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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 3, 2024 6:10am-6:56am MSK

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of the intrigues of the tournament, the competition with fans, how it will be held, the organizers do not disclose, but they promise a spectacular show. our viewers will be able to see all this live, starting at 15:00. the broadcast is available on our website that's all for now, see you later, the difference between.
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everyone was very upset, but one of our comrades was especially upset, and he was sitting cross-legged, and hearing that it was lyudmila who became so demonstratively upset and wailing, he sits and says, damn, damn, how can you be like that? stupid, damn, this is such a simple question, damn, how am i going to look my friends in the eyes and so on and so forth, so he repents, blinks, sways on this... doesn’t lose
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his balance, falls back and hits his head on the iron back bed, at this moment he utters another word, naturally, and this scene, which smoldered for a few seconds, very well shows the difference between the use of euphemisms, hypocritical after all, sincere strong emotions when you do not control yourself, and for the expression of which the russian language exists obscene words. this hint, so to speak, that you mean a strong emotion, but do not utter the words, it is especially unpleasant for me, precisely because of its insincerity, if you control yourself so much that you replace the obscene word with femism, well, especially for me some kind of kick-ass seems disgusting, especially one pronounced like that, if you understand that you are breaking a taboo.
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if you control yourself that you are replacing it with another word, take another step, find, find another word to express this an emotion that you are aware of, that you want to express, if you can’t control yourself, if you feel so bad or so good that speech happens, by the way, whatever you want, that you cannot express it any other way, tell me, you will not be judged, i am sure that there will rarely be a russian person who, in such a situation , will condemn another who has uttered a strong word, as they call him, yes, we know that our great writers and scientists, brilliant cultural people, no one i haven’t avoided such words and their use in some situations, yes some kind of language game associated with these words, but it’s always such a peppercorn, or like a raisin in... there shouldn’t be a lot of it,
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otherwise the bun will fall apart, everything should be appropriate, everything should be in moderation. the final start of the season, a team tournament for the best figure skaters in russia, we support the whole country, because figure skating is more than a sport, it is the beauty that saves. peace is a success that erases boundaries, it is achievements that one cannot help but admire, it is the pride of the whole country and pride for one’s country. tenkov, cup channel one, live broadcast, today on channel one. general syrsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also called. the situation at the
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moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing along the entire front line. tsyrsky will kill us all. the soldiers of ukraine are minced meat for the quarry. tsyrsky’s ambitions, the main career, yes, money doesn’t smell, i just know tsirsky personally, because i have his last name, he is my report, my brother doesn’t communicate with him, well, he’s his family, it ’s written everywhere that he has one wife, alone a child, his parents live in vladimir , his father always said, but my sashka wants to become a general, to be a general in a small country, it’s a little easier, his parents try to refrain from commenting, because a man who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, raises his hand to his parents, he had a chance to continue his career in russia, in the thirteenth year he was still... eating a cake with our flags, why did my mother and i break up, i didn’t travel abroad, in short, a translator, here he was with one of the translators decided to stir things up, well fuck you horseradish patlet, traitors are not born, traitors become, alexander syrsky, general 200, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow
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on the first, according to the will, the russian throne will not be inherited, who? such a gift , i’m glad that i don’t have to kill him, it’s great, guys, konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation, what a blast, i’m the sovereign, the all-russian emperor, what do you think, they might start riots, i would start, the time is right, i ask the hands of your daughter, what did she say, did she bless? and you and i are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and they thought the senate wouldn’t swear allegiance to russia, they wanted to see a revolution, but you’re a coward, you’re crazy , contraty fedorovich, put out the fire before
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it burns all around, what will happen now, katya, what about our dream, cruelty, they can forgive me. wait, weakness will never be forgiven. union of salvation, big premiere. tomorrow, after the program time. let me remind you, this is the podcast schrödinger's cat, i'm its host grigory tarasevich, our guest maria ravinskaya, a linguist, and we're talking about such a fundamental topic as russian swearing, but don't be afraid, we...
