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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  March 3, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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the presence of varicose veins hang like grapes, these are varicose veins - this is still an aesthetic problem, they do not affect health in any way, therefore they do not cause harm to health, so in principle there is no need to get rid of them, you want to remove your stars, of course, like this, women are unpredictable creatures, remove, remove, we take a solution and make foam out of the solution, this is how magic happens. our method is called sclerotherapy: the stars disappear before our eyes, although i emphasize once again that they can be do not remove, these are not varicose veins, this is varicose veins, a serious matter, real varicose veins are enlarged veins that are visible on the legs, they definitely need to be removed so that there are no complications, dr. yakushkin removes veins with a laser, this is the most modern treatment method, laser ...
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the loads are quite large, it was formed at such a young age, but how old is the patient? 32, 32. oh, really, seriously,
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happy birthday, thank you, great, noted, came, a birthday present for yourself, how great it is to watch a professional work and how nice it is to communicate with competent patients who come to the doctor on time, it’s impossible to say the same about this woman, grossly dilated veins all over her leg, the skin has changed color, everything looks terrible, it’s surprising that this woman has been walking like this for many years. what do you feel, besides the fact that it’s hell on your feet here, what do you feel? more points, how many years have you had this, it’s not overnight, only about 30 years, the first, the first vein in my vein has come out, just in the left fold, swelling, how old are you now, i’m 45, sergey nikolaevich, tell me your verdict, to what extent the operation is indicated, here.
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with such, in such hell, hell, an urgent operation is indicated here, 15 years ago, at least, you had already spent 15 years too much, you had to undergo surgery, because these are traffic disorders that will lead to a trophic ulcer, so they have formed here , here it is a trophic ulcer, the result of untreated varicose veins, the patient lives in the village and has been suffering for more than 10 years, why do they take so long, nikolaevich, are we to blame, the doctors or people letting this happen? there are two components here: people are primarily to blame, why? because they neglect it, don’t contact it in time, when this has already appeared, an ulcer has also appeared, they turn to doctors, but, probably, in this matter there are few competent doctors in the treatment of trophic ulcers. the operation consists of three stages: in the first , the doctor prepares skin flaps that will cover the ulcerative defect. he cuts off
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a thin flap of skin on the thigh, there is practically no bleeding, why is there practically no bleeding? and because these are surface layers, the maximum capillary action will now appear here bleeding is all, that is, here we are removing the most superficial layer, this surface will be covered with a crust and the skin will be completely restored, several such pieces are needed to completely close the ulcerative defect, then the second stage of cleansing the trophic ulcer itself, it is covered with... infected tissue, well you see what kind of tissue, it is gray in color, just grey-gray , how deep the lesion is, so we need to cut it all off until we see such whitish tissue, this is already good tissue, capillary bleeding.
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capillary bleeding means that the tissue is alive and you can proceed to skin grafting. the doctors change gloves and begin. everything is very good with us, yes. very good capillary, this spasm will go away now and the wax will grow, we take the skin, my favorite stage, we take it for fixation, use a stapler, and what are the paper clips made of? medical steel, we have an anti-stapler, so we can remove it very well, we begin to adapt the spoon to the wound, end to end in... heaven, that is, no matter how simple it looks, that’s all equally, technology is technology , and quite complex, before our eyes the doctor closes the ulcer and fixes all the pieces of skin, but all this could not have happened if
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the person had come to the doctor on time, in which case should a person without an ulcer come to the doctor so that there are no ulcers, as soon as i saw...
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use compression hosiery, it compresses the superficial veins and allows the valves to work, we talked about this with dr. yakushkin in the health program, and he taught women how to use it knitwear. all knitwear is divided into two groups: preventive and therapeutic. preventative for all of us, therapeutic only as prescribed by a doctor. and i also draw your attention. preventive knitwear inscription here is prevention and treatment here the degree of compression is written 15-17 to 20 mm
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standard, this, in principle, can be bought even without a doctor’s prescription, because it will not cause any harm, now the second therapeutic compression. and we finally got to the point where the only treatment is surgery, so
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congratulations on the operation, the verdict is the point when a person should come to a vascular surgeon, at what moment, exactly, exactly when he noticed a pattern on his legs, and well, no, then go for a walk, but there is, we take some measures, yes, better as soon as it appeared, concluding this conversation, i of course want to say kind words about sergei nikolaevich yakushkin, why, because i love doctors who love their profession, he is one of those doctors, and if you love your job, then you are proficient .
