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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 3, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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that's all for today, our studio is temporarily empty, so that in a week it will again be filled with children's laughter and show the whole country new young talents who are definitely the best. see you on channel one , remember, don’t rush to grow up. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events. day of the passing
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week. development strategy of russia, message from the president to the federal assembly. we are one big family, we are together, so we will do everything as we plan and want to do as we dream. five new national projects for everyone and for everyone. time for heroes. low bow to you guys. the main thing for the week, about the special operation, liberated settlements and destroyed abrams. american tanks burn well. valuable personnel. such people who think about the country and live by its destiny can be passed on to russia in the future and entrusted to them. an educational project for the present.
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we will join jordan and our other friends to provide airdrops of additional food in ukraine. and plan b: what are the democrats going to do if will trump win? spring, warm, your world youth festival in sirius. do you dream of what safe can and should be like? a just world, it is up to you
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to create it. and the convincing success of the first ever games of the future in kazan. event of the week, presidential address to the federal assembly. it was announced on thursday in gostiny dvor. the ceremony lasted 2:6 minutes and became the longest in history. vladimir putin announced the launch of five new national projects. family, youth of russia, long active life, personnel, data economics. in fact, the head of state outlined an action plan for the next 6 years and longer term. the president's address to the nation aroused great interest. this is confirmed by a survey conducted by the all-russian center for the study of public opinion. the message was followed by the vast majority of russians, and 86% of them rated it positively. people paid attention to the president's initiatives to support young families, develop infrastructure, and build housing and roads. 85% of those who followed the message say that vladimir putin has a strategy for the country’s development for the coming years. they
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are confident that the president will be able to implement it. one of the important topics of the message was the personnel program for participants in a special military operation, the time of heroes, more about it later on our broadcast. in the meantime, let's talk about what's happening on the front line. our troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk and south donetsk directions of the special operation. at avdeevsky there is an improved position along the front edge. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has lost over a thousand fighters and various equipment, some only five american m777 howitzers were destroyed. and also. tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled guns and an electronic warfare station. air defense systems shot down 143 drones, including the turkish beiraktar t2. drones have completely changed the landscape of modern combat; they are used for reconnaissance and fire adjustments. the kaze drone is a fast, precise instrument. in skillful hands, it can defeat anything, from manpower to heavy tanks. with their help they even take prisoners. sergei ponomarev will tell you exactly how. we hounded him. we well
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they simulated a reset, he fell face down, then he realized that they wouldn’t leave him alone, he raised his head, knelt down, waved and we led him, the end of this small one was caught on video. special operations, they forgot to turn on the recording in time , a ukrainian intelligence officer, lagging behind the group, throws down his weapon and, following the instructions, our quadcopter surrenders, well, you could easily kill him, yes - we always try to make it clear that we don’t want to kill them, that they should let them surrender , well, unfortunately, not everyone goes, such work, according to the bpva operator call sign timaha is more expensive than any accurate hits from a kamikaze drone, and effectively everyone is intact. timakha is a volunteer. his family and a chain of restaurants remained in the krasnodar region; it’s been a year and a half since artyomovsk became his second home. well, you terrify strangers and your own with your appearance, right? well, yes, a lot of questions immediately arise about whose bird is in the sky,
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especially from ours, when our positions fly by. sometimes you need to explain to the same person 10 times that this is ours. the piercing roar of propellers bursts into the roar of the front; this sound, as they say here, sometimes scary. on the ground they check from the air, the video signal from the drones comes directly to the command post, we are slowly moving forward, online, we can watch the work of our units, how they move, where they are, we can see everything, tell them, help them where to turn, where to go
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, where is their point, these same birds are capable of what is called nightmareing the enemy, a platoon of drone operators with the call sign grandson, one of the most effective in the artyomovsk direction, for example, this one... but it all ended with that kamikazes just showed up at the right time, we worked there, probably a dozen of them , the enemy was already very weakened there, then some guys showed up and completely cleared out this support tower, the enemy has a lot of quadcopters, but in the 102nd regiment they have already learned to deal with them not only with the help anti-drone guns from rap stations are taken to ram, you need to hit with your belly, so to speak, on... any, any propeller, it is blocked, the bird automatically gives an error that the propeller is blocked, turn off the engine, it falls. at night, the main work is for them to designate goals for artillery, so that the enemy cannot raise his head, our mortars do not stop. 784 0.495, 0.495, visit and report.
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mortar crews have a lot of work both day and night, in the dark, as a rule, they take place during the main assault operations, and you can also catch the enemy on rotation when the enemy. i came out of cover, it’s more than 3 km to the trenches, so i only have small flashlights with me, so as not to give away my position, when we shoot two at a time, they leave and as if a cassette tape is already flying here, it’s one for someone, one every 10 minutes, one every two every 10 minutes, they are not told what the target is, only the coordinates, but judging by the range, the enemy continues to retreat, so the guys are preparing to change positions after the infantry, and he will go with them... no , i even sometimes think what i will
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do at home after all this, seriously, yes, when it’s all over, yes, we’ve already wandered around with these guys, and this despite the fact that every exit from cover means exposing yourself to enemy shells... . calculated on average, before the response flies, they will have time shoot up to nine minutes, sometimes they cover earlier, i was lucky, i sewed a sweatshirt, slowed down the speed a little, just went under the skin, as if i didn’t feel anything, well, as if a stone had landed, a couple of days in the hospital again on the front line, that’s the custom here, do not abandon your own, sometimes a well-coordinated crew with precise coordinates does not need to take aim, as in these frames taken with a thermal imager, the very first 120-mm shell hit an entire enemy squad, the work of mortars... is difficult not only technically, but also physically one such projectile weighs about 16 kg, you still need to be able to run with them and quickly, they say it’s a matter of habit, to be honest, i don’t like small calibers, why? well, that will give you some heat then. this time three
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shells were enough, the command was given to stop, what they managed to cover, they say, they will clarify later, until new targets are transmitted over the radio, it is better not to waste time and prepare the mines. life on march 1, a new personnel program was launched, the time of heroes. implements a project of the russian academy of national economy and public administration on the basis of the workshop management senizh. official website of timeheroes. rf became available on friday evening, almost 21 thousand applications were received in two days, and alexey kruchinin will tell you more about this. before the start of the svo, the definition of the elite in the public consciousness of russians was blurred; it was often referred to as people of dubious moral qualities, many of whom, moreover, belonged to their homeland.