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language has, as in many languages, there are complete synonyms in exactly one area, some lingts say that there are no complete synonyms, they exist, but in one area we violate one of the main laws of language, this is the law of economy of linguistic means, usually we don’t even use two identical words, because man, a lazy creature , as you know, is the main property that determines his life, and we don’t do what we don’t have to do, we don’t... two words about him, if they the same, but in the area of ​​expressive vocabulary, please, we have whole rows, for example, we have, for the meaning of steal, eat, steal, whistle, slam, there is no situation when you can say slam, but you cannot say steal, i
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won’t continue this series, it’s quite long, why is that arranged, because if we use one word to express an expressive meaning, it will be erased, it... the word was an event, that is, something really happened, that is, to go out now and not hear this big event, especially if you are working with children, by the way about children, i i heard an excellent definition, in my opinion, from you, that obscenities are those words that adults
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do not say in front of children, and children do not say in front of adults, well , this is the only taboo that still somehow acts in the sense of obscene vocabulary, if before this language was exclusively male... now in this sense we are a country of victorious feminism, there is no difference, even men sometimes get embarrassed when they hear something uh... strong from women, but still adults try not to do this in front of children, and children are embarrassed to say this in front of adults, although and the other group knows very well that all the words are known and that they are used in their age groups, but it is especially important to work with children and explain to them and educate them what is possible and what is not, because on the one hand, of course, the forbidden fruit is sweet, also here the children like that there is something behind it...
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so you swear when you nail the nail, when you hit your finger, what do you say?
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well, unfortunately, students ask me, maybe this vocabulary will be detabulated, some kind of vocabulary will arise there is no new linguistic taboo, alas, we have no grounds for the emergence of new taboo words, instead of those that exist, so yes, we need to take care of what we have, you just made a swearing reserve. yes, we will take some kind of government measures , or a holiday of russian swearing, it seems to me that we need to, yes, let’s not grist to the mill to the point of tabooization, let’s take care of the brightly expressive means that we have, otherwise we won’t have ways to express very, really, very strong feelings, and it there is now, it is very bright, capacious, yes, short, laconic, in general, all the possibilities for expression.
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i repeat once again, especially in this sense it is gratifying, although i know that i am now saying terrible things, for a linguist it is gratifying that new words are appearing, that is, this potential is inexhaustible, we have obscene words appearing, new ones that have not been there for many years - years ago, that is, the creative fervor, so to speak, of the russian people has not yet ended, we think about different things, we find ways to express strong emotions, especially that you give us many reasons for this.
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does the mat have any therapeutic effect? of course, of course, this is no longer a discovery, yes, many people write about this, and even , as i read to choleric people, doctors, especially choleric people, advise not to hold back in some situations, sometimes this allows you to avoid, for example, a stroke, that is, when there is the need... - to quickly relieve tension, psychological, physiological, even, then this helps, but again , you understand, this is a therapeutic property, it exists until we... detaboo this vocabulary, while there is a strong taboo, because stress is relieved by breaking the taboo, you break the rule, all these processes are somehow harmonized there, and if the taboo is not strong, then accordingly the therapeutic effect will also be lost, well, that is, the checkmate is worth it compare not so much with dirt, with a parasite, but rather with
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a jewel, with a holiday, with something so valuable that ceremonial...
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the destruction of a linguistic taboo turns swearing into
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dirty language, this becomes dirty language, unfortunately, and i i explained it to the children like this: what happens... situations when you feel very bad, you have been poisoned, to save life and health, you need to induce vomiting, this is a strong remedy, but it will save you, and if the situation is really that bad, you will not be judged for what you you will do it, even there, i don’t know, in some unexpected place, but this does not mean that you can go spitting at all people just because you wanted, this is for the situation of... relevance, but here now it was appropriate, and if you can restrain yourself, then do it, restrain yourself, because with uncontrollable such use, widespread, it really turns into a dirty language that is simply unpleasant to listen to, it ceases to be such an amazing idea,
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the kud schüdinger podcast is with you, and we are talking about russian swearing, well, when you start talking about...
