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tv   Bolshaya istoriya  1TV  March 3, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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exactly, also all rentals on the website and that’s all for now, we are following the developments, now on channel one the premiere of the program big history of the december union of salvation, enjoy watching,
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yes, there’s a big story on air, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future . one of the most outstanding answers that i have ever heard over many years of teaching at lomanosov moscow state university came to a completely harmless question about when the decembrist uprising took place. the answer was: at night. why was i surprised at night? after all, they woke up hertsin, indeed, when else could it be possible to wake up young alexander hertsin, if not at night, and every schoolchild in the soviet union knew lenin’s passage about how the decembrists woke up hertsin, who in turn launched revolutionary agitation, the execution of five rebels and the persecution of another six hundred people by emperor nicholas i echoed storms of indignation in many hearts, hertzson really wrote, i felt that i...
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was not on the same side as the grapeshots of victory, prisons and chains, the execution of pestel, his comrades finally awakened the childish sleep of my soul. decembrists, who are they, heroes and revolutionary romantics or traitors? nicholas i, who is he, a bloody executioner and loser or a courageous and wise ruler? today there is a big story about the decembrists and nikolai pavlyvich, because there is a big premiere on channel one, a multi-part series. film union of salvation, on channel one, one of the main creators of our film nikita vladimirovich vysotsky, glad to see you in the studio of a big story, this is the concept of the film, dramaturgy film, what worried me most was not the historical component, which i probably didn’t know enough at the time when we started making the picture, but i wanted everyone who...
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well, but the further i went into it, the more the idea was refracted , because of course, the story itself is mysterious, it is very contradictory, it is incredibly beautiful, it is amazing in itself, and it seems to me that we did, well, we, i’m not just talking about myself, i’m talking because a lot of people worked on the picture, we made this a fairly balanced story, in which there is a very...
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well, our general producer of this film is konstantin lvovich ernst, this is his idea, and anatoriy vladimirovich maksimov, with whom i have been working for many years, so this is this this. this is a producer’s idea, so i was lucky, and not only me, but many who carried out this production idea, and i was the author of the script and director of this eight-episode film, well, i played a small role, and ernst maximov’s idea, well, it really was a grandiose plan, yes the incarnation was also grandiose, just as those events were grandiose...
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whoever puts his head on the chopping block for the sake of his convictions, he truly loves his fatherland, another thing is that they acted, perhaps, at the wrong moment, you know, uh, decembrists - it’s true, some of them were from
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high-ranking families, there were eight princes, three barons, three counts, but the fact is that the french language, which they absorbed from birth, gave them a lot, they talk about it themselves : more than all of europe, because the french language opened up for them the opportunity to read french literature, and of course, encyclopedists, napoleon’s invasion of russia is the beginning of our free thinking, writes alexander marlinsky. and you see, later, even alexander i, when he received lists from byshnik, from may boroda, from sherwood, with the names of the conspirators, he would say, it’s not for me to judge them, because he himself aimed
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society at reforms, it’s no coincidence that pushkin’s phrase, yes, the days of the alexanders are a wonderful beginning, this is precisely the beginning of the reign of alexander. first, another thing is that he will change everything later returning to russia, especially in the twenties, when all of europe would be shaken by revolutions, and pestel would say, each time has its own, our own spirit, indicated precisely by revolutions, alexander i, he really ascended the throne as a tsar. formator, then really changed his position, but what he didn’t like, the decembrists themselves, was that he was not radical enough, but he was also going to abolish serfdom, he had such plans, in fact, even this is shown in the film, his
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conversation with spiransky, in which he is already this is probably not the first time he has proposed developing a plan for the liberation of serfs; many believe that he did not have time. he did it, well, by the way, let's see how it is depicted in the film, but if i suggested that you start preparing a law right now to deprive peasants of fair ownership, what would you do? whatever your majesty is, then begin, your term is no more than a year, and i will sign it and submit it to the senate for approval, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made. kibovsky was besides
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other things as a scientific consultant for this blockbuster, i must say , a lot depends on scientific consulting, because the most attentive people who watched the film were historians of criticism who looked for all kinds of historical inconsistencies, and to be honest, i saw practically no such inconsistencies there, this is a huge... merit, that’s what didn’t suit alexander i in this case, they first plotted a decembrist conspiracy against him. you understand, in general , the filmmakers had a very difficult task, because there is a decembrist movement known to specialists, historians from documents, those who have read materials, testimonies, memories, who have a picture of what really happened, and there is a huge decembrist legend, which has formed many things.
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it is not yet a fact that everyone was actually found , of them meaningfully, that is, those people who were convicted, about whom there were later various trials in other places, those who were left without attention, nevertheless knows about their participation, this is where - half of this number, but for comparison on the borodino field in the russian army had 4,500 officers, here we are talking about a number of somewhere around 300 people who were somehow included in societies that also experienced great changes in the course of history. starting from the first pre-decembrist organizations, when we are all for everything good against everything bad, such an ala masonic
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style of organization, to such specific, structured secret societies that came to the uprising, and moreover, within this movement itself, from this number of these 300 people, let’s call them conventionally, decembrists, although, for example, the same zavalishen believed that i, who wrote a book called notes of a decembrist, refused to call myself a decembrist, believing that the decembrists are those who failed everything, those who... who were expelled from siberia, first sent there, then they all got so tired of him there that they returned him back, but we must understand that when we talk about the decembrist as a movement, we should not talk about someone who was accidentally involved in the uprising, there in in general, the same chipped rostovsky, who waved his saber the most on december 14, it turned out that he had nothing to do with secret societies at all, he just really thought that there was treason against constantine.
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they created their own society, how they wanted to help the sovereign, to transform russia, but they ended up with the fact that they were ready to kill him, kill his family.
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chiodayev, who brought alexander, well , a report on what happened in semyonovskaya history and some further transformation, how this can be used, how this can be done for the benefit of russia, and alexander already had another point of view, and chiodaev was offended forever, left everywhere he could, and he simply does not have a more angry person who denounced modernity, and then he will become a man. chadadaev changed his views quite a few times during his life, but still, what did not suit alexander i? were the decembrists really heroes? i think that the decembrists may have been heroes, but first of all they were traitors. uh, all of them, without exception, including, by the way, those who no longer served as rayleigh, were officers
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either active army or reserve. they all took the oath. the text of the oath approved by emperor peter i, the three-part text of the oath, in the first part, in the third part of this oath, was directly violated by the plans that the decembrists, already decembrists since 1820, after the start of the military rebellion, which grew into a successful revolution in spain, began set before yourself, this is a significant difference.
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there is a big story on the air, the decembrists, who they are, traitors or heroes, well, to answer
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this question, you need to know for sure what they are actually, they wanted a film... without a lot of blood, but still a revolution, mr. relay, a military revolution, and you turned into southerners, you were going to save russia, and now?
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they just wanted to see the soul of a man from the people , they wanted, in general, the prosperity of the whole country and these soldiers as well, and
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of course, when they arrived and remember also such a wonderful quote from yakushkin, when in the summer of 1814 the army marched solemnly through the nara gate and of course led this... army alexander ii and yakushkin writes: “my god, how we admired him?” and suddenly a man ran across the square, and alexander , who was holding a saber in his hands, swung at him, and of course, this man was immediately taken to task, says yakushkin, he says, this was also the first disappointment for him personally in the emperor ponytam. there was someone and something to save when they organized a union of salvation on february 9, 1816, by the way, a year later it would be called the society of faithful and true sons
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of the fatherland, in fact they are to the end, but not i know, they remained like that, and somewhere there was a lot of romanticism, but you need to keep in mind that 55 people out of 121 convicted, they were born in the first dash uh. troops entered paris, this was at the end of march 1814, the key issue was, again everyone agreed that
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serfdom should be abolished, why should we understand that this only applies to half of the peasants, because the other half are appanage state peasants, we were talking about landowner peasants, this didn’t seem to raise any questions for everyone, then further a debate began, because even the experience of the same yakushkin tried to let the peasants go on his smolensk estate, whose master will go to, well, he says, the land will be mine, and you are free, he says, no, let’s better we are yours, and the land is ours, you see, and the question of land arose immediately, and this, by the way, was always a stumbling block, because the attempt at liberation, which was realized in the baltic provinces, was liberated there, yes, in the otsey provinces, they were liberated without land, immediately fell sharply standard of living peasants, this was immediately obvious, because yes, with the freedom that came with it, the landowner lost all interest in saving the population; on the contrary, he taxed as much as possible.