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my devotion to russia, worthy people,
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you know, i look at these courageous people, sometimes very young guys, without any attraction, i can say, my heart is filled with pride for our people, for our people, for these particular people, such people will certainly not back down. they will not let you down or betray you; such people who think about the country, live by its destiny, can be handed over in the future and entrusted to russia. we are talking primarily about the military who listened to the president’s message in gostiny dvor and their comrades on the front line in the special operation zone. in general, those who irrefutably prove their love for their homeland by risking their lives every day. the support of russia and the salt of the earth. according to the president, it is they who must now become the country's leaders and take leading positions. in all key areas, from the education system and youth education, to large business and government administration. in
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the future, these are the people who will really lead our country, these are the future governor, these are the future chairman of the people's council, these are the future directors of factories, these are senators, these are the heads of municipalities. indeed, who if not them, for example, the hero of russia alexander karamyshev, who more than once saved his comrades in his mi-8, becoming for them a real guardian angel. russians don’t abandon their own people. this is 100%, and thanks to the courage and heroism of our military personnel, we are moving forward, everything is ahead of us, the fastest victory will be ours. or another hero of russia, maxim sholomov, who was very pleased to hear the president’s words; this is also a great reward, in addition to those already shining on his chest. it was said that the elite is precisely a soldier who is ready to give his life for the lives of other people, the truth is behind us, glory to the russian soldier. for those who now a special role, special support is required. the president recalled that svo participants
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have a priority right to receive education at the country's leading universities. in addition, families of fighters from the far east and the arctic, as well as, of course, donbass and novorossia, can receive preferential mortgages at a rate of 2%. for danil stepankov, a demobilized student from lugansk, this is very important. there is a new addition to the young family. it was nice to hear that for young families and svo participants there will be a 2% mortgage on new entities. because we don't have our own housing, we rent an apartment, and we would like our own home to appear, where we will directly invest our strength, energy and so that the child lives in comfort and joy. their time is coming, the time of heroes. this is the name of the new large-scale personnel program announced by vladimir putin. on the basis of the public administration workshop, seniz vranhiks, the military will train highly qualified specialists who in the future will be able to work in government agencies and state-owned companies. applications are accepted from those with no criminal record. fighters with higher education managerial experience, while current titles and position do not matter. the main thing
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is that these must be people who have shown their best qualities, who have shown that they know how to lead their comrades. studies will begin in the coming months. the mentors for the first participants of the program will be government leaders, the presidential administration, federal ministries, departments, and heads of regions of our largest companies. in the future, we will expand such personnel programs, launch management courses at the russian academy of national economy and public services, and i consider the status of an academy necessary. support the desire of fighting officers to try their hand at the new personnel program, provide for them the opportunity to apply for participation and go to full-time training. i would like to note that the participants in the special military operation, both privates and sergeants, and military
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officers, already today form the backbone of our armed forces. of course, as i already said, those who intend to continue their military career will receive priority promotions when entering command courses, schools and military academies, this is the most important task that is being solved now, and naturally, taking into account what the president just said, of course, it will become overgrown with specifics, specific tasks, because these are different professions, different specialties. those who would like to pursue a military career will have separate opportunities available to them. there are nuances: first of all, how to be an active military man who has everything to get an education except the main thing - time. the main format of the program is online classes, but fighters will be able to count on trips to moscow. we are now discussing with the ministry of defense how this can be organized. these will be short business trips for
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training, but the ministry of defense also understands the importance of this educational program, and i think that the participants will be quite motivated. registration takes place on the website vremeyageroyev.rrf, application, contact information, a little later testing, then the actual selection. art bass veteran alexey savin was a senior reconnaissance machine gunner. soon he will have at his disposal a weapon more powerful than a machine gun. professional management skills and a team of comrades and like-minded people. first of all , we expect opportunity from the program. to obtain the necessary knowledge that will later be useful to us, and then it’s natural to realize ourselves, because this is a huge responsibility, well, without knowledge, you can’t go anywhere, and even more so the trust that our president has now shown us, but we can never let you down, many regions are already using the enormous potential of northern military district veterans.
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sergei efremov, in the recent past, commander of the volunteer battalion tiger, was appointed vice-governor of the region. without mentors, i am sure that military experience will help guys learn new specialties more easily, because for example, battalion management is the most effective school of management; decisions have to be made in a matter of seconds under enemy fire. in general, i spent almost 2 years at the front, so i want to say that i saw a lot of competent, decent people who, in principle, by and large, after returning from the front, returned to peace life, this is not a regular military man, this is among the mobilized, this is among volunteers. will be able to provide enormous assistance in public administration. the mayor of nevinnomysk, hero of russia mikhail minenkov adds that real front-line commanders know better than anyone what it’s like when there is no room for error. an indispensable quality for any leader. in the army there are no grades, four, three, there you are either alive or dead, so you need
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to make decisions there, carefully, very carefully, for this you need to spend a lot of time events, because i’m on the eve humanly, in fact. it helps in civilian life, if we are now coping on the front line, then here they can cope all the more, they have confidence in their abilities, which the special military operation gave them. all of russia is helping the guys on the front line. warm clothes and camouflage nets are flowing into the nwo zone. the popular front is donating ammunition, copters and drone jammers purchased with donations from russians, the bill is already worth tens of billions of rubles. of course, returning home and getting a job... yesterday's job the fighters will also enjoy the support of the population, says novosibirsk deputy andrei panferov. an experienced military man, he began his combat service in afghanistan, was a special forces commander in the northern military district, and he clearly senses the trend in how people began to relate to the army. this connection between the army and the people has always existed, especially now. and i think that this trust in the military man, which
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was 80 years ago when the victory was won, is being revived right now. they have a lot to do for the country. but while the main task there is in the trenches under mines and bullets, the forward movement that the president spoke so much about in his message depends on its solution. the implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front. from courage. and the determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, rise to attack, move forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us. for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our soldiers, who are creating absolutely necessary conditions today for the future of the country and for its development. low
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bow to you guys. what is this if not the highest trust, which the guys brilliantly justify at the front and will no doubt justify in civilian life. after taking the avdeevka defensive hub, our soldiers advance further to the west. within a week, three settlements were liberated: lastochkino, severnoe and petrovskoye, and the first abrams was burned in the vicinity of the village of berdychi. the situation is improving in other areas. kiev is even trying to stabilize the front, leaving an average of 800 people a day on the battlefields, at first, the ukrainian losses to the northern military district exceeded 444.
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they stopped it in the rear aft part, with the second side they finished off a regular grenade launcher shot, two rounds of ammunition were enough to hit it. in this war, legends are born and myths are destroyed; the myth of the indestructibility of western heavy armored vehicles was finished off by the american abrams burning near avdiivka. the first required only two fpv drones with ammunition from the soviet rp-7 grenade and the skill of calculating the uav, the fifteenth. separate motorized rifle brigade of the central military district, which is symbolic, this the only peacekeeping brigade in the russian army, the horde,
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having lost the initiative, the enemy is moving back; according to the russian ministry of defense, over 300 km have already been liberated this year. and if the ukrainian armed forces tries to carry out something similar to a counterattack, it is solely for the purpose
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of reporting to extremely dissatisfied western sponsors, through a selfie at a given point against the background of the ukrainian flag. a detachment of elite special forces of the ukrainian armed forces from the 73rd naval special operations center tried to land on the tendra spit in the kherson region this week.
