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tv   Belii sneg  1TV  March 2, 2024 1:05pm-3:31pm MSK

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those who defeated fascism are stalin, the father of all nations, the american president roosevelt, this is churchill, the head of england, well , of course you recognize peter the great, and this is gorbachev, mikhail sergeevich, the father of perestroika, our boris nikolaevich, and e doesn’t look like, well, why, because what? sedulchik, in life he is completely gray-haired , but here he is dark and small, well, oh, why is this uncle with a guitar, he teaches how to fry chicken on tv, and arkady raikin, and this is the theos, a famous singer, remember the heart , you don’t want peace, grandpa, what is this old lady? shame on you, dashenka, what
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an old lady this is, this is the great actress faina georgievna ranevskaya, remember, old lady, and this is also an artist? well, you should know this, in his voice, the wolf says, and this is papanov, of course, anatoly dmitrievich, he and miron played in the diamond hand, remember? i remember, well, what kind of boy is this? standing next to andrei mirodov, vova, kopeikin, dear, please tell me, what is the boy vova kopeikin famous for, vova kopeikin, where is he? mironov, huh? stop, i tell you, stop,
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you scoundrel, and so that your spirit is no longer here, well, i’m kicking you out for the seventh time,
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gano. help dan, help, help, help.
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thank you.
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yes, they are beautiful, i’ll take these, a wonderful choice, you will draw and be happy, but this is not for yourself, this is a gift. today is kukueva’s birthday, kukueva is my best friend, these are the felt-tip pens, italian, now kukueva will draw and remember me.
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yes, it’s a pity, only that she draws poorly, but... i’m fine, great, great, great, she should something like that, so as not to torture her brains , for sure, i’ll give her a hairpin, and i’ll give myself markers ... i bet, what a gorgeous hairpin, all the girls in the class will burst with envy, you can go to class in this hairpin and say,
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, it’s just a pity that kukueva doesn’t go to the theater, and in general, why does she need a hairpin, she doesn’t have hair, where will she attach this hairpin to her ears or something? this hairpin really suits me, it’s a great gift! kukueva will receive a cake for her birthday, and as soon as she removes the lid, oops! will immediately go wild with what is needed, from why is this all, kukueva to kukueva, it’s all for her, and my birthday is only in six months, now wait, he’ll give her gifts, she turns her nose up, she doesn’t like my cake
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, she brought it all up, and she also says she’s a friend, she went her way happy birthday, i'll interrupt you.
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wow. great, lie down, stand, well done, sit, good, great, but it’s impossible to be quieter,
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repeat the beginning, polish, okay, dude, finish your music, you only know how to bass on a synthesizer.
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why not in physical education, but i have an exemption due to health reasons.
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danka, hello, hello, good welcome to the countryside residence of his majesty the king in norway, please. hello ma, is this the king's palace? helena, du har ikke lyst til å bli den hovedtrener for de norske damelandslaget.
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let's collect the buckwheat, lord , stand, stand, who did you say, who is in charge here,
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and only i can give commands, well... everyone get in line, so go away, listen, little one, fix the fence, i'll let you through, little one, eh fighting character, what’s your name, trubitsina, don’t bother , you’ll fix it yourself, we’re having training, rybalkin, for talking in the ranks to the fence, step, march, denis ivanovich, why am i, the young guys broke it, let them fix it, hey, young guys, you...
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fasten your buttons, you’ll catch a cold, well, where are you looking, it’s frosty outside, it’s over the plowing, gal, don’t yell, you’re not at work with your people loaders, we’re not fooling around here either, the sun shines there like in sochi, try the salt, it’s fine, i’m invited to go to the ski section. it’s true, my dear, you want to ski, i really want to, i have to earn it, dum, it’s up to my neck, leave her alone, we can handle it ourselves, we have to earn everything in this life, you taught me that yourself, mom, i i agree, i will do whatever you say, if
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you break the agreement, i will break your skis. “gal , make us some tea, oh, i just brought a lemon, stop wobbling, give me a jar of brewed tea, for grandpa, this is for you, my favorite jar, raspberry, thank you, stand your ground and never give up.” oh, lena, sit there, don’t help her, okay, but galya wouldn’t know, an agreement is an agreement, you can handle it yourself, bah, why are you
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unraveling my sweater, i gave you permission, another boss in the house, it’s too small for you for a long time , i ’ll knit a hat for you to go skiing, well... but an artist, but he lived, he lived, he lived, he was a king, he was right.
