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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 4, 2024 2:05am-2:51am MSK

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and yes, there really are concepts , yes, which, cross-cultural studies have shown, are common, well, for example, the image of a wheel, the concept of a wheel as something round, as a symbol, yes, well, that’s how some symbols are, yes, that’s really it , which is in all modern cultures, even among the papuans, you know what, let’s move on to life, good, because it’s very beautiful, very interesting, exciting, we’re talking about... the theoretical part, but let’s try to apply your approaches , of course, and i would like you to show each of you the best, yes or the most striking of your approaches to a specific situation, the situation is not easy, and many will recognize, middle-aged people will recognize themselves in this situation, let’s discuss it: a young man is 40 years old, married, has a good job and nothing makes him happy. or rather, as he says
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, he has ceased to please for about four years, he wants to give up everything, he wants to somehow put it all on pause, in ananosis, as he describes his situation, there is disappointment in the fact that there are no children, he and his wife wanted a child, all my friends have children, he there is no child, in his request he does not directly... connect his lack of joy only with the fact that there is no child, he rather does not describe this as one of the circumstances of his life, which is so joyless, but he describes his situation, his feelings as a dead end : i go in circles and i’m at a dead end, it’s annoying that i do the same thing, it’s annoying that i feel like i have to, that i’m not confident in myself, and it’s difficult for me to get close to people with my wife i often feel like...
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we feel guilt, respectively, or are we talking about the fact that guilt is true, or are we we are talking about the fact that guilt is false, that is, or imposed, for example, for example, that is , true guilt is really when the problem is within our area of ​​​​responsibility, we took on this responsibility and we, unfortunately, failed to cope with this responsibility , then yes, then, for example, there was a promotion at work, you seemed to want it. because more money, yes,
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and a good position, you will have your own office, and then you realize that you are not taking out, for example, taking a step back is already very difficult psychologically, you start to just to be consumed by this guilt that you can’t cope, uh-huh, uh-huh, then a psychologist can really make this situation crystal clear, give a person options, for example, well, that is
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, he can... if his beliefs rather say that it is important for him to stay in this position , because it touches some of his deep things, and deep, i mean beliefs, there, for example, a self-esteem level, and maybe even a semantic level, but there, i work, because this work there is for i'm super needed, significant, i feel like i'm on in my place, i feel that... i, well , for example, am making the world a better place by being at this job, and if i earn money to support, support my parents or children, that can also be, okay, here you are, your task is to get to the bottom of what is happening with this hero of ours here now, to understand what simple visual meanings he may have in a month, in a year, yeah, and rather some crystallized ones that are characteristic of him as a person.
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despite the fact that this will manifest itself in in the actual field, that is, here now, these are still some more stable, more crystallized structures that are personal, but tell me, some techniques? which you will use, well, just so that we can open up your kitchen and captcha a little. and most cbt techniques are verbal techniques, that is, they are still inside a conversation. for example, homework is very common in cbt. what kind of homework could this particular client have? for example, start keeping a diary own thoughts, not feelings, just thoughts that arise, well, for example, in the workplace, if... we are talking about work, as about this conflict zone, for example, what is it, i don’t have time, yes, maybe or i don’t want to go to the meeting, such thoughts, or something, yes, among these thoughts there will probably be those thoughts that are key, that will help unravel this tangle, show exactly what values ​​he has, well, for example, what about
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me tired, but i can't give up, i can't seem to handle it, but if i give up, well, he wrote these thoughts, then what... we use these thoughts and well, some field for searching for problems to concretize these problems, and we will solve the problems themselves in a dialogue within the session, well, for example, reformulate his beliefs, if we are good, his thoughts, i again don’t have time, what is your task to reformulate this thought into? if i can’t keep up with this thought, then in itself it is not very destructive. a cognitive psychologist would rather get to the bottom of a more unsuccessful person, for example, yes for more generalizing ones, then we will to say, yes, on what basis did this belief arise, for example, on the basis of the fact that i
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stopped keeping up, then this is a clear violation of logic, yes, this is not some kind of dysfunctional belief, i stopped keeping up and i’m a loser, but this kind of thing happens ... about communication you need to undo this link, firstly, break this link, any person can not have time, the fact that he did not have time at work does not automatically make him a loser, the same losers can be on time, but don't stop being losers, in that joke, but today i i’m proud of this, for example, but our task is to make his life comfortable, so that he comes to some conclusion for himself, for example , even decides that the work is not worth it, and it is worth moving to a lower position in order to maintain his own comfort and well-being , this can also be the case, and this can also be the meaning of life, but to live not driven, in some kind of comfort, for example, because if he is not driven, is in comfort, then he
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comes home, not driven, but alive, and he can give more love, more comfort, more... warm, pleasant feelings to our loved ones, and this is also very important, all this is here now, but naturally, we work within current experiences, in a short time, in a fairly short time, daria, uh-huh, our client, let me remind you, yes, uh-huh, he feels guilty, he’s looking for the meaning of life, not finding it, doesn’t find it, runs in circles, drives itself even more into such an unpleasant state. realizing that he is running in circles and is burdened by the absence of a child, uh-huh, well, this is the ideal client of a jungian analyst or analytical psychologist, but i’ll explain why, he is 40 years old, this is a crisis mid-life, yumg, among other things
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, one of his well-known ideas is that he divided life into two halves, the first half of life, the second half of life, and to put it simply, he said, well, translate this into simple language, then the first half life for...