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personnel and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign-made ones. during the special military operation, the ukrainian
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armed forces lost everything. new military cemeteries are hard to miss; in kharkov, these have doubled over the past 4 months. if you take just three cities with a population of over a million in ukraine and count the graves where they stand in the places where the flag of ukraine stands, at least three cities will have more than half a million there. did you find out how many thousand people died, 31, 31, what? you smoke, you sniff,
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so, why didn’t 3, 3,00 people die, maybe you can’t figure out the numbers anymore, listen, remember, you scum, if you catch my eye, i promise you, i swear, i’ll tear you up, i’ll tear you up, i’ll tear you to pieces, i’ll tear you to shreds, for bringing grief and tears to ukraine, and the ukrainian armed forces militants who managed to get out of the front rushed to refute their own.
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so as not to pay compensation to the families of the victims. almost all leading western media acknowledge the catastrophic losses in the ssu; a cnn correspondent writes that the cemetery in the lviv region is already bursting at the seams, officials are forced to clear land for fresh graves. while the war death toll until recently remained a closely guarded state secret, president volodymyr zelensky on sunday put the figure at 31, far below the 70,000 cited by us officials. in august last year. a reasonable question: if ukrainian losses are in the tens of thousands, then why the wholesale mobilization of half a million? the power of an army has always been determined by its ability to recover losses. ukraine, having lost the opportunity to restore her armed forces, she began to conscript everyone into the army. first they conscripted all the criminals from the prisons into the army, then they conscripted everyone over 50. then they conscripted the third group of disabled people. now we are forced
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to create. camps for women prisoners of war. last year, kiev announced a system to protect workers in critical industries from conscription. before the war, agriculture, fishing and forestry employed 15% of the workforce and accounted for 11% of gross domestic product. and that's what bloomberg now writes. in some villages there are no men left at all, investigators or workers, people who previously worked in agricultural enterprises. this is frightening, because if there are no enterprises
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, who protects all this, i think, the supreme command of the armed forces of ukraine cannot manage here, we can’t do anything, as they say, it’s nothing personal, just business, the bloomberg agency quotes the words in general. ukraine, including in relation to some contractors. investigations at various stages are looking at issues such as procurement fraud, product substitution, theft, fraud or corruption, and misuse, said pentagon inspector general robert storch. corruption, shameless lies by the authorities, military failures and all this mobile stuff.
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against this background, in the west, the positions of supporters of ending aid to ukraine are strengthening every day; the most authoritative american economist david sachs, a billionaire and one of the creators of the paypal electronic payment system, summed up a disappointing result. us they say that ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing, we are told that war makes nato stronger, when in fact it drains the alliance. we are told that ukraine's biggest problem is shortages. the us congress, but at the same time the west cannot produce enough ammunition, a problem that will take years to solve, we are told that russia is suffering heavy losses, but in fact ukraine is running out of soldiers. another problem
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that cannot be solved with money. we are told that peace be with us, when in fact the world majority considers us policy to be the height of stupidity. it is obvious that the western plan to destroy russia with the help of the kiev regime has now transformed into a disastrous one. thanks to our valiant soldiers who liberated this city, the plan is to work on the sword, we will begin soon. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one.
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the degree of escalation, the french president is adding fuel to the fire. macron said that he does not rule out sending soldiers from nato countries to ukraine, no longer weapons. that's just the chancellor germany's scholz, and many other european leaders, are clearly not happy with this prospect. and it's even louder here.
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germany, a german general proposes a working scheme on how not to compromise this air force base, from which the data necessary for carrying out taurus attacks will be received. of course, this is a trick, but from a political point of view, it may look different.
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if information is exchanged through the manufacturer, then this is not associated with us. the idea is simple, from büchel: organize a closed communication channel to the bavarian straubenhausen, where is the taurus missile manufacturer. plant a few of your own there.
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one of the possible targets is the crimean bridge. what would a taurus attack on the bridge look like? from an operational perspective, i cannot estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn to plan such actions and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about a bridge and military bases, i understand that they want to get them as soon as possible. i would like to say one more thing about the destruction of the bridge. we have been intensively studying this issue, unfortunately we have come to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that the taurus will succeed if it uses the french dasau rafal fighter. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. i'm not pushing bridge ideas, i'm pragmatically wanting to understand what they want and what we need to teach them. we all know that they want to destroy the bridge, what this
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ultimately means, how they protect it, not only because it has important military-strategic, but political meaning. ingo gerhards is a public figure; there are many posts on the internet with his participation. to check and verify votes, there is an automatic system that is used, including by german law enforcement agencies. its stripped-down version with the functionality we need is available online. we are talking about voice yes... from a copy we download audio with gerhards’ voice and fragments from a published recording of a conversation between air force officers. coincidence. on saturday evening, the german media reported that the german ministry of defense confirms the authenticity of the material posted, spoke out and scholz. what the press is writing about is a very serious issue, so now it is being clarified very carefully, very intensively, very quickly. the following year, ingu gerhards was expecting a promotion. he should have continued his career in nato. will it work? reveal sensitive information about allies and
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the american presence in ukraine. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own, because it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent, so it’s quite possible it is possible that soon they will be able to use it themselves, because they have all the satellite images. yes, they get them from us. what is happening now in germany, with the discussion of the supply of taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, is on everyone’s mind. contact was made with other officers from singapore,
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most likely through the hotel’s unsecured wi-fi network or even by telephone. according to spiegel, the ministry of defense is alarmed by this case, since other official conversations could have been intercepted. this worm will constantly gnaw the corresponding german services, maybe there are other records. as for the russian position regarding the actions of western countries in ukraine, vladimir spoke out in no exhaustive terms during his address to the federal assembly. what scares the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization.
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german soldiers should never, anywhere be associated with the goals that this system achieves. this means that it is neither in germany nor in germany. these words directly correlate with officers' conversation. at first, in germany they tried to simply ignore the text transcript of the military conversation, but then audio appeared, which complicated the task. the bundeswehr insisted on blocking the accounts of the social network x, which distributed a recording of a conversation between german military personnel who discussed the taurus missile attack on the crimean bridge. the publication of the bundeswehr tapes is the second
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high-profile event in europe in a week, directly related to the fighting in ukraine and the involvement of western countries in this conflict. there was a meeting of the heads twenty states and governments, following which french president macron made a shocking confession. today there is no consensus on the official dispatch of ground troops, but nothing can be ruled out in the dynamics, we will do everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war. judging by information from agence francepress, the french proposal had been secretly discussed in european capitals for several weeks; the public would hardly have known about it if the slovak prime minister had not let fitz slip on the eve of the meeting. please take this seriously. besides what i’m saying here, i simply cannot imagine that there will be soldiers from nato member countries on the territory of ukraine. because of these words , macron was asked the corresponding question at the press conference. the reaction to the confession was stormy. there is no consensus, and a number of european leaders have expressed shock at the position of the french president, who
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appear to be constantly under the influence of certain psychotropic substances. he should stop this. this obviously dangerous. both the left and the right criticized the president in france itself. representatives of european countries began to declare at the distillation that they were not going to participate in macron’s proposal, however, he later confirmed it. this is a fairly serious topic, every word i say on this subject is weighed, thought out and verified. the head of the dutch armed forces, the chief of the general staff of the dutch army also said that nothing could be ruled out, so i think that was intentional.
