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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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rest, unfortunately, now, apparently , there are no roommates, if you don’t find one in the near future, you will have to urgently throw another child, because well , you won’t be able to bear your another girl, well, valentina, you should be driven with a filthy broom, i understand, why is 100,000 not enough, maybe the studio doesn’t understand why 1000 is not enough to feed the family, because there is a valentine, and i eat it and get it, of course you eat it, you don’t understand this with sausage and ketchup, so i want to tell you ivan, one thing, i don't think it's necessary to deprive you parental rights. i think that you are a good dad, and you can really do a lot for your children, you need independence for your children, they are really at the age when they are ready to be independent, everything that surrounds you, drive this woman away. broom, once again, thank you , you have no luck with women, well, i’ll put it simply, one is an alcoholic, the other is just a drone, but now the question is not at all the question, now the question is how to correct this situation,
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it means that you want the children to meet with their mother , let her meet, fine, you give the go-ahead, but you want to see the children, of course, it’s just interesting, but what’s there to talk about, i think that a lot of things were revealed in this program , new, this is how you can imagine an evil fairy tale, we saw it today, what are you taking, hello? “what are you,
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sasha, why are you silent, don’t say anything , you’re afraid, what should you do with the children, the boy is running away from me, that they are used to another person, you and your mother want communicate, no, i’m zack, mom, take me , you don’t want to communicate with me now, i didn’t write this to you, but let me go, what are you, so aggressive, sasha, 6 years ago you us?” “ good evening, live broadcast of the big game and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. yesterday, our country and the whole world listened attentively to the messages of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin.
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fulfillment of the set goals of the nwo, russia has the necessary material and economic base to achieve these goals, russian society has already been rebuilt to new realities. ready to support the army and the state in achieving these goals, well, in fact , our heroes, who are now fighting at the front, they are not only like heroes of the present, but they are a significant part of the future of the country, because they are, as it was very correctly said, the elite countries, they will eventually come into power, and this will again transform our society in the right direction, that is, of course, this requires changes on... and not on the fronts, these changes are happening, as we see, that is, now western experts admit that russia is achieving serious successes at the front, if you look at the situation along the front line, then in the zaporozhye direction our troops continue to actively operate on the rabotinsky ledge, part of the ledge there
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has been cut off, fighting continues in the rabotin area, to the west of tverbovoy the enemy has introduced a reserve operation in order to stabilize the front , now these reserves are gradually being ground down there, which means our troops are on the vremev ledge. and expanded the zone of control to the west of staromaisky, and also maintain pressure north of priyutnoye in the novodonetsky area, in the ugledarsky direction, our troops took the industrial zone, part of the southern outskirts of the village , the russian flag has already been installed there, a video has already appeared today, that is, the enemy has already lost control over part of this strategically important village, which means that in the marinensky direction our troops continued assault operations in georgievka, there somewhere around 20% of the village by us...
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behind krasnoye, there is our serious advance, that is, while the message that the enemy has completely withdrawn from there does not correspond to reality, there is still resistance, but we are also steadily moving forward there, there is also progress in the direction of rova, one of the key roads in the city area has been taken under fire control, on the northern ledge we have successes in the belogorovka area, there we have advanced in the industrial zone, and well, in the krasnolimansk direction they are moving fighting, less than a kilometer from the village of terny, also...