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fortress asked to be given evidence in french, he could give because he was refused, also for indignation, listen, you took on such matters, you didn’t even manage to learn the language of the country in which you live, so there was a lot romanticism, idyllic moments, the more experienced of them was, of course, turgenev, but he was also one of many, so of course, maybe this is where they came from, here we are talking about a union of salvation, a union of prosperity, then this is the inconsistency of programs, which led to the fact that everyone began to crumble into different small societies, in addition, a dynastic crisis, which, of course , led to this, well, we ’ll talk about this later, to push them not into some simple
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conspiracy, why, like the moscow conspiracy, let’s kill.
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all these people don't understand what happened here today. "fortunately, let them not understand. pester considered him an idealist and therefore insisted on radically, why everyone , well, forever, but the film shows that the ship he was going to send to crashes during a flood in st. petersburg, muravyov’s constitution and pestel’s russian truth, these were the main, ideological foundations pillars, in
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history textbooks, in soviet times." now they are also certainly present, the authors of the constitution were nikita muravyov, one of the main ideologists, his father was a writer, publicist, he participated in a campaign abroad, well, let's look at fragments from his constitution is what he actually wanted. the experience of all peoples of all times has proven that autocratic power is equally disastrous for rulers and for societies, that it does not agree either with the rules of our holy faith or with the principles of common sense.
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and yes, yes, and in principle , arakcheev’s plan was quite reasonable, and just as in the plans of the decembrists, only one thing was missing: well, here’s how to carry out reforms based on the inviolability of the principle of private property and compensation for the loss of land, with a state budget, which the internal debt is equal to 2.31 of the income of the empire in 1815, the maximum that they could do in the eighteenth year was to withdraw 38 million rubles of banknotes and destroy them with 800 million banknotes that were in use. i would also like to remind you that the external debt of the empire is 101,100,000 dutch chervonets, we called them labanians, right? so, it was finally repaid with interest, you remember, in 1891. this is the state of finances, given
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this financial crisis. create an administrative, fiscal police vacuum, all these, as it were, occupy space the power of the landowner was at least dangerous. what the most radical pestel proposed was article twelfth and 13 of his russian truth, yes, i remind you that on the one hand he proposed the liquidation of the nobility as an estate, on the other hand he proposed that when abolishing serfdom, the interests of this nobility should not be infringed in any way, while it is necessary it was pestal to make sure that the peasants, their situation would not worsen, as...
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general sirsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also called general 200. the situation at the moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing along the entire front line, syrsky will kill us all. ukrainian soldiers are mincemeat in syrsky’s career ambitions. the main thing is a career, but money doesn’t smell. i just know tsersky personally, because i have his last name, he’s my middle name, my brother doesn’t communicate with him, well, he’s his family, it’s written everywhere that... he has one wife, one child, his parents are in vladimir live, my father always said, but my sashka wants to become a general, being a general in a small country is a little easier, his parents they try to refrain from commenting, because a person who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, will raise his hand against
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his parents, he had a chance to continue his career in russia, in the thirteenth year he still ate a cake with our flags, why did my mother and i split up , they were traveling abroad, in short, with a translator, so he decided to hook up with one of the translators, well, go to hell, you scoundrel. write a renunciation, this is shish, i am the sovereign, the emperor of all russia, what do you think, there might be disturbances, i would start, it’s time suitable, i ask for the hand of your daughter, well, what
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did she say, she blessed us, we are service people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia, what will happen now, katya? how can our dream, cruelty about him cannot be forgiven, weakness will never be forgiven. union of salvation, big premiere, tomorrow after the program time, i will take you to the capital, for the truth. for konstantin. there's a big story on the air:
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decembrists, heroes or traitors? in fact, these people who wrote were military men, but they didn’t even think about it at all. about such issues as the economy, statehood, well, or rather, it was seen, yes , that this should be a government under my leadership and it would certainly be a great power , a fair one, and there should be a great power, that is, generally some kind of fantastic tangle. ideas and how the director was really supposed to show this about each statement, i’m ready to polemicize there, but that’s not the point, but the point is that i’ll say it, as it were, just so that i repeat, well, i’ve accumulated too much there that's all you say, that's it i have a huge number of counterarguments, but what seems important to me is that there was such a phrase, and it is attributed to alexander. it’s hard to say, then
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they didn’t take shorthand, he said that you can give, meaning give freedom, give, including liberations, he says, you can give, but no one will take it, that’s the problem, there were economic problems, again well, even the ideas languished, they are not so stupid, and there was not one hundred percent liberation of the peasants, there... separately he considered the situation with those huge peasant owners, where there were tens of thousands of peasants, and even there he still worked, he understood that it was impossible to do this at once, that’s why he needed gendarmes to carry out this reform for 30 years, but again, everything was not so stupid and not all it dawned on us that they definitely weren’t fools, but the whole point is that the whole tragedy seems to me and that...
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and would have become a reality, but he didn’t believe in them,
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he didn’t see them, and they didn’t respond saw and did not believe him, our story is the story that on the other side there were people who did not simply good, and unusually talented people, people who wanted the good of their country, who loved their country, and they did not find each other, our artistic basket, if you remember, ended with something so idealistic, so idyllic and so... your majesty, the vast majority of those
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heroes of the patriotic war of 812, who made our country great, who entered paris, they were not on senate square, they were together with alexander, together with nicholas, they made russia great together, they served. russia, so of course there were people at all times, who were dissatisfied, at the moment, these were people who really sought power, and did not know how...
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in the 17th century, this was decided by the guard. when alexander i died in taganrog, the second eldest was his brother konstantin pavlych. he divorced his wife a long time ago, in fact since 1801, and formally since 1820, and lived in a marganatic marriage with the polish countess joanna gruzinskaya, who was then an official practitioner. reading constantine received the title of princess from alexander ii. according to russian legislation children born to the new princess lovich in this marriage could not lay claim to the throne. in addition, konstantin was terrified of sharing his father’s fate. he did not claim the throne. in the summer of 1823, at the direction
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of the emperor, metropolitan of moscow philoret and favorite of alexander i, alexandra nikolaevich. galitsin drew up a manifesto about the abdication of constantine and the appointment of nikolai pavlych as heir. the sealed original remained in the assumption cathedral. three sealed copies were sent to the state council, senate and synod. on in the envelope with the forgery of the manifesto it was written : “keep in the assumption cathedral with state acts until my demand, in the event of my death, open to the moscow bishop
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as his heir, but here the word was spoken by the guard, accustomed for a century to decide who should be emperor, with their lips st. petersburg governor general, hero of the war with napoleon, mikhail andreevich miloradovich, this is well shown in the film union of salvation, konstantin will not come, and he is not a sovereign, nikolaich, do not rush to violate the oath you have given, honor me , there is a conspiracy in the country, a conspiracy against the foundations of the state, a conspiracy to kill the reigning family,
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my mother, my children. was considered the heir to the tsarevich, bore such a title. this means that at each , at each, at each service, all this was repeated, the oath was sworn to the emperor, the heir to the tsarevich, and for a quarter of a century, in fact, this was enough for people to get used to what was behind alexander, and he was, in general, he
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had no sons, well, it’s somehow strange in general, you know, he had children, but somehow they only survived outside. conversation, in my opinion, between alexandra and nikolai about this, about what would happen, but again this secrecy, it created a lot of problems. a lot of problems, in addition, it seems that some soviet historians had such a version, there existed and
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existed, if not a conspiracy, then a certain opposition of the old generals led by miloradovich, well, who is miloradovich, who is konstantin, they carried out the italian swiss campaign together , they knew each other well, in general, konstantin, despite all his stupidity and ability to do completely wild things, the reason for one of which was that his first wife simply ran away from him and from him and from russia, yes, but he still lingered on him, you know, the blessed shadow of alexander vasilyevich suvorov, kutuzov and td, was popular, what did happen at that moment, it was a conspiracy, this was an attempt at a palace coup , an attempt, but not a palace coup, the societies were aimed at... a change of power at the moment of exactly the situation when alexander
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will be the first to die, but apparently there was a wait too impossible, so there was a radical party, for example, in the southern society , in the northern one, including, for example, mikhail lunin, who proposed a masked party to organize something like this, in general.
