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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  March 2, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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very interesting semi-final topics await you, so please watch us, we will have the semi-finals right in the next program, we can’t live without you, all the best! god, from the heavens, has seen and seen, visit these grapes, establish them, and plant them.
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your right hand.
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royal passion-bearers, faithful princes, princesses, good warriors, monks and laymen, pious men and women, at every age and class who suffered for christ, faithful to him, even to death who testified and received the crown of life of one, you in the days the fierce persecution that befell our land from the godless, on those who are judged in captivity and... the abysses of the earth, in the bitter works of all sorrowful circumstances, the image of patience and shameless hope courageously showed, now in the paradise of sweetness, enjoying before the throne of god, in glory, always offer praise and intercession with the angels to all the saints of the triune god, we are unworthy and
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we pray to you, our holy relatives, do not forget your earthly fatherland, by the sin of cain's fratricide, by the reproach of the saints, by our atheism, by lawlessness, beseech may the lord of hosts establish his church, unshakable in this world, many rebellious and evil ones, may he revive in our land the spirit of reason and piety. spirit of holiness and fear, god , spirit of brotherly love and peace, in addition we will be, the royal priesthood, the race of god, the chosen holy one, faithfully with you, glorifying the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, that! let us cry out, o saviors
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and exodus, i accept your honorable compassion! in the name of the father and the son of the holy spirit, today in the apostolic devotion we heard such words, the word is true and certain, that the lord jesus christ. lived with us, these simple words,
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they seem to be, but the most calm, truly peaceful, reality, and even the pagans knew about all this , especially the jews knew, but if they had not known, then probably golgotha ​​would have did not have. in other words, historical sources and
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the one that i just quoted to you really give a completely clear understanding of the coming of a savior to the world. my youngest remembers how all the history textbooks taught at school said that this was all a myth, and there was no christ did not exist, all this was an invention of the priests, and then there were utilitarian reasons why
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such an invention appeared. one of them was that it was necessary to subordinate the unfortunate proletariat to the peasantry to the ruling classes. and some kind of reins were needed on the people, and one of these supposedly was religion, then other, completely insane theories appeared, which became a thing of the past and modern, probably even students studying history, are no longer familiar with this kind of completely anti-scientific , ahistorical statements, but here is our a generation passed through the time when... it was in this historical untruth that our people were brought up, but today, by the grace of god, everything has changed, and of course, everything did not grow out of the blue, the words
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of the apostle that i just quoted, it was reflected in the lives of so many of our fathers , but if someone else rejects it, it is due to illiteracy and scientific backwardness, and such people are no longer visible, of course, not everyone agrees that jesus of nazareth was god’s, but this is a matter of faith, not science,
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science claims that there was such a wonderful man, we call him god's man. who dedicated his life to teaching people happiness, how to live in order to have the fullness of life, who preached in clear and simple language what faith in god means, what prayer means, what good deeds mean, in these simple, as if in words, an entire one was created...
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our church today, by the grace of god , is in favorable conditions, you all know about this, we freely visit churches, pray, educate our own... we have church schools, monasteries, very active social work that is needed by the people, society, because it is mostly connected with helping those who are sick, who are lonely, who do not have enough means of subsistence, all this also testifies to the fact that the spirit of christ, the apostolic spirit, is in our church lives today by the grace of god, and this spirit... mobilizes people to imitate, including the first generation of christians, and
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to do everything that they were taught by the lord and savior. i would like to cordially greet you all once again, my dears, happy today. i thank everyone who took part in the service and may god’s blessing remain over our fatherland, over the people. we are all entering, or have already even entered, an alarming period, as our church prays, many have taken up arms against us, but this is not the first time, if you remember all those who took up arms, you can notice one feature, those who took up arms considered themselves the strongest in the world , but...
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knowledge, and i would like to all such some kind of embarrassment, some due to lack of some kind of inertia, family, some due to those who are hesitant, still thinking about their spiritual choice, to say, now the time has come for spiritual mobilization, not only military, spiritual mobilization, without our unity in faith, without our... fidelity to the lord, without our ability to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our neighbors, our homeland can lose a lot .
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therefore, i appeal to those who are now in the church and those outside the church, i hope many will hear me: it is time for spiritual mobilization. return to your origins, those who have not yet returned, who have not been baptized, go and receive baptism. those who have been baptized, visit god’s temples. enrich yourself with the great millennial wisdom of our people, the source of which has always been not human wisdom, but the wisdom of god himself. and then our country will definitely be invincible. and what i just said is not just like that, the patriarch says. on occasion, such thoughts came, i said what i said, based on
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the historical experience of our country, our people, the deepest antiquity, and until recent times, when we united faith, love for our homeland and our neighbors, then we became invincible. and god grant that the current, not the most favorable circumstances for all of us, become another reason for those who doubted to cast aside all doubts, those who did not believe, to begin to doubt, so that in the end they also cast away all doubts, with faith in god, with fervent prayer to him. and we will arrange our future, including defending our fatherland from every
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enemy and adversary. amen! congratulations on the holiday! hello, on the first channel there is a news release in the studio maxim sherfuddinov and briefly about the main thing. if you have nothing to say, cover up the tracks of berlin’s reaction to the leak of negotiations between high-ranking military personnel on planning an attack on the crimean bridge; the german press has no doubt that the recording is genuine.


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