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dwelling, remember, my word is law, either
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you will follow all my orders, or you will stand on your knees all day in the cold, this is understandable, understandable, keep your skis, don’t skid, as i said above, lenka. my extra circle, we are all suffering now, dear masha, let’s not come here, now i’m definitely not going anywhere, or rather i said, above.
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grandma, where is my dad? ask your mom, mom doesn’t say anything, but i don’t even know, it’s a pity, because everyone has a dad, but i don’t, but but you have us.
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smyrna, to the left, turn on your brains , we start by numbers, then wash, eat food and hang up, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you can hardly recognize the child who is 5 years old ago i lost the most precious thing, my mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that... with us
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no longer exists, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i ’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared on... no, my life changed, i always will next to you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, today on the first. archangel, meet me! this is the first port of russia. peter i, when he saw our city, fell in love with it and ordered the first shipyard to be built here. luda carousel, would you like to try it? warm, without a roe and a holiday is not
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a holiday, a goat is a symbol of fertility in the north for a well-fed, rich life, i’ll take these two, arkhangelsk loves fish, and i ’ll cook for them what i love, i love meat, just souls vasya, i answer, it will be delicious for you, but i want to make warm soup, it has the best a sincere person, it was very unusual, i won’t say that the best thing you saw was the premiere, cooks on wheels. tomorrow is the first one, lenka, go, come on, go indoors , what does that mean, you're a fool, so that's what we 're doing here, yes, mom, come on, get up, show me where your coach is, quickly, quickly , i said, skier, i
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’ll show you such a regional championship, huh? i ’ll show you such a regional championship, such a championship, what kind of noise fights, no, you took my daughter so that she could learn to play cards, i lie down i said, let's go home, go home quickly, i said, i told you that they would break my skis, mom, don't disgrace me! “i’ll give you how to leave without my permission, lie down, you creature, don’t disgrace me, businesswoman, i’ll give it to you, don’t disgrace me!”
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len, come on, get up, stand, my child, as i see fit, i will raise him, i forgot how you put me on buckwheat, why are you staring?
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dad, dad, you can’t wait, you fall, give it, dad, please, sticks, give it, pipe, pay attention.
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and what is so special about lenka, skin and bones? well, you can build up its muscles, here character, he either exists or he doesn’t, well, that’s who. well, that’s understandable, but why does she need skis? well, for example, are you watching the olympic games? of course, but how? now, i promise you, lena will become an olympic champion. why are you telling me that skiing is not a profession? well, it’s fine if you don’t want fame for your daughter. for example, what salary do you receive? well, if with bonuses, then... 400 rubles, but i’m in the warehouse, when lena completes the master of sports, she will receive 500, but why are you telling me fairy tales? you’re telling me, but i’m like a storyteller,
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it looks like i’ll have time for my personal life. get busy, take a break from your daughter, we have training camps for 9 months, how many, how many, 9 months for me at home, but where will she live, the best sports facilities in the soviet union, and the food is the best product, cakes are in short supply, it’s not too far away to study in institute we have the best teachers in all subjects, i guarantee you, lena will grow up smart, i ’m telling you as a father of many children, how many children do you have, yes 10, 10, well, that’s if together with
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lena, the best children of the magadan region. that's it, i believe him, good guy , dear, pour it, we, we, unfortunately, are not allowed, we have a regime in general, well, if only... symbolically, well, come on, come on, come on, the straws won't freeze, uh, well - come on, quietly, well
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, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, let’s continue working, come on, remember this for the rest of your life, never dare to cry. in front of rivals, understand? yes, it makes you weaker, stronger, more confident , i understand, yes, if you want to cry, go into the forest and cry there, okay? well, now forward, let's go, come on, kubichkina forward, come on, come on, come on, right away, like this, easier, straight away without flying off, and where's the smile, good, thoughtful, well done, not hard, normal.
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come on, here’s one gift for you, here’s a second one for balance, go ahead, have fun girls, wait for trubitkin, come on, come on, push your speeches straight down, come on, come on , well done, let’s smile, come on! come on, come on, come on, one more circle, then we'll rest, one , well done, cue, two, cue, three, well, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, oh-oh, doctor, we have challenge again, hello, so, hello, save up doctor alim, we need to look at your mouth, doctor,
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tell us what you are doing, look at your mouth, and this is magic, the ribbon ties itself into a knot, for this they give penalty points at the performance, yes, deduction, and i thought i would give bonuses, you have an idol in sports, dad, dad, then probably for training, dad didn’t want her. he just wanted to practice calmly, no, he just wanted to sit quietly on his tablet, you’re a motorcyclist, paratrooper and rock musician, you’re 6 years old for sure, yes, the song is not rock for us from the cosmodrome, it’s better everyone, new season, tomorrow after the evening news.