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who joined the presidium of the russophile movement in our country, so this is the main american russophile, it is clear that this is a dangerous thing, but russia will of course be grateful, these are your impressions, feelings from the message,
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they are very important, especially against the backdrop of what the united states officials actually said. well, we have already noted that the press, in fact, noticed only the nuclear aspect in putin’s message and nothing more. well, the corresponding question was asked to the press secretary of the state department; this is perhaps the only official assessment of the message from the american official leadership. let's listen to matthew miller. what is your reaction to vladimir putin’s speech, his the accusation against the west and the apparent renewal of the threat have begun. this is not the first time we have heard irresponsible rhetoric from vladimir putin, this is not the way the leader of a nuclear state should speak. we have communicated privately and directly with russia in the past about the consequences of using nuclear weapons. we currently see no indication that russia
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is preparing to use nuclear weapons, but we will continue to monitor the situation closely. we are also very interesting, i heard a vision of the future, very powerful. states have been threatening nuclear conflicts for a long time, waging a proxy war against your
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state, in such a situation you have to defend yourself. i would like for us to have a leader in the united states who would defend his country the way putin defends russia. in relation to the problems we face today, we have had 7 million migrants illegally enter the country over the past 4 years. we have a lot to learn from putin. well, i must say that there was most likely such a semi-official reaction, although it was voiced from the lips of the secretary of defense of the united states, austin, he spoke at a hearing in the united states congress, although on a completely different issue, he was invited about his prostate and absence from work for several days, he was asked questions about whether the position of the minister us defense is so insignificant that his... absence from work for 10 days was not noticed by anyone, including the president of the united states, although i think
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that this question could be asked of the president of the united states, who is not considers it necessary to inquire there within 10 days what his minister of defense is doing, but nevertheless austin, when the question arose about his medical report, he nevertheless switched to a more understandable and familiar subject for him - this is the question. about russia, that's what he said. if ukraine falls, putin will not stop there, he will simply continue to move forward, attack, and seize the sovereign territory of his neighbors. so, if you are a baltic country, then you are probably worried, what if you are next in line, there they know putin, they know what he is capable of, and frankly speaking, if ukraine falls, i seriously believe that nato will fight with russia. well, in general, the statement was already obvious. well, our official comments already say that if he talks about this, then such plans exist?
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well, yes, indeed, especially if such an official says it, it’s one thing when politicians or ex-politicians talk about such existential threats to russia, but when an official, headed by the pentagon, says that he believes that if russia attacks europe and there is a war between russia and nato, then of course... questions arise for this responsible person, his statement is at least irresponsible, on the other hand they border on some kind of madness, because any military clash that could to be between the united states, nato and russia - this is understandable, the third world war with the use of nuclear weapons, and as we did at the meeting between biden and putin, when we discussed this issue, then biden came out and said that yes... that there are no winners it will be that there is no need to take the situation to such an extreme, but we see that this
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rhetoric, it has not only become prevalent, for example, in europe, european politicians are talking about it, but they are also talking seriously about america, and what is becoming rumored , then indeed, it is probably discussed in the plans, but if we are considering these plans, then we need to understand that behind such, say, warnings, and maybe even threats, there must be something serious, that if you... rather just propaganda crazy, well we’ll talk about this later, indeed , the issue of nuclear weapons has now come
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to the forefront of politics, these are austin’s words, lavrov is already saying, about a possible clash between nato and russia proves that the united states of america has such a plan, but it is no coincidence that putin said a lot yesterday paid attention to a special military operation, and emphasized that... in fact, what is happening in the world now, world geopolitics, will depend to a decisive extent on what happens on the battlefield, and then what happens there happens, carefully. correspondents, and of course anastasia mikhailovskaya, our regular guest of the big game program , anastasia, good evening, what is your news and what do you want, hello, yes, here, now i am in the bakhmut direction, yesterday i was in the hospital, in in the hospital , unfortunately, we don’t have
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electricity right now, because there are large generators working there, one of them has broken down, so it’s such a very strange feeling when in the... darkness the operating rooms are just working, but thank god in the operating rooms there are not many people now, because we are now in those sectors in which we are attacking, there we also have an advantage, we are winning, that is, we are now having very good offensive actions in this sector of the front, that’s why everything is calm here, now i’m sitting in the courtyard in svetlodarsk , children are playing, grandmothers are walking, everything seems to have this feeling of a peaceful life in general, so tomorrow i’m going to... for the truth, he’s been working for many years, now he’s already delivering bread, water, sausage, that is, yesterday he told me how he takes out the little ones children, this is all together with the russian army, this is a humanitarian program that is already
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working on the territory of avdeevka together with the military commandant’s office, together with our generals, who are also our local commanders of the first corps, this is all happening together, in in general, the attitude toward peaceful life is already beginning, and this is very good , the only thing is that, as always, i ’ll remind you that copters still work on our territory and they work very seriously, now we will supply our rap systems there in the avdeevskoe direction, because the guys are moving forward all... again and again to help with rap, here on our movement you know such a place, what is it called victory, now our hospitals are already moving there, already there our, as it were, new positions and this is where we are now collecting rap funds, which , again, together with the popular front, we will put here where our army has advanced
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and now our help is needed in new territories, so join us, thank you huge for all of us... because congress did not accept the proposal for the supply of arms, primarily because of biden to increase military assistance to ukraine, although he managed to avoid a shutdown, we agreed on a temporary continuation of funding, this is based on last year, where these funds are not provided, but
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at the same time they are still looking for ways to bypass the reluctance of congress to fund. in ukraine, still help ukraine with weapons, that’s what the new york times wrote. the biden administration is considering the possibility of providing ukraine with urgently needed weapons and ammunition from pentagon stocks. the administration still has the authority to seize about $4 billion in weapons, but it has exhausted the fund from which the ammunition was replenished. some officials fear the withdrawal from defense department stockpiles.
