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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  March 3, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

7:40 am
on the hill, kalinada, oh, on the hill , kalinada, oh, on the hill, little ones, kali nadada, oh on the hill of the middle, kalinada, oh on the hill, little ones, kalinada, oh on the hill serina, white sail, pakean blue, and god .
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imakiana, they have grown with me, inseparably, and forever my seaside, here with my oceans and with my sea, inseparably, and forever my seaside, here it is given to decide.
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populnik, the headwind of the ocean sings songs here, with my russia , my seaside is forever inseparable, here with my ocean, with my russia, my seaside is forever inseparable. archangel, welcome, this is the first port of russia , peter i, when he saw our city, fell in love with it, ordered to build the first ship-top here, a led carousel, would you like to try it, it’s warm, without a roe and a holiday is not a holiday, a goat is a symbol of fertility in the north for a well-fed , rich. arkhangelsk loves fish, and
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i’ll cook for them what i love, i love meat, just soul, vasya, i answer, it will be delicious for you, but i want to make warm soup, the most sincere person is coming there, it was very unusual, i won’t say what's the best there was, you'll see, the premiere of cooks on wheels, today on the first. gin сnop product of stellor group, cognac monte shococa, product of stellor group, rom castro, product of stellor group, oh, oh, doctor, we have a call again, hello, hello, doctor lim, you need to look at your mouth, doctor, tell me what you do, we grow up, we look. oh,
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this is magic, the ribbon ties itself into a knot, do you get penalty points for this at the performance? yes, grandma, i thought i would give bonuses. you have an idol in sports, dad, dad, then he’s probably at training, dad didn’t want to go, he just wanted to practice quietly, no, he just wanted to sit quietly on his tablet, you’re a motorcyclist. parachutist and rock musician, you are exactly 6 years old, yes, the song is not rock for us, the cosmodrome, the best, new season, watch after the evening news, vladivostok, port city, fertile city. city protector.
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i’ll take the accordion in my hands, to know my sadness , no one cares, you’re a feeder, listen, calm my soul, i’ll hug you tighter, you listen to the accordion, calm my soul. i’ll hug you tight, i’ll tell you, like a board and a soul, i’ll tell you without haste, i will tell you how i was loved from the heart, i will tell you, of course, how good my sweetheart is,
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how to be loved from the heart, i will tell you, of course, how i love you again. so well , of course, as loved heartily, as good as my son, oh, who rode there on a horse, oh, who rode there, ale leli, leli, leli, leli, nikolaeshko rode on a horse, nikolaevich navor, leli leli, ale leli leli, he hit, he hit the gate , come on, stick the handle here, alele, leli, leli, ailele, leli, leli, come out here, rush here, i won’t go out, i won’t come out before
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you, ailele, leli, le, ailele , leli, leli, i won’t go out, i won’t go out before you, i am sergeina, i am angry with you, leli, leli, leli, leli, i am angry with you , i am angry with you, only you in the evening you walk without me, ailile, leli, leli, ailile leli, here you are walking in the evening, without me, the bench has grown cold without you.
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38 years old mechanic so the ship, well, i wasn’t a mechanic right away, you know, i was even a cook, but are you the best? i’ll tell you this story, we were off the coast of new guinea, our cook left to buy food and didn’t return, what horror, but everything worked out, he fell in love and got married , to a local foodie, yes, who then was born to them, who knows how to cook the dish, we said, and he, that is, i’m strigunen, what was your first dish? naval-style, oh , no, this is already or naval-style stew, this is only on holidays, naval-style pasta, you mean puree, and so, well, there was cabbage, puree, cabbage, everything there, pasta with exotic there were, apparently, no fruits , they were like that, there was guinea not far away, there were mangoes, pineapples, there were, oh well, and some other
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tell me about a case from maritime practice, i remember i was walking through the drake strait, and a tuika came out. this is a very complex strait, so complex that just if a sailor passed through the drake strait, he is already considered a real sailor, he deserves an earful in his ear, well, we are modern people, well, you should go too, yes, yes, such a wolf, and the most interesting thing is that not every sailor, not every sailor, can compose a true song about how things are going. is being served, yes, we are sitting now, by the way, in the cockpit, everything is real, everything is real, only a submarine, yes, a submarine museum , well, we ask for that same song, our favorite one about laperouse, and laperouse is what, it’s a prolly, it’s not very complicated, compared to drake, well, yes, it’s so, so
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itself, yes, it rocks, but the name is beautiful, beautiful , please, paperuse, you take your beginning, from which one began, father, our quiet apion, there is no end to you , you live to the fullest playing, you are visible to the gods to the people, yes, that’s the sach yashva. ready, and sailors are always ready, where the weather will not lose course,
