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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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russia, china, india, they are actually leaders in the world today. and other countries can join this. so what should the dollar do then? a serious challenge that the world community poses to the united states. the united states is now in a position where they are not very afraid, when they can hardly offer anyone anything constructive, and ukraine is simply being dragged to the bottom. our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass on the words. on the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week, hello, we are broadcasting evening news about the most important events, we will tell you right now, in detail on each item, at a meeting in the government we discussed how the delivery task will be implemented. president in
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his message to the federal assembly. first of all, social policy and issues related to svo. who is behind the attack on the crimean bridge? a transcript of a conversation has appeared in which the german military discusses plans to bomb our crossing. the russian foreign ministry has already responded. 23 group strikes on military targets in ukraine, report from ministry of defense for the week, and what the captured militant says. after an unsuccessful operation by the armed forces of ukraine at the tenderovskaya spit. you can already apply: a new personnel program for our defenders, which the president announced in his message, started today and an official website is being launched for this purpose. make way for the young. future leaders in science, art, politics from all over the planet reside in sirius. the all-russian youth festival starts tomorrow on the black sea coast. and at the beginning
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, footage from the kremlin, vladimir putin today held a meeting with permanent participants security council of russia, it was held via videoconference and this is how the president outlined the main topic. dear colleagues, good afternoon. you and i have already discussed the falsehoods that some figures in the west are making about our supposed nuclear deployment plans. weapons in space , i say allegedly, because , as i already said, as we well know, we do not have such plans, but still the issue of space, the issue of neutralizing threats that may arise for us in the space sphere, must always be in our area of ​​attention, let's talk about this today, the government, ministries, departments and regions will have to implement for at least 6 years the position that vladimir formulated in his message to the federal
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assembly, and this work is already underway, prime minister mikhail mishustin said today at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. the head of state identified the most important strategic tasks for this year and the long term: support for families with children, benefits for participants in the svo, construction and repair of housing and roads, assistance in personnel training. all decisions are aimed at improving the quality of life of russians and are called upon to continue the progressive development of our country, regardless of outside influence. report by yuri lepatov. towards implementation. national projects, the main one of which involves the launch of new specialized ones called family. in addition, what is called a point solution is provided. now, at the birth of a third child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450 thousand rubles. i also suggest extending it.
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this norm is valid until 2030; this year almost 50 billion rubles will be required for this then progressively more and more, but there is money for this. this is great news for the maximov gladyshev family, where there are five children, three girls and two boys, they simply need to expand their living space. we kept thinking that this program would suddenly close or stop there. make some decision, and i think that everything will work out for us, i enjoy the fact that i have five children, this family lives in the outback, in the vladimir region, for such families there will be special conditions that are being developed by the cabinet of ministers, the president instructed us to also work on this.
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special conditions of the mortgage program for small towns and for regions where new apartment buildings are being built in a small, let’s say, volume, or there are none at all. one of the key conditions for implementation. not only schools, but also institutions of secondary vocational education will be repaired or rebuilt. thus , it is necessary to connect the development of know-how with their implementation in production, for which national projects of technological sovereignty will be launched. they should be aimed at ensuring the sustainability of our state, for what? it is simply necessary to establish our own production of machine tools, equipment , robotics, transport, unmanned , aviation, marine and other systems, as well as focus on solving problems such as preserving the health of citizens and food security, take
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steps in the creation of new materials, chemical compounds, develop globally competitive products, building on our unique capabilities in areas such as space, atom, new energy sources. the data economy national project will help create digital platforms in key sectors in the social sphere, which will greatly help small medium-sized businesses. together with parliamentarians, we will have to work out the parameters of an amnesty for small companies, where tax optimization schemes were used during actual business growth. not large companies should receive the right to register once every 5 years. vacations for a period of up to six months, without deteriorating your mutual history, provide the necessary specific proposals to soften the tax regime for small medium-sized manufacturing enterprises.