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force nicholas to transfer power to the senate , only he has the right to decide the fate of the tsar, he
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will adopt a constitution and abolish slavery, as we wished, if we shed blood, no one will win, tomorrow you will withdraw your troops to the senate, not allowing them to take a new oath, go to barracks convince the soldier to adhere to his former oath to constantine, promise them a reduction service life increase in salaries, even in the kingdom. influence, had huge consequences on everything, but it really had a huge impact, which is what nikita vladimirovich spoke about, on all the relationships between the government and society, and we feel the echo of these events to this day, because again, this is the same case. you yourself should not be able to distinguish defeat from victory, but their defeat turned out to be their victory, because knowing their programs, their
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experience, management capabilities, we should not be... under the illusion that in case of their success, all this led to huge catastrophic consequences , there can be no doubt about it, but their defeat gave rise to this legend, this is how beautifully we will die, and in this situation, and this legend led to the fact that the government itself, having experienced this critical moment, completely turned away from all attempts at, by and large, reforms, because alexander i in the family considered... an angel, yes, he was considered so liberal, although it was more of an external manifestation than an internal one, especially in recent years reign, but as pavlovich said, he wanted to give them everything, our angel, but they wanted to kill him, and this actually froze the situation for a long time, this is one aspect, the second, which is very important, these people, these young guys who were then still lieutenants, for some time they would have come out and
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formed a new elite of the state, which could have become a locomotive... anna akhmatova turned out to be an actor already in the 20th century and the actors argued about pushkin, they said he shot so well, he walked, that means with a cane he developed his hand he uh that means why he didn’t kill that scoundrel dantes, but he should have killed him, and akhmatova sat and listened
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, then she said something like the following, this is a kind of moscow legend, too, she said: you can imagine a happy pushkin, returning, returning from a duel, having killed dantes, happy pushkin , who killed him, had a reason, but he didn’t kill him, but the genius of villainy is an incompatible thing, he didn’t walk on water pushkin, but he didn’t commit this crime, the decembrists stood 300 m from... the palace in which there was everyone, the whole family, together with nikolai, the entire wine-bearing family , that was enough for them, they were guarded there by 2.5 hundred soldiers, and there were about 300 decembrists at that moment, they knew it very well, they, they were going to kill, yes, they were going, they were writing lists , they appointed executioners there and
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so on, they didn’t go, for me the most important conclusion... in this story, it’s just like about pushkin, that pushkin didn’t kill dantes, on the contrary, and it’s terrible, but it’s beautiful and right, that's also for me, but these people, uh, who are there, they, they were wrong, they they were mistaken, they were mistaken, they are heroes precisely because they did not commit a crime , they tell me, they killed miloradovich, yes, they shot at the cavalrymen who were actually attacking them, uh... they, some of them changed their oaths , but they did no harm , they did not destroy their country , they loved it too much, they, by and large , did not change the oath that they took, that’s why they are heroes, that’s why they are bright, bright and good people whom we remember, here almost 200 years ago, they killed not only miloradovich, they
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killed dozens of senior officers who...
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the army named some names and added: the day after tomorrow, if i’m alive, i’ll send you i do n’t know who yet, with a notification of how it all went down, here... nikolai asked mikhail mikhailovich spiransky to draw up a document 13 december , members of the state council were summoned at 8:00 pm, an act was drawn up, at the beginning of which nikolai pavlovich was called the grand duke, at the end the emperor. state council under...
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a big story is on air, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand present and see the future. we continue the conversation we started about the decembrists and nicholas i. the story of its embodiment in the former’s blockbuster.
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palovicha: does anyone have any doubts? in response there were assurances of loyalty, and the decembrists were already leading their regiments to senate square, the roll call began for constantine because of nicholas, this is how it is shown in the film union of salvation. hurray, konstantin! hurray, nikolai! anatoly vadenovich maksimov, probably the main creator of the film together with konstantin, the idea of ​​why it
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became a movie in the first place, because it unique dramatic material , the worst thing for drama is the division into good and bad, when the audience knows well in advance that these are scoundrels, these are angels and... and the clash between them, well, at best , this is a computer game or, well, not claiming the status of something so that people will find themselves in an alternate reality of the screen, feel something, will live together with those other characters. in this conflict, the most surprising and most interesting thing is the equal conviction of the parties that they are acting for the good of the fatherland, and the sacrifice of each side, which, well, at least within the framework of the film... we tried to balance both sides, in principle, any movie about a civil conflict evokes a lively response from the audience, especially a conflict that i’m afraid is not over yet, despite the passage of 200
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years, because each side has its own adherents, each side says: well, ours are good, but these are not, this is an extremely rich and living history, which for us is no simpler. the past, as it seemed to us when we conceived this picture, an amazing historical pattern , a kind of genetic failure, one might say, of the social code, when... not by their social responsibility, civic duty, on the contrary , by national treason, this is based on the incident of december 14, 1825, which is soon 200 years old, yes, the event was truly amazing and there were many... moments
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that had no analogues at all in our history, well, for example, for the emperor himself to go out under the bullets to talk with his own subjects, he, by the way, wrote memories, in these memories he naturally paid a lot of attention to this day, and he recalled how he came out and how he was greeted with bullets, let's listen to the emperor, i sent the preobrazhansky regiment through the bulevar to occupy the isakievsky bridge in order to cut off communication from this side with vasilyevsky island and cover the flank of the horse guards, he himself, with adjutant general benkendor who had arrived to me , went to the square to examine the position of the rebels, i was greeted with shots, at this moment nikolai is standing in front of a crowd of people, who gathered on sinavskaya square and he asks them: do you know the manifesto, i
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began to read the text of this manifesto, this is an absolutely unique moment in our history, it is very clearly shown in my opinion in the film. we are nicholas the emperor and the all-russian autocrat and so on and so forth and so on. we declare to all our faithful subjects our contrition of heart, humbling ourselves before our unseen destinies.
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emperor, i don’t want to know their names, were excluded from subsequent punishment, there is also a very interesting point in this, that is very much until the last there was hope that it would still be possible to take the oath on this day without incidents, well then, when it all began, of course, the officers who took part in the uprising of soviet square were clearly divided into those of the same family who had already managed to swear allegiance to nicholas pavlovich later joined the uprising, or those who were for constantine, but refused. sit down, that's how the first ones came out to the senate square, who really were among them people who were completely sure that there is some kind of dynastic misunderstanding, it is necessary to adhere to the oath to constantine, not based on the intentions that the leaders of this uprising had in relation to the royal family and the entire structure of the state in general, and of course december 14 is a milestone day, in fact, it had a huge echo , its consequences are much more important, these few shots from cannons, and , by the way, we must immediately... say that this
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legend about the huge number of dead, this is all, of course, uh, a myth, also one of the myths of the uprising, because it was gone for a very long time official data on how many died during the e-shooting at the rebel sinata square, in fact, in 1970 they found a note, the so-called note of korsakov, who, from nowhere, apparently, just from his head, drew a figure of almost 1,300 killed, and then our largest decembrist specialist nechkina took this note with complete faith and began to quote it everywhere, in the eighty-third year it was completely refuted, well, listen, it says that 19 officers were killed there, where do these numbers come from? this, but nevertheless, since then the numbers have been walking, in fact, if we talk about real numbers , just for the whole day in the troops, we can now know these numbers for sure, because we know these data for each regiment, this is about one and a half hundred casualties, about half from one to the other sides, of which only six people died on the side of the government troops, including
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general miloradovich, colonel sturler, who was also mortally wounded by kokhovsky, on the rebel side, about 33 people died fatally. including served as the basis for this one mefelogization of what happened on senate square, well , perhaps, nicholas i himself took the greatest risk that day, of course , he could have been killed several times, this, in my opinion, is also one of the most dramatic episodes of the film, and indeed of russian history in general,
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when he walks, lei guards meet him, and he doesn’t know which side they are going to, either to defend the winter one, or... or to senate square, so let’s see how this event developed, or pinaders, we are for konstantin, and so, here’s the way for you, for the constitution
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, rather not about nicholas, this is a story about how much it was all in the popes and whether the uprising that was organized so quickly could have been so, well , somehow alexander, who died, confused all the cards for them, that so on, that is, this was before the whole story, it turned out that the uprising was doomed from the very beginning, doomed from the very beginning, absolutely, of course, so the decembrists were simply, well, bankrupt conspirators in your opinion. what was the most interesting thing in the investigation, they tried to find out the investigators themselves, and what was your military plan uprising, especially when it became clear that they already knew perfectly well that they were leaving later than the senate had transgressed, that is , the political goals were already practically unattainable, and here everyone, even these
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investigators themselves, were amazed, because so... then the plan is to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, set up some kind of camp, wait for constantine, that is , the conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate what your plan was? did not take part in wars due to their youth, in general, here we mean, we also have one point that is necessary, it is sometimes lost from considerations, is that vysotsky sang at one time. about their generation, that in the basements and semi-basements the children wanted to see the tanks, the great events ended, and the generation came to the moment when everything, as they say, had already happened, all the toulons had been exhausted, which is why they wanted
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heroic deeds that they could not managed, yes, on the one hand they complained that there were no thick and senior officers, on the other hand, now... years after what happened, he is going to kalesh maneuvers, assassination attempts are expected from polish terrorists, he writes his first will to alexander nikolaevich, where he says that...