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this, so to speak, naturally does not work out by easy means, so, of course, this immediately becomes a subject of attention for the government; naturally, they have flexible measures at their disposal that allow namely to use reserves for this purpose, but as was said in the publication, it is quite obvious that this immediately runs into counterclaims related to protection...
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that forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are in opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov , he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone should try to make all the mistakes possible before
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it ends, general plan, you can show, look there, look here, look where you want, everywhere, everything is in pure butter, don’t stop cameras, now we are all this look, matodor, brothers, today. on the first. the final start of the season. team tournament of the best figure skaters of russia. we support the whole country. because figure skating is more than a sport. this is the beauty that saves the world. this is success that blurs boundaries. this. achievements that one cannot help but admire, this is the pride of the whole country and pride for one’s country. tinkov,
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channel one cup, live broadcast, tomorrow on channel one. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. this girl is almost unrecognizable a child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother. that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did your only daughter cope with this loss? what path did she take after mom's death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided
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at all costs to become a star in memory of her famous mother , when you appeared in the world , my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow at... first, this is the line for surgery, talk to someone from the line, suddenly he gives in, let me chance, save jobs, i'm putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours, you bring your wolf to battle, and i’ll pay for your ritan’s walkie-talkie , you’re not capable of this, i love her more than life, but if she’s doomed to pieces, the ritan will never forgive me for that.
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according to the will, the russian throne is not inherited; who was expecting such a gift? i’m glad that i don’t have to kill, it’s great, guys, i wish your city, konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation, here you are, i’m the sovereign, the emperor. all-russian, do you think there might be an uproar, i would start, the time is right, i ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, well, what did she say, she blessed us, and you and i are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia, we thought the senate wouldn’t clamp down, we wanted to see a revolution, but you
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’re a coward, you’re a crazy contrarian? fyodorich, put out the fire before it burns all around. what will happen now? kat? what about our dream? they can forgive me for cruelty! stop! weakness will never be forgiven! union of salvation, big premiere. from monday, on the first. big game live. an interesting paradox - american politics: the united states asserts about russia as a country gas stations with an economy in tatters, on the other hand, claim that they cannot compete with russia in the key parameters of strategic offensive weapons.
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he talked about this. actually anthony cotton, head of the statistical committee of the strategic command of the united states of america. let's listen. outside of its traditional strategic nuclear triad, russia is expanding and modernizing its nuclear capabilities, which are not covered by international treaties on the use of nuclear weapons. recently president putin announced that 95% of russian strategic nuclear forces have undergone modernization. in short, our rivals are strengthening their position vis-à-vis the us and our allies.
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envy is a very bad feeling, he simply spoke with such force and pressure that the russians were able to modernize their nuclear triad by 95%, but why in america did they discuss so much what america needs to modernize its nuclear forces, money speaks, but in addition to getting money, you still need time, and you probably need to choose a slightly different economic model, to today, when statisticians have calculated approximately how much money is needed to modernize the entire nuclear triad, it is
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approximately 2-3... today, indeed, russia has a certain priority: we have full-cycle production, and it finally dawns on them that we are self-sufficient, from the ore to the final product, we do absolutely everything ourselves in the defense sector. but now the americans can say that from this piece of ore with a full production cycle, you will get at least something, moreover, they don’t
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can do this. say, those consumer goods that are sold in american stores, buy them, turn them over and look, they are made in china, or in vietnam, yes, or in india or malaysia. states of america, while the united states , of course, has a reputation as a country that can drag anyone into any adventure and then abandon them. and an interesting dialogue took place on this topic at a press conference by the head of the state department, matthew miller. well, by the way, miller is in america, well a popular surname, but it is also the most popular type of beer.