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so-called master plans for the development and improvement of 2.0 settlements will be developed, resettlement programs from dilapidated housing and the construction of regional roads will continue. cultural life has not been forgotten, by analogy with... the zemstvo teacher and zemstvo doctor programs, from 2025 the zemstvo cultural worker program will be launched. the president just announced it, but many regions have already compiled a list vacancies. houses of culture need stage directors for mass events, there is a need for specialists in museum affairs, library science and, of course, there is a need for teachers at children's art schools. we very much hope that this program will attract people to the primorsky territory. highly qualified personnel and will bring our region to a new level of culture, to a new level of education. particular emphasis in the government's work is placed on the implementation of all these programs in the new subjects of the federation. the president set the task to withdraw them on all-russian indicators for all
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main parameters, quality of life, and of course, supplying people with water and heat are in first place here, we will additionally help state and municipal housing... kherson regions, they will receive a deferment on income tax for the previous year respectively , will be able to pay it in installments over the next year. the government is constantly monitoring issues of assistance to participants in a special military operation, in addition to benefits and guarantees, social and educational, deferred payments are added on consumer loans to the situation. special credit holidays, now the interest accrued during this time on the loans of military personnel to their relatives will be written off, and if they have already been paid, such funds will be used to offset the repayment of the principal debt or other obligations. this decision will help
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reduce the financial burden on those who defend their homeland by performing complex and dangerous tasks. for the decision of the government meeting , the prime minister congratulated yuri trutnev, the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the far east, on his birthday.
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as federal chancellor of germany, i will not send bundeswehr soldiers to ukraine, that’s true, our soldiers can rely on it, and you can rely on it, but the question is, can scholz rely on his soldiers in the broad sense and in the narrow sense, to four officers of the air force and the air command center who are discussing the supply of those same taurus? the intercepted conversation was published
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by arti's editor-in-chief margarita simonyan, and it was conveyed to her by people in uniform, including the attack on the crimean bridge. how what would a taurus attack on a bridge look like? from an operational perspective, i cannot estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn to plan such actions and how quickly integration will occur, but since we are talking about a bridge and military bases, i understand that they want to get them as soon as possible. i would also like to say about the destruction of the bridge: we have been intensively studying this issue, unfortunately we came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may need not 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that the taurus will succeed if it uses the french dasau rafal fighter. will they only manage to make a hole and damage the bridge? i’m not promoting ideas with a bridge, i pragmatically want to understand what they want and what we should teach them, so it turns out that when planning these operations we will need to indicate the main points in the pictures, they will have goals, but... we should take into account that when working on small goals, you need to plan more scrupulously, rather than sorting out pictures on the computer. in case of
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with confirmed goals , planning becomes easier and will take less time. we all know that they want to destroy the bridge, what this ultimately means, how they protect it, not only because it has important military-strategic, but political significance. it’s hard to imagine that such a brainstorm could be organized without the knowledge of the country’s top leadership, especially since the officers are discussing the possibility of interacting with the ukrainians. wards through the base in büchel, and this is an american base. the question arises, where does the information go? if speech when it comes to target information, which ideally includes satellite images providing maximum accuracy of up to 3 m, we must first process them in büchel. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own, because it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent, so it is quite possible that soon they will be... able to use , because they have all the satellite images, yes, they get them from us, a short summary, images
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there are satellites, there are targets for the ukrainian army, only the taurus missile is missing, its range, by the way, is up to 500 km, twice as much as that of the french scalps or the british storm shadow. the design of all three is similar, so the same german officers come to the conclusion that it won’t take much time to remake the fastenings, and if kiev had such a missile, how long would they think there before they tried. scholz's latest gaffe shows that when his excuses fall apart, he rushes to use more than just dangerous ones. facts, but often wrong facts. irresponsible and a slapped ally. members of the bundestag are also perplexed. most recently, they adopted