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and russia to a large extent, this is the moment of decision-making to still fire a salvo at the troops standing in sinata square, in my opinion is also shown very well dramaturgically in the film. let's get a look. all the blood will be on me forever.
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they won’t dare shoot, they won’t dare shoot at us, and it’s faith, damn it, damn it, to follow orders.
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there's a big story on the air. decembrists, yes did they really not understand what awaited them, the nobility, their families, if they won, the problem of choice, choice for a person who occupies the highest government position at the moment of greatest danger for himself and for the country. the decembrists are now considered by many to be the founders of the liberal tradition in our russia, although i think that before the decembrists and... and after the decembrists there were many people who started this tradition. well, probably
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one of the first was, of course, rodishchev, a journey from st. petersburg to moscow, which then it aroused many souls, and he wrote there that the bell strikes, the bell strikes, and behold, the waste of bestiality spills out wastelessly, we will see around us, sword poison, death and cauterization will be inhumanity for our severity, and what. .. a radical line, yes, it seems to me that if we look objectively
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historically, then this is of course not a liberal line, it is a radical line, because the liberal line is not a revolution, but this is a story about what will happen later goncharov write in a million terzani when he chatsky analyzes, says that instead of going out to the square, presenting these demands, and then it’s generally unclear how it ended, it would be better if you became cabinet officials, it would be better if you reformed, you... you are much, you want to serve russia , you want to make sure that the fatherland develops, and they really sincerely wanted this, here you are, there are places, there are offices, after all, you are nobles, that is , you don’t even need to break into these places, occupy, reform and get ready , in that in a sense, of course, perhaps, the decembrists were not the founders of the liberal line in russia, if in the sense that they could never agree among themselves and develop a unified program, then in general, in my opinion, they seem to be very liberal. from this point of view, but it seems to me that you are wrong, because
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liberalism does not at all deny the possibility of this kind of action, not liberals... not without reason, and radical revolutionaries, and constitutionalists, monarchists, and liberals, in fact and the fact is that the decembrist movement never existed united, they didn’t even have, we have already talked about this many times, a single program, so the decembrists are, as they say, the same family from which a tree grew with very,
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very branched, branched. well, in any case, it was an episode of the civil war, in a civil war there is always a tragedy, there is an episode, let us remind you of it, are you going to oppose your sovereign, the guards are against the tsar, even the units loyal to him will go over to us when it gets dark, persuade him, transfer power to you and the senate to leave, and we will change everything, that’s our dream, believe me, i know what i’m saying. he will die, but will not leave, what will you do? you’ll kill him, your family , you’ll kill your children, people are dying there, russians are shooting at russians , that’s a tragedy, yes, of revolutionary romantics,
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with good, good intentions, the situation is unique, it seems to me, in that... the authorities who started reforms, and those who supported them, did not set out at the same speed, that is, those who walked approximately along the path of the changes that emperor alexander was going to carry out, the emperor himself in some way the moment was out of sync, and the tragedy of this situation is that these are unknown villains who wanted to create anarchy, and these are those who wanted to support the authorities in their effort. and then, naturally, within the entire decembrist spectrum, the decembrists don’t know that they are decembrists, they’ll call it that later, so each part stopped at some point, but as soon as possible, and this is always, in my opinion, in human history reforms are the most vulnerable moment when any government begins to change direction
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movement, speed of movement, at this moment any body in the physical world becomes vulnerable in december. with his romantic impulse of promise that life is about this, pushkin also understood this very well, that the unbearable lightness of the world is that it promises much more than it gives, to snatch what is nearby, it is already possible, to jump over technically a historical abyss, to do what could be done, it seems, by us here, now, turns out to be impossible, and the emperor... alexander, carrying out his reforms, tried it first, tested them, he carried it out first in the baltic states in three attempts, the sixteenth, seventeenth, nineteenth year, three provinces, released the peasants in different ways, without land, but these are details, this was already the liberation of the serfs, the decembrists say it is necessary, well not everything is natural, but it speaks
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of what needs to be done here now, it’s like a revolutionary drive, alexander gave in november of the fifteenth year. constitution for the kingdom of poland, it was a real constitution with representative authorities, with an independent court and a complex, insults, which his potential comrades in this matter received, they said, well, why the polish kingdom, and we, and russia, this is what he was trying to do, then he realized that in the time that was allotted to him, in that historical time, to do this is impossible, there will be blood, well, really in december. because for some reason they thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed, yes, why? well, i would note that the russians were killing russians with all their might at that time, even before the december entry, there was an uprising of military settlements that were suppressed, there were revolt of the peasants, no, even under alexander i, every year the peasants rebelled, they
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were suppressed by military force and so on, i would just like to note that, well, how can i tell you, what you say about the reforms of nicholas alexander i in the twenties, then in general , these were not reforms, but preparations for them were underway, and very, very secretly, only a few knew about the project. navosiltsev’s constitutional project, well, who knew about it, several people, until 1830, until the polish rebels published it, but in french, it was not known there, in that’s why the problem was that not only were they given a constitution to the poles, with whom we fought during napoleon, but what we received was that we received military settlements. and practically nothing, all this together created such a bad atmosphere, as for autocracy and reforms, alexander
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i already had several, several times experience of trying to implement reforms that would to some extent limit the autocracy, for example, reform state council during the implementation of which, remember the wording. heeding the opinion of the state council, during the implementation of which alexander ii became convinced of such an obvious thing that in order to limit the autocracy it is necessary to preserve it, that is, it was precisely his majority of the nobility that was not represented by the decembrists , and god forbid, if they had won a form of government other than the most brutal dictatorship, we will drive you with an iron fist. fortunately, there would be no humanity, in fact, this is a really big question, what would have happened if, if the decembrists had become power, yes, here fyodor
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stovchin, the governor general of moscow, is very often remembered, who, well, uttered his famous words, let’s listen, everything is inside out here, in france the mob wanted to rise to the nobility, but it’s understandable, here the nobles want to become the mob, but it’s nonsense, the nobility, after all. if taken to its logical conclusion, this is what the decembrists proposed, it was doomed, as it happened after the seventeenth year, they did not understand that this was generally death for themselves and for perhaps their families, for the service class in general russia, an attempt at revolution from above, hope for something that will still be possible to carry out, because you are absolutely correct in what you say, in general, if we take the entire provincial russian court, well, let’s not forget that the characters of the auditor are the same. the same people of the same generations, it’s just different, these are also nobles, only they are just of a slightly different level and quality, frankly speaking, yes, but what could have happened, but we
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saw all this very soon in 1830-31, when the cholera riots began and several districts of the novgorod province simply turned just into bloody chaos, where they killed anyone who was not a soldier or a peasant, where hundreds died, in fact, there were officers, officials, doctors who were accused of allegedly taking drugs. nicholas i in st. petersburg, with his personal presence, pacifies these beginnings of this uprising in st. petersburg, so what it would turn into is, in principle, more or less clear when we say pugachevism, because many of the members of the early decembrist organizations that left, they... we were just afraid of a possible repetition, it seems to us that this some ancient times, between the decembrist uprising and the pugachev era, half a century, this is actually, well, krylov told pushkin some
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of his childhood memories, impressions, yes, how he actually experienced these days, so for them it was not some distant abstract history, this is the fear that if we lose control, but at the same time there was a radical wing, by and large , the motivation of many young people... somehow we will at least begin to restore order in reality, which nikolai pavlovich, by the way, and did, but, but, so, really, really, really the decembrists really didn’t see what awaited
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russia if they suddenly won, well, if we’re talking about the fact that they are romantics, then of course they won’t think through what will happen next , remember the classic rayleigh, i know we will die, but the example will remain, that is, here is a certain example that will remain for us, before we went to advertising, i wanted...
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my daughter, that people who pushkin clearly speaks in the captain's daughter, although this is a missing chapter of the captain's daughter we are revolutions, or we are young and don’t know our own, we remembered the 18th century with you, well, remember, the people, or hard-hearted people, for whom someone else’s little head is half a piece, and their own neck is a penny, so it seems to me that this is an accurate description of the decembrists, and the russian rebellion senseless, and merciless from the same place, nicholas i too...