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the splash of waves and storm sounds, the song of sailors separation, home today tomorrow again! the sailors had enough storms, and the skies rocked in pairs, and more than once god slept from the initiative, we walked through the larousse straits, we walked with cargo and without cargo, our shore relatives would meet us. we would go to the straits, lakeruz, we would go with loads and without loads, we would sooner
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meet you from us, will you, dear ones, meet us , the concept of honor, the holy shrine, our motto is known, we do not abandon our own, with love, with faithful hope we will rise, today as before . he doesn’t abandon his own, exchange for nothing, i’m
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undermining, the beginning of fat, russia, mother, mother’s homeland has been beaten, i haven’t won. it stands, of course, in the east, and
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the road was not close, there was excitement and anxiety , how are you living, it’s good that you sing, it’s good, the beauty is here, yeah, but the fish are, of course, far away, you’re even from siberia, but... the further you go, the wider the love, the city is a port, a city is a stronghold, wonderful people live here, the ocean is ahead of you, all of mother russia is behind you, oh , here we are, here we are! in front of the ocean is the expanse,
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behind is all of mother russia, the song is about vladivostok, we, of course, are not prophets at all, but it seems to us that we have long wanted to say that this is the city. will flourish forever, come, by plane, by train, for an hour, for a day, for a year, or just passing through. yes, and we wish you only happiness. let the sun shine, and let them go around not nastya, the city, the city , the wonderful people live here, protect our native
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land, a new day, be the first to greet it! “thank you, where are the fellows, in front of the ocean is the expanse , behind is all of russia, mother, cheers, well, hello everyone, my name is ugakhvi, i
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am a grandmother from the chuvash, my name is ilina, and i am yes. and for everyone we are the same. in order, to be completely happy, you need personal happiness. unfortunately, at the moment i am not i don't own it. there were about 100 guys, they all lined up, and the girls were told to choose, so they chose. happiness is when you get up in the morning and nothing hurts. i'm firing. russia is, first of all, people who...
7:58 am
hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one, and i am its host, alexey rafaenko, watch this episode! terminators are going into battle, a new tank support combat vehicle is at the forefront. guns, grenade launchers, guided missiles, what else can surprise a modern terminator. this car can fire at several different targets at once. well, really, a real terminator. a look from the inside. the sentry saw the combat
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capabilities of a unique armored vehicle. we shoot at the enemy's bmw. and at the beginning of the release there is news from the zone of a special military operation. unique footage from the zaporozhye region, an assault on enemy fortifications is underway. first, tank crews make their way among minefields along...
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with fragmentation shells, the scouts have just spotted the location of an enemy stronghold, and next to it accumulation of infantry. the enemy is covered in fire, this is reported by uav operators who are conducting objective control. yekaterinburg, here at
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the suvorodsky school there is a workshop for weaving camouflage nets. future officers do this in their free time. since the beginning of the special operation, the guys have woven more than one and a half thousand camouflage nets, so necessary for the soldiers. now to go to the svo zone. a new batch is ready. plesetsk cosmodrome on a mobile platform yars intercontinental ballistic missile, combat training launch according to a conditional targets located at the kamchatka kura training ground, at a distance of 6,000 km. according to the ministry of defense, the warheads successfully reached the target point. and now our big
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report, chasovoy continues to talk about the units of the russian army that are fighting in the northern military district zone. today we are going to the front line, but we will work on one of... next to the contact line, where we were given a unique opportunity to film a combat vehicle that only recently appeared in the armed forces of our country. we, our viewers, will see this technique first. from a distance it may seem that this is an ordinary tank, the same tracks, the same powerful roar. motor, besides, the silhouette of the vehicle is lost under the camouflage of the anti -drone visor, only by looking closely you can see the outlines
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of the turret, unusual for a tank, this is a terminator, terminators, a tank support combat vehicle, which premiered here in the special military operation zone, in this issue of the program we will talk about ... those army innovations and their crews who are already using terminators in battle on the front line. for what such a combat vehicle has been created and how does the bmpt terminator differ from a tank, mainly in weapons? instead of a 125mm gun , the new combat vehicle is equipped with a twin thirty-millimeter cannon guided by anti-tank missiles. automatic grenades and machine guns. this combat vehicle was adopted by the russian army 5 years ago, and it immediately intrigued everyone.