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maybe he dressed very well, i think, for women or in general in order to feel himself, he did most of his actions for the sake of women, i think, because of a woman, he became famous, well, when i dealt with women professionally, he had a complex , tall, young, i’m elderly , small, fat, bald, maybe i’m wrong , it’s quite possible, so what, whatever, i ’m definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says, i didn’t understand the audience. well, will he read from a piece of paper and not sing? to
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the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvonetsky from tuesday on the first. it’s fine, i say, gregory, great, cosante! passengers who arrived on a flight from novosibirsk will receive their luggage, i repeat, those who arrived on a flight from novosibirsk will receive their luggage, forgotten things in the storage room, what kind of people are they? the little one asked me where to go, you’ll take me to the proletarian one, a fiver, plus a tenner for the unspoken cargo, money in advance, that’s another matter, let me help.
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home or to competitions? home. so how are you doing? normal, what is normal now? do they pay? well, a taxi is enough, then maybe 50 kopecks for a fool. i don’t know how, i can teach, don’t, damn it, you give birth to children, and then don’t look after them, and where are their parents? do you have children? maybe there is
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, maybe not, i haven’t given birth, i don’t know, i still... want to go for a walk, i need it, although about 15 years ago one aunt persuaded me to marry her daughter, well , i thought i was a taxi driver with money, my daughter didn’t want to, i guess she was a sailor, but her mother was such a powerful woman, and she also had such a funny name, formidable police, as you understand, you can’t argue against the police, well, after a week... and after 2 months i realized that i was not ready for family life and got divorced, just like that, and i also had a case, one dad matched his daughter to me, are you here?
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step aside, i'll do it, hold it! come on, malaya, hey, malaya, what's your name? little one, hey, well, i need it.
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i was just fussing a little with my skis, let me help you, were you crying or what? so you are her, why don’t you come in? bah, yes, i don’t, i just got snow in my eyes, it’s normal, come on, come on in, otherwise we’ll be freezing. come on, oh champion, come on, come on, it's somehow it’s all over, by taxi, where did you get the money for the taxi? i ​​was playing cards, galya, what kind of person are you, and we haven’t seen our granddaughter for 3 months, you
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immediately questioned me from the doorway, galya, stop putting pressure on her, mom, you’re me now you’ll remember the cards until you die, yeah, that’s right, but i don’t understand , what do you care about the ski wax, the smell? christmas trees or something, yeah, i felt it too , don’t give me a hard time, i’m asking where i got the money, okay, that’s enough, well, be careful, there you go, i thought i’d never see a christmas tree again, little green ones , oh-oh-oh, ba, do you remember she once told me that you dream of a real christmas tree, like in leningrad, but they are not big enough here, well, that’s it, well... a gift from novosibirsk, grandpa, and this is for you, oh, a fishing rod made of space materials, oh well, uh you , well, grandpa, your dream has come true, no damn thing, no damn thing, mom, this is all for you, grandma,
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french perfume, here for fishing, where did you get the money for perfume, for all the gifts, i’ll be there in the morning, received my first salary. and who do you work for us? 2 months ago i received the title of master of sports of the ussr, and a month ago maksimych hired me as an instructor at the plant in sports, yeah, and this is my first salary. and how much do our instructors earn? 500 rub. how many? len, it’s good that you remember about us, well done, but you don’t need to throw money away. you ’re saving up the best for a rainy day, or maybe lena would better get a higher education, and maba, what are you doing, well, i said, maksimych is a good guy, listen, let ’s put the christmas tree here, right here at the buffet. we will get the dishes, well, glasses, it’s logical , come on, now, now like this, now like this, yeah, it looks like the back, yes, i remember, like that,
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so, that’s it, yes, uh, not a damn thing, bah, it’s true that you married your mother against her will to a taxi driver. yes. “it was such a poor time, i wanted what was best for galya, bah , but she didn’t know him at all and didn’t love him, i
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hardly knew your grandfather before the wedding either, but we are still happy with him , no luck with the taxi driver, olya was, still a gambler, take it in the third month . i left him, that’s why you and her constantly quarrel, i’m to blame for gali, but you know, if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have you
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. after the olympic games. him, by the way , same we need to prepare. maksimovich, there is no shurmur. know the views. these are not views, we are simply communicating with the ormas. we have the olympic games ahead. we don't have time for any nonsense. i know. sports mode, discipline and no partying. i have everything under control. yes. trubitsina.