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from the child, yes, i would pull it out conditionally and transfer it to the person inside, but i would invite him to see it too, of course i would collect his anamnesis, yes, that is, what is his history of early childhood, what happened in his life, what he has protection, yes, that’s actually his protects from such a deep movement towards oneself, would make them more flexible, and in the process, relatively speaking in his early childhood, at the age of three or 5 years, which sprouted,
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laid sprouts, these grains under the snow of life, yes, which then, by the age of 40, suddenly sprouted when you didn’t really want to, but they made their way, well, it would have helped me to see his situation as a whole, what kind of person he was, to actually deal with his feelings of guilt, that there was still no satisfaction there . concepts, i already understood what he has resources, what you can
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rely on, strengths that can be shown, and what vice versa he has, well, let’s say, weaknesses, yes, what prevents him from moving, what needs to be developed in him, what could be his strength, for example, you said that the ideal client, which means you are probably such clients, for example, i don’t know, but probably it’s most likely the person in charge, well, let’s say we diagnosed him and this is the person with... we would also work, this is a psychic podcast,
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watch all episodes on the channel one website, let's give examples when you would still send a client to each other, uh-huh, or some situation or some character, arthur, who would you share or what with daria, for example, there really are clients for whom it is much easier to do a. .. metaphors, it’s much easier to come up with images and work through such a channel, yeah, while cognitive psychology, it ’s still more about words, concepts, yeah, and indeed, if this channel, words, concepts, behavior, thoughts , but are something difficult for a person, it is much easier for him to refer to something metaphorical, then of course daria will handle it much better, daria? in what situation would you send your client to arthur? well, for example, if a person comes with some pronounced
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phobias, they directly interfere with his life on a behavioral level, i definitely, and sometimes i do this, that is, i say that you need to remove this level, and just cognitive-behavioral therapy and therapy, it copes with this perfectly, but i would rather add that within the framework of cognitive concepts. other approaches can also cope with this , for example, imdr is also part of such a cognitive galaxy, and cognitive therapies, and this is the method that works with phobias, great, yeah, is there such an example, also one of the most frequent requests, since we are talking about adults, when an adult comes, well, let’s say here, let it be a woman, yeah, and says that she still cannot separate, separate from her parents.
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in order to find yourself, you need to find inside yourself a good or bad mother, a good bad dad, find a good, bad yourself, then you, this is some kind of splitting of personality, dispersion, i would say personality, splitting is when mom is only bad or dad is only good, or i’m only bad, uh, in general, to collect this complete picture,
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and for this, for this you need to go into this experience. which, well, didn’t allow the person to separate, there’s something that means to go, something, something, something happened there, but again, we collect an anamnius, talk to her, as it happened with her how early childhood was structured, how her relationships were structured later, how they are structured now based on this picture of the family, but what i heard was as if the façade was holding up, people there are not very sensitive. and most likely this is my hypothesis, because you outlined, this is the impossibility of separation, there is a certain ban on aggression , yes, on the manifestation of anger, and he is so, you know, passive, he did something wrong here , here something like this is background irritation, respectively, and since a person cannot to separate, what does that mean, to rebuild
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your personal boundaries, and even your ego, that i am separate, my parents are separate, then ah... anger is an emotion that signals to us how our boundaries have been violated, here we are already we see, but what - a girl needs , well, to work in general with the manifestation of her own - her own anger, to understand what aggression is, aggression, in my opinion, translated from ancient greek, if i’m not mistaken, is a movement forward, two words, that is aggression, moving forward, that it’s not scary, yes, here it is, well, accordingly, we would do this in therapy.