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it seems to me that this is not a forbidden area, but this is a forbidden tool, these are forbidden means for talking about something, well
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, taboo, yes, like that, what we are talking about, here is a slightly different situation, we are saying that different things can be discussed in different ways ways, we have separate words, here they are for this, when we prohibit, it is also quite... often hypocritical, but such words do not exist in the russian language, they cannot be pronounced, but children know that they exist, and children know, that they are pronounced, then of course they stop believing us, it’s just not that they violate our prohibitions, they don’t believe us , they use these words because they know that we are deceiving them when we explain to them that such words exist , but they are made for this, this instrument, this microscope no need to hammer nails. this instrument was made for someone else, yes, these words exist , yes they were used here, here here, here, here, that’s it, they exist, but they were made for something else, then children, it seems to me,
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will believe us more, as for teenagers , then, in principle, for teenagers, breaking all the rules, i’m not even talking about prohibitions, the rules that exist in the adult world - this is part of their growing up, okay, let them swear, if they need to talk like that during this period, they will do that. they relate to them and say: yes, yes, sorry, we will not, we must understand that language is a tool, very rich, very diverse, grandiose, with a huge
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number of elements, components, capabilities, our task is to learn to use this tool correctly, that is, in what situations, what can we say, there are situations in life, when non-use, for example, of obscene language is inappropriate, how is that? well, for example, in the army. a person will demonstratively not use official vocabulary, he will create problems for himself, this may be a conscious choice, closed men's groups in the army , but you need to understand what is accepted there, yes, and this is considered appropriate, if you violate internal laws, then this is your choice, which may entail some additional consequences, so everything has its place, about saving the mat may be worth it other than prohibitive measures. try more to understand similar means, well, for example, i was thinking now about emzy, because this is also a means of expressing emotions, there is a gigantic range from mild
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irritation to severe irritation, from delight, moderate to delight , amazing, maybe teach schoolchildren to use it, yes they know how, yes it seems to me better than us, we really have ways of expressing such emotions, they appeared before our eyes, literally, but they are graphic, well, with us and communication has now become a lot absolutely, absolutely true, but whatever it may be now, spontaneous communication is written, and as if in real time, yes, which was not the case before, that is, correspondence is always postponed, so to speak, it was, that is, it had some the distance between creation and receiving , now there seems to be no such distance, but still, when you create a written text, when you give birth, you put letters next to each other, and this is not as spontaneous communication as
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oral communication, this can happen to you and me, and for some twelve-year -old teenager, then it’s all a process, it’s still a process, he still gives birth to a phrase, builds it and thinks about what letters to put, what phrase, he puts in an indignant emedy - it’s the same thing that was sent to the mats, no, well... maybe maybe, well, this is also a fairly quick means of expressing emotions, but at the same time i’m not sure that it is as uncontrollable as an outburst of a swear word, just as strong, i don’t think we need to study it, it’s interesting, by the way, what if we’re already talking about written language, that we have graphic euphimisms, it’s like, because and not only in sound. fimization, when
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we replace individual letters of a familiar word with other letters or other symbols, yes, that is, we did not directly write all three letters that, for example, we meant, but the vowel replaced with something, this is graphic fimization, that is, also a hint so that it would not be so scary to write and read, and there is a lot of this now, well, alas, it’s time for us to end our conversation, let’s say... let’s say the main thing is that we wanted to convey that swearing should be protected, it should be used less often, not because it is bad, but because it is valuable, take care of russian swearing, take care of the russian language, including russian swearing, because it is a valuable resource, and not we need to talk him out. thank you very much, maria, many thanks to those who listened to us, may the power
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of science, the power of language be with you, all episodes of our podcast can be found on the website of the first channel hello, this is the easy money podcast, i’m its host, mikhail khanov. today we have a wonderful guest anton suvorov, an economist. rector of the russian economic school, hello, hello, mikhail , we recently discussed on our podcast the topic of behavioral inflation, when a group of people or a whole class of people influences the prices of certain goods or groups of goods, but probably with you, as with professional, as with a professor, it is correct to talk about the fundamental meanings and
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premises of this term in general, as...