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the film ends with us where the story of the decembrists ends, we do not go further with him, but we would certainly like to give the audience an impulse to see him, to understand him , because the estimates vary extremely, just like alexander, who from being blessed there at the beginning of the kingdom became hated at the end, nicholas also has very different periods, because he is practically a person who is ready to lead the reforms, what pushkin saw, the one who
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collected. instructed his adjutant to collect the useful and the most harmful in a notebook, he kept one of the notebooks on his desk after interrogations, in order to understand what these people wanted, he began by studying this experience, and benckendorff, who also became a brand of villain for liberal, let’s say, thinking , very complex, very an interesting character who seemed to be inflamed by his truth and thirst for justice, and here in general... a very, very interesting story for the purpose of addressing today, it seems to me, well, in fact, a really very important moment when nikolai pavlovich studied testimony, and this was really the most important contribution of the decembrists to the development of the state and society, in different ways, in fact, there were no gendarmes before nikolai pavlyvich, and well, i don’t believe there are gendarme teams, which are completely different character, it is actually obvious that the very idea
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about the corps of gendarmes as some kind of political... supervisory structure, it arose under the influence of what he apparently read from impestal, and that there was a living attempt to understand, study, but at the same time we have the same mark of nikolai pavlyvich at many points, and there it is also clear how this idea went, but nikolai pavlovich became a hostage in many ways, unfortunately, like any great leader, he reigned for 30 years because during this time two judges were replaced generations of public life , actually survived, that is, the decembrists became over... time , almost by virtue of legend, martyrs, so when an amnesty came out at the coronation of alexander ii, they began to be returned back, they were already perceived as heroes, although they themselves, we know this excellent from the memoirs, they didn’t really understand, but what’s wrong? felt about the attention that was focused on them, but again due to the political necessity of 1856 and the entry into power
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of the young alexander ii, well, so often it happens, let us dump all the bad things on the predecessor and that’s why we have nikolai palkin, all these horrors that could have been there were all attributed there. well, this even manifested itself in small things, about nikolai pavlovich, he did not smoke and generally forbade smoking, immediately everyone started calling cigars, began to smoke everywhere, you know, yes, that is, such frontierism, which is typical, came with alexander ii as a young emperor, a young team, therefore gradually, largely due to the influence of iva nikolaevich tolstoy, who was very critical to nicholas i, as already a young man, an officer in the final part of his reign, then of course a lot arose from here, one must understand that, unfortunately...
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what 20 years later he will then do to the petroszewtsy, when this clownish trial is played out, when they are sentenced to death, at the last moment, when three of them will already be standing at the barriers, and two commands are heard: get ready, aim, and supposedly, in front of
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the command plip the courier jumped up and said that they were being pardoned and instead of being shot they would get 4 years of hard labor, well, it seems to me what is this the desire to take into account what happened to the decembrists to scare them so that they were scared for life, oleg krudovich, nikolai’s view, nikolai is , of course, a knight of legitimism, and as a knight of legitimism, by the way, gershenzon has a wonderful and completely unexpected work for many, nicholas i how a constitutional monarch views his reign as the tsar of poland shows that he was, in general, calmly fulfilling the constitution, which he perceived as part of the inheritance, but i want to recall karamzin’s words from a note from ancient. new russia, that for a lasting autocracy the charm of external greatness is necessary. nicholas' reign ended unsuccessfully in this regard; the already mentioned tyutchev wrote completely different poems on the death of nicholas i. you did not serve god and not russia, you served
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only your vanity, all your deeds, good and evil, were all lies in you, all ghosts were deaf, you were not a king, but a performer. to what extent is this... his policy on the peasant issue is very correctly, in my opinion, called by vasily klyuchevsky the government's spanks on the sick.
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and also nicholas i, the first railway - this is also nicholas i, that is, a very controversial figure, but russia was noted for many victories, including in the big game in central asia in the middle east, the war with persia, he lost his main war , but he did not manage to lose his main war. he died when the war was in full swing, so the question here, in fact, also remains open, as in answer to the question, right? decembrist, so, of the peter and paul fortress,
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let's seize the weapons arsenal, listen, get away, there's a big story on air, the decembrists, heroes or traitors? military personnel who took up arms against the authorities could legally be shot without any trial, and this would be done in any country. but nikolai understood the dilemma well: they want to make me a tyrant or a coward, but they will not succeed in either one. the investigation lasted for several months, and a trial took place. we know that out of 35 people sentenced to death by the court . 30 remained alive, five were executed,
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but why find the answer to this question in time, the investigation and nikolai and many others, this is how it is said in the film, what the decembrists answer, why? tell me, why did you do this? i suggested that you achieve our goal peacefully, i won nikolai semyonovich. that i changed russia forever, interrogation of apostle muravyov, who speaks out even more harshly. i haven’t been to confession at holy communion since 1821, why? were you afraid to talk about your plans? there's nothing to worry about. and now? and now, i don’t understand
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you, it’s very easy for you to understand us, you are the same as us, no, between the legitimate authorities and impostors who imagine themselves to be the saviors of the fatherland, there is a difference, there is no difference, let us explain, not with you, but with us? was not destined to come true, and
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the people who remained faithful to that initial call about how the country would change, because alexander tried to change almost everything, russia existed in a situation of civilizational breakdown, one of the proofs of the transition to a new time is the emergence of russian literature, because pushkin, as in the fashion of the 19th century, is a national genius that has grown up, a national spirit that has been born from within. and what happened in political life, lagged behind, in the opinion of those who lived and breathed at that time , what was happening in the inner life of people, a new modern man was born, two unworn generations passed, this is a term used by pushkin, that, well, technically catherine made it so that the nobles could no longer serve, this is not just the abolition of some political... the introduction of political privileges of the nobility, and this is
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the abolition of corporal punishment, this is the actual resolution of a colossal social condition exist outside of connection with the state , the only motivation that existed then was ethical motivation, service, these people were formed, and the education that they received, the main models that were then at that time, is ...
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the decembrists as a myth continues to live, and this is one of the most interesting, turning points in russian history, when a new social pattern of relations between power and, say, the educated class is formed, the goals of the decembrists are the most noble, a means to
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which they resorted to, unfortunately, here, as always, the demon is in the details, and these details, well, we tried to talk about this in our film. for a movie of this kind, things like actions are especially shown, because as a rule, people say, well, some things that, well , only a madman allows himself direct dialogue, usually everything is in a person’s speech to retain some meaning on the fact that the speech does not have a direct character, but the action always has a direct character, they went out to the square, and nikolai went out to the square, and this action speaks of the intentions of these... people, if we talk about plans, we also touched on this today, well, it seems to me that they were not as naive as it may sound, because the task was to cut down the top of the government in st. petersburg, they hoped for a conspiracy in the first and second armies located in melorussia, when trubetskoy, in principle the most experienced military
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officer of the general staff, intended to withdraw troops from the city, he wanted to threaten the authorities to expect that the officers who... are in a conspiracy and are in the armies of the south will come to the rescue, create pressure on power. why fatal shots were fired, also understandable, because night was approaching. if the troops were given the opportunity to remain in the square, they would be uncontrollable in the giant city, they would join the uprising, obviously declassed elements who threw sticks at the heads of the soldiers supporting the emperor, that is , chaos would begin in... when there would be victors very difficult to find, yes, but of course, the question of the nobility of the goal, it remains very , very controversial, but what you said is this factor of the fact that it’s night now will begin, and what then, by the way, vasily andreevich zhukovsky, our famous poet and
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statesman, wrote about this with horror, let ’s listen to what he said, that if another half hour had passed, night would have come and the city would have remained? armed soldiers , half of whom were drunk, at that moment i thought with horror that the fate of russia was in the balance, that its existence could in a minute depend on a crowd of rabid soldiers and mobs led by a few madmen, what feeling and what situation? and zhukovsky knew the mood in capital, well, tyuchev , our wonderful poet, fyodor ivanovich, knew the mood , who wrote his famous quatrain, let me listen, the people, alien to perfidy, vilify your names and your memory for posterity, like trumpets are buried in the ground. tyuchy’s position is quite unambiguous in relation to that of a victim of a reckless thought, you hoped, perhaps, that your blood would become scarce in order to
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melt the eternal pole, as soon as it sparkled, it flashed, on the centuries-old top of the ice, the iron winter died.
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became symbols and martyrs if they especially did not succeed, but indeed the trace that the decembrists left in our history, it was very deep and long-lasting, apparently it... is still present with us, but the decembrists really laid the foundations of this revolutionary tradition in our country , which was also written about by hercin, whom i have already quoted, well, let’s say nikolai ogorev, with whom, together with herzon, he vowed to fight the autocracy on the voravyovy hills, well, let me remind you of his poem in memory of rayleigh, they were whispering everywhere, notebooks were in lists...