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once again, watch the program of health health on the first channel. these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. in distant, distant times, the boy dima krylov also sat at his school desk. no, i wasn’t an excellent student, i was a reliable c student, and that’s why i learned from it. like geography, i often couldn’t find the ural mountains on the map, which separates europe from asia with a special squiggle, and
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did this simple soviet boy know then that a happy time would come, and he would cross this very geographical border alive, to see the ural also alive. and the urals were also strongly associated with wise and romantic people. tales of pavel bozhov. it was here that he saw a goat with a silver hoof and a firebug. jumping, and, of course, danila the master and mistress of the copper mountain with her magic flower. by the way, notice how friendly all these kids are buried in their books. it’s been a long time since i ’ve seen so many children reading at the same time, just like in my distant childhood. but the urals are not only fabulous treasures, but a natural repository of gems and gold. how many epic films about gold miners and conquerors of siberia have we watched? from the latest pervokanal series gloomy river. yes, that’s what these places are, epic. well, all
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this will be in our today's episode. and the power of the ural nature, and options for tourist routes and lots and lots of gold and gems. city of zlatoust. in the 18th century, tsar alexei mikhailovich, having heard that there was gold and silver in the ural mountains, sent an expedition to these regions. then no luck. they didn’t find anything, they turned up and left, but later, under empress elizaveta petrovna, the daughter of peter i, life was so seething here, they began to puff, factories began to rustle, already in the middle of the 16th century, the mosalov brothers founded an ironworks, that’s the word, and the iron foundry, which was later called zlatoust, the city itself in zlatoust, the image of john chrysostom was the family icon of the family of the founders of the plant, from here . titles. by the way, chrysostom is the only city in the world that was named in honor of st. john chrysostom. in the city
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park there is a monument to the saint, also the only one in the world. at the base of the monument there is a slab taken from the place of death. ioana in a mountain village in what is now abkhazia. local scientists, from that five-story building over there, claim that this whip carries enormous energy and the fulfillment of all desires. but to make sure your wishes... come true, these same scientists recommend using this multi-ton gadget. yes, you will have to work hard for this, climb the 184 steps of the tower, you will be happy. there are 184 steps leading up to the bell tower; the construction of the tower took exactly the same number of days. coincidence, i don't think so. the bell rises for the fulfillment of desires , not lazy tourists and newlyweds, too not lazy, although happiness in... cancer, i think, is still achieved in a different way.
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zlatoust is the birthplace of russian damask steel with unique engravings on steel. in the second half of the 19th century , the zlatousov arms factory almost completely met the needs of the russian army and vlot for edged weapons for the lower ranks. the zlatous knife is still the main one today. an acquisition for a visitor, out of respect for the knife, i don’t even dare say a souvenir about it. the fence is like a window into the world of stones. in the morning we went to visit the dacha, which located behind this semi-precious fence. look how many gems are built into it. this is the fence of the dacha of sergei kolesnichenko, geologist, teacher, author of books about minerals of the southern urals. in all my life. collected these very minerals, turquoise , agate, camberley, tatapaz, rock crystal, in general
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you can’t list them all, he collected countless mountains, many of the stones here are really rare, but it’s not for nothing that the urals are called russian brazil, so sergei decided to organize all this wealth in a rather unusual way thus, in museums minerals are placed on shelves covered with glass, and he found a new use for his rich collection, built a fence around the dacha, inlaid with ural minerals, and now this amazing solution is third in the ranking of architectural buildings in the chelyabinsk region, such an unusual hobby. hard to repeat, huh? nothing invigorates you more than a meteorite in the morning. sergei boasts of his main find, a piece of celebrity that made the city of chelyabinsk famous throughout the world on february 15, 2013. that morning, an explosion equal to several hiroshimas rocked the city. huge piece a meteorite rushing through outer space pierced the air shell of the earth
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at a speed of 18 km/second at an altitude of 23 km and exploded. chelyabinsk. scattered into 5,000 pieces, the largest of which weighing 654 kg fell into the lake. most of the city residents were in shock, while others ran out into the courtyards with cameras and phones, shouting: “meteorite, i’ve been waiting for you all my life, raising their hands to the sky.” so artists from all over the world responded to this event. nothing invigorates you more than a meteorite in the morning. such a saying has become a part of the life of chelyabinsk residents since that day. this is truly not a single stone. yes, the ural land is famous not only for its self-luminous minerals. the gold rush began in these places in the middle of the 19th century. people went to wash gold, they did it in much the same way as
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we did when visiting sergei, that is, heavy minerals and gold should remain at the bottom of the bowl. u... the urals in terms of russian gold deposits were ahead of the rest of the planet with 2 kg of gold per ton of rock. on his first visit to the urals , emperor alexander washed gold with his own hands, wanting to please the great guest, local suckers, put an ingot weighing more than three kilograms into his catch. this ingot was later called that. foundling, a familiar story. by the way, a nugget called a large triangle, weighing more than 36 kg, which is now stored in the russian diamond fund, was found in the mid-19th century by a seventeen-year-old boy at the miass mine. now gold is mined industrially in rut mines, the results are less impressive, only about 0.2 g of gold per 1
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ton of ore, but still, here it is. this pit in 30 years it yielded 100 tons of gold, so the huge belazs may now be carrying up to 1 kg of gold each, truly golden machines. steppe village and its inhabitants. in the middle of the 16th century , a steppe military settlement was founded on the southern bank of the river with the short name uy. 70 similar fortresses along the rivers yaik, uy, tabol, mias were called up. to protect the local population from the raids of the mongol tatars, but after the pugashchev riot , the cossacks settled here. cossack is a turkic word meaning watchman. the cossacks took brave, strong people, well-versed in weapons, they defended the southern borders of russia. the residents of the village of stepnoe managed to tell us all this between songs and dances.
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the chieftain was then elected for 3 years. it was impossible to disobey otaman. there was even an otaman mine.
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solid rock, it was just washed away and the stone took this shape, but you can’t fool people, they are sure that this is pugachev’s stone with treasures hidden under it, i
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advise you to dig and get them out or.


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