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ma armastan sind, i love you. general secretary of the cpsu central committee, comrade mikhail sergeevich gorbachev met with representatives of the olympic committee and journalists. he expressed hope that soviet athletes would perform well at the 1988 winter and summer olympic games. comrade gorbachev asked the coaches about the progress of preparation and wished our athletes brilliant victories. “i am confident that the banner of soviet sports is in good hands,” said mikhail sergeevich.
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so, comrades, as you can see, the country’s leadership expects only victories from us. all those who are worthy are indisputable, and if it were my will, i would take everyone, but the rules are the rules. so,
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the main contenders: nina gavrilyuk, vida vinceni, tamara tikhonova, larisa lazutina, elena trubitsina. by the way, in italy your victories are still being discussed in all the newspapers. they even gave you a nickname, blow with east. well done, lena. the country hopes for you, touch athletes, that we will not disgrace our, so to speak, scarlet soviet flag and, as they say, we will all strike together from the east, i won’t be able to go, which means i won’t be able to go,
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due to personal circumstances. there, so, i ask everyone to leave, except for the trainer's joint, what happened, i'm pregnant. how is it pregnant, no one allowed me to get pregnant , it’s a sabotage, you’re completely insolent, do what you want, if it weren’t for these times of ours, not for this perestroika, i’d tell you right now, why
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are you silent, your pupil? "listen, we have there is an excellent doctor, an excellent specialist , listen, len, what are you, the olympic games are just around the corner, you can’t let the team down like that, we were counting on you, with your irresponsibility you are betraying your homeland, the party and the entire soviet people, who from morning to night works hard so that you can eat and drink sweetly, to defend the honor of the country at international competitions, especially at the olympic games. what are you doing here? wait, what do you think, you’ll give birth, come back, get in shape for the olympics? nobody, believe me, no one recruited after giving birth previous physical form. forgive me,
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maksimovich. “i let you down, i’m sorry, i will still have the olympics, but i may not have children, i’m sorry, but with your appointment.” wait until you are acting, you understand, yeah, no need to wave at her, well done, yankee.
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i know everything, urmas, look how beautiful it is, yes, yes, space, strength, oh! what a joke, oh, oh, not a joke, no, not a joke, it seems it has begun, oh, terali, how are you
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feeling, okay, have you seen him? "you can, look at what kind of hero you were born, iskult, hello! and i thought i couldn’t wait , hello, trubitsina, maksimich, hello, only now i’m a nerd, elena velbe, it’s funny,
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well, you will, elena velbe is imaginative, hello, and i ’m here alone, training juniors, as they named their son, franz, in translation cm. uh-huh, franz urmasovich, velibo, you’ll break your tongue, if you want to return to the national team, it will be very, very difficult, i ’m ready, okay, then let’s go to the canteen to have something to eat, and then there’s training in 2 hours. you'll like it.
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come on, come on, move your legs, so lino, what are you doing, i can’t do it anymore, you can do anything, well
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give me another circle, come on, come on, come on, come on, dear. bring a pillow, they're crabbing , come on, come on, get up, well, kashnya, trubetenyan, what kind of figurative technique is this, come on, push it, come on, come on,
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maksimich, i just need to rinse this uniform.
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so, where are we going, madame valbebraznaya , navastrel skis, and home, grushin was right? it’s impossible to return to sports after giving birth, stop whining, have you decided to give up and bury your talent because of simple muscle pain? i'm sorry, maksimich, i let you down again, which means all the sacrifices were in vain, everything that we experienced together was in vain, it's a pity, it's a pity that i won't see yours anymore. pink hat.
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i’m on the air, ivan zharov, our guest is two-time olympic champion, nine-time world champion, elena vyalvya. mom, they're showing you the tv. thank you for the invitation, i'm always glad to come to your show. “everyone notes that the last season was not very successful for you, it’s a pity that you are leaving the big sport without beating the legendary sour cream, losing to your constant rivals, the italian belmondo, the norwegian debendal, eleventh place, eighth, you because of this they decided to leave big sport, no, there is another reason, my move and..."
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sports, then what is the reason? i promised my son franz that i would leave the sport and spend all my time with him, he is now 9 years old and he is growing up very quickly, i am afraid that i will miss something very important in his upbringing, so i began to think about what a wonderful love they have, the best time in their lives, and how different it is from ours, they are together and see each other every day, and we are so far from each other.