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decisions, especially financial ones, well, it seems that the assumption of rationality is not such a bad starting point, there is even a proverb: fish look where deeper, and people where it’s better, but in general, that it’s not like - rational. another thing is that, indeed, systematically, in the early seventies of the last century , a certain stream of works appeared that stated systematic deviations from rationality, systematic in the sense that they are predictable, well, let me start with a specific example, so as not to be unfounded, most people are characterized by excessive self-confidence, well, in what, for example, i think that many of us drive a car, that was the classic survey that asked how well you drive was conducted in sweden in america. it turned out that on average 80% of drivers answered that they drive better than most other drivers. it is clear that such a situation impossible. most people
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who have a high level of intelligence have high intelligence, they doubt what they say, the correctness of their assessments, and most importantly, they believe that people around them are at the same level, so they are extremely careful in their . judgments tend to underestimate their expertise, and people with a low level of development with little knowledge of education, on the contrary, they are very confident in themselves, they do everything, you know, never argue with an idiot, and you quickly go down to his level, yes, then he will beat you up through experience, the same thing here, they probably asked the average masses, they said, yes, of course, we introduce very well , perfectly, as i have a smart interlocutor, i bet there is something else study that surveyed professors who averaged.
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maybe this somehow stimulates us, of course, to try something, yes, because if we were very skeptical about our capabilities, we just this is positive feedback, this is positive feedback connection, yes, you must constantly praise yourself for certain successes, otherwise you will not develop, otherwise all these efforts are in vain, this is true, yes, but the peculiarity is that we willingly perceive information that is positive, really we remember it, write it down somewhere, and we somehow filter the information that is negative, our bridge is designed this way, but this also leads to the fact that in many situations we overestimate our chances, here is a very recent work there twenty-second year studied managers of a hypermarket chain in
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germany, who received very detailed feedback regarding their successes, their compensation was tied to the success of their units, accordingly, they were generally interested in having an objective picture, working on what they were getting. companies that are included in indices , the largest, including russian companies, when there is a quarterly conference-coll, a call with investors, at which analysts give forecasts for the next quarter, for half a year, for a year, now and there after the first quarter reports
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companies underestimate almost everything, because in the stock exchange world it is very unprofitable to show indicators higher, let’s say, than what will actually happen, but you can’t do it too low either, because otherwise the quality will be lost. how analytics will immediately come into question, but here you need to very clearly meet the expectations of the market as a whole, because otherwise you influence the value of the stock, then the shares there either fall sharply or rise, so here the situation is the opposite, returning to the behavior of economists, from that , how all this arose, here’s the main one, let’s say, the counterargument, the main criticism of traditional economics and behavioral economics, is that people systematically deviate. rational behavior, but when i spoke about excessive self-confidence, this is rather a deviation in the picture of the world, but our picture of the world does not quite correspond, but closer to it it has some kind of rather systematic distortions, when if you take at random several people with there is a high
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probability that they will have these distortions, similar examples of some kind, yes, well, let me give you such an example, if we talk about excessive self-confidence, this is such a motivated distortion, because we really want to think well of ourselves, but there is this anchoring effect, which... in general, is quite mechanical, very similar to some kind of visual illusions, the fact is that any information influences some of our decisions and judgments, even if it has nothing to do with it. but just at the right moment a classic experiment appeared before us : we spun the roulette wheel, it stopped at the number 65, the participants in the experiment were asked the number of african countries that are members of the un, there are more than 65% or less, they gave some answer, and then asked, well, tell me, what percentage of african countries are members of the un, well, now it’s probably 100%, that was a long time ago, when not all countries were members of the un, the answer was, if i remember correctly 45%, in another...
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people who loved their country, they were inspired by new ideas, their youth, how wonderful we will die, everything was not so stupid , they definitely weren’t fools. bestuzhiv ryumin, well, here is a young man who undertook to judge in general about the fate of russia, he didn’t know russian well. the most amazing thing is the equal conviction of the parties that they are acting for the benefit of their homeland. the emperor himself came out under the bullets to talk to his own subjects.