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1917, well, from the spring days there was a direct road to the autumn days, and of course one cannot help but
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remember vladimir ilyevich in connection with this lenin. honoring hertsyn, we see clearly three generations, three classes active in the russian revolution, first the nobles and landowners, the decembrists and hertsin, a narrow circle of these revolutionaries, they are terribly far from the people, but their cause was not lost, the decembrists woke up hertsin, hertsin launched a revolutionary propaganda, well, further. we know how our history went; in general, the influence of the decembrists was indeed sufficient fundamental, despite the failure of the uprising, well, actually, i think that their fate after the uprising, their worthy behavior already in siberia there or in those places where they are sent there in the caucasus, for example, their contacts with the creative environment, not in vain here called pushkin, and this epic in general. the behavior of their wives, this was then portrayed as nekrasov by russian women, my friend , we will shed some light on this, we taught these lines in
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school, and this, of course, is this legend that arose later, strictly speaking, there was no point, it’s important there what was inside initially, this is a wonderful image, it motivated and inspired everyone, because the most important component of this image was that, unlike the regicides of previous generations. well, what do you mean, your father is a senator, what other reforms do you need, yes, you have everything there, in fact, these were probably
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the fundamental results of that era of enlightenment, of these two generations who were brought up under the influence of the reform and humanism of catherine ii, they were brought up, this was probably their innovation, in fact, what we then heard these quotes about, why they were picked up, why, let’s say, even those who participated in the trial of the decembrist. some of the murderers of paul i were perceived in the society of the dean, favored by the awards of the generals, still in society they were considered, well, people, to put it mildly, with a damaged reputation, the same golinishchev kutuzov, when he was thrown on the judge, as he says, you could have thought of regicide , he says, you told us this, you’re saying this, but your leadership, then this is just this legend, she also mobilized the following people, including from the nobility, from wealthy circles , for revolutionary asceticism in the name of a bright, good idea, this is probably
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a topic for essays, but the topic is not an easy one, in the film union of salvation there is no pushkin, but the pushkins decembrists -
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gin сnop product of stellar group. papillomas or warts. if they have tortured you, celebrate world
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human papilloma virus day with us. we'll tell you. is there a big story on air, decembrists, traitors or heroes? many people have sought the answer to this question, including, of course, alexander sergeevich pushkin, with pushkin the acquaintance of many with the decembrists began, everyone, of course, at school studied poems in the depths of the siberian ores, well, who graduated from school long ago, let us remind you, in the depths of the siberian ores, keep proud patience, your sorrowful work and
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thoughts will not be lost , high aspiration, the heavy will fall , the dungeons will collapse, and freedom will be joyfully received at the entrance, and the brothers will give you the sword, less known, the tenth chapter of evgeny nigin, restored, where there is also a speech about the decembrists, is famous for its harsh vetius, members of the whole family gathered at the restless nikita. from the cautious ilya and in free reasoning about the government of the people, they valued above the words “the reason of sharpened bayonets, the hole of bespierre’s inheritance did not bother them, because the enlightened mind was given the choice of a goal , means, and russian truths, an unfaithful swarm, was already circling over the neva , deep insight
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into the essence of decembrism in general, well, the unique situation is that..." at the same time, life was full of irrational bloodshed and it was unclear where the evil tyrony came from than that with which the revolutionaries fought, that is , the evasiveness of life, the ambiguity of the direct path to the truth, but this is what makes pushkin wonderful, alive, in general, this secret freedom,
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which he talked about all the time, it has generally passed through generations. well, pushkin, his worldview was formed under the influence of petriarkovichovich in his very early years, therefore, when we talk about pushkin and the decembrists, we must understand that the ideals of those early societies that arose were completely included in him, in fact, chadayev was also involved in the investigation, but i wasn't punished because he very early moved away from these secret societies, which had already entered the decisive stage and the phase of conspiracy, a conspiracy to kill the royal family, he was in the circle of this communication. he knew many, but he did not know about the plans of society in full, then it’s very simple, we also perceive, again, the decembrists within the framework of that myth, which we have mentioned here more than once, through cannons, if he ... was friend of pushkin, that means he’s good, you know, yes, he can’t be bad, but because we admire him, we love, especially when the wonderful timing accompanies not only after the fact, when the uprising had already taken place and the lines
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drawn there that we heard were dedicated, but this is free-thinking poetry, he was considered a singer, well, just like dzhukovsky was the singer of the uprising of russian soldiers during the period war of 1812 pushkin is a kind of singer of the uprising of russian soldiers planning new transformations. based on this, of course, for us it is, for us it is very important, because we naturally project our admiration for pushkin, and this, of course, is also a key component of the myth we are talking about today. yes, i think that first of all, of course, the singer of the decembrists is griboedov, and not, that is, for them it was the figure of griboyedov, the figure of chatsky. as for pushkin, we clearly see that by the year 23, that is, 2 years before the uprising, he disagreed with the decembrists in his views on this. can be read in his poem "freedom" desert sower, where he clearly says that freedom cannot become a consequence of a violent change in power, that freedom can only be a consequence of enlightenment, the growth of self-awareness, civic
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growth, only this will prepare the ground for transformations, therefore in the twenty-third year he is already diverging, in fact, even in the eighteenth year, when he writes to kchaadaev, even there it is already clear how much his position does not fit into the narrow position of the decembrists, when he writes, for example,
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to those who, having some information about a conspiracy, did not announce it to the police, my future behavior depends on the circumstances, on the government’s treatment of me, and so on further. so, all you have to do is rely on my discretion. can you demand from me
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evidence of this new quality? here they are. in chisinau i was friends with major roevsky, general pushchin and orlov. i was a freemason in the chisinau lodge, that is, in the one for which all lodges in russia were destroyed. finally, i was in touch with most of the current conspirators. but what is he? uh, a few months later i wrote to my closest friend, probably pyotr vyazimsky, i never liked rebellion and revolution, that’s true, but i i was in contact with almost everyone and in correspondence with many of the conspirators; all the outrageous manuscripts circulated under my name, just as all obscene manuscripts circulate under the name of barkov. if i had been demanded by the commission, i would of course have acquitted myself, but they left me alone and it seems that this is not good. i would also remind you of pushkin’s poems, written through neskledzny.
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here is griboedov, who was a poet of the decembrists, he was extremely skeptical of the decembrists, almost the same way that rostopchin was skeptical of them, his last joke rastopchin, that rastopchin, that in france, shoemakers make revolutions in order to become counts, and in our country, counts make revolutions in order to become shoemakers, yes, so that’s how it is, well, there’s also a comb-eater here. we judge only by the work of grief for ochatsky, ochadsky, in general, is quite such a character, but we see a lot of bile and skepticism from him. but at the same time we don’t see there
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any of those bright, bright images of ideas that pushkin sang in his poems, so the question is so difficult, there are repeaters there, we have the most secret brother union, well, this is exactly what is most likely in favor of both since ridicule of all these secret societies, which he himself also escaped punishment, and later we know him by his sad fate, but in general, with the careful analysis that was carried out by the investigative commission, who is still at least somehow .. .was involved in all this, griboyedov was completely outside this whole agenda, well, he was involved, well, like chiodayev, of course, there and like pushkin, we just saw it, but at the same time the analysis was very similar, well, griboyedov he got off easy wrote a letter to nicholas i, he quickly amnestied him and sent him nothing less, at first not negotiations, and then as an ambassador to tehran, which is true for you, the punishment was terrible, what nicholas i was like, a terrible tyrant there and how is he like that at all say imposed.
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curses and punishment, well, that’s what , that’s why pushkin is really our everything , he’s not in the film, well, the film is foamy, it seems to me that the appearance of such a large figure, it was really a film that was really overpopulated, but on the other hand, what’s better we know about the decembrists than this film, and this is truly a historical drama that can be called a blockbuster and modern language. which actually very accurately describes what happened in the complexity of our history, and maybe there is sometimes nobility in those who really don’t know anything from russia and are ready to lead it to the chopping block, that’s the trouble, and pushkin, in fact, he i figured out a lot about this situation, pushkin before senate square and pushkin after senate square, these are two different... not everyone knows, but the date is under
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a poem by pushkin does not always mean the day it was written, often the date refers to some event that happened on that day, one very famous poem by pushkin, which you all know, is dated september 8, 1826, what happened on that day, at the end august 1826, for the seventh year already in a position with... enjoyed the last summer days in mikhailovsky, he is scandalous in the country, popular in public circles, but he is in exile, where alexander i sent him . celebrations accompanying the coronation in moscow emperor nikolai pavlovich and on his first official working day, in this post on august 28, the emperor gave the order to the chief of the main staff, general dibich, to summon pushkin here. on the night of september 3-4, an officer appears in mikhailovskoye. order
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for pushkin to go to moscow , there is panic in mikhailovsky, everyone knows the fate of the decembrists, with whom pushkin is more than friendly, although he does not share their views, several hours of packing, irina radionovna sobs, at five o’clock in the morning with her heart, the poet sets off on the road and 8 september gets to the first throne, he is taken to the miracles or nicholas palace to the emperor, to whom pushkin was immediately presented in a traveling suit, as he was, not quite warmed up. a two-hour conversation followed. that same evening at the ball hosted by marshal mormon, the french ambassador, the emperor called state secretary dmitry nikolayevich bludov to him and said: “you know that today i spoke for a long time with the smartest man in russia.” in response to bludov’s questioning bewilderment, nikolai pavlovich named pushkin. so which poem is dated september 8th?