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i'm happy, you're here, let's go, our tutma parents, they prepared a lot of delicious food, just the way you like it. urmas, we won’t go to your home, what are you? i think we need to break up, why? we were just young in love, now, now there’s nothing, do you have someone? no, i don’t understand any tact. “you know, when my grandmother was 18
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years old, she went from leningrad to pick up her grandfather on a stake, but i’m not sure that i can follow you, i can’t live without you, listen, ormas, i’m sure that you’ll meet someone- then, your soulmate, you are my soulmate, to me i don’t need another one, i’m sorry, i understand, you’ve already decided everything. what will you tell the frenchman? will the thief understand?
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len, check the salt, it’s fine, oh, hammer, but be careful, i’m not waving sticks at you, sit down yourself. i'll do everything, i'm sorry, hello, mom, you, uncle maksimovich is calling , thank you, lena, hello, maksimich, hello, the world championships are in norway, the norgs will be tearing up, they will do everything to please their
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audience, and we have one who gave birth, another i missed the season, the third one got sick, so let’s fly and embarrass ourselves, len, listen, stop trying to persuade me, you know, i’m france promised.
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i believe in her, what are her latest results, look, i don’t know, sanseevich, you ’re the head coach, it’s up to you to decide, yeah, so ivanovich, what do you say, boo, my business is small, prepare the skis, pick up the lubricant, so go pick up, that's all, stop persuading this magadan nugget, let's go makarov. you snake, come on, come on,
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mom, help, please, well, i asked you not to wash your face, but i’m sorry, i forgot, because you only have skis in your head. mom, you can wake me up early tomorrow, you promised to go fishing. franz, you are with me i’m already an adult, really, well, yes, i really need to help the team, i promise you this for the last time, you promise again, you don’t love me,
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okay, don’t you feel sorry for me and my son? this is the queue for the operation, talk to someone in the queue, suddenly he will give in, give him a chance to save jobs, i’m putting up terminators, you win, the plant is yours , you’ll take your wolf to battle, and i ’ll pay for rita’s walkie-talkie, you can’t do that capable, i love her more than life itself, but if they flog her into pieces , rita will never forgive me for this, we accept the battle, doomed. premiere serial film. tomorrow after the program time.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin! first of all, they were traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country. they were inspired by new ideas, by their youth, how wonderfully we will die. from also fryumin, well , here’s a young man who undertook to judge the destinies of russia in general, he didn’t know much russian. the most amazing thing is the equal conviction of the parties that they are acting for the good fatherland. the emperor went out under the bullets to talk to his own subjects,
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of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us show it as it was, the prose, the topic, of course, it is grandiose, the premiere, a big story, the decembrists, the union salvation, today tomorrow on the first, according to the will, the russian throne will not be inherited. she blessed us. you and i are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia.
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they thought the senate would not sit down. did you want to see a revolution? yes, you are a coward, you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich. put out the fire before it burns all around. what will happen now? kat? what about our dream? can’t forgive, stop , weakness, will never forgive, union of salvation, big premiere from monday on the first, forward, we continue reporting from norway from
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the unique world ski championships, and we, of course, are glad that lena vyalbe has returned to the team and her pink hat. irina makarova appears at the stadium. according to. the peculiarity of time trial races is that the skiers do not start together, but one after another separately with at an interval of 30 seconds, so it doesn’t matter who comes first, the main thing is who shows the best time, larisa lazutina enters the finish line, larisa is an olympic champion
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, winner of four gold medals at the world championships in thunderbay, the lazukins finish, neumann pushes irina makarova’s result one line. olga danilova is reaching the finish line, olya returned to the sport after the birth of gemini , well done, olya, she recovered quickly, olga is in second place, nina gavrilyuk finishes in third place, but we, of course, are waiting more appearances of elena vyalbe. stefania belmondo is approaching the finish line and is doing well.
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the olympic champion, the eternal rival of our girls, stefania belmondo finishes the race and shows the best result, now she is in first place in the table. elena vyalbe flies into the stadium.
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see you the day after tomorrow, i remind you that there are several more races ahead of us, the main one of which is the relay race, because only in the relay race is true team spirit manifested, come here, well done, do you hear, bravo, lena, stepa!