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confession, tomorrow first. this is the easy money podcast, today we are talking about behavioral economics, and the rector of the russian economic school, anton svorov, helps us understand this rather complex tool and model. understanding behavioral economics further, what is behavioral economics like, what does it produce and who is useful? to study it more deeply for sellers , buyers, people themselves, to learn about themselves, yes , marketers, here are the main, let’s say, customers, beneficiaries, that is , consumers of what is a product of behavioral economics, well, some behavioral models, who , who is the main consumer, it seems to me, everyone, everything, everything, well, because on the one hand, if we talk about marketers, then marketers can often say that we’ve been doing all this for a long time. knew, people arose who called themselves behavioral economists,
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formulated some results, and we in fact, they acted this way all their lives, yes, and partly this will be true, of course, i also met such judgments from social psychologists who also said that we know all this, now some guys have appeared who have begun to talk about it a little in another language, great, the more people will know these important things about people, but on the other hand, what is the peculiarity of the behavior of ec-science, it somehow systematized this knowledge, and i like...
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behavioral economics looks at these decisions like some combination rational irrational factors , it is clear that we make some decisions very soberly, after thinking well, in some situations we act impulsively, when we act impulsively, of course, when we act impulsively, there is a much greater chance that we will commit some mistakes, but if we talk about examples, well, in the financial
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market, a classic example is the so-called disposition effect, the fact is that one of the key observations in behavioral economics is that people perceive losses much more painful than they are happy with the acquisition of a comparable value, that is, the loss is extremely unpleasant for us, maybe this is some kind of reasonable response to problems with self-control, probably this is the effect of expectations, that is, we are assuming certain, well, let’s say , investments or financial decisions or financial investments, we are focused on results, and we initially expect profit, that’s all... we are interested in interest, profitability, something else, something else, no one is interested in losses, although this is also part of the investment, obligatory , but more degree, since everyone is expecting profit, then profit is perceived, well, yes , good, yes, here it turned out, even less, what is it, they don’t report meat constipation to the tiger, and if it happens,
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god forgive me, minus, yes, and even big, then this is extremely painful, because this is completely different from our expectations, perhaps this is the reason, an important consequence of this property is that investors sometimes hold shares for too long, which are obviously falling in price and it would be necessary already from to get rid of them, and recording a loss is very unpleasant, so people continue to hold them and lose money on this, there are a lot of studies that show that in fact, investors, especially individual investors, especially not very experienced investors, this behavior is quite typical , you know, one of... my favorite books about the market, about financiers, well , in particular about stockbrokers, i never tire of talking about this on many of our podcasts, this is edwin lee fevre, the memoirs of a thrifty speculator, about the greatest speculator jesse levvermory , the beginning of the 20th century, a man who in the late twenties was accused of
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causing the economic crisis in the united states, when he, well, just played short, crashed the market, well, the man certainly laughed , of course , but nevertheless... he was such a large, successful speculator that he even received accusations of this, and so there is such an absolutely wonderful point that the behavior, in principle, of a financier speculating in the markets and accepting these decisions, yes, buy, sell, and so on, it is irrational regarding the behavior of just a person, because if an ordinary person, well, let’s say, for example, the discovery of america, if an ordinary person, well, any example, if a person there experiences difficulties, heaviness, you have to be patient, it would be better to be patient, but be patient, be patient, it will be better, then in the market it works exactly the opposite, it won’t, yes, that is, if the market goes against you, then in the end it may turn out that your deposit, well your money will just evaporate worse, and here you need to make a decision not to go further, to fix the loss, yes, although in ordinary life, i just told you
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how a person acts, and the opposite situation, as there is a saying, they don’t look for good from good, yes, that is, if it’s good for you, yes, well, use what you can’t find at hand from someone else. there are a lot of examples there, sayings from different nations, on the stock exchange it ’s exactly the opposite, that is, here you need to squeeze out all the profit as much as possible until the end, that is, wait, wait, wait until it, that is, has already turned around at its extreme, has already gone only then fix it back, otherwise you will end up taking a piece, and then you will, as you said, reproach yourself for the fact that oh, how you didn’t get it, that is, here , unfortunately, this is, or rather, fortunately, this all confirmed by numerous studies dating back a century, what is market behavior? but it’s irrational in principle, now, now i’d probably like to ask this question, that’s how behavioral economics can be a tool for changing the behavior of entire masses, but there within the country, there or in within a certain territory or within a class.


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