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approach, then we would rather talk about the present, because the cognitive-visionary approach does not involve going into the long past, yes, we would be gathered about us, but we would still focus on how our heroine feels about herself in relation to your mother now, and what thoughts does she have about herself, that is, we would, for example, begin to work with the image of ourselves, with those thoughts that we have in relation to... ourselves, with those thoughts and attitudes that we have in relation to to mother, and accordingly, that is, for example, i am a bad daughter, and mother is the ideal woman that i cannot become, and this is not necessarily the case, because if we are talking about the fact that she cannot separate, we are talking about insufficient autonomy , which means that it’s more
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likely a matter of lack of self-confidence, the inability to rely on oneself, the inability to think positively to oneself, and... more likely there will be negative thoughts about the fact that i can’t cope with this life, i’m not worth anything alone, i don’t know how to live independently and so on, that is, if we delved into the cognitive level, we would see some kind of destructive beliefs like this, well, what if it’s a woman, but does it happen differently for a man? everyone has negative beliefs, yeah, that is , here is the problem of separation, we just have a request from a woman, but the problem is separation. and then we would work on this semantic field, and by reformulating some attitudes into others, gradually destroying negative attitudes and forming more adequate ones, more in line with reality, with the result, naturally, of
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implementation in behavior, that is, that is, you would solve the problem here now to in a month we somehow learned... how to correct it in the moment, but if there were some reasons from childhood, then this is most likely yes, that is, it is a cognitive approach, rather about another, a different way of thinking, breaking an old habit think, i simplify, but now the old habit of thinking is broken and the formation of other more adaptive habits, surprisingly interesting, friends, fascinating psychology, which is still a science, an art, and we will try to understand with you further, in this format too , consider not only different situations, problems, but also different approaches, and as you and i saw, it really is creativity, sometimes.
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psyche podcast, this is the life of the remarkable podcast, i’m with you, its host, writer, alexey varlamov, our guest is a wonderful producer, hello, but now i’d also like
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to see the trailer for a documentary film that was recently filmed about alexey balabanov, who that’s the name of alexey balabanov afterword, this is the brother’s topic, it appeared there for the first time, but i’m talking about he didn’t think about it, the creator, he is not the master, others can analyze, but apparently he himself cannot.
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i understand that you have already talked about alexei balabanov many times, well , we all came from the soviet union anyway, but anyway we all came from soviet culture,
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from the soviet environment, we are still soviet people, whether we want it or not, i like it we don’t like all this, that’s what you think, it had an impact on balabanov, or in fact , what i’m saying doesn’t matter, i don’t say it often. ethiopia, yamen and so on and yes, he started his first directorial experiences in soviet
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times, his short films, and a wonderful , let’s say, non-fiction, documentary film by nastya egor, it was also filmed in 1987, that is, when this was also the soviet union, that is, yes, but... perhaps explains, and something, i don’t know if this has any significant significance for those who love balabanov’s films and want to somehow understand them deeper, for example, i really love balabanov’s films, i really want understand them more deeply, and he really often perplexes, because the feeling is that... one film doesn’t exactly negate the other, but at least imagine that the same person made so many , yet quite different ones, this is the answer to your question about soviet union.
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balaban was a very free person, and this is not a soviet person, and the period of his creative growing up and maturity there fell, fortunately , at a time when he could already afford it, his inner freedom, including developing it in his paintings, they are different precisely because he was not a slave to the lamp, that i just found some intonation for myself. some direction, so i will do this, persistently, he was not a person, well , they often say about writers, he writes one book all his life in the good sense of the word, yes, that he is cultivating some topic that worries him , in which he feels, understands, which is a dialogue with the reader, he has the maximum yes, yes, such an intense mutual comfort, that was more... he loved
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cinema, no doubt, yes, but cinema, it is different, and therefore to love it you can, as they say, from different sides, and he did it, it was all very organic, naturally, it was n’t some kind of, say, calculation, now i’ll shoot this, and then i’ll shoot this, and then i’ll shoot this, he was in the first half of his creative life from creative... excess, as they say , created. but tell me, please, when you met, you immediately understood the scale of this man, his talent. we met at the higher directing courses, since we were placed in the same so-called block on the sixteenth floor of the vgik dormitory. well, naturally, we immediately talked about cinema, we immediately realized that we were in in a sense, on the same wavelength, in relation to cinema, to was.