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pushkin found a mission. since september 1826 , pushkin's epigrams affecting the emperor and his entourage disappeared, disrespectful statements about religion stopped, and poems imbued with revolutionary romanticism actually ended even earlier. in russia, the supreme authorities forgive everything except weakness. it was a big story. see you.
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good evening, miloradovich’s ring podcast is live. my name is ekaterina varkan, i would call myself a writer, and i am very pleased to introduce today my interlocutor, sergei mikhailovich nekrasov, director of the all-russian pushkin museum. and today we want to tell you an absolutely wonderful story, but every story has a backstory. and both of these plots are connected with an extraordinary personality in our opinion, but today little known and even forgotten, we are talking about count mikhail andreevich miloradovich, so i asked sergei mikhailovich to support me here, so to speak, because he
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remembers miloradovich almost personally, on this is what i hope... of hereditary military men, his parents and centuries, he was born in 1771 into a family grandmothers, grandfathers, immigrants from serbia, that is , in principle, he was considered a serb in the russian service, like his ancestors, then he studied at the most fashionable universities in europe, then köningsberg and göttingen, and went there. to study with his cousin, according to the recollections of his brother grigory, miloradovich studied so-so, mainly engaged in entertainment, travel, but the most interesting thing is that at the age of 16 he was already an ensign from the mailovsky regiment, that is, a trip around europe with his brother,
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about the same age , he undertook before he was sixteen age, this is surprising for us today, except for sluk, no one accompanied them; by the way, they except küningsberg, where they listened to lectures by emmanuel kant. and goething, they still spent quite a serious time in strasbourg, these were already the last such years, that’s where they came from, and in particular miloradovich took from there the habit of being a dapper, and returning to russia, he ordered such a number of tailcoats in st. petersburg that 350 that the st. petersburg people were showing off were in shock. looked at him very askance and miloradovich was forced to let society he calmed down a little, even went to his estate and spent some time, well, he didn’t do that, but nevertheless he slipped away from the fashionistas like that. well, i think that in addition
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to fortification, during the trip he visited some other, so to speak, museums, interesting historical places, because according to the later recollections of, so to speak, many of his contemporaries, his house in st. petersburg was... everything is worth in their places, it simply irritated him, and he made rearrangements several times a year, ordered furniture to be moved, vases to be placed from place to place, so that every time...
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he once called himself the most poetic face of the russian army, probably miloradovich could also argue with him, because if he sat on a horse, then the saddle cloth on this horse was embroidered with gold, if he wore all his orders and this is exactly how he went into battle, it was also such an emphasis not on his own merits, he was proud of them, but never showed them off, but it was such a complete correspondence to the image of the general’s backbone when...
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there on the sofa where miloradovich was sitting, then i fell asleep listening to these stories. it was rumored that in the fall of 812, miloradovich decided to celebrate his birthday and invited his friends, officers, russians, as well as french prisoners, to some hut where he stood. and so they drank champagne, so to speak, went on a spree, then separated, went to bed, in the morning, that means, a crowd broke into this hut, knocked on the windows, the french came running, shouting, where is the captivity here to surrender, what is this? an original solution or a prank of a great warrior, everything taken together,
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here, by the way, is another interesting story, svorov’s famous crossing of the alps, and we exist, it seems to me that only miloradovich could arrange this, with the soldiers, to provoke them on such a trip, and there is suvorov standing there, looking into these abysses in despair, so in my opinion only miloradovich sat down and went, save your general, they would take him there , they rushed, because they certainly... it means they loved him, let's see how it all happened, yes, there is a picture, here is a picture, yes, and surikov, who painted this picture, went specially to the alps, and he describes how terrible it is there, and he couldn’t even to imagine that it was possible to cross , i even tried to go, and suvorov also reported to pavel that these were open graves, that’s how it was possible to cross, but somehow they crossed, and it seems to me that this is what they did. in many ways it is truly absolutely incredible, i was in this place, i saw it
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, it was absolutely difficult to believe that this was possible, but miloradovich really adored suvorov, and suvorov, when he arrived just for the service, immediately remembered his father, remembered father, said: “mishenka, i ate such delicious pies in your house priests, and so on and so forth, and of course, he was simply delighted, miloradovich, that he was completely " and peaceful life, we know that in 810 he was the governor-general of kiev, he
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also became famous for his balls and holidays, but i was not there for long, because the war of 812 came , i don’t remember who was his orderly at that time, i don’t remember, but i remember very well that you all remember those times, i remember everything, but cornett alexandrov was, who was cornett alexandrov, and under this name nadezhda durova was hiding, famous, she left her memories of how once milorada. arranged a ball - for this holiday he gave invitation cards to many of his friends and even some of his subordinates, when too many people came and there were sentries who did not let people in, it was distributed widely, no, let's let everyone in , the guards were removed, a stampede began, then he was forced to say that he was too excited to restore order, but nadezhda durova has something about this in her memoirs, played by...
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an understandable person who offered 50 rubles to this very servant, so that he would give for a while what the master had written, the servant turned out to be faithful and did not do this when...
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pushkin said that he wanted to consult with him, and he was summoned to miloradovich, he and miloradovich did not know what to do, go straight to the count and talk to him frankly, fyodor glinko advised, pushkin did this when mila radovich said that he should conduct a search in pushkin’s apartment, pushkin replied that general, you won’t find anything there , why don’t you get it, i burned everything, yes, but everything is here here if you give me a clean one.
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radovich lost a terrible sum , a very large sum of money, and he was very gloomy, he was very gloomy, but did not want to confess to the sovereign what was wrong, and alexander, through his courtiers, found out that he was in a bad mood, they told him a terrible loss, how much - he said alexander, they named the amount, when miloradovich appeared on the threshold of the emperor’s office, alexander said, mikhail andreevich, i want to give you a book to read, later. “tell me, did you like it?”, went to the library next door room, tore out the pages of the book, and put into the book exactly the same amount of banknotes that miloradovich had lost and given him. miloradovich was delighted that same evening and lost everything to the ground. the next day i appeared, well, i read
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and read, thank you sir, i’m really looking forward to the continuation, when it turned out that once again, yes. impatiently, when , when it turned out that he had lost everything, alexander again left the office for a while, again invested the amount of the banknote that was necessary and, handing it to miloradovich, said: “here is the continuation, mikhail andreevich,” but keep in mind, that this is the last volume. we told such interesting stories, but we also won’t forget to tell you that miloradovich was never married, so he had quite a... large number of fans, he himself was a fan of a large number of ladies, and there is even such an anecdote that after his death, they opened a chest that was filled with love notes from a lady and one silver coin that lay there, yes, yes, and that means the ladies were of the most different, so to speak, class, say, both
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european and russian ladies indeed various secular and non-secular circles. well, it is known, for example, i don’t know if she was a fan, so to speak, of michal andreevich, but it is known that anna orlovachesmenskaya gave him a saber, which means her father alexei orlov, who received it from catherine, decorated with diamonds and precious stones, accompanying her in all sorts of words, so to speak, miloradovich took this as, therefore, worship, but however, the novel did not work out, and neither did ona alekseevna. also remained in the girls who fell into religious delusion, let's say, famous the story with pototskaya, who is with olga pototskaya, also a famous beauty, even a little adventurer, but the most sensational one is ekaterina telyashova, a ballerina, but maybe this is connected because this novel just unfolded in the last months of his
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life in st. petersburg, this the famous ballerina, by the way, alexander sergeevich griboyedov was in love with her, quite successfully. and he, so to speak, did not distinguish griboedov badly, but distinguished him well, because while griboedov was still in st. petersburg, he came to him for a vow, to miloradovich, i i mean home, in general, as if nothing had happened. but a small nuance: at that time his play was not published in any form, not on the theater stage, not in print, and the military governor-general was in charge of all parts, perhaps it is in
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this way, which means, but this is not revenge, but in any case, this is how the connection was reflected, this could be, but nevertheless, nevertheless, they were friendly with griboev, but we also know that grief was not published in moscow, this is also, by the way, about the tv show. she was 33 years younger than the general, and he, of course, treated her with great tenderness, and even on that ill-fated day, december 14, the last day of his life, they found him in her house, early in the morning, but he arrived in the morning, bashutsky promised that he came to her, he was in full dress, because on that day they were supposed to take the oath, and they said he went to senate square. with each butterfly i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision, which i remember now in moscow, when i
