for people. by 2030, another 25 university campuses will appear in the country, special attention to secondary specialized education, professionalism, a program through which colleges cooperate with enterprises in the real sector, and therefore not only textbooks, we train aircraft manufacturers, specialists in the field of electronics and pharmaceuticals. by 2028, the goal is to train about a million people. we need to actually strengthen the connection between all levels of education from school to university, they should work in a single logic, for a common result, and of course, the participation of future employers is important here, starting from the current academic year, a
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career guidance system has been deployed in all schools in the country, guys, starting from the sixth class can get acquainted with different specialties. i am now addressing the heads of enterprises, scientific and medical centers. please, invite schoolchildren to your place, let the kids see the workshops, that’s what i was offered on one of my trips, factory museums, laboratories, of course. in addition, by analogy with the zemstvo
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teacher and zemstvo doctor programs, we will launch the zemstvo cultural worker program in 2025. a specialist who moves to work in a village or small town will be able to receive a one-time payment of 1 million rubles. and in the far east, donbass, and russia, this amount will be twice as high, 2 million rubles. launch zemstvo worker program. including the size of the down payment and
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the loan rate, but i ask you to keep this in mind, i will wait for your proposal. work on all theses and initiatives from the address to the federal assembly begins literally the next day; ministers, social activists and parliamentarians share their impressions immediately after the event. you know, the social block of the message made a huge impression on me, it’s so thought out, so well-calibrated, the emphasis is placed, the priorities are set, and that’s it. serious such large-scale measures support for families with children, large families , motherhood, childhood, not just some slogans and appeals, but the state creates conditions for this, small towns, caring for families, training specialists, caring for veterans, this is also part of our production agenda, and we never build fences between the enterprise and the social sphere, say, in a nuclear city, here is some kind of comprehensive... first assessment, and then building priorities in production, in
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the social sphere, in the field of personnel training, it seems to me that for many decades to come , this is the main message of the president, this is such an extraordinary message, this is essentially a clear program for the development of the country for the next 5 years, this is very important, all of its directions, starting from the development of transport, education, and the social sphere , industry, this strategy is aimed at the most important thing, improving the life of every individual,
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doctor, teacher, student, and different people, thanks to whose daily choices our country develops and grows. self-sufficiency, self-sufficient, sovereignty, this needs to be proven, confirmed every day. we are talking about our only responsibility for the present and the future of russia. this is our homeland, the homeland of our ancestors. it is needed and dear only to us, and of course, to our descendants, to whom we are obliged to pass on a strong and prosperous country, we are one big family, we are together, therefore we will do everything as we plan and want to do, as we dream, i believe in our victories, in successes , into the future of russia.
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vladimir putin set this task today in his message to the federal assembly. the president emphasized: economic development should be directly converted into an increase in citizens' incomes, the president spoke about business support, investment, transport development, modernization of housing and communal services, and the inclusion of gardening partnerships in the social gasification program. and more details about everything in the report by anton vernitsky. on the eve of the announcement of the message, the president approved the strategy for the country's scientific and technological development. the economic well-being of russia will depend on this development. generally the topic. economy in the message was one of the main ones, and we were talking not only about the immediate prospects, but about economic growth for decades, and this growth is not hypothetical, but real, according to the president, a huge role in this was played by the safety margin of our economy, which in recent years has diligently moved away from non-resource sectors , became more and more technologically advanced, the impetus for this was given, oddly enough,
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by the sanctions imposed against our country. today russia is the largest economy in europe in terms of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity. fifth in the world the pace and main qualities of growth allow us to hope and even assert that in the near future we will be able to take another step forward and become one of the four largest economic powers in the world. but such development must directly translate into increased incomes for the families of our citizens. in the next 6 years, the share of wages in the country's gdp should increase; in line with inflation and the growth rate of average wages in the economy, we index the minimum wage. starting in 2020, the minimum wage has increased one and a half times from 12 to 19 thousand rubles. to in 2030, it will actually double to 35 thousand
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rubles. among the president's economic and financial initiatives is an amnesty for small companies that are forced. which are used by some companies to evade taxes or understate their tax payments, but in order for the so-called middle class in the country to develop and develop due to high-tech
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areas, the president proposed granting small businesses a special right to apply for credit holidays for up to 6 years every 5 years months. overall... the khudakan metallurgical plant in transbaikal, the taished aluminum plant in the irkutsk region, the murmansk center for the construction of large-capacity sea vessels, the sib-neftikhim plant in the tyumen region, and the practically rebuilt kazan aviation plant, which the president visited a little over a week ago. the new workshop alone, and it is far from the only one, accommodated four
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tu-160 strategic missile carriers of only one size, more than 50 m in length. such accelerated industrial development creates thousands.
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do not withdraw funds abroad, where, as it turns out, you can lose everything, and now...
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