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many policy experts, including from government coalition, the very point of the taurus supply that is being called for is to strike at russian supply lines, command centers , and so on. the same rationale is used to push through the supply of increasingly long-range weapons systems to kiev. having won a military victory, russia will supposedly attack...
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the most effective, as they think , means of destruction, the fact that in this case, in principle, direct confrontation with the nuclear power of russia is allowed, of course, is an extremely alarming symptom, for example, in france, the ex-prime minister waltz spoke quite casually on the topic of world war iii. we must tell the french the truth: war is not impossible, one way or another, we must prepare for it. shortly before the start of the svo, just after a meeting with macron in the kremlin, vladimir putin asked a simple question to a french journalist: do you want to fight?
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to train him, we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic. after the explosion macron’s dangerous statements trying to exclude any possibility of scholz sending troops to ukraine, many in europe started talking about a deep split along the paris-berlin line, and yet, what is the likelihood that this is just a game of good and bad cop, the goal of which is... the west, the collective west, is slowly losing in ukraine, the ukrainians are losing, as we know, one battle after another, sanctions are not working, the military. supplies are not what they could be and so on. obviously, kyiv's european allies are now at a crossroads. over
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the past 2 years, schols has had many forks in his path. he probably could have stopped at allocating 5,000 helmets, but kiev eventually received german self-propelled howitzers and even tanks. now the question is about cruise missiles, for now for the chancellor this is obviously a red line, which is what the scriptwriters of the german program for children, who for some reason took up this topic, are ridiculing. he is afraid that i will end up in russia. what has russia been doing for 2 years now? russia is actually doing everything necessary so that such characters with crosses on armor no longer posed a threat to anyone. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, yuli zagranichnogo, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. let's return to the president's message to parliament. in essence, this is vladimir putin’s election program, and the main thing in it is our people, our values, health and life expectancy, good education, and a large, strong family. all these are national priorities. active social policy and investments in human capital will help solve all problems. elena pich with details. four-month-old margarta is trying out colored
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pencils, but so far only on her single tooth. but soon her drawings will be hung in this cozy house, as well as the works of her older brother and sister. on the line , stanislav zaitsev is a little over 30, and they already have three children. and they certainly don’t laugh for the sake of maternal capital; they gave birth. we give birth to children for the sake of children, because we love children. russia remains a stronghold of traditional values ​​on which human civilization is built. support for families with children, our fundamental moral choice, great having many children. the family should become the norm, the philosophy of social life, the guideline of the entire state strategy. in
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the next 6 years, i join your applause: in the next 6 years, we must achieve a sustainable increase in the birth rate. the president, as they say , sorted them into what parts? parents with children will be able to count on support in the next 6 years, i started with the most urgent housing needs, the family mortgage program will be continued, i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the main basic parameters, pay special attention to families with children under 6 years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and yet, now at the birth of the third child of the state. repays part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450,000 rubles. i also propose to extend
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this rule until 2030. in the courtyard of this nine-story moscow building alone, we saw four young mothers walking with strollers, and this is not counting our heroine, the youngest son, who is only 10 days old. we mainly have on the middle floor six or seven children each, and this doesn’t happen in just one family, but. this is in several families. sasha and her husband themselves come from large families, live with their parents, and they say now is the time to get their own home. now they have two children, but dream of four. this is really very good, because you know that now we’ve only had a second one, a third one, it’s like having many children is more of a privilege. plus another 450,000 - this is to pay off the mortgage, the president will also extend it until the thirtieth year. only in 2024 50 billion rubles were allocated for this program this year. every year, according to the president, this amount will increase. the issue of allowing large families in need of improved
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housing conditions to take out a family mortgage without a down payment is currently being considered. new opportunities will appear for those who live where there are almost no new buildings. i ask the government to provide special conditions for family mortgages specifically for small towns, as well as for those regions where new apartment buildings are being built in small quantities, or there are none at all? need to do this as quickly as possible, resolve the issue of key parameters, including the size of the down payment and the loan rate. often maternity capital is used for the down payment on a mortgage; now it is 630 thousand rubles for the first child and 832 thousand for the second. our maternity capital program is valid until the beginning of the twenty-sixth year, i also propose to extend it until at least 2030. just like free hot water. meals at school for children from large families will become a mandatory monthly allowance for travel - 1. rubles for each child, the social supplement to the pension will be indexed, and
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compensation for housing and communal services expenses will be fully preserved. and a whole series of regional payments, and putin insists: they should become the same in all regions, in order to increase support for families where the birth rate is falling, 75 billion rubles will be allocated by 2030, and the tax deduction will be larger. in families with many children and a lot of worries, parents should have more free funds to solve everyday problems. i suggest doubled to 2,800 rubles. per month tax deduction for the second child. and up to 6,000 rubles per month for the third of each subsequent child, what does this mean? for example, a family with three children will save 1,300 rubles in their budget every month. at the same time , i also propose to increase the amount of annual income to which the deduction applies from 350 to 450 thousand rubles and
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such a measure. but, of course, there is a lot of this, but we keep the solution to this problem in the area of ​​​​constant attention. a number of peace regulations were adopted relatively recently, so on january 1, 2023, a single monthly benefit for families with low incomes, from the woman’s pregnancy until the child reaches 17 years of age. last year, more than 11 million people received this benefit. have you noticed how
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our grandparents have changed, because many of them. instead of going to the clinic , they prefer playing sports or, for example, studying computer literacy, and often they are the reliable support for children who themselves have long become mothers and fathers and we really want them to live as long as possible. by the thirtieth year, expected duration life in russia should be at least 78 years; in the future, as we planned, we will reach the level of 80 plus. particular attention should be paid to rural areas, regions where life expectancy is short. is still lower than the average for russia, but it is important that the duration of a healthy, active life increases, so that a person can devote his time to his family, loved ones, children, grandchildren, so that you personally do not think that drinking strong drinks in russia has become less , those who went to the gym instead of a glass of tea or the football field has not yet been counted, but the most different sports grounds in the country are not empty even on weekdays, remember the popular
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slogan, everyone remembers... this joke, stop drinking, get on your skis, this is the one , the moment has come, i suggest at the expense of federal resources, annually build in the regions, primarily in small towns and rural areas, at least 350 additional sports facilities, these are universal complexes and prefabricated sites where children, adults, and the whole population can exercise. will open in new schools that are large neighborhoods need it like air. we have a lot of new buildings here, the schools are jam-packed, we are really looking forward to the school, we are supposed to open a school in 2025, here not far in a neighboring residential complex, it’s already under construction, we’re really looking forward to it. in the coming years , more than 200 new schools and kindergartens will be built in russia; it is equally important that work will continue on major repairs and re-equipment
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of existing ones in the village of sundzha, where no more than a thousand people live. the only school celebrated its 100th anniversary, but you must agree, after major renovation from the roof to the utilities , it doesn't look its age. the interactive whiteboard is combined. before this, we only saw it all in the picture. in general , we will allocate an additional 400 billion rubles for the overhaul of kindergartens and schools. in addition, i propose to update or open medical offices in schools that have one in the next 6 years. there is a need, and there is such a need, because now in twenty-two, twenty years out of 39 schools, 39, 440 schools we have, there are medical offices in only 65%, additional this year , class teachers and curators of college groups in small towns and villages will begin to receive federal payments; the salaries of teachers,