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i just talked to moscow, there they rightly believe that our results should be higher, second and third places
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should also be ours, this is the most important thing for us now, the main thing is not. jokes to lighten the mood are of course good, but medals are better, the country expects victories from us, comrades, vasilyevich, well , i understand everything perfectly, let’s not force it, girls, let’s go to dinner, vovka called and says the boys have taken their first steps, can you imagine? , she’s already walking, and we... just started talking and started asking: mom, why did you run so poorly? i say, how do you know? he says dad he said okay, my alice will soon be in second grade, and mine, of course, time flies, it seems like she just gave birth, yes, and soon she will have to get married, very yes,
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she doesn’t participate in races, she’s no longer late, but take her norms here for relay races of course, they need to win, they have a thousand years of tranheim. yes. it’s good that she didn’t run today, otherwise you and i would have dropped one more line down. len, when are you getting married? yura, isn’t he calling you? did we break up? why? i know that this won’t last for long with you and the handsome man, and it’s always not problems, nerves, sorry. okay, stop discussing my personal life. i'll figure it out myself.
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“i can’t do this anymore, we’ve already been through this, i don’t really understand why you came, listen, i’ve traveled 3,000 km, and you won’t even offer me anything”? tea, we already drank tea, that’s it, let ’s not do it, maybe we’ll go for a walk tomorrow, no, with spags. yes, hello, mom, hi, hello, son
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, hello, mom, hello, what are you doing, let's do my homework , i'm solving math, son, okay, mom, come on, bye, otherwise... grandma is swearing that i'm here until bedtime i sit until you grow up and understand, we continue our reportage.
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olga is in second place, then our larisa lazutina crosses the finish line and becomes third, can all the medals really be ours, but here we are.
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come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, this is a surprise, because in the last race she was only sixth, well done, congratulations, and makarova comes with the best result, she has first place, well done, ira, well done, what a gift of the day defender of the fatherland, gold and silver! congratulations, dear fans, and i told you, i told you, i got it, well done, well done,
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congratulations, well, finally, the president of the international ski federation presents a bronze medal and a bouquet to stefania belmondo, silver goes to elena vyalbe, and the long-awaited gold gets.
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are you yelling, will you scare away all the bears? and who taught you this? “olyushka , have fun there for me, it’s a pity, of course , i’m not in the mood, uh-huh, i want to be in the mood, we have a happy holiday, happy holidays to you, thank you, olya, stop trying to persuade me, okay, hello, hello. i congratulate
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you on the holiday , thank you too, listen, i’m sitting in the car under your windows, come out for a minute, please, okay, if only for a minute, wait, i'm waiting, let's not be sad, today is a holiday, we have a captain in the russian army, on this occasion i want to congratulate you on the day for... the fatherland, yes, thank you, darling, don’t be upset, you won silver, you don’t understand, you can be proud of this medal too, i lost gold, len, len, stop it! len, i didn't
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think it would offend you, stop it!
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len, you’ll have coffee, i’ll be happy to, but i can’t, and i completely forgot, for you it’s doping, but tea, yeah. why are we starting all this again, but we love each other, i want to be near you, but i’m also always busy with my own affairs.
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it’s always strange, in fact, men are silent about this. “be patient for six months, i have a big contract coming up, and no one will even dare to think about settlement on my part, that’s it, then we’ll finish this conversation, i
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’m the happiest, thank you for this holiday for the gift.” grushin will kill me for violating the rules, call me a taxi! how interesting it is that this 10 km pursuit race has developed, belmondo and vyalbe are almost on par, first one is ahead, then the other, unlike previous races, today the skier who comes first will win, so lena starts.
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well, the race ends well for our team, two prizes.
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everything will be a herringbone, let's see,
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in a controversial situation, victory is recorded only by a photo finish and... the first one crossed the line, but based on the boot , the search for the boot, in a 10 km race, the body is determined not by whose ski lena is ahead, just...
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with dear victory, dear lena, velena velbe is the world champion, wow, and i remind you that in 3 days the most an unpredictable relay race in which teams of four athletes from each team will take part. kvn, major league. first game of the season, watch the time after the program. with each butterfly i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision, which i remember now in moscow when i look at my collection. the scouts on the boat followed on the heels of this aircraft carrier; they scooped out from the sea all the rubbish that fell from the aircraft carrier.
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confession on monday first. irish, oh, thank you for thinking about the baton we'll win, with you, we'll definitely win.
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how franz, how he reacted to the fact that you returned to the sport, he said that i don’t love him, but that’s what, yeah, i’m very guilty in front of him. well, the cake, my kolka cooks better, and your kolka is generally an ideal husband, father, oh, a fairy tale, yes, i would have been exhausted here without him.
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well, who is faster? yes i am, of course. will give. no, sit down with me, i want to hug, well, we’ll fly with you, i want to thank you for these wonderful days, this is very important to me.