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a resolution on the supply of long-range weapons systems to ukraine. the word tauras is not in the document, but no one is trying to hide what it is about. in this situation, i would like to find out from chancellor scholz what the current problem is with the supply of taurus missiles. nobody knows, nobody. finland tried to show an example to the indecisive scholz. the ministry of defense stated: that they do not limit ukraine. using the supplied weapons , however, the finns do not have long-range missiles, but if you consider that the chancellor was once categorically against the supply of armored vehicles, and then german leopards ended up in ukraine, then with missiles there is a high probability that the same thing will happen, of course, with the old russian sauce threats, exactly what the president said the day before in his address to the federal assembly. now, without any embarrassment , they declare that russia allegedly intends to attack europe, well, it’s just you and me we understand that this is not a trial. it’s just some kind of nonsense, and at the same time they themselves choose targets for
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striking our territory, choose the most effective, as they think, means of destruction, they started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate of those who once sent then their contingents into the territory of our country, but... now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic, they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons, but they know about it, so what? there are weapons that can hit targets on their territory, and that they are coming up with everything now that scares the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization, but they don’t understand any of this,
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or what? if the answer is taken to be pentagon chief austin’s statement that in the event of defeat... russia, according to lavrov, has long known about the activities of nato military in ukraine. german generals, discussing how they could cleverly supply ukraine with long-range weapons, taurus is mentioned there, and how this is to do so without being noticed, because scholz doesn’t like it, but the americans and
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the british are already there anyway, and maybe they were still there.
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with a fissile warhead, as the military department said, during preparation, the strategic missile forces worked out the procedure for redeploying to a remote area of ​​the yars launch battery. all tasks were completed in full. now about the work of our military in the special operation zone, an officer with the call sign kolovrat, commander of the fifteenth separate guards motorized rifle brigade, told how he and his soldiers knocked out the first american abrams tank, which was considered invulnerable. they had been hunting for the car for a long time when they took it at gunpoint. davdeevka was hit first with drones and then with anti-tank weapons. the destruction of abrams became known at the beginning of the week. this is the main us combat vehicle, it was reported that washington began delivering them to kiev last september. our film crew talked to the military man who directly dealt the decisive blow, his call sign is dawn, that’s what he said. conducted reconnaissance, discovered a tank,
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i was convinced it was abrams. the order came to work, the first plane stopped. it was hit in the rear aft part, the second side finished it off, a regular grenade shot. yeah, so that's enough that, yeah, that's enough, two rounds of ammunition is enough to hit the abrams. the military department spoke today about what russian soldiers have done at the front in a week. over a hundred repelled attacks and counterattacks, thousands of militants killed, positions improved in almost all directions, several settlements were liberated, and more were gained.
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a meter happened, this is 300 meters away, 200 meters away a machine gun fire should have started from the outermost boat, fire contact from the lighthouse, what if there is an observer there. none of the attempts to land on the tendra spit led to success. among the tasks of this group was to unload the ukrainian flag here. as a result , the operation failed, that's how many
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weapons were captured from the enemy. and the boat completely came under fire, well, from all fire weapons. it turns out that those two retreated, well, these two boats came under fire, almost immediately, the machine gunner who was on the bow began to move back to ruslan, who was a guy from the 113th group. i tried to swim across the side to the boats, i did it after him, i started, well, swim after him, i saw that he was starting to sink, i tried to reach him, well , i didn’t have time, he went under the water. the russian army successfully repels all attempts by ukrainian militants to attack. our military is rapidly advancing in many areas. western experts are already admitting that the russian army has recently liberated more territories that the enemy tried to capture during the so-called notorious counter-offensive. just over the past week, our fighters knocked out a ukrainian armed forces unit from several key points. in the avdeevsky direction , units of the group of troops-center
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liberated the settlements of lastochkino, severnoye, petrovskaya, donetsk people's republic and continued to advance in a westerly direction. in cooperation with aviation and artillery , the 23rd, 24th, 53rd, 61st, and 110th mechs were defeated by a concentration of manpower and equipment. and s-300 air defense missile launcher, combat vehicle norwegian-made nasans anti-aircraft missile system. strikes are launched against
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enemy personnel in all directions. in a week, their losses, according to our ministry of defense, were more than 7,370 soldiers and officers. 16 ukrainian soldiers surrendered. all of them, like a surrendered saboteur of the stendra scythe, admit that they do not see the point in these suicidal assaults, unlike...