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yes, yes, of course, that's why america finds itself in this position today, because these clowns that run our country, you just showed them on the big screen, they hate our history, they hate the fact that in 1776 russia supported us in the war of independence.
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anything, and the united states might never gain any independence at all and remain a british territory, but catherine did not forgive george for his bad policy towards poland and turkey, therefore, did not send suvorov, which gave
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the united states a chance to exist. well, then indeed, we helped america in all of their major conflicts, but we waited, well , actually, there was never any gratitude. part of american political culture , it simply wasn’t, the same can be said about german and french political culture, although they never thank us there at all, but scholz here of course made some noise, there’s a big, big question about putting taurus missiles on ukraine, and scholz was going to suddenly change his mind, let's listen, he said. that no, there will be no taurus there, the range of the taurus is 500 km, and if they are used incorrectly, the missile can hit a target somewhere in moscow. i express myself with all diplomatic abstraction, others also care about
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knowing exactly what lands and where. well, in order to reinforce this idea, he said that, you know, if tauras was there, then it would be necessary to send german soldiers there. chinese soldiers control storm shadow missiles, erupted, naturally, it’s a scandal, britain is outraged. reading the telegraph. olaf scholz said he would not supply taurus missiles because it would require the help of soldiers on the ground. he referred to the approach of britain and france with their own systems. scholz said that following britain's example would make germany a participant in the war. his comments were seen as endangering. british military and diplomatic personnel, this is a blatant abuse
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of data, deliberately designed to divert attention from germany's reluctance to arm ukraine with its own long-range missile system, said the former head of the british parliament's house of commons defense committee, tobias ellwood. as soon as the united states of america withdrew from the leadership of the conflict in ukraine, leaving great britain as the observer, it turned out that between great britain. " there are contradictions between france and germany that have spilled into the open, this is due to who helps ukraine more, who spent, who supplied more weapons, it all started around the taurus missiles, because there are only 150 units left for the arsenal of the federal republic of germany and there is no new production. germany, it is so pragmatic , i understand that in the near future the us administration may change and the policy that i spoke about will change." donald trump, that if he becomes president, then everyone who does not
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pay 2% will receive nothing from america, that is, they will have to count on themselves, there are 150 missiles - this becomes so important argument, either you have them, or you don’t have them, if suddenly america abandons germany, and germany does not pay that same 2%, then germany will have at least some kind of weapon against the aggressive russians, the same thing is observed in others regions, they are also putting pressure on france, but the main pressure is just now... great britain is entering, because it began to put pressure on scholz: give these missiles, let us buy them, and then we will deliver them to ukraine anyway, but what scholz revealed , this is actually a well-known practice, because this the weapons that are supplied, they are supplied by aircraft that are not intended, well, that is, were not specially created in order to use these weapons, that is, there is no aviation complex that can transmit target designations to these missiles, but it is done simply, the pilot plays the role of an operator, he must... fly to the target, press the button and then the missile goes on its own,
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all target designation, the entire route is laid out on the ground, here they showed footage of how these missiles are launched, this is ground-based, this equipment is recharged , flight data is entered, all this happens on the ground, of course, ukrainian specialists will not be trusted with this, that is, the germans must go, and the germans know that as soon as we find such training points somewhere, something will go there then it flies in and the same ones die along with the missiles. specialists, now germany, these zinc coffins that will come from ukraine, are not very profitable, besides, suddenly the situation will change, but this scandal, they took revenge on the germans, they said that there are german officers, who discussed the crimean bridge, m and other special operations, yes, this is really interesting information, well, the french, i must say, also quickly crawled away, also quickly crawled away, a couple of days ago. a colossal scandal is that macron announced on
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behalf of nato that western troops would be sent to ukraine. and now let's listen to the latest statement by the french foreign minister. the french will not die for ukraine. we will not send troops to fight because the limits have been set, namely, by not waging war with russia, to prevent her from winning. and already within this framework , nothing is excluded from what the president said. 2 days to... germany is ready to tolerate, obey and obey the united states of america, meaning economic ties, and many, so to speak.
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here's what he said, let's listen: i think that giving the ukrainians the opportunity to attack targets, for example, in crimea, it seems to me, is not a difficult matter, this is their territory, if they decide to attack targets, then they will attack targets inside ukraine, not inside russia, no matter what putin says, and you know, i mean, if you want to give the russians a break, if you want to interrupt that sense of momentum that they have, why not do something like collapse the bridge over the kerch strait, i think these are...