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terminators appeared in the special military operation zone back in 1922 and immediately established themselves as serious opponents. where they appeared, our losses in armored vehicles decreased significantly, but... on the contrary, increased significantly. tank or car or whatever you call it? caterpillar? caterpillar? because, of course, the terminator can be called a tank very conditionally, although you can’t just call it a combat vehicle, something in between. but if you compare, is there a difference? well, this car is more powerful, faster, more maneuverable, well, that’s due to the fact that it’s lighter, right? than a tank or weighs about the same 4 tons, heavier on the contrary, and due to what these tons were added due to dynamic protection, the vehicle
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is well protected and has undergone serious modifications already during a special military operation, the platoon commander with the call sign ertysh shows how the terminator’s protection has been strengthened, the dynamics are laid here, the dynamics are laid here , that is, this was not the case before in the first versions, it was not, now, that is now it's possible. the base of the t-90 tank, but instead of a tower there is more of a turret, and the main difference is the number of personnel. a standard tank crew consists of three people, a driver-mechanic
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... it turns out a course grenade launcher and here course grenade launcher, so we move to the turret, here we get the driver mechanic, yeah, here the turret is also different, as we see from the tank one, here we get the tank commander. there is a gunner operator, well, this is already a standard arrangement, a twin thirty-millimeter gun, it fires simultaneously or alternately, separately, what is where? on the right side it turns out to be high-explosive fragmentation, on the left it is armor- piercing tracer, that is, this can already be chosen by the operator-gunner or commander, which is now profitable depending on what to work on, and in what are the conditions there?
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tours here are tours yes here there are two pieces on each side how effective this weapon shows itself against what is the second cannon used against tanks of lightly armored vehicles why do you work with a cannon too here on infantry fighting vehicles you get such lightly armored vehicles and if something is more serious then anti-tank guns and anti-aircraft guns why do we need ags for infantry? right now, just under the operator’s feet , one of the agss is open, you can see just this standard ags thirty-millimeter flame, which works in this case, well , absolutely automatically, that is, it is controlled from this turret by an operator. an ordinary mounted ags 17 has a flame, a standard magazine, or as it is called a snail for its similarity, is three dozen shells.
8:08 am
the terminator has... times more grenades, 300 for each grenade, here is a video from the russian ministry of defense, terminators in the forests of the luhansk region, they work as intended, they cover our tanks. from the copter you can clearly see how serious firepower is falling on enemy positions, this terminators cut off enemy infantry... allow the enemy to hit russian tanks. our tank support combat vehicles have become a serious threat to the enemy, regardless of whether they are infantry or armored vehicles. irtysh had been in battles more than once, and covered his tanks, distracting the enemy. we were leaving, it turns out that the infantry there was covered in the tr, we went out into the open field to cause fire.
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ourselves in order to divert the enemy’s attention and that’s it, they started working on us, we shot off the ammunition and rolled back to a safer place. i should note that now the commander so easily and simply said that causing fire on yourself, distracting yourself, that is, you really just like fishing with live bait, so that you have to fall on you, well, it’s not scary like that, yes, anything can happen, well, nothing, very calm about the commander says this, but you can immediately see the real one... an experienced front-line soldier , call sign irtysh after the name of the river on the banks of which he grew up, he has been in the army for more than 10 years, went from private to officer, now he holds the rank of junior lieutenant, in a special operation zone has been fighting for a year and a half now and most of all, he is not afraid of the enemy, but that his parents will find out that he is here, why didn’t he tell his family that you were going to a special military operation zone, well, he didn’t want them...
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why bother him, but nevertheless, if they suddenly look and this little secret will be revealed , well, i think nothing terrible will happen, ertysh is especially worried about his dad, he has a weak heart, but we will say that the father can be proud of his son, he has already been awarded a medal for services to the fatherland of the second degree, a real master of his craft, which in he perfectly mastered the equipment that was trusted to him, two tanks and two... terminators, the tanks were covering , it turns out that they shot at the enemy’s manpower and lightly armored vehicles, and the tanks it turns out they shot at the larger vehicles, they communicated with the tankers before or communicated after the battle , yes we talked, of course, yes , they really liked the fact that we covered them, that they had support, not like them, that they left separately, well, without anyone, and so we...


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