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"it's his job, i like it when i'm they’re filming it, but i don’t like it, well, this is my personal life, you know, i’m not particularly eager for my face to adorn the back pages of cheap yellow press, you’re afraid that they’ll see us together, well, don’t be stupid, i’m not a public figure, you married, who is married , i'm married, that is, it was all a lie, right?" and
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i believed you, i think what a wonderful man i have, he is not afraid of his complexes, he always speaks openly. "i always told you the truth, yes, i wanted to spread the word, then tell you, but you brought me here too, to say something, no, i brought you here in order to say that i love you, there are some things that cannot be done so abruptly right away, stop it, i’m very afraid of losing you, hands, okay, well, think about it, when the papers, all the lawyers and the like, you yourself you know how it is, cool, the frenchman will like it, lariska, where is everything,
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girls, i’m tired, it’s two shots that are exhausting , a lot of training, i didn’t even buy anything for myself, listen, stop laughing at her. by the way, build, by the way, girls, girls, girls, look what i found for my mother at the dacha, lord, task, you have such a candy, well, on it’s even time to put it in a flowerbed there, so good, oh, and this looks like you, lena , look, this looks like me, just as crazy, so girls, olive tree, hop.
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so we finished shopping.
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ir, what's wrong with you? you yourself don’t know what’s wrong with me, you’ve become afraid to compete. what are you talking about, i would like your health. you know, every new season i think,
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now i’ll definitely become the best, like before, but the result is still the same. and worse, the ski track doesn’t seem to accept me, my legs are heavy. there is no such ease, you understand, of course, i understand with whom it doesn’t happen, after all, after the first race i immediately realized that i would never see gold again, i never wanted it so much, i wanted so much to win at least one more time. and the doping control, yes, i knew, it was necessary , you know, like this, obsession, i snapped, in
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an instant i ruined my whole life, yes, but do you really think that everyone runs only on their own health, naive, i don’t think so , ir, i know that without this crap. we need to win, in fact, the norgs were preparing for this holiday, and we ruined everything for them, what happened, happened, and if the team is removed from championship, they won’t dare, they won’t remove it, this only concerns me. do you really
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think that they can be removed, the international federation is already discussing our fate, len, please tell the girl my apologies, okay.
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yes, it's open, come in, cheerful. morning, and i have good news, we were allowed to take part in the relay, i’m ready, but didn’t you sleep or what? maksimich, i need to get ready, i see right through you, well , excuse me, if you are in front of them for this doping, today they will applaud you, and tomorrow i will forget. they will forget here, but here? no, the thought will devour you, accuse you of treason, you will lose
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work, well, think about your loved ones, but it ’s not you who was caught for doping, besides, relationships in the team are always more important. than these foreigners, and this is just waiting for us to start apologizing to them, maksimovich, good, i understand everything, i need to get ready, sorry, i just wanted to warn you.
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olya, your task is to push through, somehow stay in the top three, you yourself know what to do, are there any problems? everything will be fine, then italian, your favorite. i hope that the continuation of our acquaintance will be pleasant, but only for us, but against you they showed dubendal, how are you feeling , don’t worry, i’m fine, yeah, girls, now we only need a victory, we have to prove that we are the best, without any doping, sansevich, and we will hold a press conference, i am authorized to convey to you
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moscow’s position, so to speak, is non -existent, we are still a team, not every man for himself, and we must support and not drown each other, even if something, that’s enough, they’ll sort it out without us, let’s go.
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good afternoon, your majesty the king, dear audience. it's not that easy to say. the entire life of an athlete is aimed at winning only. for the sake of victory, we give up our personal lives. we overcome any pain, work hard, sparing neither ourselves nor our loved ones. but it happens that on the way to victory
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, athletes commit rash acts. on behalf of the russian team, i apologize. thank you for your attention. who authorized her to speak on behalf of the entire country’s team? perhaps conscience? in moscow, will you
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answer me for this mess? i'll just lubricate it.