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advisers, and educational directors will increase; young people especially appreciate this attention. work in graduate classes is now all concentrated around preparing for exams, some have already decided on their future university, others are still thinking about it, but nervousness is growing every day, because a couple of ridiculous mistakes can deprive them of the chance of admission, and you will have to wait a whole year for another opportunity. indeed, the unified state examination mechanism must be improved. what i propose at this stage is to take one more step in this direction, to give graduates what is called a second chance, precisely by choice. the student himself, to provide him with the opportunity to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects, to do this before the end of the admissions campaign to universities, in order to have time to submit documents
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taking into account the retake, such everyday things, but they are important for people, it will be much calmer for the students, and secondly, i i think the results will be much better for many more students study in those universities in which they would dream, although according to statistics, less than half of the graduates even... six months before the exams know where they will go next, so according to putin, career guidance should become part of the system, from school to employer. i am now addressing the heads of enterprises, scientific and medical centers, please invite schoolchildren to your place, let the children have a look at the workshops, this is what i was offered on one of my trips, factory museums, laboratories, be sure to get involved, i ask you to participate in this work to ensure that university classrooms and laboratories meet modern standards. the requirements of the states provide for the renewal of their infrastructure, colleges will be repaired and re-equipped and, to the special joy of students, hostels. in the coming years, even more campuses will be built than previously planned. almost two hundred billion rubles
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are earmarked for grants under the priority 2030 program. on behalf of the president, the government must expand the pushkin card program, with the help of which teenagers and young people under 22 years old can free admission to cinemas, museums, theaters and exhibitions. by the way, cultural institutions themselves receive money in this way. incentive for development: from 2025, more new projects will be able to be launched in rural recreation centers, libraries and theaters, when the zemsky cultural worker programs start working, similar to the zemsky doctor and zemsky teacher programs, specialists who go to the outback will receive a one-time payment from the state. there is a lot of work ahead, but the goal is holy without any pathos. this is our homeland, the homeland of our ancestors, it is needed and dear only for us. and of course, to our descendants , to whom we are obliged to pass on a strong and prosperous country, we are one big family, we are together, therefore we will do everything as we plan and want
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to do, as we dream, i believe in our victories, in successes, in the future of russia. elena pich, alex tatun, dmitry orekhov, maryana soboleva, alexander anovnichev, channel one. energetically charged competitions that have already gone down in history. the first games of the future, a mega-project implemented by russia, a completely new format, fidzital fusion of traditional and esports. 20 one discipline, for example, drone racing. so, at great speed, first go through an obstacle course in virtual space, and then on a real site, or a battle of robots, they fight here, competitions, machines, of course, brains. the engineers who created these metal gladiators. and this is laser, an opportunity not on a computer, but in a real arena to find out who is stronger in shooting tactics. the closing ceremony of the games of the future was also held
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at the junction of two worlds, the real virtual, in the phyzital concert format. the games of the future will be remembered as an incredible spectacle in which there is no room for political differences, a sport that truly unites and attracts huge attention around the world. about the success of the games of the future peter. the bright finale of the most futuristic sporting event in the history of the future games ends with a grandiose concert of young russian performers in the fijil style. the closing ceremony was watched by almost 3,000 spectators in real space at kazan expo and millions online. here is our cheburashka hero. digital format and hosts famous computer games, and these are dancing cyberdogs, one of them became the hero of memes because she refused to perform during the opening, but now she pleases all the spectators,
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friends, we did it, the first games of the future took place in history, russia invented it. unforgettable impressions from incredible competitions, the games of the future have become a truly internationally recognized brand, russia has once again proven its leading role in the global sports community. brazil, brazil! a breathtaking spectacle that unites
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two realities, the final competitions of the games of the future broke broadcast records on all internet platforms, more than 2 billion views in 100 countries, football, basketball and hockey, where players show their skills in the virtual space and then go to real sites. the games of the future are two weeks of the most incredible matches. 21 phygital disciplines that combine... professional sports and its cyber reflection. the extremely popular multiplayer games dota 2 and counter strike continued in tactical battles on a huge laser arena. more aggressive farther away, look, pronix is ​​trying to run, to immediately cower, but he is alone there. in the red corner of the brawl, please greet his opponent.
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athletes from 107 countries participating in the games of the future is a competition free from political considerations. i have a lot of friends in russia. friends all over the world
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who came here, i am happy to see them all, kazan is amazing, thousands of fans discovered new heroes, russian basketball players surprised us at these games, from the very first day our clubs started showing yourself on equal terms with professional players of the american leagues is probably the most beautiful match so far, on the other hand, of the previous three.
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the guys just go nose to nose and damn the score is energetically charged very cool, look at all straight neck to neck the experience in short, the intensity is so very strong.
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with russia, how do you like the game, great, i really thought that i would get first place, and it came true. league about team becomes the first ever champions in fidgetal basketball and wins 437 thousand dollars, super in general,
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we went for this, prepared, spent so much effort that it was not in vain, thanks to the coach for the preparation, for trusting the guys, those who didn’t play were... already sick, worried, hello to my wife , children, mother, always play against the americans in the final, it’s a thrill, especially to beat them, the best tournament i’ve played in, russian great players, great team, this game was just crazy, first the console, and then the platform, incredible experience, incredible, russian football players also showed a beautiful strong game throughout .
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the format allows you to look forward to it very, very emotionally, and this entertainment is enhanced by the fact that there are many moments in quick succession. attack, and a lot of goals. today i really wanted to raise this cup , which is a very beautiful, very cool cup, of course, about the same one we received for the russian championship, but we wanted to win here today, home arena, home stage, the first game of the future, of course, we wanted to become a team, who won here, i have been to a lot of places: the
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champions league finals, tournaments at the world championships esports, and here it is the graphics, organization, well, just top. the uruguayan club penotroll takes the cup and performs a victory song. wonderful, just 10 out of 10, we are very grateful to all the spectators , we were so pleasantly warmly received, we just fell in love with kazan, culture, history, i really want to come back, perfect, there will be a flipout, extreme sports at the games of the future in kazan, dozens came the best skateboarders in the world, first they show... tricks on a skateboard simulator, and then demonstrate the best programs on a real blackboard of course, i’m not a great skateboarder, i haven’t been on a board for 15 years, better look at these guys. spectacular
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slides and flips of a skateboard seem to not exist for these athletes. the forces of gravity in kazan built a giant skatepark, and its exact copy was erected in virtual space. repeat the most difficult tricks here and there, i was very shocked that boys do such difficult tricks, it’s interesting to watch, it’s interesting to watch how they repeat tricks on a console, so i i think it’s very cool that the new format is like this, in the stands some people are getting acquainted with this discipline for the first time, the older generation is starting to learn the names of the tricks, an ollie is a jump, a kick-flip is a flip. he fell all the time, now he ’s succeeded, well done, we knew that such a sport existed, but now we see it, and something just caught fire. world-class athletes also participate in this discipline. mathies del olio from argentina, a medalist at world championships, says that skating in the cyber
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park is a real challenge for him. you will do it small error on the console everything goes wrong. in real skateboarding we have a lot of practice. if you compare, for example, with figure skating , it’s like quadruple jumps, they take the cup, and the prize money of 175 thousand dollars is spent on their families, russian skateboarders in these competitions also ended up...