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exactly eighty-seven, and we just, of course, talked endlessly about cinema, about all sorts of ideas and so on and so on, and we were just friends and friends, making some plans, of course, then we began to implement these plans, getting closer to their implementation, and alyosha, his first such , let’s say, adult film, these are happy days , which seem to be according to becket, in fact there... everything is invented, well, it doesn’t matter, well, with such an atmosphere, and he told me about it, in herman’s workshop they gave him one opportunity, he filmed it, naturally called me to the first screening, where german actually was, well, this kind of hot council, hot council, something like that, the first viewing, i went with bated breath, because it was very close to me, like as a person, but becket is not a gift, it
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’s like... some, some kind of abstruse, absurd, absurd, yes, and how to translate this into a movie, and in general, i was afraid that i was now i’ll look at it all, and i’ll have to say something, oh well, say it, and most importantly, something may collapse, disappointment, yes, whenever finished watching, i realized that lyosha, an outstanding director, well, in general, we continued our life together, from what moment did you begin such more professional communication and you became a producer of his films? well, the first such joint professional work, it was the script for the film by pan hamsun, but it was not filmed, we wrote it together, and lyosha really wanted to make it, and we, the first creative association, somehow persuaded the linfilm to do this, and in the end
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we decided take the first step, connect... we’ll probably participate, let’s go to our son, to the heir of the rights, and it turned out that 2 days before the visit of our norwegian representative , an american producer came to my son and bought the rights from him, well, that’s it, this story collapsed for the second time, i didn’t have a film studio yet, but lesha i shot happy
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days in the workshop... all the other films , the next one was my brother, the next one was trafim , a short film, so expressive , very strong in my opinion, with a very strong role of seryozha makovetsky, and then my brother, and he discussed alexey with you oktebrinovich, he discussed with you have your own plans, he said that i want to make a film about this, about this, of course, well, yes , of course, what was your reaction, did you somehow influence him, interfere somehow or? they absolutely accepted everything that he did, we talked, you know, for the producer , this is the producer and the director, even different, but the best form of communication is dialogue between
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the producer and the director, and the dialogue is exactly like this at an almost wordless level, this is exactly at the level, at the script stage or further too, well all the time, of course, look, a man films like a bull, he films like a cowboy, well, that is, it’s like an intellectual movie with a western direction, how after these films the idea of ​​a brother suddenly arises, everything happens simply, how a person wakes up, how about who? so, oh, what thought came into my head, some idea, something behind it, through the magic crystal, something dawned there, right? look, i’m thinking here, there’s something about this , yes, why not? and, well, that's it, it's about,
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well, it's simple, it just happens, in this, it seems to me that there is no need to look for some artist, his difficult path, his contradictory development, all this is not about us. well, like a dog that is looking for grass , which it needs there today for some dog reasons, it’s all by touch, it’s all very sensual, there’s little rationality in it, and it’s somehow like that, in my opinion, there is art, whatever you call it, creativity, creativity, something popped into my head and settled there, i wrote the script very quickly, simply because there’s a lot of it. there were all sorts of different scattered ideas, you why, but you don’t have a pill for your head , pashkarat is injecting, drink vodka better, do n’t take a pill for me, i don’t know yet who will
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star in the film, i can’t write a script , you know, well, let’s go if it’s like this, the story is born in advance, but when you write yourself, then you... must write for specific objects and for specific people, i have to figure out where to shoot, shine with sukharokov, i have known each other for a long time, well, in general, somehow everything should have turned out this way, it is important for me that it be , there were heroes, heroes appeared, everything arose at once, brother brother, okay, look, it means he’s filming brother, success, everything is clear, but the film brat2 is not only... a continuation of the brother’s film , yes, it’s a different film, well, it’s a different film, yes, that’s the task, in fact, we said in one voice, when listen, in one voice literally, this is not a figure of speech , what will brother two do, we will do it at the same time, only in a different way
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, only it will be a different film, it was clear that due to the fact that the film brother became very necessary for our people, it was clear that somehow brother two, probably will not comprehend. that there would be two films, one about moscow, the other about america, then he decided that it would be long and boring, he combined them into one, but it doesn’t seem that many people who accepted the film brother, they did not accept the film brother-2,
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every person is also free, as a viewer, he is definitely free, every person, and you as a producer , you calculate the audience's reaction, roughly speaking, there are two types of films, author's and audience, and there is a border between them. well, we understand that this is very, very unlikely, and there the motivation is goal setting, there is something else, to make a strong movie with a strong director who is capable of creating a cinematic work, this is i won’t engage in temptation, it’s just that there are films in which cinema, the substance of cinema, is much less than in auteur cinema, which does not prevent them from being successful, popular and so on.