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well, girls, forward to victory! so, start, the skiers are rushing forward, now the most important thing is will break into the top three before, after leaving the stadium , there will be first three, and then only two ski tracks left on the rise. let's hope for our olya danilova. oh no no no! a skier cut off olya while changing skis, she almost fell, this could have a bad effect on her morale. sansech
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, danilova the fifth, do something, accepted, maksimych, olga the fifth, support her, we must take third place, at least, accepted, den som tal til løpet, den sitter av segget, ja, ja, ja. sans is there, what's the lag? no, i’m not panicking, 12, it’s accepted, i’ve been around for about 12 minutes , catch up, come on, catch up, catch up, yell, olya has passed, about 15 minutes, it’s accepted that you ’re allowing yourself again, who do you think you are, but please, go to... to your place, please, thank you, ivanovich, there’s a descent ahead, it’s okay, we’ll pass,
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ah-ah-ah, what a nuisance. there is, who fell , who, i can’t see the number, i hope it’s not ollya, no, on the replay it’s clear that the frenchwoman fell, and danilova is now in fourth position after irina taranenko, representative of ukraine, well, nothing, nothing, we still have everything ahead, the first stage of the relay ends unsuccessfully for us, olya danilova is behind by as much as 20
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seconds, apparently the unfortunate incident at the start affected her morale, as i expected, so danilova passes the baton to larisa lazutina, come on, larisa, we need to close the gap. norwegians are ahead , do what you want, but lazutina should be at least second, accepted, len, your fighting pair is ready, i’ll put it on the street, ivanich, thank you, the radio is on the table, watch the radio, lada. ivanovich, go out onto the track, help! i see them, they are coming, we are working! due to the current
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situation with the formation of the commonwealth of independent states, i cease my activities as president of the ussr. were in a local estonian bank, now they are temporarily blocked, it was decided to transfer our training to leningrad?
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below this, the final start of the season, the team tournament of the best figure skaters. russia, we support the whole
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country, because figure skating is more than a sport, it is beauty that saves the world, it is success that erases boundaries, it is achievements that one cannot help but admire, it is the pride of the whole country and pride in one's country. tenkov. channel one cup. live stream. today is the first one. the first most populous country. the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing aside the united states. this is india. one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india.
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one earth, one family, one future , premiere of civilization, film six, india, on tuesday, on the first, lena, lena, wake up, you're starting, come on, come on, come on, lena, where renka, sticks, fuck off, hold it, hold it, hold it, fuck you! you must defeat this
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velby, i have already done this.
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by standing up, larisa lazutina closed the gap and brought our team to second place, nina gavrilyuk proved that she is a great team fighter and came first. you don't love me, i'll give it to you, don't disgrace me, yes to me. obligations, since this is not so simple, they will devour you, accuse you of betrayal, you will be left without a job, stand your ground and never give up, it seems that the norwegians were able to predict and build such a difficult race as the es relay.
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dubendal is in the lead and takes the lead. look, lena seems to have woken up, she is starting to catch up with dubendal, fantastic, on the rise in the typical style of vyalbe, my school, jubendal is lagging behind, lena is winning back. yes, dubendal will remember this climb for a long time, victory is literally leaving her, ena +15, you
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are leaving, come on, enochka, come on! russia, but meanwhile the weather is starting to deteriorate, here it is the unpredictable norwegian climate, well, nothing here. 30 seconds of advantage and there is no doubt about victory, someone gave lena our flag, it was given, come on,
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come on! look how fast dubendal is going! sansich, look , it will be difficult with the flag, lena is probably noticeably losing speed, because she cannot push with sticks, and the flag has a lot of windage, is it really, really, lena will lose again to dzyubendal, come on, come on, lena, come on, come on, quit ! there is less and less to the finish line, what to do? look, headwind, snow, bendal is catching up, there is absolutely nothing between them, such an idiot gave lena such a big flag, come on, well, well, well,
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behind the lilac hill the moon rises, a caravan of swans has flown by, with them spring has returned to our region, spring has returned to
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magadan, magadan girl, magadan! sense, magadan side, magadan breeze.
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magadan girl, magadan.
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we welcome all figure skating fans, this is st. petersburg, this is tenkov, the channel one cup, and of course, the best athletes, the strongest skaters
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of our great country, and my name is alexey yagudin, and i will try as an atlantean. all these 2 days holding this tournament on your shoulders, well well, two unique competition days await us, and something tells me that the best way to celebrate this spring is to celebrate it here, on the ice of the ice palace, the anniversary, so to speak, it all starts with the ice, let's start our today's sports holiday, so a little about the rules tenko is taking part in the 2024 channel one cup. the best athletes of our country, each team has its own color, white, blue, red, each team consists of four singles, four singles, two pairs and two dance duets. each team member will perform a short program today or a free program tomorrow.
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let's meet those who will delight us with their art, of course and... the art of figure skating on tenko in the channel one cup, each team is headed by a captain, but not just a captain, these are our favorites. so, yesterday the draw took place, they chose their squads. let's get acquainted. olympic champion, incredible alina zagitova and her white team. ekaterina chikmareva, matvey yanchenkov, natalya khabibulina, ilya knyazhuk, irina khavronina,


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