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in moscow today they said goodbye to nikolai ryshkov, the last prime minister of the soviet union and ex-senator of the federation council , a funeral ceremony was held in the cathedral of christ the savior a memorial service, then a funeral at the troyekurovskoye cemetery, gathered relatives, friends, numerous colleagues, government officials at various levels, deputies; nikolai ivanovich had the opportunity to head the country’s government. at the junction of eras at a turning point. according to his colleagues, he always worked selflessly, in any position, and helped those who were in trouble. nikolai ryshkov died on wednesday; he was 94 years old. now there is a small advertisement, we will be back in just a couple of minutes, stay on the first channel. final start of the season. team tournament of the best figure skaters of russia. we support the whole country , because figure skating is more than a sport, it is beauty that... peace,
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it is success that erases boundaries, it is achievements that one cannot help but admire, it is the pride of the whole country and pride for one’s country. tenkov, channel one cup, live broadcast, tomorrow on channel one. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl she hardly recognizes the child who 5 years ago lost the most dear, mom. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories. but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that your mother is no longer with us. what he experienced at that moment, that evening,
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only he knows. this is a great responsibility. tell your child that his mother passed away, how yulia’s only daughter survived this loss, what path she went through after death moms, i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided , no matter what, to become a star in memory of to the famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov , premiere, tomorrow on the first, this is the queue for the operation, talk to someone in the queue, suddenly give in, give a chance to save jobs, i’m putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours, your wolf you’ll take me out to fight, and i ’ll pay your rita’s punishment, you’re not capable of this and... i love you
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more than life, but if abrek is torn into pieces, ritan will never forgive me for this. we accept the fight. doomed. premiere of a serial film. on sunday on the first. according to the will, the russian throne is not inherited. who was waiting for such a gift, i’m glad that i don’t have to kill him, great guys, konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation, what a blast, i’m a sovereign, the all-russian emperor, what do you think , they might start riots, i would start, it’s time suitable, i ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, so
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what? she said, she blessed us, we are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia, we thought the senate would not sit down, we wanted to see a revolution, but you are a coward, you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich, put out the fire before it burns all around, what? now it will happen, katya, what about our dream? they can forgive me for cruelty, they will never forgive me for weakness, the union is salvation, a big premiere, from monday on the first, this is the evening news, we continue: a new personnel program “the time of heroes,” which vladimir putin spoke about during his address to the federal
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assembly, has started. officially. veterans, soldiers, special operations officers, people who, as the head of state noted, can be entrusted with the country. training for fighters will begin in the coming months, the presidential press secretary, dmitry peskov, explained the procedure for participation. about the program time of heroes, those who wish to fill out an application will receive it from the organizer. for participants who are located directly in the svo zone, remote assessment centers will be open; they will be able to come there to submit an application for admission, fill out a form, take an online test, if necessary , you will need to write an essay or pass an interview, the rest of the participants in this program register independently through: an account
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on the program website. sirius these days has become a center of attraction for successful and promising youth from all over the planet. everything is ready for a large-scale celebration of friendship and cooperation. at the world youth festival. 20,000 leaders in business, culture, science, education, volunteering in sports, the entire olympic park is at the disposal of participants. there lectures, master classes, presentations, grandiose events in sirius once again emphasize: all the west’s attempts to isolate our country from the outside world are crumbling. through creativity, street artists, including from europe, intend to show this through new forms within the framework of the festival. how the guests were greeted and how the first day went. ivan prozarov will tell you. a crossroads of culture, traditions, all of humanity, where a new picture of the world is assembled in a colorful mosaic. to me
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our countries seem to have a lot in common, including the kindness of the people. there are very good people here. everything that was done for us at this festival is simply wonderful. thank you, president putin, thank you everyone. the starting point of the world. youth festival space airport, that’s the name of the huge exhibition cluster in the former olympic press center, new impressions are filled with new impressions here. at the check-in counters there are french citizens with russian roots, it’s very hospitable, people here are very open, kind, so i think i have even a mission, say, to tell the french that russia is simply miracles, there is no need to be afraid of it, and here russian people are not what they imagine, many participants flew to russia in spite of, in spite of...