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goals. the bridge in the east and the ammunition depots that are located above. the bridge in the east is difficult to get. it's a fairly small target, but taurus can do it. ammunition depots may also be destroyed. if we take all this into account and compare it with how much storm shadow and haimers were used, i have the question arose: is our goal a bridge or military warehouses. this is achievable with the current shortcomings that red and patriot have. and i've come to the conclusion that the limiting factor is that they usually only have 24 charges. i would like to say one more thing. regarding the destruction of the bridge. we intensively studied this issue, unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that the bridge is similar in size to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. it is believed that the taurus will succeed if it uses the french fighter dassault rafal. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. i'm not pushing the bridge idea,
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i'm pragmatically wanting to understand what they want and what we should teach them. therefore , it turns out that we will need to when planning these operations. indicate the main points in the photographs, we all know that they want to destroy the bridge, what this ultimately means is how it is protected, not only because it has important military-strategic, but political significance. today it was reported that 10 storm shadow missiles were shot down over crimea. yes, they are making attempts, but i would like to remind you about another bridge, the antonovsky bridge, which was hit with high-precision weapons and rockets and volleys of fire. about 200 missiles were spent, and the only thing that was not achieved were holes in the bridge deck, which in principle were able to be restored, then we abandoned this bridge and destroyed it in such a way that it could only be restored under other conditions, there was no attempt on the crimean bridge times, and we know about two attacks, one
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using a truck, it was the special services, the other using a surface drone, which was controlled directly by the operator and... it is clear that after all such attacks, conclusions have been drawn, and an attack with missiles that cannot be aimed at the last part of their flight is a simple overexpenditure of ammunition , taking into account what we have built there, now defense , that is, this performance of 10 missiles out of ten suggests that the air defense systems worked perfectly, they would have sent 20, they would have shot down 20, so this is a game of some kind of politics. using such ammunition, it will not it doesn’t lead to anything except that our relations with western europe and there, especially the united states, are deteriorating even more. well, these weapons systems, they kill, they kill our guys, and we will never forget this, we certainly will not forgive. well, as
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for the united states, the election campaign is in full swing, in which a new factor is mixed in, hearings on the hunter biden case in congress. after advertising, how warm outerwear is created that makes you feel confident and beautiful. i love russia very much, so i wanted to prove that in russia the bookmakers can be no worse, and maybe even better. a beautifully dressed woman is an art object on the streets of our cities. follow me, we will make a kokoshnik, we will make a kokoshnik. different accessories focus attention on different parts of the body and only the kokoshnik shows. why exactly did kokoshniks win your heart? well, because we build our favorite ships, we are developing the plant, we are also paid wages for this, imagine, cars with metal come to our enterprise, and it turns out to be a whole...
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we have the olympic games ahead of us, we don’t have time for all this nonsense, i love you, you can’t let the team down like that, we were counting on you. no one, believe me, no one has regained their previous physical shape, stand your ground and never give up, the world championships are in norway, the norgs will vomit, bury your talent because of simple muscle pain, they are stacked against you, you must win, i ’ve already i did it, come on, well done! that's enough, we've decided to give up, history of the best skiers of the 20th
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century, white snow, tomorrow on the first day, i happy, you're here, i think we need to leave, oh, oh, doctor, we have a call again, hello, how, hello, how to explain dr. lim, we need to look at the note, tell me what you 're doing, we're looking, this is magic, the ribbon ties itself into a knot, for this they give penalty points at the performance, yes, grandma, i, and i thought i would give bonus points, you have an idol in sports, dad, dad, then probably for training, dad didn’t want go, he just wanted to practice quietly, no, he... he just wanted to sit quietly on his tablet, you are a motorcyclist, parachutist and rock musician
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, you are 6 years old for sure, the best, new season, on sunday on the first, the first most populous country, the economy of the planet with a good prospect of becoming second, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of the civilizations that defined human development. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries . this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight on the street for some trifle.