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they also demonstrate the impossible, the digital part of this discipline is not just the game is small bicycles on which riders ride a complex simulator that reflects the real weight of the bicycle and the physics of all the athletes’ tricks the coaching staff is training, everything is very realistic, similar to real life, but it is very difficult to control, in real life doing tricks is... easier than in the game. the best in this discipline turned out to be the kazantsev team, chain crew iriya krizaev, a participant in the tokyo olympics, and now a champion of the games of the future. the impression is space, to be honest, because the format is simply incredible. i don’t want to say that it’s more interesting than the olympics, but the format is truly more interesting and incredibly exciting. one of the stages of games of the future takes viewers from kazan to the federal territory of sirius. this circuit was chosen because of weather conditions that are better suited for... sochi came to the competition, but i have very professional pilots from 14 countries, 25
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laps at a speed of 200 km/h in a team of two pilots, they alternately drive the sochi circuit in reality and in a car simulator. i've never been to the track before, i've seen it many times on tv in formula 1, and i've also driven around it in virtual space. for these new balidovzhital, racing will be the first of... test, the characteristics of each car are absolutely identical, so this is a test of piloting skill, the team gets sick by drawing lots the day before the race, all that remains is to adjust the height of the pedals of the seat. this is my seat, which is made right for me, and how this is done, a bag is loosened into a car without a seat, foam that is somewhat similar to assembly foam is poured into it, and the pilot sits there, waits for this foam to harden, now this is a seat just inserted, respectively, there,
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i've been riding in simulators for a long time, but never i tried to combine this, and this is the only event where this is possible, you drive a real car, and then it’s in a simulator? does this experience in the simulator help you in real racing? oh absolutely! the russian team smp demonstrated absolute leadership in the race; they showed themselves to be the fastest and most technical in completing the virtual and real routes and took a prize of 175 thousand dollars. well, how did it all end? we started very close, literally side by side, so of course i felt the competition. we won super sensations, and we guessed
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that we had an advantage because we were strong in the real component in the virtual one, but still we prayed that nothing would break, because in a technical sport anything can happen, although the preparation of the ballids for everything else was superb , but in the end everything worked out for us, and we are here now, there is an incredible atmosphere here, it simply resembles the atmosphere that was exactly 10 years ago here, when... the first winter olympic games in the history of russia were held, and i am very i’m glad that we now have an atmosphere that is wonderful in kazan at the games of the future, this is also the first, but now in the history of mankind , a sporting event, which, thanks to our president, and now this format, it is available all over the world, there is a club history here, which allows invite athletes from different countries who come.
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but our fans also welcomed champions from other countries, china, who took the pototi 2 prize, india, the winners of the robot battle, south korea, the champions of drone racing, it seems that a real format was born in the world the sport of the future, truly uniting peoples. figital competitions have already attracted the interest of representatives from 60 countries, new champions, new records, new heroes of the games of the future. this is what will happen next in the program.
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strategic security on our terms, which have something to back it up, a statement by the supreme commander-in-chief. plan b: what are american democrats going to do if republican trump wins the presidential election? the growth of the economy, the growth of people's incomes, the president's instructions are already in progress. spring warm your worldwide youth festival in sirius guests from all over the planet, we will continue after advertising, this is the queue for the operation, talk to someone in the queue, suddenly he will give in, give him a chance,
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save jobs, i am putting terminators on... votka veda stellar product group. old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. bourbon storsman is a product of the steller group. mancacher whiskey is
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a product of the stellar group. gin cnop. product of stellar group. cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. rom castro. product of stellar group. the story of its incarnation in a blockbuster in first channel union of salvation. for some reason, the pekovists thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed. take troops, go somewhere outside the city, become some kind of camp. the conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate. nicholas understood the dilemma well, they want to make me a tyrant or a coward, who is this man, the one who broke the neck of reforms, or the man who saved from bloodshed, and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if on december 14 , 1925, you found yourself in st. petersburg. pushkin before senate square and pushkin after, these are two
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different pushkins. premiere, big story. decembrists. union of salvation, today on the first. general syrsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also called general 200. the situation at the moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing along the entire front line. syrsky will kill us all. ukrainian soldiers are mincemeat in syrsky’s career ambitions. the main thing is a career, but money doesn’t smell. i just know tsyrsky personally, because i have his last name, he’s mine report. my brother doesn’t communicate with him, but he’s his own. it is written everywhere that he has one wife, one child. his parents live in vladimir. my father always said that my sashka wants to become a general. being a general in a small country is a little easier. his parents try to refrain from commenting, because god forbid, a man who betrayed his homeland would raise his hand against his parents. he had a chance to continue his career in russia; in 1913 he still ate a cake with our
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flags. why did my mother and i split up? i didn’t travel abroad, in short, with a translator. and with one of the translators he decided to get involved, well, go to hell. people are not born traitors, they become traitors. alexander syrsky, general 200. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. with each butterfly i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision, which i remember now in moscow when i look at my collection. scouts on a boat. walked on the heels of this aircraft carrier, they scooped out from the sea all the rubbish that fell from the aircraft carrier, the sodden paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped to find precious information among this rubbish, on a dim cloudy day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i
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walked alone in the drizzling rain along red square. premiere, alexander prahad. confession first tomorrow. the first most populous country. the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, i’ll move it aside. the united states is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main engine of the indian economy is now information technology. technologies. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries . this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now about 2.0 films are shot a year in bollywood, this...
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it’s sunday time and we continue: equal security for everyone, and not just for the hegemon and his satellites, in his message to the federal assembly, vladimir putin clearly laid out the emphasis: moscow is ready for dialogue, but to be honest and responsible, let us at least remember the minsk agreements, to fulfill them is ours partners, by their own admission, did not intend to. the supreme commander-in-chief recalled that russia has everything in its arsenal to ensure its security and it would be better for the west not...