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look at my collection, intelligence officers on the boat was following on the heels of this aircraft carrier, they were scooping up from the sea all the rubbish that was falling from the aircraft carrier, soggy paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped: among this rubbish they would find precious information, on a dim cloudy day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i walked alone through red square in the drizzling rain. premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, tomorrow on the first. i will reign or perish. a foreigner who had no legal rights. rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks izmailovsky regiment, where it was declared an autocratic state. during the 34 years of her
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reign, catherine gained fame as a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country, just like peter the great received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed. empire new lands, wrote laws and carried out reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8, on the first. tyomkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. declaration of
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love. festive concert in the kremlin. premiere, march 8, on the first. the podcast is miloradovich's ring, i would like to introduce the guests and interlocutors, sergei mikhailovich nekrasov. director of the all-russian pushkin museum, anastasia and mikhail dubynin, our new friends, a young married couple from yeroslavl, i’ll start, i guess i’ll start, one day returning home, i opened the mailbox and i took out a letter from there, read it, and was completely shocked, because i didn’t think that such historical gifts could happen to us today in our specific time, nastya. will tell you what she wrote to me, in the letter, with all my feelings and emotions, i tell ekaterina our story with mikhail, which means that mikhail
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proposed to me, and we decided to melt down his old gold to make wedding rings, and misha took out his modest box in it my attention was attracted by the ring, very similar to engagement, but... in the internal circulation count miloradovich december 15, 1825, of course, my heart immediately started beating, it’s still beating, i immediately caught misha ’s attention, but more attention was drawn to the inscription and asked what kind of inscription, where did he get this ring from, but at that moment misha answered me that his grandmother gave him the ring, and somehow he never asked what it was... although my grandmother said that the ring was valuable, and we then gathered a family council, my mother and i spent half the night with our sister spent searching for information
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about... the count on the internet, and the version that the wedding ring fell off almost immediately, because the count had never been married, then the thought came to us that the ring could be a mourning one, but we didn’t find any information about that either, but we found something much more valuable, this is an excerpt from catherine’s book the secrets of precious stones decorations, which was published in the newspaper stage screens. he was miloradovich’s graphic artist and we were completely shocked by the last line, that only no one had ordered a mourning ring for him, and this line turned out to be the thread that stuck with us ekaterina knitted it tightly tightly, so we are in this studio today, i want to say that for me it is such a very valuable coincidence that the answer from ekaterina came to me on december 5, my birthday, and this... that
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year was the best gift for the day birth , forgive me, misha, but i received a letter from anastasia on december 3, and december 3 is the day of the unknown soldier, i accidentally found out about this, and after reading it, i was in such a completely stunning bewilderment, and this is such a greeting from the great unknown warrior, besides, i want to say that the envelope is very interesting, i then ask nastya, did i make it on purpose, no, not on purpose, but here, well, there is such a picture, well, on postal envelopes, we know, but here in the lavrov wreath is the letter m, like a monogram, that is, like miloradovich in a laurel wreath, in general some kind of miracles, according to nastya’s story, which means i realized that they discovered this chest of theirs, with their jewelry, uh, around october, in october 250 years old,
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miloradovich. just from the birthday, here it is everything worked out for me, such coincidences , coincidences simply don’t happen, and we realized that it definitely had to be his, besides, nastya, which means she received a state examination, we also have it, which says that with a high degree of probability , this is exactly the ring that friends or people who were close ordered, but here we had big, so to speak, difficulties, we began to look for possible moves, which means who could order it, it was very difficult, because there were no documents, actually there were no documents, someone someone once ordered such a ring, because when i wrote the text, i consulted with senior comrades, i read quite a lot of documents, i called again senior comrades, senior comrades again they said that they should say so, it’s all unknown, and such rather serious experts and connoisseurs, historians, but we can assume that the doctors did it, we
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can assume that they did it... the last minutes of miloradovich, according to the descriptions it was close to death, even closer to the count himself, here in the will he is mentioned, as we have already said, then it turns out he is maikov , when they began to study in depth, he was born in the yaroslavl district, approximately in the village of gorki, there are several such trees, but one of the villages is just in a large village, where misha’s grandmother lived, and it became something like this.
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energy, he has very good, kind energy, you can feel it, a very loving person made it a ring, my grandmother gave it to me, about 20 years ago. it was probably around 2002, about the third year, so i saw the inscription, i already had the internet back then, appeared here only, so i put it on the internet, miloradovich ma, here, but apparently, miloridovich, miloridovich, yes, but yes, i was mistaken, here, but yandex apparently didn’t correct anything, then there was nothing on the internet, and i put it a ring in a box with... i had it at home, i would like to ask my grandmother, yes, but my grandmother, my grandmother is no longer here, and we have such a wonderful history here, so it means that you can rummage through the grandmothers’ chests, boxes, maybe you what do you find, can you imagine how our history will be enriched and beautified,
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mikhail, and maybe just a little bit, maybe there were some other interesting things in the chest, i checked several times, there really weren’t any, but there were serious preparations for the wedding, i understand you, that’s okay. maybe you can tell me something a little about your family then? i was born in a large village and grew up there, now i live in yaroslavl, 2 years ago, 2 years ago i met anastasia, proposed to her, and so the ring found the right hands, yes, well, it’s right there in my hands, i i look, otherwise it would still lie and lie, as i understand it, misha, you were interested there somehow, well, not so much so with... yes, and nastya, she is such a strict person, a strict person, she took it right away, which means she wrote with all her fists, found me, wrote to me, and the most interesting thing is , that i liked that a letter arrived in the mail, russian post, not electronic, not an sms, nothing, it
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was just the only address that i found on the internet, no phone number, no email address , just an address, and a postal address, and not there was no certainty that it was relevant, whether this letter would reach, but the letter our. its addressee and uh, we haven’t yet said such an important thing that the ring itself, uh, it means it doesn’t have the hallmark of the assay office, which just tells us about the time of production of this ring, the mixture of metal from which it is made, but this ring is gold, but there is the so-called name mark , the author's mark ht, that is, it is in latin, in fact, we found it in the catalog in the catalog of marks we found this ht, this is the mark, this is heinrich thalberg, a master from finland, living in st. petersburg from the nineteenth to the thirty-second year , that yes, we understand that the ring was made in st. petersburg by this particular master, so to speak
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, on the one hand, the investigation has not advanced us much, but we definitely completely understand that the ring is not somewhere, so to speak, in the eastern regions of ukraine, chernigov, poltava , where relatives were grouped. maybe you can now tell us about miloradovich, how you feel about him? we will not tell you more about the count than you have already told us, but we want to say that of course he became the hero of our family, moreover, one of coincidences that i love personally.
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good afternoon, dear friends, i am glad to welcome all fans of figure skating, this is the second day of the first skating cup, and something tells me
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that the best way to spend this sunday is to spend it in the atmosphere of a sports festival, to spend it in our company at the first channel, but my name is still. alexey yagodin, and we are in one of the most beautiful cities on planet earth, in st. petersburg, or to be more precise, we are now on the ice of the sports palace.
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human papillomavirus, we'll tell you what, celebrate with us world day of the fight , the great heights medicine has reached in the fight against this problem, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first. the height of the struggle is still ahead and this only makes it more interesting. today's part of the tournament begins with a captain's competition and again an experiment on tenko in the channel one cup. i give the floor to my colleague maxim tronkov, or as he asks to be called the ice king in st. petersburg. hi all! hi, i don't know king or not king, i
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personally am 100% ready for the battle of captains. how are you doing, dear viewers, is the anniversary party ready? i see, i see that i’m ready, yes, that means we can definitely start, a little about the rules, all captains will undergo a triple test of skating skill, erudition, and greed, and to be more precise, they will have to go through an obstacle course for a while, answer quiz questions about my team, by the way, i prepared them all night, and the final test is to collect as many toys from the ice as possible. by the way, it is very difficult to overestimate the flood of captains, because these the points will go to the team piggy bank. let's move on to the first one. challenge, and it's a one-legged obstacle course. a sports
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couple, a dance duet and the captain of each team pass through the lane. the teams will start at the same time, but unfortunately, the captain of the blue team, anna shcherbakova, will not be able to participate due to injury, but this start will not be possible without annie shcherbakova. we invited a skater to replace us today. and this is anna shcherbakova, applause and not anna.


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