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"i will reign or perish." a foreigner who did not have legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic state. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country, just as peter i did. epithet great. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote
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laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon they won’t talk about the darkness, as the most influential person in russia. but even relying on male help, the empress always left final decisions. the empire of catherine ii was behind her. premiere. march 8. on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. friday. at the big game, which means our regular column: rail transport in the united states of america. so today is urhesville,
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state. very picturesque, i would say, crashed into overturned containers with grain, accident affected all railway lines, led to road closures, as well as disruption of power supply throughout the region. salik quince, eight carriages of a freight train carrying soy products derailed. golden valley county, montana 26 car freight
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train. an approaching train, but he failed. well, the details are quite standard, but the united states is indeed a country with a very sad infrastructure, as well as a sad border infrastructure, but why did they pay attention, now both the main candidates for the presidency, both president biden and former president trump, they are both at the border, they are both communicating with
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border guards. at the same time, however, they come up with different agendas. let's listen to biden first. as far as i understand, my predecessor is in iglpas. this is what i will say to mr. trump: instead of political games, instead of trying to persuade members of congress to block our bills, join me, or i will join you, then together we will tell congress to he passed a bill to protect borders. we can do this together, we both know that this is the most effective, tough law. about border security the best this country has ever seen, so instead of political games, let's do this together, remember who the hell we work for, we work for the american people, not the democratic or republican party. trump has a slightly different opinion, let's listen to what he said. in the last 3 years there has been an invasion of biden's name, i call him con artist joe because he is the most corrupt
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terrible president in the history of our country, perhaps the most incompetent. the us has been hit by a migrant crime wave named after joe biden, this is a new form of evil violations against our country, so from now on we can call these crimes migrant crimes named after biden, although it is too long, but now...
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millions of migrants are illegally entering our country, i don’t know what’s going on , probably the migrants who come to us think that everything is fine with us, but of course there is still a moment that complicates life first of all this man with the ice cream, this is his son in congress, otherwise, of course, everyone would have already discussed what he said there, they are discussing little now, but james comer, chairman of the oversight committee of the house of representatives , has already made such a statement after his speech. for us, this was very important testimony, it confirmed several pieces of our evidence that we have used throughout this investigation, there were some contradictory
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statements that require further verification, so... investigations by impeachment is now moving to the next stage, namely public hearings. i hope that this hearing will clear up some of the inconsistencies in the previous testimony of some participants and what we heard. all the evidence base that is now in congress will be announced directly. let me remind you that not so long ago, just a few months ago , the white house administration called, even if we move to a new stage of impeachment hearings, the media, dear ones, please do not give out any information from... freedom of speech, when i i heard, i thought, this cannot be , do not give away what will be publicly announced, why, because it will interfere with the democratic procedure, well, the main strength
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of america is, after all, the dollar, which continues to be imitated and which is a reserve currency for many countries , but the brix countries are offering an alternative, our minister of finance, anton sillanov, made an interesting statement after the meeting of finance ministers. in sao palo, brazil. let's listen. a key area for improving international monetary and financial system is to develop practical opportunities to create an independent financial infrastructure to strengthen the autonomy and financial sovereignty of developing countries. at the end of the year, the russian ministry of finance and the bank of russia, together with partners in the association, will prepare a report to the leader of the brix countries on improving the international monetary and financial system. the result of the report will be: access to a number of practical initiatives, one of them could be the bricks bridge platform, we are talking about the creation of a multilateral digital settlement and payment platform will help bring together the financial markets of the brix countries and increase mutual trade turnover. well
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, this step is generally expected and has long been saying that the brix countries are seriously considering the issue of changing approaches to the formation of the international monetary system, the president spoke about this. they talked about this here, they talk about it in china, another thing is that with the expansion, objective again the expansion of brix, it is natural that the choice of one national currency or the creation of a national currency is a rather problematic process associated with the satisfaction of quite a lot of compromises, so it seems to me that now a very elegant, in principle , promising project has been chosen, this is actually a multi-currency system of relationships, as was said, based on a digital platform that will already provide, so to speak, the integration into it of digital currencies of central banks, and i remind you that according to projects
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for the introduction of digital currencies of central banks, russia, china, india, they are actually today leaders in the world, other countries can join this, and then what should the dollar do? this is a serious challenge posed by the world community. the united states, the united states is now in a position where they are not very afraid, when they can hardly offer anyone anything constructive, and ukraine is simply being dragged to the bottom. our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, the evening news is on air about we will tell you the most important events right now. details for each.


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