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to bring discord to our home and weaken us from within in many other regions of the world, including ukraine, but they
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miscalculated, this today it is already an absolutely obvious thing, we are faced with the firm position and determination of our multinational people. russia, the president especially emphasized, will defend its independence and solve the problems of its own development without prompts, much less instructions on how and what to do. in the years after the collapse of the soviet union. which the west had a hand in, we, as a country, not only retained independence, but also gained colossal, as putin put it, combat experience, this is our main difference from them, they have already forgotten what war is, we, even our current generation, have gone through through such difficult trials during the fight against international terrorism in the caucasus, now in the context of the conflict in ukraine the same thing is happening, they think that for them it’s all cartoons it was not by chance that the president mentioned some cartoons, remember how... during the announcement of his address to the federal assembly , vladimir putin spoke for the first time about the latest developments of our military-industrial complex. in the west then they reacted to this with a grin, saying that putin only shows the world
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cartoons with red triangles. what we planned in the field of armaments, which i spoke about in my 2018 message, has all been done, or this work is being completed. intercontinental-range hypersonic units are on combat duty. vanguard and laser complexes peresvet. tests of the unlimited -range cruise missile of the unmanned underwater vehicle poseido are being completed. these systems have confirmed their high and, without exaggeration, unique characteristics. the first serial sarmat heavy ballistic missiles were also delivered to the troops. we will soon demonstrate them in operational deployment areas. job. work on a number of other promising weapons systems continues about new achievements of our weapons scientists
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we'll find out later. the very next day after the announcement of the message from the plesetsk cosmodrome , a combat training launch of the yars intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out, the full characteristics of which have not yet been declassified. the uniqueness of this mobile complex is that its deployment does not require engineering preparation of sites. and western intelligence, as they probably saw before and the consequences of launches of hypersonic dagger missiles hitting targets in the zone of a special military operation, a hypersonic strike complex was already used in battle sea-based zircon. what is especially important is that russia does not save on the army, but counts every ruble spent on its re-equipment. the west is trying to drag us into an
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arms race, thereby exhausting us, repeating it. a trick they pulled off in the eighties with the soviet union. let me remind you that in the years eighty-one and eighty-eight, military expenditures of the ussr amounted to 13% of the gross national product. therefore, it is necessary to distribute resources as rationally as possible and build an effective economy of the armed forces, achieving the maximum for every ruble defense spending. first of all, this concerns general-purpose forces and principles. their organization, supplies to the troops of unmanned strike systems, air defense and electronic warfare systems, communications intelligence, high-precision and other weapons, russia is also seriously strengthening troop groups in strategically important directions, the president read out a message to the federal assembly exactly one day before he joined the decree he had previously signed on new military districts came into effect; from march 1, the moscow troops military district, which existed since 1860.
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the neutralization of threats from sweden will now be closely dealt with by the troops of the new old leningrad district and finland, drawn by the united states into nato. the actions of the united states and its satellites actually led to the dismantling of the european security system. this creates risks for everyone. it is obvious that work needs to be done to...
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almost on the eve of the presidential address , the american edition of the new york times spoke not only about the close cooperation of the cia with the current kiev regime, the stronghold confrontation between the collective west and russia, and several dozen of its secret bases along the russian-ukrainian border. the enemy, represented by the americans , the british, the french, is actively working on the territory of ukraine, they have gone there a long time ago, they are using their resources so
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that both themselves and... they know, as they say, where the legs grow from, that the russian special services are great it is clear to the neighboring side that ukraine does not particularly hide the presence of so -called instructors in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and foreign speech has been heard at the front for many years, everyone understands everything perfectly well, but pretends that they don’t see who is inflating it...
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in other words, any attempt to defeat russia and not get the united states in response from its satellites will not work. anton vernitsky, anastasia berestenko, channel one. six militants
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were killed during a counter-terrorist operation in the city of karabulak in ingushetia. the bandits were discovered and blocked in one of our houses by the fsb. the identity of the attackers has been previously established. the national anti-terrorism committee reported that the criminals were supporters. the terrorist organization isis, banned in our country, was planning terrorist attacks in the region. no civilians were injured during the operation. denmark, following sweden, has stopped investigating terrorist attacks on the nord streams. the kingdom's police admitted that the gas pipelines were damaged as a result of sabotage, but at the same time considered that there was no reason to further investigate the matter. the situation is close to absurd. so the decision of the danish police was commented on in the kremlin, recalling that moscow has repeatedly asked copenhagen information about what happened, but was refused. now only russia and germany continue the proceedings, which are also ignoring our requests. a year ago, the famous american investigative journalist seimer hirsch, citing his sources, reported that explosive devices under the highways at the bottom of the baltic sea were planted by american military divers with the help of norwegian specialists. russia has also
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repeatedly pointed out that american intelligence services are behind the terrorist attacks. but what will happen if trump wins? scary the dream of biden and company is looking closer and closer to reality.
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why are you going to the border now on thursday, mr. president, i planned to go on thursday, but i didn’t know that, apparently, my old friend was also going there. since the beginning of the crisis, biden has never been to the border, so, of course, this is hardly a coincidence, however, in other respects, his and trump’s work trips were strikingly different. trump flew to vygolpas, a city that the illegal immigrants besieging him turned into a hot spot, the very place where.
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i have to stand on my mark, my mark is somewhere here, i was told that i need to stand on the little x. in texas itself , the current president is apparently already considered a temple duck, the governor.
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trump, who has not caved in to the white house of the governor, is ready to take on the vice presidency. rising star of american politics, native texan, famous lawyer. at 26, he defended his dissertation and in 1984 he was almost crushed to death by an oak tree felled by a storm. since then, ebat has been partially paralyzed, but this has not stopped him. this is a park area very close to
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the center of new york, with football fields, barbecue areas, and now these huge tents have grown here, where thousands of migrants are brought from all over the city. over the past year , about 200 thousand illegal immigrants have arrived in the city, and the democratic mayor is already expressing fears that if things are left to chance , the big apple will be left with a stub. until the law changes,
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and trump only benefits from it, so the republicans are in no hurry to compromise on the border plus ukraine formula. the priority for our country is our border, and it must be secured. positions the president is also worsened by the fact that mitch mccon, personally, announced his imminent resignation from the post of leader of the republicans in the senate. a
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senate republican source said: this is now trump's party. the stakes for washington are rising, ukraine is clearly on the path to military defeat, and if this simply promises losses for the arms lobby, then the entire biden team is turning into political bankrupts, so the white house adds moscow’s clenched hand to the blackmail with the border crisis. if ukraine loses, i mean it. i think that nato will fight with russia. what this? political intrigue or military forecast from the pentagon chief. experts not bound by party ethics do not agree with sosten and call on the ukrainian direction, as they say in business, to record a loss. erik prince, for example, is the founder of the notorious black water pmc, which in iraq formally protected american diplomats, but de facto carried out extremely brutal special operations where nicomel fo was the one to use the official army. black water fighters practiced inhumane reprisals against civilians and traded
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with the left weapon, the prince, who literally built his business on blood, long before the americans fled from kabulol, spoke about the ineffectiveness of the pentagon forces and proposed withdrawing troops from afghanistan. and now he believes that the bet did not work and further investments in kiev will not pay off. ukraine does not have enough military personnel; their defense , relying on western support, looks pathetic. in a conventional russian war.