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in the center of the park there are pavilions of russian cities foreign sister cities, and the medal square near the olympic torch these days is called the soul of russia; they are already preparing
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to reveal it to foreign guests. tolskie gingerbread, adgei cheese, cranberries and rhubarb. in addition to 10 thousand foreign participants, 10 thousand russian, including from new regions. vladimir vladimirovich putin for the fact that we are alive, that we can develop, for the fact that we defend our rights and our lives are getting better. special attention is paid to new regions; guests from all over the world are introduced to the history of life in donbass and the struggle for independence, with poignant paintings by artists who grew up under the bombings. ravan alrabadi. from jordan , he restores orthodox icons in his homeland. what touched her most was the picture: you can’t leave , you can’t stay. it’s just incredible, it feels like i’m going through the same things myself. feelings that the people of donbass have. these paintings are very alive, they have pain, light, hope,
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and strength. and this is a mural in mariupol, dedicated to the affected children of donbass. its author, italian artist ciro cirullo, known as yorit, went on a video call with festival participants and promised to fly to sochi soon. with pleasure. did my job, painted my mural, when i returned to italy, i suddenly clearly realized how calmly, with what understanding they treated me personally and my work, i was even able to convince my friends and colleagues that italy and russia are friendly countries. for the first time in history , participants from 14 to 17 years old came to the festival, the children's program was officially launched, after its completion many participants will remain at the sirius educational center for another month. 100 guys who will work on global scientific problems. technology, they will work together with russian high-tech companies that have representation abroad. young doders, future leaders in science, art, entrepreneurship, politics at the festival will receive platforms for work and exchange of experience,
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and of course, a unique space for dialogue in conditions when it is necessary to re -build ties between states, and there are many who want to do this; more than 300,000 applications have been received from all over the planet. these guys are all united around common values. they are open, they want to build peace, they want open, honest dialogue, international connections, partnership, which will happen here these days. domestically produced trams to launch traffic, one of the lines completely
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repaired, and now comfortable carriages will run on route number one. the first trams appeared in the city more than a century ago; in recent years, the network has been in a deplorable state, and kursk became one of the first regions to participate in a large-scale program for modernizing electric transport. what kind of kursk lion cubs they are, dalmira beryukova saw. car driver in a new uniform with flowers. it connects to the line from the eastern depot of kursk.
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people, before the reconstruction there was a temporary bus route, passengers complained about its inconvenience, disruptions in traffic, the new tram route is now number one, the governor gave the start of the unit via video conference, good luck, colleagues, good luck, the launch of these new trams in korsk is part of a big program. as part of our constitutional agreement
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that we concluded, our project parameters include 42 km of track, 22 trams, eight have already arrived, they are going on line today, 14 will arrive within this year, and the full launch will be carried out on all routes on all by trams in the city on january 1, twenty-fifth of the year. the kursk region is one of those regions that participate in the urban transport modernization program. in total, on behalf of the russian president. federation until 2025 in ten regions from krasnoyarsk to krasnodar a total of six hundred of these brand new trams should hit the road. the condition of the program is the launch of a digital model for managing public transport in each of the ten constituent entities of the russian federation that are updating electric transport. and the point of this digital platform is that it is monitored traffic flow in the city, there are smart traffic lights, the load on each line is understood. in real time is adjusted depending on
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the load requirement of the number of trams or electric buses on the line. transport is modern and environmentally friendly. in the next 2 weeks , two-year-old sonya will be among the first passengers on the new trams in kursk. it's her birthday today. we were very interested, we watched from the window as test trams were running and we promised the child yesterday that we will open the line today, how about you? they're calling, and we'll go and take a ride. in favor of the rangers. let's add that the lanterns.


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