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invest, if he likes oranges there, and the viewer likes apples, he must, of course,
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give the apples to the viewer, and the european director believes that if i honestly do not manipulate these dramatic techniques that americans hook the viewer, i will do it honestly, then it will be honest in relation to the viewer, i really want so that everyone likes it, but so that it’s mine, so that i don’t lie, don’t manipulate him, but so that i honestly... speak out and everyone would love me, so it turns out to be an auteur movie, as a rule, the question is understood, and the russian director , spectator cinema has become a producer's film in russia, the role of the director of spectator cinema is extremely great, but with rare exceptions he is not the initiator, he is invited to work, there is a script, this is a huge responsibility, well, no, as a rule this is a producer's one.
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but let’s say they won’t watch it, despite the fact that it’s, well, let’s face it, it’s very bloody, and today’s russian audience won’t watch it, here we don’t watch films, for example, about bandits, i say, we don’t make films about bandits , we make films about bandits, about policemen, about doctors , we make films about people, in films about bandits some very important meanings for cinema are exposed, that’s all there, it gives... the opportunity to pose the question of life and death in
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the literal sense of the word, there is the price of betrayal together and so on and so forth, but the audience today is not interested in this, they don’t want it, but balamenov has all this, and we can say that these films were made earlier, due to the fact that they were made by an outstanding director, they live now , can we say that brother brother-2 is just an example of such a combination of auteur and spectator cinema, where it worked out perfectly, well , we can say that the border is conditional, in general all films made by real strong directors, with their own style and tongue, even if these are kind of super-spectacular films in form and purpose, they are of course still author’s films, because they contain, at least, a huge dose of this author’s presence, all the same.
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it should be different, but it’s not only pop, it really, it seems to me, aroused such a huge feeling of national pride in the russian audience, why not, a very good movie. it should be like this, but just when after that the load 200 is removed, yes, then it seems to me that consider, don’t, listen, work, it seems to me, i generally think that art should be anonymous , the producer is not a public figure, thank god, i am, and the director is not very public, it’s just
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a controversial issue, of course, well, i think that she should be anonymously this is art, that’s how it is because we don’t know who created the fayom portraits there, what are they? it gets worse, watch every single film, and somehow, imagine that they don’t have the same author, you won’t have this this thoughtfulness, how is brother 2 not like this, well, yes, for a load of 20, it doesn’t bother me so much as it delights me when i think about the breadth of complexity, a free person, but can one still say that of course the success of this film is largely explained by the main character, yes, it was great happiness. well, it would have been a different film and it’s not a fact that that is, well, it’s completely obvious, yes, yes, of course , seryozha, such an unusual character, and then we sat on the beach in a cafe,
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drinking beer, i think, i don’t remember already, it was daytime , it was sunny, it was day, i said to him: “oh let’s make a movie together, but there won’t be any money, he somehow said so simply, just said: “let’s do it”, why did you say to make a film together, what exactly did you mean, but because i didn’t take him as an artist, but a person who, well, together with me, it seems to me that bodrov’s secret is that even... the most negative role he plays, well, positively, roughly speaking, yes, and you begin to love this person, trust him, you you fall under his charm, but this is just such a trick, this art, that’s what you can’t separate the glory of, lord, into its composed elements
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, it’s all together in it, it’s an image, try to make it out, the kind of killer that... that makes you numb with sympathy, some kind of empathy, with everything, from all this, and this author’s statement, it all the more suggests such, well, like the creation of images that are absolutely full-blooded, that is , internally contradictory, as if, in general, it premiered at the cannes festival, then it traveled to the festival 80 , then we stopped following, but still indirectly, as it were, emphasizes that this is nevertheless a work of the author’s own, because, of course, they are festivals. in chemistry with the selectors of major festivals, but
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for him it was important for balabanov, well , he wanted, yes, yes, it was not important, well , somehow...


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