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either the president is a slacker, or you are useless, which option is closer to you, mr. minister? for 3 days the president had no idea where his secretary of defense is located, neither one nor the other option, the president is not a slacker, on january 2, when you were in the hospital, president biden was vacationing in the caribbean, your deputy, who received all the powers from you, which the president, by the way, did not know about, in this time i was sunbathing on... another failure on the diplomatic front, announced by biden on monday, the ceasefire in gas by the end of the week turned into an empty promise. do you still think that a ceasefire in gaza is possible on monday? hope
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is the last to die, i regularly call people from the middle east, maybe not on monday, but i'm not giving up hope. as you know, young men have hopes, but in their nineties they played a cruel joke on the president. in the coming days, we will join jordan and our other friends to provide airdrops of additional food in ukraine. we will also continue to work to open other routes, including sea routes, for more humanitarian aid to reach ukraine, in addition to increasing supplies. by land, as i have already said, we will insist that israel sent more trucks through so that as many people in need could receive assistance. it turned out that american planes would fly over kiev, and israel would allow a convoy of heavy cargo trucks to enter ukraine. the reporters decided to clarify just in case, because they understood everything correctly. when the president spoke
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about dumping food on ukraine, he misspoke and meant gas. he meant gas. heavier. for the american leader , the week was completely ruined by republican congressmen who interrogated his son and brother. we established that the bidens had 20 fictitious companies through which they and their partners received more than 30 million from china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, romania and from donors of the democratic party. first , hunter biden confirmed what had long been suspected? he just admitted under oath that his father is the big guy. in the sense that it is now clear who the money was going to from the chinese company with which hunter had business. the big guy first became known from a letter from the same biden jr. laptop, the authenticity of which democrats have long disputed. in the letter sets out a preliminary agreement under which 80% of the company's shares will be
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divided equally between four people. the letter h is obviously hunter. next are some jim and a big guy, they could not be identified. apparently james biden, the president's brother's testimony, was leaked to the press, and the first check caught him lying. james biden told investigators that the foundation of businessman michael levit forgave his company a loan of $225,000 that he took out to finance a network of hospitals. however, leviticus stated that he did not forgive no loans. instead of biden, a certain third party, which levit did not name, took upon himself to pay off the debt. according to him , the loan was repaid at the beginning. that is, at the moment when joe biden was already the elected president, someone repaid his brother’s loan, it is also important that he never had anything to do with the medical business . james biden never had anything to do with the management of a hospital chain. , as hunter biden on the board of directors of the ukrainian burisma was a wedding general on the payroll. is it any
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wonder that against such a background the ratings presidents are going downhill, which is no longer hidden by the pro-democracy media. one in four voters think the country is on the right track, a majority of voters think the country's economy is in bad shape, and twice as many people say they think biden's policies have hurt them personally as those who say biden's policies have helped. the share of voters who strongly disapprove of biden's job performance has reached a record 47%. the atlantic publication, ideologically close to the leadership and sponsors of dem party this week published an article discussing a certain plan b in case... qi elects trump, as an option , liberal congressmen are offered to sabotage the certification of electoral votes, that is, the procedure that formally brings the winner to power. democrats will have to choose between confirming the winner, who many of them believe has no right to participate in the election , or ignoring the will of the voters. this choice can be decisive. in november
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, democrats have a serious chance of winning majority in congress, and if trump regains the presidency, they will have enough votes to prevent him from taking office. this is exactly what trump called for on that very day of january 6, 2021, the very reason for which the democratic party is trying to accuse him of mutiny, after 4 years , not only the former president, but all of his...
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ldpr candidate, leonid slutsky held an all-russian reception of citizens, listened to what residents of different regions were concerned about. vladislav davankov, from the new people party in volgograd on mamayev kurgan paid tribute to memory defenders of the city during the great patriotic war visited the oncology clinic. meanwhile, as reported by the central election commission, early voting is already underway in 18 regions of russia, with more than 43,500 people taking part. there are figures for registration for remote, electronic voting.
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pods too, what is the goal alone - achieving technological sovereignty. vladimir putin recalls how
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things were when he first took charge of the country 25 years ago; almost 30% of everything was imported from abroad. by 2023, the share of imports has been reduced to 19%, the task is to reduce the volume of imports by another 2% over the next 16 years. domestic high-tech goods and services on the domestic market over the next 6 years should increase by one and a half times. and the volume of non-resource and non-energy exports is no less than 2/3. the president sets a goal to radically increase labor productivity by 2030; the corresponding program will affect at least 40% of medium-sized large enterprises in the country. this is a huge, but very important job. an extremely ambitious plan for russia to become one of the top 25 within 6 years countries of the world by the number of industrial robots. if we keep in mind what we have today, this will be a good result.
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300 billion rubles will be used to replenish the industrial development fund and at least another 200 billion for preferential lending for the production of priority products, in addition, putin
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has doubled the tax benefit that industry receives for the purchase of russian equipment, well, these are kind of boring substances, but i let me explain what we are talking about: if a company purchases domestic machines for 10 million rubles, then it will be able to reduce the tax base by 20 million, this is such serious support. good. a significant source of investment for , i would like to say, even very good, well , russian companies should be the stock market, with the goal of increasing its capitalization by 66% by 2030. well, then vladimir putin already gave instructions to launch a special regime for initial public offerings of shares of high-tech companies. you have to do it eventually. address 2024 also proposed a new tool for attracting
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private savings to business. so-called savings certificate. under this program, banks will accept savings irrevocably for a period of 3 years , in return they promise a higher interest rate than for ordinary deposits, plus the state will insure an amount of 2.8 million rubles, that is, twice as much as for ordinary deposits in banks, from industrialists in return, increased wages, improved working conditions and social packages for employees are required. and of course, a fundamental requirement: domestic business must operate in russian jurisdiction, not withdraw funds abroad, otherwise...
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moreover, russians are increasingly involved in business. over the past 12 months , 1,2000 new companies in the field of small medium-sized enterprises have been registered in the country, but this number may also indicate the fragmentation of growing companies. from a tax point of view, it is unprofitable for a business to gain momentum. it turns out that the state is pushing businesses towards fragmentation and other methods, the so-called optimization of the fiscal burden. shady
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tax evasion schemes are classified as a crime but here’s what putin thinks about it. i ask the government. together with parliamentarians , work out the parameters of an amnesty for small companies that, despite the actual growth of their business, were forced to use tax optimization schemes. accordingly, the president is waiting for an announcement from business. there will be no fines, i especially emphasize this, there will be no fines, sanctions, or recalculation of taxes for previous periods. this is the meaning of the amnesty.
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an unprecedented step towards debt-ridden regions, i consider it necessary to write off 2/3 debts of regions on budget loans. at the same time, the program of infrastructure budget loans for the regions will be expanded; in general, starting from 25, we will
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increase the portfolio of infrastructure loans by the constituent entities of the federation by no less than... 250 billion rubles annually. over the next 6 years , modernization master plans will be developed for more than 200 cities and towns. in general, the development program should cover about 2,000 settlements, including villages and towns. the competition is extended until 2030 projects for a comfortable urban environment, so more than 30 thousand public spaces will be landscaped in 6 years. 360 billion rubles are planned for these purposes. with a horizon of 20 years, a program will be developed.
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to show the ability in the future of vladivostok, the arrangement of fifty bypasses of cities , the project of the zzhubga sochi highway deserves special attention. we have reached an agreement with the government, and i want to say this publicly too. this is, of course, a complex, very
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capital-intensive project; there are nothing but tunnels and bridges. expensive project, but no matter less, i ask the government to provide a diagram.


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